The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED032 Meek Mild Jeremy

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Transcript PRED032 Meek Mild Jeremy

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 32 - Meek Mild Jeremy
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00:00:01| [Applause] [Laughter] oh [ __ ] oh yeah let's just keep going i can't say it national season but this
00:00:28| is really sad whatever predators that's what i was going with hey i'm nick here that's that's dan folks holy [ __ ] yeah i don't mind it's between
00:00:44| humming and actually singing this song that it's [ __ ] me up well it's literally a song that's borderline mumbled anyway you're trying
00:00:54| to sing a mumbled song okay i'm gonna copyright but i can't mumble a mumble you're trying to clean up a mumble yeah you just
00:01:04| i should just rock it out and then that won't be copyright i doubt you're gonna hit all those notes though i don't know oh so i so wanted to hit that
00:01:16| yeah i know that remember it's funny you already know more words than i do but i kind of i know the gist yeah so what's what's that song about
00:01:29| the meek and mild being picked on until the day they crack hmm yeah it's the person who you don't expect
00:01:45| you never know their background that they're secretly tormented and one day they're just gallivanting through the office and just blowing people away are
00:01:56| they leaning in close they say thanks for this they don't kill you and they don't kill you they go office to office and leave you alive for
00:02:05| snickers you gave them one time yeah it's freeze it's pretty tight if you gave them the snickers yeah not not pretty tight if you didn't oh i mean luckily i carry snickers with
00:02:16| me wherever i go thank goodness that's why the children are not allowed within 100 yards of you it's chocolatey goodness yeah that's what it is
00:02:32| there's tons of people that i remember were meek and mild that didn't really say a word i don't know what happened to them but they could have been tormented they
00:02:39| could have had bad histories from their parents brought up without love empathy affection you can come from different directions i
00:02:49| think there's people who are okay with themselves there's people who are tormented and emotionally abused there's people who are afraid and anxious
00:02:57| you come from a lot of directions in the quiet zone yeah which i kind of resonate with because i was a quiet one people always worry about the quiet ones
00:03:06| for some reason they like want like i feel like moms always want their child to be like very outgoing and talkative and friendly and like all those things that don't
00:03:16| necessarily mean that they're happy like you could fake it all so like why don't you just like be who you are relax it's knowledge right you know where
00:03:27| someone talkative is you do i mean they're talking it even if they're constantly blowing smoke you know they're constantly blowing smoke if they're constantly boasting about
00:03:35| things they didn't do they're constantly you know the quiet ones you don't know there's an extra thing about them you don't know and that's like
00:03:46| it could be a freaking serial killer i mean it could just be a normal guy he just doesn't feel like talking but you don't know and there's no way to measure that without the gap you can't
00:03:57| break another world because they got a nice tough shell on the journaling an extra layer of protection a shield or yeah so what do you do if
00:04:08| you like if you think that that person is about to snap offer them a snickers yeah that's one thing you could do
00:04:16| the first step talk them down maybe let them snap a little bit but not a lot i think that helps hey um this is gonna sound crazy i have this stuffed animal that needs to be shot
00:04:30| here's a gun here's the animal see in a little bit like what i don't think that's gonna work either is it i wouldn't say like you could have an
00:04:38| outburst you let them have an outburst get some feedback make sure that they're they're seeing this person how do you do that did you go in the room and say
00:04:48| hey and then has she been kind of quiet take it out on me have a little outburst okay they're like okay and you're like okay and they're like
00:04:57| okay and you're like okay that was great anything else you want to get off your chest or like no i'm fine thanks i'm fine thank you so i had a college roommate that was
00:05:09| kind of not necessarily i don't know he was meek and mind he was weird and i guess that's the definition of all these people said they're weird they're different than you
00:05:16| right well he had a girlfriend that was like breaking up with him and like i remember waking up to him screaming at her on the phone and from that moment on i was like i
00:05:26| need to get the hell out of here so another way to get out of the problem is go to authority you're like the highest person and for me it was
00:05:35| accidentally like bumping into like the dean like who i didn't know who it was and i was like this person seems important and i was like
00:05:43| my roommate was like shouting last night like she asked me like it was like freshman year like very beginning so like it was one of those classic questions like
00:05:50| is i was like well my roommate's like screaming at his girlfriend i don't know if it's all right like i just like casually said that he was just kind of nuts but i didn't say
00:05:58| like he's crazy like someone's back you could so i guess go to authority but i guess in this day and age what happened to him
00:06:09| oh eventually i moved to the dorm next door with somebody else and then he was i guess okay he lived in that little dorm room by
00:06:19| himself and i never saw him again weird yeah is he still alive hmm i don't know i really don't know i think he's weird he's probably single alone
00:06:33| might be with the same girl they were in love dude i guess this has reflections and you've seen the joker right no i haven't seen the news i haven't
00:06:43| seen the joker no but you can ruin it for me i don't care he's going down the steps gary glitter is playing oh my goodness he's robert de niro's
00:06:54| telling him he can't shoot people on tv or something i don't know yeah he has some of the key points did i hit all the key points no he's sad let me guess he's a sad individual and
00:07:05| he's he's just pen up with frustration and he never fights back and his mom is either overbearing or sick he's she's one or the other i can't figure it out is she is she i think she
00:07:16| actually was she's i think she should be people or she was like about something that okay he was like adopted or the son of somebody
00:07:27| but he can't tell he thinks it's fake or real he can't see the difference either way he's a he's a beaten individual who's been holding his system
00:07:36| has failed him so that he has nowhere to go wow that's what does a person like that do well there's no means of pro-action like
00:07:50| you can't be like i'm going to turn things around today and push a button that'll slowly get it back to where you want it to go
00:07:58| you kind of have to do the loudest thing you can because otherwise i mean your life is [ __ ] anyway is that a thing your life is ruined anyway your life is it seems
00:08:08| inescapable anyway is that a thing yeah i think some people think that i think they're wrong but sure i'm not advocating it is but how i'm going in
00:08:17| their thought process yeah proxy that nothing they can do can in part change so they try to do like the most impactful thing possible which is which
00:08:28| is funny because yeah usually but it's funny because they already have a bad sense of value so they don't think they're good at
00:08:37| something and they don't think they're able to enact a change to begin with that's why they have a bad feeling about themselves or why they don't
00:08:44| yeah so that there's no way they could turn this around and be effectual that's where you use such what a term so they go to the most extreme lengths i don't know yeah
00:08:55| they lash out wild and get all grainy and fuzzy yeah yeah that surprise left hit you with that surprise left you didn't expect it that's for sure
00:09:10| it's all left hurting drop wide open [Music] yes it's funny because i like most of these people i like the workplace and stuff and it's
00:09:27| so weird i find calm yeah i find a lot of them um tend to be foreign what was that foreign foreign as indifferent i wasn't foreigners
00:09:38| foreigners like people not of this country because i feel like they feel like they don't have they don't have carp launched they can't say the same things without getting in this
00:09:48| amount of trouble gets stuck yes exactly well like they feel like they're going to get the shaft of this if they speak up they say something they already have a
00:09:56| harder time of it so that they kind of just go with the flow and grip their teeth and merit and go okay that's perfect i agree with you it is what were you going to say but the
00:10:14| reason you enjoy that they're reserved and controlled no no no i i love i love talking to those people i'm like trying to get them out of their shell and just
00:10:23| being like yo listen i think no no i don't break them i totally try and just give them a shot yeah i try and give everyone a high five so that it work
00:10:33| if i i saw one of these people reserved and like always quiet like there's a dude in the back who barely speaks any english and every time i say i'm like i'm gonna
00:10:41| give him double finger guns and every time he sees me smiles and goes three days and i'm like ah it's gonna be the freaking weekend and no one else talks this guy i'm the
00:10:50| only one i don't even know his name i just know i love him and every time i see him we just talk about how close it is to the weekend and like i don't know it makes his day it
00:10:58| makes my day and we have a little fun it's like a budweiser moment so it's not real but i like it it's fun but those people i feel like
00:11:11| they're just like everyone else i know that literally sounds like the stupidest weirdest thing ever but some of them like just need someone to like help them out
00:11:18| they need a lucky break some of them will be jerk-offs some of them will snap how do you tell them all apart i don't freaking know this is the introvert extrovert battle
00:11:28| and they help each other by pulling each other into more common spaces of conversation yeah i think this is why we have
00:11:39| classrooms and why we do group projects because that one person maybe can like meet somebody that breaks them out of their shell and makes them a little bit more normal
00:11:48| makes them understand something about life they can't understand themselves well how about this i never thought of this in my life but the people who are quieter and don't
00:11:59| share as much and aren't as social or vocal a little bit of them is also being kind of like i don't want to share myself with these people like that's kind of mean it's kind of
00:12:10| rude right yeah i guess so but it depends it's like saying uh 100 and it's dependent on each situation but i think they should also stick out their
00:12:23| neck or stick out their hand or stick out whatever and be like yo i'm gonna put myself out a little bit they don't have to go crazy or talk as much as i do at work
00:12:32| and vice versa like i shouldn't talk to them and expect them to give as much as people like myself give right true yeah you can't expect the same
00:12:43| amount of other people as you give to others give unto others as they go unto you something like that sure and then there's you've touched on this before
00:12:52| professionalism versus fun are they more professional a quiet person is a quiet person generally more professional they appear more professional probably
00:13:04| oh i think they are i don't think banter is professional ever i agree uh chitter chatter is talking wasted time
00:13:18| it's jovial it's off work it's taking away from production i think these people are in the right this was my old job to a t is that i was it's weird when i'm like the jovial one
00:13:31| because i'm very outgoing like i'm a lot going but i'm not that outgoing but when i'm like the most talkative one or the loudest one it's very weird to
00:13:40| know what's going on you're like whoa what are you all doing this environment has changed entirely the atmosphere has drifted the miller bars are dropping
00:13:50| the storm is brewing so how do you feel when you're the most talkative in a situation like yo everyone lighten up but i'm split and i'm not
00:13:58| like i think i'm a mix i think some people are polar i think i'm in the middle and sometimes i enjoy it and sometimes i don't but it like oscillates
00:14:07| a little bit bipolar but not really like all the way polar by mid-range your nearby i mean if the opportunity suits bipolar individuals
00:14:36| so where do we wrap it up in the workplace in real life our neighborhoods our schools yeah our friends the quiet one what do we
00:14:45| think about the choir on another show make them what if they don't want themselves they don't want to force them to no um
00:14:55| let them be let them experience life maybe you you tell them how far away the weekend is don't take them out of their shell which is it i don't know
00:15:05| it depends on the situation you got to feel them out you have to feel what they feel like empathize with them allow them to experience
00:15:12| life however they choose to but show them how else there is the other ways to experience life nice nice yeah i like that well
00:15:23| thanks for joining us and take a look out for the meek and the mild and the quiet don't cross them give them snickers and show them that they can be more fun
00:15:34| maybe but they don't have to be yeah i think just like the day i don't remember critters predators

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