The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP145 Motivation

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Transcript UnP145 Motivation

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 145 - Motivation
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00:00:07| i'm really excited about this one i've got all the energy in the world to talk about motivation i can't wait it's uh right off the hook
00:00:20| it's popping are you ready for this one because you're about to go insane with all of the energy we're about to pump into your body get ready for the unpanderers
00:00:39| feels good it's good it's good so i'm dan and i'm nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:49| covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby
00:01:00| we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty warning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content
00:01:09| and is for infotainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your ear holes because we're going to fondle your [Music]
00:01:24| follicles all right well i'm dan i'm nick folks yep we're the unpandered earth yes
00:01:45| and it's hard to do an episode some nights you know yeah i feel like lately i've lost a lot of motivation i don't have any goals like i have goals but they
00:01:54| have taken so very very long to accomplish that i don't even think they're realizable interesting way to put it well this one's about motivation right
00:02:06| you have a definition do i have a definition of motivation did you i thought you were the definition guy i'm not really i am it's a noun it's uh the reason or
00:02:17| reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way the general desire or willingness of something of someone to do something that makes
00:02:26| sense to me motivation it's really one of those things that like i don't know you can make a six figure career out of screaming about with like
00:02:34| an earpiece in to an audience of hundreds it's also something that like uh it's a word you throw around when you're laying around on the couch and you don't
00:02:42| feel like doing something yeah excuse procrastination motivation i'm in search of things guess what i'm going to cut to the chase i know what the answer is
00:02:54| she's not motivation yeah that baby's staying wow wow oh wait no i was going to say motivation is momentum
00:03:15| yeah 100 think it is it's so my wife was actually talking about exercising and she wants to get a trainer and like she feels like it's
00:03:26| more motivating to have someone yell at you and i was just like i'm not spending money like me personally to have someone tell me to do
00:03:33| what i already know to do i just what i needed was time i told her that like i just if i had time i could choose to do what i wanted to do
00:03:43| and then i'd build up you know a routine and then after three weeks the routine becomes kind of norm and the norm just grows into whatever
00:03:52| you feel like doing inside of the bubble that you're searching for i kind of agree with you but i will say this as someone who's gotten into
00:04:00| working out i work out six days a week now for like uh like an hour each day an hour plus yeah and i feel weird when i don't like i actually enjoy
00:04:08| it i i embrace the pain of working out i do it i guess because i like the way it makes me look etc etc but more like i just love going into that
00:04:21| discomfort yeah a little bit but it's the you have to push so hard that you feel that that awfulness if you can push right into it
00:04:30| just keep pushing on it and keep pushing on it keep pushing on it eventually you're done you did something there was um back in college there was a short period
00:04:38| of time before i broke my foot my ankle um that they had this track that was above the basketball courts and i would go there and run
00:04:48| so like for like a solid month i would just run and you this is crazy i know i know the track yeah we walked past that i remember that yeah yeah but it's weird because it's like running
00:05:01| like once you get to a certain point it's easy to just maintain pace and then you constantly like you're burning calories so you lose body mass which
00:05:11| makes it easier your runs go up you're able to just keep going and then you like your burst of speed is just way way better
00:05:19| well keep this in mind we've talked about this before it's easier for people in shape to work out because your body's better able to do all these things you weigh less when you run more so guess
00:05:28| what you can do more of run that's why i love seeing fat people running positive i'm like that damn no dude when i see fat people run i'm like oh my god
00:05:39| hey i hate running b that's gotta be harder for them to run than me to run and b there's oh my god they're doing it jesus christ i hate it good for you dude good for you
00:05:50| that sucks one of the most boring things in the world to do is run it is tedious and it's weird how anyone who does it if you keep doing it you just get better at it
00:06:00| like you literally will see results almost no matter who you are like you will run faster or farther like if you keep it up for weeks at a time like there's no
00:06:10| it's not like it works for some people it doesn't work for other people it's just like you keep practicing keep doing it you will get better at it and it's a weird thing
00:06:17| because you'll start to see the results and then all of a sudden you want to see more results you want to keep going it's easier going and then you fade slowly well
00:06:27| painfully i haven't gotten there yet but working there yeah you feel like well obviously there's like a positive feedback thing
00:06:36| where like when you exercise you get dopamine get the release you get wet serotonin afterwards melatonin you sleep better yeah you feel different you are a different person because your
00:06:46| chemical makeup is different hell yeah you bang better too let's let that be noted folks you bang way better [Music] every how often never mind
00:06:58| yeah we're not going to go into often stored up after the city do you feel like there's an oscillation to your motivation like you go evan flow to it yeah for the most part
00:07:13| like um i have one or two exercises i always start with and then i do my workout totally different every day but it's always a shoulder lift with
00:07:21| simple eight pound weights and i just all the way out and i do it like 25 30 times and just works your shoulders and when i'm doing the very first
00:07:29| exercise so the very first thing it's when my body's like saying no this is the day you should take off this is terrible stop this isn't your day
00:07:38| energy's not there and you can push through it and then it becomes a normal workout but there's also days where you're like [ __ ] i'm flying through this like you're
00:07:47| ripping them you're ripping them and you're ready to go so i think there's a feeling that can stop your motivation i don't know if that's the right word
00:07:55| for it but there's a few like it's the same as a runner's wall like if you start running and you're like i don't feel like running today you can quit right there
00:08:04| but if you push past that i think like you kind of just do it does that make sense it does why do you think that happens
00:08:15| because your body it's a discomfort thing i think your body doesn't want to change its medium your body doesn't want to change what it's doing your body's telling you hey
00:08:25| i'm not to mood yes your momentum set up your velocity yes yeah because that's the hardest part i mean once you're working out and you've been working out for 25 minutes
00:08:34| and you've dedicated an hour like guess what sure you're 25 minutes in you already freaking did some hard [ __ ] like just keep going at this point you're halfway done you're
00:08:42| you're already sweating you're already working go for it same with running like you mentioned if you put on the running shoes you went to where you're gonna run you
00:08:49| started running you did like four laps and you're like i'm not feeling it i'm not doing the full 20 today you already did [ __ ] four laps you already drove
00:08:56| there you already put on the run shoes just finish it like there's a point where it's easier to finish than it is to quit and i think you have to get to that
00:09:05| point otherwise like if you're sitting on the couch looking at your running shoes it's way easier to quit right because you haven't done anything
00:09:13| towards it there's no momentum built like you're looking at your running shoes and you're like not feeling it today it's kind of windy it's indoor track yeah but it's windy so
00:09:23| that's a little frigid out there a little frosty so how does that apply to things that are either abstract or indefinite it's like there's no solid
00:09:34| goal which is what happens when you get older and you have these things that are kind of like it's a long-term nuanced kind of icky mess of crap and give me an example
00:09:45| let's say paying down a mortgage or something or um something that's like a 10-year goal or uh working in a job you hate because
00:09:53| after four years you're established enough where you're gonna be able to do this you're gonna be able to do this the problem with those is four years is how many days 365 times 4.
00:10:04| i can't do that quick math but so here's my own personal one is that like i started writing a program like five years ago this one the end goal of it is that it
00:10:15| makes money but i have no idea if it'll be profitable and every time i like make bigger changes to it something breaks and i found out that
00:10:24| like my logic was flawed so like i keep tweaking it and tweaking it and you know i never expected that five years five years into this thing i'd be like i
00:10:33| don't know that i'm close to being done or not i just want it to be done and i have a problem not finishing because i'm a
00:10:39| completionist so okay it could be a waste of my time completely and entirely i've learned things on the along the way which is justifying
00:10:50| motivation doesn't that make you more invested in it because now you you possibly wasted so much time and that's a thing of yours like you love
00:10:58| time you love using your time effectively you've sank so many hours into this that now you're like i have to finish it otherwise those
00:11:07| hours were wasted which isn't true but in your mind cost yeah fallacy like i've lost so many times that i'm going to win this time i have to keep playing because i lost so
00:11:17| much it's like whoa dude that's not necessarily true it could be and i wonder i wonder if people get set up like that earlier when they're
00:11:26| not as keen to like how you can win and lose because if i had let this program run i would have lost every diamond put into it earlier on because i know it was flawed
00:11:37| but i'm super anal and perfectionist as well as like i would keep testing and keep testing it until the point where i thought it was good and then i'd find a thing a
00:11:47| bug that would break it something will break it the motivation is the part that's weird for me is that this thing has been there for so long
00:11:57| and when everyone goes to sleep at night i'm just like i should probably finish it but it's going to take me another few months at least so i'm just kind of
00:12:07| like so your thursday night at like let's say nine or ten at night you're like i should go work on it but you know that hey you're not gonna
00:12:16| finish it that thursday night this is just towards the end if there is an end how do i get myself to go down and go do it
00:12:25| is it the same as working out like once you set up at the computer once you actually start doing it once you stretch those muscles and actually get into it you're like i'm already freaking
00:12:34| downstairs i'm already friggin logged on i'm already freaking got this program running i'm already testing this let's just finish finish the hour let's go for it just running the program and
00:12:42| like looking at the data that usually gets me hooked and can't be hooked it's get you into it at least you start thinking about it
00:12:51| your brain goes to a different space that's like did you uh listen to the sleep podcast the jre one that was no i don't believe i did
00:13:01| you're you're like when you sleep your brain actually has a different chemical composition so like all possibilities are possible like it takes away all the barriers and it
00:13:10| allows you to rapidly go through scenarios i think the same thing happens when you get into a mode of like exercise or doing a thing that like the
00:13:19| chemicals just like change slightly so that you're more not necessarily adept but you're like more capable of being in it like once you're here
00:13:31| what you're at hand what you're doing at hand you become then totally absorbed with what it is yeah whether that's that project you're working out or working out or whatever
00:13:38| it is it's an interesting way to put it and i think there's a a cost to put your brain into that mode
00:13:46| that we were touching on earlier like you don't want to go running you don't want to sweat that hard you just drank too much the day before like what are you doing working out right now
00:13:55| let's just chill it's your lunch break or hey we're not going to finish thursday night let's push this back one off i mean it's not like it's going to change the
00:14:05| outcome ultimately right like there's that you have to overcome that no matter what you're doing and i think motivation if we come back to motivation
00:14:14| is it external or internal it's always internal so with my my career i guess earlier on i always thought like there's
00:14:25| these goals of like you know you reach a certain financial level you own a certain like you in a car you own a house you have a family you have kids like
00:14:35| they can go to daycare all that [ __ ] like you can get to that point and then be like i'm done i'm done like momentum honestly let's stop the whole machine let's stop
00:14:46| the whole train but you can't can you yeah i have a habit of checking like slick deals and that's a site where it has like reduced prices on certain things
00:14:55| and they pop up really computer parts yeah computer parts which i almost saw is hilarious because you you have enough computer parts you're fine
00:15:03| just checking on that discount ooh that's a good one yeah yeah sure i have the ram sure i'm sure i have it all but could i oh that's a great deal
00:15:12| and lately i've been like you know the odds of me clicking on something and actually buying it have been extremely low like it's been it's a habit and i'm
00:15:20| realizing that like my financial needs are like they're not mine like the things that would add to my happiness don't involve like a large sum
00:15:31| of money and it's just like security for my family all the extra money is just like i don't even look at it so like the motivation for
00:15:38| having a job like what does it become it's like i want to add skills and then after that like i don't want to be bored but that ebb and flow i feel like every
00:15:49| couple months like your body just kind of like says like are you doing the right thing are you moving in the right direction and you don't know
00:15:56| like at this point like i make a decent amount of money and i guess i'm learning skills so that's good enough and i sometimes some some place in the downward cycle i
00:16:06| go i wasted my life and like it's like a depression almost thing or you like feel like you have to like give up all those
00:16:13| things that you like kind of value a little bit in order to like view things differently it's the same thing when you go to sleep is that you release all those things
00:16:22| that you you kind of like cherish a little bit so that you can see things in a different different perspective and i feel like the ebb and flow is
00:16:29| there on purpose so that you can reevaluate things and judge so does this matter it it keeps you rethinking re-tooling re-reviewing re-reviewing yeah
00:16:43| re-reviewing it's funny you also touched on motivation from like do i even want to do this because i think we've talked about depression before and
00:16:52| stuff like that but that's literally what depression is right yeah and i kind of like inability or lack lack of motivation in all aspects of life
00:17:03| getting up showering like going to work like calling friends and uh it it does take a sort of it's a motivational sucker right i wonder what the duration of
00:17:16| depression is i think it varies individuals individual case the case but i want to say like three months to nine months is where you
00:17:24| can be clinically like declared depressed trying to find the yeah that's fine so if you're depressed like you're so it's it's an inability to
00:17:39| motivate yourself internally you can't even get yourself to do something you like like we talked about how you kind of have to push through
00:17:48| something to get to hey listen it's a little uncomfortable to get up and have to shower and scrub your eyes and wake up and get dressed and do all this with depression i feel like you don't
00:17:57| even have the energy energy is the wrong word i guess energy and motivation seem to tie together but they're not exactly the same but like you don't want to do anything
00:18:07| you don't even want to do the things you like like you don't want to enjoy things you don't want to listen to music you don't want to talk to people you don't want to
00:18:13| socialize you want to get out of bed you just like don't want to do anything it's the ultimate motivation zero and it's hard to self propel yourself because now
00:18:25| everything's motivation zero so why bother doing making yourself a a sandwich or whatever because you don't even feel like doing bathing you don't feel like any of this
00:18:35| so it says to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder you must experience at least five depression symptoms once a day for at least two weeks
00:18:45| oh it's only two weeks that's short as hell that's what i thought too we all we all got it i think like three months or so yeah i go through cycles that last two
00:18:52| weeks and i was like what the hell am i doing i want to just like get a plane disappear i'll just live in tahiti what are some of them
00:19:00| what are some of them just secretary if they were still up it's not due at all so i have issues with this but uh symptoms include being less interested in most
00:19:10| activities you once enjoyed feeling worthless or guilty often about things that you wouldn't normally feel that way about and then feeling unusually tired and lacking
00:19:20| energy it's just like it's motivation zero and i think it's i think i mean to tie it all together we're gonna come back to it i think but motivation is just momentum and i think
00:19:33| when you come to a complete halt like this depression it's really hard to get all your [ __ ] going it's hard to spin the tires on your social life when you haven't even spin
00:19:41| the tires on your hygienic life when you haven't even spun the tires on your work life and to look at all these things you have to spin up and start up and get moving
00:19:50| it's hard like you're like oh i do this but i gotta get to this oh but i'm gonna get to this oh [ __ ] i didn't even do this i gotta get out and do this [ __ ] dude
00:19:58| and it's like this weird thing where you think you have to start all these engines and all these things and move all these things which is it's hard to move something from a standstill it's
00:20:06| momentum we talked about this that's where all the energy is it's starting it freaking up i've been watching uh mcu movies marvel cinematic universe movies in chronological chronological order and
00:20:18| which order is that hold on like not the re release year or the other order it's the order in which the movie takes place the date oh you're doing whoa
00:20:28| you're going crazy here i've read about this can you give me a but i love the characters and i love the comics and all i like i don't read the comics but i
00:20:44| love the like the idea of them which doesn't pop out but that's cool but you know iron man thor all those things
00:20:52| and the point i'm getting to is that i watch that and i say like there are pieces that i actually genuinely feel and i like and i enjoy and i wish i could like create those
00:21:02| things but i feel like there's so much involved in like an iron man that like it's already been done there's these are reasons why i
00:21:10| don't do these things it's already been done it would take forever like the history of it it's like decades there's you know black sabbath iron
00:21:21| there's songs and there's [ __ ] there's [ __ ] that's already been like it i would be like stan lee at the end of my life seeing it like
00:21:30| maybe coming to fruition and i would never see it so like there's so many reasons why i don't like start writing a comic book and like creating movie and all that stuff
00:21:38| because i don't think it would happen quick enough it's interesting because you're exactly right and this happens with authors a lot so i was a writer for a lot of my
00:21:46| life like i wanted to write great novels sports stories i wanted to write great think pieces write the next uh emerson or thoreau piece like really like break it down and it's real
00:21:58| funny because for the past paper or think to write something on word document i'm like that's a lot of writing of anything you're looking at a blank
00:22:11| piece of paper and you think damn i can't write uh lord of the rings right now i'm not gonna finish it so we're not gonna do it and i i push it off
00:22:21| but if you think about it i mean anything whether it's writing that story or having a great sales career or uh writing a program that can read stocks
00:22:30| and everything it starts with little pieces that you've done every night at 9 00 p.m to 10 p.m or 11 p.m but it's so hard to roll that ball uphill it's it's really hard to start it
00:22:44| starting is the hardest part of anything and that's where i think what you just touched on like the author fallacy like i can't write a book because or a comic book because i need story and
00:22:52| backstory and lore and everything but if it took you eight years to write it and you wrote it every day even just like 20 minutes 30 minutes you would have backstory and lore and
00:23:02| history and revisions and a lot of twists and turns just by nature of time if you did it for eight years friggin
00:23:10| yeah you would have eight years of backstory like you just said like the comic but to start it yeah it's gonna probably generate the
00:23:19| cheesiest plot line to the beginning and sure you would but that's how comics start aren't they all cheesy and then you kind of add twists and then you have darkness and then yeah it's like
00:23:28| ooh from his past no one thought of this like i think it happens naturally you just have to keep doing something which is kind of it's an interesting perspective to think about because most
00:23:41| people don't think of their life as like a continuous like snowball of growth and if you were to instead of taking approach like i'm going to write a book
00:23:52| and instead say like i'm going to create a world i'm going to add individuals to it as i go along like each day i'm going to create somebody brand new and unique and
00:24:03| put them in this world somewhere that i'll discover later like if your whole goal was to create ambiance and environment eventually the stories would be
00:24:13| like ingrained in natural and beautiful natural yeah yes they would it's like even something stupid like playing uh the sims or uh rome uh those um the games where you
00:24:24| make the empires age of empires like you you can't make an empire all at once you have to add little pieces um start laying down the groundwork but it's
00:24:33| so what we're talking about it i don't even know if it's motivation it's just like something because we experience time in a day to day
00:24:42| second to second hour to hour meaning yeah like you can't picture years and years spread out that way it's weird objective is also skewed
00:24:52| and i guess reduced by your own current person and like you don't know what you'll be if you try to reach that goal and like by
00:25:02| the journey of trying to reach that goal you become someone different and hopefully like more breath will be added to you you really and your story or whatever
00:25:11| you're doing you have more goals you have different goals and they like they become more varied and more interesting and you become more alive i feel it it's interesting
00:25:21| because we're talking about a whole story whether it's a saga or what stan lee created or or lord of the rings writing that whole
00:25:28| story and it's we look at it like damn that's amazing i mean if you broke it down to every day he worked on it every hour he worked on it every minute he spent
00:25:37| revising something or adding something to it and i'm not trying to be counterproductive but it's also not that special
00:25:45| like survivorship bias yes because the stories you see are the best ones the ones that took hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours to make
00:25:54| you're not going to see a story that took four hours to make and was as big as laurel rings because it looked like [ __ ] and it wouldn't come together it wouldn't be
00:26:00| come to fruition it wouldn't be fleshed out wouldn't make sense the one you see is the one that did actually take the hours and did actually put in the work
00:26:09| so i guess what we're getting at right here is that it's not special that the end result is amazing it's special that someone put in the
00:26:19| work does that make sense and actually worked on it for hours and hours and hours and hours when you see information i mean when you
00:26:28| see a virtual child they didn't know no not at all when you see a virtuoso play the violin or whatever like as someone who plays an instrument
00:26:36| like it's like i look at them and i'm like wow that's incredible they did that but when you break it down they literally did boring [ __ ] for so many hours
00:26:44| that um you shouldn't be impressed a little bit do you know what i mean like if they were there like yeah i did this oh [ __ ] i got to do my motivation for playing guitar is i
00:26:59| guess is twofold is hey like i enjoy the melodies that i create and it's like a little bubble for me but i think initially it was more that like i want to play the gar the guitar to
00:27:10| like impress girls and then like if i were big and like popular i would like play in front of people and like the thing that i don't think is
00:27:19| like realizable is that like i'm not a people person i would love people to like enjoy like watching me play for all of 10 seconds that i'd be like this is awkward i don't i can't
00:27:29| do this you've run into the thing where i feel like and i don't know this for a fact music music especially people would know i feel like a lot of the 90s guys like
00:27:39| the nirvana's and the pearl jam the grunge movement i feel like they weren't big people per people persons people performers and they didn't want to they
00:27:48| didn't love performing or anything else like that but i guess they were so big and so in demand and getting paid so much friggin money that they probably started with their
00:27:55| backs to the audience or doing small concerts and then just got bigger and bigger and got so used to it that yeah yeah exactly yeah that like you kind of just get used to it you kind of
00:28:05| do what you do but we always look at things like from zero to a thousand miles an hour or zero to completion it's hard to look at something
00:28:14| yeah 100 i don't know but i think that's the reason why i like i don't think i could have been like notable on guitar because i feel like my
00:28:25| motivation was kind of cursed to begin with because i don't think the people that make it to that level like want to just be famous like they
00:28:34| i feel like they have like a a core joy with the guitar or whatever instrument that drives them it doesn't it's this perfectionism that you touched on as well
00:28:47| which you do relate to if i had been born a little bit later i probably would be like a video gamer like a professional gamer a
00:28:56| professional gamer who wants to uh speed run games and like get 100 on a lot of the accomplishments and achievements and stuff like that and then record it and then
00:29:04| damn it and then do it again have a better monitor and a better mouse and then a better this and better recording software and then a better processor and then do it again
00:29:12| and then watch someone else do it and then do it again yeah did you ever do mario kart time trials with the ghost runners you could go screen your own ghost runner
00:29:21| yeah they had a nintendo power where you can get a golden controller if you had beaten at a certain time and the time trial on a certain course
00:29:33| and i never got the golden controller but i beat the time and i think it was like way late but i remember like trailing myself
00:29:41| like a thousand times trying to beat that time trying to figure out like every little nuance of that thing yeah and that perfectionist element of beating myself
00:29:51| was like all i needed it didn't have to like include other npcs or carts or whatever or other people interesting do you ever get big into nascar or anything like that
00:30:00| no i hate nascar i feel like it's like there's like that's interesting i'm telling you well that's what up do you think anyone who likes nascar
00:30:10| doesn't think of the driver yeah but they're like i just love the noise there's probably something actually i think the what f1 racing because the ones like or like even like
00:30:24| dirt bikes and stuff like there's more to it that i don't think like if i were to pick up like a series of racing i would do something like
00:30:32| the crazy ones that are like the dirt and you have the driver just like in a notebook saying like and then you're like i think that would be like there's a
00:30:41| level of perfection there that you just like don't see and it's like it's executed real time with like the foresight that like other
00:30:51| drivers like they probably have it in their mind but to have someone like next to you calling it out it makes it seem like there's no way that one person can
00:30:59| possibly like contain all the information and like display it all at once i don't know i think i think if you're really golden at racing i think
00:31:08| you can see racing lines in your head and you memorize the course already so i think the cool thing about racing that you touched on is that you see the path and you just try and
00:31:17| find you mentioned going against your ghost rider like if you take more of an outside path so you can cut inside like bracing lines where you go
00:31:25| outside to cut in and then inside to cut out like vice versa a because it's cutting down on your trajectory and how much lateral movement there is and like all
00:31:33| these crazy elements that you think of on a living breathing platform and how fast you can go and how much accelerating here costs you and decelerating here
00:31:43| i think some of that would really appeal to you and appeals to me in a weird way where i never was a nascar fan but i think like that's a very much oh i can almost feel
00:31:54| it like taste it like racing against yourself racing against this cutting down that angle just taking that turn perfect like gunning out of it and just
00:32:05| forget where i was going no i just got caught up in that racing yeah okay cool i thought you would that's it's a weird thing that like i think there's certain motivations ingrained in
00:32:15| us that you know maybe they're primal maybe they're like very basic and then like we're just like hunting or we're like trying to like perfect something to like
00:32:24| i don't know what you're trying to capture but it displays itself in these like weird all this technology around us that's just like brand new and we're just like trying to drive
00:32:33| towards something that's like it's not the technology it's like the the drive that was like you know hundreds maybe thousands of years ago that we're like
00:32:42| trying to hunt our food and somehow it relates to driving and making a perfect turn because we see that as like maybe a means of making money versus
00:32:52| you know maybe a means of like you know stability life food all the career i think it's i think it's perfection i feel like the hunters in the past like
00:33:05| if they care to spear with them like they knew exactly like how much that spear weighed how to throw it yeah how sharp it was how much it was going to penetrate that whatever the hog there
00:33:16| to throw it ahead of or behind or in what direction to predict where the prey was going to be where it's going to hit how it's going to kill the quickest like
00:33:24| the speed the throw isn't that in the he knew how heavy this spear was he removed his helmet because it obscured his vision like you know what i mean
00:33:34| like that that's a very tribal natural thing we're describing here yeah this is like when you shoot a bow and arrow there's people that have like the long bow
00:33:44| and like the arrow or they call it like an archers fallacy or something like the arrow doesn't shoot straight it actually wobbles and yes yeah you can see it
00:33:56| because there's twang and there's like there's this one guy that was like the sharpshooter that could shoot like a [ __ ] shoot like a penny out of the sky and like he would hit it with a point
00:34:08| but like the thing is wobbling like inches at a time like no matter the fact that like he still came near it
00:34:17| he nailed the thing like dead center it's like it turns out like he had shot so many arrows that a he was skilled enough to do it but b there's also a science in like the
00:34:25| arrows that he picked so he would like test the arrows out beforehand so he knew the oscillation so that he could predict the oscillation when it hit the
00:34:34| coin and it's like to get to that level of like nuance and familiarity and like knowledge it's just so weird though you keep
00:34:45| saying knowledge it's knowledge is a funny thing and i think we both describe it as memory yeah but like i don't think he's thinking of
00:34:56| the oscillations at all no i think he just knows what happens when he lets the arrow fly at a certain angle with a certain twang in his shoulder and he uses a certain arrow
00:35:06| the same way that a driver probably doesn't know any of the angles he's taken on the course or anything like that he just knows what it feels like when
00:35:13| you decelerate at the right time and then when you re-accelerate at the right time and cut your angle and steering wheel the same way that is super athlete or a
00:35:23| musician knows what it feels like when you're finishing a run and you can let ring an open string like there's these it's not it's such a weird thing because
00:35:32| i don't think you think of all the technical stuff you're doing it's just muscle memory it's such a funny way to say it but it's a feel you feel it that's the difference you're
00:35:41| interviewing with nature it's the difference between like running and then like ice skating and then like turning when you're ice skating and then doing it
00:35:49| when you're carrying a puck and then doing it when someone's on your back and doing what someone's like when you need to know how much time is left in the game and also you're
00:35:57| computing whether it's an icing cola or not there's a lot of things going on yeah i think what we're talking about is like an attunedness to nature like
00:36:09| the nature of more things than you you can feel more than just what you would feel you can feel your surroundings you can feel what you're releasing you can feel
00:36:17| what you're controlling you're driving and i think that's a a thing that you should strive for and there's also a piece to it that i feel like you can't
00:36:28| when your brain is fully engaged in something like you disengage the memory portion like the hippocampus doesn't like record it and you're just sensing like you're not
00:36:39| trying to lose it's 100 because 100 of your sensory is being it's just yo i'm on go i'm using all the power here in the brain to this part i agree it's not like
00:36:50| looking back at it being like ah that was an interesting turn ah yes excellent good job chap you're fully thinking about what's coming you're not even thinking you're fully
00:37:00| reacting i guess yes yes at that point i agree so how this ties into motivation is that i feel like you can't just be at one with nature you can't just be at one with
00:37:13| doing these things you have to push through something you have to force yourself to do them you have to also most of these things are like they're the stuff we've been talking
00:37:25| about is athlete related and like the prime for athletes is in their 20s so at what point do you realize that like oh i won a gold medal as a gymnast but
00:37:35| you know now i have the body of a 30 year old what like what does that thirty year old body do it's like i can't like maybe i can do shows and stuff but
00:37:45| like my motivation is already gone because i've achieved that goal like when you what about like so i'll ask you simone biles right when she's she's probably like what 24 right now i
00:37:55| have no idea mid-20s or something i'll look her up yeah what's she gonna do at 34.35 and i guarantee you it's going to be in gymnastics and she's going to be doing
00:38:04| ridiculous [ __ ] i could never do and be in ridiculous shape oh 100 but she will never be that good again so what how does she does she do it just because she's been doing it her whole
00:38:18| life and because she's better at it than anyone in her age let's say 30 let's say she's 38 she's still doing it she's not like i'm not i'm going to be
00:38:26| an accountant no yeah i don't know how you like you have to realign your goals and then somehow not weigh them against what you've already
00:38:36| done i guess you can't i mean do you become a coach i guess so that you try and inspire me live through your players your people yes
00:38:46| is that is that what all coaches do i don't know i wonder like who's the most successful person like who has achieved it all like i don't know well the nj
00:38:54| documentary just went around michael jordan michael jordan you know the last dance i've only seen the first one so he's achieved it all in like a
00:39:03| basketball sense i thought kobe bryant maybe like he achieved a lot and then he became kind of like passed away too soon but he he
00:39:12| started getting into businesses and like community and all sorts of stuff like different styles of motivation he did and he's more successful in that sense but mj
00:39:22| was basketball i'm not going to get into the whole basketball you met because just it's like the waiter rescue argument has anyone even
00:39:34| gotten close to wayne gretzky's number one coach a turret will do you know why well he's such a goddamn good player there's no way he can relay his
00:39:45| information no can you imagine if he was just like just go and score and it's like how do i score coach he's like just you just go out and you do 40 dekes and
00:39:52| you do this you do this you move you see where every player is and you know where every player on the ice is and you know where every aspect on the ice is you know how quick someone can get to this
00:40:00| point and how quick your puck can move to this point and you just you do the math you imagine telling craig berube that or something like if you're a coach wayne
00:40:08| gretzky and he's like huh like you know what i mean like he's just like huh you can't relay that information because it's not it's learned it's
00:40:17| physical you had to earn that so what happens when you're past your peak like your motivation for like if you don't achieve your goal and
00:40:27| you know you're past your peak and it's faded i feel like there's a bunch of people that just stick to that goal and say screw it
00:40:35| like i'm i've led my life and this is how i'm going to do it and i'm going to go after 38 who wants to still play football or something like um yeah
00:40:43| like what mickey rourke was it mickey rourke who did the wrestler yeah he's still like slapping his arms and like he's cutting meat in the deli and he's pretending like he's getting
00:40:52| like cheers see we're running the weird thing where i feel like those people aren't necessarily motivated by it so much as
00:41:03| i think i read a quote on motivation yeah yeah well they can't go do something else so i read a really cool quote on motivation that was
00:41:10| to do with pain all right jamir what's his name scientific guide on how to get motivated and stay motivated who cares here we go what is motivation exactly author steven
00:41:24| pressfield um in his book the the war of art wow great name dude at some point the pain of not doing something
00:41:35| becomes greater than the pain of doing it and that's what motivation is and it makes total sense so the pain of someone to keep doing something that maybe they're not great at
00:41:45| is easier than the pain of trying something totally new like the wrestler ricky moore thank you for ricky mark like morgan mindy it's it's actually
00:41:56| would it be harder for him to try and learn cobalt and coding than it would for him to just continue to be mediocre or wrestling like you know what i mean
00:42:07| right might be financially beneficial i felt this way might be my thing might be i felt this way when i i spent 10 years working for a company
00:42:16| and i had experienced like a bunch of positions and i said you know i could milk this thing for the rest of my life like i could make a pretty good salary
00:42:25| and just keep it going and i thought that's not an exciting life it's like i already know what the next 20 years would bring and i don't
00:42:33| necessarily want to live like the the known life the path that i like i'm familiar with so i like i said okay i tried this other job and then i switched it up and i said
00:42:45| okay well i learned something and i know i don't like this so let's push it with that again i think i would keep doing that like i would keep like jumping into situations where it's like
00:42:54| oh learn something brand new and like like suck the life out of it for like a year or two and then just like you know say okay i helped you or didn't and let's move on and
00:43:04| i feel like you grow more people you learn more things and you become more varied as a person i think that's very um [Music]
00:43:11| hard to do and it's like motivational i think you do a good job at it but here's a real question for you do you think like eventually you're gonna find one you're like this is it
00:43:20| i love this honestly isn't that crazy i feel like i don't disagree with you the positives and negatives are different with every job and it depends like there's a point where like just
00:43:31| starting out i said like oh this is so easy and they don't care about what i do and i like i make enough and like there was points where like i had 50 of my time
00:43:42| where i didn't have to do check [ __ ] because there was no expectations and now they pay me more money so there's more expectations and like most of these places are like
00:43:50| they require they exact more from you and it's like you'll never get that peace of mind of being like a fresh intern or college student just out
00:44:00| graduated where it's like okay this is not like this is a piece of cake like i don't have to do very much to excel and then
00:44:08| also being in your element like what part of human motivation is to be social and be friendly and like when if you actually push yourself to be like above other people or be like
00:44:19| stronger whatever the quote of like an alpha male like whatever that that mold would be you push yourself away from people
00:44:27| and if you're paid a lot and you have specialized skills you can never be on the same level as people unless you're in like some sort of like
00:44:34| elitist group which i don't like being elitist so it's like difficult to be like like at the same level of your peers and like have that group
00:44:45| and like the social aspect of a job because other people either always look up to you or down on you or there have like other
00:44:56| pieces or personalities that just don't fit what you do if you're really a delivery guy for amazon that's the weirdest i made and made like a third of what you make now
00:45:06| i don't know how i could live with myself like that i got i feel like that's a terrible thing to say because there's plenty of people who do that yeah i like i guess i'd be
00:45:14| comfortable like with my own little bubble like you have your little truck and you're doing something for other people and that's like the extent of the
00:45:21| happiness that like some people get but i feel like i need to be doing something else like i don't think that would be the end i hope it would be the end
00:45:31| well because i i sometimes think of quitting this job and then being a delivery guy for the rest of my life because i think it would make me happy but what so what do you want to do
00:45:42| i'm confused do you want to be create software that would change people's lives or what my motivations are kind of strange because like there's a person where i
00:45:54| want to like have nothing to do with anybody else whatsoever are you free financially and i don't have any like requirements no needs money glider
00:46:06| so there's there's that level of it that's like selfish but i don't think i'd be happy doing that i think there's like a thing about growth and technology and being
00:46:14| like knowledgeable about that and being like up with it like being aware of the new stuff that's coming out and then there's like base
00:46:23| drive of like me going on slick deals and looking at computer parts like i don't need any of that but i feel like something like
00:46:31| i could like i like almost buying a new hard drive like i could like a feel there's a joy there that i just can't like especially for at the price you saw it
00:46:40| yeah i don't get why i feel that way about it but maybe there's a reason why maybe the motivation is there because there's like some sort of like
00:46:52| fate associated with me like driving towards something that i just don't know is it weird that i think of you as like a a robot that may or may not like inhibit most of your
00:47:03| joy from like finding the best deal or finding the best way to complete a task or finding the easiest best way to complete a test that has
00:47:10| been tortured get it now and be like just as happy yeah like you you find your joy from finding the best way to complete a task and finding the greatest return
00:47:20| on that task and that that's not that that's you but that's like you're you would love to do that day after day like listening i found a new way to do
00:47:31| it i found a new way to do it and someone's like what are you talking about and you're like we're going to save 18 into a percent licking your lips and
00:47:38| being like it's a deal like that's like your thrill i don't know i think so i feel like i did have that piece of me that i just don't understand
00:47:50| but like it's there and this time we're trying to win it's it's game manship we touched on it before like you you want to win you want to beat something you want to get ahead of
00:47:58| something so i mean i respect that yeah interesting so let's um go back to motivation in general uh [ __ ] there was one
00:48:10| there was one big thing of motivation that we totally left out and i forget what it was because i was just thinking over the past 10 minutes and then i lost it motivation
00:48:18| oh what you touched on so your wife wanted to like hire someone to motivate you someone can someone else motivate you like you know there's like that's a
00:48:27| multi-million dollar industry like the tony robbins and like all these motivational speakers you can go say like i know how you feel about them i know
00:48:37| how i feel about them i know how we really feel about them but like is there a chance that motivators motivational speakers can actually motivate people and is that
00:48:48| bad i feel like more like i'm gonna say they're gullible but i feel like more people are swayed a majority of people are swayed by what they hear because
00:48:59| for whatever reason they don't like value their own logic well or do they want an easier quicker way that they didn't think of kind of what you
00:49:08| what you do enjoy right a thing you enjoy yeah i guess if there was an easy way to get my fix of like making me feel like i'm
00:49:15| doing the right thing and and and like cheating time yeah and getting greater research give me all the secrets he's gonna unlock this piece of me that's been
00:49:24| hidden whether or not it's [ __ ] or not we were we weren't gonna say but that is it's like maybe it's people chasing after what you
00:49:34| kind of enjoy right and they're just doing it because they can't figure out one way out themselves and they're like this guy is really convincing this guy's
00:49:44| really how is he convincing also i want to talk about that like i feel like these motivations here's goals like resolutions like yes yeah yeah why even like
00:49:56| why where are you trying to figure out a goal they're here and they're like you can earn more money there's like always like
00:50:06| stamps and noises and cadence and then there's always like rule one no more sugar no red meat it's like the recommend for a dream three rules what is it
00:50:18| what's the name of their shoes oh wait i don't know what's the requiem for dream rules uh gunner uh from happy gilmore he he has the motivational thing do um
00:50:31| requiem for a dream uh i don't remember his real name shooter mcgavin shooter mcgavin yeah he has like a motivational thing that runs through the whole thing and i love it
00:50:41| and i know the most cuts of any movie i i did notice she posted that good call i always loved that movie and uh you know part of me is like it's not because i'm a film school boy but like
00:50:52| also it is but also it's a good movie it's a great movie no red meat no sugar did you hear it um i can't find it
00:51:02| there's too much that's fine that's fine darren aronofsky the uh director for a record for a dream do you know what he made all the uh actors do not all of them but
00:51:10| i think um uh the wayne's brother i think it's marlon and um what's his name 30 seconds to mars you wanna help us ma yeah i don't know
00:51:22| what that guy's name is anyway they he had him both cut out um sugar in its entirety for like cravings feel like hmm jared leto yeah jared leto yeah
00:51:38| whatever i don't know either way he like but that's have you ever given up any food diet meat have you ever given not like not like no not like i've i've like cut
00:51:51| back on stuff i've never given anything up your body does weird things when you're like you cut something entirely you don't like oh
00:51:57| lean off i did the the lentil soup diet so it's like split pea soup you hear that diet no you're allowed to eat as much split pea soup or whatever kind of pea soup it is
00:52:09| as you want but otherwise there's seven days it's like a fast and a cleanse day one is like uh you can eat sausage and something day two is like no meat you can only eat
00:52:19| bananas day three it's like you can eat oatmeal and this and it regardless of what it is it's seven days where you have to only eat certain foods in those days
00:52:30| i've done that that diet twice and a it changes your poops big time and b coming out you see that guy like you have like the intestinal lining that comes out
00:52:44| the parasite that's like where's all the food you can grab a body of toxins you sinner but yeah but uh yeah if you do weird stuff to your body same thing happens to your mind though
00:52:55| like what i was just touching on the motivational speaker guys i'm telling you the reason they're successful is because they tell you to hey cut out this
00:53:02| don't do this and something weird happens to you like anytime you break outside your habit bubble anytime you break outside of what you're
00:53:11| used to doing you're going to find weird results right yeah good or bad something positive if you move outside your bubble
00:53:21| you might i mean like so falsely claim that the motivational speaker led you there exact that's what i was getting at so i'm not
00:53:30| saying the motivational speakers are correct or incorrect just that they're telling you to try something totally crazy do something wild change your life and
00:53:38| if you change your life and do something wild different things happen and then they're like wow the motivational speaker did that to me
00:53:45| not necessarily i mean you did change your life you did it motivational speaker did not do it you literally changed your life for a speaker sure so i think i think
00:53:56| sometimes they're useful um the same way that um like gym instructors or someone that your wife may or may or may not want to pay
00:54:06| money for sometimes people need that um sometimes people can use that and it motivates them it's someone else telling them to hey get in shape hey
00:54:15| lift this hey do this and if that voice wasn't there maybe they wouldn't yeah hey study programming for 10 years and just waste all your life he'll get there eventually or not i'm
00:54:26| not sure he wouldn't say it like that he has more energy in his voice rule number one never stop even if it's not valuable
00:54:35| and no one cares no void and just go back and change the code you'll be fine yeah your parents will be so proud of you if they were in life
00:54:45| by the time you finished so how do we want to sum up motivation here what do we got here what do we got what i don't i don't know i don't know find your own motivation
00:54:56| it's in you it's there you probably have a bunch of stuff that you have to do and you gotta get that done try to do it faster make yourself a little bubble of time and i guess
00:55:06| meditate and one of the things like relaxation and just like allowing yourself to think whatever and just like easing out of
00:55:14| whatever you're in in maybe it allows you to flow into something else and you figure it out you go hey let's try this maybe it sucks maybe it doesn't maybe life is about
00:55:25| experiences maybe the meaning of life is finding meaning interesting i like it i like it last thing i'll say on the subject is that
00:55:34| it's all momentum everything you want to friggin stop drinking you want to stop working a job you suck you want to stop i don't know going bowling every
00:55:46| wednesday just stop i know it sounds like i'm saying a sentence that's pretty easy and it's really hard nick you have no idea it's like i
00:55:56| understand how hard everything is changing momentum is the hardest part once you change momentum whether it's stopping a bad habit stopping uh
00:56:05| something you do every day just friggin do it it's painful it's hard to push through but once you do change the momentum the other way start
00:56:14| doing something else start doing something that you don't do and when you do it two days in a row three days in a row five days in a row holy [ __ ] it's way
00:56:24| easier now yeah it's momentum four easy payments of buy my cds now on panderers go on panthers dot com and we will get you to change
00:56:36| whatever the hell you want we will tell you if it's a good idea or a [ __ ] check this one out most of them are [ __ ] just expect it move past you know i quit smoking you
00:56:47| know i quit smoking i apologize why you should have never picked it up oh yeah of course not my last job it was like easy you just i just stopped buying packs
00:56:55| and i was like i want one i want one i just stop buying guess what when you don't have them it's not yeah i mean during the pandemic i've
00:57:04| also smoked occasional cigarettes so i picked a bag stop buying junk food oh that's terrible too how could you do that damn nick god damn it nick i know
00:57:13| i know so what it is is just stop or just keep doing it just do it or just don't we've said it all here folks it sounds easy it sounds hard it's both
00:57:25| just do it brought to you by unpander nike slash anything you buy is coupon code eight percent off well we like it thanks folks we check out our socials
00:57:43| oh we friggin love it it's okay just click it just click it we like you folks we like you a lot good night thanks

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