The UnPanderers: KeyItems PRED016 Dreamers Schemers

Thursday, July 1, 2021

KeyItems PRED016 Dreamers Schemers

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 16 - Dreamers Schemers as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | good now dan, self predator predatory, prey predator, common sense, always people, gullible ones, ignorant ones ones, podcasts criminal which favorite, one oh my, started, episodes, loves her baby
00:01:00 | lonely, backstory victimization, program started, one inmate, met dogs, care for inmates, decided, protected, k sounds, prison give, far, gun give, dog crate, sounds good so k, afterwards i'm everything checks afterwards
00:02:00 | description, bring a dog you bring, pound dog probably, machinery, lost pounds, dog kept, way of judging, sheet he pulls the shawshank, fat dog
00:03:00 | hole, puppy motivational, pokes, give talking, damn genius, lived, decided, live she wanted, broke, far, people who let it people, brain thought, gun give
00:04:00 | completely free, laissez faire, __ show, bystander, heavens, believe, next predators, half-heartedly, spoiler people
00:05:00 | half-heartedly believing, savings sell my life, believe, life savings, changed my, committed eight, weird weird, percent, consequences, weird wanting, caper part
00:06:00 | throw these scenarios, especially hypotheticals, hard to pin it's hard, country together, ballparks, sold
00:07:00 | started, cold feet, adventurous, completely, chameleons, bail, weird point, able alone, dandelion, plan part
00:08:00 | swept, planes, believe, reality hits, work sounds, dreamer
00:09:00 | sold, broke, malls, weird license, weird state, real estate, two dreamers this take, work really well, prison scenario, two work
00:10:00 | prisoner, percent, mean they dreamer, spotted place, two didn't even put two, kill me trying, swerved police, every story ending, accelerated, both lived, miles, lived god bless, happy ending
00:11:00 | buy see, receive see, check handle, questions reality check, here's some reality project here's, ten thousand, dollars forever, spend thousand, imagine, wendy's, days talking lots, toilet paper, train station, going crazy, jumbo two-ply, four we going
00:12:00 | week paper, toilet paper, purse, sounds fantastic nick, alrighty dreamer, optimistic people downers, stick happy, dead end forever nothing, going nowhere

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