The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED018 Oversharers

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Transcript PRED018 Oversharers

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 18 - Oversharers
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00:00:06| predators predators uh talk about something that you gotta be on the lookout for something that you should pay attention to
00:00:15| hope that the recording is okay going well good excellent i [ __ ] it up but it's okay that's all right all right did we miss my intro we no we did not we
00:00:26| just showed all my personal information it's okay no one rewind and look because it's credit cards
00:00:34| after one view i hope so well that's how many we're gonna get moving on this one's about over sharers and overzealous people
00:00:45| we all run into them right we do be best friends forever oh my god everything in common we should hang out every single night and you're like yeah
00:00:55| totally and they're like single night and they grab you by your shirt and you're like yeah it's a great idea and they're like hang out and you're like i i don't know
00:01:07| it's pretty far away i just thought adhere here here and here here here and here here and you're like oh it's getting hot in here it seems like it's getting pretty crowded
00:01:19| they're also related to a group of people who are like kind of like the over sharer like they bring you into their life they're like
00:01:26| i can't get an erection anymore the other night you're feeling it from behind and you're like oh i just met you tonight i just i just met you
00:01:34| i just i just met you that's my tingling's fine it's just i can't get it up right now and then you're like woo and then they're like because of grape juice i have a lot
00:01:43| of grape juice and you're like i didn't think sir but i i will pretend to believe you because you seem very adamant about telling me about this
00:01:55| but what kind of people do you deal with yeah i uh i feel like those people also enjoy meals very like oh this is the most wonderful meal i've ever had
00:02:05| this is so delicious and it's like a tough thing i boiled it which makes it the worst way to cook a hot dog and they're like oh this is so great no microwaving hot dogs actually
00:02:20| we should do a taste chest challenge where we have uh what i'll put in i'll put them in order microwave boil fry hot dog grills that's pretty good you like the
00:02:35| fry huh you do get kind of like a greasy coating on it that makes it taste a little bit different slips it splits and does that weird shape
00:02:42| thing oh yeah hell yeah i know what's up best hot dog ever baby hey hey hello how are you how you doing how are you doing over there i got a little like a little thing on my
00:02:56| feet i don't can you check it out for me i i don't want to go to the doctor but i'm pretty sure your opinion is good enough i trust you fully oh look at this look
00:03:05| at this mama smell this i believe you i believe you it's okay so the oversharers and uh but they are identified right away
00:03:26| so like there's a mistrust there that happens immediately when someone is like not on the same page as you you're just kind of like whoa like you can't tell what else they
00:03:35| are completely in space about like they might have opinions that just make no sense at all but you don't even care about those opinions because you
00:03:42| already getting the ones that you don't care about and the other ones you care even less about that's a good point someone who is so out there and so
00:03:52| on the vine they're like people it's like a book you have to read them a little bit with these people they're screaming at you they're reading their pages out loud and
00:04:01| throwing lots of paper that's just like shout the words that hit me in the eye you're trying to like wipe it off your face as you're getting like
00:04:08| pummeled over and over again if i pee in my pants and you're going on and on and they're like they like tell you about their surgeries that they've had
00:04:19| like have you gotten those people like they feel like almost like they don't have anybody to tell which is kind of sad um
00:04:30| some of them i think there are varieties of them like there are some that so b9 no benign like really boring banal maybe that's
00:04:44| what i meant so it's like it's literally the thing where they're like what was that you've gone banel i've seen it
00:04:57| hoping cut out you did oh jesus um the weirdest thing and they're like they've got you on the edge of their they're like my boss said why would you like
00:05:13| blacks so all the stories they they would just like reiterate stories that don't matter yeah it's just like i don't know way too about these their life in a way and
00:05:27| making you a part of it when you didn't necessarily ask to be and it necessarily when they talk about their friends like their friends are your friends oh sarah she's always going over the
00:05:39| water cooler she just do you know did you see the thing that she does i just can't believe it's like i don't you we don't know
00:05:48| yeah you didn't preface your story you just assumed that i knew the preface like did you give me a pamphlet earlier i was supposed to read through it how was i was i supposed to memorize all
00:05:58| cliff notes on your life like here you go i'm gonna i'm gonna put this in your pocket just read it later you'll understand me completely how creepy
00:06:04| would that be if you were that's how you hit on women you're like this is my story i will be back later you you will you will want to dial this number at the end
00:06:13| just you'll be fine just call me you'll love it probably a thing back in time i'm sure it is do you think actors are like this like hollywood actors they're probably
00:06:22| all like oh that's fantastic i love you so much they love you oh i almost feel like it's the opposite the only people they deal with are people who love them
00:06:32| that actors well i guess there's two types of actors right they're the act the actors that made it and then they're like oh i don't want to deal with these people and then there's
00:06:40| the actors that are trying to make it which is a majority of people i would assume good the last 20 percent
00:06:53| of the of the most populous does 20 working 20 of the populist says 80 of the work that too i get or whatever you know there's a whole
00:07:02| bunch of things for it so what's your solution here so these people um i think the best way to say them is have ears or eyes there you're
00:07:14| good you'll figure it out uh-huh have excuses don't engage them like not be rude to them not be like look look away avert your eyes
00:07:28| whenever they speak you just i'm getting violently ill on the floor i'm kind of having a seizure right now my eye twitches and that's how you know but i feel bad
00:07:43| for them a little bit yeah because they they need somebody to listen to them it just doesn't have to be you yeah that's a good point
00:07:52| and then done like you know anything oh thanks catch up with you later you always want to end on a good note too because you don't want them to be the one that snaps
00:08:00| and then just blows away the whole office wait they could be the ones uh i think office blower wearers are less talky you think so you think they're the
00:08:10| person that just like grinds away and then one day they snap yeah that's what i think probably anyway do you know anybody like that nick you can be avoided if you're careful
00:08:25| around them over share with them because they will share back 10 times whatever you're sharing so if you give them a morsel they'll
00:08:32| give you a meal if you give them a meal they'll give you tone it down too much they'll give you every thanksgiving from now until
00:08:41| forever kind of cross over with that overzealous thing where aren't they it's more so give them a hey baby and you'll get hey maybe in a week like
00:08:55| they pushed the envelope but at least they're not pushing it to every night they're not pushing you they're not trying to get in your face they're not trying to hang out and become best
00:09:02| friends you gotta you gotta set a goal post pretty far be like hang out and they'll be like next wednesday like
00:09:10| how about like a few weeks few weeks this is me in college trying to hit on women hey i like you oh my god i like you too how about we get together in a few weeks
00:09:24| i'd love to see you like next month sometime it's like wha huh january yeah there's a lot of time when we're not together whether you could fill that time some
00:09:35| other time [Laughter] if you think we might be talking about you we are care as much
00:09:52| stokes and for the rest of us i will admit one thing i'm like a little bit like that hi my name is nick no i'm like the old album
00:10:13| did you listen to that riv oh that is what i would say but i wouldn't say to a stranger unless the stranger was like he just nodded once and he'd be like you're not
00:10:24| a stranger anymore you're my friend oh you little don't we huh did you oh did it get you like it got me come on in my car we're gonna listen to it for an hour i'm gonna crank
00:10:37| the volume roll up the window so we don't lose any sound and it's just me and you pal me and you would those people at all cost if you can help it cause
00:10:49| they're everywhere and last but not least predators

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