The UnPanderers: KeyItems PRED021 Time Wasting Customer Service

Thursday, August 5, 2021

KeyItems PRED021 Time Wasting Customer Service

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 21 - Time Wasting Customer Service as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | customer support, tech, talk about people, call, blah blah, book my beef, effing, fan, turbo charges
00:01:00 | naturally like hack, cpu gets hot, ahead keep, product alienware, one error, fan error, kept going
00:02:00 | __ changed, next step, send a tech, hours phone, answer, always delay, talk to want, giant ladder, whole giant, cares somebody, people in climb
00:03:00 | social media, step stool, robots, try answer, detailed, account withdrawals, citizens bank anytime, makes an area, take my check, hell's going, two days, overdraft fee, twitter amazing, cool
00:04:00 | link, customer support, loop, closed, enter social, card number, security number, phone prompts, press one enter, direct, debit cards, accept money from p
00:05:00 | holy crap, buy things, buying things, my hand, check, good perfect catch, enter, money network, try to call, card number, security, sir sorry
00:06:00 | yourself damn counts, back i gotta, check the back, error, loop, literally cut, mac capacity, please please, one three, human, automated service, call recognizing
00:07:00 | service, automation this episode, amazon, found unique, call, especially companies, prompts, cool
00:08:00 | phone number, need customer, talk to human, companies you're times, resend, music punch, call, here's eight minutes, six minutes dan's need, minutes probably spend
00:09:00 | cable, mentioning, barrel, computer stuff, mentioned start, amazing, my preset answers, smarter guys, wire, gauge four, two months, knows times, engineer, my word
00:10:00 | pomp saved, customer, support, unfortunately, questions to direct your questions, loop, answer, manager hold, cool, funny see, joy, see account
00:11:00 | look claire, spell claire wrong, displace eye, cool, slick, engineering, cable, question, certain wire, page, exclamation point
00:12:00 | ups higher, paid higher, customer service work, robot, weakest links, my question, lowest, care nick
00:13:00 | human, answer, question, making money, companies, future happens, ai talking, two ais, chinese restaurants, ordering that person
00:14:00 | back that's genius, baby i love, genius repeat back

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