The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP144 Freedom

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Transcript UnP144 Freedom

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 144 - Freedom
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00:00:08| there's a certain amount of liberties that we take amongst one another there's a certain amount of liberty we take amongst ourselves
00:00:16| liberty is fleeting it's something we base a country on it's an idea it's an idea of free will free time free choices and ultimately they may take our lives men but they'll
00:00:32| never take our freedom so i'm dan and i'm nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've
00:00:53| got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby
00:01:04| we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty warning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for infotainment purposes only
00:01:16| so join us have a good time open up your ear holes because we're going to fondle your [Music] follicles
00:01:25| [Music] [Music] quite a harmony nice i'm dan beautiful i'm nick folks and as you'll know from our intro where
00:01:46| i tried to remember the braveheart accent and couldn't so i kind of went with like an english one it was it was english by accident and then halfway through i realized it
00:01:55| should have been scottish but um we're going to talk about freedom and liberty and like freedom so much freedom just crawling with freedom right
00:02:06| all over the place so much freedom are we would you the types of freedom because that's i had to go to the simple english wikipedia so like oh dude do the wiki
00:02:18| dude we love a wiki here so you have uh the different types of human freedom are association belief speech expression press uh one's state in life i don't know
00:02:30| exactly what that means religion bondage slavery hell yeah bear arms i read them as like uh freedom of slavery freedom of
00:02:43| yeah liberty yeah there's religion freedom of speech it's kind of cool and it makes sense to me right yeah we have them really cool do you exercise those
00:03:01| never i guess yeah i guess i don't really believe in anything nihilist so she i don't associate with anything i do speak but i don't try to upset
00:03:10| anybody so i'm kind of i associate with the gamers i'm a gamer you're not allowed to podcast no podcast ironically our right to uh
00:03:21| assemble is being our freedom of assembly is being um threatened right now right yeah yeah yeah do you do you think that's really uh issue i
00:03:32| think yeah i kind of don't think it is but i mean i also could see an argument where maybe it is
00:03:40| so the one thing i get is if you are reliant on whatever they're pretty like blocking you from doing if they're not allowing you to earn a wage you find
00:03:50| reliant okay so yeah make money yeah but there's a lot of catches in there to like allow most people to to get by and you could probably support
00:03:59| it anyway because they don't think the rules are that la are that stringent so like if your girlfriend was a hairdresser yeah
00:04:08| they shut down hair salons yeah and you know to touch people and they've shut down hair salons and will not let them work is that infringing on their freedom to
00:04:17| earn a paycheck i mean cruise lines yes your bartender i mean yes and no couldn't you argue well you're free to get another freaking job
00:04:26| i'm not saying that i'm saying could someone say that work in a warehouse you could right learn hashtag that's that's an actual one that's a thing okay
00:04:39| you're like learning to code hashtag somebody told a trucker to like if he wanted to earn more and not have to truck anymore he just hashtag learned code
00:04:49| and it was like an offensive thing like not everybody code like you uppity uppity [ __ ] you love any bastard that's interesting i didn't know the bourbon white man
00:05:01| telling me to go i don't grow up so freedom of speech so freedom of speech even you're not allowed to say certain things correct do you think chinese people do podcasts
00:05:12| i haven't heard one chinese podcast because i think they're afraid to speak i think they're i think there are some but i think more like government like mouthpieces like
00:05:22| essentially the news but all day so there's a piece of this that uh do you think so an espresso machine is going off is that a freedom of espresso machine
00:05:35| it's a whimsical uh travel it's a journey into the world that we're doing go ahead so what if i told you no i was gonna go i don't want to go
00:05:50| presidential with it because there's a there's an interesting thing with like freedom of the press so like the white house correspondents they have like an association that
00:05:59| allows them to be present and interview the president and what's happening now is definitely like a uh a perspective shifting like moment where
00:06:10| you're trying to force out the people who are asking the real questions and then you're trying to manipulate them but like the press has their own like stake at uh like those pressers
00:06:21| and they're allowed to position people where they want so they actually like had somebody from the presidential party say oh you can't sit there and then all of the reporters were like
00:06:31| no you like you yeah because it's interesting it's part of it's a necessity that the people i don't i don't disagree with you what would you say to the counterpoint where
00:06:41| they say what if like the press was just feeling like j.o in that day and they were like yeah we let like 18 homeless guys sit in there and ask the worst questions like
00:06:50| why are radio waves playing with my brain and like someone else be like where are you hiding all the money and the the tombs i know the tombs got money
00:06:59| wouldn't that be like a waste of time and maybe we shouldn't let those people ask questions what would you say to that i mean because that's also saying you can't ask
00:07:08| certain questions certain people can i don't know how to say that the white house can refute who can uh refuse access they can so again that's that's kind of
00:07:19| a play on what is freedom and what isn't and i think they do a pretty good job it's not like they let homeless crazy people in to ask questions but maybe are you saying they they could almost
00:07:29| guy has something to say maybe he does i wouldn't wouldn't be too surprised nowadays there's a lot of crazy throws at the president it would show you
00:07:39| freedom and he just like his hand tosses it oh man that would be i mean there's this fine line between what you can ask what you can't ask and who gets to ask the questions and who
00:07:49| doesn't that would be illegal by the way because it's a biological weapon to throw poop at somebody is it not not speech right there what
00:07:59| about poop at them like in towards like what if you just in their jet like a foot away from you but in their general direction yeah that's totally right what if you
00:08:09| threw it away from them and we're just like i could have is that still it could have been in your general dream a real mess on your hands with this
00:08:18| whole situation what if there's a prevailing wind is that could carry the microbes towards a waft or you had like gas station sushi
00:08:29| right beforehand it's projectile at that point right yeah i forgot what we're doing sorry i lost you sorry yeah sorry um we're talking about like
00:08:38| the freedoms of like who asked the questions freedom of press freedom of speech yeah um we are certain i mean can you run around
00:08:47| and buy nazi paraphernalia and then do like hitler hate speech i feel like you shouldn't be able to but but i'm also not here to say like
00:08:56| yeah it's freedom of speech but so confederate flags this comes up a lot where people okay drive around with confederate flags probably not
00:09:04| where you live most of the time no not where i live but ah not far there's parts of pennsylvania where it becomes more the norm than you would think yeah
00:09:13| pennsylvania we refer to that as so there's um there's people that drive around with confederate flags some of them have the intention of like you know separatists and like
00:09:24| we wish that we still had all of those things that were probably bad in the uh in the confederate nations i'm not gonna say what they were but um
00:09:34| i also believe that maybe there's a heritage piece of it and there's maybe different messages associated with the flag what you see often is that people
00:09:44| are against it like showing it off and there are people that will like actually like rip down the flag and having the flag and displaying the flag
00:09:55| is a part of your freedom of expression and by ripping the flag down you're actually breaking laws so even if you have a nazi flag or confederate
00:10:04| flag or even if you want to take the united states and burn it like that's you're allowed to do that but people react like that's like that's an insane
00:10:13| thing like i don't i don't know how people would react if it was a giant group of people and you burned the american flag in front of them or
00:10:19| waved the community here's one of the more infamous things that happens on the internet you're free to say or do or speak whatever you want you can
00:10:26| say i love nazis and i love i love all sorts of terrible things well if someone can figure out who you are and dox is you and you get fired from your job
00:10:38| technically they haven't broken any laws have they yeah because a private enterprise is allowed to do what they like exactly do what they like exactly so
00:10:47| the theory here goes no it's not illegal to have uh nazi confederate memorabilia hate speech all that but when something happens to you or you
00:10:57| lose your job or people threaten you or you're bullied or people say get the hell out of my store or get the hell out of your job or i'm not selling you this or i don't want to
00:11:07| serve you that's their freedom so in a way it's it's it kind of polices itself yeah it's not like it's illegal to do these things but
00:11:16| guess what when bad things happen to you because of it that's on you and it's not like people are restraining your freedoms correct yeah what was the uh the cake
00:11:25| shop the masterpiece cake shop that didn't want to make a cake for the gay couple right what turned out in that case because the cake shop decided that they
00:11:34| didn't want to make a cake but they didn't have to is that correct i think i think that yeah i think they said it was a freedom of expression or freedom
00:11:42| of choice to not provide them a cake because right which is fine well how about this could they have made them a cake that was like ugly or didn't say anything at all what
00:11:52| they wanted was like totally just a piece of garbage cake do you know what i mean they could have made a shitty cake for them yeah could they have i mean
00:12:05| i don't because it's also the right to never use that grosser baker whatever again be like listen these people are bigots i don't want to buy a cake from them
00:12:14| i will take my business elsewhere i don't know because the i think the general thought there are people there out there a lot of them that are like racists or
00:12:25| people that really don't you know they don't approve of our minorities xenophobes and all those types of people that
00:12:33| sure they're already all for it this is like the kissing a chick-fil-a thing too it's like oh like let's make a stance and don't allow uh same-sex people to kiss at
00:12:42| chick-fil-a by the thing where the christian what did they do i didn't hear this i know they're christian i know they close on sunday i know they're against
00:12:51| gay stuff in general but yeah did was there a counter move where people were couples were kissing in chick-fil-a or yeah yeah there's groups of like same-sex people kissing in chick-fil-a i
00:13:02| think the original case was that like there was a pda public display of affection between two gay people
00:13:10| and chick-fil-a told them not to and then there's like a big battle of like the people who stand with chick-fil-a and say like you can't do that here and then
00:13:19| the people that were like you know it's freedom freedom yeah right what i think is really funny about it is when you break it down to its ultimatum like it's two people who have planned
00:13:29| this and showed up at a chick-fil-a and then there's like the guy who's working there for like 13 an hour and he's like uh manager they're kissing i don't know what's going on and
00:13:40| there's like a whole bunch of people with cam cameras and like flashing and saying oh look what's going on chick-fil-a and the manager's like damn it uh
00:13:47| what's his name called out sick today i was supposed to work the register now i got um they're kissing in here i gotta tell corporate like i just think it's funny
00:13:54| to think on the human level the person who was working that day like not the chick-fil-a like in general and not gay marriage in general just a guy who
00:14:02| was working there that day and like had to do it and he was like damn it i was on register seven today because ricky called out and now i gotta ah can you take register
00:14:11| seven for me no i know i told you you're on fries you're all fries i'm dealing with this it's like just imagine the scenario that's like there's really big ideas of freedom and
00:14:22| not freedom but then there's also like a guy who's at work and like someone who was in line and like was like like can you imagine if someone was in line because his like
00:14:29| wife and kid were crying and it's like a two-year-old and like they just weren't chick-fil-a and he's behind them in line and then the scene starts and he's like i just wanted like a five piece
00:14:38| sandwich no pickles and he's like trying to give his order and there's this big commotion and there's no one's getting their order now and he's like damn it
00:14:47| damn it the other chick-fil-a was closed i came here it was a 20-minute drive and he's just like like i think of that element the whole thing i think it's kind of
00:14:57| hilarious to think of that yeah that there's probably a majority of people that will are just saddled not involved garbage that other people are not involved at all
00:15:07| yeah and it's like whoa i'm not here to do any of this i'm just i was just getting the nuggets come on man so did you
00:15:14| polynesian sauce did you ever feel like you weren't free kind all the time but not really like you run into these ideas of well think of this like
00:15:26| i went to a catholic grade school like you couldn't talk like you weren't supposed to do this like yeah they really were smacking rulers on the desks and
00:15:34| i think i got smacked once on the hand and i was like whoa in first grade this is a big deal to me oh boy nick um my teacher shook my desk um i had it i told her i had a headache
00:15:45| like to me in first grade that felt like my freedoms were pretty strict like there was you had to go to the bathroom at 10 a.m and then after lunch lavatory line i
00:15:55| mean that felt like my freedoms were restricted i couldn't just be like hey peace i'm gonna be right back so you know what i mean yeah are you free before you're 18 because you're you're
00:16:04| legally you have to go to school you can't just like trudge out on your own and be like i'm gonna make something of myself like get back there there might be
00:16:13| exceptions but i think most of the time people have to prove that they're actually going to school interesting i'm not sure that's a good point so then
00:16:22| after 18 are you free so it gets into the weirdness of like what's free and what's not yeah hey we're in a country that for the most part is very free compared
00:16:36| to other countries i'll just say that we're privileged yeah 100 and the i guess the terms by which we live in a privileged society is that when you get
00:16:46| out and you don't have any like if you were to be completely alone at 18 and not have any support because you're already behind the eight ball and you have probably
00:16:54| debt that's popping up things you can't pay for all the stuff that you don't have you might have a safety net of government subsidies and stuff but you're
00:17:03| pretty screwed for a long time because until in order to break free of the the cycle of like being in poverty and middle class and not ever getting out of it
00:17:12| you have to be educated and you have to put money and effort forward it takes a long time to be educated so here's a real question so what you're talking about i think is the
00:17:22| biggest lack of freedom we have i think it's financial freedom yep which no one has i mean well you can get it either you inherit it or you eventually get there but it takes
00:17:32| time effort a whole bunch of just putting in hours putting in putting money down into a system correct yeah i'm trying to exact effort
00:17:41| and time from you oh thoughts so but you would say this country is way more free than like say something like slavery we've already touched on that
00:17:54| um other countries where they can't china they can't even search things on google correct they don't have freedom of internet freedom of information so comparatively we're very free but
00:18:06| yet we still feel like hey you turn 18 you can't just do what you want can't just go often i don't know pursue your happiness correct yeah like well
00:18:20| can you feel like so here's an example there's like uh warren buffett's son he inherited like a small amount of money which [Music]
00:18:30| it was a small amount of money 80k or something it was like oh that's not it that's silly it's not a billion that's sizable but it's not a billion
00:18:39| but sure he chose to live the cheapest life possible so they'd become a musician and make his own way so he sold stock that would probably be worth hundreds of
00:18:48| millions of dollars in order to do his own thing so i mean if you were able to live the cheapest life possible and get by on almost nothing back then
00:18:58| i think it was doable but now i don't know i don't know that you could a pay for health care uh all of these you wouldn't have insurance
00:19:08| of any kind whether it's health or car or you know what i mean i agree yeah and you're definitely not owning a home and doing a mortgage no the inequality of cost from then
00:19:23| like 20 years ago could someone on minimum wage like buy a house i think you could i think i mean you would have a mortgage it wouldn't be a big house but you could right
00:19:32| i think so you definitely could someone now 60s it might have changed could someone now a minimum wage like even attempt to buy a house i don't even what is minimum wage
00:19:44| national minimum wage is about 10 bucks we already do this i thought it was like let's say it was 12 that's even rounding up the nash the federal minimum wage is
00:19:58| in most places i think it's higher yeah i think it's closer to 10 11 but so that's only like fifteen thousand twenty thousand dollars a year you're not gonna get a great mortgage
00:20:11| i'm gonna tell you that folks yeah you could maybe i guess i don't know how cheap i guess variable rate mortgage baby sign me up this goes in anyway we're going to
00:20:24| get debts we're going to get two financial i don't want to yeah that's 100 where that was headed and i think we've done an episode on that or uh
00:20:30| there's some predators check on them check the link below but pity lines don't do no don't do it don't do any kind of lines not muslims at all
00:20:43| so what other areas of freedom i guess if you if you didn't have any constraints financial or moral or location like what would you do like
00:20:54| the end goal of life the meaning of life is to find meaning in life so what are you doing to find meaning meaning so you're talking about like if
00:21:02| minecraft was real life yeah what would you build where would you live would you live by the sea would you go into a mountain would you tunnel underground
00:21:11| would you build something out of redstone would you like make some really pretty out of glass would you go underwater and scuba dive like what would you do
00:21:18| and when you play minecraft i think you figure out what freedom is yours oftentimes i find myself going to water areas like the beach and making things out of glass
00:21:29| and then oftentimes i will drop lava from high up because it lights up the night sky and when you look at it through glass you can see it from miles around
00:21:38| i kind of think that's that's what i would do with my freedom do you know what i mean i would make beautiful things and live by the beach maybe or like
00:21:45| close to it and i think i would uh i would pursue some kind of making something beautiful whether that's music or art or helping someone make music or art
00:21:58| ultimately i think that's what i would have done not necessarily with the people i am not with a kid not with anything i'm just surmising but that would have been
00:22:05| ultimate freedom if no money or anything existed your pursuit of happiness yeah a little bit do you think you'd be content with those
00:22:13| things if you had full time to do them you just play music all the time and you're just like wow this is great and you just like continuously think wow this is great
00:22:23| keep saying wow that's great every day you just wake up and go wow this is great no there's a human element of boredom or you can't sit still the restlessness i
00:22:36| think we touched on that where you can't be content it's kind of just a human condition yeah and that's what keeps us alive keeps us moving keeps us striving keeps us
00:22:44| inventing things so i don't know what do you think you do i don't know i'd like to do more uh creative endeavors that like you touched on i think i'd like to
00:22:59| make video games make movies and shows and stuff and try to get into media and music something that's creative that probably won't pay anything at all in the very
00:23:11| beginning i think about like movie directors and like good scripts and actual movies that like tie things together and they like drop little hints and they all tie back
00:23:20| together and it all means something and i wish i could do that but on the same token it almost takes like a financial incentive because you know
00:23:30| most of the people that are probably working in that industry need the money and there's no way to get people to just be like let's all be creative together
00:23:39| and keep this in mind they're like you're creating the whole purpose of this is to create something for others to see a lot of the stuff that gets created
00:23:49| will never get seen by anyone like do you know what i mean because it isn't high res enough or it doesn't make enough money or it's not high budget enough
00:23:55| so the whole purpose of your thing is to create something for others and it doesn't get seen and you don't get paid so do you think it's really for others
00:24:05| like some people just don't enjoy the endeavor well even when i touched on when i want to make something i do want others to enjoy it
00:24:13| like i'll make i'll enjoy the process i'll enjoy it myself but i'm not just making it for me because i feel like that would not be selfish but i'm the kind of
00:24:22| person who would want to share i want other people to enjoy a thing i enjoy experience it and say hey oh man that's so cool wow that is cool awesome
00:24:31| even if i i don't i'm not necessarily looking for money for it in this perfect idea ideological world but i do want them to enjoy it
00:24:39| the way that i want them to enjoy it that make sense i guess yeah i see what you're talking about like if i play a video game by myself
00:24:48| there's an enjoyment there but i also like if if it's capable of being multiplayer of course i want somebody to come in and be like like this is what i spent
00:24:57| or like hey jake like check all this crap out yeah like you want them to admire the scenery the work that went into the dialogue the
00:25:07| sound design whether you pick this color block to be this color or not like the little cracks that happen on it like you the details you want someone to see the details not necessarily pat you
00:25:18| on the back for them but you want them to enjoy them yeah that's why you made them that way i i mean it maybe it varies person to person i don't know
00:25:33| freedom is freedom's weird because i also feel like it changes um what i touched on on the intro was the the die hard thing yeah die hard let's talk about that well
00:25:46| like fart oh my god did i say die hard dude that's so weird i was picturing braveheart i don't know why i said die hard
00:25:54| i don't know why yeah well anyway well he wanted the scots the scots to be free correct right because of prima doctor not just because of provenance that was
00:26:08| hilarious yeah yeah along shanks and his men like they were constantly was it the english right yeah english they were probably taxing them i assume
00:26:19| and then taxing the hell out of them not letting it have land having nights with their ladies before the night of marriage like pretty much taking any land they
00:26:29| wanted like it was pretty much the definition of like feudalism is that what that is yeah yeah we're like yeah you can have your little plot of land oh it's making money
00:26:39| now it's mine oh it's not making money good luck like oh oh you have some crops over here you need to give me 40 what for because i'm here like it was
00:26:47| very there's no upward movement in a society like that there's no freedom correct yeah what would happen if someone just said
00:26:55| if they had the power to say like oh this is your house um you have to leave now it's no longer yours it'll be wild like we never think of
00:27:06| that here in america because i i think that's one of our freedoms that's very well protected and well done even if you want to evict somebody you can't evict them yeah it's like
00:27:15| difficult it takes it takes a month months sometimes yeah and even now it's like my house even if i financially can't pay for it before
00:27:24| homestead act so it allows me to stay here longer than three months or something yeah i think it's three months but i don't don't worry on that
00:27:33| but yeah they can't they can't take your home away from you because of a short-term thing and they can't just force you out of it especially if you're paying for it like
00:27:41| if you own your house outright like the only way they can take it from you is if you don't pay tax on it yeah or you do something awful and someone has to
00:27:50| you know sue you for it murder yeah but if you if so if someone were to take my house though like all my positions all the stuff i built how much like how much could i actually
00:28:02| genuinely take with me take with me like maybe the money have in the bank and like anything i could carry anything it fit my car which feels like a small small part of
00:28:12| my possessions but then i also take with me like my experience with my knowledge and my abilities which might get me back to this point but this point
00:28:22| yeah it took me it took me 15 years of working in order to get here so like that puts me back to like when i'm 50 something to like
00:28:31| finally have my house back like you wouldn't like at that point it's just like screw it like i'll just live in a shack so we talked about like you
00:28:39| you have these freedoms like god forbid anything happened to them would it be worth dying for them or it if it maybe would precursor it to like the next
00:28:53| generation like your kid's generation or something like that like it was being threatened it was being taken down from everyone it would it be worth dying for
00:29:00| so this is a captain america that's frozen well no that's what i was going on the braveheart theme still yeah the national what's happening your pride of nation enables people to
00:29:10| fight for it for whatever notion it's because it's like freedom's like a giant you know abstract thing the people who i fight for it i don't again i don't know if they're
00:29:22| driven by other means but i feel like the history we see is enriched with [ __ ] of course it's like very i'm the hero i'm doing this for freedom alone yeah of
00:29:32| course it's meant to drum up more people in the military because you're like a captain america who's honorable and fighting alongside others
00:29:39| his countrymen and it you know i don't i don't know that genuinely exists like back then if you look at like vietnam like vietnam i don't think that very many people celebrated
00:29:50| like fighting in vietnam it looked like it was like a [ __ ] show yeah it should show exactly generally a [ __ ] show i think it's the best term for it because i
00:29:57| think it was people avoided it at all costs they didn't want to die in some jungle somewhere but what if what if the braveheart
00:30:06| theory like what if you didn't have freedoms there were feudalism for your people and like your children and like your families like would it be worth dying for to have
00:30:16| let's say what we have here in america which we kind of agree kind of sucks but is way better than it it could be worse
00:30:23| i don't know i feel like a majority of people are going to put up with it i don't think i could like feudalism if yeah if someone said you'll have you know i don't know that
00:30:33| maybe a famine or something push that to happen but if you're provided for you actually aren't getting forced off your land you have enough food
00:30:42| and you have family i think like that's enough to like subside on and be okay content with so you're saying like less freedom than we have now would be okay
00:30:53| oh god that'd be terrible that's what no that's what i'm saying the braveheart thing like i'm saying what if you were in that situation is it worth dying or mel gibson yeah
00:31:03| that's what i'm asking i don't know i think the notion maybe the notion yeah i i love the notion i don't know if it's really is it what you would do is it worth
00:31:14| dying for i don't know if you're fighting an army that has like horses and armor and you've got like sticks and you're wearing a kilt and you're just hoping
00:31:23| that like an arrow doesn't hit you in the leg or the ass like like i can't imagine standing on a battlefield like they did
00:31:33| like the revolutionary war or just being like okay i'm gonna fire this volley at you and you're just gonna take it like if you're in the front row do you think
00:31:40| you're just gonna take it or do you think they probably shoot people at charlotte to like try to get off the battlefield like you can't run yeah like their own people
00:31:47| yeah 100 i think they them yes they did is that why they had swords too like the generals because they would smack them against people like the side of it i feel like that's a thing really
00:31:58| like what do you mean like they wouldn't kill them well like if someone was trying to break ranks or something they would like like hit them with the side of the sword
00:32:05| like not like slice them in half but like really like it would hurt and steel would hit them and they'd be like get back in ranks i thought that's why they had swords
00:32:13| instead of guns i don't know i don't know i don't know all right fair enough well i don't know that freedom is worth dying for but it kind
00:32:23| of is because it's a beautiful idea and i think like even this country was kind of built on ideas like that you touched on the revolutionary war and stuff like that
00:32:35| we do have the freedoms because they fought for it i guess died for it the one thing about this country that i think true freedom
00:32:45| really brings is the mix of people mix of cultures that you don't have in other countries because it's kind of uniform and a lot of the creativity comes with
00:32:55| that clash of cultures even though some people are really against it and xenophobes i think that's interesting he said that that's really crazy isn't it the strength of
00:33:03| this country is that we have so many different people that's like when you go like world war ii when they needed a secret language to talk and not get code broken by the germans
00:33:14| so they went to the navajos the navajo had the crazy ass language and it's like they still spoke english because they're here in america but like if you don't have that culture you
00:33:24| don't have that like secret key that unlocks everything right now it's my perspective a whole different look a whole different key elements and key ingredients
00:33:34| so what about can't make it just soup without ingredients interesting that you went there so i was talking about well think about food like what about our our livestock or
00:33:44| animals and the ecosystems that we're like we're viruses essentially like our freedoms mean that we eat everything
00:33:53| take over everything we control it as human beings we do so our freedom takes away other freedoms animals vegetation the earth ecosystems yeah
00:34:09| um i wouldn't disagree with that do you think it comes to a point where like the earth is so populated that that like freedoms those those freedoms disappear because we
00:34:19| can't choose what we eat like we have to ration things we have to share land like it becomes more divisible by the by the millennia
00:34:29| all things in balance i guess eventually you you can't become you're part of the earth so if part of the earth becomes too powerful too much of something
00:34:37| you're taking away from another part of the earth whether it's natural or ecosystem or you know natural resources we're going to run out of those correct yeah
00:34:50| what i find crazy is like water usage it's like yep there wasn't been like a day in my life maybe a few where i didn't have hot water and like i didn't
00:34:59| spend like 10 minutes taking a hot shower and like that's a rarity i think that's like uh maybe a third of the world doesn't
00:35:06| have that it is kind of wild something to take for granted yeah and like washing your clothes like other people are going down to a river and
00:35:14| like putting their clothes in the river and just like rubbing some where all the where are the bodies were burned where all the fat cells turned to lie i
00:35:22| believe in the river well what is that from you don't know that no soup yeah yeah watch their clothes on the part of
00:35:34| the river yeah yes yeah there you go that happened in the previous episode i believe yeah gotta stay sharp what else is there that we uh guns
00:35:47| i was oh wow interesting i wasn't even gonna go there are you a firearm owner i have one handgun i actually wish i had an arsenal but i
00:35:57| can't keep it safe like i have to have a giant safe in order to keep it because i think that's logical and makes my kids safe but and if i had a lot of money i'd probably
00:36:06| have a giant room filled with guns because sure why not yeah who cares at that point i think i think we we share a similarity in that
00:36:14| and that uh i'm not against gun ownership at all i have three firearms i like how i squint i'm like i don't know maybe three one two but i have i have i have a gun
00:36:23| safe but it's uh it's like never opened anymore because to go into the garage and do it and open it and whatever for what reason like to bring it up to my room for the night
00:36:31| because i'm scared no like i just have it because it's awesome and god forbid the world went to hell it's nice to have and they're cool to go to
00:36:39| the firing range with or up the mountains once every year or so but other than that hell yeah let those trees let those squirrels know who's boss but
00:36:53| but i i i think do you think there should be a limit on how many you can own what if it's a dozen would a dozen guns be enough
00:37:00| i don't i don't think there should be a limit because they're like then they have these weird rules about like what you can have i understand like firing them like a
00:37:09| bunch of rounds per second like that doesn't like that doesn't make sense to have that sort of power but also the military has that power and if they're
00:37:18| trying to oppress you it's like you deserve to have equal power it's no longer about keep in mind it also nowadays military has something that could
00:37:26| smote your entire neighborhood with a push of a button and you're talking about firearms so i get the disparity there is a bit of a you know
00:37:34| yeah you can fight back a little bit built a nuke in your own home do you think that was like if it was possible if it was possible plutonium is not illegal or is illegal i
00:37:45| believe isn't it yeah but if you were to have a way of doing that like the government won't allow you to do that they'll take power away from them like
00:37:52| it'd be too dangerous to other people which is exactly the same case for having a an automatic weapon it's like ah so that's what's gonna ask you
00:37:59| how do you feel about assault rifles stuff like that uh so i don't feel like people should own guns that have that kind of capacity like so is there a
00:38:10| number on it though is there a cap on the number of guns you can have that do that no no no a cap on the number of rounds per second
00:38:19| i think probably there should be i i don't know the numbers tell me 15. neither do i but i'm saying so if you say there is then someone's going to make a gun that's literally
00:38:29| one round per second less or you sell it is that okay there's i love in texas so there's people that like talk about how you can get the semiotic
00:38:38| semi-automatic weapons change yeah yes and like all about that i've heard from them that it's pretty sweet to have because it's like the power
00:38:47| the power is like oh my god but i don't have a desire to do that i know they're not like going to do anything bad with it there's always a bunch of cases on like
00:38:59| what happens like where does the gun go like if you lose it like who how is it being used like badly and i don't know just because you have power doesn't mean you're going to use it
00:39:10| and see i'm a little more in the other direction than you i feel like oh yeah i'm a little more against guns even though i have more than you yeah why how are you against them i
00:39:21| don't know i just don't think like a person can have a bad day and be so mad that they want to do something so terrible now they have the power to end so many
00:39:32| lives when really they may not do that any other time but all it takes is you know one breakup one catch your girl cheating and then you go out and start
00:39:42| shooting something or get fired from your boss when you thought you were getting promotion because you've been sucking up [ __ ] for four months waiting for that
00:39:50| promotion and instead you got fired and they're not giving you a severance like in those moments thereafter like someone owns a gun like i could see why they would
00:40:00| use them or go crazy like you're not yourself and there's no way for me to be like okay everyone own guns but when stuff goes bad you're not allowed to use
00:40:09| them like you know what i mean there's no way to control that person so yeah and i feel like we all snap at some point i mean times are desperate times are crazy
00:40:19| how often do you think they're using defense versus um offense of firearm probably more of the i wish you have stats on the offense but there's probably no stats on it no
00:40:30| if you look up the stats and it's a gun rights website it will say these are the ones that nobody told you about where they saved their family at night or something
00:40:38| and then if you look at another website that's like anti-gun it's like very guns are the whole reason people die yeah but i did know that your own family than an intruder
00:40:48| yeah i believe they are um i also believe um owning a gun like your chances of suicide are like number that's why
00:40:58| and that makes sense i wanted to up my number to 240 baby it doesn't work like that yeah 240 percent but it's just there's probably more
00:41:11| bad than good with them and i consider myself a pretty stable intelligent i don't know uh collected moral individual so they're always locked up and
00:41:22| whatever but there's a lot of people who are a little looser maybe do crazier stuff and fluctuate more with their emotions where i'm like they could have six guns
00:41:34| plus i don't think i could use my gun for self-defense i don't know the scenario that it actually plays out that i have the gun in my hand and someone's invading my home
00:41:44| and actually check this one someone's someone's coming in your house they're you don't know who they are you're very confused it's like middle of night and they're saying yo listen i
00:41:51| don't know where i am i just need i just need to use your phone can you let me use your phone you're like get out of my house sir and so he's like i just
00:41:57| i just want to get in your phone and he he he's wearing a trench coat you don't know what's underneath and he's stepping in your house like and let's say you have a gun do you shoot
00:42:04| that person that's a weird scenario dude if you don't know who he like he could be what if he do know he's like he's like a neighbor of a neighbor and you've seen
00:42:12| him like twice before but you totally don't know that guy he's a weirdo but he doesn't yeah or you don't know him are you shooting him holy [ __ ] dude you want to put up
00:42:19| with the like dealing with the body and bring it up burning them would you go to court i don't know if that's that's not a
00:42:29| threat either yeah that's gonna destroy a portion of your life and not like maybe temporarily maybe permanently like you don't know who that person
00:42:37| knows if they're gonna go crazy then you have to worry about the safety of everything and then you have to pretty much bail you have to have a freedom of privacy
00:42:46| the right to be left alone before too we have so freedom to bear arms very under attack very interesting i will bring up a stat thanks to the coronavirus uh the
00:43:01| united states has reached two milestones yes passing they went there that's correct they went their first month without a school shooting in 15 years
00:43:15| so that was very good on them congratulations united states oh it helps that no one was in school but let's not go there yeah there's a and now we've actually passed
00:43:25| our second month so congratulations again united states that's good two months no school shootings good job there's a joke in there but i can't
00:43:33| remember what it was it was very dark stat is the joke kind of but it's an actual statistic which is kind of creepy scary weird yeah that's almost every that's only that's crazy that happens so
00:43:45| often i don't think he counts june july and august though ah consider that it'd be creepy if it did somehow [ __ ] summer school shootings
00:43:57| damn dude was that another piece of gun oh it's like there was a zombie apocalypse though so all of a sudden the amount of rounds you could fire is like the power that you
00:44:06| man that's a man that's a man fantasy dude that's call of duty started that right that they have the zombie which we call yeah mode if somebody's neighborhood like a grenade
00:44:15| launcher like he'd become almost the president immediately of your neighborhood like if you're if your realm was in the neighborhood
00:44:22| like whoever's wrong you don't think so low ammunition low ammunition how many you got it on grenade launcher like nine do you have 20 how many rounds could you have though um
00:44:33| yeah now see shotgun freedom freedom freedom to have as many rounds as you want so let's let's bring it back to let's say religious freedom
00:44:44| yeah okay i don't feel like we're like like catholic or something christian in this in this united states it was a high percentage holy crap dude that's gotta be
00:44:56| way incorrect christians have to make up less than 60 i would imagine at one point let me see oh at one point i'm sure pilgrims we're we're 100 puritan like a few years
00:45:12| yeah so back in 1990 it was 85 and in 2015 75 percent of people said they were christian when they were pulled that's interesting it doesn't like it i imagine that number
00:45:25| is plummeting but interesting enough yeah as people become more educated and make their own choices and have freedom so then what is religious freedom
00:45:37| i don't know this is so this this one kind of hits home yeah i feel like my my mom's a religious and she's a little oppressive about it so like she would force me to go to
00:45:47| church and go to school and then like if i didn't follow like the religious line like she would like kind of scold me and then like try to get me to like you
00:45:55| know that's more on the tradition than the the idea itself i mean think about it i mean your mom isn't really like i really hope he is for the sake of it
00:46:04| she's more it for the sake of this is what my parents did to me their parents did to them like let's carry this on it's tradition this is
00:46:11| literally what it is yes provides and if you don't obey it you will be outside of our tradition and you will move farther from our in quotes family our extended family is
00:46:22| what she's thinking there's no way she's like i really can't believe danny isn't into the transfiguration of jesus christ in the blood and bread
00:46:30| of uh communion like you know what i mean i don't think she's she's thinking that right i don't i i definitely don't think so i
00:46:39| don't think so i don't think so i think it's more tradition so what is freedom of religion like free to pursue a brand new religion like how many
00:46:49| people could just wake up tomorrow and be like i'm buddhist or i'm muslim i'm gonna take up judeo-christian values like do you know what i mean there's
00:46:59| it's real weird because religion's very steeped in tradition you can't just all of a sudden wake up and be another religion i mean you can technically but where do you start
00:47:08| freedom yeah or was she just like goth and hated her parents or whatever and was like into that kind of thing i don't know you like it's so hard to
00:47:21| delve into the world because you don't know enough to actually ask questions about it whatever they say could be [ __ ] like there's no way to unless you actually are like researching
00:47:30| wiccans and then we're like oh so i heard wickets and they'd be like what and then i don't know either get weird or they'd be really into it which would make it weird anyway too
00:47:39| it's weird regardless yeah yeah weird i feel like i don't know there's we like religious what if your religion's also like
00:47:50| in a cult yeah that's what i was gonna lean towards is that if you're creating these religions to avoid taxation or creating them in order to like
00:47:57| milk your followers and just say like oh the lord says that you should pay me now because i need my my lear jet like mm-hmm oh that's all it's yeah that makes sense that i got
00:48:09| you're free to follow who who you like whatever you want this will literally get to the next one where we talk about jeff bezos but um i don't know i mean is it your
00:48:19| freedom if you were a cult leader and everyone wanted to pay you is it would it be against your freedoms for them to stop them from paying you listen these idiots want to pay me i'm
00:48:29| peddling them what they want to hear should it be illegal for him to expunge money from these people so this reminds me of um i think it's called wild country the netflix special
00:48:40| have you watched that one yet with the bagram uh uh yes yes i did yes i did that they had their own little commune outside of this oregon no was it oregon it was out there
00:48:54| i think it was oregon because they talked about the one of the founders of nike's descendants like okay as a relative well didn't they own like 51 percent of the
00:49:02| land so when it came to vote on things they could just push through whatever the hell they wanted so the towns people hated it they started buying up the land
00:49:09| buying up their houses and trying it so they could control everything in that town and the people in the town they have the freedom to leave but they're being
00:49:17| oppressed so it was i think it was part of like they they knew that like eventually they're gonna find ways to take that cult down
00:49:29| in the beginning it seemed like it was genuinely a good thing yeah they built a lot of irrigation in the area like built up some farmland they did a lot of good stuff but they
00:49:40| were getting bigger and bigger and bigger they couldn't sustain themselves and then in order to out vote people they started bringing in people
00:49:48| all the homeless people oh yeah that's correct forgot about that and then the homeless people weren't good followers and they didn't follow the rules
00:49:56| so they ended up mass drugging them to keep them calm and keeping them drunk and away from them here sounds a little un against freedom
00:50:05| i would say yeah which is yeah entirely illegal so this is one of the weird things with cults is that they try to keep it all you know behind closed doors much
00:50:14| like other religions but um they keep it behind closed doors so that they don't get like a federal lawsuit against them or
00:50:22| be like broken up but that's exactly what happened in the wild country is that they found out about all this crazy stuff that they were doing and then
00:50:30| you know you have authorities come in and break it up and say you can't you can't live here anymore can't do this sorry this is illegal which is interesting
00:50:39| because living there wasn't the illegal part but doing everything else kind of was so they had to break them up yeah interesting it led me what i was going
00:50:50| to say with bezos was so capitalism is the ultimate freedom right if you can make your money you make your money i mean should it be illegal for someone like jeff bezos who
00:51:04| just passed did he become a trillionaire today did i hear that let's see how much uh he's kicking ass it says uh 145 billion
00:51:15| that's all right oh maybe his corporation's worth a trillion dollars i kept seeing a trillion thrown around with his name let me see just jeff bezos trillian should solve
00:51:25| that um same market cap i think the market give me obviously let me just say trillion bezos that's what i told you a goddamn
00:51:37| search i i i don't know there's too many stories i don't want to read them all right that's fine regardless let's
00:51:46| say he his cooperation everything's worth trillions of dollars i don't know he makes billions and billions at this point the
00:51:54| market can take a [ __ ] unemployment 36. he's going to keep making money are we up to 36 30. anyway all this can go on and he can make more
00:52:06| and more money um monopoly technically that's not illegal it's not illegal should it be and are you infringing on his freedom if he's just exploiting
00:52:16| capitalism it's not his fault is it i don't know so this is where you're relying on the government to enforce like capitalistic freedom or
00:52:26| anti-trust laws and monopoly laws and there comes a point where maybe amazon owns too much and they have to be broken up but i don't think that happens
00:52:36| soon not with this government and not with the laws we have and correct this stuff we're dealing with right now and everything else yeah and amazon's probably at this point
00:52:46| like delivering more packages than they've ever delivered before ironically enough it's nuts but is where's the freedom rely here in people
00:52:57| who've made their millions and billions once you've made a billion dollars it's almost a fact that you didn't earn a billion dollars you just made a
00:53:06| billion dollars because no one can i mean how many hours have you been alive did you break that down how many how many hourly weight let's
00:53:14| say let's i honestly want to say it so a is a 2 billion heir right so wait wait how old is jesus uh i don't know is he 50 is he 48 is he times we're going to round all goddamn
00:53:36| numbers eight hours a day it could possibly work right yeah let's say he's working eight hours a day good lord so that's uh 163 000 hours
00:53:48| so that's wait a second okay that's if he has wait since since wait how old from his birth morgan that's hilarious think about it baby beezos doesn't make sense
00:54:03| starting to work no he doesn't like he takes saturdays and days off that's fine then like in in hours yeah that's what that's a thousand times a thousand
00:54:16| that's he's getting paid a million is that right no there's no way it's a million an hour that's ridiculous for his whole life i think it is did i did i do that right
00:54:27| because he's almost got 163 billion right i can't even type that many zeros hopefully google will tell me how yeah that's that's absurd what is it
00:54:43| i think it isn't a million a million dollars an hour you're telling me in any society i don't care what jeff bezos does baby bezos
00:54:56| is making a million dollars an hour until he's 56 whatever the hell he is oh my god how his work no matter what he does he could cure aids
00:55:08| and cancer and another disease and not be worth that an hour compared to someone who mops floors or you know drives packages for his company i'm not going to go there or like even
00:55:21| research his stuff for science or any job i can't think of any job that's worth that much more than another job it's ridiculous it's absurd it's literally
00:55:32| a loophole in the system and money gravitates towards it and it's ridiculous it's [ __ ] up yeah there's a point where you own
00:55:42| you own a process and you i guess just because the amount of money that like get generated by that process you you now take possession of it it doesn't it's a snowball you started
00:55:54| that keeps rolling and gets further and further and because it's in a loophole no one can even slow it down and now you've earned so much money that you didn't you didn't
00:56:04| earn i will tell you that i'm not i'm not going to begrudge the guy like sure he's using legal loopholes and i could care less if you get i don't know a disease going
00:56:13| around right now but but but what what if you're there's like the inventor of like regulations yeah what if you're like the inventor of like velcro like there's
00:56:24| limitations on the amount of time you can own that patent but like what's a patent like velcro so you invent velcro and patented is there a limitation on the time and is it the
00:56:37| same for all patents i had no idea i'm not in the patent wall that's just weird i mean it went uh sorry i i said age like term of a patent
00:56:50| uh yeah 20 years from the filing date it's the same thing with with music it's not the same thing with music it's like that music 75 years it's completely free okay oh that's why there's so many like
00:57:02| mozart openings yeah they're like yeah no hey let's go you don't gotta pay for anything i say their term is really six or ten years so i guess if you if you patented
00:57:14| velcro in the very beginning like you're the inventor of that idea and it's very simple but widely used but super effective awesome do you deserve you do you get money for it you get
00:57:27| you get money for that i'm not against that i'm against a million dollars an hour versus paying your employees 18 an hour or whatever like that's come on
00:57:38| that's there's no way you're doing that much more work or should be worth that much more agreed per person billion divided by 330 million
00:57:51| people how do you know how many people amazon has did you google that or did you know that no that's the number of people in the united states oh okay so
00:57:59| everyone is only 500 bucks per person okay wait his his entire net worth he would have to kill billionaires to get that uh maybe a
00:58:11| year's worth of salary a lot of billionaires but yeah i don't know see that that inequality though i think if an average person had 500
00:58:22| bucks they'd probably spend it on like a really expensive video card that they don't use very often is that you no well that's probably me too
00:58:31| [ __ ] i was just asking because i have a video card that was very nice at 1080 ti but uh we use that every day in this house the podcast uses it it's really you can
00:58:42| hear it chugging along video processing but yeah i feel like most people waste that and wasting money is good i think for the economy isn't it
00:58:54| i guess i mean using it buying [ __ ] like going out and buying some t-shirts and uh maybe a haircut for someone on the podcast or
00:59:03| buy a plant buy a new piano buy a doorknob like all this [ __ ] you buy doesn't that keep people in jobs and stuff versus a millionaire who maybe invests all that money in a certain
00:59:14| stock and then sees returns how did that really help the economy i didn't give anyone new jobs or help them stay employed or give them
00:59:22| you know what i mean i don't know do you think freedom has changed over like maybe when we were born it was a lot different i mean you remember the times when the internet didn't exist
00:59:33| and your freedom was really your sphere of influence was very small so your freedom really was like your backyard all in a sense yeah neighborhood
00:59:43| neighborhood it was a neighborhood for you roam your neighborhood um you know the names of people in your neighborhood you know stories from older people
00:59:51| younger people you i guess you've heard tall tales or you know stuff from tv like wayne gretzky and like super super mega stars but you don't know anything in between right
01:00:03| yeah i think now it's changed quite a bit though you can have an argument online with somebody that you'll never see but they oppose your opinion and
01:00:13| there are certain things you can't threaten people so you're like the freedoms of speech aren't governing for threatening or actually it depends on the social media
01:00:21| doesn't it maybe they'll do it on youtube private and definitely to allow you to connect to other people can choose to run you interesting it's like a freedom of
01:00:30| botting like i try to bought certain video games and they ban you from it it feels like it's a slight it's like i'm not hurting anybody like that was freedom my freedom i freed them
01:00:42| you feel your freedom's infringed even though you didn't have it to begin with listen i got a freedom starter only fans page you guys can tune in down here um it's a
01:00:51| one-time subscription fee i show feet and hole okay and hole yeah mouth hole it's a caveat i always say whole and everyone thinks booty hole but it's mouth hole and then
01:01:03| i trick everyone and then like i paid for this oh i just did it look at you wow he's got a free peak sheet anyway look like kind of your jejunum i couldn't
01:01:18| tell kind of was my jejunum so what is freedom do we love it do we hate it do we need it sum it up ah i think we're so jaded
01:01:31| we're so jaded i love how i asked you about the most like the biggest caveat of life like freedom the thing we all fight for and rally are
01:01:40| do the fist thing for and you're like yeah we're so complacent now honestly like if they took our freedoms we'd probably be like oh what hey hey give that back
01:01:50| hey well what if they took our cell phones and our internet and everything like that we would flip out right i think so but then how would we assemble like i don't know my
01:02:00| neighbors that well how would we get back yeah you're right together and then go assemble in front of where whoever took it listen you have
01:02:08| one firearm i have three we would all just meet up in some parking lot and just find out who took our darn kid who took our darned internet
01:02:17| and get it back right you know what i mean yeah but they at this point the military's so strong they just like put you in a little corner and they say okay you can complain right here just stay
01:02:25| right here they don't care do you think trump would care if there were rioters at his gates i don't think he would i think you do like just make sure that
01:02:33| helicopters are spinning up and if they break the gates they'll just jump in the helicopter and then meet them all uh my my president
01:02:40| uh fools you by acting stupid he's actually an intelligent individual who's playing the media so how about that yeah here's very religious i said that today
01:02:49| yeah yeah very religious he loves the bible which the universe the old testament equals all of them all of the verses i don't want to specify which ones i
01:02:57| don't want to offend anybody mr president both i would say both yeah equally good call playing it safe my man yeah so freedom is the ability to make a podcast yeah
01:03:12| make fun of certain things make fun of religions make fun of people but also talk about how they're cool to us i don't know that what you would say
01:03:20| yeah i guess the one thing we didn't touch on was really like being able to like talk about anything even if it's offensive comedians
01:03:27| jokes that are like oh cringeworthy but funny that i think is cool america so you get to the point where like other cultures like don't touch it
01:03:36| you can't make some some like rancid jokes right like government or like children or whatever in china yeah fine in america you're also able to fail you can make as
01:03:46| many rape jokes as you want if you get booed off the stage beat up by women or someone throws tomatoes at you or you don't make any sales
01:03:52| that's not anyone's fault a few people just wants your toast uh but that's give me your jiu jitsu yeah that's sort of america i mean freedom i
01:04:07| do like that we we're allowed to do anything we're allowed to fail we're allowed to tell someone to shut the [ __ ] up like that's kind of beautiful
01:04:15| it's glorious i also love like this my freedom and someone next door says shut the [ __ ] up like this both of them are freedom it's kind of beautiful it's like it's
01:04:24| like yeah i get it but i don't know i i love freedom the multiple liberties opportunities the expression of the impossible that you've never seen before
01:04:34| i think that's that's glorious it kind of is so maybe freedom ultimately is just about like diversity change difference
01:04:47| weirdness craziness something outside the norm something that's not something that's not tolerated usually something that's not
01:04:54| generated pre-generated it's [ __ ] up sometimes it sucks sometimes it's awesome sometimes it's unlimited sometimes it's a screw-up sometimes it's
01:05:03| making way too much money sometimes it's all this [ __ ] and i think it's good ultimately overall but it has sucky parts failures stuff we should check stuff
01:05:16| that shouldn't be freedom etc but ultimately i wouldn't trade it yeah a million dollars an hour million dollars for every hour baby beezus
01:05:29| that's birth all right we did a good job there i think you can shut the [ __ ] up now nick thanks for your freedom i appreciate it you're welcome anyway
01:05:40| folks at home uh you can check your socials you can check any other website you can check anything you have the freedom do whatever the [ __ ] you want you want to not listen to
01:05:47| this turn it off right friggin now but if you're still listening thanks for tuning in check out another one we like you folks we friggin like you a
01:05:58| lot we'll shut up some real firearms going off good night

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