The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP153 Hype

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Transcript UnP153 Hype

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 153 - Hype
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00:00:07| it's like the wingman for something you don't even know it's like hey it's coming it's big it's awesome it's cool it's something that you read about you think
00:00:16| about you dream about imagination runs wild it's like whoa it could be this it could be this all aboard the train
00:00:25| folks today we're going to talk about the hype train toot so i'm dan and i'm nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:44| covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective subjects they're all on the chopping block we
00:00:55| don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty warning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for infotainment purposes only
00:01:07| so join us have a good time open up your ear holes because we're gonna fondle your follicles oh my goodness and welcome i am welcome he's dan
00:01:35| you are and i am nick nick folks welcome to another episode of the unpanderers we just roll along don't miss a beat yeah exactly we just keep on rolling
00:01:49| keep them fresh for the get excited and 50th something's episode oh i knew it ah i couldn't have waited for this longer i know
00:02:02| well the thing is everyone's been talking to me about it texting me it's been a while when's this one coming out it's been a while when's this one coming out and the thing
00:02:10| is we like to build a little something called uh momentum talk whispers gossip hype sizzle i love pipe i love hype oh the
00:02:22| sizzle that's funny my um my sales boss talks about sizzle all the time that's weird i wanted to start a crypto currency called sizzle sizzle coin
00:02:32| sounds hot sounds it does sound hottie it's on the rings sizzle took a nose dive today sizzle fizzles that's what the headline would say that's
00:02:47| literally what it would say damn it oh it has been a while it has been a while since we've done an episode here i thought i thought your motivation
00:02:57| had waned you waned a little bit i mean someone we're not going to mention names the weiner wayne's a winter wings up at midnight we see well that's just it i'm not up at
00:03:10| midnight as much anymore you know it's getting old yeah we've gotten older now our kids and uh later yeah that's also limiting factors limiting factors life oh my god life
00:03:24| children is that possible motivational speakers or yeah absolutely you can be like life is all about living folks
00:03:33| yeah people want to run through a brick wall interestingly enough you uh bring this up because um in sales hype is like a big thing it's like a part of our everyday i don't
00:03:45| know i think every morning every morning at 8 a youtube video plays over the tvs in our building that's creepy is how all tvs all the
00:03:55| same no one knows how they start who turns them on i don't know all on there what's up just recording something but yeah that's fine
00:04:04| i don't know he's getting a divorce hi hi what's up hey she's excited how are you good how are you how are you good about you i'm good i'm
00:04:16| good um i was just thinking i think uh when i get done work tomorrow i'm just going to take dominic up to navy's house and drop that stuff
00:04:26| off let them play for a little bit and come home and this way because um i know the shit's getting shut down on saturday if you and your boys
00:04:37| want to go and have happy hour or something happy hour i don't know if they're doing happy hour but that's a good point i might investigate it all right so i don't want
00:04:48| you to feel obligated to get home that's so nice of her right she wants to get smashed i will thank you dan says that was very nice here oh yeah
00:04:59| thank you yeah i'm trying i'm trying to be considerate oh that sounded so sarcastic i love it so in this way i can get there and get home in a
00:05:11| reasonable amount of time sounds good okay all right cool thanks good night it was good seeing you there
00:05:20| i've seen you too ah the last appearance um okay it's he's so flat when she speaks that i worry about your safety wouldn't worry too much uh i was just
00:05:42| gonna pickle those fingers in the refrigerator until they were nice and tasty and your eyeballs will soon be in the jar with them i was wondering if
00:05:51| you'd like to take your son out for an ice cream cone is this weird then this is live so we're recording live yeah this is interesting i mean it's a
00:06:02| little bit of a bag here wow i'm not gonna i'm not cutting that out because it's too much work i don't have the effort this episode ever airs but um unless you hype me up a
00:06:11| lot and i feel do you know do you know where she's going tomorrow uh no it's not her my brother-in-law's who she secretly kind of likes that's interesting
00:06:27| is that foreshadowing right there i don't know but like and then it's like every time i go to happy hour with the guys from work she's like
00:06:36| what are you doing you can't do that now she's like go go to heaven oh that's weird no that's an omen foreshadowing she's hyping up the future
00:06:46| i guess by secretly not hyping it she under hyped it i guess ugh back to the topic at hand now that everyone is gone
00:06:54| topic at hand or actually everyone's finally tuning in oh it just got real divorce flash before my eyes that's all right we'll get through it
00:07:09| get ready for life because it's exciting are you gonna go out and grab it by the balls that's what i'm talking about so at my work
00:07:17| there are actually um videos that play across the screens at exactly hope there's a clock that is exactly 8 15 and there's a little like
00:07:29| it's automated so it happens the same time every day it might be 8 19. either way it's a selection no it's there if you go to youtube and sales motivation videos
00:07:41| you can find thousands of them and they're all like hey i didn't know when enough was enough and it's like a dude boxing shirtless and then the next thing he's
00:07:50| running and it's like i thought giving up was easy but then i said let's keep going and then it's like him working really hard after hours with like a protractor
00:07:58| and a piece of paper and it's dark everywhere so you know it's late at night and you're like whoa and he's like when the world said enough was enough
00:08:05| i kept digging and it's like him just drawing straight lines and you're like wow this is good anyway it's like those videos play for like four minutes in the morning
00:08:15| and that's it and every morning i elbow the guys next to me i'm like this makes me want to go out and do something with my life like quit this [ __ ] job and i say it loud next to my
00:08:23| church in here and he ignores me every time but it's really funny it's like it's a running joke so i'm like wow this almost makes me want to do something real with my life and not work with a
00:08:32| shitty sales job i wish hardly ever stuck on repeat for some reason one day every four minutes it's like played the whole day the dharma
00:08:43| initiative would like you to know rock your world by selling sell sell sell can't you believe that you're not living if you aren't selling of course you can like huh
00:08:58| get ready interesting anyway those those videos exist and here's another thought someone makes a living off of making those videos isn't that wild that is nuts and they
00:09:08| probably make more money than both of us giving those speeches too you ever see those people that give the speeches motivational speeches for sales and pitches and stuff like pitch man uh
00:09:17| tim robbins is that what his name is tony robbins tony robbins i think yeah yeah yeah like that shit's legit that those guys make that much money to just tell you to sell better that's like
00:09:27| ex-presidents when they give speeches like they just get like a hundred thousand dollars to talk it's like it doesn't really matter they're just like oh you're important
00:09:34| you deserve it as ex-president let me tell you they have to mention their their ex-presidency and then it's good whatever they say after that
00:09:45| i never was motivated by that you weren't wow you seem like the type that would be motivated by a video on youtube extremely thrilled i think the only
00:09:54| thing that motivates me is my own possibility of happiness my happiness window is shrinking it's like i can imagine it's like alice in wonderland where like you walk down a
00:10:03| hallway and you think the window is really large but when you get there it's like i can't even fit my pinky finger through this happiness window
00:10:10| i wish you could yeah force perspective like michael gondry who's michael gondry he's the one who did uh uh that jim carrey movie where he for uh
00:10:21| eternal sunshine was behind when he's like under the table or he's getting uh a bath in the sink as a child there's like forced perspective but maybe it was in my own dreams i
00:10:32| don't know if it's a real scene or not no no i mean that that probably is i've only seen the movie twice yeah well he does that sort of thing he did um
00:10:39| okay uh kylie minogue come as you are where she's walking around the same city block like a dozen times over and over she was like walking with herself but
00:10:50| she never runs into herself even though she's like a dozen of herself at the end i really recommend it i will check that out that is interesting that interests me but it really does
00:11:01| anyway now that's that's a good way to put your version of what is it called motivation like this window it's a little different but i guess it
00:11:10| applies yeah yeah so where does this where does this originate so it was my topic and i did uh uh the background here is that i bought a switch lately
00:11:21| i had some time okay and what i realized was that you have a switch right i do how many games do you have five yeah and is that three six that's
00:11:33| probably the most games you could probably have for switch that are legit because the other ones are like like tiny one-offs in my opinion there's a lot of garbage i mean there's
00:11:43| probably 10 good games for the switch yeah but you know what the best game is which one breath of the wild okay cool i didn't know if you're going to say
00:11:52| something else or like super smash brothers or one of the other or whatever but yeah breath of the wild is kind of the flagship the namesake yeah the flagship thank you good word i
00:12:00| was trying to find that word what i find interesting is that like it's definitely a good game there's no glitches in it it's i played it i beat it it's enjoyable beat it already god damn
00:12:16| either way i haven't played it that much and i've had it for five times as long as you yes but there's something there that like they had to succeed in that game
00:12:26| obviously it was in development for like four years i think uh if i recall correctly and if they didn't accomplish like that
00:12:37| level of height for such a game then like the console itself would have probably failed yeah that's a good point that had a lot
00:12:44| of weight on its shoulders yeah i heard i saw a stat somewhere that somehow um breath of the wild outsold the switch itself
00:12:54| really yeah yeah it's kind of interesting yeah i mean somehow i believe it through some weird some factorial logistical gifting it i
00:13:05| don't know whatever anyway interesting but what i think is also happening is that like pr so public relations it's uh it's happening in like weird
00:13:15| ways now that people don't realize and of course we've touched on this in like multiple ways advertising is always ahead of the game even when it's not like
00:13:25| sometimes you'll see advertising it's stupid it's boring you know the commercial you know the punch line before it shows up you know the car commercial before it
00:13:32| happens but advertising is a way of doing multi-layered things so that the jingle is stuck in your head for a while
00:13:40| uh key words in the thing that associate with this car company a song in the background that's an old song they bought rights to and only they bought rights too so when you hear that
00:13:49| song you kind of think of their car brand so what you're talking about is like next level stuff stuff that's subliminal right yes it's even like uh
00:13:59| like tesla like i looked up today you know what p e ratio is price to earnings for like stocks it's like p ratio right around like 40 in the past have been like
00:14:09| um a pricey it's like if you're gonna buy a stock with a p e higher than because it's not earning that much money yeah it's a predictor of the future and like the expected
00:14:21| value it's like tesla and the way there's like fanboys same thing with apple like yep all those pla like they have a certain group of people that
00:14:30| just support them like regardless regardless they're warriors for that product for that brand and tesla like i guarantee they're the masters of like pr of presenting
00:14:40| themselves in the best way and i'm not knocking tesla but the pe ratio saying tesla right now is like over a thousand so it's like
00:14:48| either there's like so much hype in the future that they're actually going to come to fruition on all the things they execute at some point that it's going to be worth it or
00:14:56| this is a pipe dream where people are putting all their money into it and believing in believing and believing and believing and believing and believing it's all hope okay
00:15:05| what is that what hype is the possibility i think it's the possibility of finding that little window of happiness getting larger and larger so you can fit more than just your pinky
00:15:13| in hell yeah more than that that's true happiness right there i give you more than one just get that you just get that pure happiness in you
00:15:24| get it back out you get it back in you get it back out like 20 times you're good i'm like just a little bigger than your pinky so
00:15:33| we're talking about media influence and hype and then so today if uh or skip ahead in the timeline of when this episode drops or skip back because
00:15:45| this is dropping in 2022. yeah 2022. this is dropping six months after that or something i don't know but so cyberpunk came out today 2077.
00:15:56| damn this is we're dating the episode yeah and the the hype surrounding that game is the most prolonged type i've ever seen for any game ever because
00:16:05| it took eight years to make my co-worker uh took off yesterday and today to play oh that's a mistake from what i've heard depending on what he's doing i mean
00:16:17| he's pc oh so he's probably okay he's probably has a computer that's newer than five years old he does i helped him make it a little bit wow help him pick some parts now he
00:16:26| did most of the work himself but i he consulted in me anyway he um he also has been picking out his genitals for the past five weeks i've heard that's an option
00:16:37| that you can decide what an option that's the only reason to play the game because i've been waiting for perfect genitals oh dude you can customize your schlong
00:16:47| your balls your pee pee like the shape the vagina the pubic hair like you can customize so much of your genitals that that's what i think people are spending 90 of
00:16:56| the game doing what's what's bizarre is that i have not like i guess you can't you can't really post that and have it be accepted i know i know
00:17:08| it's weird like the the picking out your genitals i think there's a level of dark comedy here that like it takes a while to brood like it really does and oh like people
00:17:18| will post this in two years and it'll be hilarious is that what you're saying i think that's like like there's an obvious laugh out of it and like the
00:17:25| internet doesn't like those types of like crude obvious laughs that are dark like there's a dark sometimes it does yeah but what i'm finding i
00:17:35| think there's a group of people that because of the stylistic nature of the game that it's like really into that like um dystopian direct runners
00:17:46| that it's like it's messed up a little bit i think there's groups out there that are like attacking it so this is what like eight years of hype you expect a game that's perfect
00:17:55| and it launches on various systems and certain systems like don't look that great so i was reading a thread about the way they they they equated it to no
00:18:04| man's sky ah i thought that was gonna come up today yeah the amount of hype in no man's sky was a mental hype so it was like the game didn't deliver
00:18:15| on hardly any of those mental levels of infinity and beyond or whatever you call it that's not a quote don't copyright me on
00:18:22| that one um but essentially this game's visuals were like it's crux and like people are what are seeing this in a variety of different mediums
00:18:32| cyber or cyberpunk well both um if you think about like no man's sky the visuals in that game the animals they did the jurassic park well yeah everyone thought something
00:18:51| that was infinitesimally generated would look pretty freaking cool every time when really it turns out it looked pretty crappy just a crappy variant of a normal thing every time and
00:19:01| i was like oh damn it this is gonna happen you can't have dinosaurs that are like stories every time yeah and they just look like deformed
00:19:10| dinosaurs if they're not regular dinosaurs and then slightly deform to those dinosaurs and you're like ah this is going to keep happening yeah oh he has different color claws oh
00:19:20| exactly oh oh this one's brown with uh they didn't know how to do spots never mind this one's just brown you know what i mean yeah but this is the type of thing that i
00:19:32| like it's surprising me is that it really feels like there's obviously a hype train that that um cd projekt red is who made cyberpunk like the hype train they created they
00:19:45| couldn't meet expectations like no one can ever meet those that level of expectation that's obvious and there's people that probably believe it and are crushed today and
00:19:54| there's people that are actually mad at the company yeah because it's not perfect on day one which doesn't i don't think that exists now
00:20:00| ever uh it's funny someone mentioned this about games like uh back when you released a sega genesis game it was on a physical hard cartridge you
00:20:10| handed it to people it was ready to go you can't do a firmware update or like uh hey we're gonna update your software there was no internet so
00:20:18| yeah you can't patch it it's it's what you give people is the final product nowadays when you release a game it is buggy it's like common knowledge it's like ah we're releasing it it's not done
00:20:28| yet it's like what okay but it's kind of so it changes the whole realm i mean every game is getting patches and updates so
00:20:39| what cyberpunk 2077 is going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread and also not have patches and updates no i mean one hand it's like every other freaking
00:20:47| game right so this came up when we're talking about like uh trumpism i'll call it is that i'm looking through this thread of people
00:20:57| ripping on it and they had that jurassic park and then like they show like graphics that are just like from like 10 years ago and it like
00:21:08| you know something is not right with it it's it's a narrative that they're trying to feed and i'm like that's okay like i just want honest reviews and discussion about like
00:21:16| what people are not seeing and there are some things that were just like hey this is like someone who is actually playing it like we have twitch now that you can actually
00:21:23| just like get on twitch and watch them play and i did that because of this thread that said like the game doesn't really look like [ __ ] and i like i was like well let me see
00:21:34| and it doesn't twitchers okay cool yeah it all depends on what they're playing on etc etc i totally get that exactly but the weird part is when you
00:21:44| watch like what gets posted in that thread there's like an anti-hype that happens there's like a this is interesting yeah if something
00:21:54| gets big enough it has equal and opposite forces going to work on it like you'll never find uh a mom and pop shop that have like anti-propaganda against
00:22:04| them when they have three employees like people outside being like do you know what they're really selling you know what i mean and like people doing this
00:22:10| but when something becomes a multi-million dollar multi-million views item multi-million you know everything pr is so just as valuable it's so
00:22:21| big that undercutting that pr or under going against that is just as valuable so now you have misinformation you have true information you have skewed facts you have real facts you have
00:22:32| beta versions you have someone showing you something that isn't true is true it's like holy holy crap it becomes a whole thing yeah and i'm i'm worried about the
00:22:42| future here because i like look like reading through the comments like every like third or fourth comment had like similarities to it like it wasn't a verbatim comment but if
00:22:52| you look at like those like uh counter trumpism tweets they like some of them were stupid enough not to replace the words they were supposed to replace
00:23:00| like enter enter opponent here or some stupid thing but like these things are like oh this game looks like it's on ps2 blah blah blah ps2 ps2 ps2 like i kept
00:23:10| reading that and i just wonder how many of these are like maybe they're people that are reiterating it or maybe it's like some sort of like
00:23:18| malevolent like propaganda machine that is like anti-hyping things which how hard would it be to make something like that i think it'd be
00:23:26| pretty easy i mean i think i could do it like now you're also not a multi-million dollar industry do you think a multi-million dollar
00:23:34| industry could make even more of them like a torpedo other games yeah i think that's i think that's what's what they're attempting to do they're attempting to like dissuade
00:23:43| dissuade people from buying it day one because it's like not perfect and honestly the twitch streams i watched i was like this looks pretty cool like this is
00:23:53| something i haven't really seen before like it could like the amount of potential there is like yeah this is up my alley and it is the game that's like for yeah this is this is my
00:24:06| this is my jam is it gta 5-ish like open world you can go in all the buildings or no or i think we go in some buildings i think some people were okay
00:24:15| saying that you couldn't go in every building but or like you couldn't interact with somebody that was like a food stand like you think you'd be able to eat a
00:24:23| hot dog but like i don't know like i don't know is that being programmed okay that's fair um my other question this job is like to program the hot dog
00:24:34| stand for like the internet probably is there probably is that would be hilarious what does your wiener look like we'll make it look like
00:24:42| the hot dog we're about to give you we got some real wiener technology coming into this game ironically this is the one that seemed a real winner there their office space
00:24:53| is just dicks everywhere it's like they're just looking they're like a65 today a65 you're gonna have a beautiful day
00:25:02| he kisses it we're gonna use you today um send it out to the world the uh what about this though what if the game is being released it's multi-million dollar game it's been
00:25:15| eight years in development they rushed it to get it out the door and there's a bunch of glitches and it does kind of suck and there are viewers out there saying
00:25:22| it sucks and then people in their mentions going crazy saying you're a hater i can't believe it you're just playing it on a crappy pc
00:25:32| the opposite of what you said ah you're getting it man it's i don't know who to believe half the time it's weird because the media machine that we're generating
00:25:43| has no bearing on like whether we would actually like the game yet it's dissuading us from getting it and like i search for the people that are unbiased like i watched some guy
00:25:54| play it on a ps4 which is supposed to look like [ __ ] on and i was just like okay like i saw it jutter a little bit but i was like you know the world that
00:26:03| they created it seems like it's like i could get into that world so there's a piece here that like the graphics are okay enough in on a system that's not that powerful
00:26:16| and they're enjoyable like it looks like it's enjoyable like i could play it there's another element here that like um zelda like the breath of the wild game is not
00:26:29| graphically intensive it was very cartoon-esque yeah it's like cell shader and all that which is like borderlands it's like not the same motif but
00:26:40| you know the way they do graphics but it doesn't take a game to have perfect graphics to make it good correct which is it's bizarre that so many people are hinging
00:26:52| i mean there are times being good or not good or bad or not good or yeah i will give beth breath of the wild is smooth whereas i'm hearing that it
00:27:02| cyberpunk may not be maybe choppy you mentioned earlier how it's like the flagship of the switch i think certain games have to run perfectly on circumstance
00:27:15| yes nintendo has a habit of doing that because it's very boxed in it's like containerized like you can't play as a game on any other system no you're absolutely right it's
00:27:25| custom built for that system for that rom for that ram for everything involved the computing the programming it's all built just for one system for one thing
00:27:36| to do one thing and to do it well and nintendo games tend to do them very well very smooth very however they're supposed to look yeah not less stutter frame rate drop no
00:27:47| but good so i'm an aspiring like game developer i was looking at there were like 300 people that were involved in the development of zelda and towards the end of it they said
00:27:57| everyone go home and play it for a week on a switch and figure out if there's any books so like they were their own testers exactly
00:28:06| and then they probably had their own part where they knew how it worked and they tried to like how to figure out how it would fail yeah but you can't do that when you're
00:28:14| trying to do it for like every device out there you're launching across multiple consoles it's like sure they're using they're crowdsourcing all
00:28:22| the bugs and i'm not i'm not saying like that's wrong or right you're just saying it's impossible to yeah find every bug
00:28:30| yeah so there's that level of hype they could never have you seen the dick jeans bug the what the dick jeans bug you see your dick through the jeans i saw the shoes
00:28:39| through this shirt okay now i saw take through some jeans so shout out shout outs or was it just flopping no it's just flopping around
00:28:48| it's like if you were seeing the character naked yeah oh i'm telling you there's a lot of times and dick swing
00:28:58| going into the genitals in this game which big shout out that's why griff took off two days shout out griff he hasn't finished customizing his genitals yet
00:29:08| he's like look at this one look wow he might spend a day and a half just customizing the genitals now there are way more options with the penis than the vagina i've been told
00:29:20| and we tried to get griff to do the tiniest tiniest needle point wiener with a large mushroom head which apparently might be customizable
00:29:30| and the biggest balls he could get like just big old beach balls and we said if he didn't do it we'd uh we'd excommunicated from the group at
00:29:41| work turns out he picked a girl with a vagina and a landing strip and he showed us and i was like dude he copped out he chickened out right
00:29:49| yeah the alternate path he went the easy route like ah i can look at this and she's sexy and cool like i'll do this everyone'll think it's cool and i'm like
00:29:57| nah dude you should have tiny dick big mushroom head and beach balls we've been talking about it for two weeks i'm actually almost mad at him but anyway i'm not gonna get into it but i love
00:30:06| this game already i haven't played it anyway he ruined it but good so yeah so hype i think that's what what this brings me to is that there was definitely hype around zelda
00:30:19| in the switch and the switch came out what three or four years ago yeah two or three we'll say three i'll say three average it i've been wanting to play zelda for like
00:30:29| three years and i just haven't bought it because i didn't have the time to play it and there was so much hype in my mind about what it would be and it was a different completely
00:30:37| different zelda game than all the other ones yes it has elements to zelda but they're not really hardcore elements at all and then like
00:30:45| they're puzzly things that that's i think the core of zelda is that you go someplace and you have to solve a puzzle and you have the tools and like you've
00:30:52| heard and there are hearts yeah and there are hearts and like in a sword and boomerang yeah and certain yeah guys looks familiar but god yeah
00:31:00| it definitely has that and have elements that are like you really get into a little like fantasy world where it's enjoyable to play um there are certain like let downs that
00:31:11| you don't have the musical score that all the zeldas have and then the bosses aren't that tough but
00:31:19| overall it was an enjoyable experience and then like the amount of i was like passion that i poured into like what i hoped it would be like it was
00:31:30| good like it it's not like i don't know that at middle 30s mid age you can be like wow
00:31:41| yeah i kind of agree with you you do have different responsibilities lifestyle but like my kid he's he's just too young to play it like just
00:31:52| out of the range like he'll play it but it's an open world game it's a very scary open world game where he he's not going to know how to go to
00:31:59| all the way across town to go to this village and fast travel and do this can you just understand what they're actually saying he he can read like names and like small
00:32:09| words so he's not like hey link can you go here oh i like that little sound effect they do oh man you'd laugh at the noise yeah probably yeah
00:32:18| so yeah and then he would hand me the controller anytime something really hard came up or like he had to fight a boss or something like that so and he would definitely not be able to
00:32:27| figure out the uh guardian uh puzzle things no not that they're hard but like yeah yeah but just the way that you don't fighting the guardians is pretty cool
00:32:38| yes i didn't figure that out until like you could reflect it back to them well i still haven't done that was it with a pot a pot lid or whatever what can you use a poly leather shield
00:32:55| and that apparently just because it has a one rating everyone throws them away it's like you can use that and a ladle i think hurts them so like the two crappiest
00:33:06| things that you can get in the very beginning of the game end up being things you can use against the guardians if you look up uh like just type into youtube dudes
00:33:14| [ __ ] up guardians with a ladle and a pot lid it's like it's insane what some of these people have done it's it's actually really enjoyable you will
00:33:22| be like whoa i didn't know you could do that and you'd be like that's pretty cool so this this is the op i so opposite of hype this is that
00:33:32| something's really cool you didn't even hear about it yeah yeah no well yeah there's so many possibilities in the game that like it's not like yes i've heard the
00:33:40| the game's fantastic and then like you play and you're you're like enthused at playing it continuously but for our age it's kind
00:33:48| of like a drawn out kind of like i don't know like i gotta keep doing it i'm gonna keep enjoying this game the the amazing thing is that i that
00:34:01| they have these like shrines there's 120 of them i'm on like my 70th 70th try uh shrine yeah dude you're weighing me i got like but in the last one that i played there
00:34:12| was a uh like a like i say a gimmick or a mechanic that i hadn't seen before and i was like wait a second like this thing is new and then like
00:34:24| i was like oh you're supposed to like solving the puzzle with like a brand new thing that i didn't use after even beating the game i was like what the that's what makes a game did you get
00:34:34| through the island the island where ever you get no clothes evan tied yeah did you beat it yeah i did that took me a little
00:34:43| a while that i mean i was sitting there for like two hours like playing that island thing and i was like what the hell i had to look up where the eye every
00:34:49| time yeah and i was like god damn at one point i picked up iron and then i was getting struck by lightning and then i was like good
00:34:56| lord eventually i figured it out but it took me a while anyway stuff like that like that's a cool feature because you're stripped of all your armor all
00:35:04| your weapons all your everything and you have to survive this island without your stuff which you've been collecting a whole [ __ ] ton of stuff like that's the point
00:35:14| of the game you know what i mean you've been building your metal yeah and now you just got to use your wits
00:35:20| yes not die because when you die they restart the whole damn mission so no save points what are you hyped about like what have you been hyped about what
00:35:30| will you be hyped about in the future what are you hyped about right now i can get hyped about i guess three things sports related things like i'll get i
00:35:40| still get hyped for sports stuff okay i'll totally scream all y'all right now in philadelphia sports i don't think there's anything oh yeah hyping me no nothing
00:35:50| attention you said like if you're watching a game and it's tied and it's oh yeah a 100 but i'm saying right now in philadelphia sports there's nothing really that hyped me so much that i want
00:36:01| to run through a wall or you know basketball yeah they um they're starting to back up in like i won't say four weeks that's weird and then hockey's not going
00:36:10| until much later yeah they're delaying it for some reason we'll see i actually probably more hyped for basketball this year football has been a bust although i like
00:36:23| watching other games but like if it's not your team i don't necessarily get hype i just enjoy the sport if that makes sense yeah there's a
00:36:31| general appreciation for communal things i guess as disappointed as it sounds the art the whatever the athleticism i'm like oh that's beautiful
00:36:43| good job little clappy class yeah golf clap but um no sports if it's my team i get hype about um another one is like really good music
00:36:52| every now and then if you have two headphones in i will still get really hype i'll get goosebumps i'll still do the thing i'll dance in my kitchen doing dishes
00:37:00| and i'll go [ __ ] i'll get hype and what was the final thing for hype there is something else that just gets me like i get uh right now i work out like five or six
00:37:14| days a week and if you really go hard the pre-workout's flowing the music is perfect and your system muscles are screaming you're just like it's coming
00:37:25| yeah yeah you get that where you want to yell and do more and more and like push it and push it and push it so what does it other than that no it's interesting
00:37:36| because like your your three hypes are all like interpersonal hypes yeah i don't think there's much of my life that's hyping an outside hype
00:37:45| except customization with the penis i'm hyped for griff but i'm not actually hype i'm not like man i can't wait till griff customizes that penis
00:37:55| like you know what i mean like that's not you know because number 30 something i don't i don't get hype about every normal stuff you reminded me of
00:38:03| when i was like with all my friends crammed in a car like that was that that's community pipe right there like you don't know what that like that
00:38:13| party holds for you there's a mystery about it and you're also i guess at that age you wanna it is hype it's like the sky's the limit
00:38:24| you don't know what's gonna happen you're gonna hook up you're gonna have sex you're gonna have the best time in your life you're gonna get [ __ ] up you're gonna
00:38:29| meet your new best friend you're gonna go out and have an adventure you're going to have something you're going to talk about for the rest of your life you're going to run from the cops you're
00:38:34| going to do this you're going to meet someone who you're going to be laughing about for 10 years because his name's elway and he like
00:38:41| he smokes cigarettes and he's a buy the the um the keg and he won't let you drink from it unless you tell him a joke and he goes i'll tell you what i'll tell you the joke
00:38:51| and like you know you're like what's up look at this guy he's like 40 years old and you're like what the [ __ ] is this guy doing i don't know and that's that's hype at
00:39:01| our age you don't run into a lot of risk yeah different different opportunities disillusioned no and you're right it is disillusioned
00:39:11| but also i don't know how many days you got planned in a row i got like 50 days planned out of the next 55 i guess
00:39:20| i don't know that i have anything planned i just don't know i don't have anything well are you going to work differently i don't have anything with your kids exactly
00:39:28| you know the outcome of whatever you do even if it's like having sex like oh like even if it's the best sex i've ever had like there's probably like a top three and
00:39:37| it's probably not gonna be the top three like you know it's probably gonna be like average like kind of good but you've been there
00:39:43| it's like you've been there and we've all been there you know yeah there's not like the ceiling has been set and you you know that like they're
00:39:54| probably like it might happen that you break through your ceiling of happiness but like you're probably not gonna get there yeah so hype is like
00:40:04| the idea that you might be running towards or headed towards the greatest blank of your life greatest video game the greatest music album you've ever heard in your life
00:40:17| like at one point you will hear your favorite album at one point you will play your favorite video game at one point you will meet your favorite person these these are just facts i mean right
00:40:28| yeah what i what i wonder i'll go back to zelda is that it's ingrained to you at a young age of like what you'll hype like certain things that persist even
00:40:39| now like playing that zelda game was like the little notes of like the past of when i was a kid you you have a nostalgia that
00:40:47| hypes you up that you reflect upon and it like exists inside of you and i think that's why i hype games when i when i want to play them but you're going a direction keep going
00:40:58| okay mine was i mean similar it's just the hype is like hey this could be the best album i've ever heard this could be the best song i've ever heard this could be the
00:41:09| best video game i've ever played this could be the best party moment we've ever been a part of and as you get older you realize that like maybe you've already had that
00:41:18| best so you're not going to beat it kind of what you mentioned like yeah it's not going to be in your top three anymore so like and you could be wrong but chances are
00:41:27| you're not like yo we got a party this weekend elway's going to be there he's been in the keg i got a couple of the boys i haven't
00:41:34| seen in a couple years it's gonna be a pretty good party and that's a hype it's a feeling you're like i don't know this could be one of the best chances are
00:41:42| if you're our age it's not gonna be one of the best you've ever been to it could i'm not saying it's not chances are it's gonna be good everyone's gonna have a good time
00:41:52| there's gonna be something [ __ ] funny that happens but chances are the best you've ever had is already kind of behind you is that messed up to say and
00:42:00| even if you were to have the best you like recreating what you did back then there's going to be somebody that's going to open that door behind you and
00:42:09| just guilt you for it they're going to be like oh you spend that night with your buddies till 2 a.m uncle that's great that's great nick i'm glad you had a good time
00:42:18| you'll show your door and you can't be going in heaven you can't be going and having the best time of your life now we're adults oh yeah i guess you're right
00:42:26| yeah like that that light leaves your eyes and you're like i shouldn't have enjoyed myself so hype is kind of like it's tied to youth and what's funny is
00:42:36| to tie it all back together hype for me has always been this sounds really really corny about video games like i used to get game pro magazine and
00:42:48| like game informer power and then all of them it turned open and when you would get them it seemed a little racially
00:43:00| but when you would get them like i was always reading about a new game that was coming out in six months or a year like those are my favorite things not reviews of games that were already out
00:43:10| i was always looking forward to games that were going to come out home but awesome stories yeah like legacy of kane soul reaver i read about that for years before it came out like all these games
00:43:21| like i would read articles on freaking video games before they came out and eventually they would come out and i'd play them and even if they were as
00:43:28| good as i thought they were it's still you know something in the present doesn't encapsulate what you thought it feels like it could be in the future
00:43:38| possibilities yeah the hype actuality that is actually always like we can't end on that that's what it is but yeah the sad thing is that like
00:43:52| for me i don't know what hypes me up i honestly like accomplished the goal that i've been waiting for for three years to like play this zelda game and i was like it was good
00:44:03| and there are moments in that game that like cool they yeah they got me like watching did you do um did you turn off the uh axis for the bow
00:44:13| no i kept that on did you look at you badass i turned it off because like i was always like laying down and i'd be like damn it i gotta yeah and then i don't know and
00:44:22| then i have to sit up no i actually like that because i can aim interesting and be like slightly off and then move it and then oh after the fact yeah after the fact because like it
00:44:32| never is quite right but then you can just like and if you get so this is one thing that i love when there's new mechanics that i've never seen before
00:44:43| there are 3d puzzles where you can move the controller beyond what are human limits so like you have to like twirl it twice to like move a staircase contraption
00:44:54| pyramid and like you're rotating it it like twice you did it double rotate you have you have to i don't know how like maybe there's a way
00:45:06| interesting i haven't gotten to that one there was one where i was throwing bombs into water and it was making whatever the item was in the water
00:45:15| move out of the water but i had to use the wave from my bomb because you know you can generate those bombs i didn't know it made waves yeah so if you throw it in water it
00:45:25| floats and then if you detonated it not like waves push it like it wasn't pushing waves but yeah the uh the burst wave but in water it moves different than whatever you're
00:45:36| making me feel weird water water water i love that somebody's job to make it look realistic like they must have spent days trying to figure out that like how
00:45:46| it floats and how it moves things in water and like do you think they try different like items because you can throw items so like how
00:45:53| every item reacts yeah do you think swords move different than torches move different than things that float i love so like hype is possibility and
00:46:07| and what i don't know if it's not leading into anything that this is spoiler but and this one on one of the divine beasts you have to have these like two
00:46:15| pedestals and you need like these balls that are like electrically charged and you put them on the pedestal you probably didn't place one
00:46:21| anyway i throw those bombs around like crazy because i just like yeah they are free yeah yeah they're free i must have exploded one of those off
00:46:29| off the vine piece because it was like it was walking around i must have like launched it off of it like i didn't know where it went so i had one of the balls and i didn't
00:46:38| have any way to do the other side so i spent an hour taking all of the like the metallic equipment i had laying it on the ground to connect the circuit from one electric
00:46:48| ball to the other part it worked it worked damn i love so there's also is it called master class is there have you heard of that website
00:46:59| where like they take somebody like a gordon ramsay and they they have them genuinely talk about cooking and what makes it like him masterful or what it takes to
00:47:06| get to a point where like you understand cooking at a different level but this one was will wright i don't know if you know will wright is that
00:47:16| oh no well he's a game designer so he did like simcity he did all the sims yeah i think he did like uh just look up sims if you don't know like he did these sims
00:47:28| that's fine but like he was talking about like games in a different way he said like he just like you create the elements of a game so
00:47:36| that you can experience them like you're like different objects interacting and like it gives you your own agency to like interact with those things
00:47:46| and playground was that playground yeah the playgrounds gta gta 5 was that when it first came out yeah do you think those developers thought
00:47:55| that someone would create the shark like high rise water method or like which is hilarious that so you're saying what makes a game awesome or hilarious or fulfilling is that
00:48:07| they made a playground they made an event a field an atmosphere what's the word i'm looking for environment an environment that is interactable
00:48:18| and it's up to the individuals who interact with it to create things that even the designers didn't think would be possible but end up being possible and make total sense yeah like you just
00:48:28| said connecting the things by swords and crap all metallic objects which is hilarious that's i think that's what hypes me the most is
00:48:37| that it's going to take me a long time but i want to like make a game that is so like real core basic but like everything interacts with
00:48:47| each other but on that same token it's like you can't make it so that it's real life like you have to distill it down to like symbols sit like symbolism or symbols so
00:48:57| you could would you call it everything reacts with everything that'd be a good game but um zelda took 300 developers like four years to make so
00:49:07| i there's no way i would be able to do that but what gives me like hope is that it'd be fun i don't know i don't know how long it would take me
00:49:16| but if i ever completed a game that other people enjoyed and found like nuances and like if you're a developer of gta 5
00:49:25| and someone makes the sharks everywhere like the waters rising on la or whatever you call it like i think that would give me the most enjoyment to see other people
00:49:38| interacting with whatever i created that's that's my favorite part of the game when you make a game within the game that wasn't made by the game and that's
00:49:50| what will wright talks about is that interesting you create a game that's playable in an infinite number of ways and you see how someone played it and they go
00:49:59| i never thought of that like it wasn't yeah it wasn't designed this way yeah which is the opposite of a way a lot of triple a games are made you have to play one way you have to
00:50:10| beat the game in one direction you can only open up different events by traveling to this set point xyz interesting so i wonder i wonder if cyberpunk these people that
00:50:23| genuinely like the game are going to start seeping into the media scene with like i did this with my genitals and like someone's gonna be like
00:50:32| whoa uh interesting you say that i don't know if this is real because this is day one in the release you can choose to have your penis
00:50:44| circumcised or uncertain i've heard of that yeah did you hear what happened to the people who are choosing circumcised penises no they're being prejudiced against by
00:50:55| all the npcs they're being told they can't do certain things the game is ten times more difficult for them and they are not
00:51:03| accepted for certain missions all because their penises are circumcised and they think it's hilarious and i think it's even funnier that
00:51:13| they're being yeah i think if developers did that on purpose hilarious genius yeah that's that's that's top notch
00:51:26| buffoonery so to sum it up though yep hype is a good thing i think maybe the best of things no good thing ever dies well
00:51:40| here's the thing with hype i don't know that anything lives up to hype you want to round up you name something that lived up to the hype even zelda which i breath of the wild i
00:51:51| love it it's great but i don't know live up to the hype what does anything most type in questions of all time i think it must be cyberpunk because
00:51:59| there's nothing bread sliced bread and then even when you slice it what is it at the end of the day i don't know it's like toast like the best job like jobs are never
00:52:11| always good fun the best like buying a house or like owning more stuff like physical stuff i kind of like i don't want more stuff now no matter what it is
00:52:22| a computer i think you build the best computer you play one game with it probably doom because that's what i did and then you're like okay doom didn't have a lot of
00:52:34| that was pretty good but um i don't talk about 2016 an episode i think we might have touched on it do you enjoy it hell yeah it did that
00:52:45| berserker mode where you're punching all of the demons yeah i love that this one i just um i bought the uh the sequel for like 19
00:52:53| bucks look at that i haven't played it yet but i need time when my kid isn't around people aren't open anyway yeah you got a mic for it but i also
00:53:02| feel like it's not going to live up to doom 2016 it'll be like slightly crazier or more hectic version of that game that makes sense yeah oh i just that's
00:53:12| my hype level okay yeah and like building a new computer having all the possibility of what you could do like do you ever really use it to the max
00:53:21| no never probably not maybe a car i see a lot of people hype cars i'm not i mean i was a car guy in video games but not in real life too expensive
00:53:33| you drive at places i don't know what about you own a jeep that you have brighter no i own an infiniti gx 60. oh you sold your jeep no no my jeep got rear ended by a drunk
00:53:47| driver and i've been driving this infinity war that they rented to me uh three weeks ago oh i can tell you i don't care dang it anyway for three weeks they gave me a
00:53:59| replacement vehicle it's an infiniti qx350 what's that anyway it's oh my god dude it's like a tank it's bigger than most suvs i've ever seen
00:54:11| and it's it's like a 2019 or 2018 and it's it's got a heated steering wheel heated seats every now and then the company calls me they're like your jeep we found extra
00:54:21| damage we're gonna fix it i'm like yeah i'm sitting in my heated seat go ahead whatever click the jeep with like the plastic windows and like flapping in the wind
00:54:32| and it's so funny i've never driven in like a luxury suv that's like worth more than my jeep double i guess or triple so i guess it's hype true no no no true
00:54:45| hype is like a warm shower like it's just like it just feels good continuously and like their happiness just but there is an end persists yeah until
00:54:54| until fizzles the sizzle fizzle sizzle fizzles folks yeah what we're saying is hype is a real thing it's a good thing i'm not going to repeat the rest of that
00:55:13| but no good thing i'm dead no but it's it's enjoyable i enjoy hype like i love being part of it like i know it's not gonna live up to every expectation i have but it's nice
00:55:25| to dream it's nice to live in the future it's nice to not i don't know not adhere to any rules or contacts or the phillies win the world series and
00:55:38| everyone is hyped up they're all pouring into the streets i was uh tell me the fox flowers house run into the streets dude
00:55:47| i saw maybe matt trickle we went to school with i think could be who knows that last part that trickle oh dick trickle oh okay yeah got it what
00:55:56| was his name yep i think i saw someone else oh uh kevin durant saw him that night way to name people i've already looked these people up do you think what do you
00:56:08| think everyone's going to look at them found you found lineage i don't think anyone cares and if they did it's cool yeah no one's gonna care after 150 something episodes and
00:56:20| no so the hype on this podcast has probably died down and ended which is where we're gonna where can you imagine if it's not like what if it's the beginning of fight
00:56:33| if there's anybody out there that's hyped for episodes like nick needs to be have enthusiasm he's been fading so i think we let's talk about
00:56:47| did you remove a tattoo no it wasn't it's higher up that's all the universe oh there you go all those atoms that's right here
00:57:01| oh man it still looks good like whoa did you get some uh there's some smudge on your arm so let's talk about the serious thing though before like this is the the
00:57:16| the end this episode has kind of ended but i think the podcast is kind of faded too it kind of has but i will tell you this transitions are funny
00:57:31| a transition can look like an end a transition is something that's like ah it died doing what it was but it also well it became something else
00:57:44| that's all i'm saying does that make sense i think you're full of [ __ ] i think you can't grow a beard i didn't this is not this is december
00:57:54| not november no i think you haven't shaved in a month and that's what it looks like i've been shaved in two weeks folks what are you focusing on two weeks man
00:58:03| uh it's like five or six weeks at this point yeah crap little crap the uh i think the podcast is just going through a thing
00:58:15| that the rest of the goddamn wall is going through it's late i have kids is it coveted is it not covid what are we doing where are we going like there's a lot of
00:58:24| questions and it's like ah i don't [ __ ] know burned out ask me next week a little bit but what's the last time you spent like
00:58:34| a day doing one thing like all day and you wanted to do it jacking off cyberpunk 2077 came out that's the customized slowest pump ever it's like
00:58:53| i do i think you played doom for like a good solid time yeah that was a most most of the day type deal i found my piece nick i think we can end
00:59:08| the episode interesting well we uh join join the hype train that is the unpanderers it's this is our arc
00:59:23| there's so much out of us we're just beginning the 160 something this episode i can't wait for the 1000th episode which is coming right around the
00:59:35| corner you won't believe how much fun we're having all the time every episode every sentence it's filled with such joy
00:59:44| that you not read into the sardonic wig and sarcasm that is the unbelievable duo the sizzle of the unpanderers oh the sizzle and the syrup here we are the unpatted the bacon and
01:00:01| the sausage take a bite sausage we like it folks we like you a lot goodnight

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