The UnPanderers: KeyItems PRED032 Meek Mild Jeremy

Thursday, October 21, 2021

KeyItems PRED032 Meek Mild Jeremy

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 32 - Meek Mild Jeremy as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | national season, applause laughter, sad whatever, dan folks holy, humming, borderline a song that's borderline, song actually singing, literally a song, mumble
00:01:00 | doubt be copyright, hit doubt, meek, picked and mild, one day, close
00:02:00 | freeze time, pretty tight, snickers you gave, chocolatey goodness, people that tons, come affection, people emotionally abused, always quiet one
00:03:00 | outgoing, feel want, moms always, friendly and talkative, necessarily mean, constantly blowing smoke, quiet, gap, measure, mean serial, nice tough shell, extra layer
00:04:00 | bit snap, let, stuffed, step talk, sound crazy, work either, gun here's, outburst, feedback, person they're seeing, fine fine
00:05:00 | necessarily, different they're weird they're different, girlfriend, accidentally, my roommate, screaming my, well my
00:06:00 | dorm room, himself, reflections, haven't seen, steps gary, goodness he's robert, key points, sad let, tv or people on tv, shoot people
00:07:00 | difference either, real it's fake, tell he thinks, failed, button that'll, ruined anyway life
00:08:00 | advocating, part change, thought process, surprise, lash, left hit, fuzzy all grainy
00:09:00 | left hurting, open music yes wide, foreign as indifferent, weird i find, foreigners, launched, same things, feel feel, things without getting, amount, exactly well, trouble gets, grip, harder time, teeth and merit
00:10:00 | yo listen, every time, three days, double finger, close, makes his day, makes my
00:11:00 | literally sounds, snap, pulling each, help each, classrooms, meet somebody, makes them understand
00:12:00 | rude, neck, vice, unto others, amount, others as give, quiet person, professionalism versus
00:13:00 | work jovial, outgoing, loudest one, weird one, dropping miller bars, situation talkative, brewing, yo everyone, polar i people
00:14:00 | way polar, bit bipolar, polar by mid-range, nearby i mean, workplace, quiet our friends, choir, force them want, experience be let
00:15:00 | feel like empathize, life however, choose to however, life nice nice, meek, cross them give, quiet don't cross, snickers and show, cross them quiet, snickers and give

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