The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP142 Mike Movies

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Transcript UnP142 Mike Movies

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 142 - Mike Movies
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00:00:07| they bring joy to our lives they're everywhere they're everywhere we don't get to go to them anymore but they're still coming to us they're edited they're fixed sound
00:00:17| mixing film cinematography dressing up clothes what is this script writing oh i know we're talking about cinema movies lights camera
00:00:43| old friends action one topic at a time technology meeting we've got it all covered each discussion here deep dive into our unique perspective
00:00:54| taboo subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion might get a little bit
00:01:02| dirty language sexual content support so join us okay so i'm dan i'm nick folks we're back and whoa
00:01:34| there's a third panel so that means we have a third person here we actually have a guest tonight this one i've never met him in my life but let's have a warm round of
00:01:44| whatever we do here on the podcast for mike mike d we'll call him hey how are you guys doing don't tonight that i don't really care
00:01:55| let's just go ahead and jump right in this guy this is a constant professional you can tell right away so we're bringing him on because he's a a movie expert it says that he doesn't
00:02:04| say that he's buff yeah what i am is someone that literally does nothing except watch tv shows and movies all day fantastic
00:02:14| that's actually what we were hoping for that's perfect actually that constitutes a critic nowadays right yeah everyone's a critic they'll critic great show
00:02:23| huh am i right folks what's his name jay uh this is gonna be a lot of uh dan we're talking about the critic like the cartoon from back
00:02:34| yeah yeah what's he doing now he's doing commercials for what company who the [ __ ] knows either way that's what you end up doing if you're a great
00:02:49| actor or comedian you end up just doing really bad commercials jay sherman that was his name that's right i think that's james we apologize to john lovitz that was the
00:03:00| best podcast yeah was it that was a great that was an underrated show too it was subtle you had the australian dude right then
00:03:10| there was his i guess it was his mother the old jewish woman that was always like embarrassing the crap out of yeah yeah that's kind of like
00:03:19| classic bits i like those things so we wanted to focus on movies today but i mean we'll talk about tv movies the mediums that we consume that are it's all filmed it's all literally set
00:03:30| up usually even reality tv and it's something that is like we consume it on the daily like i can't imagine being without it
00:03:39| it's something that's like filmed a certain way filmed in order chronologically and we watch it and we consume it and it's friggin great and i think movies whether you
00:03:49| agree or not are getting better every year i tend to agree on the whole i mean i think movies and tv is getting better and you're starting to see
00:03:59| with the advent of streaming platforms that you're no longer bound by that two hour time frame that movies kind of had to adhere to people are actually sticking around to
00:04:14| watch literally because they have the time they have the resources now and uh so that's i think yeah i mean content's gotten better
00:04:26| i'd say hands down how many times you hear someone say oh this is the golden age of television i mean it's it's kind of annoying when you hear it now but it's i think it's kind of true
00:04:35| oh it's 100 true and it's 100 annoying it's both something can be both so well i was just going to say like we grew up uh when movies were kind of they were going
00:04:45| mainstream like we could talk the first movies were like non-talkies what were they called silent films like can you imagine going to a movie
00:04:54| theater to see a silent film i'm just saying like i think it's ridiculous i like chronology it's my favorite thing you go to one and like pull out your phone i always wondered
00:05:02| i always wondered like so you're in a silent film there's some [ __ ] sitting in the back of the room playing the piano that is the score sheet to the movie
00:05:11| what if he just had an off day would you think that that movie was terrible because the piano player like was at a key or something or just hold on though so for real like when they played
00:05:21| that silent film someone live had to play the piano report and they would sit in the back of the room and play the score
00:05:31| for the movie dude how [ __ ] up would it be if he was just off on all of his timing and not just when he played like he played the song perfectly but he didn't start when he
00:05:39| should have started because that's probably like an art to that like you have to start right here at this scene or like whatever like you imagine some jackass
00:05:45| starts like eight seconds too late and now you're like but it's like the dude's just brushing his teeth or something i don't know like silent films for me are in no i'm
00:05:57| gonna do a pass what do you guys say have you ever watched a zion film no i've never actually watched one have you i don't think i've no only in
00:06:05| uh comedies where they actually bring it up like a 10 second clip right it's about how long you can watch a sunlight film i think
00:06:14| time you watched like 10 hours or something that's right was um tiger king how long was that i watched that yeah watching straight through
00:06:23| we yeah just about we well it was we watched the first two episodes the night before and then the next six in a row because i think it was eight
00:06:33| episodes right so five hours i was wondering how long it would take and we managed to hit tiger king within the first five minutes i know i didn't meet tracy
00:06:46| my girlfriend tracy uh absolutely destroyed this show she watched the entire thing in a single day yeah she loved it i haven't watched it myself
00:06:56| it's a train wreck it's a typical train wreck speaking of speak of the devil look at this fresh libations look at that you're a little peck hanging a
00:07:05| little peck on the cheek no for me from me from me hey she's holding me she's homie stop looking at her ass while she's walking away that's my job
00:07:17| well i wasn't looking at it while she was walking towards us i will say that so hold on just because i love chronology guys and i didn't want to get the tiger king five minutes in but we
00:07:26| did yeah let's do silent films so then i literally just saw this about two three days ago there's a twitter account called
00:07:33| freezing cold takes and it does old things that people said like this person uh brett favre undersized weak arm will never make it in the draft
00:07:42| it's like a review before he was drafted and it's like ah you got you're you're weird idiot there was one for talking in cinema and it was a critic who said
00:07:53| this was okay as an aberration and a novelty but talking will never the sound effects might be play into later realms but talking will never be a part of movies and it was
00:08:04| posted as a freezing cold take like that's a bad take you got busted my man but so they made this jump into sound and that's where like now writing became more of a thing
00:08:14| i guess script like you get people talking like it's dialogue like that's cool like still never watch one you know what i'm saying i'm still at
00:08:22| ground zero for that and then from there i guess these things kind of take off so wait wait wait oh movie good oldest movie you've ever really watched that you enjoy see i've
00:08:34| got a film class like the one where death and the chess pieces what's that it says oh that's uh yeah what is that that's it's it's the birdman is the director
00:08:44| yeah i know exactly you're talking about swedish guy and like death is like i am antonius block i will play your chess piece
00:08:51| and death is always playing chess with him he's always cheating max von siddow was the was the chess player the other chess player he was the i think he was a knight yeah that was
00:09:00| antonio's block i i know his stage name because i'm not good with real names so that's pretty sweet that might be the oldest movie i enjoyed
00:09:07| i don't know if it really was 1858 the seventh scale seventh seal boom okay yeah that's a good one like citizen kane i know it's also some game is that weird
00:09:19| no it was a film class i watched it in it's not like i'd go out and watch an old movie like that old movies don't exist for me before 1980. they really don't i my knowledge of
00:09:34| early cinemas it's it's for a movie buff it's pretty pathetic on it like i haven't seen gone with the wind there's there's like cinema classics out there that
00:09:43| i've gone probably never seen i've never seen it i've never seen the godfather any of them i've seen the first half of godfather like eight times but i never finish it
00:09:53| because it's really long and like there's stuff going on and i have family life and everything so so what we're getting at here is that i respect this kind of stuff in like
00:10:02| older films and nosferatu like freaking ugly ass dracula stuff like that totally and i i'm not even saying they're bad
00:10:11| it's just hard to watch because it's a different medium than what i'm used to like it's like one camera shot for like eight minutes like a dude giving like a soliloquy like that's not how we do
00:10:22| film and tv anymore and you jump to the i think [ __ ] started going hardcore good that's the thing i don't know comedy was there even comedy before that nick i think part of what you're you're
00:10:36| touching on is the fact that early cinema was a lot of stage actors that they're basically you're watching a play yeah oh hey please and
00:10:50| everyone does i mean is there anything more boring than live drama all right you know so it's just i don't think they had really it's like they were doing a
00:11:03| job that hadn't been invented yet almost yeah um and so that's why i think like podcasts you notice a lot of early movies they they they look and act like they're on
00:11:14| stage there's not a lot of continuity you have to worry about because it's like just one guy in a room and they the camera follows
00:11:24| them there's no camera cuts and everything but like i'll fast forward because i'm done with my old stuff like you started in like the 80s right and we
00:11:32| were born in the 80s so it makes sense that the stuff we love is when we were alive i'm sure if someone's from the freaking didn't watch
00:11:40| so and so casablanca this gone with a win like i could respect those things but i would never enjoy them because i came after them like i can't go back
00:11:50| and watch a dead medium it's like playing it's like my kid and i showed him mario like a video game and he's like this sucks and i'd be like
00:11:58| no no you gotta really get into it and he's like the graphics are terrible you can only move left or right and jump and i'd be like no it's revolutionary like i can't explain that to someone if
00:12:07| they didn't live the revolutionary it's crazy so we run into that and our generation where we were is the 80s and i think that's when film
00:12:17| cinema tv all this stuff became real for us and that's that right around that time is also when you have an explosion
00:12:28| in the technology of filmmaking like special effects i mean the 80s were especially about anything it was about special effects you know like that star wars film yeah
00:12:42| so yeah so 70s into the 80s i mean the pretty good stuff too although you know instantly when you're watching something pre-1980 like 81-82
00:12:56| you know right away the exact reason i touched on the way the cuts are done like the the acting like it's just a different you feel different even just the quality of the
00:13:06| the image the quality of the image you can look at a movie like billy jack which is a famous movie um if you actually see it i mean it looks
00:13:16| like yeah this shot is it's yeah it's [ __ ] i mean it's it looks like a really bad watercolor and that's crazy i don't know what you're talking about but
00:13:24| i know someone over here may have just ridiculous so um you've seen major pain yeah so uh well the famous line is actually from
00:13:40| billy jack and it's i'm going to put my right foot on the left side of your face and there's nothing you can do about it so it was something like that okay and the guy basically kicks the
00:13:49| dude in the face faster than he can get his hands up to block it nice um so that that line has been quoted and and re-quoted and butchered and quoted
00:13:57| and pre-quoted times in some iteration or another so it's so we can all agree like these are our childhood is the 80s and that's when like
00:14:07| [ __ ] got real for us and then i think action movies were like a big part of my childhood like the 90s like that early like schwarzenegger stallone like everyone going off like that stuff was
00:14:18| my wheelhouse like that was cool when i was a kid right and you would you could never i mean obviously sci-fi is tote a whole another
00:14:28| facet of this but an action movie in the i mean anything prior to that just doesn't hold a candle you could never do you know robocop right they just first of all they had no concept for it
00:14:42| but be sure to really shoot a mugger in the dick like that's incredible right just square in it like he's gonna rape this girl and now
00:14:51| he's gonna pay for it like that's the ai targeted his dick i mean i guess the definition of an action movie has has changed so much over the years too like
00:15:02| what used to constitute an action movie was a swashbuckling pirate and some very poorly choreographed you know sword fights right yeah
00:15:15| you know which is the same genre right but just a totally different scale [ __ ] a john wick three type thing that we're into now like that's
00:15:25| that is intense well and that's what happens with any product i mean it keeps getting more and more so you want more action do you want more intense stuff you want more realism you
00:15:38| want more stunts you want more realistic looking like a guy getting kicked in the face by a horse like yeah we'll go for it now that this this
00:15:48| advance in technology and everything comes at a cost and that costs michael bay essentially because he's the he's the flip side of the coin which
00:16:00| is you know let's not worry about dialogue and and story we need 30 minutes of consecutive explosions and cut in a slow
00:16:10| emotional shot with you know some music in the background and then another 30-minute sequence of explosions and if john blue is teaming up with them
00:16:18| there's doves flying around like i love it exploding dubs exploding dubs has anyone done an exploding dove movie or scene i would i would heavily
00:16:28| invest in it if it were yeah was that a movie where the birds fly into the the prop engine on the plane and it goes down
00:16:36| and they uh hudson the hudson tom hanks spinner yeah that was the most recent one i think it was uh where he puts the plane down on the sully it was
00:16:47| sully thank you yeah yeah that's correct puts the plane down on the uh all right or something yeah right on the hudson rip tom hanks covet 19. he's doing fine i've just his career i
00:17:00| feel like took a downturn right here i'm i'm kidding folks his head was shaved for a roll it was for a roll so you totally just cheated out of me right there because
00:17:10| i had to stop thinking about it did tom hanks die and i just forgot about it no no he would know you probably know it would show up on your twitter so
00:17:26| the other thing is so we've talked about how these action movies kind of push the pace so we pushed action we've pushed explosions
00:17:35| for a while i think we pushed romantic comedies and stuff either way you get into a genre like a niche and you push it as far as you can and i
00:17:44| think what we're seeing maybe from the 2000s 2010 is that you can have multiple niches niche nice niches so cliche and what also is happening is
00:17:59| all these things are worth freaking lots of money and everything follows the money so as movies are worth more and more and more becomes more and more wealthy
00:18:07| yeah no that's not where i was going because to be fair to be fast she's made a couple of good movies oh he has i i'm we're not
00:18:25| even knocking them i mean granted that was like 40 years ago at this point which one which one which ones did he make billy madison
00:18:32| happy gilmore billy madison they were they were production yeah not all of those hold up very well when i watch them like parts of it there's no hilarious
00:18:45| the answer the answer when i search for adam sandler movies it says at least 67. like it can't they can't count it they were like it's like a lot
00:18:57| we gave up counting after we hit 67. we couldn't bear it anymore what's the series grown-ups like that's a guilty pleasure of mine i will watch the grown-ups movies i i will enjoy them
00:19:07| they're not that great they're not even they're probably borderline not good very neutral this does kind of it kind of supports your argument though which essentially is
00:19:15| a shitty movie today is still better than the shitty movie back then exactly the minimum has definitely climbed in terms of overall quality 100 and you know why
00:19:29| because there's probably when you look at the cat like not the cast like the credits for a movie now even like a shitty b rated movie that
00:19:39| wasn't like a full feature cinema event extravaganza there's like uh there's five grips a grip is like a guy who works on the cameras like there's 14
00:19:49| stunt guys there's 38 sound editors there's like a continuity guy there's probably a freaking continuity guy that's in charge of hats
00:19:57| he's like all his whole job is just to make sure everyone's hats is the exact same in all the scenes and it's worth paying that guy because this movie will make enough money
00:20:06| movies movie didn't come to mind um no worse movies i i honestly don't remember half of the movies that i
00:20:25| watch anymore i'm becoming my dad we all are are we literally literally was talking to him about this fantastic show on netflix called ozark um i
00:20:38| saw two episodes tara's cute story it's good it feels good um anyways so bring it up and uh he's got no recollection of it
00:20:50| not even a little bit and my mother chimes in and apparently he literally watched the entire show as in like recently
00:21:07| a single thing about any of it i wonder if that's uh the downside to what we're doing everything's so well done and so crafted perfectly in its own
00:21:17| direction that it's not memorable because it's all so good you're so overloaded so much stimulus yeah it's a bit of oversaturation i do i do think some things
00:21:28| stand out your because the cream as always rises to the top um speaking of which so i wrote down a couple of suggestions for you guys
00:21:39| oh he's got notes he brought notions what kind of subscriptions y'alls have however and these are probably going back a little bit within the last 10 years we'll call them
00:21:53| most of these okay uh if you have hulu i strongly recommend letter kenny i love letter k that's why when you said to be fair um the dialogue in that show is the best
00:22:06| i've ever seen in any show fantastic fantastic show killing eve pretty solid show um it's uh she the one the main actress um i forget
00:22:19| her name sandra oh was from grey's anatomy which is one of tracy's favorites okay um but uh written shows but i can't watch it
00:22:28| beginning was good yeah it's in my it's in my b rotation um like you'll watch it yeah well it's something that tracy and i actively watch together
00:22:37| that's the thing if you're watching with her like that's cool exactly you wouldn't seek it out yourself but i got you yeah so dan this one might appeal to you a
00:22:47| little bit also on hulu you ever heard of adventure time nope so if you're looking for something that might shut the kids up for a few minutes
00:22:57| um they're all super short episodes or usually between 10 15 minutes uh it's the type of show that is i mean it's animated and a lot of it is on its face would
00:23:08| appeal to a kid i mean it's about a a young boy and his talking dog that has superpowers and they live in what is essentially post-apocalyptic
00:23:18| earth uh the earth has gone through a major catastrophe um and so unrelatable life on the planet basically doesn't even resemble what it used to
00:23:30| people are made of candy uh among other things um but if you're looking for a show that works on a couple of levels you know on its face
00:23:40| your kids can enjoy it as just a you know animated show about a kid that runs around fighting monsters and exploring dungeons but there's also a lot of humor in it
00:23:50| that it's not obvious yeah it's stuff you might pick up on and beyond that i mean it's a guilty pleasure mine but i i
00:23:59| literally have seen the entire show front to back probably two or three times at this point i only started watching it in 2019 okay that was a good one this one
00:24:11| didn't originally show up on hulu but if you're looking for something that you have never seen anything like before just something totally unique it's
00:24:22| called legion it's loosely based on a marvel character of same name legion um it's basically uh i think the best way i could describe it
00:24:35| is if a tv show was abstract art interesting is it like hell and demons and like uh so it's a the gist of it is it's about
00:24:49| mutants uh near future so x-men mutants you know that's that universe it's that marvel x-men uh universe um and it's about a guy super powerful
00:25:01| psychic who is also batshit crazy and has basically schizophrenia has his entire life uh and finds out at one point that
00:25:15| maybe he's not entirely crazy and some of the voices in his head are actually this other entity this mutant being called the shadow king that has been living inside his head since he
00:25:30| was a baby um but it's a show that is admittedly hard to follow at times there would be what seems like utter nonsense and then you get to the end of the episode
00:25:44| or the end of a season and it's like the last jigsaw piece falls into place um it's a show that half the time i was like i don't know what the hell is
00:25:55| happening but i like it um so yeah if you're looking for something completely unique legion plus i mean i'll literally watch anything that's got
00:26:06| superpowers mutants monsters whatever it is fantasy that [ __ ] like i i eat that [ __ ] up what do you think about mcu as in like uh so was it n
00:26:20| something what was that movie well one highest grossing movie of all time about the adventures movies yeah adventures all right so hold on right before we get to that because
00:26:32| what i was going to say is that it make all these movies and tv shows make so much money even the worst movie of uh 2019 made 40 million dollars
00:26:42| not bad not not a bad chunk of change sherlock and holmes so what i was going to say is that the whole superhero movies especially the marvel
00:26:50| universe like it became i think for our generation or at least for our time right now the best done movies in maybe my lifetime i don't know if it
00:27:01| holds up but i think it will because i think it's the best editors the best sound people the best actors the best writing the best special effects it's like all of the
00:27:10| collective largest working body of people and it's a huge amount like how much cost i have no idea but a lot it took uh the most important thing is
00:27:21| it doesn't cost as much as it made which is why they will keep making them a hundred percent but that's why this is one of the best products you can absorb it's nothing like a movie made in 1970
00:27:32| it's the exact opposite so it's got good it took florida close to 850 million to make and then market is 150 million and it made 2.8 billion dollars that's
00:27:45| nuts make 2 billion dollars off a movie but it's i i just thinking his life hold on i also want to tell you guys the superhero i just finished um end game
00:28:00| is that the last one yeah end game i started it i started it six months ago when we rented it on demand or whatever and i got through like an hour and a half
00:28:09| and i forget it was like two in the morning yeah well i got to where they were going through time and i started getting confused and i started like oh my god so
00:28:18| i gave up i finished it today actually tears you're crying no i mean no because i never it's a [ __ ] great ending do you know why i didn't want to go back
00:28:29| it's because i saw all the memes and i kind of think i knew who died and i kind of think i knew what happened and i kind of was right on everything that's why you can't wait on that [ __ ]
00:28:36| man i know i know but like this is what happened to me i i thought i knew what i was going into and i got exactly what i wanted and it was beautiful well choreographed
00:28:46| friggin everyone and everyone is fighting everyone and the stage is so huge and there's never been more battle and epicness that i've ever seen in my life but it
00:28:58| it didn't do anything weird or surprise me or make me feel special or i don't know it didn't do anything unique because i kind of knew strange
00:29:08| dan you need a new chair man squeaky squeaky can of wd-40 or something no i i i loved it personally i thought it was a fantastic
00:29:18| movie i enjoyed the hell out of it i enjoy actually it's they're some of my favorite movies but what i wonder mentally is that what what will happen to these movies in 20
00:29:27| years will they be the casablanca of the our generation like will people be like oh you guys were live avengers oh my god and then end game and like will they say that or
00:29:37| will movies get so much better every year how many that this is just another like 20 movies in that like those phases i think there's another phase after this so it still
00:29:46| goes but i don't know that it can talk they slid the whole timetable back obviously they pushed everything back um not just the stuff that was not just the stuff that was directly affected
00:29:57| they pushed their whole schedule back they slid everything back um because obviously they've got this all mapped out i mean they know they release something early summer they
00:30:07| don't want to release something else on the heels of that they want to you know give it time they got this down to a science at this point but doesn't that make you guys
00:30:18| feel weird though what you just said they have it to a science they know exactly how to edit these things they know the special effects they know
00:30:26| all the camera angles to make something appear epic they know which music to play they know when volume swells happen they know all the best actors for all the best roles and i'm not saying it's
00:30:35| bad i'm saying it's it is perfect but what's the cause it's intentional it's not like they set out to you know to say i really want to make
00:30:44| sure nick enjoys this movie you know they their ultimate goal was we want a successful product exactly and they did oh they did it's incredible the the result is beautiful i
00:30:54| think it's the best it's kind of the same argument people have been having over targeted advertising for years now which is basically
00:31:03| yes they know a lot about you more than probably you'd feel comfortable when it really came down to it but ultimately it means you're getting ads that
00:31:13| might actually appeal to you so it's kind of a win-win i mean yes they have it down to a science and mate maybe that's a little machiavellian
00:31:24| choose your own adventure movie where it just shows like what you want to see and somehow you watch the same movie and it's completely different well that's where we're that's where we're
00:31:32| heading with vr and being able to like read what they've got human psychology down to you know oh they do i was about to say
00:31:42| they've got psychology down to a science but that's that's been a thing for like 200 years or something yeah um roughly i also think it's getting more
00:31:52| generic too it's like now they're trying to fit a global audience and they're making it more visual more graphic everything's kind of
00:32:00| i don't know like if you see the comparison of like the mcu movies versus what the justice league and all that garbage like the dialogue garbage i mean they're
00:32:08| they're not garbage but they're not pretty bad the justice league movie is like the dialogue is complete it's trash like they don't care because they think they know they can
00:32:16| make a bunch of money off of it well it's hilarious isn't it i mean because dc just take the movies out of the equation dc has the stronger properties in terms
00:32:27| of batman superman they've so they've got arguably the better source material whether or not you're but for whatever
00:32:38| reason marvel just they just did such a better job again i think it goes back to this editing sound production like
00:32:47| teams that work on the writing and stuff like that and like actually maybe and do you know what i actually think is a breath of fresh air that guardians of the galaxy what
00:32:57| i actually don't know where that came from but i feel like it gives that renegade extra thing because i never heard of them until the movies obviously call the clicks in high school
00:33:06| you kind of have your like own little area and then tying them together it makes you feel like you're part of the crew in the clinic yeah i could see that
00:33:14| i think guardians tapped into something that was missing from the mcu and that was a little bit of levity like they've always had jokes interspersed but
00:33:23| i'm gonna talk about a movie that does not take itself seriously even the second one guardians 2 which in my opinion is not as good as the first like
00:33:33| you could tell they were just having fun with it like he literally plays catch with his dad with a ball of light and it is the cheesiest stupidest scene you've ever seen and
00:33:44| they know that going in right like so they're they're having fun with it at least and i think that rounds out the the picture a little bit because you've got the more serious
00:33:55| stuff you know the avengers movies were always i think part of the reason they're so successful is it's such a good blend of good writing
00:34:04| like it's funny it's witty banter mm-hmm but you've also got good acting acting you've got a good character beautiful camera drama like there are actual stakes you
00:34:17| know so uh they they did a great job of hitting on a lot of bases and it's so i think that's part of the reason they've been so
00:34:26| successful too can i tell you guys the funniest joke is the um rocket the raccoon he's trying to build a bomb to give the group and uh to attach to the brain and he's
00:34:37| asking quill hey quill do you have any tape and he says no i don't have any tape and there's like a huge battle going on and everyone's fighting
00:34:45| and there's all these people just like life or death but they're having this conversation and he says anything i just need tape to attach to the thing so i can cross off
00:34:53| and he says i'll ask everyone and then he says hey jax do you have tape and jack says like scotch tape and he says yeah he's got table work he says no well why did you ask god jesus ah
00:35:05| but that's that's to this day one of the funniest scenes in cinema that i can think of no why would you say they're they're chock full of that stuff too there's so
00:35:14| many little you know throwaway jokes that that are so good on their own they're they're great on their own and then put it into an entire
00:35:23| what is basically woven together into this massive tapestry of you know of cinematic moments and it's that's that's why they're just fantastic movies on their own i don't you could
00:35:34| remove genre from it all together they're just great movies great is it inspiring i kind of feel like whenever i see those movies i always
00:35:44| want to create like that world so that like someone else can take like source material from me like stan lee and then like create all these characters but i don't
00:35:52| think i could do it like for stanley to create all this stuff and allow it to just play out like right before his death like that
00:36:00| that's insane it took a lifetime to do that but multiple lifetimes actually when you consider the fact that it was i mean it was because it was him it was
00:36:08| always got to do jack kirby and that helped him you know ink the actual comics back in the day like and also apparently he had some input in
00:36:16| the creative process by the way if you're a comic book nerd i'm speaking at a total ignorance here so forgive me um not really my forte
00:36:26| i think the last thing i read was attacks on my phone from you guys uh don't don't do books so whatever um
00:36:38| but yeah because it's literally multiple people working on this stuff devoting their entire lives to it yeah it's the pinnacle of what we would call cinema or tv do you guys want to flip
00:36:52| the tv at all because i think tv took that resurgence oh go ahead and i had a couple more suggestions for it too right
00:36:59| so if you have amazon prime like most people do nowadays and you like sci-fi there's something called tails from the loop um kind of like your standard
00:37:12| uh outer limits or um what's the uh the one with the door help me out here details from the crew classic uh no classic like sci-fi the spanish
00:37:26| director dude who has all the weird monsters oh black mirror no the twilight zone black mirror by the way fantastic um most of them i think they
00:37:35| had a really really poor choice for the first episode i don't like a dude [ __ ] a pig i just i didn't really grab my attention but every episode after that was pretty good
00:37:46| it's weird because i've seen a lot of pornography videos that started that way don't ask how i got there but they were enjoyable started that way and ended that way i
00:37:56| imagined no no no it was like no they started that way and you finished the other way it was no it was a spit roast guys over a fire two guys on either end
00:38:07| right so tell us in the loop if you like sci-fi and you're looking for something a little bit a little bit trippy um and uh if you've got hbo westworld oh hell yeah
00:38:20| that i had put off and i finally devoted the time to watching it the first two seasons in like a month and uh been watching season three and it's been
00:38:33| it's been excellent can we ruin it for nick because i don't think nick seen that because i suggested that once again guys i never i already suggested it so it's too late he already
00:38:42| it's allowed to be ruined now what's the one uh the sci-fi that's uh subject yeah of course uh where they take over the bodies and stacks and all that
00:38:52| i love that one oh altered carbon ah thank you guys man i can't believe i didn't suggest that one i just watched season two of that not as good as season one yeah it
00:39:03| actually came out um i want to say maybe a month for two this is the style of what it became uh same same characters or no whole different so it's the same characters
00:39:14| but different people's sleeves you know being what they are body jumping it's a different actor it's it's actually anthony mackey
00:39:21| who was falcon from uh the avengers yeah yeah okay you know um so he takes over the role of takeshi kovach
00:39:30| that's kind of cool wait like that's i would say right i would totally watch it so the first season was much more like groundbreaking runner like get that that great gritty dark you know
00:39:45| feel to it mystery um yeah second season i think was much less noir and more just kind of standard sci-fi so good um not as good as the first season but uh
00:40:00| i'll probably keep watching it a minute you know so there's something like you bring up like the main core of the plot really pushes the way the movie is shown
00:40:10| and westworld has like the same sort of hooks that like it gives you a premise and it explores that premise in a way that surprises you
00:40:18| and worst world the first season the end of that i was like oh [ __ ] i didn't see that coming at all and i should have and that's what pissed me off and made
00:40:26| me like the the season so much you should watch world nick you've got i will be four hours westworld is uh it's a great one because there's a handful of characters
00:40:38| that you heavily invest in and then that you you're you're dying to know where their story art goes um so but i i don't want to
00:40:50| tell you too because it sounds like you're setting up like game of thrones characters where it's like wow this character is oh my god they just killed them all
00:41:00| or something powerful happens i'll tell you they don't die um death is definitely a common running thread um as with a lot of things but
00:41:12| it's uh vape dan is is spot on they do it in a very interesting way interesting um and addressing a lot of existential questions
00:41:23| like who am i who like who are we all like what makes us who we are you know part of our identity and choice free will stuff like that like it does a great job exploring those topics
00:41:36| in a way that's not boring or overly heady right overhanded like philosophical there is still a tangible plot that you can latch on to and they kind
00:41:48| of give you these topics as things you can think about and they explore it but as a real central story driving everything it's cool homework yeah
00:41:58| i'm into that i i will put that on my list of must do's not like i want to mention was and this one not so much because i i enjoyed it but
00:42:09| uh i just watched i started at 11 o'clock last night don't don't ask me why i watched it chapter two oh yeah i haven't seen the first one
00:42:20| either because i was like i haven't scared in a while i'll i'll turn all the lights off and i don't like that [ __ ] is that weird he's scared
00:42:27| yeah your arms are that you're just a [ __ ] the first one's better and the second one was really more of uh just tying it more the
00:42:41| same honestly let me ask you guys because you saw it and i'm just guessing here did the second one go heavy-handed in the
00:42:48| the scare tactics go extra into the special effects did it go more into the bizarre like the things that made it successful because i wonder how tv series movies etc go awry when
00:43:00| they recreate something because it's hard to recreate something i mean i don't know i feel like it was paced the same like it didn't accelerate the way it needed to
00:43:08| in order to make it feel like it was like getting more frantic let me ask you a question um because i i haven't just seen it it's kind of fresh in my mind
00:43:19| uh the first one i thought was very well paced it there was a kind of an organic flow to the events things had a kind of a natural succession and a buildup
00:43:30| what's the when kids were throwing rocks at someone very deliberate very almost forced in the way that they paced it out like they were trying to make the second
00:43:39| movie like the first in the pacing but it wasn't natural no i mean meaning i don't know how much they they definitely tried to tie everything together which makes sense i
00:43:50| mean it's a two-part story it's one story but i i'll give you an example of what i'm talking about so all of these characters leave derrick
00:44:01| they leave this small town and forget and it's actually part of the story is when you leave this town you forget things that happened and when they come back one of their
00:44:15| central uh things they have to accomplish is they've got to go to the places that were meaningful to them when they were kids and find a token
00:44:26| some sort of symbol physical remembrance of their experiences back then yeah a physical remembrance like maybe a photograph or a you know a knife or a lighter or a bicycle or
00:44:38| something that embodied that time or their experiences from back then something important to them and so they give you these short little
00:44:50| maybe 10 15 minute sequences and you know exactly what's going to happen yeah they introduced they show you the character they're walking up to this place that
00:45:00| has some significance to them you know that there's not going to be a scary immediately they're going to go in they're going to sort of descend into you know the 9th circle of hell so to
00:45:10| speak and then once they're there that's when the scares start coming out so it the pacing was very predictable yeah in terms of when the scares were coming
00:45:20| was it the same director do you guys know i think so i mean i assume so i mean that would make sense that would i mean because that would make sense he's trying to
00:45:28| recreate unless i it also makes sense to this new director trying to pay homage okay yeah same same director i believe it was so that what mike sandy got is
00:45:38| that was more like there are like four short stories kind of in the middle of the movie and at that point you're looking for the characters to like
00:45:46| mingle like you want them to go on the adventure together and they're all separate and it you know exactly what's going to happen because you saw the previous movie where you
00:45:54| know what their flaws are so their flaws are just playing out and you're waiting for them to see it and it like doesn't do really anything
00:46:03| that's just really funny you said that dude you just told me the whole movie that's so crazy see it you want them to see it and it is it the i mean in one sense the clown but
00:46:13| in one sense whatever it is there was there was something i actually really did like about the movie and that is one of the characters and this is kind of a
00:46:24| tv show and movie trope and that is the one that did the research right there's the one that there's the brain that's the stories it it's not always a brainy person
00:46:36| but it's somebody that looked back it's the it's the historian of the group there's the research that the writer uses to give you the context the backstory
00:46:46| so they're really a vehicle for the writer to just flesh out the backstory for you all borderline lazy so basically that that character
00:47:08| um has done some research predictably uh checks the books out of the library probably well overdue he ties in this story about talking with the
00:47:25| native american uh tribe that has inhabited this land since before the country was even founded like basically reaching way back to old times
00:47:38| you know the times of myth so to speak and so they tie in the fact that this creature this being pennywise is not just a couple of
00:47:50| centuries old he is literally like yeah conceivably he's old as many thousand years old or more and that he has been he's essentially uh
00:48:04| something from another time another age you know when monsters and magic were real so to speak even though it's sci-fi it's not even remotely tied in with magic but that's that's the
00:48:17| kind of general sense you know that uh it's a throwback to a time in humanity when our beliefs were a bit more you know fluid less scientific naive
00:48:30| yeah and stories you know this idea that stories were how we communicated our our history um rather than you know recording it like with video and such podcasts yeah
00:48:43| video podcast i agree but so that they just that idea of tying tying everything back into that old time you know that the time before time kind of a thing
00:48:54| i thought that was kind of cool and the way that they represented that visually in the movie was pretty sweet too dude ends up tripping balls and actually sees
00:49:03| a version of the events that unfolded back you know when pennywise basically first appeared on this planet so that was kind of cool probably like um 30 minutes too late but
00:49:17| spoiler alert you know the uh it's funny you guys said that because i think that's like a theme that will probably get more popular
00:49:27| at some point or will become like the most popular it's stuff before we can record stuff like you mentioned like people like nowadays we can record everything
00:49:36| we can see everything myth i think myth is dying in the real world so it's like it's nostalgic like that's awesome when we could talk about stuff
00:49:44| that happened before we could record it when we talk about stuff that could happen like usually we use it's funny because the native american theme
00:49:52| is totally like poltergeisty it was built learning burial around like that's a thing because it's it's symbolic of older than we can
00:50:02| record this is before we know and it's kind of awesome because that's the opposite of what cinnamon is cinema we record [ __ ] we plan it we got it perfect we got
00:50:12| actors we got scripts we got when to edit when to cut we freaking cut every eight seconds all the cuts now like the stories we love to hear about though
00:50:21| [ __ ] older than time older than we can record older than we can write down dude that's the [ __ ] we love sitcoms anymore like a friends or a seinfeld
00:50:30| like those sitcoms are dead because technology made it so easy to resolve all those kind of struggles it kind of is like you can't you imagine if they could just text each other in
00:50:39| all these shows we watched from like 20 years ago oh my god it's like someone hits the coffee table and they're like we gotta stop him before he goes there
00:50:46| and it's like too late kramer's already going to the office or somewhere but if they they could have texted him it would be over the episode's done like do you know what i mean that's
00:50:54| so that's that's as old as shakespeare i mean that idea of we came so close to to actually you know communicating and like romeo and juliet is literally
00:51:05| the whole drama of the last they could have texted each other they just texted each other oh hey by the way i'm not actually taking this sleeping pill
00:51:13| yourself um i wanted to touch on something that you you had said because we talked about stories from before we could record history
00:51:22| and i think the reason that those are so powerful is because humans haven't really changed like the technology's changed but our biology and the way our brains
00:51:34| work hasn't really changed all that much and so that idea of stories or things from before recorded history it evokes a kind of a primal you know
00:51:47| aspect of human nature and what's more primal than fear fear life death exactly fear of death fear of the unknown and everything so they kind of go hand in hand you know
00:52:01| you're talking about something from you're essentially back in the day before recorded history you're literally calling back to that primitive primal experience
00:52:14| you know so i i think that's why they're so powerful those stories and i think you're right they're not going anywhere anytime soon
00:52:23| beings are still you know human beings because it's a real thing we really sort of can experience it but we can't experience it now if that makes sense well how else do you explain
00:52:34| religion i mean yeah every pretty popular pretty popular science fiction for a little bit more stories
00:52:43| and but human beings are wired to need those transcendent primal experiences those visceral like existential experiences they they kind of round out
00:52:56| for whatever reason they round out are i don't we don't want to know that life is just making eggs one day and they're kind of not perfect and like recording it on
00:53:06| instagram and then like someone else made eggs the other day and theirs was better than ours and like it's recorded on instagram and then like someone on twitter said this and like
00:53:14| your facebook posted this and all this and you want to believe that there's something beyond all that i mean that would make sense right something magical something crazy
00:53:21| something just more than the mundane like hash browns you made did you record it on facebook i mean i haven't recorded a meal on facebook in
00:53:34| i don't know like 10 years should we give you a round of applause oh i i actually have a badge that i wear that says i haven't recorded a meal in a decade
00:53:46| i haven't created a picture of a meal in alcoholics anonymous taking a picture of some food and then being like post and you're like no no no don't share it don't cheerlead 10 years
00:54:00| just just hold it for yourself yeah i mean so what we're what we're rounding about here because i think we're getting into uh religion spirituality native american
00:54:10| burial grounds and movies and braveheart and poltergeist is that when we talk about movies movies are more than just
00:54:19| what i always think they are editing and sound guy and like a grip guy and like this guy who does this camera work and the actor and whoever writes the lines and
00:54:27| someone's going to check all the lines to make sure they all work together and continuity is good and we spend millions of dollars on these movies it's more than that it's there are
00:54:37| stories they're kind of like our old tales from what you said back in the day like before time so they are a little bit sacred to us
00:54:45| right yep you could do a whole another entire podcast on how video games have changed from what used to be essentially just
00:54:58| sticking around wasting time to they've turned into a legitimate storytelling medium just like movies and music and you know everything else what
00:55:07| dan said earlier about uh one day they're going to merge and we're going to be able to play our own movie and it's going to be algorithm to our perfect
00:55:15| adventure right probably yeah you're basically gonna have to be able to tap into like the human subconscious though which there's gonna be some really twisted
00:55:25| [ __ ] coming out i mean um i'll go on fans only or like uh a lot of different websites off of reddit or like uh whatever you could see some twisted [ __ ] right now
00:55:36| you don't have to go you don't have to go that far you can go on black mirror you guys yeah and i mean christ the internet is basically
00:55:46| unfiltered as it is and we'll get to a point where it's not just unfiltered but it's totally real-time stream of consciousness
00:55:55| unfiltered yeah you know i can't wait man it is and and if everyone's doing it and everyone's giving off this weird ass [ __ ] where's the shame
00:56:06| everyone's weird as [ __ ] everyone's got unfiltered [ __ ] going on everyone's [ __ ] going nuts and epic and bacon and [ __ ] different animals and i don't know i don't know folks
00:56:17| so you want to see something trippy as hell no trailer for midnight gospel so i referenced adventure time earlier um that's a show that
00:56:31| references a lot of the same things that we've been talking about well midnight gospel is basically that same guy doing a slightly more adult and
00:56:41| definitely more twisted like nightmare reality version of of that's like a ren and stippy version
00:56:51| definitely shades of ren and stimpy which is one of my formative years tv shows that i [ __ ] loved but if you go back and watch it now it's disturbing as [ __ ]
00:57:01| it's like modern world too uh broncos is like more pg-13 version it harks on like adult themes of like
00:57:10| yes you're going to die your soul is going to die rather than the thing about red sippy that always cracks me up looking back is the whole it'll be red or stinky like
00:57:20| talking like is the coffee ready and then it's like a super close-up of stimpy's nose and there's boogers everywhere his face looks
00:57:28| cracked like he just did cocaine his lips are all parched and it's like anything for you ren and it's like lighthearted and funny but then like
00:57:36| immediately it's followed by a scene of like an uber close-up of like a toilet covered in [ __ ] boogers weird stuff no one knows what's going on it goes with the coffee
00:57:45| yeah it drops they they were doing the ultra like high def close up of like you see someone's mole on their face and like the hairs coming
00:57:55| out of it [ __ ] yes it would be like in a cartoon and it's like that's probably not necessary because the very next thing that that show is a twisted
00:58:03| twisted individual that i'm pretty sure i wanted to actually do it was an adult edge camp ed camp and someone else and i think
00:58:11| uh they got arrested for like messing with a kid maybe but i'm pretty sure that guy pretty sure brennan stimpy was the dialed back version of what he actually
00:58:20| yes just to give you an idea of how [ __ ] twisted you've got to be for ren and stimpy to be thankful and either way i'm not saying anything bad about bob he's a great guy he listens to
00:58:29| the podcast we like him he's a subscriber you guys should subscribe as well thank you anyway uh allegations before this isn't your first time doing this
00:58:39| this is our first episode and you're our first 201st episode just think of how good you guys will be at this like when you've done a couple of these
00:58:48| i agree well it's weird we've had the best guests we've ever had on this guy has never even have you ever actually left your mom's basement i did
00:58:58| okay well that's that's exactly why you're so good at movies i mean i've got some stuff there you know he's got an old woman he likes to slide into yeah some stuff there that's where
00:59:11| i hang out anyway uh if we were to round this episode out guys uh we talked about talkies silent films we talked about
00:59:20| the marvel cinematic universe we talked about video games we talked about westworld we talked about everything how would you kind of wrap up what movies and tv
00:59:28| are to us are they our gift to the world our curse what we have to watch what we love to watch what we do when we're bored what what are movies into what is it yes what
00:59:36| are we doing thank you all of the above um escapism at its finest and uh yeah i would agree it's always sharing these i mean look people
00:59:48| are it's hard telling stories since there have been people and it's just the latest greatest way of doing that now we can tell stories that don't they're not limited by the world
01:00:01| around us in terms of you can create a whole world a whole universe you know um and uh i [ __ ] love it i want more i want more every day every
01:00:16| time i run out of run out of shows to watch i'm like [ __ ] what am i going to do without like what am i going to do i can't i can't go outside and like this is my
01:00:23| life i can't go outside and like live a real life world you know what is my life if i'm not slaying a dragon or uh you know seeing monsters or magic
01:00:34| or aliens taking over or giant clown spiders uh descending on the world and uh you know turning people into candy or a
01:00:43| battle for freedom yeah i don't disagree with any of that i think it's all good stuff i think we summed it up pretty well
01:00:51| mike do you have anything to plug here would you like to do any charities uh never mind you don't do charity mike that's a funny joke i like to plug something though but uh i think i'll
01:01:01| be in person on that i'm taking mike have a girlfriend so i don't know but anyways i guess what's her name is it leftisha uh it's right right on so
01:01:16| what we're saying folks is check out our socials check out our whatever we have that dan put on the internet check out our blogs or her patreons
01:01:27| check out anything listen if you want to talk to us you can put stuff in the comments you can literally ask us questions you can be like this
01:01:32| i can't believe so and so forgot so and so and all you keyboard warriors can tell us all the great shows and movies we forgot you can even be if you're if you're over
01:01:44| to tell us about the talkies put in the comments below we'll read the hell out of it if anybody has any suggestions for shows tv shows movies
01:01:53| uh far away because uh i i need this one i need it please help me more guys to watch the eyes of an addict folks he's i just
01:02:05| i just need help i just need to find more so yeah i mean it's our addiction but it's probably not a bad addiction i mean people said tv would rot our brains
01:02:13| they're wrong movies did that are we to the point where they make movies so fast that you can't ever watch everything probably crazy i mean i suppose you could try
01:02:31| it would probably kill you you couldn't live your life couldn't work for sure yeah or you literally have to be consuming at least one
01:02:41| thing at any no you couldn't do it yeah you could play multiple monitors running 24 7. you couldn't sleep and uh you'd have to have people bringing you food and like wiping your
01:02:56| ass that's usually what my mother does anyway i mean sounds reasonable mother girlfriend same thing right
01:03:04| same person everyone thanks for tuning in that's michael d you can find him at his handle up he's not online you can't find him folks you can only find a mirror
01:03:19| just text nick his number is no no no no no and uh we'll make sure i get everything yeah and he will not respond to any of it so thanks for joining us that's mike
01:03:36| that's a good sir you did great it was a hoot he he didn't do great but we're going to talk about that afterwards that's dan i'm nick um folks we like you we like you
01:03:47| a lot

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