The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED008 Coercion Intimidators

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Transcript PRED008 Coercion Intimidators

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 8 - Coercion Intimidators
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00:00:12| all right so we're gonna talk about coercion and coercive um intimidating predators holy smokes so for this one i have a
00:00:22| particular example it does it's weird because most of these people are not very uh frightening there's no real fear there it's just
00:00:31| that they're eminent danger yeah they're trying to convince you to do something that is not in your best interest and it makes it very difficult to tell that they are
00:00:41| against you because they kind of convince you otherwise so here's a personal example i had uh i bought a house the house had
00:00:52| some problems congratulations congratulations oh thank you the house had some problems it was under warranty the warranty people that they send out
00:00:59| they want to resolve the problem as quickly and as cheaply as possible so naturally when they inspect something they go oh that's nothing that's fine so you have to tell them the rules and
00:01:10| say this is under warranty and then when they look at it they try to dismiss what you say so they try to make sure that you feel like you're discredited you give us
00:01:19| an example for those of us who rent for my particular house there was water running inside one of the beams like right above one of the doors and when i went to like replace part of
00:01:34| the wood it was like a sponge you could push your finger through it because it had rotted so it was a structural issue
00:01:42| so i was like this door frame is structural and it needs to be replaced or else like the walker came in like this is my argument back to him when he said
00:01:51| oh this is just nothing this part of the facade this is like this is this is simple stuff to fix like i had to like pull a board off and be like
00:01:59| i can move this like i have to prove to you it shouldn't be that i have to prove to this guy so he already kind of pissed me off to begin with and then
00:02:07| like he'll leave he'll call you back and be like uh yeah we agree that like this is under warranty so when he comes back he comes back and
00:02:16| has a piece of paper that says this is all i have to do blah blah blah he doesn't really explain it very much and he just says like sign here and that's like well
00:02:26| let me read this first so when i read it it said like the work had been completed and i was happy it was satisfactory work and he kept getting in my face about it
00:02:36| and he kept saying like all you have to do sign just it's faster if you sign like he tries to say all these things that are like it's going to help you it's
00:02:43| it's going to be a better like it's faster resolution you know in the end it's better like all these things that don't really make sense but you want to
00:02:51| believe so you kind of buy into the lies what ended up happening was i signed part of it and i said well i'm not going to complete like the second half
00:03:01| and i'm not going to date it or initial anything because like you haven't done any of this work he ended up taking it and then i
00:03:11| like i think i went back inside and he was like in his truck talking to somebody to like figure out if like that was a viable document and i guess he figured out that it wasn't legally
00:03:21| binding because i didn't sign all of it he came back and said no no i need to sign i need you to sign all of it and i was like no and at that point i pissed him off
00:03:31| so every time since then he would come back be agitated and then have cheap labor come in and try to fix it they fixed it wrong
00:03:43| he came back after i i had to camera on them as they were repairing it so i i replayed the footage and showed him that they didn't install it correctly and then
00:03:54| the result was like even worse than original so i had to have him come back and it's frustrating to deal with these people because they will drag everything
00:04:04| out they'll make it so slow it's almost like they wanted to make it like a legal thing so he's trying to curse course you in
00:04:12| all variety of methods to get you to just give up but in the end i had to go on twitter and blast these people saying like i have these pictures this
00:04:23| is how you build your homes this is the person that is trying to fix it and they fixed it wrong it was just ridiculous and i should never have to go through that
00:04:33| i agree with you so what did you pull out of that did you ever have situations where people are like trying to convince you of something and you're just like this doesn't feel right
00:04:42| so i have a shady company i worked for i won't name names and to do work in their kitchens we had to have contracts signed yeah they have to initial here they have
00:04:53| to sign here they have to date it they do all this stuff my worst customers are the ones who wouldn't sign and they're like uh i want to make sure the work is done
00:05:02| before i do this i want to make sure this is done before i do this i want to do this before this has done this and i always looked at it two ways
00:05:11| one we screwed up a lot of jobs but we always did fix them if that makes sense service team we're always resurfacing stuff we're servicing to hell we're a service team experts um
00:05:25| double fist so 90 of the time we would get out there and fix whatever the hell was wrong anyway there's always 10 of people who kind of got a
00:05:33| [ __ ] job and we kind of were like we tried like three times it's a i don't know good luck so like i kind of see i also had customers who wouldn't sign and had special
00:05:46| dispensation from the management team that um they didn't have to sign until the work was done and they were always like these customers are real pain in the ass but
00:05:55| you know they're very thorough they're very they want to make sure the work's done and in two ways like that that's the way it should be
00:06:03| if that makes sense yeah but it makes it harder for me as a sales rep yeah it's inconvenient for me i'd be like oh my god i gotta send this guy the paperwork you're the
00:06:12| coursing partner jesus christ i'm a coercer but i was terrible at it i would just be like so when you got a contract signed it had to be initialed and x x y and z
00:06:25| had to be written on the back i have to have stuff here upload documents here i do all this stuff um contractors who are people who would
00:06:34| use us regularly to do their kitchens would never sign a contract or when i send it to them email it back not once they just don't yeah let alone sign an extra piece of
00:06:46| paper that says here's a waiver for what quartz does in your kitchen or here we're going to do your plumbing reconnect can you sign here to say we can
00:06:54| it's okay for us to do your plumbing work not once to the point where i stopped sending them the documents and we just handed my folders not signed
00:07:04| and then i started with just like my regular customers i'd be like you guys want it here's the deal i'll take your money half your money boom they'd be like do
00:07:13| we have to sign everywhere i'm like who cares just do whatever you want in a way to give them an out but it also in a way like all the um the people have to check the folders
00:07:22| would start bringing me back my folders yeah so and i have to re-email people call them up and get these signatures i figured out a
00:07:31| loophole in the system oh yeah yeah wait till their install date is over and then re-just submit it without the signal sign it
00:07:40| and no no no back to my team because what are they gonna do it's already been installed i'm like oh yeah uh the robinsons they didn't sign this
00:07:52| and they're like well you have to get assigned like it was installed two days ago and they're like okay fine so by the time i left the company i was the
00:08:02| only one in the company who did this and i feel a little bad for any of the admin so i had to check these i had like 50 folders names and people that they sent to me to get stuff signed
00:08:12| and whatever and i'd be like check this please anyways i guess it's their legal defense but i'd be like yeah let the people sleep they got their countertops they paid us
00:08:24| it's fine so your story kind of i was a coercer but i'm bad i was a bad coercer sorry your story reminded me of uh directv they want to install a satellite dish on
00:08:35| my roof and they use like a third party to do that and they set up a time which was like a three-hour window and they missed it
00:08:45| and i was the [ __ ] that was like you missed your window you're not installing it i'll see you later good lord
00:08:55| they stayed in my driveway for like hours waiting doing what i don't they were getting paid they might they might have been getting
00:09:04| paid i felt like they were waiting for me to come outside and tell them to leave so that they can like give me the stink eye or something i never
00:09:12| like i didn't need to go anywhere i just felt it was encroaching because they were in on my property here's something that you're overthinking
00:09:20| yeah and i'll tell you because i wasn't that's me no no no and the reason i tell you this is because most installers are entirely separate than
00:09:29| guys who get they get ready to be sold they don't get paid oh yeah okay right and then they're different than the guys who set up the stuff to
00:09:37| be sent out to be installed and they're totally different than the people who sell the stuff and they're totally different from management so install guys are like their own breed
00:09:47| of people yeah they don't give a damn if they can get paid they're not there like we're going to coerce this guy like rubbing their knuckles in the car
00:09:55| they're like tow truck drivers like a little bit yeah they're gonna get paid like spiffs that's another coercion tactic that what's this
00:10:05| so if you get a wreck they're going to want to tow your car to a yard their yard yeah whatever they get from exactly so they're going to convince you that
00:10:16| you don't want to leave it in your neighborhood because it's unsightly and your neighborhood might give you like a fine because of it yeah it's like it that doesn't make any sense
00:10:24| that you take possession of your car the shop they're going to take it to the probably a shitty shop that's why they need to pay spiffs they're not going to correct whatever problem you really have
00:10:34| and if it's totaled they're going to charge you thousands of dollars just because it's sitting on their lot it's ridiculous so spiffs spiffs folks so i guess my
00:10:46| summary of this is kind of are there any other big coercers um tow trucks people who sell countertops there could be people in your everyday
00:10:56| life that you encounter that you don't have car salesmen in general right yeah they could but that one's easier because you don't
00:11:03| have to deal with a car salesman usually a coercer is someone that you have to deal with and you don't usually so like they come in your life and you need something from
00:11:13| them like a tow truck driver or someone that's repairing something but they like medical treatment and stuff like that are the people that try and screw you out of certain medical
00:11:20| treatments or want you to sign off on things or say you weren't hurt in this incident like lawyers and stuff they can do it right i guess so yeah if
00:11:28| you if you have a legitimate claim like an insurance company we'll try to get you to sign to release them from paying or like your air conditioning if that goes out
00:11:36| the people who fix your air conditioning will charge you a [ __ ] ton of money unless you like really dig deep and like find out who's not going to screw you over
00:11:44| interesting so look out for the coercers is that what you're telling us yeah sometimes hold your ground the best thing to do is if you're not sure take your time
00:11:56| don't say i'll sign it tomorrow and then do your research and then figure out do i really want to sign this like if you read over the document when no one's standing over your
00:12:05| shoulder you're gonna have a whole bunch more clarity figuring things out and you're going to do what you want to do not what they want to do the happy ending to my story is that
00:12:15| they didn't fix the problem 100 percent and then they left some pieces out so i put that on twitter came back and i said you have to pay me for the stuff i buy home depot to fix the remainder part of
00:12:27| it and i went to home depot and just bought like 500 worth of [ __ ] and they paid me they gave me a check like a month later paint for like different areas of my
00:12:39| house it's fantastic so i'm gonna lesson learned i'm gonna win and i hope you win against these coercions folks
00:12:53| rooting for you rooting for you a lot a lot better you

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