The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP154 Rust

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

KeyItems UnP154 Rust

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 154 - Rust as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:01:00 | dilated
00:02:00 | ultra wide, rate look, chit chat, playing, dark rabbit, path deep
00:03:00 | rust, playing, game, survival zombie
00:04:00 | life rule, resources
00:05:00 | simulated idea, optimization, smoother, game, build
00:06:00 | playing, server
00:07:00 | server wipes, character's penis, strange move, sexy games, dirty ass dirty, rust, dark crouching
00:08:00 | gathering, game, makes footsteps
00:09:00 | correct segments, impenetrable
00:11:00 | stones, run you run, naked, duplicity, talking nicely
00:12:00 | trust the naked don't trust, shotgun, generous person
00:13:00 | human emotional, traps, bizarre
00:14:00 | grinding, bizarre, trap
00:15:00 | mobile phone
00:16:00 | outsmarting people, bizarre murder, gatherer
00:17:00 | comedy associated, game, knitting, knit knit, developer needs
00:18:00 | dark expression, grinding, scratched, pure amount, gathering, random materials, build, tech tree, specific way
00:19:00 | left crate, six crates, dozens, grab scraps, game, playing, genuinely trying, undermine
00:20:00 | rust, steal stuff, game, gathering, naked person
00:21:00 | somebody's fortress, sleeping bags, stashes
00:22:00 | stashes, sleeping bags, smallest house
00:23:00 | half floor, player move, strategic, door opens, game
00:24:00 | played rust
00:25:00 | clash, clans, bases
00:26:00 | simulated, mouse click, base, dozens of traps, excitement level, tower defense, rust, traps against dozens
00:27:00 | inventory, armor one, death stranding, game, bags within bags
00:28:00 | reason nest, russian doll, puzzle, game
00:29:00 | shotguns take, uv, naked person, puzzle, good homie, shaped pieces
00:30:00 | upkeep, run inside
00:31:00 | attack people
00:32:00 | game, infighting, strategic, resources, build, rifle, __
00:33:00 | game point, rebuild
00:34:00 | shotgun, house murder, inventory, __
00:35:00 | fairly accurate, wipes, gain resources, game, duplicity
00:36:00 | base still, getting wiped, infighting
00:37:00 | curtain manageable
00:38:00 | traps, base, game, upkeep
00:39:00 | putting resources, rebuild, impenetrable
00:40:00 | game, playing, five left, main area
00:41:00 | game, anymore goodbye, loose ends, starting times, time et
00:42:00 | absorbed, hunts, lives outside, trap, steal stuff, niche
00:43:00 | hunts, grabs scraps, played rust
00:44:00 | resources, playing, door door, base level
00:45:00 | clash, chat, resources, build, mini base
00:46:00 | __, houses weird, resources
00:47:00 | enjoyable it's enjoyable, try to break, impenetrable, game base, build, built one
00:48:00 | game base, playing
00:49:00 | playing doom, games literally, demon, horde room and unlock
00:50:00 | ruthless, __, glory kill, goddamn rush, vengeance, demons, murdering
00:51:00 | npcs, game
00:52:00 | game, playing, absorbed, build
00:54:00 | naked, rust, crunch crunch, rock crunch
00:55:00 | skip past, server wiping
00:56:00 | complete __, total dick, bizarre, complete idiot
00:57:00 | bleeding folks, rusting further
00:58:00 | hoagie come, diane, answer today, good evening good

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