The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED022 Gym Etiquette

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Transcript PRED022 Gym Etiquette

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 22 - Gym Etiquette
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00:00:15| so uh today we're going to talk about gym etiquette i know that sounds weird to talking on a predator's issue but it's
00:00:24| it's a thing i mean i have a work gym some people have work gym some people belong to gyms some people go to small gyms big gyms globo gym regular gyms gym you know what i mean
00:00:35| called college gym yeah is there a gym jim jim it's a gaim what's up gone anyway uh you run into all sorts of weird things
00:00:48| especially if it's related to your school your work i love the gym that crosses over into your real life because when you know someone in real
00:00:58| life whether it's work school or whatever completely different person oh it's a different person than the gym version of them it's like this weird
00:01:06| creature they become oh [ __ ] i just realized who i am but anyway we'll get there in a second so the gym has all different people like yeah i got that i can just
00:01:18| i mean you can talk about just in general there's a screamer whoa they're really pumping iron and you're like good lord i'm just trying to work out dude
00:01:30| relax um don't you get the breather make real loud guttural noises and you're like it's uncomfortable you got like the people who like barely
00:01:47| work out like that's a weird thing too where they like they got like two pounders and they're like they're not even full motion not full wait it's like there's rooms
00:01:54| around they're not even struggling though they're just like doing it like they're doing around other people huh and it's like you're not working out i don't know what
00:02:04| you're doing you're not working out just pick it up pick it up the tiniest way you can find and then there's like i mean there's all sorts of people
00:02:11| there's people who just do it to socialize hey you know what i thought we'd heard the other day nah you know what i heard i'm just telling you yeah you know
00:02:18| whatever they pick up their nalgene started yeah yeah yeah analogy and yeah there's there's like people who wear the weirdest stuff like you you find that it's a whole collage of
00:02:29| different world it is a different world so when you go to the gym you're entering an alien universe and it's real cool when it happens at your school or your work
00:02:38| because you know they're wearing suits at work and then all of a sudden they're wearing sleeveless tee and gym shorts and just going
00:02:46| buck wild with their headphones in there's some people who have to control the music in the room there's some people have their headphones in won't even acknowledge you
00:02:54| and then there's some people who listen to a boom box [Music] yeah so i think this guy's holding a boom box
00:03:01| i hope that's running on the treadmill and holding a boom box puts his music down in the corner and plays it so it's out loud for everyone to hear
00:03:07| and it's it doesn't even you can hardly hear it so it's not a big deal but it's like so weird it's like just wear some wireless headphones yeah
00:03:15| just wear bluetooth just wear wear wired headphones i don't even care it's the weirdest thing so what i want to get down and dirty too is
00:03:24| i don't know if you belong to any gyms or have been to some gyms but just uh that's college okay did you do the college year oh yeah did you do it there was a period for
00:03:35| like a full year where we're all trying to get buff like all five race three free yeah entirely free sweet okay so you all go to the gym like did you go
00:03:45| as a pack you wouldn't meet up there like you don't have to travel together right yeah and then did you look at each other for what workouts you did or did you guys do
00:03:52| all separate [ __ ] this is a real question we all kind of like it was usually like go five so there's probably like a split two or three and then we just bought
00:04:02| each other because that's part of being a gym uh rat or you're spotting your friend and hell yeah so you all do the same things and it's
00:04:10| like yo your turn to do this cycle your turn it is and then people are counting your weights being like oh okay 240 all right that's all right yeah
00:04:17| that's like i love that that's just cool it's so intimidating if you don't do it and then you just go into the scene you don't even know how to use these machines for price tag yeah it's scary
00:04:28| as hell right you're like uh where's the pin go i gotta move the pin out can i move it while i'm touching the weight well i'm not touching the weight how much do i
00:04:36| put in i have no glue i've never done this before and you're like does the machine go this way or this way and you're standing next to like a notebook person who's
00:04:44| like measuring how much they did last year yeah they're doing they're like they're like calculating like timing there's another
00:04:50| thing how many reps are you gonna do there's a weird etiquette where it's like hey you done with this machine you have to ask someone even if they're not using it
00:04:57| even if they haven't if they used it once they're approaching it are you gonna are you gonna use it i thought yeah i saw you you were eyeing it
00:05:05| the funniest is people were like oh no god man like i don't care good dude like they laugh like they're friendly and then there's some they're like
00:05:12| nah man i just got one more rep it's coming in like 10 minutes can you leave it alone you're like i gotta cool down yeah i'm real
00:05:18| hot right now 30 seconds 99.6 oh not optimal did you did you see me hit that i got the fitbit on apple watch yeah yeah it's like didn't you see me hit that ten minutes
00:05:31| ago you think i'm gonna come back i do cycles ten minutes what do you think dumb dumb oh sorry i'm i'm sorry third rep i gotta do my third rep were you stupid
00:05:42| it's like whoa jesus christ it's a whole testosterone it does and it's weird so maybe in my work there's um new people that join the gym so i'm a regular in the gym like i do my lunch
00:05:56| hour i do gym two three other guys are always there i always you know high-five them they're pretty in shape guys they're not gym rats but they're pretty in shape
00:06:04| they have reps i know what is that what is pretty in shape what compared to you are they more muscular less one's a little more muscular and he's a
00:06:15| manager who might be my manager in like a month it's like jesus christ i can see what he benches i'm not messing with him i'm not messing with sean you picked the
00:06:22| treadmill in front of him or behind him guess what though when we do the treadmill [ __ ] i'm better than everybody there ah
00:06:32| oh dude i'm lying like 8.4 mile an hour and i'm at like a three percent incline and i'm like what's up um but then it comes to the bench like i know guys
00:06:45| who are good at the bench i'm like whoa i'm not he he can do inverted bench he does like a bench exercise like this there's a bench exercise like this he knows like 19
00:06:55| exercises that involve a bench i'm like this i just know how to bench press like where you put the weights and just just pushing back and forth all i know dude
00:07:03| that's all i know man then there's like a weird thing where calisthenics like where do you do your jumping jacks and crap like do you do jumping jacks because
00:07:11| guys don't jumping jacks you need to warm up is that like clinically proven that you need to do that is that better for you are you going to take your supplements i
00:07:21| do have a supplement protein yeah i do and the one guy i know he has a water cup and a juice cup so i know that's a supplement because why would he have two cups
00:07:33| yeah the other guy doesn't take anything and like i don't know it's like it's weird because i know these things about them like i know who poops before they gym
00:07:41| i know who doesn't and it's so weird that i know that but locker room you're talking like do you have a little mini locker room at your your window no so this one goes into the
00:07:51| gym it's just the gym it's a big open space and in this gym are two like handicap size bathrooms that have a shower or a sink on the toilet so when someone goes in
00:08:02| they have to close the door and it's like i saw you go in the bathroom it's been a while i like how everyone in the gym is pretending not to pay attention to
00:08:09| anyone else but they're all watching everybody else they're all paying attention to everything so we have a new couple that's coming to the gym and they're not
00:08:17| they're not in a relationship one's uh a fiance to someone else and the other is single looking to mingle he is training her and she's not done work out in her
00:08:29| whole life she's a good looking girl pretty in shape well not in shape but she's not she's fairly thin whatever she's good with a girl she's trying to work out
00:08:38| and when she works out she makes like sex noises oh my god and it's like everyone else in the gym can hear it and she's doing this is the worst part she's
00:08:54| dealing with like five pound weights and she modifies the weights we have there to make them lower to do this and make these noises pulling a little bit
00:09:04| here's the weirder part the guy who's training her wasn't like in the gym all the time but now he is to train her and he's like come on you got it one
00:09:14| more come on you got it and she's like it's like i've talked to the regulars in the gym and they're like it's real awkward man i i don't know we
00:09:26| gotta tell her to stop like you know what i mean it's like we don't have to tell anyone to stop guys let's just leave it let's drop it let's say pretend
00:09:32| ignore it that's the best bet and the other funny thing is so there's another gym etiquette thing that happens i must be in the gym no like i do the gym okay
00:09:43| because like people who do the gym well there must be like a code between them we're like hey guys guess what what's so-and-so and so-and-so left let me wipe down their
00:09:54| machines and it's like oh [ __ ] you just put them on blast dude they don't even know we're pretending to wipe down their machines for sweat and then they'll be
00:10:01| like yeah do you need me to spot you and then they'll make the the fake sounds or whatever and it's like oh [ __ ] we're doing gym make fun of oh
00:10:10| [ __ ] and i've never been involved in that so i'm like yeah dude get them and it's just a whole new world like where i'm part of the inn club i guess their name is the
00:10:20| ventriloquist uh gym spotter that just makes it distracting now that's the noise she makes when she works out god bless i don't know i don't
00:10:32| know what to say you should or shouldn't do there's one thing i realize though in starting this episode that i do so i run like a half a mile or three quarters of a mile or a mile that
00:10:44| somewhere between a half and a mile before i work out just to warm up get my body moving and i do it real fast and i took a supplement so like i'm like sweating and like i'm like
00:10:54| i'm juiced i'm ready to go i sweat like a monster and then i push myself like a super monster like i don't make noises like everyone's thinking okay
00:11:04| but i push myself real hard so i sweat and yeah completely silent like some kind of psychopath like i'm brow furrowed probably
00:11:12| every machine i touch i cover and sweat now i i will wipe them down with those stupid uh spray bottles no no it's the alcohol wipes
00:11:24| but i don't know if everyone else in the gym is like ew he's disgusting when he touches the even the the one where you get on it and like i know any any machine i touch like my i
00:11:34| can see back sweat on it when i'm done and i'm like oops i'll get that but like even though i wipe it down isn't that gross it's like ah he's in the gym tonight jesus christ
00:11:43| he's gonna sweat all over everything oh my god i don't even want to use anything he touches these guys before you no one no one would tell me that to my face because that's part of
00:11:53| the gym thing but that's why i'm not teaching a friend to be like oh this is disgusting i need to bring someone into the work gym with me that's the one time i was
00:12:01| bench pressing and someone's spotting me and i had really bad breath and i was like and they're just like oh yeah they're like that is that is that's
00:12:13| rancid like stop breathing like if you could do this without breathing that would be better yo if your breath smell that way your sweat
00:12:20| probably smells terrible maybe i don't think about it that's what's coming out of your body ugh so smelly medicine is oh i'm sure it's a thing i was just
00:12:31| gonna say gym like if you don't exercise for a while and you don't sweat that your sweat is going to be stinkier or do you think it's just dying no
00:12:39| well no i think it's diet 100 so like if i'm doing it on panda's episode i'm drinking i'm having a good time i'm going to work out the next day everyone's going to smell like
00:12:47| whatever the hell i was drinking the night before if i ate junk when i went back upstairs after the episode they're gonna smell everything so my thing is
00:12:55| it's gym is weird because it's it's a physical activity that's like super intimate sort of like we just mentioned sweating pooping making sex sounds like these
00:13:06| all happen on the regular in a place where if it's a school or a workplace that's where you're like working with someone who wears a tie and crap
00:13:15| and now you're like sweating next to them and smelling them stink it up and what you're watching them push their their body to the limit you're also totally
00:13:23| checking out their numbers you're like what the hell is he mentioned oh [ __ ] it's totally invasive it is and it's weird or all the predators anyone goes to the
00:13:35| gym as a predator the only people who aren't the predator are the prey and do you know who the prey are the noobs someone comes up they don't know how to
00:13:43| use a machine i'm watching them i'm not gonna tell them i'm gonna be like this yeah and it's so weird you're like you're like oh my god he's sweating he has no
00:13:57| clue how to wipe down the machine yeah walk down the machine dude oh he didn't do it i'm not telling him and it's like weird because i'm all [ __ ] talking i was like
00:14:04| you know he didn't wipe down the machine and it's weird because how would he know like if no one's there to tell you there's no way to know what to do or the etiquette
00:14:14| or whatever it's like going into a battle and just like blind and everyone else is a veteran and you come out and they're like he did
00:14:22| everything wrong oh my god and gnome will tell you so i don't know it's kind of it's crazy how do you avoid the use you go about your business and
00:14:34| learn a little bit you have to learn i think i've learned um just going to the gym on the regular like there's things i do now that i probably didn't do before
00:14:44| i always check with the guys anytime i'm using a machine because like i feel like it's more friendly like i know he's not using it but if he's standing there and i'm like yo
00:14:52| using this dude thanks bro and it's like the other thing is i used to have two i i say bro i do in the gym i don't know why you up frequency
00:15:02| i do the other thing is i have two wireless earbuds who i've mentioned before i had them both in at full volume one working out because that really pumps me well when there's
00:15:11| five people in the gym and i know them or i tell anecdotes or jokes to them sometimes now i only have one ear in at all times so i can hear people at the gym and
00:15:22| sometimes i'll say encouraging things like ah good job even if i don't mean it like it's just a nice thing to say like like she's like pushing up those weights
00:15:31| that are like two pounders and i'm like i'm like whoa way to go good job i'm like i can't believe you did it and really i'm like who cares
00:15:40| but it's just a nice thing to say yeah or like my boss is bent pressing way more than i'll ever be able to bench press and i'm looking at him and i'm like he could kick my ass
00:15:47| holy [ __ ] i'll be like yo you gotta up your weights bro like i'll say something funny so it's like you get into a rhythm
00:15:59| that's kind of like a workplace but it's way more physical visceral sweaty dirty nasty where you see everyone's live it's coming yeah i kind of like it
00:16:11| maybe because i'm getting good at it if i wasn't maybe i wouldn't like it as much so look out for those predators okay people have been going to the gym
00:16:19| gym rats jimmos would you avoid them i don't know would you go to the gym yeah i did in the corner pick the first machine just stay there and like see how
00:16:30| it goes and then leave work you're working dan's working the leg machine the one that spread your legs cutter yeah yeah yeah
00:16:41| he's just doing this over and over like hey guys someone's like you've done like 40 of those reps you want to up the weight bro and he's like no i'm good
00:16:49| he's just doing this over and over looking at everyone in the gym trying to kind of scope out what everyone does he's leaning back yeah he's like you can't be like uh let's get
00:16:58| them legs going let's call them legs pumping oh guys this this machine see you guys later a couple of weights all good so it's it's kind of a cool dance that you have to do with everyone
00:17:22| again i say cool because i do it often then i'm probably getting good at it but if i didn't do it often i had irregular times and i wasn't good at it i'd probably be afraid of it and hate it
00:17:32| and think it was stupid so like anything else the more you do something the better you get it the more you get used to it the more you know the culture of it
00:17:40| and every gym is probably different there's probably due to hog machine x it's probably dudes who intimidate people when they're around their weights
00:17:48| it's probably due to do everything for show there's probably dudes and i keep saying dudes because i think dudes are like the gym jerk offs the typical
00:17:55| yeah stereotype yeah like the jerks like the ones you want to avoid there are probably women you want to avoid too but so there's flirts there's gerts there's hertz
00:18:08| that's that's what's at gyms however you want to approach it good luck to you if you want to do it though and you want to make your body better dive into it be embarrassed sweat on
00:18:18| some machines clean it up if you can remember but if you don't no one died maybe maybe
00:18:33| i i dun dun dun dun dun dun prayers

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