The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP151 Haunting

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Transcript UnP151 Haunting

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 151 - Haunting
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00:00:09| there's something about the past that's always with us uh something we can't touch it's like the other realm we're always thinking like what came
00:00:17| before us what will come after us those things dominate our lives but it's funny because everyday life is gnawing in our subconscious you know
00:00:28| what i'm talking about i'm talking about bad decisions i'm talking about apparitions i'm talking about translucent white sheets i'm talking about what's
00:00:37| haunting you [ __ ] so i'm dan and i'm nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:53| covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective with taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby
00:01:04| we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty warning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for infotainment purposes only
00:01:16| so join us have a good time open up your ear holes because we're gonna fondle your [Music] follicles
00:01:28| [Music] [Music] yes it's been quite a while and i'm dan and i'm nick folks wow interesting
00:01:45| look at my settings this is fantastic i usually record lost the dresser i did and uh they are the unpainted in the other room yes we are
00:01:56| yeah new headphones new earpieces new headset old one broke crazy yeah crazy how that happens it's like magical or mystical god damn it that's that line
00:02:18| haunted so we're gonna talk about hauntings ghosts apparitions things like that we can't touch we can't prove i'm going to my own event because i'm
00:02:27| distraught about tuesday are you destroyed please do go ahead a missing out on opportunities making money in the stock market
00:02:36| when you're sitting there do it here you go i uh i read this new term today that said like your foreshadowing of how an outcome will be
00:02:46| like the negative weight of it affects the current decision it's not like it's not you're projecting risk it's the pain of feeling past issues you've had and like reliving
00:02:57| them before you have the action before you take part of it in it so you're feeling grief and like lost before you can actually feel them yeah
00:03:06| missing the opportunity and then regretting that you missed the opportunity even though you were too regretful to take the opportunity it's just a ball regret isn't that
00:03:14| though what keeps us from doing dangerous things or risky things or stupid things i don't i don't know that our i don't know that we weigh things
00:03:25| properly and so it's an emotional purely emotional reaction not based on fact that we're scared of doing certain things
00:03:33| and that's how i felt like not taking action when i could have i'm not gonna be like it's gonna be a hundred aired yeah a hundred days a hundred air could
00:03:43| be here could be could be should be would be but you didn't and you didn't take that risk now would you say you also probably didn't take several other risks that
00:03:51| didn't pan out so well or is that the only time you ever thought about doing something and you didn't do it i guess there are a few other ones but
00:03:59| that's what that one pains me i've got pangs from it it's the person what's it called the bias where you only think about the one that would have made you so much money
00:04:08| oh i didn't see uh survivors by survivors or so you're very you're very focused on the one thing that would have made me so much money and i've just done it
00:04:19| but there are millions of decisions you made every day that not millions i doubt you have that much time hundreds of decisions every day it's a decision what are you making
00:04:28| today i don't know i was thinking like there's you're sleeping most of that so you make a decision every second you're not making a million unless you
00:04:39| know but like are your decisions multi-platformed so are they multiple decisions when you make a decision when you come to a decision yeah yeah
00:04:47| it's like it's like several decisions have been made at once in one second like the moment you wake up you're like is it morning it's like does that like
00:04:53| follow a tree of all these like neurons just like firing and not firing is it morning is it light out should i wake up can i sleep longer do i have to do this
00:05:01| is there snooze is there workday is there a child screaming like these are are they decisions or just kind of like reactions regardless the ghost is what you're
00:05:11| talking about the haunting feeling that oh that's the only thing that really haunts me as an adult because i don't do you believe in ghosts nah not really um
00:05:22| as a kid i guess i did and this is crazy do you have everyone has some of these stories so one of my great aunts or whatever passed
00:05:29| and she had a cane and one of the family members took it i don't remember if it was like my uncle angelo or someone in the like the my father's side of the family
00:05:40| or no maybe it was my mom's side i can't remember anyway someone had the cane no one cares but anyway they had the cane they put it up in their attic and they swore they could hear it
00:05:49| thumping stopping occasionally every now and then like she was walking because that's her with her cadence too like dude so we got it in our house i
00:06:02| remember this and one time my mom was like hectic or frantic and she was like panicked and it was like really late at night did you hear that dumping maybe it's the
00:06:11| cane and i was like what's the cane and show me the story she's like i think the cane and i was like uh i don't like this this feels really weird
00:06:18| i don't i don't want to think about it like because i didn't believe in it but i didn't like thinking about it either like i was like what if it is the weird thing is like
00:06:28| what's your fear of because your aunt was a good person probably i hope sure she murdered oh she murdered children children
00:06:42| but uh i don't know what the fear is i think it's just the fear that a dead person could come back and do something to a physical object i guess the assumption the assumption
00:06:53| there is that the ghost is it if she exists then other ghosts exist and then are other ghosts going to come after you for your other wrong deeds
00:07:01| that you obviously did when you murdered those nine children well i guess you're asking the whole question of what would a ghost do to you do ghosts do anything to people has
00:07:12| anyone ever been hurt by a ghost how do you prove i guess you wouldn't like i guess also if a ghost did kill someone there'd be no evidence so we wouldn't know if it
00:07:22| ever happened correct unless we proved ghosts real and could find their evidence the ghost murders 2021 ghost murders yeah i'm a ghost murderer
00:07:33| detective excuse me i investigate whether uh deaths are albeit perpetrated by ghosts oh you've got some photoplasm on your lips
00:07:44| right there what really what happened when you were sleeping that any time you opened a mouth a ghost could be giving you like
00:07:55| given you his that's what the ghosts are waiting for that's what they're waiting for like this and don't open your mouth fully just keep your teeth clenched not gone
00:08:05| folks ghosts are giving us the business so what is the idea behind ghosts too is it what's the scientific i love those scientific paranormal
00:08:17| investigators shows tv shows oh i love the horror ones that are like and not even like in a mockingly way it's paranormal activity yeah and even like um have you seen them
00:08:26| conjuring that one's a good one i don't watch those this is gonna sound weird now you're from an adult i'm scared of it yeah i don't know it'll make me scared i don't know i don't
00:08:36| understand why people don't like watching them i i'd like to be like i get excited like it's it's at do you think are you feeling watching it
00:08:44| i just like the real i like the the mythos that's just like is there a chase element of the whoa maybe there's a little all what if it was real like is
00:08:54| that what you're thinking i think it's the possibility and then the rules that the possibility has to live by because like a good horror movie will
00:09:00| set up these rules and like not break them like like it might bend them a little bit but like bad horror movies like oh in the middle of this movie like the
00:09:07| ghost of something like oh you can't it turned back time but it did like but what i love about those is like it's really a scientific discovery in the
00:09:17| beginning because like someone has an experience they don't know what it is they have a hypothesis they go ask somebody somebody's like usually a person of
00:09:24| faith the person of faith usually shoots out i died here usually doesn't help them unless they're a scientific based like form of faith which is also like part of
00:09:37| my ego i guess and then they have to like record it like they like take pictures or they have like stories find a way to yeah they have that is the
00:09:45| cool part of those movies or shows or anything where all of a sudden they're like go back to that photo album from 1987 and you see them flipping through the
00:09:53| book and they opened a page and it's just like all deadpan and you see the picture and there's like all these white lights in it and you're like
00:10:01| nothing [ __ ] and you're like [ __ ] it was real like it's kind of i i agree with that there's a cool element to that where it's like it was
00:10:10| also there the whole time but no one knew to look for it there's also a cool element where you touched on where it's like you're part of the wronged well and
00:10:21| maybe but it's like there's a wrong that happened oh yeah and the person has to figure out what the wrong was and why the ghost is there and to rectify it like those that was the cool part about
00:10:32| yeah like there's a cool part about the ghost thing where it's like ghosts seem evil and scary and bad but in like 50 of them maybe 70 percent of them it's
00:10:42| like oh the ghost just wanted revenge on its murderer you know what i mean it's like ah he's all right the ghost is cool i think he's cool he's just signaling us
00:10:51| sixth sense yeah yeah yeah yeah i see ten people that was wild when you think about that movie i don't so that hit us right i bet there
00:11:01| are movies before that that was just completely obvious of course because our age range is perfect yeah yeah uh you know what's funny uh i saw that in in one of my only sold
00:11:16| out theaters because i saw that the day came out and it was in amc amc orleans on like common ave or whatever like in the roosevelt mall
00:11:24| and i remember i couldn't sit with my friends it was the only movie that's ever happened six of us went and there weren't six seats so you some of us went over here
00:11:32| for now me and jeff i think and what was funny is in a fully crowded theater i was like hey dan can you see the movie all right and he said yeah and someone said shut
00:11:41| off to us and i was like i'm just checking on my friends and then i run the theater left and it was like yeah i was a [ __ ] or whatever but
00:11:52| that movie really really got me when i was like oh [ __ ] and spoiler alert folks he's dead what mind blown ah that's well done
00:12:05| yes yes it was well done the ring rolling across the floor because she dropped it up yes correct and it's funny because that movie starts with him dying
00:12:15| is that a wahlberg too one of his brothers or something like it is the weird guy that shoots him there's a yeah i think it's a wahlberg i'm pretty
00:12:24| sure strung out method or whatever he is oh no he's one of his patients right i forgot anyway either way we're probably butchering sixth sense at this point okay
00:12:34| but the point is like i think fair stuff is cool and i'm looking at the definition and it's like a ghost is the soul of the spirit of a dead person or
00:12:44| animal which is kind of cool that can appear to the living in ghost lord description goes very widely from invisible presence to translucent
00:12:52| or barely visible wispy shapes to realistic life forms and i'm like yeah that's kind of cool but it's like all about the past right a ghost is never
00:13:04| from nowhere right it has to have a like a setting a human setting ghosts and demons right like demons are not necessarily ghosts but you think
00:13:15| they have the same power like to they could invade your mind essentially and warp it okay i think that's the fear i guess but like what is it what does a
00:13:24| ghost do to you nothing physically well does it it scares you but why because it appears where it shouldn't slams the door at you i don't know do
00:13:34| you think like where's the people who want to be seen are like hey bring that i'll open the window for the ghosts like wait do you think they care is what
00:13:42| i'm saying an exhibition it's exhibition yeah like a ghost they want to show off their sex moves and they're like yeah bring in some ghostbusters
00:13:51| they're whacking whacking themselves being like yeah ghosts come on check this out he's got a defining yeah that rod be something wow turned
00:14:04| into sexual ghosts tonight it did it did who would have thunk yeah the uh the other thing with ghosts is like
00:14:12| everyone does have like a ghost story how do you not have a ghost story like even i told the cane story did you think you saw a ghost when you were a kid or something like
00:14:21| that no but there's always about like the weird thing if like um like a light turns on or like yeah there are moments when it makes perfect sense like electronics and stuff
00:14:32| malfunctioned so like there's one time my graduate was on and i heard a bump but the door was locked but i was like holding the door like trying to figure out whether i should open it
00:14:39| i was like trying to figure out what it could possibly be like i legitimately thought it was a person in there but you open it up it's just the light happens
00:14:47| nothing there's usually like a mix of like things that like you're looking in like a dark space and you like see something it usually comes from like a dream or like there's a fragment of
00:14:58| like a dream reality kind of mix it's like my fear was always like the basement like trying to run up the steps when somebody was following me oh yeah you always feel like something's
00:15:07| about to close in on you when you turn off the light and have to go up the basement stuff yeah possibly get away from it the only time i thought that maybe like
00:15:15| the good version of that like a guardian angel like my mom said like if you ask a guardian guardian angel what their name is a name will pop into
00:15:23| your head you told me this before it may have even been on the podcast what was the name helen it's really weird that i don't know any helens but a helen
00:15:34| popped in my head but i do like helen hunt she's fabulous that's fair i liked her and uh mad about you great child yeah and twister that's good to see the
00:15:42| shout out to twister she's got a lot of goodies again she better not be dead i think we need all of them yeah that's it did she listen to the podcast
00:15:50| i hope do you have any have you ever done that i think i asked you that to do it i don't know if you did you did i think it did it on camera and i don't remember if i came up on an answer did i
00:15:58| say like steve it was like your hand or something you're dead really i think it was so one time and this is the weirdest
00:16:13| memory i have you talk about guardian angels i i was riding my two-wheeler and uh it was a huffy in my driveway and i remember i
00:16:22| i should have fallen off my bike head first because i hit up something and lost control but i somehow was back on my seat and i in my head i thought i flipped
00:16:33| all the way and landed which is impossible but anyway i think i told my mom and she was like it was your guardian angel and i was like
00:16:42| maybe mom because i'm just tired of your [ __ ] she's like he's full of crap again but i don't know like think of that how long did you believe in santa claus for
00:16:55| uh i forget what grade i was in i remember because all the kids in grade school would talk about it like it's not possible my one really smart best friend was like
00:17:03| actually if you went through different time zones it would be possible if you could slow down time and i was a little like what i think it was in first grade and i was
00:17:12| like yeah hank go off king hank was like giving me some science for santa and i was like i believe still but probably within a year or two of
00:17:20| first grade i don't remember which year it was in fact science i actually know what it was i kind of didn't believe in santa but like i'm not gonna call my
00:17:30| parents out or anything like because i'm in third grade or second grade and my parents were like hey nikki do you want to help um wrap the presents i don't want i don't want your two
00:17:39| sisters to know santa isn't real and i was like oh yeah i got you i got you and like i just remember going with it and being like full send like
00:17:48| yeah yeah we're good we're good but like and that's literally how they gave me the sex talk i remember they were like um i don't want to show your two sisters oh no that's
00:17:59| they literally said that they were like hey you know like uh when you give that talk when you're old enough and everything and i was like oh yeah and they're like you know all
00:18:07| that stuff right and i was like like awkwardly like yeah and they're like how should we tell your sisters and i was like you just you just gotta do what you
00:18:16| gotta do it was like i was in like fourth grade or something and they were like yeah and i think it was their way of just seeing if i knew and not really asking and just you know
00:18:25| what i mean like gauging me and being like okay thanks so like that's how it works dude you kind of just hey what should we tell your sisters
00:18:34| i think what you're getting into is that the unexplained is what pops into your head if there's something you can't like there's no scientific fact about it
00:18:42| you can't reason it through you expect is it all [ __ ] protector or like a dementor yeah is it all [ __ ] i don't know i think when i was younger
00:18:54| you're a man of science you love facts and logic i think you wanted to didn't you apply for a thing to marry facts and logic they didn't want me oh
00:19:07| the relationship was not mutual yeah no wasn't logical i love i love these things that like you can't put your finger on yeah because it's really a matter of faith whether you
00:19:18| believe in ghosts but people don't like pester you on it they're like oh you don't believe in ghosts you should believe in ghosts like these are my ghosts like check out my
00:19:24| ghosts i hear the pamphlet explain this listen my cousin saw one actually turn on a light switch and it literally scared everyone at the
00:19:31| party and everyone screamed and a cake broke and another light switch turned on and a door closed and it's like whoa that's pretty whoa that would be crazy if that
00:19:41| happened but i feel like the facts aren't all straight here yeah the person's not straight their mentality is warped and here's the problem everyone has a cell phone right
00:19:50| yeah you would have thought that they would have taken so that's another thing is the revolution of technology makes it so that they like all of the aliens and like the um
00:19:59| bigfoot all the all those guys they get there's a smaller and smaller window for them to exist i guess theoretically they could still exist but that window is pretty
00:20:11| goddamn tight what are we gonna do about it now nick yeah that's like the one thing what about aliens like aliens is the one thing that
00:20:27| like if you if you can't take a picture of it on earth like maybe something exists but it's not on earth that's like maybe it takes a long time
00:20:35| for them to find us if an alien is here maybe they're more advanced and you don't see them all right maybe it's all those things of like signs and you like they blur into
00:20:44| the background and you go whoa what okay so the only issue i have is from playing no man's sky if like literally it takes like 44 hours
00:20:57| at light speed let's let's even say their technology is that great yeah they do 44 hours of driving right they get to a planet even if they're not tired dude then what
00:21:08| they like they're in the atmosphere then they go pick a guy and then they got to drive 44 hours again no no no they have a base in their ship
00:21:16| they just do all their own their engines they have bases here on earth no no their whole ship is a base they just okay i understand that but then after the abduction what do they do
00:21:25| they go probe after the probe what do they do they experiment and they after the experiment they put the person back what do they do
00:21:34| they wipe his memory like uh what do they do what are the aliens doing they're just i guess they're going back then i guess going back where 44 hours the
00:21:44| other way that's a big commute maybe they got other plans to check just go okay other planets it's gonna take 44 hours to get to the next nearest planet it doesn't make sense
00:21:54| it's just a boring really long commute it just seems sloppy like so you're telling us the aliens that we're gonna get are like the government workers of that alien
00:22:02| civilization that's just like oh uh another one i'm tired of this and they just you know they stamp the book and they say i was here i got
00:22:10| five humans today i'm tired of it tired of this [ __ ] they always go wow it's a that's a long commute i don't think it would fly anywhere i mean what's the pay are they getting
00:22:21| paid more than any other creature on their civilization maybe i don't know but then are you paying for that much information about a probe and some farmer's [ __ ]
00:22:30| so the thing is we discount this tremendously but what if there was an alien invasion do you think they would destroy us before we even were like oh aliens exist
00:22:41| we wouldn't believe it well would well what do they want ultimately they want our resources then yeah probably do they want us because maybe they could use us for
00:22:52| something then no i mean they enslave us or whatever they got to do one of the two i guess i don't know so what we're talking about
00:22:59| before you sidetrack me you're such a sidetracker sidetracker sorry it's the unexplained the stuff we can't explain like everyone has a story about like a
00:23:10| the great aunt miriam saw a light one time when her husband was dying and he coughed up a sausage he was choking on and it saved his life and you're like that's amazing and mariam i can't
00:23:20| believe that you saw a light he coughed up the sausage and he didn't die but i don't know it just like even my girlfriend has a story i think where
00:23:31| the night her nana passed i think like she saw her image in a dream and she said play the lottery number and they played the number and they won like like
00:23:44| i guess i don't know yeah why wouldn't she just give you more money or like give you the lottery number every night or like i don't know didn't she pick a higher
00:23:53| number like a higher winnings i don't know so the one i guess the rebuttal here is the people who actually like go the lengths after they believe they see ghosts
00:24:04| like the winchester mansion like the the woman who was married to the person who invented that and killed yeah i don't know how many indians but like she believed that all the indians
00:24:14| were like trying to follow her in her house so she built these rooms that just went nowhere and like all these different hallways and passageways so that she
00:24:21| could evade all the ghosts it sounds like a scariest house anyway regardless of ghosts you're making it worse good lord you're making a scary house
00:24:30| lady now i do believe in energies let's say you literally killed a thousand indigenous people somewhere within like i don't know
00:24:42| a quarter of an acre it changes you it must has to what if it's i'm not even talking about you what about a house would it change your house i mean a
00:24:50| house is just materials but i also feel like that's so this is like something vsauce thing where like you have a smell you have a eminence did
00:25:01| you do one on this you yeah well this is your like how do you perceive people and how much do you persist and then like you give off this like radiance that
00:25:09| like exists in the galaxy along with your noise and all this stuff but like here if someone has been in a room and they leave that room and then you enter the
00:25:19| room like immediately well if they're in the room you see them right if they're walking away from the room you can hear them even though
00:25:26| they're not in the room if they were just in the room and you sit down where they were you can feel their warmth or their scent so like okay you can sense that someone
00:25:34| it was there but there's other like forms like sharks can like sense like em radiation so they can like like see you essentially with a like yeah the
00:25:44| spectrum we can't see correct but maybe we can sense that in some ways but we just don't know it so like so how long would it stick around though like so you're saying
00:25:53| their em radiation or their electromagnetism or something some other element is left behind so maybe there are pieces we don't understand that we can sense
00:26:01| like if wouldn't you feel that from other normal people and wouldn't you get that when you walk into the dmv and thousands of people were walking in and walking out do you ever
00:26:09| you would essentially get the same feeling wouldn't you you ever get a feeling that someone's watching you and you look up and you stare right at them yeah how how is that possible like if
00:26:19| they're behind you and you you like do the quick turn like the fast turn and they're all right they don't even know already they're starting to look
00:26:26| they're already yeah they're like they make eye contact but they're like what look away oh god oh caught me caught me um how is that possible i've seen
00:26:35| studies i've read studies on this and they're like kind of inconclusive results and i don't know what it is i think they know what it isn't it's not
00:26:46| like electro i don't know it's i think it exists so that like that's i think you can sense other people and i can i think you can sense when other people
00:26:56| have like passed away in a space so okay that's a different thing that's a whole different thing than what you're talking about that's a big job you can sense yeah and
00:27:04| that's whatever you might be on to something so you can tell when someone died in a room why would that be do you think you
00:27:12| release something when you die do you think there's a soul element it's like a half-life decay of your body that you can like sense like oh wait i just got
00:27:20| hit with a like a piece of radiation from that half-life decay like their bones are dead okay you you don't so like maybe the human body
00:27:31| can sense something that like you're on an indian barrel ground and like it's just like emitting something that you pick up like i think you definitely could smell
00:27:39| death like death is very distinct but i wouldn't disagree with that i agree like if someone had been a part of like do you think they can impress themselves
00:27:49| on on things on objects like that's like a horcrux type of thing like if you die on a thing yeah do you think it is do you think the sword of like
00:27:58| a great warrior who has killed people do you think that how like you hold it and it feels differently like you sense something from it there's a new one i don't know that's a
00:28:07| great question and there's probably is there even a way to test it i guess are the atoms on it different are they aligned differently is there extra atoms of
00:28:17| the deceased on it like not enough that you would be able to see it or smell it but that you would be able to know they're there in some intrinsic way i don't know i kind of want to have this
00:28:30| test the replica swords and someone like tries to figure out which one is it so you want to go you want to do the goddamn tv show with
00:28:38| the scientific ghost show but you're gonna you have a new way to do it it wouldn't be a bad idea i would watch the whole show
00:28:45| yeah i actually would yeah that'd be cool like has a person died like around this item like yes or no do you know but we do know that someone died on this
00:28:55| item the floor is lava run jump kind of hilarious but i think i think you can sense people and i think people leave a mark
00:29:07| and for some reason you stop moving but hopefully you'll come back what oh there you go you see that right here okay oh where i was like it didn't even blip for me
00:29:17| didn't even flip strange not even a blip not even a blip but i think you can sense people i think they i think they leave something and i think you can pick up on it
00:29:28| or dying itself releases a different something that we can sense kind of like the way being born actually does leaves a a scent or a feel or a thing i don't know how do you
00:29:42| did you feel your your your child being born you sense it yeah i um so i was in the room my grandmother died and it was like five of us all around her and she was
00:29:53| doing the labor breathing and she cancer and all that i said born no i know but i'm mentioning this because it's similar so
00:30:03| so when she actually passed it was so weird because without anyone moving positions there were five or six people in the room and then there was one less there was
00:30:15| one less person in that room but no one had moved no one had changed positions we were all like standing around like holding arms or hugging or whatever it was i
00:30:24| don't even 100 remember like tension in her body that's released or something i guess it was weird dude because it was like there are five people here
00:30:34| and then like a minute later i was like there are only four people here and i could feel that it's similar to when my son was born before he cried like i guess as he cried
00:30:45| i'm not 100 sure but like they took him out because of the c-section and uh and it was like there's a whole new person here like there's literally a new
00:30:55| light but there's always there he's just inside somebody else it just but it felt different i don't know like it was
00:31:03| like there was a new person in the room like if someone walked in it was like how many people we got in here they gotta count differently do you know what i mean i don't i don't
00:31:08| know yeah i think you can sense the nurses and doctors as they pull the baby out and like once there's a sigh of relief that the tent like the tension in the
00:31:17| room is gone uh it could be and that may be part of it but literally there's also just that weird fact that now there's an extra person in the room
00:31:27| now there's one less person in the room so there is something that gets left behind or a person emanates that isn't just their sight smell sound whatever there has to
00:31:36| be an extra thing it's the only so like in my mind the visuals of like my son being born like the i forget what they call it that one he landed out right
00:31:48| right he's fine second one he walked out no no no no he walked like a swordsman musketeer zorro no um but like that that line of like when they
00:31:58| breathe in like oxygen for the first time like it starts to like move up their body and i got to watch that like happen where like you could see the life like
00:32:05| filling up his body like his health bars it was really weird because he's like he's in a shock mode where he's silent until it like
00:32:15| hits his shoulders and then he cries like yeah lungs right i guess kind of like yeah without moving but it that is like the most i guess the most closely related thing
00:32:29| i can i can tie yeah like that's opposite yeah my grandmother dying because like it did feel similar just opposite if that made sense
00:32:39| hmm i don't know i'm kind of curious if like nurses have the same thing like they like the nurses that were like taking care of like when my children's patients
00:32:48| and stuff well they're either reversed either way like they must they're so intertwined with that like
00:32:56| life birth death cycle that like maybe they feel it more or maybe they don't maybe they just like maybe just because i'll do something
00:33:07| while what about haunting if i were to kind of round it out like so i think i said 50 to 60 percent of our stories are about like
00:33:19| what went wrong or someone was wronged and that's why haunting happens but like is that all of them maybe even like why else is there a ghost it's not like ah she lived a great life she
00:33:31| passed quietly in her sleep she had three grandchildren anyway we remember her had a great day like it's not like she's haunting people this is rosemary or whoever like she's
00:33:40| not coming around rattling chains going like it's always someone whose family member was murdered or that they were murdered or something weird happened or do you know what i mean so this goes
00:33:53| back to like the essence of like halloween and then i think halloween is supposed to be like kind of like a level of purgatory the people who are being judged right
00:34:00| are not allowed to pass on to the the positive or the next heaven so like they're they're in limbo in neutral limbo is the place where ghosts come
00:34:11| from right the ones that haunt us supposedly yeah i guess so no i would a hundred percent agree with these people juice well don't say that dude but
00:34:20| you ever oh how about that like dude you ever do that stuff like that uh loner in the mirror say bloody mary three times or something did you do that yeah of course i was way
00:34:30| too afraid i think it did it like twice and i like wet my pants and ran away do you think i don't know that's the one thing is that he psychologically i guess it's different
00:34:42| if you if you completely don't believe any of it well this is the this is the problem is it movies the person who doesn't believe
00:34:49| any of it they're the person who dies first right always like this is some [ __ ] there's a kernel of like even if you don't believe it
00:34:57| it's a form of brainwashing even if you don't believe it and you say it it's going to be as like a kernel in your brain and then when you go to sleep like
00:35:04| it'll it'll realize itself in your brain it'll it'll linger yeah i think the scariest thing that happened to me like the scariest real thing was that i
00:35:14| was in bed i woke up in the middle of the night i went to reach my phone and i was like i was just like half asleep i hit like the first video to listen to
00:35:22| a video and then i heard talking outside of my door and i put my phone down and i was like i'm that's couldn't be real and then i just sat up i sit up and i
00:35:35| look around i try to like make sure that like i can't hear like wind because like if they broke a window to get in i like listen to the wind
00:35:41| and i was just listening for that but they kept talking and i was like there's definitely someone talking like i think someone broke in and what i realized
00:35:50| like as my heart started like being sweaty is that my bluetooth speaker was attached to my phone and i was listening to a video with
00:35:57| [Laughter] [ __ ] you up man [ __ ] you up the um scariest thing that happened to me recently because i probably had scarier stuff but it was
00:36:12| i think i mentioned it my garage door like something's wrong with it it'll open or close randomly usually once every four months
00:36:20| someone has your code i know that sounds stupid you would think but it was once every four months now it's like once every five years i'm
00:36:28| checking to save any money and they go nope keep going and it was like 2 a.m and i thought i heard the garage door open and it was raining
00:36:38| dude [ __ ] me up it was like november so it was around this time of year or whenever this gets released but i um i walked down i like opened my eyes it's like 2 a.m i'm the only one up i turn on
00:36:50| the lights i open the garage or the door to the garage to see if it was open yep why the [ __ ] open pouring rain outside
00:36:59| hello like a wiener oh he's just saying oh snap me right now someone say something and like i'm looking around the garage and every figure every stored box every old toy we had i
00:37:12| was like is someone hiding behind all these things and it was just the most surreal thing because i could hear the rain going i could see
00:37:20| no one's footprints no one's anything and i was like maybe the garage door just opened again like what do you do you close the dude lock the door and go back to bed
00:37:33| well this is like that sense of your brain like trying to avoid risk like that one story you heard of someone breaking in through the garage door it's like that's there
00:37:41| then you and i are both physically able strong males in the middle of our lives so we're capable of defending ourselves for the most part not not behind like
00:37:52| not in the dark a surprise attack yeah someone has a weapon you never know that's still scary that's true if someone has a weapon we're screwed someone has a knife
00:38:01| run someone's gone oh but i knew uh i still know a woman who was about our age who she lived alone in a house
00:38:14| by herself and she i think she was working out or something in her house and she heard a window break so she ran to see what happened and she
00:38:26| saw someone crawling in her window so she ran into her master bedroom and into her bathroom and locked the door and then that person was like rifling through her stuff really quickly
00:38:37| as she was behind the door like bracing the door and they wouldn't like bust it through so i don't know if she said anything about like i'm calling the cops like i'm sure
00:38:46| she did but it's like that same story if it happened to me like you and i would probably like confront the person yeah especially
00:38:55| as they're crawling not like after they get in because you don't know what's going on but as they're prone and trying to crawl into your window with them in the face yeah yeah you go
00:39:03| right up to them saying what the [ __ ] drop kick them out the windows if you can if you can but there's different levels of scary there this the level fears like i don't
00:39:14| know that we can understand the level of fear that like you know this woman was like a five foot nothing like she has no no recourse no and you know what that that fear you
00:39:25| feel when you're like six years old and you're running up the basement steps and the lights are out yeah watch your ankles because it's gonna get that's your strongest
00:39:33| [ __ ] feeling in the world it really compels you you you couldn't stop if you wanted to so what's your favorite i guess figment of your imagination or like the best
00:39:49| so like mine for mine zombies like the thing that people invented to be like the scary thing even though zombies are kind of mockable i think it's the most real
00:39:58| because it's zombies eat your brain so zombies are really like this is my my current interpretation of it is that they're people who don't believe anything who are hungry for
00:40:10| stuff and they constantly want to take away your your knowledge they want to break you down and eat you up and they they come in hordes
00:40:22| so like this is like you know someone calls you heretic and there's a mass of people and like people is it a person who's smart people are dumb
00:40:32| yeah and uh there's more to that quote but if you have a group of people like attacking you for no reason they just assume that you're like you deserve whatever you're gonna
00:40:40| get it's like there's hard ways to die to be torn apart by like a massive people like you just your faith in humanity is is ruined there and also you can't fight like if
00:40:50| someone outnumbers you they just force you into a horrible condition but it is only either a matter of time a matter of ammo a matter of
00:40:59| location matter of distance before you lose yes they're everywhere you can't avoid yeah i could see that i think i um you don't have one of your
00:41:12| favorite no i don't think i don't i don't have a favorite my favorite creature like it i think clowns no not clowns i'm not clown guy how
00:41:23| about like uh i still think aliens creep me out i don't know because aliens can really take any form well
00:41:31| no i don't like the like gray greenish like big headed ones that don't talk and don't do anything because like they're inert yeah i don't like that it's like oof just attack me or
00:41:43| something stop looking at me with your big black eyes [ __ ] free clipboard recording everything you do yeah like that's this yeah they want to
00:41:52| record you more than anything and that's i don't know stop judging me that's my butthole it's beautiful [Laughter]
00:42:06| not like any of them i think it's all about loss of control really so you don't have any power against these imaginary things that's where all these like chants and
00:42:17| incantations and stuff come from is it supposed to be it's also how we started talking about the episode the hauntings like you're haunted by it like it it almost feels like a bad decision
00:42:27| come back to you a bad one wrong move has come to get you like we have talked about you can be haunted by things you can be harmed by these creatures you can be haunted by things
00:42:39| you didn't do things you did do i think the worst is that like the actualized worse is when it you can't forgive yourself for things
00:42:49| which i think is the most haunting thing is when you do something wrong towards other people or towards yourself and like can you be killed can't grapple yeah like it breaks your
00:42:59| don't drive you're like oh my bad no you can't really i don't know how you come back from that yeah if your foundation gets shattered
00:43:07| and you're just like well this is like beyond anything i ever thought i would do yeah how do you i don't know if you can come back from that
00:43:15| i don't know i don't know so why did you want to talk about haunting i forget it was like weeks ago long ago it was so long ago i just thought there
00:43:27| was a lot of room to talk about it and like what we just talked about where you can beat yourself up about stuff you haunting is it's almost an emotion a feel like that
00:43:36| running up the steps when you're sick that regret that i mean you you don't get time back like the cool thing about a ghost story is you can resolve it but
00:43:46| really the scary part is you can't it's over it happened it's bad and it's too late you don't get to go backwards and fix it so what about the reverse of that
00:43:57| is that so when we're young we're told ghost stories and they're like scary to us what about the old person who like wants to be remembered
00:44:05| by like making an impression it's like maybe the only way you can make that impression is by leaving a story that's so scary that it gets retold over and over and over again so his so
00:44:17| his way to be remembered is telling you ghost story interesting you know i'm not scary what scary stories i tell in the dark what was that no what was that
00:44:29| nickelodeon are you afraid of the dark are your friends yeah sawdo no mr accent on the dough that guy i don't remember you would you would recognize this picture it was the
00:44:40| dude who he was a recurring character pinball which ones do you remember that she was probably in the pinball wizard almost none of them uh we've talked about the one on the
00:44:50| show lizard people oh yeah there's like a pool of eggs yeah yeah and then my roofs cover them i love it because so yeah i don't know well it was also the
00:45:01| age range the time that was on snake right yeah yeah late night i used to read goosebumps hell yeah man what was the puppet slime in the
00:45:13| basement yeah i remember the papa one i didn't chucky what's in the basement slime in the basement oh dude
00:45:21| i can remember the covers to the up the books oddly enough what's under the sink what's in the closet like they were all very relatively yeah and they were like
00:45:31| things that you experienced in your own house like r.l stein what's on the cover uh do you ever read scary scary actual books like for adults not just
00:45:41| children steam coons and like um what's his name how am i forgetting the number one oh steven uh i was gonna say thank you yeah stephen king there are a lot of
00:45:55| so what's this pretty scary but yeah i think salem's lot was a good one uh elm was really good it was like the whole town's like vampires and like
00:46:07| your children laughing in the background and it's like cold wind everywhere and like people were dying and people were losing energy and getting weaker every day and no one knew what's going
00:46:16| on like that's creepy stuff his best book was like the stand which is like a 900 page book i remember i read that it was essentially a plague that just wiped
00:46:25| over the earth similar to similar things going on but but it literally like would kill people within three days of them having it that was a cool book i like the stand
00:46:36| but like those authors it's writing a scary book is way different than a scary movie it's it you know what i mean it is stephen king right yeah it was stephen
00:46:46| king i never read it i never read it either i wonder if um it too or whatever was based on a book or if it just made the sequel to the movie
00:46:57| they actually don't know it's split up like oh you're talking on the second part of it yeah yeah yeah it's like they have the kid version and then when they grow up it's like it is still persisting
00:47:05| because it's every 27 years a what a round-off number yeah but but again that's funny too because there's a folklore to it like that's what hauntings
00:47:16| are you just mention how it's like an old guy around a campfire it's something that won't go away either it's like every 18 years this happens once a year on the red moon
00:47:30| something happens i think there's something cool about that like it's like dead by daylight those people like the the villains and then the campsite mike
00:47:40| myers halloween those are all the the probably they're cyclical and they always come back and they never die but always it's always rooted in some
00:47:52| sort of like um religious bias against something like it's always like the kids fooling around like whenever a girl would be like nude at the beginning like she's
00:48:02| getting killed well i don't know that it's rooted in that i think it takes it happens when they're doing that it happens when you're being bad i don't know that it's happening because
00:48:12| they're being bad like you know what i mean but like it's happening because it's happening but it'll take advantage of your being naughty
00:48:19| in the woods you're not paying attention and doing the exact stuff if you're not paying attention like we told you i don't know i feel like i feel like
00:48:31| i'll never be a person that believes in ghosts it's just not my thing but i want to and i like to hear people's versions of ghost stories
00:48:40| or hotels that are definitely haunted you know i always love yeah so this brings me back to like this is dan bell like he usually does explores like dead malls or
00:48:50| urbex he did like dirty hotels and then he did also like haunted hotels and like some of the haunted hotels like i could understand because they're
00:49:01| they're built in such a way that they're like kind of shoddy and shaky like the wind and like things like you don't get a good sleep so like i could imagine if
00:49:11| you went to one of these talented yeah if you went to one of these hotels and stayed like a week and you don't get any sleep by the end
00:49:18| of it your delirium is going to take you take over and you're going to imagine all this like random stuff that's the other part that we haven't touched on is that
00:49:25| your brain like naturally comes up with all these scenarios and risk yeah if you're on drugs or you're don't sleep it's like it's like lack of
00:49:36| sleep for like three days is equivalent to like getting hammered so like your your delirium is off the charts and you're like just fabricating all these
00:49:43| things that are happening and you're just like what's going on messes with you and when he's like when he actually like has videos of all that stuff like he you
00:49:54| can hear how freaked out he is like he's like i don't know i wanna get out of here right now and it's really like the places he goes are really weird like it's set up really
00:50:00| strangely like lobbies with no so it's also funny that it's it's a it's in um hyperbolic panic starts slow but it's gonna go real
00:50:11| fast and then it is yes thank you and it just pushes you faster and faster you might like zero to a million and fear and panic and whatever
00:50:20| so it feeds into it all you need is a little bit a little bit of doubt a little bit erosion a little bit of what was that and you're gone so do you have you don't have a favorite
00:50:31| like horror story like the two way touchdown of the paranormal activity because it was it's rel it's very relative it's like the rl stein it's
00:50:38| like oh and down the kitchen oh in your bedroom it's like you know those things draw you in and then like it could be in your own house that scares you and then
00:50:47| yeah the conjuring just by the way it unfolds like the way i like how it's like fast reason and just like methodical in a way and then it's like uh i like it
00:50:58| when it's not like the classic horror we're like oh let's all split up it's like i like when it's like let's all band together as hard as
00:51:05| possible as a group and like we're still to fail i like that because it's different than the yeah when they get separated and get picked off one by one it's almost like
00:51:13| agonizing you're like why would you do that why would you go there why would you do that why would you do that yeah going to the shed with all knives and farming implements just
00:51:26| yeah no i agree you don't have one you don't have like a one horror movie that you're just like i don't like horror as a genre i don't like ghosts
00:51:40| let me think what is your favorite you don't have a favorite mythos i was like you said like loch ness or sasquatch like not even like
00:51:50| i think you pick the joke you want them you don't even believe them yeah aliens they're aliens are creepy no i don't really i don't know
00:51:58| like war of the worlds like these things are already here that one was really cool actually but i only like here this is what happens to me in most of
00:52:07| these movies genres clips ideas i only like the first third of the movie like the build up the really scary words you don't see yeah 100 independence day uh war of the
00:52:20| worlds which you mentioned first third of that movie oh my god [ __ ] awesome like there's lightning and they're like yeah this is the craziest thing the wind
00:52:28| is going towards the storm it's just such a cool setup and like all the lightning strikes in one spot and no one knows what's going on and i love that [ __ ] like that mysterious
00:52:38| unexplained [ __ ] it's when the movie or the book or the the genre tries to explain it and give you their creature yeah it kind of it kind
00:52:47| of falls flat sometimes like it's not perfect like like where the world's i remember the movie with uh
00:52:54| yeah tom cruise tc baby so like at what point did that fall flat for you because like there's a realization there like this doesn't match up with what it should be uh same same spot it did
00:53:05| with signs right signs was awesome until you saw the aliens kind of and it was like um but with the the war of the worlds was when i think they like started going
00:53:14| through his house the aliens were like it was like a giant like the mainstream and everyone had to be quiet and everything and i was like um
00:53:23| before that yeah it does and it feels like okay they wiped out like five thousand buildings in eight seconds and now they're gonna quietly comb through this house and you're just
00:53:33| gonna whisper and be quiet and they're not gonna catch you like i don't know it's going through my office cabinets and checking my taxes and making sure i paid them all
00:53:48| yeah there's a point where the creator the author the director has to take it in a direction to drive it home personally slow it down change the pacing
00:54:01| yeah they just even if they have to show you the bad guy or show you the ghost or show you the alien or show you the monster there's something you lose i think it's
00:54:10| just scarier when you don't see it it's building up where's this the village did you see that one i did that one who was do you remember today i remember it ends up being like just in a
00:54:24| road off the turnpike which is hilarious the spoiler that was the kicker on that one yeah the spoiler first is that the monster was created to keep them
00:54:33| in the full enclave yes that's right okay yeah and then like it's cool but like at that point i'm like ah a cool twist but yeah not scary anymore
00:54:42| it's not a scary movie are there any scary movies oh event horizon don't 100 recall event horizon i watched it um
00:54:55| in college drinking and doing all sorts of stuff and isn't there one scene where the dude's eyes come out and yes yeah like i feel like i would enjoy the
00:55:06| hell out of that but i'm i don't want to get scared i don't like to watch those movies oh it freaks you out so i'll do i love that movie i saw that
00:55:13| one out like it's it's on the same thing as like sphere where it's like you go you go to this place that is isolated that is supposed to be
00:55:21| like your invent horizon it's like that but you go in too deep and you can't get out so you get pulled into it and like an event horizon they're on this ship
00:55:32| and i think they're trying to like contact this other ship that was lost and when they finally like mate with it they finally catch up to it it's empty right yeah it's empty and then they find
00:55:43| people in like like hard conditions and like something like someone cut out their eyes and they don't know why but then like they slowly like
00:55:50| start to drift into this like weird space where they can like see these things that they don't want to see and it starts to make sense like they would do all of these things
00:55:58| to avoid it but it's like you have that like giant spinning like sphere thing that's like kind of controlling what they're seeing and then it's like it's real it's like
00:56:07| you you dip your toe into hell and then you're like don't want to go any deeper going further but you're slipping yeah you're sinking into the pit
00:56:14| and then like it's at that point it's like do you like can can your brain handle all of the awfulness that like hell is capable of in your own brain
00:56:26| yeah and yourself capable of or do you just want to end it and get out like do other animals even experience this kind of feeling existential dread unlike fear can they
00:56:38| can they i don't know my dog when she sleeps she kicks like crazy like i'm wondering she's not running away um existential dress
00:56:46| i'm sure it is i'm certain i'm certain of it the way she kicks there's no only one way she's feeling the pull of hell we must chastise her and bless her in
00:56:56| the heart of the holy spirit rip out that heart get it get that heart the exorcist and [ __ ] yeah that's a good one the exercise hmm oh
00:57:14| i don't know i like i don't know i think i like this could you did you play this is a a long tangent from where we started like um dead space did you play those games
00:57:26| no like resident evil kind of style i know i know exactly what that space is and i think it would have been cool i would have enjoyed it but i think it would have like scared me a little bit
00:57:33| so i was like no i'm afraid of it i'm scared well like so okay silent this is what i equated to silent hill the scariest part of that game
00:57:43| was when i was wandering around the hallways and it would be hell it would be real life there'd be a siren blaring for like 18 straight minutes i didn't know where it was coming from i
00:57:51| don't know what's in any room rooms change as you go room to room all you have is a flashlight and a [ __ ] radio and i remember one time i was in this one room and it was a locker
00:58:00| and i had all the lockers and it was shaking and i was like [ __ ] i know i gotta open that locker that's and there's literally like 80 lockers but the ones shaking potential
00:58:12| blood under it oh there's blood under it of course what are you gonna do guess what i'm gonna open the locker so i walk over there i'm ready for the fight of my life and i open it and it
00:58:22| was shaking and it goes it's just a cut scene and he walks back he goes and he opens it and there's just a locker filled with blood
00:58:29| there was nothing else there there was no enemy nothing was in there shaking it and i was like what the [ __ ] why did you do that to me why did you do that and then you know
00:58:38| you go outside and something attacked i'm scared but yeah yeah but when i open that locker nothing just a locker filled with blood and i was like that's cool
00:58:49| that stuff gets me i love it i i don't know it's i don't know why i love that so much i think the possibility it's like you go and it's like dark humor like
00:58:59| most people don't like dark humor and then like i think that makes it so that you haven't like heard all the possible dark humor because so little people enjoy it
00:59:07| so like if you have ninety percent of the people on tik tok like blah blah blah like shouting although what they think like you've seen that before like someone has a video of
00:59:16| tick-tock of doing ridiculous [ __ ] because it's like in the basis of reality but if someone's like doing dark humor and it's like there's so few people
00:59:23| doing it that the possibilities are like you can go into more areas if you're allowed to become more more taboo so there's less fleshing it out so there's
00:59:32| more untold stories more untold jokes more untold things more things that no one's actually said that might be friggin hilarious might be over the line
00:59:41| that might be hilarious or might be crazy or might be whoa that was nuts let's see what you're saying like there's fewer artists working in the medium so
00:59:50| it's like how many games how many games like silent hill are actually out there that you know you are fully engaged in like resident evil parasite eve oh
01:00:01| damn i was gonna name four in a row but i couldn't they're all big there aren't yeah but those like there aren't you know i can't name a dozen of those
01:00:12| no they kind of fall on by the wayside a little bit it's weird i'm sure all of it makes a comeback that's cyclical too like horror isn't in right now but i
01:00:21| think yeah well i don't people don't like actually like they don't like horror movies when bad things are happening they just like them when that's like
01:00:27| things are euphoric it could be that makes sense man i could go on forever if i didn't have to wrap it up wrap it up and go to the restroom yeah
01:00:41| you should probably do that as you're wrapping it up wrap it up folks so what's up did we do we cover anything not really no we
01:00:53| talked about haunting from all the different levels you could be haunted because maybe you didn't buy the right stock a year or two ago you could be haunted
01:01:01| because you you did the worst decision of your life and you got drunk and you ran someone over and now it haunts you for the rest of your life and they let you off
01:01:08| after parole but you killed someone what do you do about that what's your name wait i'm gonna stop you you're good what's the biggest opportunity that you
01:01:16| passed by that you regret uh i don't think i have any you don't have any regrets you just keep moving you're in the now i mean no no i mean i have plenty of regrets
01:01:27| but they're all small regrets that i don't know that it would have changed my life one way or the other it's not like i've been like i've been a millionaire oh geez that jeff bezos guy he was on to
01:01:37| something i should have went with him like i don't you know what i mean i don't have one that i'm like whoa that was the big one it's more like 10 million mini regrets
01:01:47| that's it so you're saying essentially if you experience more of life you have less of fear because the possibility of regrets changing you are
01:01:56| smaller the possibility kind of yeah i actually that makes actual sense because i mean as long as you're experiencing various parts of
01:02:03| life and doing various things in life if you do regret it like i don't know doing something and regretting it is better than not doing it and regretting it
01:02:11| does that make sense indeed yep there i like wanting more so we talked about yes so we talked about things that haunt us whether it's actual just boring stuff
01:02:21| which by the way what why aren't adults afraid of ghosts and stuff to the extent that children are i think there's so much left unknown in the like the
01:02:32| the mental structure of like an adult like they believe in the most ridiculous things even though they do that's why i wonder why they aren't like like i don't know
01:02:41| any adults who are like i'm terrified of ghosts when i turn off the light i have to run to bed is it and it's a little bit i make this joke to my son all the time he's like
01:02:48| dad i'm scared to go downstairs and i'm like wait where do you have to pay taxes and realize that life is terrible can i say that to him as a joke maybe
01:02:57| you realize that a ghost wouldn't be as bad as like i don't know our ecosystem or like you know what i mean maybe yeah like do you think it's a little bit that a little tongue-in-cheek you're like
01:03:07| yeah i wish goes for a real pal you could fix all our problems i don't have to work you're dead get back to work get back to work i don't know i feel
01:03:19| like i wish a ghost would kill my boss regardless of like the foundation that i don't know i feel like kids don't have that foundation so anything's possible and
01:03:29| adults whether their foundation is true or not they have it regardless that makes sense and if their foundation is that ghosts are real those people are insane like it like we
01:03:39| don't see them because they get put in mental asylums yeah that's a good point so we talked about hauntings hauntings like the via bad decisions hauntings via
01:03:49| adults who believe in ghosts we even touched on the different ghosts that appear in our our lives and our systems they're even virtual ghosts did we
01:03:58| discuss that at all no you ever have like shako nuts in a system unexplainable 100 in a computer system get this one time my buddy griff he was
01:04:12| using rubicon where we make our quotes we do our orders sales stuff like that he makes a quote and the quote said it was by our manager libby so she's a manager like she has extra
01:04:24| power she can do extra [ __ ] he was like why does it say that and we checked the log and it says livy created the quote libby did this libby did this and he was like
01:04:33| what the [ __ ] going on he was like hey libby uh it says i'm in as you from his computer and they called it and everything and he was like yeah just log out and log back in as yourself and
01:04:44| he was like yeah but libby's never even sat at my computer in her entire life and he's like yeah just something happened man you're logged in as libby for 15 minutes and i
01:04:53| was like griff we could have just canceled everyone's quotes we could have caused chaos we didn't know but how the [ __ ] does something like that
01:05:00| happen you ever have [ __ ] like that happen i work in that field so i just say that's a bug we'll just take what i'm saying are some bugs ghosts
01:05:15| to some people [Laughter] anyway we talked about virtual ghosts we talked about real ghosts we talked about ghost stories we talked
01:05:24| about sitting around the campfire and sucking off ghosts every time you yawn folks you're opening your mouth for a ghostliner that's right get a slimer talk about some horror
01:05:34| movies in the horror genre we talked about everything and anything and we weren't pandering yeah what do you think me personally yeah i liked it
01:05:47| i liked it a lot dirty folks we like you we like you a lot check our socials we do this all the time this is a regular occurrence it's called a podcast
01:05:59| thanks for listening and uh you already said we like you we like you a lot so good night thanks thanks sleep tight

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