The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP131 Beach Surf Sand Sun

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

KeyItems UnP131 Beach Surf Sand Sun

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 131 - Beach Surf Sand Sun as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | summertime, boogie boards, salt, hate the beach
00:02:00 | summertime, favorite vacation, beach, relaxation
00:03:00 | gaming computer, sand, beforehand nick, damn idiot
00:04:00 | pebble, shore especially, middle zone, beach, sorry mike, __
00:05:00 | rocky shoreline, pebbles, bum, fragment, clastic, sedimentary
00:06:00 | clastic, millimeters ooh, gold /, sand, pebble
00:07:00 | beach, waves, bum
00:08:00 | purely beach, come prepared, beach apparel, salt
00:09:00 | aesthetic beauty, ocean landlocked
00:10:00 | sunglasses, beach douche, beach even
00:11:00 | dynamic, face blowing
00:12:00 | two waves, salt, __, ocean
00:13:00 | throwing respect
00:14:00 | beaches, beach people, november s, jersey beach
00:15:00 | wasn't empty, ocean city, packed, maryland, teens freaking, jersey boardwalk
00:16:00 | my punishment, beach, nude
00:17:00 | nude beaches, mexico florida, jersey
00:18:00 | nude, giggle, people so perverts, probably average, beach
00:19:00 | nude
00:20:00 | seagull, nude beaches, __
00:21:00 | nude beach, lose monkey, hundred urinals
00:22:00 | beach, __
00:23:00 | beach, real rules, lifeguards
00:24:00 | flipped __, lifeguards, buoy
00:25:00 | next stand, beach, pool lifeguard
00:26:00 | lifeguard probably, shark, ocean, boat
00:27:00 | jersey beach
00:28:00 | body surfing, world arnie, you'd punch, waves man, computer screens, literally propelling
00:29:00 | creaky chair, waves, chair smart, wave knocked
00:30:00 | wave, ocean, dad pulled, body jericho
00:31:00 | beach, certain smells
00:32:00 | certain smells, sun, face blowing, boogie boards, beach chairs
00:33:00 | sand, crunch alert, stop tasty
00:34:00 | use suntan, packed, north
00:35:00 | sand, sunburn, beach, fun even, relaxation
00:36:00 | waves, beach, suntan
00:37:00 | suntan lotion
00:38:00 | cells responding, cooking, back scratch, peel, tan
00:39:00 | relaxation, tan
00:41:00 | dynamic, yacht, beach
00:42:00 | tan, still picturing
00:43:00 | beach, __
00:44:00 | snowflakes, beach, snows well, shawshank redemption
00:45:00 | beach man, lotta boating, dock, shows numbers
00:46:00 | vacation video
00:47:00 | hour-long class, minimum wage, paid dude, king feel
00:49:00 | sea snacks, beach, pebbles, millimeter, own lola, jersey, pizza joints, hats sunglasses
00:50:00 | tramcar, wild teenagers, boardwalk, jersey, north, beaches
00:51:00 | beaches, beach point
00:52:00 | boardwalk, senior week
00:53:00 | sand
00:54:00 | __, rental, round versus, dynamic, affects literally
00:55:00 | warm-up job, beach
00:56:00 | hate the beach, essentially book
00:57:00 | dog back
00:58:00 | vacation
00:59:00 | beach, kids enjoy
01:00:00 | shower
01:01:00 | body surfing, shower, ocean, educated number, percent said
01:02:00 | surfing
01:03:00 | top-of-the-line version
01:04:00 | weight naked, one shapes, brillo pads
01:05:00 | boat, yacht, ocean, __, skin annette, roots dude
01:06:00 | ears, five-foot radius, shark
01:07:00 | beach, poison ivy, trimmed, sumac well
01:08:00 | shower, trimmed, __, poison ivy, hanger ball
01:09:00 | sand, hate the beach j/k, ears, salt, drains
01:10:00 | sand, drains, beach, ocean, wholeness state, special k, packed
01:11:00 | __, smaller people, beach
01:12:00 | beach, both made, rental
01:13:00 | cooking, sun, secret sauce, ears
01:14:00 | beach point, seagull, smosh
01:15:00 | friar, ocean city
01:16:00 | ocean city, maryland, beaches, bug's
01:17:00 | stinking rich, beach
01:18:00 | relaxation, vacation, fool, quiet beautiful, hate the beach
01:19:00 | salt, life hopefully

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