The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED010 Car Insurance Scammers

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Transcript PRED010 Car Insurance Scammers

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 10 - Car Insurance Scammers
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00:00:12| hey welcome aboard today we're here to talk about something completely dangerous you're driving a huge i'm talking friggin huge
00:00:23| motor vehicle weighing three thousand pounds a lot of steel a lot of plastic a lot of rubber dangerous stuff happens out there people
00:00:31| are trying to scam you people are trying to hit you people are trying to get in your way people are trying to hurt you it's a weapon we do it every day but we don't think anything of it right
00:00:42| well one of the big things out there right now is insurance scams do you ever hear about these scammers scammers not only is the road dangerous enough
00:00:52| out there when you got teenagers you got people texting you got people walking across the street without looking you got people merging when they didn't look you got
00:00:59| all sorts of stuff you got 94 year old people still driving someone in my other job i know he's 92 he still drives he drives his
00:01:08| customers i'm like oh my god one time i saw him driving and he does the two hands looking over the wheel yeah seemed like he was driving normal i honked and tried to get his attention
00:01:17| didn't he go the other way oh he didn't even see me and i was like it's better off just let him stare forward don't like do two things at once see so you see though there's a video of
00:01:29| a guy with high beams in a storm and you can't see beyond his high beams and the moment he passes there was a downed tree and he's like the driver on the other side of the road
00:01:38| smashed right into it because it's like no way to see it ah that sucks those are [ __ ] yep high beams you got your mergers you got your pullouts i'm gonna
00:01:51| cut out and pull out in front of you and do that no way it goes you know that two-man team where the car in front of you stops really fast
00:02:00| and then the other guy smashes into you and goes yeah so it's people don't realize these games are that elaborate um there's one that happened at my work
00:02:11| it wasn't to me it was to the other driver um it's a car parking or pretending to park and another car that's in front when he
00:02:20| passes the area the other car pulls out real quick and what it is is you either have to swerve into oncoming traffic or you hit the car
00:02:28| yeah you know you hit the car and they say i was just pulling out and your guy hit me and the car in front will say yeah yeah he definitely did you know no they just pulled out into a car they
00:02:38| did that on purpose happened to uh the other driver at work um and he's a borderline idiot um thank god he just started taking pictures with his
00:02:48| phone um yeah record everything oh car insurance wasn't in anyone's name that was involved in this the other people had to leave they
00:02:57| didn't have any insurance information or last nations yeah and the people who were hurt in the or in the car there were two a couple or two people i don't even know if they
00:03:06| were in a couple they're going to the hospital they have medical bills they have to send and they're gonna have it reviewed and they're gonna try and sue the company the company the
00:03:16| two people that no no no my company or whatever whatever company i work for because it was our our driver or company that's the other thing you figure you
00:03:24| cut out in front of a vehicle like a work vehicle yeah like you mean that's like a big money car like a mercedes you're like jackpot i want to get run over by this
00:03:32| thing couple toes how many how much is that worth a hundred thousand you ever yeah yeah maybe could be yeah it could be maybe i'll do it
00:03:44| that's how these these [ __ ] work though you know the other thing is the um you ever see the ones where you're at a stop light and you pull up to someone and they throw on the reverse
00:03:53| lights and ram into your car and then get out and go like this there's now that dash cams are a thing that's the funniest thing to try and
00:04:01| bring before yeah it's like he threw on his reverses and threw right into me in fact we're going to counter so he's like pal i didn't do that it's like
00:04:10| we got a dash cam so now every big company like ups and stuff it pays them to have those cameras i wouldn't tell them so realistically in the situation like um so you pull up
00:04:23| the stop sign there's somebody to the right and there's someone behind you and they're both on a team trying to screw you over the person at the stop sign is gonna fake fall under your car
00:04:32| like you hit them like you bump them and then they're injured on the way down the car behind you is gonna confirm that yeah you hit them
00:04:41| but you have dash cam so you're not supposed to really tell them that you have a dash cam you just let them play their story and make sure when a cop comes they tell their story
00:04:50| and then you eventually tell the cop that you have a dash cam he confirms it and you give him a copy of the file
00:04:58| and then it proves what their stories is [ __ ] so are you trying to say that a if you tell them right away they won't push the case and they might run away and do
00:05:09| it yeah they might run away and they might change their story and it and they might just try and let go and do it someone might get angry and attack you yeah
00:05:18| oh that's true so how do you target these people or see that it's happening i think defensive driving yeah you have to defensively drive even
00:05:29| even when it's not a scammer because there's idiots out there there's morons everywhere yeah i'm not bragging and i'm not a narcissist i'm probably in the top five percent of
00:05:41| skilled at driving just in my wherewithal my reaction time i've been doing it for how many hours do you think i've been driving probably a couple four thousand
00:05:52| seven thousand hours ten thousand i have no idea three so i do it all the time i do city suburbs i do all different vehicles stick shifts not stick shifts small
00:06:00| vehicles vans vans over the weight capacity so i know what it takes to drive and who pays attention who doesn't there's little things that you should do
00:06:10| you should always think of the flow of traffic in general and yourself you have to be careful you don't want to be endangering someone else
00:06:17| you don't want to endanger yourself they say that the two turning lanes you know where there's two lefts and you get the double green arrow real big intersection
00:06:26| stay in your lane be careful scammers will also try and rub you in that intersection and claim that you cross the line the better your record is the more you drive and don't have any of
00:06:37| these problems the better off you are what's your record if you see something suspicious or something really weird take pictures record it
00:06:45| write everything down pull out your little audio thing just record i think you can do that in public can you yeah yeah there's no um what was it
00:06:54| uh private property or something no no not notion of privacy oh it's expectation privacy patient privacy yep in public space no record
00:07:03| exactly especially if something real crazy happened maybe it was your fault but record it anyway dude take some pictures take pictures of your car and their car because all of a sudden
00:07:11| there's gonna be another dent in that car or wow her cousin was in the car and had an arm and a sleigh yeah my neck hurts there's so many things that that people
00:07:22| will complain about after the fact even like weeks or months later they say this is two years later yeah a big thing in like uh in china and other countries
00:07:32| especially if i were tr if i were driving in china it would scare the crap out of me because those traffic camps and that's crazy
00:07:40| people are really willing to hurt themselves in order to get you to pay up and the insurance fraud apparently like the laws are really loose over there
00:07:47| so like any damage to any person is like mostly covered by the law or at least it was i think they might be changing it because of so many people just willing to throw themselves
00:07:56| in front of a car or this podcast yeah just right under the bus all right so we know who to look for we kind of know how to avoid it you kind of can't avoid it entirely
00:08:09| and don't put yourself in any stupid situation like a guy's got flares over on the side of the road and it says almost police on his shirt and you're
00:08:17| like well he's almost police let's pull over and see what's going on like fake undercover cops yeah that's a scary thing i don't know that i would pull over for
00:08:28| a cop that didn't have red and blue lights and a siren correct like a volunteer fireman type outfit and like uh he's driving like his car
00:08:37| he has like a lady stuck on top maybe you know what you probably do you probably yeah call 9-1-1 and drive to a police station yeah that's what i would do i'd be like
00:08:47| i don't think this guy's a real cop and then 9-1-1 would be like i'm not dealing with this i don't think they can put you in peril are not supposed to anyway so they're not going
00:08:54| to tell you yeah he's not like how like i don't know that they can confirm it anyway i don't know they can but at least you have record that you are not
00:09:03| running or ignoring or whatever the whole reason why they so playing the stairs whatever that's that's what we tell you to do yeah the uh
00:09:12| and what was the last part of predators avoid uh preventative voids any sort of guilt or gullibility i guess certain cases people will feel
00:09:21| like oh i really did hurt them like they feel some empathy towards them and maybe they get confused because there's so many people saying it happened because like usually
00:09:30| it's like a group instinct to attack you feel like you're overwhelmed and maybe you say something wrong and then they just hone in on it and you don't know
00:09:37| how to like back out of the situation don't don't feel bad for a real accident because it was an accident go slow yeah go slow do everything slow like i'm talking about the after the fact
00:09:50| take your pictures you don't cult to blame don't call to not blame don't fight someone don't what about road ragers you're gonna get in there with people that are
00:09:59| genuinely angry like smashing on your window don't get out of the car is that what they say yeah if someone's like there's nothing happening usually
00:10:07| they're yelling get out of the car get out of the car you don't get out of the car if someone's really that angry it's okay to flee the scene
00:10:16| i think you're you're you're fling for your own protection at that point if you're especially recording it you have audio like you have proof that you were like
00:10:24| under duress you need to get away right well and it's a whole different world now that i have a kid like i can imagine getting in road rage and get now i'm
00:10:32| actually fighting someone i would absolutely fight someone i would have no clumps now i have a kid in the car there's no way i'm gonna leave him in a car seat and go out and fight someone
00:10:41| because yeah hey if i win i've just traumatized my kid and i'm like leaving as an aggravated assailant so you know what i mean yeah
00:10:48| so driving through sketchy areas i lose that's even worse now my kid's strapped in my car and i'm unconscious on the ground bleeding because i'm an idiot
00:10:56| like gta yeah they try to steal your car do you roll up your windows in sketchy areas no never but i i drive in a sketchy area like that was what i drove
00:11:05| used to it did anything ever happen to you in the sketchy area just random weird stuff where if someone was like hey man can you roll down any window and be like
00:11:14| no no i keep going i just like see it like you don't do anything stupid that's gonna put you in like a really bad spine someone's like hey can you pull over and help my friend he's
00:11:23| right up there no that doesn't sound right that's really weird yeah can he borrow your cell phone no no [Laughter]
00:11:33| he has a cell phone i'm pretty sure there's people walking on the street left and right i borrow it from them i don't understand yeah from someone else right now
00:11:44| so i think that's what we said just be careful keep your head on swivel keep a lookout safe driving when in doubt pull out yeah repeat these
00:11:55| repeat that to yourself when in doubt pull out and report these people because you never know what they're gonna do never know keep a record so with that
00:12:16| salsa

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