The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP143 Misinformation

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

KeyItems UnP143 Misinformation

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 143 - Misinformation as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | facts, information, almost need, sleuth, false
00:01:00 | bad information, fake news
00:02:00 | news, information, pretty coronavirus
00:03:00 | days ago, razor
00:04:00 | coronavirus, medical studies
00:05:00 | information, coronavirus
00:06:00 | protest, news how's, facts of politics, life the facts
00:07:00 | desensitized news, articles, facts
00:08:00 | article, facts look, writing, look like terrible, reiteration
00:09:00 | marijuana
00:10:00 | facts, articles
00:11:00 | icu
00:12:00 | bit exactly, keeping yourself
00:13:00 | integrity board, journalistic integrity, board somewhere, getting published, york times, millions and millions, retweets
00:14:00 | balances, information, retweets, people retweet
00:15:00 | information coming, unfounded, fake news, __
00:16:00 | ten times, death rate, percent one percent, extrapolated, arguing
00:17:00 | california town, santa clara, wealthy area, popular santa, diamond princess
00:18:00 | one dies, percent death, people dying, percent based, skewed, diamond, princess told, fake
00:19:00 | super loud, news, holly
00:20:00 | myriad, two things, articles, scientific paper
00:21:00 | article, writing, two things
00:23:00 | posting, voted
00:24:00 | holly, entire scientific
00:25:00 | york times, report, scientific, scientists see, account every, super pac
00:26:00 | false information, pretty laissez, interferes
00:27:00 | world war one or world
00:28:00 | people died, day dying
00:29:00 | everything's shut, legitimizing going, people dying, death rate, arguing
00:30:00 | death rate, economy running, oopsie
00:31:00 | terrible well, told my, facts, ago he two, days ago
00:32:00 | february
00:33:00 | fake news, two thousand
00:35:00 | voted, love __, trump
00:36:00 | death threats, indirectly, report, fake news
00:37:00 | supplies, ability thank, inserting himself, test people
00:38:00 | different drugs calling, medical supplies, federal, nepotistic, supply giving
00:39:00 | coronavirus, own quotes
00:40:00 | articles, scientific, news, information
00:41:00 | third hand, balances, varied sources, misinformation
00:42:00 | garbage fed, give fake, razor, occam's, false, everyone agrees, misinformation, __, article, disinformation
00:43:00 | fake, arguing, articles, sources, quoted stuff, facts
00:44:00 | article, incredibly swayed, election initially, every social, said swayed, posting
00:45:00 | kitty pictures, news, anonymity instantaneous, played easily, pervert trying, __
00:46:00 | fallen majors
00:47:00 | articles, bing, either left, weird website
00:48:00 | dot k, slash b, dot gov, nine articles, facebook telling, trolls argue, arguing, provided sources
00:49:00 | sources instead, articles, __, term astroturfing
00:50:00 | grassroots, astroturfing, protest, same registered, trump, liberate michigan
00:51:00 | michigan, somebody linked, super pac, devos
00:52:00 | news itself, tweeting, source, everything web, information, retweet
00:53:00 | fake news, source, happen afterwards
00:54:00 | posting, information, source
00:55:00 | gets funded
00:56:00 | higher percent, articles, __, writing
00:57:00 | name spelling
00:58:00 | name spelling, spellings, mary jane, oxford circle, false, getting published
00:59:00 | __, fake, credible sources
01:00:00 | __, two thousand
01:01:00 | __, done sum, facts, spelling double, sleuth, folks thanks

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