The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP143 Misinformation

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Transcript UnP143 Misinformation

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 143 - Misinformation
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00:00:09| do you have that relative on facebook spewing false facts just sharing everything they think everything they find no matter whether it's true or not
00:00:19| in the information age all we get is disinformation are there other motives for people to spread things that aren't true you almost need to have a gum shoe or a
00:00:31| sleuth or a pi to figure out what is true and what is false come join us so i'm dan and i'm nick folks
00:00:48| we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective
00:00:59| taboo for business subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty warning this podcast may contain
00:01:10| mature language and sexual content and is for infotainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your ear holes because we're gonna fondle your
00:01:21| [Music] follicles [Music] okay i'm dan i'm quarantined nick folks yeah and we
00:01:41| are so tonight we're going to talk about that age-old super topic of choice bad information yeah which kind of
00:01:56| touches on fake news which i think we covered before we have so kind of a big thing do you have your mask i want to take this mask off because it's getting kind
00:02:04| of hot yeah good i got mine mine cover's just my throat area so you don't touch above your throat ah correct
00:02:13| don't mess up my hair don't want to mess up my hair ah let's leave it alone so do you think the mask doesn't yeah yeah that's blue
00:02:23| there's so many people freaking out and coronavirus and news outlets not sharing i guess the proper information it's gotten better and we've kind of we're at fault here
00:02:33| because we did a chronovirus episode not knowing anything because nothing was known at that time yeah we did it before everything got here it was more like a
00:02:40| pretty coronavirus episode yeah so we're spreaders of misinformation right a little bit so would you like to do our corrections oh
00:02:49| yeah part of our corrections we used to have corrections every episode because we'd be so wrong but now we're hardly ever wrong just yeah once in a while
00:02:57| we should have done more investigation to start because oh slim thing look sweet mustache by the way actually hunt down the
00:03:12| perp bust up i love your mustache i really do when'd you do it today i did that like three days ago oh and just keeping it up yeah it's
00:03:25| really annoying i can't stand it but i'll just let it go is there a dynamic for that because i had one for two days like and then i was like i'm done with this
00:03:36| but like i could have seen myself keeping it for years who knows it's an expression of freedom because really i felt so caged in that the shower was the only time of
00:03:45| freedom and i had my razor and i was like you know i could do anything i could do anything with this and you decided to create that mustache so
00:03:56| yeah interesting creation it's a very dad look i like it i know i aged so much and then like my hair started looking weird and i was like oh my god i've turned
00:04:07| see i went the opposite way i dyed my hair blue and made myself a mohawk so i'm like like an eight-year-old or a 14 year old who's in quarantine right now a lot of
00:04:15| them are probably doing this hey guys yo i'm gonna dye my hair a crazy color let's do it so what's up uh what what lies do we spread about
00:04:26| coronavirus certain things uh what misinformations yeah the spreadability the well i still don't even know the infection right
00:04:34| that's true we don't know i yeah we don't know how many people in fact so there's that's medical studies scientific fact it takes time
00:04:44| and there's no proven evidence that like how much how quickly does it spread who does it spread to who's the target how how old do you have to be like there's percentages on who
00:04:53| dies when they've been confirmed of having it but that doesn't tell you who else had it that didn't get confirmed here's the problem
00:05:02| we don't we don't test in this country we're literally probably the worst testing country is that true we've have we so no there's a camera out there is that we've tested the most
00:05:12| people now at the time physically at the time when misinformation was spouting from his mouth
00:05:19| we were not testing jack [ __ ] and there's also like we waited a month because we didn't trust the tests from other countries um
00:05:29| and we had some sort of snafu but that information doesn't you know it doesn't fit the narrative which someone was trying to i guess downplay or up play
00:05:40| himself at the same time as not sharing the proper information so this gets down into the crux it's we didn't have information but it's we're doing it in good faith we're
00:05:51| talking about coronavirus and we talk about what we thought and we we did a little caveat in the beginning saying we don't know everything we're for
00:06:00| infotainment purposes only and we reiterated the biggest thing that i think i've been bothered by in the past two months is having a president that doesn't
00:06:12| is not a straight shooter that doesn't just relay what he knows and doesn't provide any guidance everything he said is agenda based yeah
00:06:22| he has his own motives for doing things and it's not in the best interest of the people and this is kind of like what you're seeing now with protests
00:06:31| there's all this protest cropping up so here's my question for you we've talked through this on fake news we've touched on this on echo chamber i think we talk about a lot
00:06:42| because where we get our news like you can watch a certain news station that's going to give you what you think you want to hear you can watch another news station it's
00:06:49| going to give you almost the opposite but they're both news how's that possible they're both giving you the facts of the day the facts of the world the facts of everything
00:06:57| the facts of politics the facts of life the facts of this virus but they're opposites it seems dangerous it seems weird that seems like that shouldn't be a thing that you can
00:07:08| get everyone's fine and this is overblown but you also shouldn't be able to get everything's going to hell and we're all screwed and
00:07:15| we're on a flaming boat to hell like i if both of these are news that to me that is crazy that's wild that seems to be the problem right away and how do i know i'm
00:07:26| listening to the right one how do i know what makes the right one correct is it science is it the amount of people that follow it is it predictability is it facts i i really
00:07:38| don't know and that's where i think we can go with this yeah it's people knock sensationalized news but also desensitized news is bad too
00:07:51| when you have something like what's happening now which is deadly and applies to all of us you just want facts and no one is providing any sort of
00:07:59| facts other than when you have to go to a website and search through a bunch of articles to figure out does this really apply to me and am i safe
00:08:08| even the articles when i'm reading them i'm like okay who wrote the article what's the angle here like what because you can write facts to to fit any narrative it's like backwards
00:08:18| story writing correct you can put a spin on anything you can make i can make some terrible facts look like good things i can make some good facts look like terrible things
00:08:26| it all depends on how i want to spin it as an author as a article creator a journalist or whatever you want to call them my journal journals yes i love that
00:08:36| reiteration yeah but like everyone wants to hear what they want to hear so this is insane to me it's 4 20 right 420 of the day yes
00:08:52| i smell weed everywhere huh that's not a joke is that your body releasing stored up weed from your fat cells because it knows
00:09:05| when to celebrate i haven't had material in a long time i'm dead serious like someone's outside of my house just smoking weed or something that's
00:09:16| insane i haven't smelled the smell in months who is who's outside my house smoking marijuana anyway i'm really sorry about that
00:09:30| it's definitely i smell it anyway it's not 100 no this is not a gimmick or a thing because because our dates are always pushed out i'm 100
00:09:41| smelling weed and i'm in my basement so it must be someone in the area smoking a ton anyway um i i apologize for breaking the fourth wall here but
00:09:55| something is breaking through my wall and it is marijuana and literally yes anyway um you're going to hear what you want to hear and then you're only going to listen to what you want to hear
00:10:07| do you think it's even possible to argue with someone who has the opposite facts in front of them could you if they're i guess if they're you're
00:10:17| saying if they're presented with the opposite facts and they believe them and they have the articles and the sources and the credibility to back them up well to find credibility
00:10:28| they have the articles the what seems to be credible what looks like it's incredible what is critical is on it's from an actual news source
00:10:36| boom that's like the um there's like a gilead study on rim vr whatever it's called that one uh last week it came out that it seemed to like get people released
00:10:49| from the hospital in three days but the things that you oh the drug yeah i don't know how to say it i didn't i forget but guys or absolutely or whatever no i mean what
00:11:01| yeah about the drug well they were saying like they spun it so that it was like they were referring to like number of patients and then percentage of patients and then like how quickly they
00:11:09| were released and what you need to know is like if you're a scientist or if you're in the medical community it's like there's a baseline for what
00:11:17| you're doing and there's a way you present it and you can tell when the facts are missing and the facts that were missing were like key things but it makes it
00:11:24| seem like it was a very powerful drug but it doesn't tell you like who they picked or how they picked them or what stages they were at or like it said that like they were in
00:11:33| the icu but it didn't say like what why were they in the icu so right it could be very good but it's also spinning a story so that the stock price goes up
00:11:45| which it did 16 percent and if you were to look at some of the stories i looked at somebody bought like millions worth of uh jillian
00:11:56| calls and calls are like almost like stock but you can make a lot more money on option calls and somebody made like 10 to 20 million
00:12:06| dollars off of that story dropping by accident so what a coincidence right so this sort of thing it it's frightening because
00:12:19| not only are like average people buying into it but the people who are like in control and in part of the business like world are also doing this and then
00:12:29| politicians are doing which and the president is doing it but why wouldn't any of these people do it if money was involved and that's all that matters kind of
00:12:38| a little bit exactly so the frightening part money and keeping yourself safe yourself not not necessarily more people in fact you might be able to keep yourself more
00:12:47| safe if you have more people go away from you towards danger or something like that right if you could protect half your wealth
00:12:54| not lose half your wealth or double your wealth and it was relatively innocuous and you weren't going to directly hurt somebody would you would you do it if it was just
00:13:07| writing a story about something that looks like it could be possible sure why not yeah the way you just described it yeah absolutely yeah it's really very strange
00:13:19| it's here's the other thing so before someone could write this story write about this drug write about any of this stuff uh 20 years ago so you'd have to be a member of
00:13:30| journalistic integrity board somewhere you'd have to get approved you'd have to get your editor would ream you out and tell you to research it 10 times
00:13:39| you wouldn't it's not getting published for three weeks at that point three weeks is a freaking long time in the world of stock and everything else
00:13:46| does it get released and then what papers hold it is this the new york times great i mean it's still not everybody the age of the internet now if something
00:13:53| is hot for a day or two it can travel the world with millions and millions and millions of retweets like i'm talking the world can see one piece of news or
00:14:02| one article in two days before that would take for the world to see an article 20 years ago the chances of that wouldn't even happen no it wouldn't even
00:14:12| happen and then all the checks and balances that lead up to it it would probably get vetted and raptured yeah so it's it's a lot of neutral a lot of popularity yes neutered
00:14:23| a lot of popularity plays into this um and speed popularity and speed are the number number one and number two pieces of information that we use on the
00:14:32| internet right i read something and it's got like if it's got 70 million retweets like i'm like yo let me check this out it's probably
00:14:38| pretty good i give it a validity i mean versus something that has eight retweets are you like okay that's just some guy in his basement but i mean really
00:14:48| the only thing separating it is the mouthpiece and the mouthpiece could be a website that gets millions of viewers anyway and people retweet their stuff regardless so
00:15:00| what's my information coming from so this happened exactly to me where i'm researched enough to have a legitimate opinion and say like you're like facts are
00:15:10| unfounded and there is one person calling an internet oh is this a is this a reddit post yeah go for it
00:15:20| yeah it was him commenting about um naturally i think his his his username was like fake news ignore oh i threw that out anyway he was he was saying something about
00:15:34| like reopening the economy because the value of life isn't infinite like if you lose one person then it's like you know he's he's right it's not in to that degree
00:15:43| right it's not probably which is in person a [ __ ] way to phrase an answer right and uh he was going off saying that chronovirus is just a flu
00:15:55| which is a common thing and that the lethality was much lower than they're projecting of course if you look online it's probably like ten percent lethality like that's
00:16:05| ridiculous now that's also not skewed by the test correct yes okay yeah because some people asymptomatic they don't necessarily go to the hospital it might
00:16:15| be that you know five or ten times people like the amount of cases that are actually like tested like it's bright ten times that so so
00:16:24| you take you say you take ten percent death rate and you divide it by ten you say one percent one percent is still a lot of people one
00:16:32| percent is three million people in the us if everyone gets infected which doesn't sure also probably wouldn't happen but let's
00:16:40| that's sure so the projections from the white house were like a hundred thousand two hundred thousand people die which if you like do break it down and like do
00:16:49| some sort of advanced math and figure out how many people are going to get infected it's still like 0.5 percent like that's that's somewhere in the middle this guy
00:16:58| was arguing that because of three studies that were extrapolated and the data was just like you take this small subset of like a couple hundred people
00:17:06| and extrapolated 200 people here and then like do it violently it's also basing it on what a different locality which is different than a nursing home which is
00:17:14| different than a small city which is different than a suburb which is different than a city like detroit which is different than a yeah metropolitan area yeah
00:17:21| exactly this was a small german town and then it was a town in california so i i don't know how i don't know what the german town i don't have a reference the california town i think it was
00:17:30| popular santa clara i think which is probably an affluent wealthy area that probably reduces the number of deaths i would assume and the other one was the
00:17:39| diamond princess which was yeah the diamond princess it has and i think it was a high but then it was age-adjusted because the people that go
00:17:50| on cruises are actually usually very old and i'm gonna ignore them also more prone yeah the reaper is coming for them they also like they they if you break
00:18:03| down like the diamond princess by age range and like you're getting the younger ages there was only like 30 of each category from like 20 30 and 40
00:18:13| years old so like if no one dies that's a zero percent right zero percent death rate for that age bracket sure if one person dies that's three
00:18:21| percent so right what are your so each individual is a three to ten per you're you're messing with three to ten percent based on two people dying that
00:18:31| skewed your entire percentage versus zero percent he's like a raptor he's he's figured out how to open doors now oh is this a child oh no [Music]
00:18:44| it's okay he's uh he doesn't he's immune to the disease since uh diamond princess told us oh my goodness so you you cover it you cover it for all right i'll cover it i can cover it i
00:18:58| can cover it good so what dan doesn't want to get into what i will get into and this is my my skew for a few minutes fake news is a very real thing you all have
00:19:09| uncles and cousins and people who post stuff to facebook all the time and it's like stand with me or repost this if you're not afraid of the news's version of the coronavirus or
00:19:21| the news's version of this and it's like very it's super loud and in your face and these people want to be heard i'm still talking but
00:19:30| i'll fill in and it's i'm talking about these posts on facebook these people that post the things that are like i'm not afraid of the coronavirus and
00:19:38| the news just wants things shut down holly weird is at it again and these people they're not stupid stupid they're not always the brightest
00:19:48| but they're very convincing they want to be heard they want to be heard they want their voice to be heard they want they want everyone to know that they're
00:19:56| not going to lay down and take nothing they're going to they're strong they're going to rise up and there's this hope element to it there's a strength element to it there's
00:20:07| this screw the bad news i'm gonna beat the bad news and i i respect that in one tiny respect but i don't i don't think it
00:20:20| it doesn't apply to science it doesn't apply to the facts it doesn't apply to all of it so when i look at the news i look at a myriad of things yes i use myriad in a sense
00:20:31| nice i went to college for two things there's a little view of words coming out here uh yes there is i went to college for two things writing
00:20:41| articles for the newspaper and women and biology science so two things i'm very good at reading is what a science article or what a
00:20:51| scientific paper is leaving in or leaving out like you mentioned it's very easy to see if you've studied this stuff you're like wow they only mentioned this they didn't mention
00:21:01| b or the survivor rate after x or what happens when study x is not determined in a control group and then also from a journalistic point of view i
00:21:12| i see the way they're writing they're writing an article for a skew you're skewing it to one side so when you see these two things i'm a learned individual right away my
00:21:23| hairs are up i go like this okay this one's bs this one's mostly true this one kind of i kind of like it i don't know this one is total garbage in a trash can this one's on fire
00:21:34| garbage and i see that and and i don't know that everyone else who reads this article my aunt my cousin who you know what i mean and works in the lumber yard like i
00:21:45| don't know that they all see that and there's no way that they could so what do i do do i say huh hold on pal wrong references yeah you can't do that
00:21:56| either because it's just so you can't you can't tell someone their whole identity if their whole way of thinking is wrong
00:22:07| you can't dissuade them from what they believe is true no because i just mentioned it ties to their feelings of indifference or strength or against the
00:22:18| objective the grain yes sure yeah it's very subjective but that's how people how people live yeah those people there's a surprising amount of them that can't think objectively
00:22:30| and they also can't admit that they're wrong so they lack the humility to say you know what you but again wouldn't they have to like dissuade or like dissociate with 90
00:22:43| of their profile pictures their posts everything they'd have to change their life if they were like yeah you're right about that article it's total crap or it's 100 correct i
00:22:53| should change everything i write they how could you do that i don't know that you could so my i actually i i joined facebook when in college and i haven't i mean i
00:23:05| touched it a little bit but i really haven't in probably like five years yeah i'm like five to eight years probably yeah somewhere in between there somewhere like three
00:23:16| weeks back i got back on there to see one of my aunts just like posting like trump fantastic he's great he's amazing he's great
00:23:23| and saving the day all those little little like the snippets of like him saying like one thing because he double speaks like they took the positive part and
00:23:32| then they're trying to promote it and i think there's nothing that he's doing to help you individually so your identity is bound to what you're you've voted in the past but yes
00:23:42| everything's saying i'm right yeah everything you're saying is refutable and here are the sources and you don't acknowledge the sources you just have all these tactics
00:23:52| that you've learned from him and through life to a you can redirect and like not actually answer the question or argue on the same topic at the end of
00:24:01| it like somebody is hurting the other person or they feel like they should have like like why are you attacking me like they they feelings are tied to it
00:24:10| they're individual what would what would you do if you were told by a very reputable source that all of the information you think is right is wrong let's say
00:24:21| they're like your scientific studies they're funded by holly weird and holly weird just wants everyone to get transgender surgery or whatever i don't know you know one of those
00:24:30| crazy conspiracies but i mean let's take in mind that if anyone had enough money to influence an entire scientific propaganda it would totally be hollywood right
00:24:44| i mean yeah have celebrities some sort of scientifical situation maybe they have like a religion or a cult some people call it
00:24:54| oh if they poured all of their money to scientists studying x y and z and then they poured all their money towards all the reporting sites the journalists the new
00:25:07| york times this the whatever and they had those two just go in collaboration and report what they want to report they would probably
00:25:16| report what they want to report and that's all the information you would get because it would have the highest refresh rate retweets biggest population it would come from
00:25:25| scientific journals right i mean you don't check the scientific journals curriculars every day you don't go to the website and see what the scientists
00:25:33| themselves have been doing and who they get paid by and i don't see their bank accounts right theoretically i'm just saying theoretically but they should they
00:25:40| should reveal like a super pac how crazy would that be if they have to show their bank account every day the scientists see and it should be like instead of
00:25:49| bank account numbers it should be like what organizations they belong to well then there would be offshore accounts there'd be some wilds there yeah like i mean that happens now
00:25:59| it does so let's say all this is happening to dissuade you a person who believes in science who's a very learned individual who has access to all of the inner the
00:26:10| internet like you're not an idiot you can look anywhere you want you have certain sources scientific sources you love like what if they're
00:26:18| feeding you false information it's a billion dollar industry to dissuade to trick you what would you say like would you be like no it's not
00:26:28| happening it's so it's the effect that i have on other people that there are very few things that i'm adamant enough that i will read
00:26:37| something and then like try to impart it on other people like i don't generally i just i'm pretty laissez faire quiet so yeah yourself i'm i'm toned
00:26:46| down there's no way that i'm you have gotten your you have gotten your heckles up on this whole ever since the virus happened yes you have it's yeah because it directly
00:26:55| interferes with my own like not stability but my own like logic like the scheme of logic that needs to happen did not happen and still hasn't happened
00:27:05| and how people miss that this should have happened and they just keep going on i just like how how like how did you miss the he's like
00:27:16| he said this and like you guys need to know this but you still think that and for some reason you don't care that you're the ones that are going to die from this thing
00:27:25| and you're like well this is like it's nothing and i i'd wonder if if you're in world war one or world war ii or spanish flu i wonder if those
00:27:36| people like if you were a certain percentage of those people that were like this thing's nothing like at the end of all that do you think those people were
00:27:43| like oh that wasn't a big deal and like you lost like you know so you think those people are still like yeah see that was that wasn't so bad yeah
00:27:53| they oh the government exaggerated world war one i think they say that because think of it you can drop that number on that 5
00:28:02| million 50 million people died or whatever and we sent so many people overseas how can you tell really they keep these reports that come from everywhere and everyone's got their
00:28:10| own opinions they can't see that number i mean where can you see 50 million people died like they can't an individual over here who was not
00:28:20| overseas at war and thought it wasn't a big deal there's no way in the world don't even give me a website because there weren't websites back then i'm just saying
00:28:30| if you're blind to something you will remain blind to it that's the one thing that amazes me is that like what percent what number of deaths
00:28:39| in the united states will be preventable for one category of thing and i would have thought that number would be like a thousand people a day dying from something like that's
00:28:52| really serious you would think what do we just do we just passed the number one right yeah we um yesterday we were number one this is we're up to 35 000 and i think
00:29:00| um in the us 40 that was 40. maybe it might be 40 were dying a day last week um i that number is kind of plateauing yeah good but
00:29:13| everything's shut down but still right 2 people believe that this is like a short-term thing because they can't rationalize half a million people dying from it
00:29:25| which i don't think half a million people are going to die from it but no i don't think we'll get there but how how like if it could last for a month that's all that's a lot of that's a
00:29:34| we're up to a hundred thousand people if it lasts another month it's like how many people are legitimizing going back to work restarting the economy
00:29:42| and don't care about 100 000 people dying which is exactly the argument that that person on uh reddit was was trying to propose he's
00:29:52| saying like you know they're i was arguing that like you don't know the death rate it like you can't stay less less than the flu you can't argue that
00:30:01| it's not as bad as the flu and so the unknown the unknown hypothesis if you don't actually physically know the number of people that will die
00:30:08| you kind of have to edge on the side of more people will die because if you don't if you don't and then you go ahead and it's like oopsie well you can't oopsie
00:30:17| and kill that many people that's literally extremely it's irresponsible yes i mean you could look at it in 20 years and say it wasn't as bad it didn't the infection
00:30:30| rate wasn't this terrible and the death rate wasn't terrible they probably could have relaxed it two weeks earlier and gotten the economy running but like
00:30:37| that's 20 years later you say two weeks and like oopsie as opposed to the other way where thousands if not millions of more people could die because you oopsie the other
00:30:47| way yeah what would you say to someone that was like fearful and scared in their home and saying like i don't know what to do
00:30:53| what would you tell them personally yeah trying to hang it out i don't know work out more in your home yeah what about you're a terrible reporter
00:31:08| yeah well also a terrible scientist yeah i mean it came to full fruition i i'm gonna rip on trump so badly here because this is the first time a president
00:31:18| i've i've been i told my aunt that she was a disgrace on facebook was it wait it was a woman too he said that right he only says these things to women okay
00:31:28| no he said that to a man he sold he told the man he i apologize he usually does he's usually very mean to the women which i found he is there was one reporter that asked
00:31:39| him uh he had like they called it a propaganda video but it was like his own defense where he was pulling out facts about what he did and then he
00:31:47| played it during a prison two days ago he two days ago he played it before his press conference there was like all this good stuff about him which i think he picked himself up
00:31:55| he is the ultimate self-hyped man oh my god he will i dislike him we don't get political here we already kind of are political it's clear but he will forever be my
00:32:08| o.g greatest like ridiculous joke just i can't believe it's real and it it makes me smile on one hand and will probably result in the death of millions
00:32:20| but but but how is it real anyway yeah i i was just yeah he played that video and uh
00:32:32| the idiot that he is he paid what i've i've heard is his caddy made the video for him because he's nepotistic and he he hires only the people he knows
00:32:44| even in capacities that they're not capable of doing you scratch my back i'll scratch your back yeah yeah yeah and apparently he left out he said like
00:32:54| oh in january i shut down travel and then uh yeah march we started february february the female reporter goes well what about february
00:33:03| and that reported yeah i said march march we oh january we had i closed on track and she kept saying what about february it didn't you didn't do anything are you
00:33:18| not hearing the chinese uh in january we were saying it's going to be a big thing in march i was shutting down more airports
00:33:27| mr president what about february he was so appalled and at the end of it he's like your fake news station fake news it um no
00:33:39| it's i'm not trying to rip on the president but i've never been so you are but ashamed of a president because the president should
00:33:48| be very strong and very direct and not waver and then not manipulate things to his advantage in the middle of a global pandemic which is killing a
00:33:58| thousand two thousand people a day and what's baffling to me is that his supporters will still say he's fantastic he's doing a great job
00:34:08| and i'm like what what he's not doing anything he literally said okay the states can take control of everything you know the states are up to it like oh and then a week later he goes i have
00:34:20| told her total authority it's my decision i remember that yeah and the next day he goes oh the states can do whatever they want he he purposely makes these sound clips
00:34:32| so that he can replay them later in his own mind you can play either one he could play he could play either one he's correct sort of and then his followers will eat it up
00:34:40| because they don't they're not red so what do you think ultimately is wrong with the followers so this is a there's like a there's a quote on the ignorance of
00:34:50| man is like the number one thing that we have to battle is that you know our school systems and the way we educate people in the way they analyze things and the way we
00:34:59| argue and discuss and like build knowledge and logic and common sense it's like it's all being screwed right now because all of these people
00:35:08| it's the people who voted for trump and i'm gonna say it they voted for trump because he's an ignorant [ __ ] and so are they and most of them the the hardcore ones
00:35:21| like you can't help those people and they love they love [ __ ] on other people regardless of who it is regardless of how much logic it has we're logical regardless
00:35:30| of the logic of the science or the you know what it's going to do to the future like they don't give a [ __ ] and the first time i ever
00:35:40| like i don't i don't vote like i've never voted but this time i'm like anybody but trump and i mean anybody but trump like if it was trump versus
00:35:48| trump like a trump that had never been in office versus the trump that had been there for four years like [ __ ] i'm voting for trump trump four years ago
00:35:56| like okay thanks if they're both in the same election because he doesn't know how to manipulate things he's gonna [ __ ] up things
00:36:03| a lot but he's not gonna [ __ ] up things as much as he will now that he knows he can just be like oh i can say everything i can you know i don't i'm not scared of anything i'm
00:36:11| i'm deranged and i'm going to [ __ ] [ __ ] up and i don't care like that's weird that no one's like killed him yet i know that sounds terrible you're not going to say
00:36:21| indirectly that he's going to die in any sort of horrible fashion oh no no i i wouldn't say that but i'm like there's been like death threats on people who like are presidents of like a
00:36:30| church group this guy's president of the united states and like does a shitty job like i'm surprised there aren't some maniacs out there
00:36:36| i don't even know if you can report on possible death threats like if imagine if there's reporters reporting on that they'd probably get arrested
00:36:43| fake news that would be ridiculous i wonder how secluded he actually is like how he's probably in so many different wombs
00:36:54| and encased in all of these people that he's so protected that he can never get hurt i heard that he was like anyone who comes in contact with him gets tested
00:37:04| multiple times for the coronavirus really is that where all our tests are yeah probably it's like half of the tests in the united states are like in washington dc
00:37:12| are done in the white house it wouldn't be funny uh i also heard that like the strategic reserve of medical supplies was not given out to states because it's not
00:37:21| theirs like it's a federal supply for wait isn't isn't it uh new york cuomo who i love now like because i don't love but like i love the back
00:37:31| and forth yeah he's like he's like each state will give out the testing as they see fit and they have the ability thank you have a great day and
00:37:39| then cuomo was like we don't have the materials no one sent us the materials but i don't know why he's saying we can test we don't have it i'm asking the federal
00:37:48| government for material and this and that and tests and this he's like he hasn't really given it to us and trump's like well let the states
00:37:57| test people it's like what's happening there is trump is inserting himself into a layer where he can make money and i don't see how people don't see it
00:38:07| it's like he's calling out different drugs calling out different businesses that are doing well in the economy or like helping out
00:38:13| and then you touch on the one the the one that's two million no employees and no prior history of dealing with medical supplies but their whole their whole contract was
00:38:26| based on them distributing medical supplies so what is happening is that i believe the federal government is acquiring all of these goods that's
00:38:35| their output outbidding the states putting into federal supply giving that federal supply to uh some probably nepotistic company that he's generated
00:38:45| to upsell the masks for what i hear is like eight times what they're worth in order to make money off of it and this sort of stuff happens
00:38:54| but it shouldn't happen now and it shouldn't be allowed to continue to happen so there's no the problem is like you and i are getting screwed in this
00:39:05| and people who don't even realize they're getting screwed in this are getting screwed and there's no way to change it because of the way our country is now set up
00:39:14| and it's 100 there's a little bit like a little bit of capitalism but capitalism but i don't want to say like systemic issues because it's so hard you can't solve
00:39:22| these problems and people will hark on them and like i'm almost turning into that person that comments like well what about watergate or like
00:39:30| like you bring up like some random garbage so here here's a question for you let's say we had someone on the show right now that was a big trumpet
00:39:44| what could we even say to them i don't i so what i've been doing is that there's a video of his own quotes down playing uh coronavirus stuff yeah i remember one person might die or
00:39:56| one person isn't affected that was back in january january this is nothing one person from china so like it's his own
00:40:04| it's his own quotes in the video as cova deaths and infections go up parabolically and his speeches change yeah but it's he's behind the curve every time it's kind of funny
00:40:19| exactly and it's very funny they like it's i get two responses like that the no response like i'm not even gonna pay attention to that i'll bring up
00:40:30| something else the misdirect and then the other one is like this is out of context it's like you're not even paying attention
00:40:38| to the like the words that he's saying if you go back these aren't out of context and like i just wasted a minute talking about this and you
00:40:47| like you probably spent 10 seconds saying like no they're like no not gonna do it so there's an interesting thing here anytime we bring clips or news or
00:40:57| articles or information whether it's scientific a news article like i just mentioned um an opinion piece whatever all of our information comes second hand
00:41:07| third hand fourth hand so at this time and age in our society we have to know where we're getting our information from and where they get their information
00:41:17| from and then probably the direct source yeah we kind of can't check all of them so what we have to do is kind of find the best one
00:41:27| and maybe use multiple ones to kind of check against each other because be like whoa this was missing that information this one did have that information they both use
00:41:34| this source this one had this source it's like a mind game of checks and balances that's how i know that i'm getting the most information and it's from
00:41:42| varied sources but it all funnels to the same area you know i have check i have ways of knowing what i'm missing and what i'm not missing these people
00:41:53| are are into misinformation or no information i heard that it's all baloney i heard that it's all bullcrap i heard that everything you read was
00:42:04| garbage fed to you from like i mentioned before if someone paid billionaires paid to have the scientists give fake information ignorant
00:42:13| occam's razor says the simplest answer is usually the best the thought that billionaires could keep a secret and keep a collective idea to pay scientists
00:42:26| and journalists to collaborate to make one big story where everyone agrees on the big story that's false and there isn't misinformation or people saying i wanted more money to write this
00:42:37| article or hey this billionaire [ __ ] shipped me i'm gonna throw him under the bus here's his name and here's the receipts none of this happened and we got all the
00:42:47| disinformation and it all came nice organized and most people scientists and smart individuals agree is correct that's all fake news to me
00:43:00| i don't know what you just said but it's probably unimportant i'm sorry yeah it doesn't matter to me i'm just saying like that's exactly what you'd get a whole bunch of information came
00:43:10| through all these sources was checked against this checked against this check against this it ran against this it could have been failed against this
00:43:18| was it correct was it not uh it's probably fake news like it's hard the crazy part about that that is that the trolls online like they will uh immediately [ __ ] on
00:43:31| you and then say not important so that guy i was arguing with he called me dumbass you called me an idiot
00:43:39| a lot of different things even when he was like you know just google my sources like i got sources and i like i actually pulled up his own articles quoted stuff and fed it
00:43:47| back to him and was like it doesn't support your what facts you're trying to present and he goes oh my like oh come on now man i i i did
00:43:56| exactly like i'm i'm arguing with you with you straight away dude i'm with you man i'm trying to give you your article
00:44:04| in the end he didn't man you're [ __ ] you [ __ ] you could twist in my words yeah it's your article dude the crazy thing is if you look at the chain he's upvoted more than i am so i
00:44:14| wonder like who's up voting what's the um and then you gotta think of who's uh what what subreddit you have to figure out yeah i forget which one so
00:44:24| you have to watch because the bias isn't like incr incredibly swayed which is also leads us back to like those troll campaigns of four years ago
00:44:34| that they said swayed like the election initially they found even on reddit and every social media that there were troll accounts that
00:44:45| would you know they'd be around for a while they'd be posting like kitten pictures and things that are like undeniably cute innocuous yeah and they would be gaining
00:44:55| reputation so that then whenever it came up where they could start flame wars they would jump in there and insert themselves with their reputation and people wait
00:45:04| for their followers yeah and then all their fathers saying whoa i'm with you because i love your kitty pictures up vote retweet save so we're in a world of
00:45:15| anonymity instantaneous news spreading ridiculousness and yeah people older than we are are completely inept they're ill-equipped to deal with any of
00:45:29| that and i it's a broad-based statement some of them are for the most they're not i feel like they're being like played easily like they
00:45:40| they weren't in the internet chat rooms of our or teenage years where there's obviously someone 50 year old pervert trying to do whatever you want to do and we see
00:45:51| through the [ __ ] of like this person is not who they say they are but you know they'll other people buy into that new source or that person and like they'll be like
00:46:00| yeah he matches my ideals and it has nothing to do with what they're presenting as fact and it has no objectivity there's a piece in there that i think
00:46:12| you're gonna respond to it was but it was also counter like i also think that those same individuals don't give a [ __ ] what anyone on the internet says
00:46:23| that's true too because they're newspaper people like their bread and butter they wait till it comes on the tv news they wait till it shows up in print a
00:46:32| day later which i respect because you know that's 24 hours later they're not listening to news rita you know does that mean it's correct not
00:46:44| necessarily it's one of the things that's happened is it's become sensationalized so the news the news of yesteryear i feel like it had it was
00:46:53| held to a higher authority and that authority because it was slow it was fallen majors enough money when they graduated i agree
00:47:03| damn it and it's like i feel like older people definitely hold that to a higher standard when it's force fed to them and it's generic and it is probably controlled by a very
00:47:16| few number of people billionaires at the top that have their media empires and they're just reiterating what they want
00:47:27| and i feel like the internet is the perfect place for research but no one actually goes that far research multiple articles especially not old who will even want to even with your
00:47:37| research so it's not easy it's not like you just click in the sentence and it gives you the answer you gotta look i got five results this one's from freaking
00:47:46| bing no one's going on bing this one's snopes i'm like i like snow but like no one's reading the whole thing about green which fights yeah um
00:47:56| then i have like one that's like a news website that you know is either left or right laning and then like one is like some weird website that's like dot biz
00:48:05| dot gov dot c y y dot k c l slash b 4 4 5 source could be but you don't know i mean it's like weird it could be anything so researching [ __ ] on the internet is
00:48:19| like it's like a it's a full-time job and these people who are doing that they'll take 10 seconds yeah if they either find it right away or don't find
00:48:28| it it's over that's it they're not gonna dig through nine articles and figure out which one was real which one was [ __ ] yeah it's a battle of doing less effort
00:48:37| and yeah you can't win there's no way to win so that's what happened is that after a week of arguing on facebook telling my aunt she was a disgrace
00:48:46| i deleted the app and i said never again goodbye facebook okay let's open up reddit and argue with those trolls let's argue with some younger people
00:48:57| maybe you don't know their age but let's just assume if they're already they're younger at least at least the person who was arguing with me provided sources which sometimes
00:49:05| sources instead of some narrative that was not factual and scientific in any nature whatsoever so how how would we wrap this episode up
00:49:16| would you say i don't know there's there are ways to tell whether a source is actually genuine and we kind of covered there's reputation there's credibility following
00:49:28| it long enough you can literally click on studies and stuff things that mentioned there are other articles scientific articles stuff like that really boring [ __ ] but
00:49:36| you could check it out if you wanted yeah and you you read enough of them and you get smarter about it and you figure out that like there's pieces missing or there's
00:49:44| this is this is a good article like it does cover all the bases and provides all the information that you should have a scientific article about a global pandemic
00:49:53| and yeah i guess there's another term astroturfing that i kind of missed what is it astroturfing have you heard that before no what's that i
00:50:03| feel like i have but i don't know so astroturfing is the opposite of a grassroots movement like a grassroots movement is something that happens naturally and then people
00:50:11| like gain from the bottom up and they start protesting because it's like a genuinely like the whatever topic it is sure yeah good
00:50:20| grades it's usually like a you know a blue collar started to come up yeah i wanted to do this episode because the protests that are happening now about people who want
00:50:29| to go back to work apparently that's astroturfing because the people are being supposedly paid by somebody else but also the websites the websites that are originating all of
00:50:43| the protest movements they're all registered in the same state and they're all registered from the same on the same day and the most interesting part
00:50:52| is trump is saying like liberate these states yes yes liberate michigan liberate uh miss there's another end but west virginia
00:51:03| michigan and i forget the third anyway yeah okay but great x all caps somebody linked it to like a super pac and associated it to like betsy devos
00:51:17| devos i don't know how to say her name she's like the education education head of education yeah um one trump appointed and it's becoming
00:51:26| really weird that those ties to something that's like instilling or instigating violence and stirring up conflict is almost being rooted with the president of the united
00:51:41| states interesting drop in a tweet oh starting a war it's insane so i would be very weary of anything going on
00:51:53| and the perception and the perspective on it you need to be able to pull back and view it with a very objective eye the problem is you're telling me that
00:52:06| every piece of news i get whether it's from the news itself direct source the president of the country um protesters
00:52:14| tweeting themselves people looking at protesters and tweeting about them um people that give you the information you just gave that all these things were based on
00:52:25| a state that was all created at the same time from the same web domain and everything else like that's a source that you got to you have to vet and think about
00:52:32| yeah there's so many goddamn things that we have to vet and think about on information that i receive i i take an information every eight seconds 20 seconds 50
00:52:42| seconds there's going to be things i'll miss i'll retweet something that's totally wrong once in a while so what is this the stage of the least
00:52:54| wrong how do you even get to the fact check of the random tweet from somebody that supposedly took a picture of something that happened even the videos you see
00:53:04| sometimes you see a video of a snippet of someone fighting someone else and you say oh that person is five years old yeah it's also five years old not about the coronavirus and
00:53:13| was investigated two minutes before that when you didn't see the other person who was like who's the instigator it right it's almost like it's like watching a
00:53:22| hockey fight in the middle of the fight and being like oh that was such a cheap shot oh my god ah come on man you don't know what what precipitated these events
00:53:32| exactly and i think that's what you have to be aware of with context fake news context precipitation what happened beforehand what's going to
00:53:43| happen afterwards the source maybe motives the source has like there's a lot of things you got to think of and of course you can't think of all of
00:53:53| it at once i get it one of my favorite things is to rely on who retweeted or posted the information there are certain people who i find to
00:54:02| be intelligent gatekeepers and i literally rely on them hey maybe a little bit if i see you post it if i see you post it i know that you
00:54:13| either a thought about it or b reposted it from a source that you thought was a good source yeah it doesn't mean it's legitimately think about it before i click
00:54:21| anything i know i'm not just like oh i see trump click i don't think oh i see his opponent click like i wouldn't even like biting i don't i'd wait for i like
00:54:31| wait for someone else supposed to kenya you're like you're like let me see what's going on anyone else posting this i have people who i rely
00:54:38| on in social media and i say oh did so and so like this i'm like huh they didn't i wonder why i'm going to wait on this one and you don't rush to judgment you don't
00:54:46| rush to agree with it or disagree with it and i think that's how you have to work with information now i mean you got your sources your gatekeepers
00:54:55| fact checking who's doing it source what their motive might be i don't know there's so many freaking things it's too much
00:55:03| we didn't help anybody at all i don't think no with this episode we did but follow us and whatever we post is the truth and the other thing to think of is what
00:55:16| i want to lead people with is that i usually rely on science science gets funded for facts and results more so than misdirection and weird [ __ ] you
00:55:27| know what i mean yeah because the scientists actually have a stake in what they're doing they document it and it could be wrong it could be funded
00:55:34| by somebody that's could be you know has ill intentions but at least it can be peer reviewed and argued and it's stated other scientists
00:55:42| will check it yes stated in a way it could not be double speak yes exactly that's why i do like science so when i hear something from science by
00:55:51| the time it gets to my ears which i'm not in the scientific community anymore so i'm not hearing every paper that's released i'm hearing the papers that have the
00:56:00| most upvotes the most hey this one has a good point hey this one's great this one's perfect piece doesn't mean all of those are correct but it means it's gone
00:56:10| through more filters so there's a higher percent chance that this scientific paper or this scientific article i'm seeing is correct doesn't mean it is
00:56:19| just means it's a higher percent because it's gone through more filters and i will check it look at it see what's going on maybe i retweet it maybe i'll give it a
00:56:29| look but i love science and that's where i kind of go first do you get outraged by stuff you in the media not really i do but well i used to when
00:56:40| i was a journalism major and i i literally say this all the time i cared more i thought this was gonna be my career this is gonna be where i was gonna go
00:56:47| now i look at it and i'm like [ __ ] this like i would ever do this in my life now what we were just talking about can you imagine that was my career and i had to
00:56:55| make a living off of writing these articles and proving to people i'm real i'm writing a good article i'm not [ __ ] i'm not taking money
00:57:03| from anyone like no one would care that i'm saying that even though that's kind of the point writing or reporting the news it's yeah it's so
00:57:16| easy now that whatever voice you have is drowned out by a million other people's voices and they can do it convincingly
00:57:24| even though it cannot be true yep 100 when um my very first journalism class the teacher went over for a full hour how important it was to get the spelling of the name of the person you're quoting
00:57:42| he was like don't spell their name wrong check three times once in the beginning have them spell it and all this [ __ ] and he was going on and on and i was like who cares it's someone's [ __ ] name
00:57:52| and all he cared about was getting their name correct if you had an address get the address correct check it ask the person ask the police
00:58:02| get the address 100 correct get their name spelling right it might sound like libre but if it's spelled i-l-i-e-b-e-r get it correct if you have two different
00:58:13| spellings call them back before you publish the article and make sure the spelling for the name is correct you need that spelling correct and it was the craziest thing to me
00:58:22| we spent two weeks talking about getting the correct data on stupid [ __ ] like mary jane lieber 36 of oxford circle like i had to get that correct or else the
00:58:35| whole thing was bananas he didn't care and looking back now i'm like no one cares about the name the spelling the age anything it could even be a false quote and i'm like it's just
00:58:47| getting published it's like we're going with it i'm sorry we'll fix it later man you can do a tick tock and pronounce your name correctly but it's but it's weird to me that
00:58:57| that was 2000 and you paid for that education or yeah well well think about it i should have that's the way it should have been done it just yeah
00:59:07| i mean what happened it's what happened to it absolutely nothing it's out the window what happened to the like the way the journalistic integrity
00:59:17| i think here is what you're talking about yeah it's going to destroy it and no one cares does anyone care do you guys care if they spelled someone's name
00:59:27| wrong or they put her age wrong it was supposed to be 32 and said 36. it used to be able to sue for libel it was like a big thing now it's like everything's live
00:59:38| it's all gone it's all crazy so what should we leave this with the news is all crazy all fake all [ __ ] all nuts i don't know
00:59:50| one side is correct the other side is totally wrong find your reliable incredible credible sources and fact check them and then once you
00:59:59| believe they're true and honest i'd probably stick with them and maybe check them every now and then because you probably don't have time for that right you don't have time am i you're
01:00:10| turning me into a journalist when i'm just following someone it's like have you checked their sources recently have they have they gotten any big
01:00:18| paychecks from a big company yeah there's something it's something it's very strange and i there's no way for me to know that imbibe uh feed on what i what i read
01:00:32| every day what who i follow and who i believe like when do they turn and become [ __ ] when are they wrong when will i catch it i don't know
01:00:43| i don't know will it matter i feel like it doesn't matter at all after a day unless two thousand people a day die oh maybe it needs to be twenty thousand i
01:00:53| don't know i don't think they will wild who cares it was just a small thing it only lasted a few months where no one went outside and didn't talk to anybody and didn't
01:01:00| touch anybody else weird world war two one nope is there was there three i don't know that's probably what's going to happen and it's going to piss people off who
01:01:13| care a lot so care a little bit less but put more effort in that makes no sense at all i don't know but that's what you got to do
01:01:23| don't go on facebook yeah get off of facebook you're done sum it all up everything reads [ __ ] everything here is true
01:01:35| all the facts you think are wrong and all the things the conspiracy theorists are saying might be true but probably aren't and if you have to do any journalistic
01:01:45| work yourself check the sources spell the names right make sure the address double check the spelling of the name and maybe send us a tweet about it and
01:01:54| it'll get two likes and you're gonna track down that knowledge make sure you grow a mustache first entirely to gum shoe it be a sleuth folks thanks for tuning in
01:02:10| check our socials click this click that check everything else we do all i'm saying folks is a be safe out there
01:02:18| don't sneeze on anyone don't kiss anyone weird and b we we do like you do you like them a lot we like you a lot folks thanks for tuning in check out our other
01:02:32| stuff don't die stay alive peace

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