The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED011 Overbearing Employers

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Transcript PRED011 Overbearing Employers

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 11 - Overbearing Employers
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00:00:07| [Laughter] couldn't do it because i think it is it might be trademarked extra notes you're good i guess we're talking about people who are
00:00:21| overbearing and controlling someone like co-workers so for me there's always this guilt whenever i like start a new job and usually for like the first three years
00:00:31| of a job that people i'm very anal that people care about like how much time how many minutes you spend on something
00:00:39| now there are certain jobs out there that really do track you by the minute like you're like filling out forms or something or you're reading a document and like when you start the document you
00:00:47| click and then when you're done with that document you click again like you're stopping wait so what do you um what are your
00:00:54| clock in do you clock in or clock in at work so my work is different or weird because you have an option to just fill out your time at the
00:01:02| end of the day or end of the week and just like here it is but you also have a time like an option to do like real-time clocking of stuff so like if you start
00:01:09| something you click and you start or stop that clock so the co-workers just buy a handful of them that do this i find it really weird
00:01:21| because you'll be working on something and you'll ask them a question and they'll like turn to you slowly and be like ready to
00:01:28| answer you and they gauge how long their answer is going to be and they go hold on a second and then they bring up the window they click and then they look for the project
00:01:38| that you're talking about and they start the clock and you see the clock running as they turn and then they start answering your question what
00:01:46| yes real for real 100 that's real people yeah holy [ __ ] that's right most [ __ ] i never knew that existed yes that is insane yes isn't that nice are they billing you for
00:02:03| these hours like i understand like whatever anyway you're billing a customer so you're trying to be as exact as possible and this came up with my wife's job one of my previous jobs
00:02:13| her previous jobs she was working for so many clients that they literally like you're reviewing a document and you're supposed to like write a
00:02:20| summary so they would bill for like that document that you started till the end of the summary which could take like 30 minutes so like all day long you're clicking in
00:02:29| like checking and checking out and then they take those metrics and then they use them against you because they have so much data on how long it takes to do
00:02:36| x word document they're like you're a little over today what why did you take a dump in the middle of this document like you're supposed to check in and check out
00:02:45| so it's nuts it's a it's the um the dwight of uh the office it's quite true yeah he would record every minute like every sneeze and every piss and every poop
00:02:56| and then like make it up at the end of the day it's like what about now you're not talking about working and gets back to work but these people exist
00:03:04| so i usually like take a tally of the people in the office so i get a feel for them and see how they are and then like judge like how much weight do they have to my job like are they
00:03:13| gonna be the people that are gonna tattletail or gonna be like caused me to like lose my job or raise and then i like i handle them with kid gloves if they are those
00:03:22| types of people if they're like watching every day there's a i think there's a meme of uh game of thrones you know that scene
00:03:32| where jamie pulls into winterfell gets off his horse looks around and now yeah bran is sitting there yeah it's that guy that sits by the
00:03:44| toilet and the third time you take a dump during the day you walk out you look around you think you're good and then there's that guy just like taking a tally
00:03:53| writing some things down just nothing not gonna pass this note to your boss to make sure he knows so that drives me nuts says that every minute of my day is watched
00:04:05| i i don't think i could work at a job that would do that that would you have to actually punch a clock and then punch a clock when you leave
00:04:12| punching most of the jobs i've had are pretty much just show up at nine and leave at five or whatever it is yeah the um the last job the countertops was
00:04:21| the first time i was introduced to clocking in physically with your fingerprint so you couldn't even ask someone else to clock yeah it was biometrics it's called
00:04:32| and i was like damn you really can't cheat that clock no but actually you could what it is is if you left it like 4 you would not clock out purposely
00:04:44| and then email the what's her name and be like correct my house i forgot to do what she would call can you make sure i clock out at five and she'll be like is that when you're
00:04:51| working to be like yeah definitely i couldn't do it for like half an hour but like five minutes was she gonna do go to the camera system and be like he was leaving at 55. you know this
00:05:02| this could be out because like in the future because they could have a.i they could track you recognition it would just be like tracking you all the time at work
00:05:10| it'd be like you got here at 902 and left at like it's like yeah oh time to leave this job yeah i don't know that much this job right now
00:05:25| i have to hit a button to clock in when i log in oh yeah anyone can do it but no one's going to do it for me right now so i have to do it i'm not paid hourly it's more to
00:05:34| check that i'm doing make sure you're not there exactly and um i actually have to hit start lunch and stop lunch is that weird so they're tracking your
00:05:44| time well they want to make sure i actually take a full hour that's weird isn't it so there and i keep saying i
00:05:55| want to be like listen can i do a half an hour earlier no of course not they're like no no that's what they said i was like okay i'll do an hour lunch it takes me like
00:06:06| eight minutes to eat and now what do i do literally i just work out but anyway overbearing yeah overbearing bosses employees
00:06:18| it's also knowing when to do like to take an off day i think most jobs you have majority normal people who are accepting of
00:06:28| you being like flexible if they're not and that's i think that's a problem in itself i do know employees that got fired for saying they were at work when they weren't
00:06:38| but they didn't know when to take their spots right that's that's being pretty damn bold there's that's they're like outright bully lines here and trying to get money
00:06:48| from it and like scheming when there's probably evidence everywhere like not being there yeah yeah exactly there's
00:06:56| and then they're stealing like seven minutes here or like being like i build them for 10 minutes like you know what i mean it's like ah okay
00:07:06| now it's a slippery slope i understand there's probably some fortune 500 people watching maybe i'm like this guy required for the job we almost hired him but no
00:07:14| anymore my consideration is if you get the job done and you're producing then who cares who cares yeah you're doing the test that was assigned
00:07:22| and if you're working faster than other people and they try to give you more work slow down your work try to be like i just need to
00:07:30| add some fresh touches here i need to clock this you can manipulate me but i can do it right back to you so i'm comfortable with doing that
00:07:39| yeah comfortable work homework and figuring it out and finding your sweet zones but you could do it yeah um how do you like target these people how do you know
00:07:48| like whether your job's going to be this micromanaging nightmare overbearing hard to tell i think um your body just lost a gram did you fart
00:08:13| you fart but you have to be weary of these like there's also the workplaces that are like too fun like we have a ping pong table and a pool and
00:08:20| also beer on tap it's like and unlimited vacation days like that's very like be wary of that because they'll guilt you into doing so much work and you'll never get to use any of that
00:08:30| stuff yeah that's an interesting concept because at my new job they have um a ping pong table upstairs and they said oh that
00:08:41| they use that for the first week nobody uses that anymore and i was like no i'm not a ping pong guy but that makes sense and then they had horseshoe pits
00:08:49| and they elbowed me and went see the horseshoe pits and i said i guess and they're like i was like what am i seeing i don't know this is i'm supposed to say that's good or this is
00:08:57| bad sand it was but it's also covered in grass at this point because i don't use it no one cares i was like oh okay okay that's uh
00:09:07| it's like fake fun i think they're trying to make you think that they're casual but also i think they're trying to like single you out like if you're the
00:09:16| guy out there playing horror shows you were the only one playing horses that would really show wouldn't it maybe like oh horseshoes again we're meeting your numbers
00:09:24| that's interesting i'm gonna have to ask you to stay the weekend oh horseshoes i noticed you were playing horseshoes again even lombard [ __ ] her
00:09:46| i don't have to because it's a company policy fun for everyone but maybe get your numbers up come in on saturday come in on sunday come in stay till midnight we got it
00:09:59| so can you avoid these things i think sometimes you can maybe you can read into like the people being a little anal a little bit too forceful if they're controlling during the
00:10:10| interview or if they're trying to like force you into a situation that you don't like if there's something weird about them
00:10:18| don't take the job if you have to take the job stick it out they do say that you're supposed to work for like you know at least a year to make it look like it's good on your
00:10:25| resume [ __ ] that like i don't think people care yeah if you need to get out and get out if it's difficult don't stick it out it's i don't think it will ever
00:10:38| like after six months you know you know the shitty part of the job you know the good part of the job if there's some balance in between maybe enjoy it a little bit
00:10:46| but if there's not interesting or maybe you try to switch roles or jobs like functions in a company or like try to get under a different manager
00:10:56| i've had weird managers that like i did not feel like they're on my side get away from them quickly but quietly so they don't even
00:11:05| realize that you just shifted away from working for them because they suck when in doubt pull out folks i know you've heard it before that's our mind it's a big one it's a
00:11:18| big one a big one yeah all right predators that's pretty good

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