The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP154 Rust

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Transcript UnP154 Rust

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 154 - Rust
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00:00:07| sometimes there's things that draw us in they capture us they evoke emotions from us and they take those emotions and they run them through the ringer they draw us in
00:00:16| and we get caught can't escape we're just stuck in it you have to explore it to understand it to break down those emotions and figure out why you are flawed and
00:00:27| not the thing that brought you here welcome we're the young panthers so i'm dan and i'm nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:44| covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective taboo for business subjects they're all on the chopping block baby
00:00:54| we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty warning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content
00:01:03| and that's for infotainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your ear holes because we're going to fondle your
00:01:12| [Music] follicles [Laughter] since yesterday since for anyone knows yeah if time were dilated we'd fit right
00:01:52| in spiraling outward i feel like it's gonna be interesting because uh i don't know what the hell i'm doing yeah both your parents were dilated when
00:02:04| you were born right yeah ultra wide just like my monitor this is brand new oh you highly suggest the blah blah blah blah
00:02:14| when you're ultra wide no i didn't i don't actually don't like the ultra wide it's too much regular yeah just too much i don't like that many pixels they're just too
00:02:23| clean up and down i want to be able to look away from the screen what's your refresh rate look at him he joined richard's 44 hertz club huh when did you get this i didn't
00:02:41| even hear about this this sounds like chit chat i guess we're starting with chit chat then yeah start with chit chat i want to be nice and happy because i feel like we're going
00:02:48| down a path deep in the dark rabbit hole that's gonna just pull your roots out from down under yeah deep inside have you been playing games that uh have 144
00:03:00| refreshments yeah yeah so i actually did i bought this a little after uh christmas which was about a couple weeks ago yeah and it came late so i got 15 bucks
00:03:10| off and i've been playing well yeah playing some rust i knew it was coming there it is idea what it is but i don't think it is but that's fine it
00:03:24| doesn't i mean it looks good but it's not like oh like cyberpunk like magic so rust is a survival game where you you pick up
00:03:34| an item and you store it in your inventory and just try and stay alive and build a shelter and it's like a little bit like minecraft a little bit like a
00:03:40| survival zombie game it's like uh yeah uh the one we played the forest it's like that yeah it's kind of like all those games rolled into one you know first-person shooter kind of feel like
00:03:51| yeah there's something that like yeah that sounds really generic right i mean i'm just trying to explain it to people if they wanted to really get into it oh
00:04:00| good lord it gets deep it gets complicated it gets convoluted there's communities there's social interactions clans gangs it's really that the other people are the
00:04:10| zombies and then when you take away all the rules and no one has anything everyone wants everything they'll bludgeon you with a rock to take
00:04:20| it yes they will that's been don't trust people without clothes it's a good life rule yeah i mean it's a good life
00:04:32| if someone has no clothes entirely naked and they want to be your friend they want to follow you in your house they want to just say hey check this out oh hey check this out
00:04:41| don't trust a word they say ultimately they are liars because they don't have the resources for clothes or they're nude and you're on a bus
00:04:50| in real life they have no risk no fear there's something going on yeah you don't know what they're thinking ah yes which is uh what so your take so you
00:05:01| did a synopsis what is your actual take on rust since you have like a maybe a dozen hours into it you have some
00:05:10| simulated idea i would have enjoyed it more if it was um a triple a title where they um i don't want to say regulated the game uh formatted the game so it was much run
00:05:22| smoother um you're optimizing the edges is what you're looking for now optima optimization is what i was going to
00:05:30| perform yeah so it doesn't take so long to load it but technical technical difficulties yes shouldn't put it on the ssd not going to get into that um
00:05:40| but no it was really interesting because the game itself is pretty we've seen this game done a dozen times yeah you know you take a rock you break uh the wood
00:05:51| you get wood you combine it with other stones you can make things and then you get leather and then you get metal and you get scrap and all this stuff and it's
00:05:59| like oh you build these things you gather as much as you can you make things that will hold more stuff that you can gather and it's like that whole feedback loop and i'm not
00:06:07| crazy about it i don't dislike it i don't i enjoy it yeah like i can do it for a pretty long time like the minecraft type things and like you know what i mean you get
00:06:16| into a cycle and then it's like it it rewards you for having good stuff in the ticks yeah yeah you like that just check those boxes yeah
00:06:26| this game its redeemingest or uniqueest factor was just that other people were in there and they're all walks of life they're like experts at rust
00:06:37| people have been playing rust for since it's ten thousand hours or so like eight years or so ridiculous i mean but you're also playing on the same level as someone who
00:06:47| picked it up like a week ago or something and yeah the cool thing is how often are the server wipes is it once a month it depends on what you're in but usually
00:06:55| it's a week the one i'm in is a month but i lasted like a week and a half in the last last one which is there's a bizarreness to it that we'll touch on there
00:07:06| okay but either way like the server wipes every month or everyone starts whatever it is yeah everyone starts fresh and that's cool because
00:07:13| the halves become the half knots again and like everyone's kind of back to ground zero i thought that was a really that's a cool idea and the game is very visceral and that i can look down and
00:07:24| see my character's penis the keys the whole time i'm playing it's it's a strange move don't you think you were yeah because at first i was like oh this is gonna be one
00:07:34| of those sexy games but within the first hour i was unturned on by nudity and i was actually sensitized i think that's the point it is but you were a female and like
00:07:47| i would see your butt half the time and i'd be like a dirty ass dirty ass because you know there's no showers in rough now you almost feel how dirty you are in
00:07:57| rust i agree with that yeah crawling around in the dark crouching behind doors that open a little weird and like jumping around uh walls and edges that kind of hold you back just a
00:08:10| little bit which is i think you like that it's the opposite of optimization it's like a little glitchy on purpose yeah i like when you don't you think you can fit so you jump
00:08:20| around the little tiny nook and you're trying to get in there okay you go yes and yeah usually you can so i guess i don't know so like the way you described it is the most generic
00:08:31| game ever right the resource gathering like none of that like it's necessary i guess as a platform for this game
00:08:41| there's something weird about this game that like i've i played a lot of it and when i say a lot of it like i just like have it running on the side when like i'm doing work i'm just like
00:08:49| watching it like it's always on i'm listening to it like the birds are chirping i like someone makes footsteps and i'm like i pause and i look and i wait to like
00:08:58| listen to see where they're going try to figure out like what their plan is coming after me like the i think what hooked me on this game like the initial hook
00:09:07| was that i was in the middle of like this bedlam and then you try to like like make your own little fort your own little like fortress of solitude and like while
00:09:18| you're doing that people are like ripping the resources out of your hands like killing you and like taking your stuff and you're like half built something
00:09:26| so like you try to find this little tiny nook carve out a little section and like keep it which is impossible in this game if you play it long enough like everyone can take
00:09:37| everything like you could play it for 40 hours i've spent that much time building everything then someone can come along and just like destroy the
00:09:45| correct segments of your base and take it from you take it off my luck like could is there any stronghold that's un unpenetrable assailable
00:09:56| yeah unassailable impenetrable i think there is one like you can go into the caves and like you can set up this ridiculous thing that's
00:10:04| like it would take take a lot to get into that thing and i think it's like somewhat unfair but i also there's pieces of this sort of
00:10:14| like where just after a wipe you start and like you're all equal but the knowledge that most people have is like how to get the things they
00:10:22| need the fastest or what are the best odds of getting those things so like so run to that resource area or that part of the map
00:10:30| or something trying to set up a like an outpost or maybe just like run and gun as you go and i think what i found is that like people there's there's more like
00:10:43| there's layers of this so there's people that try to get the highest tier technology right away off of these like loot crates so it's
00:10:50| like randomization and some get lucky they get a gun and then you have all these people that are running around with like sticks and stones and bow and arrows and you have
00:10:58| this other guy with a machine gun just mowing people down and like i think some really weird part of our brain loves that like if you're the guy with the gun and just blowing over
00:11:09| getting a superpower a little bit yeah it's like crushing npcs because really like the people with sticks and stones can't do jack but they're real people
00:11:18| and they talk to you because you can run up to them and start talking hey hey hey hey don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot hey is that like yeah is that a pretty
00:11:28| common thing yeah hey don't you hey hey some guy ran up do you trust that voice by the way no dude you run you run away fast
00:11:38| or you shoot them before they continue if they're naked yeah you always shoot them and they fall on the ground and then like you have the option to kill them
00:11:44| while they're laying there and then like if they're your friend or if they're like you like take all their weapons you go oh sorry sorry dude i didn't mean i
00:11:51| didn't mean so like there's a weird like double duplicity there of like yeah you can knock them down and like be talking nicely to them but like taking their stuff while
00:12:00| they're down and then when you let them back up you're like oh sorry about that but like you're not going to give them back their stuff like they're not going to get their weapons
00:12:07| back because they could hurt you like you're like oh i can't give that back sorry like it's my own safety like that's it's a rule like i just had to take you out is that a
00:12:15| thing no i've never actually known you could let them back up i felt when they're in a prone position so you can help a stranger back up yep oof that's a good move then take all
00:12:25| their weapons all their good stuff all their resources and then be like okay i'll be back up uh sorry i did that to you don't attack me or else i'll kill you
00:12:33| well that's like the time we played where i killed that one guy and then i said i saw him again he ran at me and i i knocked him down again and i was like oh sorry man i'd like
00:12:43| you're just you're running around naked don't trust the naked people and i gave him stuff because i was like here i didn't mean to like i felt sorry this is a human being in me the kind and
00:12:53| generous person i am sure here i'll pick you up i picked him up i turned around his friend was there with a shotgun and just blasted me in the face and then
00:13:02| they sat outside of our walls of that floor that was them that was them for like an hour like trying to go to us into like making a mistake and like getting in my basement
00:13:11| coming outside and getting outside opening the doors yeah it's really power it's it's a lot of time and so i just like don't
00:13:26| there's a piece of me that like this is probably the most i would say like enthralling but like capturing game i've played a while for like really base
00:13:36| human emotional reasons so for the record for anyone watching your favorite thing to do and one of the first things you did when you got not good at the game but you put more
00:13:47| than six to 10 12 hours into it she started making traps yeah i start to i mean that's that's you that's for you i wouldn't i don't know that i would
00:13:59| even think to make a trap but you made a trap okay this is the bizarre part is that there's people that just like get a gun and they're good like they have a gun
00:14:07| they can just run around kill people and those people are really good at rust because they just find somebody kill them take their stuff and now they've just like doubled their
00:14:15| stuff and they might have gotten a better weapon and they could just sit there and then like wait and then snipe another person and
00:14:21| then they have their stuff oh wait there's a guy building house let me swipe him oh now i have his house no i got it now i'm into his house yeah okay and there's people that i found that
00:14:28| like they're just out there like doing that and they don't mind or do they don't grind they're not grinding at all they're just like patiently waiting to kill people which
00:14:39| is really bizarre that is a grind it's a different kind of grind it's totally different yes different but here i am i like to like hoard and collect and then like
00:14:49| plan things out and like trick people like mentally so like i'm building these elaborate like bases where people will like run on top and actually
00:14:57| accidentally fall in and i'm like sitting there with a shotgun like oh i got you in my little trap what's he doing over there and then like blow him away
00:15:04| like that is ridiculously elaborate completely unnecessary totally fun but also a huge waste of time but it's like for me i have to do those things like they give you
00:15:16| electricity in these games and switches and all these different like ways to hurt people that are like so in the game that by the time you get there
00:15:25| the people electrocute the floor you can you can do a test yes yeah you can't i want to i just like i like you have to be
00:15:37| there requires power it has to be you have to have to capture them live you have to be you could sense that they're there and have it trigger
00:15:46| and kill them but where's the fundamentals you can't watch it is there something like a window or a bar that you can look through remember we
00:15:54| set up that camera there's a way you can get it so it streams to your cell phone like actual mobile phone so like if you could record all the
00:16:02| people dying in your trap like i would i might you know i might play this game a lot more that's evil that's pure evil but awesome totally
00:16:13| awesome but this is what the game does is like i'm murdering people and i just want to like watch it on my phone like in a video game and it's just like
00:16:25| it's really bizarre murder people yeah outsmarting people so like a smart murderer that's more outsmart murder but let's go ahead but it's weird
00:16:34| because like no other game really gives you that type of like maybe a gta or there are games that do this sort of thing but this is the only one that's like
00:16:42| so open-ended because because it's not necessarily a pvp like you don't have to be a playerverse player but you choose to in doing that like almost like i think
00:16:53| and on some level you are but like you could just be a gatherer or whatever or get all your supplies and just slowly build and grind but you
00:17:01| decided to do that but also trap people trick people i guess it's also people who are attacking you so in your defense it's not like you're you're you're saying a sign that says
00:17:11| like free stuff and here come in here and that would be hilarious too you know what i just realized that this game is missing is like the dark comedy of it like there's no
00:17:20| comedy associated with any any part of this it's just there when we when we were playing together and laughing but like that's between us that's not inherent in
00:17:28| the game though like if if they had like in the game like a rocking chair and like uh um like threaded needle like you could like knit
00:17:38| as you're killing people as someone yeah like you're just rocking back and forth and knitting as they're like falling into your trap when they're burning alive and
00:17:45| you're just sitting there knitting if they could watch you knit knit and hit the voice button saying let me out pal let me out hey man come on just let me out just
00:17:55| kept knitting [Laughter] don't know what developer needs to hear this but we need to make rocking chairs and knitting
00:18:03| in the game you have to make it happen folks come on so you also brought this up how does this tie into the topic
00:18:13| itself it's so it makes you realize a flaw in yourself or yeah it's like this like that so it's like a dark expression that i like didn't know like i hadn't like
00:18:26| scratched that itch a long time and then also the pure amount of time that i spent just like grinding through this like i haven't
00:18:35| really ground through a game in a long time where i was just like doing repetitive things gathering up all sorts of random materials that i don't know what they're for
00:18:44| until like i prove out the tech tree and then finally i could build this thing that gives you like a little bit of happiness but it's weird because the way
00:18:55| you're forced to like interact with people you do things in a very like specific way to avoid or like rush through things so it's very ocd and the way i like
00:19:04| would check these like gas stations with like maybe like six crates and like i'd go like like left crate right crate up like over that like on the roof down there over
00:19:13| there and i jumped like i'd go through the shortest path possible and i did that i don't know how many times just like i was gonna say like if you already know that
00:19:21| the path between crates then you've probably done it dozens upon dozens upon thousands of times but there's a piece of me that was like towards the end i didn't need any of the materials i
00:19:31| didn't need the scrap but if the gas station was there and i could see that the crates were there i'd do it you would just grab scraps it's grass
00:19:37| yeah i was trained to do it that way and like playing the game i see all these other people like being opportunistic or like cutthroat and they would just like do exactly what
00:19:49| they needed to do to get a leg up on other people and like i couldn't do that like i just can't like be mean to people like constantly i couldn't
00:19:56| undermine someone who's like genuinely trying though on the other hand you were trapping people and killing them yeah yeah in the previous one hold on
00:20:05| what's the distinction and i'm dead serious is it that those people were looking to possibly invade your house yes exactly they would go
00:20:13| on top of my house to try to find a hole into it and they did so your so your justification or the way you look at it or the way you were playing
00:20:22| is that you weren't looking to get people who were genuinely trying to recycle or collect resources or anything you were only killing the people who were
00:20:30| trying to take the shortcuts and steal stuff from people's houses yeah justice and morality isn't that weird it is a little weird in a game like rust
00:20:39| so like you wouldn't just some guy naked person that you don't trust them is gathering resources you're not going to walk up behind them and just kill him
00:20:47| and see what they had just just to see what they had it seems a little rude but someone who's going house to house and maybe raiding people or
00:20:56| killing a naked person you might kill that person yeah i would interest i wish yes i wish it was more vigilantism and like a way to like flag people
00:21:08| like if someone was like the biggest killer yeah like i know there's certain games that do that that are like interesting oh the big bad guys oh he's around the block
00:21:17| it's like king of the hill type thing is that what it's called yeah i guess so i forget which game it was call of duty call of duty did that uh
00:21:25| war zone oh yeah yeah yeah i did it yeah which is enjoyable it should do that in this game because it would be interesting to have
00:21:36| somebody's fortress and be like they have the most money or the most explosives which are really the likes of the mean the money they're the money in this game
00:21:46| it's a it's it's weird it's weird you can't survive without a shelter correct um you can have like um respawn points which are sleeping bags and then these
00:21:57| little like stashes that you can bury in the ground but you have to remember where they are so you have to like hit the ground to like uncover the stashes so there are
00:22:05| some people that have like i found like sleeping bags where i don't know why but they've like i guess the stashes have expired and they're just surrounded by stashes of
00:22:15| stuff and it's just it's weird to think that people are home yeah they're just rumors or there's people that have like the
00:22:25| smallest house possible that's like crammed with mess like i try to this is a weird chest on top of chess guy that i've seen inside of your house yeah my house is deliberately like doors
00:22:38| upon doors because that protects you i've seen other people where they just like put the chests on the floor and then use the chests as like another
00:22:45| layer of floor which is like weird two floors yeah like like you have one floor that's like the height of like maybe you know two chests so like if you
00:22:57| wanted to put shelves up you could put two chests or you could like just put a chest on the floor and then stack them saw like you
00:23:05| don't stack them on top of each other but you align them like back to back to back to back so then you can just hop on top of the chest and crouch as you
00:23:14| walk through your house so the chest become like the half floor yeah and it's weird it's because that's like a pro player move like it it's ocd
00:23:26| yeah but it's also not aesthetically pleasing no it's not but it's also the weird it's the weird part because like there's an art to like building a house and
00:23:39| there's like a strategic advantage to building a house like that and then there's like the minimization of costs and there's also the in game which
00:23:47| doesn't necessarily follow cost or natural building because like you know what i mean there's certain things in the game like building a room where the door opens a
00:23:56| certain way and only you can get in and out of that room because of the way the door opens to open the next door which you did a lot of by the way
00:24:04| yeah so it forces you to close the door so you don't leave it open so people can run by you yeah because if they run by you they could do some damage inside
00:24:14| back you up plus this thing like it got inside my brain so like when i go to sleep at night i'd be like oh no i leave the door open like in my digital house
00:24:26| that's amazing because that's like that's a real feeling that's kind of that's kind of cool but kind of weird kind of so how real i could hear the doors
00:24:35| opening and closing because there's like a dozen of them yeah and footsteps yeah so you played rust more than anything recently would you say
00:24:49| i mean how real is the world of rust if you literally it not necessarily in looks and everything but it's a real place there are real other players in there and you
00:25:00| really had it up while you were at work and [ __ ] so it's literally up at weird hours and it's it's it's a what's the word for it's a
00:25:08| consistent world so it's constantly running in the server so if people are on from midnight to 5 a.m they could be ruining your house for all
00:25:17| you know correct you know which is why i think there's a lot of russians that play the game ah they're on off hours so they can do [ __ ] while everyone's asleep
00:25:25| yeah that makes sense and that's a there's too many of them there'd be an advantage to usa that's true well i think the russians are strategic in that way
00:25:34| whether it's like just usa servers yeah there's like a solid like 20 of russians and they know how to take advantage there's um there's also like yeah you wait for
00:25:44| the person to leave this is a clash of clans tactic because like clash of clans had it where like you had a persistent base just like this game right and if you weren't active for a
00:25:54| certain amount of time you could be attacked and people would attack at weird hours because that was the time when bases were inactive yeah and way back
00:26:01| when they used to have like a like a little like automated eraser like touch the screen to keep it on so that you would always be on and playing and people couldn't attack you
00:26:12| now by people you mean yourself i i used a digital actual click simulated mouse click to do that but it's kind of weird because
00:26:25| like the you design your base to protect yourself and like it's out there permanently so like in clash of clans i think they nailed it
00:26:35| to the point where you were semi-excited when somebody attacked a brand new base so you could watch and see watched your defenses go to work
00:26:43| yeah well that's a that's a tower defense game thing that's a whole different excitement level because you're you're setting essentially dozens of traps
00:26:53| upon dozens of traps against dozens of enemies in rust it's like it's like maybe five traps and three walls versus i don't know what
00:27:04| yeah it's a guy who can climb like a monkey and get in your window on the third floor and then he he finds the weakest wall which you placed incorrectly and then
00:27:12| breaks it down and then he's inside your house and you're like whoa and your house is where you keep everything and it's where you've
00:27:20| designed chips where you put all your supplies and are you one of those people who had to optimize your chest usage like you put electronics in one chest
00:27:28| oh yeah armor one spending so much time moving inventory death stranding apparently was all about it's inventory oh yeah it's very inventory based that's
00:27:44| what i've heard you can only move so much at a time there's way more than that in the game and you can carry so much and uh whatever but anyway
00:27:51| oh a throwback of everquest had these like you could put bags within bags within bags so it was like you had like eight slots but you could have the big bag
00:28:00| and then like multiple little bags inside that and you dig it's like it's like uh harry potter when her miley has the little the bag she reaches into and it says everything in it
00:28:10| for some reason nest oh egg yeah that stuff russian russian doll system it's really i don't know why there's something there that i thoroughly enjoy when things get
00:28:25| organized like that or when like maybe it's impressive puzzle game it's impressive it's yeah it's easy to look at it's
00:28:34| immediately like recognizable not just so if i came into your house and i've only put in 12 hours of the game and i came into your house and you're like
00:28:42| it's on the chest by the wall towards the door over there i'd be like what and then i'd go over to it you'd be like not that chest that's so-and-so and you'd immediately know and i'd be
00:28:50| like i don't there's just a bunch of chests in here but like once you look inside them you realize there's a pattern an organization an ability to have 18 of
00:28:59| something that is very rare in the game or 40 is something that you always need in the game or 36 and then uh just here take some armor we're gonna go for a march
00:29:09| take two shotguns take this we're gonna have goggles it's gonna be uv rated so you need uv goggles and you would have all this stuff ready to go and i could take it and it wouldn't be
00:29:17| the only one you had yeah you know what i mean it's not like uh you can't borrow it but it was cool because it's disposable it's like oh yeah
00:29:26| just have all this stuff we're gonna go for fun and then you take that and then you go wherever you're gonna go we're some uv area some radiation area
00:29:33| we're gonna go on an adventure and if you die you lose it all because someone had rocks naked person you didn't trust you still got a dozen more in the chest
00:29:43| back home i'm good man i'm good homie i grinded for this like that's the feeling yeah there's um hey i think it harkens back to those puzzle games they have like all
00:29:53| the strange shaped pieces that fit inside the square like you try to shuffle them around and flip them around so they fit all that move them so they all fit and everything
00:30:02| lines up and then there's another piece of that that was like i was trying to deal with because when i first played it was way too many people in an area that was
00:30:11| so overcrowded that i couldn't create it i couldn't do very much of anything i could barely upkeep my place because of like the inability to get resources
00:30:20| so it kind of like shell shocks you in a way that like you're like so averse to risk that like the best way i could do it was to build like right behind the sources of
00:30:30| what incredibly slow yeah and incredibly slowly and incredibly it's tedious so i'd like run out naked grab what i needed and like i'd be outside all of 15
00:30:40| seconds i'd run inside my little hut and i'd be like meanwhile i only brought in like eight resources and you had to take off your clothes to
00:30:50| do it you know what i mean because you didn't want to risk losing any clothes or any other anything else but there's also the door behind you like the piece to that that's really
00:30:58| strange is like one of the other guys called it like gear fear like other people are roaming around with like backup they've multiple
00:31:06| people and like if one of them dies then the other guys can kill the person who killed them and then help them back up or like keep their gear safe
00:31:16| but when you're doing it alone alone you're running around trying to do the most possible making a ton of noise and somebody just like snipes you from really far away
00:31:25| like that's it you just you just lost whatever you're gathering for that 15 minutes and hope to god you closed your front door yeah the weird part about that
00:31:35| is like i was so like i guess i was sort of jealous of the people that like work together in groups because they could build everything so much faster like it's
00:31:44| literally there's no penalty for being like a team of six you're actually like probably like building like six maybe five times faster than one person
00:31:53| by a factor of yeah even right because all those people can build and do their own things and whatever have you and then they can attack people and like just protect each other
00:32:02| and gather and yeah yeah it's like the wild west out there it's crazy so i was kind of like jealous of those people but then like i had a group that was
00:32:11| like i was affiliated with but i like kept away from because i always like i wanted to build my own place be my own independent person etc and try like try it for myself because i
00:32:21| feel like if you're not doing it yourself you're not like learning the game but what i found is that like when i was like actually like trying to
00:32:30| help those guys like after they got wiped out and rebuild there was so much infighting that i was like thank god i'm alone because they were they weren't actually
00:32:40| a cohesive unit they were actually pulling in six different directions yeah they'd go off and like want to like instead of building like one strategic like stronghold they'd like
00:32:50| one guy wanted a slightly different way so he'd build his own stronghold and then like they'd bring together all the resources and then one guy would just like like
00:32:57| be trying to grab all of it he'd like have the [ __ ] yeah he'd grab the sniper rifle and try to get somebody and then die and then like repeat he didn't have a sniper
00:33:05| rifle yeah it's like like so there's pieces of it that like i like doing it that way but i wish the game didn't penalize you so much or even like
00:33:16| yeah reward the people that are working that well together which is i don't think that's the point of the game i don't think the point of the game is like
00:33:24| play it as an eight person group because then it's not you don't feel the pain of like oh no i like i like i just wasted 40 hours and they wiped out my whole thing
00:33:35| and i imagine you still can it's just a different and it's much easier to rebuild and everything so the creators of the game i don't even know what they had in
00:33:47| mind i think the thing that you're touching on that thing that was the most interesting to you the thing you keep bringing up is the human element which had
00:33:54| less to do with the creators than it has to do with the community does that make sense yeah so the community kind of makes the game at this point it's very community run
00:34:04| and the community is toxic like humanity toxic it's wild it's it's there probably are people you can trust but they're so few and far between that
00:34:15| the ones who say you can trust them will kill you get in your house murder you hit you with a stone pull out a shotgun yeah and then you're it's
00:34:25| you lose so much in a moment of trust than you would ever gain in a moment you know what i mean yeah it doesn't go both ways it's not balanced no no it's not at all it's way easier to
00:34:36| just trust someone because what do you lose if you kill them oh no i lost conversation i don't know them helping me for 15 minutes versus what could you lose if you trust
00:34:45| someone and that's your entire house most of your inventory and a whole [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] it really makes me think that the people out there
00:34:54| and even like the backdrop of coronavirus and people being selfish and deluded and all sorts of stuff is that if we didn't have all the stuff that we do i feel
00:35:04| like a good portion of society would act like the people in rust i really feel like i wouldn't disagree i mean
00:35:12| it's a fairly accurate depiction even though it's people playing from a keyboard and a mouse and there's nothing really at stake it does show that
00:35:19| you know every week it wipes it goes to zero and you have to gain resources and the people that cheat step on other people and like find shortcuts are the ones
00:35:29| that kind of get ahead and you can work together but it's not i don't know it sometimes works but not usually
00:35:38| yeah it's frightening it's it's there's i can't even like i can't express what the game does because it the failings of humanity yeah
00:35:54| and the sneakiness and the duplicity and it so like that's just like the first way like you feel like you're trying to like catch up to the curve a lot i guess because it like i
00:36:05| this is like the second time i've played in like a wipe and there is an element there where like i outlasted everyone but like one other base like my base still exists after
00:36:17| like a week and a half was it it's like yeah week and a half yeah 10 days 10 days it's still there the first base i built is still there
00:36:24| which is like a source of pride but it'll probably it's probably getting wiped out right now as we're talking but like all the bases around me
00:36:33| even like the giant alliances of like 16 people like there was infighting and they all like destroyed each other and then like the base that was like
00:36:43| bigger than i could ever imagine like it's gone awkward yeah somebody hit it just right now no one wants to live there and that team like they resigned essentially they
00:36:53| don't play anymore because they lost everything they had i mean there's also that's a lesson in and of itself like uh little piggies eat forever big hogs
00:37:03| go to the slaughter like you become a big target like you are powerful you no one can stop you but at some point everyone's gunning for you
00:37:13| at some point you falter and when you falter it's different than when someone who has i don't know paltry stuff falters no one cares when that person falters the
00:37:21| number one the person with all the stuff you're getting rated you're getting messed up your house is getting blown to pieces um there's another expression that
00:37:30| falls on it almost the same way it's like if you're the big target you have everything the bigger they are the harder they fall essentially yeah there's um
00:37:40| there's definitely a piece of it where you get lulled like you get too comfortable and then when somebody breaks the bubble that you think is like
00:37:49| a steel curtain manageable yeah all of a sudden you're just like you're shook you're like oh i thought i was safe there i'm shook yeah i've i don't know i have
00:38:00| like all these little tiny bases all over the place because that's like my jump out for 10 seconds and like get myself yeah the little ones yep every now and then i'll go back and like
00:38:10| i set up these traps that are like if you have control of your base they're your traps they don't hurt you every now and then i'll go back and someone has taken the base i open the
00:38:19| door and pop my own trap kills me and i go really damn it like i walk around to the back side and like someone has like poked a hole in my
00:38:28| base and i just go oh well i gotta say goodbye to this one it's like it's a shell of its former self so why is the game called rust
00:38:38| so i think a the the first like smack in the face is that it's like poke post a post post-apocalyptic where everything's like degraded so that's like the obvious one the other
00:38:51| thing is that it requires everything requires like your upkeep upkeep and like your attention to keep it there
00:39:00| like you couldn't just like have items because people would take them and like you can't just have a building without like putting resources in it and constantly like tending to it
00:39:10| like people breaking down a wall you gotta like rebuild the wall the other part is like the like the little kingdoms that were made around me that got destroyed it's really an
00:39:19| amazing thing just like see how someone built their house and then like as it decays like little sections of it like fall apart and then like as it falls apart like
00:39:29| it's gone like after like 24 hours like it kind of like nature retakes it and then you start hearing like birds chirping again in that area and like the fields are nice and green
00:39:40| and like the trees come back and it's really a bizarre thing to think that like oh i looked up to this person and they were like the king's
00:39:47| an impenetrable castle and now it's a lot of grass and a hill and some old building that used to be something so there's like that in-game feeling of
00:39:57| like what happened but there's also like a weird abandonment that happens like a hollowness like a nostalgia that is like very short like there's a uniqueness in the
00:40:08| in the way that the game plays out is that there's like 150 people playing in the very first day and then like that persists for like the first weekend because it wipes on like a
00:40:17| thursday by the time like monday rolls around like i think on monday like it drops by like half and then like five left yeah and then like the next
00:40:26| following week you probably drop another half so you're down to like maybe like 30 20 people like playing constantly so the areas that are like packed like
00:40:35| if you're not in like the main area if you're like kind of away from the main areas like they're really busy in the beginning but by the time you're a week
00:40:42| in there's like strays like you see one guy every now and then it's like that area just becomes kind of dead and people are like searching for
00:40:51| like excitement and which is not really what i'm doing i'm like trying to like just build out like a house which i think is cool
00:40:57| but other people are just like searching for that like the high of like a first person shooter yeah i want to kill people just different evacuate the area or they just
00:41:06| like quit the game because they like the beginnings like the starting times which i honestly think are great uh but then like when they leave it leaves like a weird strange
00:41:16| feeling that like yeah like these people like like they they exacted what they want from the game and then they're done with it it's kind of like having a
00:41:24| relationship and then the person just looking like i don't feel anything for you anymore goodbye now peace and there's no there's no uh like the
00:41:32| loose ends are just like everywhere like it's all unraveling and you're just like wow like i didn't like i don't know maybe i i don't know how people see this
00:41:41| like the game in the other light because i just like that's not my personality but it's weird to just jump on and do something like light-hearted like this
00:41:48| when i was like so into it i still am so into it you got so much more out of that game than i did yeah which is i i i feel that like you like i mean he's
00:41:59| getting started too but also free time et cetera but anyway i'm not going to get into the starting times but not well i i think got a lot out of it yourself yes you personally
00:42:08| whether it's because you're you or not i think it's probably because i'm me i feel like if if you had so if someone said like here's a hundred dollars you have to play this game for a
00:42:18| straight week i think you would find nuances but you wouldn't be like you wouldn't be as absorbed by it i don't think you like the hooks that
00:42:27| make me i might but wait but it would be a different way i think i would be one of those people who hunts people and lives outside their houses and learns how to
00:42:34| steal stuff more so than i would be a trap builder you know what i mean i would find my own niche if i had to and it wouldn't be your niche that would
00:42:43| be going to the um i'll probably go to the landmarks and wait till people came through and follow them home yeah i think i i could buy into that
00:42:53| like if you can just like sit back have a beer and you're waiting in like a little like just here yeah but like right outside the landmark because you're not allowed to fire is it
00:43:02| can you fight oh you can't build in the landmarks right yeah it depends which ones there's like safe sense and stuff what you're aware of slightly but anyway and then
00:43:11| follow them to their houses and maybe even study them or stalk them find out how cool i wish you could go that in like in depth with it like yeah like if somehow like at five o'clock
00:43:21| every day he goes and like grabs scraps he hunts for food in the morning like he's waiting to play do you think there is someone who's doing that i so i when i woke up
00:43:36| one of my kids would wake me up and they'd be sitting here like drinking their their morning milks and they'd be watching a show i would have a routine where i would
00:43:45| like log on i don't play ross i understand this you you do the same thing when you played rust yeah there's like a procedure that i would like kind of like
00:43:54| follow in my head of like okay like this has the most resources this is the second most so i'd like hit those in sequence as i went through
00:44:02| and if you were like if you were on to my sequence like if you knew where i went you could stand like behind the wall as i run out of the thing and just blast me
00:44:11| like you could if you if you watch me that closely you could just take all the resources i just spent 15 minutes gathering because is it around is it around the same time
00:44:20| it but yeah it pretty much is it's wild they're the same server so technically you were i was doing the thing you'd be the one killing me nick yeah i would be
00:44:30| i'd be like take a puff of my cigarette we got him flick it prime time baby another sip of beer it's you've been waiting all night for me to get up
00:44:47| you're wondering if i've been waking up you've been playing door door noises as i was sleeping in my bedroom yeah yup yup yup
00:44:57| oh so interesting i think that dynamic is also like very clashy is that this is more than just like there's that base level of the game
00:45:07| there's like the building element but there's the people that are like grinding out by like gathering and there's other people that are like grinding out by killing feeling and
00:45:15| there's like the two moralities battling there too like the people who don't give a [ __ ] and will do anything and the other people that are like oh that's not fair and like there's a
00:45:24| weird clash that happens that i think is like fantastically interesting because i've seen it happen in so many people where they
00:45:33| they just like pop off in the chat where they're just like they like can't believe this happened to them it's all [ __ ] and it's like the community is so toxic that like
00:45:41| the 10 year old that like gave you all the resources to build this little mini base is now calling you like x number of names in the chat yeah yeah he's like he's going off and you're
00:45:50| like wow wow awful and amazing i think i don't know there's a weird there's a weird piece of it that like
00:46:05| human nature you keep coming back to it yeah you're not gonna say it but i i can feel it it's human nature you love that it's like duplicitous you
00:46:12| love that it's kind of like hunter gatherer you love that it's kind of like or be an [ __ ] and then what's even more interesting is that some of the hunter gatherers are [ __ ] some of
00:46:21| the [ __ ] are pretty good people will probably give you like weapons and like whatever and be like yeah you're cool i'll give you this
00:46:26| and it's it's there's no you can't classify everyone there's not one person that does everything one way that's like no matter what they do
00:46:36| there's something weird about what they do or a foible or they make their houses weird or they always follow people and kill them even though they have their own house
00:46:45| and they have their own resources and they're working fully yeah they're fully decked out there's something there's just something about everyone and the way they play it that
00:46:53| it's so free and it's so open that you learn a lot about people i guess yeah i i talk about like sense of achievement
00:47:03| like for people i don't there are no there is no achievement here so like it's like make your own achievement really like you could have all the
00:47:12| countries at your bar yeah what do you want to do i think for me it's like building different intricate bases that are like minimalistic and just different
00:47:22| because i don't i don't know that i've had the opportunity to build like a three-dimensional base and the base builder and this is really
00:47:29| good so it's enjoyable it's enjoyable to like set it up differently and then have people like explore it or try to understand it or
00:47:37| try to break into it you love when people try to break into camp i don't know why is that do you have that feeling like do you get those like
00:47:46| it's tough for me because i didn't build a base in the game i built one house but um if i did and i built the base to be impenetrable i think it would be exciting to have someone try to break in
00:47:57| and be like haha it worked [ __ ] so i kind of like want to make a game that's like that like if i could do like a a mobile game that like
00:48:08| makes it so you build your own little trap house and then people try to get into it in different ways gain information as they like break down
00:48:17| certain walls expand their resources to like find out where your treasure's hidden makes sense i mean it's it's similar to uh
00:48:27| actual clients yeah type game what is that what do they call that uh attack the base building game base building game yeah sure sure yeah there's got to be
00:48:38| there's going to be a lot of those games out there but i don't i don't know that it's like not the right pure yeah i understand what so when was the last time you were
00:48:50| like captivated by like a game like you really like got sucked into it and like there's a point where like you're not playing the character you are the character
00:49:00| i kind of no i mean inside but that was for a different reason we did a whole episode on inside that was really weird and captivating as a story but not
00:49:10| necessarily as a what we're talking about here maybe yeah because you don't it's not like a blurring of reality yeah no i i do like the doom games and i'm
00:49:20| playing doom eternal because i put them on um the setting right under nightmare is it ultra violence or whatever and those games literally make me sweat
00:49:31| and curse and i'll i'll fail an individual like demon horde room like i don't fail 14 times in a row and i get so mad
00:49:42| that by the time you beat it on the 15th time i actually i feel like i'm enacting vengeance and justice like i'll be i will yell out loud and i feel this
00:49:56| adrenaline rush where i kill someone the last guy in a room and unlock that room and i hit a save point where i can't explain that feeling because i feel like i did this crazy dance where i got
00:50:07| revenge and i don't really care much for the story so much but i do feel like the doom guy character because he's apparently feared by the demons and he's like
00:50:17| ruthless and he's scarier than all them like all these demons is the scariest thing in the world but they're scared of him for some reason and when i actually do it i get such a
00:50:27| goddamn rush and i want to curse and say [ __ ] you to every demon and i want to cut them all individually glory kill every one of them rip their
00:50:35| eyes out of their bodies and i'll be sweating and tensed stop and just be like like that feeling like i did it and i literally enacted
00:50:46| vengeance like that that's like my version but it's more that was just so vindicating yeah she's just such a there's also
00:50:57| nothing wrong with it like the way you're like murdering these demons like demons they deserve it there's there's symptoms yeah you're literally
00:51:06| ripping out their eyes and using their arms to break other arms and stuff and it's like ah their demons are good they're cool humans all right
00:51:14| it's all good it was good even was like hey dude that's tough stop and stop stop i'm not even shooting you i'm on your side no humanity in that game the opposite
00:51:31| npcs as we would say so different but you know yeah what was what was the the broken pieces of me yeah and how you have to like face them or something and
00:51:45| realize that the game isn't broken but you're broken and i was like whoa you got real deep in the intro so i didn't know if there was a thing that made you think you have to
00:51:56| fix yourself in one of these games or moments or something yeah you're faced with like being an awful person and like i'm trying to find like
00:52:07| that fine line where i'm doing like the right thing while also winning protecting yourself and winning yeah and it's it's really weird of like the
00:52:18| backdrop of the game i'm playing and like life is just kind of like it's like weird kind of like trying to find purpose now and
00:52:26| it's like all the people that like have been like consistently like my rocks they've all kind of like crumbled recently so it's just kind of like weird
00:52:34| like you get absorbed in the game to kind of like pass the time and like the experience of the game isn't wholesome it's like it's it's really
00:52:46| jaded and like disturbed like the way people react and what they do to other people they'll like get a ahead of them and just play it entirely wholesome
00:52:55| could i play it wholesome yeah i guess you put someone i mean you could just gather stuff and build houses and then like but the point is like yeah i mean
00:53:06| why why yeah i think i've killed like maybe like three or four people like i haven't killed that many people what i do is like
00:53:15| you're confused by that career yeah yeah i don't kill that many people what about people in your traps and crap i don't they don't count that doesn't count
00:53:24| it does dude i thought you meant in the whole game okay so in self-defense you're not counting you're talking about three or four people who
00:53:32| well the thing is like the traps snuck up one i'm not watching the trap so i don't know i know that people die in my trap so i don't know i can't i'm not actively
00:53:38| doing it but like oh it's okay my what what i was what i have been doing is like there's like three people that i've been like uh like
00:53:46| friends with but they're around so like if there's an area that i'm in that like i spot the person and i trick that person into like chasing me and i set them up to like almost get me
00:53:57| but then the other people pounce on them and so like most of the things that happen to other people that are bad they're done because of the other people like my friends coming in and killing
00:54:06| them while they're distracted with me like jumping around like an idiot so like most of my kills are like they're either like a reactionary
00:54:13| because like someone like spooks me and i have to like i have to like hack them or i have to shoot them because they're like right in front of me but like most of the time i'm just
00:54:21| running around like as a naked person just like if you kill me it doesn't matter because i don't have anything so like i just de-risk myself
00:54:29| i avoid i avoid the conflict by like de-de-risking being naked and having no items yeah what you're saying so it's uh weird that you're your own
00:54:44| rock crunch crunch crunch i'm doing the rust starting weapon aka the rock move so to wrap it up or sum it up unless you had something
00:54:57| really big to say go back to everyone in real life is kind of like was your rock and you realized that they're human and they're faltering or
00:55:06| they're getting old or something's wrong with them or this and that nothing lasts forever in this game you kind of realize that would you say yeah i think
00:55:16| a lot of it's like a lot of it's transient and you can't really hold on to like anyone or anything so a lot of the stuff that you're trying
00:55:26| to collect you're spending so much time getting and building and protecting i think the pro players just skip past all that and say like i'd rather not like be possessive
00:55:36| of anything like i can't because it won't last forever anyway yeah i'm gonna lose my gear anyway someone's gonna steal it the best i can if not if not there's a
00:55:46| server wiping a week yeah a month which is so which is bizarre because i've been through one wipe where someone who stole like the most valuable
00:55:56| stuff for me randomly ran into me and was like hey dude oh what are you doing it's the last day come on and like he took me on like a an attack
00:56:04| on someone else's house using the stuff that he stole from me but like it was really bizarre because he was a total dick and i thought this guy is complete [ __ ] and like
00:56:13| i can't imagine like idiots like him play and that was when he killed me and then when he was like helping me out he was so freaking helpful like he was
00:56:23| like oh wait your health is low oh here let me and he like chopped a cactus up and like i didn't even know you could do that and he like
00:56:30| gave me all this like health and all these items and was like here take this rocket launcher and like that's like the most powerful thing in the game and he like he's just like take
00:56:37| it like i don't need it here's the code to my my house and that's like what like i like what is this and the guy was like will really well spoken is really
00:56:45| bizarre because he sounded like a complete idiot when i first met him but like that the second time around he was really eloquent and like very helpful and like insightful and
00:56:53| he like knew the pieces that i might not know so he was like guiding me through it and i was like perspective it's really weird
00:57:00| it's really weird to be like you were my nemesis and now like no you're my best friend we have an adventure together i didn't know this would help my health
00:57:11| you're the best friend i ever had it's real i know that's what you would like about it that's the humanity of the game yeah you like that humanity aspect yeah
00:57:24| and i like this life is bleeding folks and i never saw him again no nothing lasts forever some would say it all begins to fade and rust
00:57:36| yeah strangely enough when you have like a steel and it rusts rust is a protective layer and it keeps it from rusting further oh so this is an oxidization process
00:57:49| oh jesus christ oh let's get chemical on this baby no i think we're good oh boy but it's a good time moisture it's a good experience of like
00:58:01| playing playing your own soul soul all right i think it's uh it's time time i think it's time well thanks for joining us check all of them socials you know us we got socials folks
00:58:17| we're from delco we got socials you gonna check our socials and then we're gonna get like a hoagie come on down to the podcast store we'll get you some socials right here
00:58:29| thanks folks uh we like you we like you a lot and check it i'm diane and this i'm diane who's the answer today i'm dan
00:58:45| oh i thought you said oh i'm dying dude you're really through with diane man i'm meg we're the unpainter herbs good night good evening good morning maybe i don't know
00:58:59| depends when you listen at all get out we do a lot

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