The UnPanderers: KeyItems PRED019 Whiners

Thursday, July 22, 2021

KeyItems PRED019 Whiners

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 19 - Whiners as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | every day children, constantly blind, every day deal, somehow people still, complain about everything, way which somehow, mid life, entire whiner, take life, technically anxiety, perpetually, everyday life anxiety or finding, anxiety against everyday
00:01:00 | commiserate, selfish sort, my way strategic, saddest, whiners, grinders, pushes
00:02:00 | correctly, try he's afraid, whiner really kid's, my kid's a whiner, whiners, different scarier, things a variety of things, takes like initially
00:03:00 | learning curve, hard through fear, whatever hard, whiner, music want, greatest trait, grade i'm getting, meanwhile i'm getting
00:04:00 | cool thanks, depressed matter stuck, fear, point somewhere, lines probably, screwed a whiner got screwed, getting screwed, awful scenario, screwed later, awful middle
00:05:00 | mental state, everything negative, whining is negative negative constantly, negative negative negative, internal, minors is usually, way i deal, cliff, positives, hump nice, try then eventually, push try, gentle push, careful, couch edge, happen to fall
00:06:00 | careful, couch edge, grow, whine they whine, cry they whine, crippled cry, time you fades, cliff, deal, cast off misshapen was cast, hassle, callous
00:07:00 | tangent, pay somebody, people wipe their a-holes, mean like boom, my butt, want people, butt wiper, pay me wiper, still feel, proper grammar, people want, whiner dealing, two well distance, relationships everyone
00:08:00 | tougher, jesus christ if people, vocally whines, way whatever, outspoken, real quick segway, making this segway just real, internalize yeah men often suffer, internal yeah men, opposite way, darkness, suffering rose, grow like rose
00:09:00 | darkness, otherwise you absorb, darker i darker, certain times, almost need, mutually negative, vocalizing things sharing, community correspondence need, bond community, one dealing, realize connect, person cut, community and connect
00:10:00 | sometimes whining, __ whiners whiners, insert yourself going, __ fell in love, my vows part, parentheses, covers whiners

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