The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP141 Panic Hysteria Fear

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Transcript UnP141 Panic Hysteria Fear

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 141 - Panic Hysteria Fear
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00:00:08| when you hear there's a snowstorm do you scoff at all the people that are going to get bread and milk what are they making french toast when you hear there's another kind of
00:00:18| epidemic scary thing coming do you need to run to the stores and really stock up water do you really need all this stuff or do you sometimes think
00:00:29| people are overreacting wow they overreacted a lot everything's gone now you have this crazy feeling that panic is seeping through the people
00:00:38| there's a population and society actually can feel and experience fear collectively and now maybe you're too late we're talking about mass hysteria folks
00:00:50| buckle up so i'm dan and i'm nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered
00:01:06| each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective with taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we
00:01:17| might even get a little bit dirty warning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for infotainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your
00:01:30| ear holes because we're going to fondle your [Music] follicles ah well hi that way i'm
00:01:49| dan i'm nick phil we by fear people going cry cry in the streets is that what we're talking about yeah and there's a weird thing that
00:02:15| happens during snowstorms and hurricanes that people see it coming and they have a very short window to react in
00:02:23| which makes it two days day and a half yeah i think that makes it kind of understood that when it happens over that time period that you're like
00:02:31| okay they're out of bread and milk it's a normal thing for some reason i don't know why that's the most important short duration thing but since we have a coronavirus
00:02:46| that's probably going to take months to really get through it's a different kind of hysteria i don't think people even know that yet people don't realize it
00:03:00| yeah i think it's an unrealized fear it's it's like hey you're about to hit a brick wall hey you're about to hit a brick wall doing doing 30 and people were like whoa
00:03:08| let's get ready i don't think you can really be ready for it that's all these people that like they work at a company that's making them come in and there's a realization there
00:03:19| that you are spreading something possibly that might not harm you but the pass through you might infect x number of people which then will
00:03:31| probably cause someone to die it's very real but you don't see that because it's a secondary thing and no one no one even thinks about hardly ever do people think about what
00:03:44| is happening repercussion wise of all the actions that you're taking or the actions that you're forced to take because of other people deciding what your fate is
00:03:53| it's just weird that you also can't see it so even if you you made the decision already you touched the doorknob or you shook the person's hand or you
00:04:01| someone sneezed on you you will never definitively know if that was even the moment like you don't know yeah you can't even back trace it you can't be like i did
00:04:11| get someone sick i did have it it was from work you'll never know when at work you got it it's invisible you can't even see the symptoms of it until
00:04:19| days if not week week singular i said i know we discussed 14 days i'm still in debate about this yes it's weird they say five days now is okay you start to show symptoms but
00:04:31| you may not some people don't show symptoms yeah they're asymptomatic yeah so that brings us to what we're facing now is that going into a grocery
00:04:42| store or any store for that matter anything that someone might perceive as needed they grab one and they look and they go well i probably need
00:04:51| another one and then someone else sees them go oh well he's grabbing that they're getting low they're getting low why item x why why are all these so like what's what items are you noticing
00:05:04| are gone and what items are still there it's funny you ask i was just mentioning before we began the podcast i went grocery shopping and some aisles were perfectly
00:05:13| intact not a thing different nothing missing you could go one aisle over with toilet paper and paper towel aisle nothing not one item
00:05:24| on the shelf the length of the store not one item it's weird because people are like i need toilet paper and then they're like i'll just use paper towels
00:05:32| and then it's like i'll use any paper product and it's like napkins yeah tissues they're gone no none of them none of that you're right it was insane
00:05:43| and then you'd go one aisle over and that happens to be where two aisles because that's the pet aisle which almost nothing was missing then they had the um an aisle that has
00:05:53| like peanut butter and other things and a lot of peanut butter is missing like not all of it just about every single article bread was missing ah there we are
00:06:01| so then i looked all the frozen vegetables that you can microwave for dinner all going all gone i was like damn you geniuses you can keep them in your
00:06:12| freezer and just pop them in the microwave for dinner and you got veggies what do you what do you think people's mentality is when they're picking these things out
00:06:19| like there's obvious things that people just do bread and milk because they do dinner and lunch for a week yeah i think they're thinking about a
00:06:27| healthy dinner and lunch for kids throughout the duration of whatever this might be and i think there's always a big run on lunch me
00:06:39| i did not buy lunch man i never do but i think there's always people waiting at the deli area and um the little thing where they have the pre-pack stuff was all
00:06:47| missing it's weird because the deli was like i glanced over and it was filled with like the the big like ham hocks and all that
00:06:54| stuff like it would look filled but they might be shipped for show honestly and like the actual like things that they're slicing might be completely out
00:07:03| like the the deli i think they still had i think they still had the major stuff but they anything they had pre-sliced or whatever gone and i don't know if they were
00:07:10| trying to keep up with the demand i think people think that stuff is good for like a week or two right yeah i don't know salami is that good for like two weeks and you can
00:07:17| just throw it on some bread that you bought yeah there's definitely a lot of ease involved in these sort of things that like
00:07:25| i don't think people want to go the full length of like making a full meal now you're not like uh roasting a turkey and garnishing this and throwing all
00:07:35| this stuff together it's easier stuff there's a run on hot dogs there's a run on yeah hot dogs hold on makeshift yeah it becomes very advocated disconcerting
00:07:46| is it have you gone to any like the costco's or bj's wholesale no not in about a week or two i went and there were certain things that were missing just like that and i
00:07:56| felt uneasy there for some reason that i didn't pick up on until i was about to leave when i started to look up there's like
00:08:06| four tiers of like warehouse stuff and nothing was above the first tier they had sold out of everything that was above me that i just
00:08:17| didn't pay attention to until i was walking out it was completely empty and at that point i felt like did i like am i planning properly
00:08:27| right like you feel like well the biggest chain store in my area that buys in bulk in millions is running out maybe i should think twice about it
00:08:37| yeah we talk about um because i think we're gonna come back to this stoicism like i usually don't panic bye for a snowstorm or something when they're like you were getting five
00:08:48| to nine inches and people were like whoa we better go out there and have stuff we better be ready for it you know darn tootin if we're if they accidentally get to three days
00:08:58| you could live on stuff in your house on three days right i personally like when it's like oh let's get creative i have random crap in my pantry let's pull this
00:09:07| off if you haven't touched in a while yeah it's slightly expired it still tastes good let's let's try this let's make a meal he might starve to death he's really picky so that's
00:09:15| that's a damn shame little cheese goldfish sandwich yeah i worry about my children though well that's what's going to come into this so as a guy and as someone who a is the
00:09:28| anti-panicker i'm anti-i don't know i'm not a panicker i'm very calm in all situations um if there was a fire i'd probably tell
00:09:38| people how to get out of the building there's a robbery i'd probably be like yo pal let's talk about this over a nice game of jumanji play your card
00:09:47| you're a monkey anyway sorry i don't know where that came from but i'm usually the calmest one i'm usually not freaking out about anything
00:10:01| yeah like nothing in life gets me down purposely it isn't because if i was by myself i also think i would be poo pooing it a little bit by now i think i would start to feel a little
00:10:15| weird and we can get into that later too about the feeling in the air but now i have a kid like he's five like he's not taking care of himself but
00:10:27| just because i'm being calm doesn't mean like there's a there's this line between don't overreact don't go crazy don't go buy everything panic buy and you don't need 1500 rolls
00:10:39| of toilet paper at 48 rolls in the other room i bought a half case i mean i sell toilet paper which i can get into but there's a fine line between don't
00:10:49| over act don't panic don't do this and then the other side like if everyone does and all the stuff's gone even if you're not a panicker now you don't have the supply
00:10:58| yeah you're in charge of your kid's life you're like maintaining a certain thing so even if you're not panicking and you're you don't think it's an immediate threat
00:11:07| you still need those supplies yeah i don't want to wipe my kid's butt without toilet paper no he needs hot dogs for christ's sake he needs ketchup
00:11:17| like the panic buyers are making the regular people have to buy so that makes sense yeah they're making everything i should panic as well
00:11:27| because it's the only way you feel like you're equal to other people or going to have it i mean you imagine the shelf is there for four days and i don't know what happens so i say
00:11:37| sorry i didn't panic like everyone so i just i just went to the grocery store today and um i want to get bananas and bananas we're not there
00:11:47| like weird things like potatoes weren't they bananas were gone yeah bananas were gone entire areas of vegetables were gone and like that is not a normal thing for
00:11:57| like hurricane stuff so we go through hurricanes a lot because i'm in the south and like vegetables never run out and then i go over
00:12:04| like almost no meats there's like all these sausages that were gone hot dogs it i frozen food started to disappear it's like stuff that had like probably
00:12:16| been in that freezer for a year it's like someone was like i need this and they like gone it's i don't know i don't know like when this will be
00:12:27| restocked and then it i think it hit me also is that if you're in a hurricane the problem is like right where you are like in a small area
00:12:37| those people might pound x and surrounding towns sure yeah those people can get support from the rest of the nation the rest of the world in this situation
00:12:48| the whole world is freaking out so you can't drive to another city and just pick up toilet paper you have to wait for that thing to be produced and shipped to you
00:12:59| and then you have to hope that you're the first person to be like oh i see toilet paper let me go here's an interesting thing i saw toilet paper on the side
00:13:08| on this side um out of my van down by the river down out of my van my father's company we've been selling toilet paper we go right to a manufacturer actually i think
00:13:20| it's a master distributor they don't manufacture it but they they have 25 aisles that is that are each like longer than a costco
00:13:29| length run down they're like four tiers high just like costco and they're stocked with either toilet paper paper towels tissues a lot of paper supplies then
00:13:38| they have a couple odds and so it's mostly paper um he's been selling on a hand sanitizer hand soap toilet paper and paper towels like you
00:13:46| wouldn't believe sure cash in dude go for it he had me come into work and call out a sick from my other job it's called double dipping folks i think
00:13:56| i mentioned this before don't do it uh i went to their warehouse they would no longer deliver to my father who they've been dealing with
00:14:05| for dozen years because they're too busy there were guys on forklifts who were terrible and running around and i couldn't figure out why they seemed so odd and why
00:14:14| it seemed like they weren't doing a good job it's because they stayed open saturday and sunday and now the guys on the forklifts were sales reps that were
00:14:22| phone guys that no longer worked in the warehouse they just had them pulled and they were in there and anyone else who could answer a phone was in there answering
00:14:29| the phone they were running through toilet paper at a rate i've never seen before like you're seeing people oh i was in i was in the warehouse people were going
00:14:39| like kind of freaking out but it's a very calm freak out the same thing you probably saw at the supermarket where people aren't like ah their hair on fire
00:14:48| they're all walking calmly but everyone's not smiling or making small talk they're just like going about their business it's almost like a weird
00:14:55| yeah i don't like what's happening and what's closing and what's like who says yeah that's but i got that feel from that place i got that feel from the
00:15:06| supermarket my dad's sold out of toilet paper he every piece of toilet paper he bought paper product is gone he can't get any more we
00:15:15| recently contacted this company just two days bought all that from him filled two vans phil can't get any more they won't even let him pick it up they're like we're too
00:15:23| backlogged i owe too many people who are pre-paying so he doesn't know what to do the state is saying he may have to stay home from work because he's
00:15:32| non-essential on one hand it is essential but on the other it's not he's exposing himself to stuff too i don't even get into that
00:15:41| but there's this weird feeling everyone has and it strikes me as 28 days later like the if i stand outside right now and it's quiet i will feel weird there's
00:15:55| something in the air i can actually sense the populace almost panicking almost freaking out almost being weird like do you get that
00:16:04| or am i imagining it or no is it 30 a little bit faster and they're looking around a little more shiftingly you're wondering like what what can i do and it
00:16:15| i don't know that the people that relate to the party can do very much of anything like why do you what if you were the last person to go to the grocery store
00:16:24| they didn't have anything at any grocery store who do you where do you go for food what do you go for toilet paper do you hope on that the
00:16:35| community like does that or you just figure out like i'm gonna buy a bidet those are sold out oh sorry what do you
00:16:44| like honestly those are sold out on amazon if you look that's crazy it's nuts like you have to like live you have to step down from whatever
00:16:54| life you were living and be like i'm a human being and i just have to like take care of my needs however possible how do you how do you think it happens
00:17:02| do you think you contact your either you go through your neighbors your best friends and then your family and family first probably because they're
00:17:09| the ones who might be like yeah you can friggin move in with me jimmy i got enough toilet paper for your sorry fat ass yeah like you know what you mean well that's part of the problem
00:17:18| with what's happening now is that every single person that's in the service industry is probably losing their job like all the restaurants are closed
00:17:28| movie theaters bars restaurants movie theaters it's crazy anybody that was doing anything for like entertainment purposes or like any large gatherings yeah sports
00:17:40| sports concerts movies holy [ __ ] all of that so what are they gonna do you gotta rely on the support network of the government or your family that's your friend dude
00:17:56| ain't gonna be able to pay your bills no you have to roll back your life into something that's inconvenient and everyone's everyone's thinking starting to think about it now
00:18:07| i think i don't know that anyone had that feeling um a week ago yeah i went to a restaurant like two days ago to pick up
00:18:16| food and they did that awkward like every other booth thing and it had people in it um but the servers and the like the matrons and
00:18:26| all those people they didn't they didn't care because i think they saw it coming and they had this little tiny room for takeout that like 10 people were
00:18:34| stuffed in and i was like hey like you need to like get those people to like just stand outside and then call them in one at a time manager didn't give he didn't give a
00:18:44| [ __ ] when you're on a sinking ship yeah what do you do when i worked at my last job it's it's weird i didn't give a [ __ ] about the customers like i was selling like a high quality
00:18:57| like luxury product and people were going to be like i'm going to spend 3 500 to have this done to my kitchen and like all of us workers who were underpaid and
00:19:07| realize like this is like shifty stuff like they're not paying their bills this company's gonna go under soon like we would just talk [ __ ] and be like yeah see in a minute and like they'd be
00:19:16| like how rude but like i imagine that's how all these bartenders and stuff feel you can be as rude as you want i'm worried about three weeks from now
00:19:26| what i'm gonna do yeah so that you're going in and being like how do how could they let someone do that this is your livelihood no i already and they're thinking about
00:19:34| it 24 7. we're just thinking about it right now these guys and gals are that's weird it's like you're still going to work because you're not going to stop going
00:19:45| but you're you know that any shift could be your last and all the people who are on the ship with you are kind of your best friends like
00:19:52| your co-workers like you kind of hate them but like you hate them for cool reasons like it's like yo this guy don't shut the [ __ ] up like she's always skimping
00:20:00| on giving the bus person tips she gives them four bucks it should be six and everyone talks trash and they're all your friends and everything but now that ship is
00:20:10| totally sinking yeah everything's going down and they're the first to go it's almost like playing on a sports team and then overnight everyone on the sports team
00:20:20| has changed because you're not going to get that crew back together you're never going to be able to rehire those people if you shut down for
00:20:26| a week or a month no most of those people two weeks that's a death sentence yeah because no one's gonna hold off the mortgage for two months
00:20:34| or two weeks or whatever no one's gonna lie yeah what about the people that own those places do they just sell them off like do they become
00:20:43| abandoned buildings i don't even know relics of a time gone by weird dude yeah did that last remember restaurants yeah no they actually didn't go under
00:20:53| they actually have a lot of commercials out but they're shady dude they're going to get theirs anytime that's it yeah it makes me wonder about my own job
00:21:02| like my own job is fairly secure because i know a lot and it's technical and i can work from home and i make progress and other people don't have that luxury
00:21:14| they don't have the luxury of having knowledge or working remote they're just there to do a service they're there for their physical ability
00:21:25| so my job is selling wiring cable yeah people use wire and cable at their jobs experiments um stuff like that anytime a workplace
00:21:37| usually not homes and residential stuff but guess what people are going to stop doing when they stop going to work using wiring cable yeah if people aren't
00:21:47| going to work like i mean i'm just looking at the writing on the wall it's going to hit a wall yeah it may not affect all of them i'm one of the lowest men on the totem pole
00:21:56| i know that if they have to chop someone it's going to be million what would you do if you got axed would you
00:22:03| breathe a feeling of relief but also be terrified because i don't know what to apply for in an economy like this yeah what the hell is there manual labor jobs are like exploding
00:22:16| for food industry yeah grocery stores going nuts where hospitals is that is that what it is not something terrible it's not that bad i've worked
00:22:27| in a lot of warehouses and my favorite guys at the uh java met now warehouse guys friggin love them you can tell like the same jokes
00:22:36| i can't get into it but anyway but no like what other jobs are there hell what's what's the deal with teacher anymore they just said that the schools are
00:22:46| going to be closed for the remainder of the year probably now and i'm like that's great child care no big deal yeah what you can do you know how we read about the great depression or we
00:22:58| read about like a horrific event in the i think it is it i didn't i i kind of saw it coming and then when the markets dropped a bit i was kind of like okay i think this is
00:23:11| real it's some people base their whole perspective on the economy which is aka the stock market which is
00:23:19| not true trump sorry um but when you saw that dip that was other people realizing all at the same time that like oh crap that's a big oh crap and
00:23:33| it's not quite yet a depression but i don't see how we're anywhere near close to three wait and going to get any better yeah it's going to get worse
00:23:49| and then all these people that don't have jobs like you can't just like give them cash like that just that doesn't make sense like you're going to have to
00:23:58| but that's not going to get them through you're going to have they said like 25 unemployment yeah i saw 20 somewhere and i was like that's ridiculous 25.
00:24:09| wow that's a quarter of every a quarter of everybody that is isn't isn't this the problem that was wrong with communism or whatever
00:24:17| it was what that that um 20 were unemployed and like waiting in line for food not that whatever this is not getting political in this episode i'm just saying but no
00:24:28| you're right like you end up with a a country that is bailing out all of its um corporations and if the government is literally
00:24:36| buying these corporations then it becomes communism or socialism it's just china does yeah what about i just heard this the airplane industry that no one's
00:24:49| no one's flying anywhere they're shutting down an airport they're gonna start shutting down airports like shoving them down i heard a rumor um
00:24:59| who pays for them they're losing like millions every week right i have no idea how much losing i'm making this up but the workers pay for it
00:25:06| because they they're gonna not work that's the crazy part so let's real quick flip over to generalized panic and hysteria and stuff sure
00:25:23| i generally think i'm above it i generally think i'm better than most people i mentioned it earlier in the episode like i don't know but i mentioned it earlier
00:25:34| but when everyone's panicking or a stampede have you ever been in a human stampede no i feel like um that battle the bastards well he's
00:25:47| that's like it's really well done that's well done perfectly well done i was in the uh wachovia center on the day no um the little
00:25:58| venue they opened up it's like a bar restaurant down by the wachovia center they opened it up about three years ago five years ago
00:26:05| and i went there for opening night and uh there was a flyers game and like a phillies game and a pre-season game and this and everyone and their mother packed in
00:26:13| i'm pretty sure they were over fire code and it was so crowded that i was actually being pushed by people in a direction i didn't want to and i couldn't i couldn't push back
00:26:21| there were dozens of people pushing me yeah it was too many and it actually made me almost feel panicky i was like i can't stop moving forward and i
00:26:31| it was just a really weird feeling i don't like being in a crowd like that and if something had happened or someone fell or someone heard gunfire and they all move in one direction you
00:26:42| you don't have enough strength to do anything but run with the crowd have you heard of the um that nightclub fire that the doors
00:26:51| didn't open outwards so people were pressed against the deep purple phone smoke on the water yeah i think so i think that's what it's about
00:26:59| people were pressed against the doors and they couldn't tell people like back off i need to open the door so you couldn't get out and the ones that were they opened this way
00:27:09| yeah the ones that did open people tripped in the doorway and instead of waiting for them to get up the people just kept piling on until they like filled the doorway
00:27:19| you're not thinking logically you're just thinking of the shortest possible route my friend jake who's a pathological liar told me when we were both sex
00:27:29| pathological liar that the most dangerous activity is a human stampede more people die in a human stampede than anything and i was like oh my god i was
00:27:38| six if i believe i just i think of it every now and then i'm like maybe maybe well you see those like real stampede
00:27:48| pictures and just like water buffalo running off of a cliff do you think oh do you wait off the cliff do they oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna totally look it up
00:27:56| now it's insane yeah i like you are so fearful that you run away from whatever is dangerous to you into more danger because you don't you can't you're not
00:28:08| analyzing the situation properly so it's it's called mass psychogenic illness and i thought that was crazy that it was an illness and even the definition
00:28:21| didn't seem normal to me so wikipedia mpi or mass psychogenic illness also called mass sociogenic illness mass psychogenic disorder epidemic hysteria and masses area
00:28:33| is a rapid spread of illness signs and symptoms affecting members of a cohesive group originating from a nervous system disturbance involving excitation
00:28:44| loss altercation of function whereby physical complaints that are exhibited unconsciously have no corresponding organic ideology excuse me what
00:29:07| or origination oh so there's no piece together the logic so they freak out is what i'm hearing well there's no beginning to it it's just if everyone else is freaking out
00:29:18| suddenly you're freaking out because there's 75 of the room is doing one thing i think it but what's funny is it also said excitation so i think if 75
00:29:27| of the room just erupted in cheers and clapping and happiness you would probably like oh stand up smiling you'd be like what's going on right i would i'd be like oh i gotta see
00:29:36| what's up yo who's here it's crazy so we are like sheep yeah i it's weird it's weird for me to feel panic
00:29:47| because i'm i'm a non-conformist and i don't feel like i fit in with most people but when people beat me to the chase and like realize that like this could last
00:29:58| months and they take way like they take supplies for a month i start thinking like maybe other people are thinking the same way i am and they beat me
00:30:08| and i like i hate when people beat me to the chase and then i lose because i can't what can i do like those people probably are sitting
00:30:17| in their homes with a stockpile of stuff which is illegal you can't sell that you shouldn't stockpile it bad hoarders no no but they might need it like what if you actually what if this
00:30:28| is the thing what if this lasts months and then people are all of a sudden like gnawing on chicken bones they found in the trash like what if this is the new depression and
00:30:40| like if you had bought more chicken bones in the beginning you could be gnawing on a fresh chicken bone like this this is the thought process that
00:30:50| most people are probably going through is that like oh toilet people toilet paper might be twice as expensive when it comes back like who sets the price of that who like is
00:31:01| the price fixed now like supply and demand dude my pops not raise prices i asked if he was gouging a little bit like come on raise it a couple bucks dude make
00:31:12| make a bucks because his his customers are also churches gyms restaurants i just named a lot of things that aren't going to be open in two to four weeks and they never be open
00:31:22| so he may never sell toilet paper again yeah but no he did not price couch which is illegal but who can prove yeah who can prove a dollar i did see a video of someone charging um
00:31:35| like 60 bucks for toilet paper rolls and her roll it was no it was like a box of maybe like yeah it was ridiculous that person got
00:31:48| arrested because they're trying to go price gouge nice i do like that the police are fully on the side of logic and reason on this one they're like no you no we're
00:31:58| not going to stop there won't be an idiot or laws on the books for this the other thing i don't think people realize now and this episode will be
00:32:06| aired much later than this happens and i hopefully it doesn't play out like i didn't think it would um but i ran some numbers
00:32:16| and like the numbers of infection and how the curve actually grows i don't think anyone out there especially the president and his task
00:32:26| team they're never going to say i we think that x number of people are going to be infected at this date and we need to act they're just going to provide guidance to
00:32:37| mitigate the problem and there could literally be hundreds of thousands if not a million people infected per day by this thing
00:32:51| i um mark zuckerberg did an interview with some famous person today i actually don't remember his name did you see any of this no he must have had facebook team must have
00:33:01| decided you'd recognize the guy i don't know if he's cdc or he's he's someone high up either political or science or medical like that one doctor
00:33:09| his name is fauci that's like uh he's been around the trump organization like saying like we're not prepared for this like he's the one that's just like what are you
00:33:16| gonna do honestly he's straight he's brutally honest like we need to we need to act now is he the one to talk about what china did to combat this and
00:33:24| how it was like super hardcore there's somebody who was like they did this this this we didn't do any of this and then they did this this this we don't have any of this
00:33:32| yeah it might have been him it might have been could have been anyway they had this guy on and he was giving answers that were so i was i was clapping for him i was like
00:33:42| they were like how many estimates do you think are going to get sick and it's like he's like very depends on how clean we are and i was like oh good answer
00:33:48| and then they're like if this many people get sick how many do you think will die rough estimates and he's like we don't know yet until we know this and like it's it's weird how the pr skirts
00:33:57| answers they're not supposed to give certain answers because that would freak people out yes and and i'm almost glad they didn't because if you did give a number
00:34:05| everyone go nuts and then it would be in every newspaper article everywhere so even if he's lying like i'm like he's gonna tell the truth no and i can feel them not telling the
00:34:17| truth i can feel this real turn in the higher ups like no one's ever just said hey kids stay home from school for two weeks while we figure this out
00:34:30| that's never happened yeah that's a red flag people telling everyone to stay home from work for two weeks that's a red flag to me and it's not a
00:34:39| red flag and that i want to stay home like work from home that's telling a lot of people with money no this is bigger than money almost and i'm like whoa the government never says
00:34:50| that government never says no to money unless they they have some models that tell them some really scary stuff and they're not
00:34:59| ever going to tell us what they're seeing exactly just kind of hint at it and tell everyone not to panic and that we're going to work through
00:35:06| this and everything will be fine and i i get it but it's funny from the beginning of this conversation talking about snowstorms and people overreacting and now i almost sound conspiratorial
00:35:18| do you know what i mean you're intentionally removing the details so that the people who don't understand the logic or science of it don't react to the big number that might
00:35:28| possibly be true correct i honestly i'm looking at a graph that probably says there's probably more than more than a million people going to be infected per day
00:35:39| and if that number is true that means there's thousands of people that won't be able to get proper health care and won't survive and then i don't know
00:35:52| i i like brutal honestly honesty because that's that's me and if this was approached properly ahead of time if they caught it before it became this level of
00:36:04| craziness they might have been able to say like we could have x number of deaths if we don't act now and i don't know man now they're working
00:36:14| closer and closer you can't you can't say it now because you're you're stuck like you're close here's the other problem you know if you tell someone
00:36:24| from this business i'm in where people need their materials and i'm quoting them and i have deadlines and i have when they have to have the material buy and it's going to be in my hands by this
00:36:32| day can it get shipped by this day what day does it leave your warehouse there's a weird thing that happens where if you give someone information early
00:36:39| hey it's probably going to leave by like thursday you should be able to get it by monday they bargained from that point oh my god it's crazy that
00:36:47| people will call me three days in a row and be like so it's shipping thursday and i have no control i can't see the material i don't know i'm like this yeah it
00:36:54| sounds like it and then i check and they've emailed me three times on thursday and i'm like uh it didn't look like it left so i'll do a request and they're
00:37:02| like you have the wrong part number in here and i'm like [ __ ] how did you guys not tell me it's been in there for a week so a real quick do a request they're like sorry it's in
00:37:09| the back of the line now and i'm like god damn it and now the person's emailing me be like did it leave you do you have tracking information and i'm like
00:37:15| uh it's gonna leave but if you told the american public the exact same thing would happen how many people are going to die and they'd be like this is an estimate i
00:37:24| don't know the american people like you said 1.7 million and it'd be like i said an estimate and they'd tell you two days later and be like so is it still 1.7 and they'd bang
00:37:32| at you and they'd be like this how many people are gonna die i need to know the number and people will be like you said two days ago 1.7 and everyone answering these questions would be like
00:37:42| we're still not 100 sure and someone in the back be like 1.7 is it going to be bigger it's weird thing when you tell people a number
00:37:51| they they harp on it and they need to know that that's worst case scenario it's probably not do you want to talk about how trump approached the situation
00:38:01| that that reddit post said it all right yeah it um there was like 20 quotes in a row where he was like oh it's nothing no don't worry about it oh it's
00:38:10| it's in china oh we have some cases it's like yeah it's one guy it'll go away in the spring he has all these excuses up until it
00:38:20| it actually becomes a pandemic and he goes oh yeah i knew it would be a pandemic it's like doctors doctors are saying how did you know so much
00:38:29| they're asking me they're surprised they're surprised how do i know this i did maybe i should have done that instead of running for president that was actually in the quote that's a
00:38:39| verbatim that's literally what he said unbelievable this person is trying to calm the nation um and he's actually i think he's scared
00:38:49| of [ __ ] right now he's he's scared he's also he was failing horribly until he formed this test team and he's letting other people talk the
00:38:56| other people have a direction they say like we're doing this like all of these steps to get to this point and we're moving forward and like it's a calming voice it's almost like
00:39:06| you're talking someone off a ledge you're like you'd still look at me all right you could just step down now there's no worries you don't need to
00:39:14| it's like but you and i are both listening saying this is serious stuff like we can hear you lying yes not even lying though because
00:39:25| it's not like they're totally lying they're saying we don't know exactly yeah which by the way is what i say in my work all the time now they're like when am i gonna get my
00:39:34| material i'm like ah could be in a week or two depends on when it ships or like when's it chip and i'm like we're not sure in my head i'm like 10
00:39:43| days 20 days who knows dude so the trick is you don't give these numbers you don't give them pieces of information because they will harp on it and they will demand better results can
00:39:56| we get it to 1.6 million lady i don't know like so i think it's a good it's a good team they're they're lying sort of or they're trying to be as calm
00:40:09| as possible but but if they told everyone the truth people can't handle the truth yeah so can they i don't know the other aspect is that
00:40:20| we're a developed nation with health care and support that's not universal health care but it might become good health care yeah we have a
00:40:30| system in place to do something health care correct i can't imagine these other countries that are too poor to even support the health care of their
00:40:40| own people when the virus hits them like imagine if you your house was in the middle of a country that was a third world country and you had you are not without
00:40:53| everyone else is going to look at you and say i need whatever he has how do you how do like how do you protect what you have you i i don't think i can worst case
00:41:07| scenario for i think that's worst case scenario for our country do you think that people are gonna devolve into stealing and theft and all i mean it
00:41:16| does go that way well think of this dude 25 unemployment you got a family where uh a guy's father now lives with him because he couldn't afford his house
00:41:27| he has it and he's on a respirator and well he needs a respirator he's not alone and his and his kid now maybe he's got it
00:41:35| and they're all living together now he's like i literally don't have the money to feed these people what am i gonna do like he that person could get desperate
00:41:44| absolutely what if him and a couple of his friends decide to rob a mansion they know that's in town i wouldn't blame them i mean it's to feed your family and
00:41:53| live like you will die without food the government's not getting back yeah it's a little bit communist and i talk i it is but i talked to my friend about
00:42:04| this like if you are going to die you don't have food the government hasn't been sending checks you don't have anything your neighbors can't help you
00:42:12| are you going to go to like the nearest row home in the inner city and be like give me all your craft macaroni probably rob the rich guy you don't feel as bad about it
00:42:21| steal stuff from him bang up his car try and get some money out of him i don't know yeah probably hmm what are the elements does this
00:42:31| touch on i feel like there's a there's a piece of it where collectivism and people going along with the crowd
00:42:40| i feel like a lot of people just go along with what other people do so you think everyone is kind of in this waiting phase right now where we don't know exactly how serious
00:42:49| it will be i don't know if it's going to ruin every job in america or kind of ruin most of them or kind just be like really inconvenient or kind of
00:42:57| totally screw and kill people so we're all waiting and we're just looking at the guy to our left looking at the guy to our right like are we looking at everybody and being like
00:43:06| well you're still there i'm still here you're still there i was listening to a joe rogan podcast where he brought on course i knew that sentence was coming before you said it yeah
00:43:17| and the one thing he said is that he talked to like financial analysts who were trying to understand the situation and he described them as children who were trying to walk down a
00:43:30| dark hallway and they were fearful of everything and knew nothing about it so they're just reaching out and throwing out these questions to try to
00:43:38| understand what was in the dark hallway and he just was like this is insane like these people have zero clue
00:43:46| what's going on and they're in charge of lots of money and it makes zero sense and this is how this is how you get to this stage of hysteria is that you don't prepare for
00:43:57| it you don't have experts in the right spot you don't have the right message and people don't know what to think and you can't prevent it
00:44:06| it's going to keep going and keep growing in a bad way i don't disagree with anything you just said i also
00:44:17| constantly think of how my generation me personally i'm one of those guys on twitter that's making like suicide jokes or not suicide jokes um memes like
00:44:26| like can't wait to die but you spell half the words wrong like that's a that's a great tweet to me it cracks me up i don't know why not because i not because i want to die but
00:44:35| because like i'm very like and like satirical and like look at the world sarcastically and everything like but i don't take anything seriously like
00:44:46| everything's kind of a joke go with the flow and everything so like you graduated when i graduated which was in the middle of the last recession no i was before you actually slightly by a
00:44:59| year no i was going with by my last name but yeah sure no i called your name minutes before mine
00:45:08| you son of a [ __ ] but anyway good i i think that hardened us especially because it's like when when things dry up and you can't find a job
00:45:19| all of the jobs are kind of shitty and they don't pay that well and you get scrutinized even more when you're trying to find a job that's shitty and probably is beneath you
00:45:30| and it it just sucks the soul out of you when you like you're looking for something that'd be great but it just doesn't come around and i
00:45:41| can't imagine the people that have to essentially sacrifice their dreams to do a [ __ ] job that pays them chilly just so they can get by
00:45:52| and i feel like a lot of the people right now are gonna be in that bucket where they're just hated they hate doing what they're doing because they're forced to because
00:46:02| there's no way to make ends meet at this point but i also feel like the people who are younger than me are just like happy-go-lucky and they
00:46:11| don't realize that like you've got a year and then this thing is going to really look bad i mean didn't you describe old people and young people in one sentence
00:46:21| for generations and generations sure is that you mean every even times i'm gonna change the world yay i think authority is bad i can't wait till i'm but like everyone who's like 38 and
00:46:38| older is just like haggard and hates their life and like miserable be like wait till you get older bastard like a little bit i know you didn't
00:46:46| describe that exactly no what i was just going to say though is that americans in general uh what we had the spring break thing oh yeah everyone florida look at the entire
00:46:56| beach we love it wow did it look worse than usual no it looked twice as crowded as i've ever seen a beach in my entire life during a pandemic where they said keep
00:47:05| distance and let's try not to get germs yeah so in a way china which is authoritarian like no free will
00:47:13| you have to do what you're told super controlled they mitigated the hell out of this virus probably by being so yeah isn't it crazy that our freedom our
00:47:24| ability to say no to authority or taking selfies with all our friends in a bar crawl is like what could kill so many people and almost
00:47:34| sober us up isn't it ironic don't you think oh god it's like this is actually a pivotal moment where i think china since they're have so much control is they can choose
00:47:50| to bypass the virus even though they started it this chinese virus could get into the chinese virus like that's every time i hear him say it
00:48:03| it's like sounds bad i'm like they were actually able to control their people enough to let it run its course in the people that had it so that they
00:48:16| didn't infect other people whereas in this country you can't corral the damn around and bouncing no we're out of we're out of control we
00:48:28| love taking selfies we love being in parties we're social creatures dude we love we love frigging just doing what we want to do and we're not going to listen to
00:48:36| the rules and it's going to kill so many people in a way yeah it's like sobering and almost it's almost justice
00:48:43| does that make sense yeah not justice because i would it's a freak thing and it's not good but i like it's our our own our own i'm doing is destroying us
00:48:58| what what destroys every greek hero hubris yes earn hubris against the virus maybe our undoing i also feel that like our work ethic too
00:49:11| is is like for i know friends that are working at companies that are completely ignoring this and oh my goodness like multiple times
00:49:20| over that other countries who just ignore it they're in a world of pain and it might not be like your pain but it's the country's pain
00:49:31| how can you if you're a business owner how can you not say like oh you can do your work at home go home like let's do the logical thing and make
00:49:41| sure that other people are safe what about those restaurants and bars and craft though they're trying to make up like our goal should not
00:49:50| be to make money it sounds like it shouldn't be yes that's weird it should be the the good of the country which doesn't like no one can feel
00:50:00| are we talking about communism it sounds like we're communists the well-being of those around you it sounds so ridiculous doesn't it because we laugh at that because we're
00:50:12| individuals we don't give a [ __ ] about other people but this is what causes panic with other people don't give up give a [ __ ] about other people and they're like i'm gonna
00:50:21| take from you because i can i always hear first i'm entitled so you there will be a time when you are not entitled because it's necessary that
00:50:30| everyone shares i see it in my two sons that run when they try to share one of them inevitably gets jealous gets mad
00:50:40| uses all the tools necessary to try to take that thing from him i don't know that that ever goes away and i feel like the adults now are acting just like that
00:50:51| because they don't know they don't know what it means or how it hurts people and they don't see the hurt you don't see that like the old person
00:51:00| who didn't just realize that there's a virus out there needs toilet paper like what do you like the community has to support that person and that person can do it on their own
00:51:12| even though america told them like you're an individual you can do what you want you have your freedom i don't know that we're gonna have her freedom
00:51:21| when it goes in total lockdown used our own freedoms against us sort of yeah or not necessarily used our freedoms against us our freedoms turned us
00:51:32| selfish yeah the pro the the main problem i see is that we're ignorant and we don't believe in science that's like a populous and there should have been a
00:51:46| time there should have been a time when they leaned on the scientists truly i really i really want to know what do you think most of the people out there
00:51:55| do or do not believe in the sciences for the most part i don't think they do that's like the church that was spraying salt water in their mouths and saying you're healed
00:52:03| it's like it's like the community will bind us and we're above this virus because like they did this yeah they infected everybody because one of them had it
00:52:12| got it on the nozzle and sprayed all the other people boom 60 people infected which then turns into like 120 people and then 240 people it's like you just spread the virus to
00:52:23| like thousands of people because you're ignorant because you believe something that's not factual has no basis in reality you know what's weird what i have
00:52:35| jehovah witnesses that visit me personally they know me once every three weeks i think they probably have a schedule because i think they
00:52:42| actually take notes they know when i'll be home they're watching your house that's so [ __ ] creepy no well they just know that i'm home saturday in the afternoon like not like
00:52:55| i'm like damn it they're here now i have to go out and talk to them and they're nice guys like so i always give them like five minutes of my time and it always turns into ten and then i'm like
00:53:02| i gotta go guys and they're always like i'll shoot the [ __ ] with them i'll talk normal stuff and i'm like yo i can't believe the birds did this i can't believe this
00:53:08| they're like that's crazy and i'm like yo you believe this and all of a sudden in the middle of the conversation they always go
00:53:14| but anyway did you know what jesus could do for you i'm always like here's the pitch god give me the booklet and i always take the watch
00:53:22| and then i try and click them up i'm like yeah i love the bible it's great but i'm not not doing it anytime soon come back maybe uh next time i'll talk to you
00:53:30| guys about a meeting thanks all right have a good one and my logic is always they get credit for reaching out and handing me a booklet and whatever
00:53:38| and if it goes in their book that they reached out to someone and touched someone and he may turn around like good on them dude like i want them to get props
00:53:46| i'm never going to do it they haven't visited me in two weeks and that's weird or two times i think jehovah witnesses are taking the high road here
00:54:01| and not going door-to-door isn't that crazy they're avoiding all the religious infections yeah or giving it or whatever yeah and that's crazy to me because they're so
00:54:10| anti-science and everything but like you have some people who are blindly still doing the dumbest things ever and who i consider some of the dumber pig-headed religious people are changing
00:54:22| their ways so i think we're going to see a lot of change too who can adapt and who can't to this thing this is a wake up moment
00:54:30| stop freaking out stop doing things maybe that's what it is maybe stop panicking maybe stop doing dumb things so i guess the question
00:54:41| that lingers on my mind is what would you do if you lost your job if you couldn't find a job worse i have this recurring fantasy where
00:54:50| oh it's not fantasy that's the wrong word a recurring fear that like no this is real like i have a fantasy if i lose my job because i'm
00:54:58| free well that that literally is always what i tell people work every day no what if i get the virus and it kills my kid oh wait um i've been thinking about it for
00:55:10| days and i i'm not harping on it like it's gonna happen it's gonna happen but like there's a chance one in who knows what he's got asthma are you isolating
00:55:20| yourself from the kid i wouldn't know until i gave it to him i spent every day with him but if you are you staying indoors and
00:55:28| not leaving the house in pennsylvania they just passed it today that um non-essential personnel can't go to work or whatever
00:55:38| it's it's weird but i i mean i went and did the toilet paper run five days ago um gatherings of ten people or more you're not allowed to have 10 wow ours
00:55:48| is 50 so that's weird 10 maybe it's lower 25 or something just keep shrinking until you're alone but my thing is if i if my kid did die or something like ultimate mad max
00:56:03| scenario where people are dying kids are dying everyone's going i can't save them ventilator machines are all taken because he got sick too late he's got
00:56:10| asthma i don't know what to do i bet and i'm yeah i'm talking chaos the world's on fire my parents are sick no one i have no job
00:56:17| people are in bedlam i can't pay any of my bills i don't know where my next meals are coming from my kid dies like i'd probably mad max live on the
00:56:27| streets if i could live at all i'd be doing some crazy [ __ ] i i would probably go crazy and go after like
00:56:33| i would blame sallie mae yeah pretty much a couple years ago or something wait someone did that i don't know i don't know okay
00:56:44| anyway i was being jokey but i would i my life would be i wouldn't be doing podcasts i think i'd just be like roaming the streets maybe i'd look for drugs or something
00:56:54| so let's hope the worst case scenario does not happen and i don't think it will but as a parent like i how do you protect it how do you
00:57:05| preserve it i have to i have to keep that as the ultimate do not let this even come close to me like i have to keep this at such a distance and i don't know how and do i do that by
00:57:18| overreacting by over buying stuff like over like panicking isn't it the weirdest thing we just spent the whole episode talking about
00:57:25| not panicking and here i'm thinking maybe usually the best okay the best way to mitigate the worst case scenario is to buy over-the-top stuff and do
00:57:34| crazy stuff that totally puts that at a zero 0.0001 percent chance so there's another topic here that just occurred to me is a self-reliance so we're so divided in the way that we
00:57:49| approach like functions like job functions and how we get our food get our products get everything we eat and drink it's someone else's job to do that
00:58:00| yeah so you're talking about farming yeah finding your own food water drink animal shelter yeah we can't do that anymore no most people are
00:58:10| living in apartment buildings and they have no land and they can't do that at all we rely on chains of production and means and manufacturing and distribution
00:58:20| and then transport and any one of those links breaks it becomes very frightening everyone's everyone take it easy though it's gonna be it's gonna be fine
00:58:34| i don't i can't tell any i feel like i'm lying there i don't know i'm freaked out i was i'd honestly when i started like making my little spreadsheet of what the curve would look like
00:58:44| so here's my thing i everyone's been talking about this i can read articles on this um newspaper girlfriend people at work the only time i got freaked out and this
00:58:55| is dead serious when you were texting me today oh yeah and i was like oh [ __ ] dude this is not good this is not good i was like dan does not
00:59:07| do these kind of text dan does not do this kind of thing and i was like oh jesus and then i started looking and you had me freaked out now
00:59:14| what i'm gonna ask is where you got your where are your feelers is this like reddit scientist people like who who were you seeing that you were like whoa whoa whoa
00:59:25| so there's a thing called are not for infection rates and the loyalty spreads and then there's cases for china and italy and you can get information on the number of cases per
00:59:34| day increase uh or something a minute of where what led you here random article google who i'm just curious i was trying to figure out
00:59:46| how long this would last because i'm trying to manage my money in a way that keeps it safe but then doesn't miss out on gains yeah
00:59:55| sure and i was thinking like like maybe it lasts like a couple weeks that like until something breaks like two three weeks okay yeah and when i started punching in the numbers
01:00:07| and like adding the scenario and then like making it modified for what i thought was like a real number like the the smaller number like the smaller graph
01:00:17| still freaked me out because it shows a lot of people getting infected per day and a lot of people dying and it lasting a lot longer than i
01:00:28| thought even like if you mitigate like the spike which will looks like it'd be huge huge if you didn't mitigate it
01:00:36| if you mitigate that out it could last a year a year until they or until they hit a vaccine that can be distributed to everybody like this thing is going to
01:00:46| last a long time and i can't imagine having all of these things shut down for that period for that long no you can't so i don't know what happens did all those things
01:00:55| become abandoned and then like you never get to a movie theater like what if this is this is the moment that changes just the way we live our life the things
01:01:04| we enjoy like i can't ever play hockey again because they just like don't have any ranks or i can't go to a movie because they don't have movie theaters like we haven't even talked about sports
01:01:12| dudes well i could spend episodes on sports and in arenas and stuff like that no more like not for like can you imagine just i mean
01:01:23| we've we've missed out on hockey seasons because of collective bargaining and all that garbage sure but i haven't ever had a year where it was like
01:01:31| no sports this year no football basketball soccer hockey yeah that should have just red flag again
01:01:46| why would they throw away billions of free money unless they know that something real quick last one do you want to touch on any conspiracy theories
01:01:55| what are the conspiracy theories of how we touched on some last time man-made uh 5g cell phone towers oh sorry i saw this one too did you see that hey
01:02:08| i saw an expert he said that there's no way that we man-made this because it's like the origins of the virus are just random you also the way it moves too
01:02:18| yeah it's moving in a systematic way not like where 5g towers are and then you know what i mean it will be ridiculous people like the one for the actually i i i the it was like a
01:02:30| professor and the way he presented it i kind of liked because he was like every new invention and widespread adoption of that invention
01:02:40| that can like interfere with our bodies spawn something new and he had like examples of how it matched up to different flues i would say probably not because it
01:02:51| doesn't penetrate our bodies all that much but i could see like so the whole thing is that it like radio waves are modifying your bodies what he was saying and like
01:03:04| your body's reaction to the modifications is to then spit out a virus essentially or allow a virus to be susceptible which i don't know about our radio
01:03:16| signals now but like coronal mass ejections where you're hitting the planet with radiation or like the pulsars or some other
01:03:23| form of like galactic radiation whatever gamma bursts or yeah i've lost everybody but um if that hits our planet it's going to genetically change us
01:03:34| and change a lot of people at once and then you might have some weird anomalies that could be repercussions of that so it makes sense
01:03:43| to a degree yeah but that's the vein that he was going in because we're like are we bombarding our bodies with stuff that we can't handle and this is the result and i think
01:03:53| probably not but probably not 5g towers but i mean consider this we didn't used to have a device that we would carry on us at
01:04:01| all times like 24 hours a day and like sleep near it and have it in our pocket and touch it and hold it all day and stare at it yeah i mean
01:04:08| it has to emit some kind of a radiation right yeah but the way it's propagating is definitely not like we also said all susceptible no no
01:04:16| no no yeah it would it would it wouldn't spread the way it does yes exactly west east yeah i agree yeah so the conspiracy theories and the government controlling it and everything
01:04:26| else i don't really see where anyone's making money off of this sure do you know what i mean like who who's like now everyone has to buy hands
01:04:35| on it maybe a big hand sanitizer if you could cause this this type of disruption you could short the market you know what shorting is
01:04:44| yeah but this is shorting the market and not knowing if it'll ever recover i mean that's a pretty big risk or short to take that's a big sure there like certain
01:04:54| things i've been looking at and like i i don't have the balls to invest like some people might but if i had looking back i could have made enough to just like
01:05:05| not work anymore like if i had the balls to be like i think this is the event here's my like all my money put it on black but that's
01:05:14| buying low that's not selling high so shorting a stock is essentially like if if you believe the stock is going lower you'll make money in the future you can also bet in
01:05:25| different ways on like volatility there's so there's every kind of like mathematical construct to make money how are you making money off of the
01:05:34| crash if it never recovers you can you can make money on the the change of a price whether it goes up or down or you can if it bounces up and down you
01:05:47| can also make money on that but can you make money if something goes from higher to lower in the stock market and just stays lower that's shorting a stock you can yeah it
01:05:55| also cost so what do you do you sell it for more than it's worth you're essentially no you're you're not owning it you're telling somebody else
01:06:05| there's a contract contracted price that they will pay for it and then when it goes down you're actually making money off the person who contracted with you oh so they have to repeatedly buy it's
01:06:16| like a blanket order type thing yeah interesting okay so i guess you could it's interesting it's uh it's a a future contract your contract they're going to buy a
01:06:28| week or two interesting so you say hey i'll give it to you at a discount man and then you destroy the stock market and they're buying charmin oh yeah
01:06:37| charming probably went up i picked the terrible example yeah interesting so then lastly why bill gates step down what do you know
01:06:46| so bill gates gave a ted talk on exactly this he had an example in ebola and he said like why didn't embola spread everywhere it's like we got lucky
01:06:56| because it didn't spread to a major city and like at the time we weren't prepared for that either um we might have been even more serious about three years ago
01:07:07| what was ebola two great two or three i feel like that was more than time has more let me see ebola was that a pandemic i don't know if that was no i didn't it didn't reach that way
01:07:19| no it has to reach 2014. so that was in africa holy crap no wait oh when it came to america i don't know that it ever made it here
01:07:31| in mexico it did remember it was a big no it wasn't small that's what i thought you were referring to when it was in like oh there's a case in two cases in pa and
01:07:40| there's what are you to do about your kid in college there were 11 total cases yeah yeah that sounds about right what year what year that was
01:07:53| was it 2014. it's december 2014. weird i really thought my kid hadn't been born anyway um but the same thing like these these viruses
01:08:04| they're like we don't approach a virus like it's a war and that's what bill gates was saying is that the thing that's going to kill us all
01:08:12| isn't a war it's a virus that wipes us out and we don't have people or teams that come in like the movies and all of a sudden there's a
01:08:22| starlet that says i have the cure like there's no like there's people working on the cure now but they should have been working on a cure like
01:08:28| the moment they saw a new strain of anything there's no team out there collecting all the new strains and saying like we fixed it we're gonna fix it
01:08:35| before it gets this level because people don't put any weight in the fixing of things before it becomes important for real yeah
01:08:44| there's no way to say like talk about it though i know yeah there's i saved like i saved 100 million people but 100 million people don't know it like there's people out there that do
01:08:55| but the value we put in that almost nothing and bill gates was saying exactly this is that if we see a virus that has lethality in this range and can be
01:09:06| spread via air airborne yeah it's like we're gonna hit something that's gonna be globally destructive and we're here and then he
01:09:18| i think he figured it out i think he saw exactly what he learned about i'm going to live in my mountain he's probably yeah he's probably
01:09:26| self-isolating or trying to help people in need he's very philanthropic yeah well that was that exactly what you wanted me to touch on
01:09:37| yeah i literally we can go into other conspiracy theories i forget what some of them are but they're all kind of ridiculous this is more reality that we want to be conspiracy
01:09:50| theory maybe yeah yeah and it's there's another i guess the other segment of it is for all the people panicking there are
01:09:59| um probably a smaller group of people that are doing the right thing and like the doctors the people who are developing vaccines and the people probably working in plants to produce
01:10:10| the toilet paper and all the stuff we need what about healthcare workers and craft care workers yeah like what are you doing like if people
01:10:17| are coming in and coughing and i have symptoms so you think i have the corona and you don't even have a testing kit there we're not even going to get into
01:10:23| our testing kits available because that's the big conspiracy right now is hey every nba long dark hallway it is a long dark hallway those yeah we're look let's wrap it up dude
01:10:38| it should be prone to pen we should but we don't we're all and when it does i think we're going to wait to the last second and go oh my god that was so big
01:10:52| oh my gosh somebody take a selfie with that virus will they be the ones that die no that's the worst part worst part i mean there are um i'm going to say
01:11:05| well my my dad is ignorant in the way that he'll like he doesn't respect the virus can kill him there's a lot of boomers like that
01:11:15| and they keep living life normally because they're so i'm going today with my homies and i'm like you know you better be careful dude yeah that's good i don't i don't
01:11:25| know i wonder i wonder when people get into these things they don't see the repercussions and they probably regret it after the fact
01:11:34| but they don't foresee the request like this ever what if you're 84 kids moved to another country she's following her dream she was a
01:11:42| professor of archaeology she's doing archaeology stuff in egypt or something you're 84 you've got a decent amount of money she never had grandkids wife died
01:11:53| would you still like go to the bar all the time go golfing with your homies knowing it could kill you but like being like got arthritis everywhere live my whole
01:12:00| life i'm good if it kills me kills me is that bad i think it is bad what do you think i mean i think you should change your ways and find other enjoyment that
01:12:15| doesn't have any potential harm for other people i don't disagree i'm just saying if you're 84 you're like f it and can i take that from you i mean i'm
01:12:28| not here to say i agree with it or anything i'm just saying i don't know you would hope that people would eff it in a different way that
01:12:36| would help other people feel like let me be the test subject let me help you help other like people don't generally be like i people don't generally change so
01:12:46| they'll keep doing what they're they're doing and you also sound like a boss saying maybe you could just work on saturday like i agree i agree with you and for
01:12:55| the betterment of the economy and the the world and the people around you you should do all this x y z that's where people aren't just like the boss will tell you though
01:13:06| that hey we don't we can't afford to pay anymore but can you come in on saturday and just like at four hours that's all we need it's gonna make the company work so much smoother
01:13:15| we don't have the money to pay you but everyone would just appreciate it what would you say to that what would you say to it if they said we can't pay anymore but we'd like you to keep coming in
01:13:23| suck my dick [Laughter] consider i did give me shares give me worthless shears you're worthless worthless short your shares of [ __ ]
01:13:39| ten thousand dollars worth yeah panic well wrap it up panic is good panic is bad i don't know so what do you what should it be how should i act nick tell me how to act i'm not sure
01:13:56| nice so on one hand you should be steadfast you should not listen to the whims of all the people you shouldn't listen to the sheep that are saying yo
01:14:08| that way i like that way logic but on the other hand don't be the last to panic because everything's gone you've lost
01:14:19| everything you were last to move and now you're screwed you lost everything you never had what are you doing
01:14:28| and now you're screwed and like you just mentioned when everyone beat all that grocery stuff like you're like sounds a [ __ ] so there's a fine line there's a walk we
01:14:38| walk every day to panic or not to panic to be the first one to buy all the extra supplies or to be the last one what's worse i don't know is it weird that like a lot
01:14:49| of campbell suit was left i would have thought that would be like one of those i would have thought that would have went too interesting yeah i can see what people really don't
01:14:56| like have you seen the uh the memes with a dasani water [Laughter] in every picture
01:15:14| this water company's gonna make a fortune except for dasani why no i don't know no one bought any design during this apocalypse it's wild so i guess stay safe out there
01:15:27| yeah worry about your family don't worry too much calm but panic but be ready to buy i don't know don't hoard take what you need
01:15:39| rely on yourself and others but also but also get a little extra while you're there might as well grab another one why not and maybe two more you never know
01:15:55| you can freeze it wild well we do thanks folks we like you a lot we hope you're all still listening living working donate to our whatever see you
01:16:12| all enjoy i hope everyone has a good night and maybe life hopefully thanks

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