The UnPanderers: KeyItems PRED020 Work Avoiders

Thursday, July 29, 2021

KeyItems PRED020 Work Avoiders

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 20 - Work Avoiders as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | place or work, showed the shipment, morning and waiting
00:01:00 | god the phone is ringing i gotta, gotta get ringing, employ children, stronger work, malaysia, well workplace avoiders, time another children, support their family, waiting, stocking day people, moving, clerk job, whatever especially, physical labor, wednesday, truck comes i mean, truck dun, shooting this __
00:02:00 | item, distracted, done unloading, noticed that person, always shows, workplace, easiest, weird stuff, carrying, own door, joking it's detailed you're rules, maximizes, smack, job done next, done you're getting, low energy's
00:03:00 | box handing, here's one, waiting, hell seconds, infamous one, come someone's, boxes, working so hard, dictates well, number two, back guys, stomach, god work, hard two
00:04:00 | shooting this __, hours __, physical moving, half work, hour one, working at bathroom, phone, scrolling good, clans, clash, avoiding whatever, numb, legs go probably, work avoider
00:05:00 | one's be working, strange one's, company dime, own can take, time tallying, timed, almost your free, done, rather, worker, office competitor, hope conversations, heady element, tasks, layoffs and cutbacks
00:06:00 | five-second, five days, take their sweet they take, threw, always seems, few key, everyone else efficiently, fullest, change job
00:07:00 | raised way, sense money, sweeping crap, physically, probably count, mines, work not going, back your father, coal back, number two, my eyes, see anymore, covered in cold
00:08:00 | project, tossing, everything the ideas, work divvy, my part, organizational part, take care, organizing, speech, __ is wrong
00:09:00 | persona visage, hard-working, versus truck driver
00:10:00 | gotta unload, hand unload, my back brace, my good, perspective a week, start back, such a perspective, necessarily want, my advice, work, small talk
00:11:00 | divorce guys, fine she's good be fine, plow, getting rid, ancient greece, back world, terrible making, ass you wish, people see, making your life, working, necessarily, putting almost, work harder
00:12:00 | work, everyone and let, glory to advice

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