The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED019 Whiners

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Transcript PRED019 Whiners

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 19 - Whiners
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00:00:07| [Music] all righty then so we're gonna talk about uh whiners something i deal with every day children they just constantly blind and
00:00:19| complain about everything that is not their way which somehow people still whine about the stupidest things ever even though they're in their
00:00:34| mid life yeah that's something you can take to the rest of your life you can take it to the grave you can be a whiner or your entire life
00:00:43| yeah there's i don't i don't understand like right i'm complaining about complainers how do how do you live like that are you happy on the inside i don't really get it
00:00:54| like are you perpetually nervous and worried and have anxiety against everyday life finding technically anxiety or is it technically
00:01:05| mad is it technically i want my way is it selfish sort of right and i need you to commiserate with me because it's so awful here i can't believe more things like to get
00:01:17| their way which is it like are you talking about who kind of want things to go their way strategic way of like manipulating people
00:01:26| not even strategic like the saddest most open way yeah i wanted to go here really oh that's the worst they wanted to go so and so i had coupons for here i thought we would just
00:01:40| go here i feel like all the whiners i know they never just ignore the wine and go ahead and like stick to it and just to like grind
00:01:49| through it they're not grinders in any way and grinders is sexual right so not a grinder but someone who actually pushes through something that's difficult
00:02:01| i think open your version of the episode so soon but i think a wonder is all about fear you're you're afraid to do something and you have to do your own version it's like
00:02:11| here because that's what my kid's a whiner really it's cause he's afraid because he's never done that thing correctly before and he's afraid to try something new
00:02:20| whether it's because it looks scarier because it's different or because it's what he thinks he wants something new so is that what whiners
00:02:28| are it's not really i guess i do this with myself with procrastination and like different things it's like my job has a variety of things that i've never done
00:02:38| before so i get tossed something i've never done before and my initial reaction is not like oh let's go and do it yeah i'm gonna go get her blah blah blah
00:02:46| i'm usually like ah oh no none like i have to like take the time to actually learn something and like make sure i don't [ __ ] it up it's like that's that's difficult
00:02:57| like i don't i don't like doing the stuff i don't know like initially it takes like a few right turns for me to be like i got this
00:03:08| and then usually i don't but by that time i don't care anymore because i'm over the initial hump so that's the big thing a whiner usually is someone who avoids the initial
00:03:19| learning curve of something where it's through fear uh hard work like whatever is keeping them from doing something or doing something that they don't think
00:03:28| they want to do [Music] so how do you personally deal with a whiner ironically i think not whining is my
00:03:37| greatest trait i used to get not great grades in uh high school haha school and just be like next to me would immediately go up to
00:03:49| the teacher be like i thought we had so many points for so-and-so and it doesn't look like i have a whatever and i can just feel the teacher being like oh god
00:03:58| like he's saying this and meanwhile i'm getting a grade that's like get a b-plus or something and do all that everyone else is doing but i was just like
00:04:08| just what would you say oh cool thanks oh just kind of roll with it because like it it's not going to matter stuck very depressed
00:04:18| roll with it i go like hey i mean honestly am i really am i here to whine if i say oh into this detailing quite to the level i thought it was like i'd just be like
00:04:31| who [ __ ] cares yeah so we're all just started anyway we're gonna fade into nothingness so the happiness that we have now it's just an illusion right
00:04:41| fine they get screwed at some point somewhere along the lines probably happening right now do you think a whiner got screwed earlier on or do you think their fear of
00:04:49| getting screwed later is what drives them do you think it's both maybe it's like a polar thing you're in the middle of some awful scenario that is life and you can't deal
00:05:00| with it way to do is to like it's a big point in it you're also not doing it like a little bit right
00:05:10| you're not doing what whine privately that's i don't like yeah i don't know if the whiners go home and they start whining to themselves maybe their whole
00:05:21| mental state is like a constant like i wish this could go better i don't want this to happen like it's constantly everything negative negative negative and whining is public that's true
00:05:35| it's like the internal line is what just frustration so the way i deal with minors is usually i kind of like down play that like the negatives and i try to play the
00:05:45| positives and then eventually you try to like push them over the edge like not down a cliff but like over a hump nice gentle push upward and if they
00:05:54| happen to fall they'll learn from it maybe they'll be better what about kids yeah okay good i thought so be careful you're at the edge of the couch edge of
00:06:03| the couch edge of the couch you should be careful be careful be careful do that oh a little push fell you learned from it didn't you and then like they cry
00:06:13| they whine they whine they cry you're not crippled you're fine you will be okay the limp fades in time you will be pushed again and again you must grow stronger yeah
00:06:29| the um oh that was misshapen was cast off the edge of the cliff yeah yeah that's it oh that's good so are these people that you deal with
00:06:43| is it more of a hassle with it's like that's definitely a part of it because every kid whines that's like life yeah i don't i don't know you become very
00:06:52| um callous to it as you become a parent you realize that whining is just an expression of some negativity that they can't deal with in in the moment i
00:07:03| didn't even i didn't even want to go off on this tangent but like lives are better than they even know oh yeah oh yeah they get fed they get carried
00:07:12| and put into bed so they can sleep people wipe their a-holes yeah you know what i mean like boom i don't think that you could pay somebody
00:07:20| to do that like if you were super wealthy and you're like i just want people to wipe my butt like people like i wanna i'll be your butt wiper like pay me a bunch i'll just
00:07:30| there's a price for everyone yeah you didn't do it well enough i can still feel it like proper grammar so i think do we cover every possibility
00:07:45| of dealing with a whiner like well distance maybe two people want planning i guess there's like oh but i thought you were gonna buy me i thought we were gonna do this i guess that
00:07:56| happens in relationships everyone whines whether it's in relationships we didn't talk about ways which i don't know we're not going we are not doing that
00:08:07| actually in a non-sexist way i feel like the man is less of a whiner i think the man is always like unless he's like i'm not saying he's tougher jesus christ if people are gonna
00:08:19| come out of the woodwork saying all this stuff i'm not even saying that i'm saying he he vocally whines less than the female usually yeah
00:08:27| he because it's less exactly and will just absorb it and i think most men will absorb whatever comes their way
00:08:36| for the most part yeah well it's it's weird that we're making this segway just real quick because whining is a vocal thing it's a very um outspoken thing it's a public expression
00:08:49| men often suffer the opposite way whether it's because we're trained to or naturally right i'm not getting into that but internal yeah men usually internalize their
00:08:59| suffering rose and grow like and become more and more callous the world is just darkness inside that i can't yeah yeah it's dark right
00:09:11| but but i mean that's what happened so in a way could the only positive thing about whining be that you get it out of your system it's the only way to bleed out all the
00:09:22| darkness do you think because otherwise you absorb it all and you become darker and darker i know that women feel better by
00:09:29| vocalizing things sharing it yeah yeah okay they almost need the community correspondence of how a situation and certain times it is good to have a mutually negative
00:09:43| experience and then share that and bond community and connect and you realize that you're not the only one dealing with yeah observation why did that person cut me
00:09:52| off is that a wine or is that just an observation i don't know subject i really don't even know where the line is
00:10:00| in that where the wine is sometimes whining together is is a beautiful thing is that what this podcast is [Laughter]
00:10:10| [ __ ] whiners whiners so let's sum it up like do you avoid whiners is that a thing i don't even i don't think that you can i think they just you know
00:10:20| they're going to insert yourself in your life and you're going to fall in love with them and be stuck with them forever that's beautiful
00:10:27| did you write that yourself no shakespeare i believe hell it's it's a part of my vows i don't know why i [ __ ] fell in love with you but i did
00:10:38| and i can't without you what the hell i love it let's do it let's do it you put it in parentheses even during the valve yeah let's
00:10:54| do it stop it all right so i think that covers whiners you

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