The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP129 Corporation Corpse Machine

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Transcript UnP129 Corporation Corpse Machine

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 129 - Corporation Corpse Machine
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00:00:01| corporate control takeovers layoffs wage slaves the man's got us by the balls it's got the money all the money the top 1% have so much power they're never gonna let it
00:00:14| go join us - what so I'm Dan okay and I'm Nick folks I think you're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion
00:00:34| here tab forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion with Mike you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and
00:00:50| sexual content and it's for entertainment purposes only join us goodness yeah I'm Nick welcome if you are continuing listeners very new welcome well I guess yeah time you're
00:01:31| gonna blow off a new listener I think we should care more about a new listener and it's like the old listeners let's blow them off you guys have been around for a while
00:01:39| who cares new person who has potential everyone who reaches 100 episodes gets a special gift a wink it's a wink wink none you made it achievement [ __ ] yes I mean me will be
00:01:57| dead when it's a hit that'll be great when one of us dies mmm I was going with both of us but sure we're gonna die together this is gonna be a whole you better yet thing
00:02:08| you better hope it's me because I won't be able to figure out how to cash in on it yeah you'll be like it'll be like in an account that you'll never be able to go
00:02:16| I'll be like what's going on we're getting some millions there yeah see it yeah I can see it dan just had to give me the key he's dead be great if you just like give me
00:02:29| the bits and then a lightning bolt hits you and it's like mm-hmm those are all them that's all I'm sorry my brain well I was just thinking I'd be dead if I got struck by lightning so it would benefit
00:02:43| everyone yeah yeah money you'd be stuck in the corporation's ether no crypto okay maybe it is maybe there's an earner who knows which is causing it off-the-cuff do you think crypto is a
00:03:00| scam no I think okay it's actually our site groundbreaking but that is so such a douche thing to say you got to get around now no I think it actually when controlling a system via software and
00:03:16| software rules is pretty amazing it's pretty amazing that so many people adopted it that it's actually worth something now what about the the rising price isn't falling and all that like it
00:03:28| can be manipulated kind of yeah hundred percent it's like 90% of its [ __ ] traffic made to like fluctuate like something else okay that's also like meant to demean it too I think there are
00:03:39| people out there they're trying to say you can't use it as a currency because it's crazy volatile mmm kind of true well like well like agencies who control taxes and can monitor money and control
00:03:53| it the regular way probably wouldn't like it right definitely not because they lose power hmm speaking of losing power yeah which is hell I don't know who is
00:04:04| it Bill Gates is he still okay cool uh he donates a [ __ ] ton to like uh it's he begin to water to in Africa I think clamp purposed no water in Africa like seriously my big thing is well I know he
00:04:19| is but he has like actual heat his big initiative is something like um waste disposal with um wooder like he's trying to get water lines in there for their toilets and their waste systems and I
00:04:30| believe wood or like just access to water I think he's big into water for whatever reason oh I'm from Philadelphia I'm allowed to say whatever the hell I want
00:04:38| cuz he said water I did not watch her Oh waste it's so weird this gold I think that's like his big thing like he puts big money behind that and that's really cool I was just going to mention that I
00:04:56| don't think he's trying to make money off of that I think he literally thinks cuz that's like a base need now I guess you could say he's setting up control points in Africa where he controls the
00:05:07| water flow but I he's got he has has more money than anyone in the world what does he want what does he want more it would like if you have 90 billion dollars like he does trust that enough
00:05:22| to like I know it's enough to change something about the world but to help everyone oh no definitely not but you can make a big enough impact where I mean people say all the time that
00:05:34| [ __ ] expression a butterfly in China flapping its wings can cause a monsoon in Montana alright that's not the expression but get on my horse in my Dust Bowl this monsoons kicking up some
00:05:52| mighty fine rain is that a Montana accent rain I guess right it's not we've never met anybody from Wyoming or Montana or Dakota do you know it's weird with this new job I talk to people all
00:06:06| over the United States I swear to God and it's no but I talk to them on the phone and it's just like I'm sometimes charmed by them I'm sometimes disgusted by them I'm sometimes like I just said
00:06:17| how much do you need like I need something yeah how much do you need I'm understanding your question how much do you need you gonna have to slow down and say that again click like I swear to God
00:06:38| just I have these conversations every day and I kind of love it and I love the southern like like anyway I'm gonna get lost in accents yeah I get this every day when I'm like when when I put an
00:06:49| order in and they're like what's your name and I say Dan and they're like say dead God and I have to be like I said Dan by the letters do you do Delta alpha no I don't think I've ever stole my
00:07:07| first name I just said it over and over again dan dan dan and they're like they'll get the iteration eventually cuz how many dinh do you say Dinh done no yes they have to figure it out the UM
00:07:20| the weird thing is I make up my own there like apple banana candy cane good like I think there's like a real like the the army one so you could do but I just do my own our drug battle hair boo
00:07:33| candy cane yeah dolphins oh yeah someone's like why didn't you say dolphins I'll be like porpoises you know you said something like really crude like a penis he has a penis
00:07:48| dildo anus I said Dan dildo anus nipple what and would you be fired that day it would be so awesome that's how you need to go out who's just would you spell in my name I was just
00:08:11| pretty strong consonant word you know dildo anus nipple just screaming at the phone and some old lady try think it priceless some copper wire oh yeah I might just like sixteen-year-old girl at
00:08:28| the pizza shop she just like I got it mr. Dan sexual harassment maybe the best so where were we were prett or preparations so how did so gates get all his money he invented
00:08:52| something and everyone used and I'm using right now actually so I don't know what witnesses feel he made his money off the masses my guys what he actually make his money off of it was the window
00:09:10| daus like be able to like her have an operating system that you can't I didn't think I ever paid for das but it's the underlying system that holds windows up it's like okay sure who paid him I
00:09:22| understand that so who paid him it was not the consumer the end user was that all the corporations in software world I mean think about it because no one paid for das do you remember one person who
00:09:35| went oh I'm gonna get the new dots just like the 80s so I'm pretty sure people pay for das like if you had am pewter holding the image news it's cuz you need me so it was rolled into the computer so
00:09:47| someone else paid for das the people made computers back then is that who paid for das to everyone who made a computer had to have dots in their system any PC and so first like his I
00:09:59| think his big money was his net worth is now 1.5 billion interesting I talk I thought he went down that's interesting in 1.7 billion yeah probably cuz Bezos doesn't give his money to anyone bill is
00:10:14| he stagnating a little bit as far as growth and I mean he's spending a lot on philanthropic yeah but endeavors he was the first Fed Windows of like a visual operating system okay I think he was the
00:10:28| first one to make that so I understand by that's the dying das because of dass is like the loader right I don't even think anyone bought Windows back then it came loaded on all your PC's so someone
00:10:41| in PC world decided hey all our computers need to come with Windows bill gates didn't even make das he bought it from somebody else Wow check that out I didn't I didn't
00:10:54| know he's related to das I just know he's a Windows guy so then was he did he ever cross paths with on Steve Jobs I know some TV shows and movies touch on it I'm just curious like did they
00:11:09| actually know each other or it is it like they're both famous so like it's like one musician knows another one like they have to talk once in a while or they like see each other at parties
00:11:19| later in life I'm sure they never worked at the same company they never quite as long what Marcus allies two bitter rivals that well it probably became the [ __ ] whatever this this is written
00:11:36| in a very emotional tone just garbage oh the quavering quivering lip nervous anyway so basil people yeah so this is what we're really talking about is that like someone like Jeff Bezos out there
00:11:50| he realizes who is manipulatable like the warehouse workers and he's just forcing them to be robots he wants to squeeze every minute of them yeah so he so instead of paying them $12 he could
00:12:03| pay them to $13 an hour but guess what he also wants a hundred percent production not fifty percent production like they get at those other clowns something while you run getting the pics
00:12:12| yeah it'll pull up all the boxes while you're rotting and dump so I work at a company that's a s9 one hundred or whatever the hell were rated it's like so we're able to do government NASA like
00:12:25| the highest of the highest quality checks like we have to have a 99 point something percent accuracy rate in our picking and delivery system like we're not we don't screw around that's how we
00:12:35| get NASA and government jobs to do this every time someone touches a product in the back they have to scan it it has their name attached to it it says where they moved it to which location real
00:12:48| been it's tracked I can look at it on my computer I can see who's touched it when they touched it how it was touched every order that gets entered is not allowed to be released by the person who entered
00:12:58| the order has to be released by someone else who checks it initials it in their handwriting and puts a date on it everything has to be there's four checks for everything that's how we know where
00:13:08| our stock is when our stocks been moved when our stock is quoted and when our stock is sold like we are a little bit like the Jeff Bezos to say where it's a little later related
00:13:20| there's collusion there no no they're not because I mean entirely different industry more much smaller potatoes mean like I don't believe picking it like what if they're brothers
00:13:33| do you think they could scan each other's card they could ruin your ass yes 9000 whatever rating yeah but like taken they just beginning there but wouldn't they just get their brother in
00:13:44| trouble that's what I see but I mean you could get anyone in trouble at any job if you just pretended to be them I'm confused well I couldn't you bring down like if you need that percentage to be
00:13:55| so high couldn't one personal the whole company by sending out wrong stuff all the time because I think once you make a mistake you're reprimanded no once you make a
00:14:05| mistake you're reprimanded so do you know any mistakes you doesn't make in a day if we do 500 orders in a day like every and you're screwing like you have to do every order you have to touch
00:14:16| every order and that would be weird too wouldn't it touching him no boss I got this one no boss I got this one no boss I got this one like I hit this is weird he's he's really proactive yeah he's
00:14:27| setting something on fire let him go he's being really active yeah so yeah so you feel better like you wanted to be one of those people right at some point you wanted to touch things I do well I
00:14:42| wanted to be more of a warehouse worker because I like physical labor but like could be a jackoff Isis can't withstand scanning all that [ __ ] all day and like have been tracking your minutes they do
00:14:54| it anyway on the inside of the computer I mean really so you are a tool a hundred percent they get and I figured out how they do it they give me more work than a human can possibly keep up
00:15:07| with and I'm like this is impossible and then they want me to check orders and do this floors and and I'm lunch at so if you go to our website talk to the chat I'll tell you some jokes you don't like
00:15:19| for everything to do with chat is so if you go to a website that has chat when you pull up the chat to talk to someone it says hello so-and-so how are you today whatever I
00:15:29| can do that it's it's a little bit the worst thing in the world but it's a little bit so much fun because I already know what you clicked on I can see what your webpage is you're looking I can see
00:15:42| what your email address and if you've had passed logins to our website so I check you to see if you're on our system and then I also check to see what you're looking at right away because I want to
00:15:51| know who you are what you are whatever and if you're asking me really annoying questions or you're being rude or something like that I purposely put I misspelled one letter in your first name
00:16:00| hey Brent let me take a look at that for Brent love that it's such a good feeling they have no idea I did it on purpose next move he's looking at like some kind of hook up wire and he's like I need to
00:16:12| do the gauge for this wire do you have any idea what I can find and he's asking it like I am there's 40,000 wires okay now so you know what I do I can't be and paste the page he's looking at and go
00:16:22| hey Brent burnt not really sure I would check out this page I picked the page he's looking at right now and he's like I'm already there all caps and I'm like hold on and I'll personally wait like
00:16:34| five minutes like oh [ __ ] and then I spend five minutes right just let him hang on the hook cuz he's like he knows I'm active now I'm not and then I come back and go I'm sorry I couldn't find
00:16:51| the answer to that let me dig a little deeper but really I'm just like I'm doing other [ __ ] then I'm like four more minutes go by and I'm like I found your account with us is it through so and so
00:17:00| and he's like yeah that's me which I knew from the second he chatted in I go well I found your account rep here someone is in charge of your account why don't you reach out to them and I copy
00:17:09| and paste and put their info right in there I say have a great day burnt nice powerful it's the second time oh it's so good man I mean it's annoying because I shouldn't have to do that but it's
00:17:20| secretly so good I like answer the chat and then go take a bathroom break um you're not supposed to but I've totally forgotten about people for like ten minutes of time where they're like hello
00:17:32| do you have any answer for me and then put caps and sell film like oops sorry hmm I love that stuff so you can fight the power but really you're still a tool I'm a tool yeah do you feel that like
00:17:45| diminishes your soul do you think if you did this for a career that you died a horrible death inside I don't think I'd die a horrible death but I do think it's not rewarding work it's stupid as hell
00:17:56| it's repetitive it's dumb I don't get a good feeling from it today was the first thing I was tired I liked it was type email click type click click click drag and click copy and paste dragon click
00:18:09| like weird hit were like if you look at a screen you're like yeah and I was like and I was like by the time I was done I was like I caught up with 90% of my work coming in and I didn't do extra work and
00:18:20| I was like I'm still 10% behind but I did pretty good i did more [ __ ] than i've ever done in a day and my owners were probably rubbing their hands gonna we're getting so much
00:18:32| production from this guy and i think i'll i can get paid to do this like well more than most people get paid yeah but it's like is it worth it I don't care you know it's empty guy it is plus you
00:18:47| get that we are feeling like when you're working for a company that just like is taking every drop but they don't like they won't acknowledge it ever that you're doing a fantastic job or if they
00:18:56| do it'll be so shallow would be like that was done well I I will give them credit we have more vacation and off days and most other companies which is what it's a really great I think we have
00:19:08| ten vacay days and then visit seven now it's 14 vacation days 10 holidays and seven sick days bigger it's pretty good it's 21 days I mean it's like in work days that's like four weeks it's pretty
00:19:23| good yeah I got the same dude also nice we also have 401k like 5% match like that's cool like they do profit sharing they have a decent health plan they offer like they do do cookouts and like
00:19:37| free lunches and like they sprinkle in some really nice stuff and you can talk to the owners they show up every day I mean like so they are shitty but they're cool it's like both I'll be up
00:19:51| that make sense yeah I mean I've known I've had jobs where I talked to the owners the owners were like in the same building and like they're fake they're not like they're just being these guys
00:20:03| are in there in between these guys they they they are nice they're reasonable they got me my 90-day policy two days early because I was like hey listen it's a holiday like my 89th day like I'm not
00:20:19| supposed to get paid and my manager was like I don't know what we can do can you do anything and he was like yeah absolutely and I was like okay and it's not a big deal for him but what's he
00:20:28| gonna pay me an extra day or two you know it's like the fact that yeah he doesn't care so but again he could have been like we're gonna um you have to send email to HR it's policy Sharon I
00:20:42| know she easily could have signs that did but he was like yeah go for it I don't care so they're in between thinking it up controls corporate control but I don't think mine is a big
00:20:56| time corporation I think they just use corporate metrics I think they sprinkle in corporate tricks yeah my my level of like the biggest corporation ever my level of
00:21:07| frustration was that like they whittled them my job to be like a very basic thing when I had like more complicated stuff before it was a huge organization but worked out bought off bought out
00:21:19| can't talk so in the end like the job that I had was like a fraction of what I had been doing and then I realized that like the outcome of my salary would be like very flat because they just there
00:21:33| was no way to shine in that environment right it was gonna stay the same you stagnation yeah no I moved to be said about your last one your last one or two we go okay yeah I
00:21:43| worked in a large government contractor your job why sell wire - yeah very young no this is a weird feeling to be treated like a fraction of who you are you know I think there's no way that any company
00:22:01| would get all of you or that you would share all of yourself or pour yourself into a company completely but it's weird to feel the opposite way to my company is like not
00:22:11| caring to get any yeah or that they are projecting you out to be anything there's like just do the thing that you were hired to do we just want you to do that indefinitely it's like well [ __ ] so
00:22:24| my job is technically still family owned and operated but they are very big on metrics hmm you want me to talk about something no go on I think metrics is kind of the problem I
00:22:41| know you love metrics a lot of people love metrics I mean it's like being a baseball guy are you a numbers guy or are you a feel guy its then I think that's the difference between corporate
00:22:50| and not corporate it's metrics a lot of times I think the problem is human nature because like you can do something that's fantastic and people get bored of it over time that's like flying on an
00:22:59| airplane and just being like oh wait for the peanuts to come and it's like they're you're in the middle of the air gliding and moving it like eight hundred so are you saying so what's the right
00:23:15| approach to that should you be annoyed that you're not getting your peanuts that you asked for twice and it's been an hour or should you be amazed that you're in a metal can flying 800 miles
00:23:25| and you're able to travel the world where no no people 200 years ago had that possibility in their entire lives and then how much might add how should you feel honestly I have no idea just
00:23:36| have some weird like dying of dysentery on the Oregon Trail like but that's you could have literally not how you dream is your jobs I understand I don't disagree with you but I had actually
00:23:49| seen some DMS between you and certain corporations where if your PC is not working up to snuff your all every I I'm not even saying you're wrong I'm saying same thing right yeah well shouldn't you
00:24:05| be happy you have something that works at all or it's the problem is that like you can't talk to a real human and even the real humans are robots and then it's so bizarre when you talk to like five
00:24:15| different humans and they have like the same script and they same answer oh yeah so I see that hunts then they kept using things like ok so this is the actual real situation
00:24:26| I bought a car to break it down break it the hell down break it down how about a computer real the computer doesn't have enough airflow so like when you do anything that's like intensive it gets
00:24:35| extremely hot is it because you have too much RAM sitting in piles next to each other in a bit anyway guys when you stick 50 sticks of RAM in a computer it has problems and I can't stand it no
00:24:46| more Ram but this thing like it will shoot to like the limit is supposed to be like a hundred degrees C I like degrees Celsius folks yeah if you benchmark it it will hit like 99 unlike
00:25:02| and it's like at that point I'm [ __ ] myself because I think it's one degree away from failing hold on well I don't think 100 is failing I think 100 is unsafe temperature unsafe
00:25:16| temperature is a funny term I think they put that in there as like a caveat for it shouldn't be in the 100 range like that's what we're going to start to worry because there is no they can't say
00:25:29| is when it breaks they have to say 100 were like it's a human real number but it also tells me it's before the number that it actually breaks yes cuz they're not gonna put 108 because it's [ __ ]
00:25:44| something like break at 107 so I might break at 106 true some make F up at 105 like dude only mean they're playing their odds so 100 isn't the limit but go ahead tell them what your response is
00:25:56| what goddamned corporate shills like Jeff my computer for like 4 hours to run tests that don't even like relate to that and then they say everything's fine based on these tests that didn't even
00:26:07| like do the thing I said it like they're not even thermal benchmarks so like he was running my like graphics card and I was like what the why why are you running like a simulation through a
00:26:17| video game and it like it took him like an hour to download the stupid thing I was what the [ __ ] wrong with you like I really wanted wait where they doing remote remote REM oh yeah remote access
00:26:27| so I let them like do it remotely I never let people do Ramona is disgusting to me yeah and then they used that to justify that everything was fine and there was like another error
00:26:36| that was like not related to it because I was [ __ ] with [ __ ] to make it he'd try to make it better without their help and then they're like sir you had this error like you need to have a tech come
00:26:46| out and service your computer I was like wow this job no you can't deal with that company the problem with this is there a lot of legal loopholes for them and that's why their fault you know
00:26:55| literally Alienware turbo crap piece of [ __ ] you can even ice Eliam where was on wait you can't put it in a regular case no it has proprietary stuff so that when you
00:27:06| take it off there's no power button connector interesting I didn't know that give me the dirt I transyl I moved it over and transplanted into a new case and then when I went to like plug in the
00:27:18| power thing I was like [ __ ] like oh like this doesn't fit it's like you have to like break the connector off to get it in there could you do it though it would just be too much work yeah
00:27:29| actually engineering would work like that yeah I did overtime period to like Metro boy and I didn't want to know it so much my time I just buy a new computer with that eight hours I'm gonna
00:27:39| work and make money [ __ ] interesting so I just try to stick it to the people corporations and like make them point to each other as wrong so I started like talked to the even though you work for
00:27:53| corporations I don't it's so funny I didn't think this episode was going here but the people you were talking to were the me in chat did they spell your name wrong
00:28:02| hey din funny would that have been let me take a look at your problem here and then they copy and paste whatever answers we have because I have copy and paste answers we're supposed to give
00:28:12| like hey sir we can see by the notes here that everything was run and it shows that your computer doesn't have any issues whatsoever I got that one like three times like I guess they have
00:28:23| like their responses you see what the responses were and they're like pop it in there anyway I'm like you son of a [ __ ] you're playing the same card pal I'm gonna find you and that's what the
00:28:39| whole thing was designed this is a catch-22 it's like the whole thing was designed so just back to you and beat you down until you decide to not even deal with them
00:28:49| anymore like in the few times that I ever buy it bezel-set million weren't you decide by the way what like what to give up and not tell anything with us no I already
00:28:58| knew from the get-go that I was going to keep this thing and I have a back-up plan so like my backup plan doesn't involve them whatsoever the sum of the cost of the parts is less than our is
00:29:08| more than I paid for it so like I was like even if i scrounge the parts from it and don't even use like the proprietary stuff if I threw that away the joy I would get from tossing it out
00:29:20| of the second-floor window and onto the pavement would be enough to be like are you thinking about it I did a couple times think about it and I was like oh I thought you did it a couple times the
00:29:32| street savage dealing with folks it's [ __ ] RBI baseball all over again super I think was super nes there's a league like that game it's like Wayne Gretzky's ice hockey yeah wait a minute
00:29:46| is that the game that I would have well it has like a 2d animation I can see the guy he's a big baseball swing and he would do the swing animation and everything like the animation for just a
00:29:57| swing was a separate thing yeah right you'd be able like five runs and then like ninth pick ninth inning would come around and then it'd be like home run home run run home run there's another
00:30:07| good pitch that they wouldn't like it'd be in the wind it would bounce and they still hit away the part can you be like what Wayne Gretzky did that with um if he shot at the last second it was
00:30:17| automatically yeah it was either automatically the brick wall or the a goal from like blue line like wherever you are yeah just to make it exciting that's an
00:30:25| excitement factor by the way this is gonna be buried in this episode but this is really important to me where do you fall in the racing game feature catch up you're talking about blue shell no no
00:30:41| ketchup like the ability for our economy racing cancer in the back I don't know every racing game has a feature or doesn't have a feature it's called ketchup as you're racing if you fall
00:30:52| behind in the first lap by the time you get to the last lap like you have the ability to catch up it doesn't mean you'll pass them but it makes the race quick again yeah I think it should go
00:31:00| faster and faster for everybody no no but I mean I know but no it's boring if someone's better than you and you're not gonna catch them well and they get a good start right yeah then it's over the
00:31:11| whole race is literally you just one lap behind for the entire 20 laps the best food is [ __ ] on somebody with a blue shell or like oh he'll them with like a banana lightning that'll not over a
00:31:22| scheme should power-ups there's a lot of racing games with out so that's why I was asking where you you fall in to catch up you're for it I'm for it I would like it looking like I said I'd
00:31:34| like it to go faster every lap like if you had like eight laps no but eighth lap was just ridiculously fast if you went like twice as fast as sides clean my god while it would it would also piss
00:31:46| you off if you did seven great laps and go just got wiped out it laughs I think I've pissed me off in a way that would make me play the game more though but that's fine I think I'd be more positive
00:31:56| because I was winning for seven of those and then the game like RBI Baseball would get ripped out of the cartridge and just like take a hammer to it smash it and throw out the window
00:32:05| parisa yours find it five here's were planning to go how do you feel about the guy in chat who was telling you that your PC was fine then the temperature gauges were fine the actual individual
00:32:15| who sent that to you like that's weird I didn't believe that it was fine I still don't believe that it's fine I think that both the guy sending this is a guy or girl sending it oh god I'm
00:32:26| sorry good guy I believe that both corporations are colluding to say that everything's fine even though in my own mind and heart I realized that it's gonna to create my CPU and it's not
00:32:36| gonna be mentioned this to me one week ago that's really fun isn't it it's gonna degrade it so that it dies in like a year or two when I have other computers that have lasted like ten
00:32:45| years and that's gonna be outside the window of like returning it warranty whatever probably won't die in a year I'll say three which is still not appropriate okay
00:32:54| yeah I would I'm 100% agreeing with you and okay good thank you nevermind to you okay but the guy like I don't know there has to be a knowledge meant that I know what I'm talking about
00:33:09| and that maybe they should treat me feel like they treat everyone the same regardless if they know nothing if I'm like a 80 year old grandmother mm-hmm or if your actual know about yeah you're
00:33:19| talking if I'm is like the guy who actually built that computer like if I worked for Dell and I built that command specifically you could go into that Tet and they wouldn't say the same thing
00:33:27| Oh hundred percent they would yeah so it's it's just a chat and yeah it's this ridiculous it's ridiculous also that like there's a point where you as like a family-owned business you would make
00:33:38| your customer happy even if regardless yeah sure now if you did that over time for millions of customers you'd lose money wouldn't you yeah but how many people are like me how many
00:33:50| people are gonna talk to five different service techs and then like actually know what they're talking about and then get to the brain like here's this weird what's weird is we're in a time now
00:34:00| where I feel like consumers are more metric than they use today we shop figure it out we shut multiple places we look at multiple price points we know that we can direct message them on
00:34:14| Twitter or Instagram or whatever and actually get them to call us back I know for a fact if my um you don't have this problem but uh my balance drops below zero in my checking or my other checking
00:34:27| they charge a thirty five bucks it's called a being broken a what of being broke fee yes correct I literally know that it if I keep it under I think it's like ten months if I
00:34:41| keep it under ten months and I DN them and I say hey listen this is a bank oh my god I had a problem here they will just refund it and forgive it yeah but you have to reach out and ask yeah um
00:34:53| same same is true with credit card companies if you don't make your minimum and time like you pay three days late they'll charge you a fee you can just reach out everyone knows this so it's
00:35:03| funny we're it like an arms race where the consumer knows all the tricks and the corporation knows all the tricks we're both playing this freaking game we're the chatter and we're also the
00:35:12| person on the other end of the channel so it's it's a dance it's a delicate weird ass dance and the margins I think in the past were huge and now that they are shrinking shrinking so that like a
00:35:23| penny or two matters a whole a lot them and it's it's the difference of getting like I don't know because metric [ __ ] doesn't but also the penny matters to you a lot now more doesn't it
00:35:36| penny matters to both sides a lot more yeah I'm like I just I just went to Amazon has it for four dollars cheaper for like a 500 dollar item and they're like yeah and it's like four dollars sir
00:35:50| you're worried about the four dollars sure have it like consumer and manufacturer distributor whoever everyone's worried about the pennies and the metrics I think that's the problem
00:36:03| the metrics are cool because they get us closer to something of the religion look don't you care about my emotions I should say that on the chat I'm crying over the ear get emotional want to see
00:36:14| my tears here's a photo again sir I have a picture of the tear it's huge it's huge this tear I've never seen a tear this big it's just weird cuz it's like baseball
00:36:32| when it reminds me of you know a left-handed pitcher is 3 1 1 average against this kind of righty but we have this writing pitcher who's faced in 18 time all the guys three one two yeah I
00:36:47| mean but we have this Brady pitcher that's been hitting three one two against this guy so like who do we play like usually a lefties better but this righties 0.001 better in 18 attempts
00:37:00| which is a small sample size well let's go with the righty like June I mean yeah the margins there are so small as well but it's weird negligible yeah you would think except that it's not over millions
00:37:13| and millions of attempts or as Jeff Bezos or someone knows over millions and millions of sales do you think he actually cares he brought uses his own Amazon like is
00:37:24| he having that Amazon account where it buy stuff he must right do you think wait what how do you think you really buy stuff from Amazon he tells somebody to buy it
00:37:33| for him do you think he's shopping on Amazon and like comparing like the price of all he's not he's not comparing prices but how does he buy something off Amazon Alexa well like
00:37:45| what your what do you get that what's your hook does he have an account I would assume here he must you would think but maybe get to because well because he has a look at the color and
00:37:54| stuff no of course he doesn't I just were know if the guy has an account because that's really funny you think Jesus has an Amazon account he's like going through and finding lychee but I
00:38:03| mean brush or something no but like he has to pick his color and his size doesn't he he can't just be like buy me a toothbrush he I mean he could but like he'd probably rather be like I want the
00:38:15| red one yeah yeah extra large t-shirt or whatever the hell he wears he has to pick them so he has to have an account I think it's funny as hell that Jeff Bezos has an Amazon account he
00:38:26| totally does and then he gets on tech support him I'm sorry but we are fulfilled to capacity at the moment if you would wait for minutes you know I mean like there's gonna be some [ __ ]
00:38:39| talk he's gonna be like you're fired I'm actually interviewed for Amazon and it's incredibly shitty yeah they have like simulated email answering system and you're supposed to like pretend like
00:38:51| your support and then like read these emails and then let's figure out like what's the best response it made me gag and then at the end of it like it has Jeff pieces his face like
00:38:59| like we wish you could join our team we have the quality most quality of service and blah blah blah it's like oh my god and then a test for a personality test I was like X No thank you thank you it's
00:39:13| weird because he wants the most human response for the least money and he's spreading it over the most people to see what the most metric is like again keep coming back to metrics I feel like he's
00:39:26| like trying to box people into weird metrics and like I don't know that it's like the assembly line was like Ford it's like you only do one task when you do it so well because we track you on we
00:39:38| love you but only because you do that one thing that we love you line comes off is so dead it's like we love you you are so great in our hearts and minds that's every achievement I ever got
00:39:51| working throughout my career never once was I was like thank you I can't believe you gave me this I was like oh this is just a big piece of paper that you thought about after the
00:40:00| fact and everything finally went well you were like oh let's just thank the people and it's not like let's thank Dan because he did a great job it was like just just thank everybody because
00:40:10| everyone gets an equal level of thanks in this corporation we thank the corporator Abby great just like have like us a plaque incorporation like the things the correlation with us
00:40:21| and then just like somebody walks on stage and you can't really make a better face and it's really blurry forcibly that yeah it's all of us this is the distorted representation of all of your
00:40:32| faces it's like a Picasso or something you're like wow just like that's my that's my ear beautiful beautiful let's thank the corporation everybody any walks on stage
00:40:43| holding this gold plaque so here's an interesting tidbit so we got here I think it's okay to steal time money effort anything from a corporation yeah I literally think it's almost more
00:41:02| really like good to do it like I not to the point where I think you should check in and say hey I worked there for eight hours and you didn't show up at all but if you can game the system at all like I
00:41:14| say do it because the corporation is gaming me you at all times so anytime you were like oh yeah accidentally clocked in for an extra two hours at the corporation yeah that's good on you know
00:41:27| I'm never gonna feel guilty about that our manipulation service this one guy that worked at like a call center like a relay service like someone would call him and then he'd have to like interpret
00:41:36| relayed up to their proper would be like what's actually I gotta go to where this guy go he figured out like how to call his own desk he come in the morning call his own desk pick it up and leave it
00:41:49| going and then the call would go all day so he would just go home and then dant like what am I supposed to clock out he just hung up from the like other other call uh-huh
00:42:00| so like every day he'd be on a call for eight hours and he wouldn't be working it was not dishes did with Avenger Norfolk lasted eight hours okay oh that's like gaming
00:42:11| the metrics that's the cool that's [ __ ] over the corporation who only looks at the metrics like if you can gain my metrics than you better please think that's cool because think about
00:42:19| that if the company was smaller if the company cared actually about the end results wouldn't they be like hey Johnny how are your calls today like were you okay
00:42:29| like did you did you do good they would know one day in that he screwed them over if they were just about the metrics and just about their numbers and everything then they're [ __ ]
00:42:40| themselves a little bit yeah so it's you invite that in and I think you have to shout out to anyone F in a corporation shout out I also get the best robo call today where'd you get it
00:42:52| some was like it that'd be in maybe an accent that said your social security number has been compromised you need to call us back at this number with your social security number and if you uh if
00:43:04| you don't we will have to issue a warrant and you will be arrested and then it's like hang up did they even give a number yeah they gave me the root button I should really and then like we
00:43:17| should right now yeah I would have been amazing but like how are you supposed to like it was like a nervous Indian guy I was like what the [ __ ] is this I guess he was new to the whole marketer uh
00:43:28| screw record it wasn't a person it was a pre-recording somebody was knocking themselves oh geez um where's my voice I should have had that number I should have put that number oh oh man great to
00:43:42| call it right now then they'd be like are you happy I can't social security number ready sir I'd be like I don't we get arrested please don't arrest me don't rest me up
00:43:50| i rebel warrants I have a war I need I need to come get you and then like click so what's funny is I just get robo calls constantly I can't I don't know I don't even know who's who anymore I don't
00:44:03| answer my phone unless it you're in my call already yeah um I get I get voicemails from probably some robo calls probably some agencies asking about my leg and the money payments and
00:44:18| only one other party know my dad but you're not gonna trick your voicemail but uh call me back and he'll leave that voice mail and I'm like damn it dad this is six weeks old why don't you just I'm
00:44:30| like I called you back five minutes later what's this doing in here and uh and the other person is a big fan of the podcast what the family con he hasn't been brought up he leaves
00:44:39| they we leave each other fake voicemails or you pretend we're someone else we know like I'm like it's me your dad I just found out you're uh I got rid of you you're not really my son it's your
00:44:54| dad I'm trying to give you up for adoption but it didn't work this is I'm sorry nevermind just don't call back this is your dad you're not
00:45:04| really my son goodbye doesn't like I have to leave it no I saved them all I saved them all dad oh my god sometimes we do female the finances this one so he really liked this game kingpin alright
00:45:28| no no it's before that I'll be like this is Gina see kingpin we noticed that you bought our game in 1999 and it your dad had to come buy it because this really happened thinks that's funny like that's
00:45:47| like we noticed you were 18 when you bought our game and I know your video card couldn't play the game but it's still a policy in the company you have to return kingpin in its entirety or you
00:46:01| will be charged and charge from the FCA you may be over 18 right now mr. Putin I always say his name wrong that's funny as far but you have to return kingpin the game by 9:00 p.m. and I get like a
00:46:16| fake time or whatever and I'm like anyway my name is Julius II kingpin my dad invented the King so if you could return that that would be great I know try not to laugh but he's the only
00:46:28| person that I leave voicemails to and he leaves back to me and they're my favorite thing but the whole reason I get into this is because I I only save his voicemails I
00:46:38| said I have like nine saved and there was one other one and it was a robo call and it's it's a it's a robot trying to sound like a human and it goes it sounds like an old white guy and it
00:46:51| good no he says this he says um I guess hello hey I noticed your house online I'm trying to buy houses I know what you're thinking but I can buy your house um
00:47:08| call me anytime my number is and he leaves it a number and then he talks in a robot voice for the rest but it's so weird that he has the UM the I know the hmm are you sure like he does like for
00:47:22| inflections that are really weird and I was gonna play it for the podcast but I was like whoa this sounds like the realest fake call ever and it cracks me up
00:47:33| um hello I noticed your house online I'm like what are you talking about but it cracks me up I'm gonna call I'm so gonna call Dylan and leave him a voicemail after this I'm gonna be his mom maybe
00:47:54| I'll be his girlfriend who knows I'll be somebody yeah I was going that go for call centers because call centers are like the bane of humanity for the people calling and the people receiving the
00:48:07| calls Hey exactly it's like the person on this end is like I don't want your call the person's like I don't want to call you brutal I don't like setting up a barrier
00:48:19| between the individual and the product and then they have FCC rule that it couldn't be a robo call so like you have to have a human that like touches the button in the middle the whole job of
00:48:29| that person is just to tap like a button so they'd have to blend it and it's okay it's yeah it's not a robot it's initiating the call because they're just tapping honey [ __ ] feel and your
00:48:40| whole job is just tapping a button over and over and over again like maybe the kind of somebody's goal in life like imagine the person that's just like aha hey good morning hey hold
00:48:52| on Oh hold on I know I got another call guys hold on well I was just about to oh there we go and how was your week I'm saying oh and
00:49:08| I guarantee there's one person out there that does that and likes it they've got problems but yeah they probably do could they do their nails while they do it or like listen to good music while they're
00:49:20| doing it or I don't know don't you can do other stuff while you're doing it I guess it's not bad feel like that give me like your arrhythmia like if you it was not like to your heartbeat like
00:49:30| eventually your heart would just like right in the middle of like a beat it would just stop and then you look and then you're mmm you croak weird so our corporations good that we're using they
00:49:46| get the most for their money not to get us the lowest prices right so talk about like taxation and like representation and all that stuff go ahead I doesn't know where you're going so like
00:49:57| corporations will keep money offshore to avoid tax write-off and polish are things to make it simply don't have any income they also get share deals from like local like state and city and you
00:50:09| know municipality do you know um it used to be a Walmart let's say a Walmart we move into an area and be like hey we'll take up we'll buy real estate right here hire those set other people oh hi our X
00:50:24| number of people we would like to not pay taxes for eight years and the government's like let's run the numbers we're gonna get this much extra business hired this many extra people
00:50:33| they're gonna pay taxes in their ninth year who cares yeah it's a great deal shutdown after eight years because that's how they do right tax break ended and like this is the one that cracks me
00:50:47| up remember Amazon was setting up a new location new central huh it's been moving around like New York and then Virginia so you know what the deal was they were gonna come to Philadelphia
00:50:57| we're gonna offer them 10 years without any taxes that was their big deal and I was like Amazon's the one company that can pay taxes they're taxing this [ __ ] out of private industry and government
00:51:11| personal industry in other companies yeah exactly it's insane to me this is like when you see we'll get what's called a will gates Jesus Christ or gates when you see Bill Gates at a
00:51:26| bar and you're like oh my god you're so famous can I buy you two drinks and it's like no idiot let him buy you a drink yeah you don't buy the rich person anything
00:51:40| [ __ ] the rich person like I mean people buy athletes drink all the time it's like ah hey I know you make nine point four million a year but come on beer dude ya know do you make like thirty
00:51:59| thousand a year and you're buying an athlete a drink stop but that's what happens yeah and that's what Amazon is benefiting from the rich get richer if I'm not correct
00:52:12| yeah and they use that money that they save to lobby the government to keep it going to avoid Chris Davis it's it's sad that they can swing more money than like the people of America to sway an opinion
00:52:27| about different topics so you're fighting an Internet they they have more money than the people of America the older FCC uh your boy where is he coming I say his name say his name G PI those
00:52:42| people are all clean instead of trading and stuff guaranteed of course dude yeah it's all wound up yeah I need to make it happen mm-hmm once you have enough money you
00:52:53| can make your problems go away and that's what they become problems for everyone else so corporate America is good that's what we're saying you can't fight the man you
00:53:05| can he give us the best prices on toilet paper by the way if you if you work in a place as a 9-inch roll like a max 212 toilet paper look at two two-ply you know I'm saying like the 9-inch roll
00:53:18| don't go like 2,000 feet per peralta my wipes steal those and bring them home your paper supplier be very happy how how a corporation gets screwed be my pops gonna sell some more toilet paper
00:53:33| to someone else boom just steal them bring them home honestly Industrial soap steal it bring it home trash bags we talk in 16 micron bring them home folks my dad is gonna
00:53:47| keep selling them okay family he was a ball rolling record-breaking steal from boom boom if you even stole like a fraction of a penny from corporation on every
00:54:03| transaction what could go wrong and attack don't burn this place down where's my where's my stupid honestly anyone that doesn't treat you like people deserves to be [ __ ] on anyone
00:54:20| does treat you like people their concerns to be living yeah we're gonna we're gonna metric those [ __ ] so I don't know where the middle ground is there's too much I don't know that
00:54:33| there is yeah it's like hey treat me to like people you're gonna take advantage of let's treat people like robots [ __ ] you we're gonna steal from you there's got to be a point in the middle
00:54:43| where we all meet and my pinky is yep do you all see in the middle there that's my pinky that's trigger finger okay ah how would we sum this up I think we do but I did meet somebody today that
00:55:05| was like they a girl or a guy it was a woman with children and my wife guys of her and then like she's - mortix love with her oh my god she's in love with her no um
00:55:17| she said that she works with children but that was as far as we got in the conversation we had to go and like we were wondering what she did I guess she's like a therapist or something and
00:55:28| then I let's hope mm-hmm I hope and then I was thinking like what if he changed the preposition right like if you let him work on children like what would you think that would be give me like a like
00:55:41| going topo children like I did my job standing alone children like I'm just standing on them but you were sergeant you know her dad children so homework I changed my job - what what would they be
00:55:54| the child's urgent worry getting or be like a child masseuse or something I don't want either of those jobs but actually what's weird is I think I could be a teacher
00:56:04| oh so you work with children or poor children in for their education hey Jesus Christ I can pick rich children knows I'm not against British children's corporations I just would try and figure
00:56:20| out what age group I would be appropriate for like tenth grade ish yeah I'd be like this hey call me uh mr. um pan or Nick syllabus but Shh we're not reading it I throw the trash can
00:56:37| they don't clap and I'd be like call me whatever you want like II was versiv I'll wait as simple as it uses that [ __ ] anymore and throw the chalkboard and they really guess hey
00:56:50| guys you know what symbolism is it's [ __ ] let's go for real here I'm gonna read Huckleberry Finn like with the n-word and it really whoa I'm like just kidding we're not gonna read it
00:57:02| with the n-word I'd be like let's move on to catch her in the Rye do you think he's good or bed and they'd be like he's good and some be like he's bad ever like you're
00:57:14| both right you could both got A's who's next anyone else got a comment I hope me is the hulex teacher I think I think I'm an English teacher for 10th grade does they
00:57:26| don't want to draw gladiator for me just draw it that's the whole class feel like that's gonna be automated at some point where it's like what do you watch is real no it's gonna be online so like if
00:57:39| you didn't know I'll page it's like click this button after five seconds of reading this page if I click next page click next page it's like we can tell you didn't read that page wait
00:57:50| did you last part I said we're on draw pictures Friday yeah scar tail and pull it and gunmetal or whatever the hell it name right dude we had an English teacher did that our
00:58:01| Jess we had an English teacher - that was the best - the best class I ever had wasn't talking I'm [ __ ] but it actually is their names are jenn-air Gento is one I don't remember the other
00:58:13| one because it's not scarred toe it's Argento and it begins with s cigar shadow Argento and cigar toe and when any subtitles are wrong got it right this little pop-up that you're right not
00:58:41| is going oh right that's hilarious silver and trigger or mechanical latch interesting so what we're saying folks is I'm gonna be an English teacher 10th grade English
00:58:56| and yeah if you heard like kids homework is all digitized now so it's like you go on your laptop and you answer questions on a website so I creep you out weird well I did have one funny instance of
00:59:14| digital kid town like Tamagotchi better my son just started full day kindergarten okay when he goes to the lunchroom it's in a it's in a grade school like these kids have credit cards
00:59:32| that are issued to their names that have pre-loaded money on them creepy the hand it's weird but okay the hand the kid the credit card in the lunch line he goes he orders his food and you think they could
00:59:44| just order that so that like the kids all go through hey they have to get used to scanning their car knowing their name etc etc I I'm not gonna argue with it whatever I do here and that we have to
00:59:55| pre load money onto it there's a pause here and I started to interrupt your story isn't it crazy fear when like you're talking to your kid and like he doesn't know his name and you're like
01:00:04| trying to teach him his own name like if you were to get lost you wouldn't know anything he would know nothing to go back home I run into this all the time where I'm like you don't know anything
01:00:14| about anything about anything but I think they do they kind of just in the question they don't if that makes sense when you question them they don't yeah I feel like if he got lost though like he
01:00:25| was just like out in the world they would never feel like he would never be able to find me people would be like who are you and he'd be like I don't know and that would like stick with him
01:00:34| forever I don't know I am it's it's weird cuz if he heard his name you might know or whatever but what's weird is so my girlfriend and I you know we don't text
01:00:47| a ton remember um he went to school for like two weeks straight in kindergarten some days he brings lunch some days no he buys lunch like whatever and we they literally will send you you can check in
01:01:00| and see what he bought yeah yeah I don't like this is weird I was like chicken fingers and tater tots and I'm like that's cool the one day this is like last Thursday
01:01:10| he figured it out and uh she sent me a text and he got like plus 40 cents ice cream bar sandwich or some [ __ ] like that no I was like oh I'm gonna talk to him about that cuz like we never said he
01:01:23| could go back and get the dessert and he figured out that he could on his own and she sent me just the picture message of the charge put on the card and I was like gotcha society responsibility say
01:01:36| what did you have for lunch you know I mean ins like a creepy cuz I know and he doesn't know I know I'm like looks like an Ice Cream Sandwich pal looks like you don't even like got to but I don't
01:01:51| I'm not discouraging from doing it just you know letting him know I know he did it and it's weird so like he has a preset amount that covers normal meals plus a
01:02:00| little bit more so like if he buys an ice cream he doesn't start out there right no no no no he start the next I wouldn't give him food for three days but of course it's pretty loaded with
01:02:12| like 50 bucks so the ice cream is like that she sent me the text and I was like ah I took him two weeks like he wasn't getting dessert every day two weeks later he was like can I get dessert like
01:02:25| I guess or whatever he said I don't know what he's say in the lunchroom but and it's funny that I saw that as a parent like that work that day can you get like probably could've could I say I imagine
01:02:39| the lunch lady's like no like the reasonable people they're like I don't think so you'd have to bribe the lunch lady some hell maybe she's dead so she can steal
01:02:55| them from back there it's a giant corporations this podcast has been brought to you by Visa buy your ice cream bars using Visa and Amazon MasterCard since then I think I bought
01:03:17| in this room is from Amazon is it or is there one thing that is not a corporate item a keyboard behind you or no it's a Casio think I mean we could have bought it at a local store I have
01:03:35| no idea I mean it was bought in like the person who bought it or sold it I had like a really thick margin that doesn't exist anymore so that's there people at that plant
01:03:50| ooh I think the plan is IKEA plants bought to you by IKEA well drapes are probably Amazon Amazon how many pictures of your kids and crap they Amazon generic give me some kids
01:04:07| whichever kids oh okay thanks I'll take them I'll take them no um that was Shutterfly I think nice which is a corporation yeah dropping all that do you here's a weird
01:04:21| question well it family business were I mean we sell with ton of [ __ ] to people every day um how much [ __ ] do people buy this not corporation yeah how many family-owned businesses are there that
01:04:36| you can forget the businesses end products boy how much stuff do people buy on a day to day from actual other people based on a section that's there's other people who talk to each other yeah
01:04:50| and I'm not talking about like your supermarket that has lawyers I don't give a [ __ ] like it's not like they're like ah I'll give you it two of these that happens but yeah that's it's like
01:05:03| we're like a farmers market or like you pick them up and then you talk it's like farmers markets and that's it at this point what you're probably going
01:05:13| to go away anyway it'll be like an electronic farmers market it isn't the decision grocery stores are often chains like an acne or a super fresh or whatever even like the farmer like a
01:05:28| farmer is forced to be like by the tractor that's from the corporation or like be part of a giant corporation because they get weeded out or they have to be on like a co-op or something so
01:05:40| they become a corporation just by default because they need to battle other prices I don't know it's weird anyway I know a family-owned business if you guys are interested hit me up in the
01:05:52| dam's hit Dan uphill uh let me know you hit him up you're gonna me up your fill seeing you dirty and you poop Nick has the company for you he's gonna clean up
01:06:04| all your [ __ ] with products from dean putting Dupuy corporations we also sell literally the best floor wax maybe on the East Coast maybe the United States quality do use metric no it's one yeah
01:06:22| solids so most floor wax is like eighteen twelve to twenty percent solids the rest is water because you need enough to settle the base we actually sell a 25% floor finish that it's one of
01:06:35| the finest and the businesses you can actually spread it as soon as possible it will shine harder and dry harder than any in like fifteen to forty minutes just imagine children slipping on that
01:06:46| shiny flooring destroy next look it's slip resistant it's literally probably and it sounds like a great product how much does it cost you think when I work there eighteen fifty a gallon well
01:06:57| what's the number what do i dial this how do I buy this now what do I call so honestly if you really wanna buy oh my god let's turn on the rubber to anyone five eight four four five eighty five
01:07:11| and you will literally at the best floor finish maybe in the world there's a warrant I mean I'm not even an eater so sad you're in or you will be arrested and I want to buy your house I said in
01:07:25| its own I was so cool I wish I could play it um hello I'm sorry I'm my name's Tom if you took that and I just thought you had a great house your house down to your name I know you
01:07:41| brought a video game in 1999 be for whatever I say yeah it's even funnier when I get the dates right so it's almost like a little bit of homework when I do a voicemail for
01:07:52| him I'm gonna do one tonight probably all right I think he was doing a podcast on Guns N'Roses do you even care about coming over this if people like all sorts of [ __ ] even this podcast not
01:08:05| enough people I think would you get more followers and guns roses fans you think we do that by the end of the week yeah dollars I see him did you show the stats Guns N'Roses yeah
01:08:16| no Guns and Roses the group okay the actual group yeah not then but now we can beat them anyway folks donate follow us hit that like button yeah we're gonna corporations only taxes Axis powers
01:08:36| we're gonna watch you in it too we're gonna track you the axis and ours we're not Saint Nick and you're gonna get a [ __ ] ton of coal when you mistreat a corporation most honestly steel just
01:08:49| start stealing from work you're fine you can do it on our bill we'll be fine jeff bezos yes you make me sick you don't have donate like bill does that bill Oh billions great
01:09:05| philanthropist if you once we haven't done one in a while to end the episode celebrity challenge well if Bill Gates wanted to come on here against Jeff Bezos or they gonna can they learn oh do
01:09:17| you know the paper challenge we're at a party and so on I'd the other person faces you and they gotta suck it off your face look where they kissed a piece of paper
01:09:30| of each other's face I bet you Jeff would check it out I'm just saying if they want to do it on our podcast live I will donate all proceeds to charity I will benefit
01:09:42| every one I would give money to the Africa I'll give it to whoever Geoff's giving it to himself not the workers obviously I can fill in some chairs so you need to put in an office challenge
01:09:54| ok new smokeless challenge osers chair anyway if anyone's got connections jeff bezos look them up I have no clue what his email is Bill Gates you can probably find him either Twitter or Instagram
01:10:07| I imagine look him up send a message out to those guys we're gonna get a challenge going I think both of those guys benefit from a little publicity and I think a little charity yeah thanks
01:10:20| thanks for joining us we're the UM painters pretty great time listen to you guys any comments no yeah comment read most of it thank you Dan
01:10:40| do you like you miss nipples we like you like we like you a lot thanks gay goodnight

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