The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP138 Video Games

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Transcript UnP138 Video Games

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 138 - Video Games
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00:00:03| it's like they're addictive but they're gorgeous they're a part of our lives every day we play them we watch them we watch people watching them we watch people playing them are they art are
00:00:16| they just fun we can't stop folks today we're gonna talk a little bit about video games so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks for old friends dissecting one topic at a time
00:00:36| people technology media we've got it all covered each route here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular
00:00:50| opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this project is may contain mature language and so the enters go fight and ask for entertainment purposes only so
00:01:01| join us [Music] and Hum all right so it's Dan here Hey no Nick what's going on folks absolutely tonight you look disheveled
00:01:33| have you been rummaging through trash piles trying to find my freedom it's there but you found it for eight more days I just hope isn't the best of things
00:01:44| maybe the greatest mm-hmm that's from a video game it should be that's what I was expecting uh what was that yeah the way out a way out yeah I was expecting that to be how like you have to pass
00:02:02| notes through rats it was it was to like really just completing a simple task but you needed two people to do it and I guess because the game relied on internet friendship which never works
00:02:15| out they made it as simple and as straightforward as could be it was only too boring it's like multiplayer Park it's like if you want to take a [ __ ] and your pants
00:02:23| are too loose so you'd hold up your pants with your left hand and then your friend had to wipe your ass okay right yeah kind of what it was like it would have been cooler if it was like super
00:02:34| elaborate you had to get plans and like mess with the guard and someone else does something yeah and I've been cool like we're just like ways out and it's it's it's really just two guys in the
00:02:47| car they're using Waze avoiding traffic yep would be good I'd watch that I'd pay to see that so we're here to talk about video games right yeah you would think there are entire podcasts I actually am
00:03:01| a guest on a show where that's all he does is video games it's getting the whole point like you're gonna write a material dude what the far to come you're over it's it's done you ran your
00:03:12| course but it's surprising to me I don't think we've done many episodes on games I think we purposely try to avoid it because there's so many podcasts out there that cover video games there's so
00:03:21| many yeah there are hmm could you name one probably not know what say like Yahtzee you know Yahtzee Crenshaw Ben Crenshaw he does that the one goodness forgetting
00:03:37| the name of the thing I was just curious um I don't really listen to I don't like people talking about video games it's one of those weird things about like it's not even some people do don't
00:03:50| people like talk about paintings it's like okay maybe a couple sentences that I'm good you have to experience it yourself yeah it makes sense what's weird is I like talking about it after
00:04:05| I've experienced it though like I wouldn't listen to anyone talk about a video game or art like before I saw it or played it but afterwards I could talk about them for a while that's that weird
00:04:14| like well movies and stuff I like people who analyze it the same way it's just no one ever analyzes it the same way as I do so it's like really frustrating to talk to somebody that does not equate to
00:04:25| anything that makes sense yeah Ben Yahtzee Crowe Shaw I had it and then zero punctuation you've heard zero punctuation before obviously right what oh you definitely need to that's uh
00:04:39| the reviews are quite amazing and he he rips on how shitty certain games are very well-known oh well I don't do a lot of game reviews I got out of the game reviews right a round win game Pro stop
00:04:50| being a thing you're old enough and know what happens IGN no Jay after Nintendo Power let's move it a little bit but game Pro and then and there was probably something
00:04:59| after that Burke Game Informer or someone who was a replaced station specific won Game Informer I remember that one when did it ended in 2011 oh well these things probably kept going
00:05:10| but while I stopped but the magazine and the website ended at the same time that's weird that's kind of cool almost being a let's cut bait and everyone's going to different companies and some of
00:05:20| you are fired and some of us are selling off the stock we're millionaires and so poor so what did you happen in your extensive research for this episode tonight did you happen to look up the
00:05:33| definition on Wikipedia for the word of video game did I have Oh magic they hear it Wow it's funny it sounds like typing but I know you're just clearing your keyboard to to get to
00:05:45| those notes you furiously scribbled by hand yes dust off the paper there let's see what you got because I did a little research I didn't do this definition this definite is cringe-worthy because
00:05:58| it doesn't know how to define it really a video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a two or three dimensional video display
00:06:06| device such as a TV screen virtual reality headset or computer monitor huh that's actually about as good as you can get because video games are so varied yeah as generic as you can get yeah well
00:06:19| it has to be to encompass into the same umbrella a video using all encompassing hmm interesting so a video game is like just something that gives you a visual feedback and you
00:06:32| move a thing react to it so I guess there's a distinction there between our parents who like would watch a movie and then tell us to stop playing video games but like there's so many people that I
00:06:46| think there's a split there's a divide there we're like watching please though go here go here this is girlfriend material we could have done this on what girlfriends think of guys who play video
00:06:56| games good for me watching a movie is less interactive than playing a video game in a video game contains so much more so many more volumes of information and be so much more interactive that
00:07:06| it's surprising that movies are even like considered in the same realm are like considered to be more and I agree with you a bajillion percent do it in fact I used to get into fights with
00:07:19| girlfriends past any guy will tell you this like they're like oh you're you're just gonna sit around and play video games yeah we could be watching Netflix it's like hold up at least the person
00:07:31| playing video games is interacting thinking they control the flow of the storyline like they're hitting buttons so I mean it's lazy is it there's as lazy as it sounds yeah right and it's
00:07:43| incredibly lazy I'm not claiming it's whatever but physically you're doing what point 0.1 percent more worth thump this thumb it took years video game playing together this beefy
00:07:54| and also masturbation but yeah the thump you never do like that fat part of the thumb you do that flex can you do that um yeah I guess it's like the right hand I guess you left-handed and be dexterous
00:08:15| baby stranger I get it the stranger stranger a little bit stranger anyway mm-hmm so from G to excessive G at a pg-13 yeah you do 13 yeah video
00:08:34| games are way more interactive way more mentally taxing they're actually you're actually doing something when you're playing which is the controlling story which is like you're making it's like a
00:08:43| it's a movie that you're working on or creating sort of yeah and honestly a lot of my vocabulary came from playing like EverQuest EverQuest had a whole bunch of different like adjectives for things I
00:08:55| did that sounds like something a virgin would say when you're 13 you're most of us are always wait how old were you when you lost your mind not getting into anything
00:09:05| yeah no but that's the interesting I was learning some science and math from like math blaster and yeah quirky Cueto's for both science or something like that that's monkey you might not have played
00:09:22| that way just Sierra made it that's weird I know that too I'll see her it was a big one mm-hmm publisher game developer company I'm not sure was yeah but is it I assume that the publishers
00:09:34| and the developers are the same but who knows someone's got the money and someone's got the game development background it's an interesting versus development right but was here whoa
00:09:50| where's the game I'm just curious cuz I never even I never I didn't care about that stuff as a kid I literally would ignore the name of whatever company was being flashed before any movie game or
00:10:00| product things just one of the product I didn't care who made it I didn't recognize I mean I guess I recognize some of the names some of the movie intros logos
00:10:10| I guess that's marketing back back in the day folks it was so new that like I love with Wild West scenarios because that like everything goes like even if it's super shitty it still it still
00:10:24| survives and like there's always like a little niche super shitty or shady yeah the apparently Sierra became part of Activision Blizzard oh that's a tiny little company like that huh yeah so
00:10:38| they must interesting video game developer and publisher that's the first sentence that's good the um I wonder what's like the first impact game on your life because like I feel like it's
00:10:52| made fun of but 50 games kind of um they become art or like storyline drivers like it's like a really good book you can equate a video game to a really a book it sounds ridiculous but yeah I'm
00:11:03| thinking the first ones I played I was in Mario like the Mario that doesn't change your life story line wise I'm talking like something that either headshot doctor yeah I was really she
00:11:18| know probably super team that like okay so there was enough depth to make it some of it like it was a war yeah and there's lore and there's a world attached to it and then you worked so
00:11:30| hard to get something made it I don't know and it was punishing then like Battletoads Double Dragon it's like I was learning learning defeat didn't know no one's ever beaten that game except
00:11:41| the girlfriend in back when you're a little I feel like you told me the story oh no no there's a guy um Brian gar he's a famous comedian he he live-streamed himself beating it and it took him like
00:11:56| years of training just to do it on a game that no one plays anymore to do yeah do you know what it was it's the jet pack level where you get on your my god
00:12:06| jet ski and it goes super fast and then you get a jump over some flanking your brothers you can't do it I don't know oh my god no you have to memorize it at some point because it just starts coming
00:12:15| in waves and you're flying around you just hit one thing and you're dead so yes since I yeah is it is brutal and that teaches you something about the way the world really works you [ __ ]
00:12:27| [ __ ] how about the game's like the the arcade games that we're all the same like the x-men game The Simpsons game the Turtles turtles the kind game way kind of like going down this yeah yeah
00:12:40| you go down the street and you fight and you have so much health and you beat people up and you have a special attack and a jump usually what's crazy is all those games they think taught you
00:12:51| something like you would bond with strangers and like you'd be like I'm at a quarter so how about a quarters so what would either lend you go to read if you find your mom or something but like
00:13:01| you come back and you meet with the same guys and you could beat that game if you consistently play it and drop like $14 and oh that dumb son of a [ __ ] see I was secretly waiting it for you to die
00:13:11| in the corner because I wanted everyone to stop playing so that I could play alone I was like it that's interesting you're wearing a hoodie and it was just cover it up yeah and you were like I
00:13:23| like the dark matrix tricked are like my soul but those gamers yeah they they could literally be the same game but skin differently which didn't yeah I don't believe happened but they maybe
00:13:41| did who knows uh maybe it did dude I'm telling you because you remember the Simpsons one that's right it's very popular but it was very similar yeah maybe a difference is probably the
00:13:52| Turtles game with a different skin yeah yeah the turtles game holo dependants good memories but um moving forward games games started on doing something weird
00:14:05| where a they became graphically better you know the Sega's and the super Nintendos I feel like I feel like Donkey Kong Country had some kind of character to it because it was like you could go
00:14:15| to levels you're freeing people something more to that one than just their substrate a [ __ ] feel in your body when you're playing that game that it's like it's a level of addictive
00:14:25| that's very strange like when you're playing it you're no longer like in the real world like you are somehow inside of the world they created art design our design becomes
00:14:36| important I guess I've never thought about that till right now but art design like that that's definitely a unique design it wasn't done before it looked more 3d like it looked better than it
00:14:46| really was I think they had animal layers like you had like poopit the foreground the background and then like the mid-ground and then that was yeah I think so it just walks with your mind as
00:14:56| a hmm spend like 10 years old when I play that I don't know that's that's interesting which we had done some more research not yeah but these games there's like another step um I used to
00:15:11| play in it probably because I wanted to be a dolphin in grade school but like Ecco the Dolphin 10 I was 10 yeah good call well country could I but um like Ecco the Dolphin and stuff like that
00:15:23| like I actually felt sad when he was talking the other dolphins and like they weren't at home and there was that game had music that was like Symphony Khan music and it's not kind of like open
00:15:35| world you just yeah and you would find other dolphins and they were trapped and there was someone in time and like it always made my heart feel really like open and sad in a weird way like not a
00:15:49| happy sad like uh um what's like the world is never right yeah and like the world will never be perfect you're always gonna be [ __ ] up stuff and that's just life and III think I got
00:15:59| that from a video game if anyone told you that that happened to me they'd be like yeah that sound about right Britain but those of you only come to your work and say this is how we start this is how
00:16:11| are you [ __ ] kidding me I can't beat my kids uh uh sorry Aiko but your time here however your time here is over you've bent or renewed yeah he's just like tell them into a shredder
00:16:24| and then into it into a tuna boat and it's just not not dolphin-safe tuna oh good job tossing me doing that yeah yeah Leon and he's like and then maybe the first game that had like made me
00:16:44| shocked or something was like Metal Gear Solid no no no silent hey look it's pretty big Oh Silent Hill was nuts they [ __ ] with you intentionally with a volume and like
00:16:54| static the um it's a meta game yeah that game was [ __ ] up and I'll tell you why it's about a guy and his daughter like he's divorced dad and his daughter Cheryl I don't even remember his name
00:17:08| might remember he's always saying Cheryl and you go to this town and there's a weird fog everywhere you can't see anything which by the way was not because they thought it would be creepy
00:17:17| it's because they didn't want to put all the money into the graphics they like literally were like let's not make the drôle ratio too far out the draw distances will be like eight feet from
00:17:26| your character which cut back on their usage of like RAM or whatever I don't know but you don't have to yeah it's the exit plausible because the videogame requires more than you guys seem to so
00:17:37| in this game your daughter disappears and the whole town you're in you hear it was really loud siren one render distance Oh render distance thank you yes but you would hear a loud siren go
00:17:49| off and then the world returned in the hell world and your character was like huh my daughter is missing and you had to look for your daughter and that's that's probably the scariest
00:17:57| thing in the world because if a world turned into hell world there's no way in hell I'm staying and saving her no way on your last daughter well unless it's my god Dan like six-year-old daughter
00:18:10| so the only thing that you get you to stay that way that's like Bioshock using the the little girl daddy snowman what's her name Big Daddy's and little sisters mm-hmm Bioshock that's one of the ones
00:18:27| where you have you've played that through I didn't beat it did you get into I thought I just yeah I'm like probably two hours in like the gun on the circus of values like
00:18:42| that's a weird old-school future vibe I do dig that kind of stuff it's like old school but it's also futuristic but it's also fine like da da thinking while you're like blasting away splicers yeah
00:18:58| there's something it's unique I I do enjoy it how much and that's once once you stop though it's tough to get back into it like I stopped five weeks ago I have it probably yeah
00:19:09| it's cuz you have to you realize that the game requires more of you than you can give and it's truly escape in the games like that you need to play them for like a couple hours at a time at
00:19:19| least yeah I agree with that so you get into them so you absorb the world and you start getting there's humor points to that you have to pick up one you wouldn't pick up on them just real quick
00:19:29| and passing it's almost like a trope in a book or a movie like we kind of touched on yeah and you um like there's an escapism factor that you're doing a disservice to the game if you're not
00:19:39| escaping into it like you're missing the art style you're not absorbing at all I feel like yeah you and I get to that point now at our age where it's like hey great if we had more
00:19:49| time it would be way more engaging certainly 100% like I do like just as she mmm good I do this with like those Bioshock it Emily did it like I would disappear and like I'd feel like I was
00:19:59| actually under the sea and like this madman's castle whatever you call it but and then the music would get to me and like even like securing rooms and stuff the head like they gets out the cameras
00:20:11| to protect you and you could set up traps and like turrets so like all that stuff was like it makes you feel more secure like even in like the darkest dingiest area it's
00:20:22| like you could hear like the ding ding ding ding ddd I need to know that like me and you'd hear them like hit every tripwire like and they're like you'd hear like all this thing all these
00:20:31| things firing at them it's uh I miss games that allow you to be like in your little cocoon there's a little bubble I'm sure they still exist but like you said time we can't invest
00:20:43| in all these games there's also so many games out now yeah that's ridiculous did you did you ever play Bioshock 2 yes I played every Bioshock did you what about the one the the one that was like
00:20:57| also cough that's kind of yes guy that would do that one like they had like a robotic Lincoln yeah there's rails in the sky you could yeah go on
00:21:07| no thanks not as engaging for me okay but it was pretty good there's some humor there that was like a colonial feel I never played that one um it's why it's it just playing the original by
00:21:24| like new quote-unquote original BioShock so we should based off of Shem it's just a system shock like the system shock was the first precursor to Bioshock yeah I never played System Shock and I can
00:21:36| literally picture the album arc for that game like the eyes and the electric things yeah well was that essentially the same idea what was the same creators out there learning how to develop
00:21:49| BioShock essential physics yeah one night there was like a two-hour documentary on them making it and like the amount of stuff that they talked about that they didn't add or like how
00:21:59| they didn't know what direction they were going into it makes it so baffling it's almost like the creation of a video game you have to stumble aimlessly into something that works well and then
00:22:10| there's other like like literally because I have done those episodes with what the Famicon you can look them up guys if he if I never plugged his name he would be so mad WTF am i co
00:22:22| M Famicom guy look him up he's got his own thing but when we start talking about these games a lot of the problems that any developer or game runs into is they actually have too wide an idea
00:22:34| they're like I want the character be able to do this I wanted to do this I want to be able do this and then when we get to a certain level he can do this we can unlock all of this stuff and
00:22:42| everyone has these great ideas and the programmer goes hey wait I can only do that first part and they're like okay well well you can do more we'll give you a little more money can you release in
00:22:53| like six months and he's like no and then they run into the problem where people are pushing them to release early people are pushing them to do this so you get this like capitalistic thing
00:23:04| that's going on where I think if a video game was perfect and had ultimate time and ultimate money you can do a lot with just about every video game but they all have release dates they all have
00:23:13| marketing they all producers that said hey we gave you the money can you release it in about two months guys like no I want to make it better but they can't always and then there's a poll
00:23:23| there's a tug it's a weird thing it's the potential flop then you've wasted all this time because you could develop a game for years and money yeah waste so much just a lot of money
00:23:34| I think Curt Schilling did it remember the pigeon of requesting no no wait he tried to create a game he did oh yeah oh oh that explains why he did this so do Curt Schilling failed game I don't know
00:23:50| it was a system a game a prize all I know is I was like hey I didn't know Curt Schilling the pitcher previously for Red Sox Phillies couple hours he he got really he got a lot of money from
00:24:04| the state I want to say which doesn't make sense but he got a lot of money to make a video game it failed miserably oh he got he secured a 75 million dollar loan that's it his company was called 38
00:24:20| studios yeah and to me it again called Kingdoms of Amalur reckoning it's a role-playing game he overdid it released it released and sold oh I have is wrong he's in the first
00:24:36| month and then it's Oleg I 1.2 million copies in the first 90 days that's not bad and then it shut down a few months later why I guess that sounds like low he probably overspent hmm I apologize I
00:24:55| didn't even think he released it I thought it went belly-up before him yeah he went bankrupt I guess they overspent and then I guess I had a bunch of people's money tied
00:25:06| into it that were like national baseball okay they apparently like the backing was not secured wanna mmm I don't happen so what I was getting out there though it's just that a game
00:25:18| can be as perfect as it wants to be storyboard wise maybe you have the best story ever but you have a shitty company backing it or the wrong programmers making the controls for it or the wrong
00:25:29| people doing graphic design like a video game somebody it's a dick and tired of working on it ruins it or what if they it's like it's a dick and [ __ ] or like antisocial programmer that like is
00:25:41| going another way doing their own thing like you like you need to integrate the whole team together so that they're working together to build something if there is right guys this doesn't work
00:25:51| like how like you can't work around him no you can't cuz you need that implement for your game I mean can you be like well we'll just skip on the graphics or we don't need good controls but this
00:26:02| happens in games I assume right I mean you get you come across this all the time or games like you're like it was so good it just sucked the control or the graphics were so shitty load times
00:26:12| ridiculous did you ever play a game back like like around like age 12 there's a game where like you could it was really simple I'm really stupid like you were like flying helicopters around and like
00:26:26| for some reason the controls were so awful that you would always crash like the difficulty was all in like trying to fly a helicopter with a shitty control like you're in the holes you're trying
00:26:36| to like fly through these rings like you're I don't know what that was like is so generic it's so weird it was it was 3d correct like you know all the feeling left and right yeah this sounds
00:26:46| really familiar and it was really really really really really hard I think it was this does sound so familiar I'm just that was a prime example of the ones that like the controls are so awkward
00:26:58| and like the way you move is so non-intuitive it was bad like it yeah ruins a game yeah it destroys the game so it doesn't matter how great it was graphically etc etc just every piece has
00:27:12| to click Curt Schilling like I always can't win pilo wings pilot wings I don't recognize the name but I feel like I know the game the um did you come across games that um
00:27:28| were so good I mean we're talking about games are always missing an element or something did you come up with frames that we're so footed literally like maybe changed your life not like in a I
00:27:39| graduated from school thank you half life to like you know anything like but I'd like to by the way it's one of the best games I've ever played more like a tribe's so that yeah
00:27:51| that's right like tribes is like they call it skiing like it's a way you would like move through an environment so that you would maximize your momentum and then like
00:28:01| launch yourself off a mountain and it was a little team-based so like the whole thing was creating a clan of people that would a tribe of people that would play together and then that
00:28:11| formulated my whole like aspect of leadership because like I was like a secondary leader in that and that sounds stupid to say and that's something I put on my like high school application I
00:28:22| think like I was leader I think I did like National Honor Society you have to like write a sentence about like how you're a leader like that's what I wrote about like it was a leader on my tribe
00:28:32| clan day and they should've known back that it required me they probably should have and yeah there are some pieces of that that like even as like a you know like a 14 year old kid I was still
00:28:46| leading pretty well that's like that little piece it gives you it it allows you to experience things so that any negative feedback cuz like really you can just turn it off if someone's like
00:28:57| hey you suck and then like or you can like route them from your clan or something so like video games allow that separation of anxiety in allow you to play in physics
00:29:06| and leadership and different skills that you might not do so it's like in a way it's the the playground for kids who weren't good at the playground yeah well I mean well that is very typical who you
00:29:20| see is like I know well I'm saying but you could also be good at the playground and do that stuff at the playground that's saying you aren't I'm just saying if you weren't
00:29:28| you could experience all the same things leadership roles the push and pull the social aspects you could experience them not in the playground you could experience them in a game that's uh
00:29:39| Starcraft yeah did you brush yeah I was I was always two minutes start start right oh I had definitely played that with like two of our friends you can have jobs James I don't care did you
00:29:57| that's so cool can we battle three people per centimeter wait that's kind of badass so how did that always pan out was everyone always one class or like it was there a certain
00:30:08| attack scheme like with someone a rush or was someone like building I'm just curious I feel like you were a builder I'm definitely a builder I like to see I
00:30:15| like just building up securing that area just investing in your resources that's what you were doing I can see I make the map so that like that's again like part of my like architecting of things I'd
00:30:27| make a map so that you could pick a location and then defend from it and like the whole thing was that like one of us would be in that location and the other two would have to like they'd be
00:30:36| like Terran or something else so they lift off and like come and then we'd wait so what were you I like Terran because the tanks like the way the tanks would like or the protons
00:30:46| Zorich weren't worth like it's even Protoss Ezard not for defense imagine one person as we build stuff because they can't defend and they're all about Russia's yeah and going around the map
00:30:57| and doing and also the noises you'd hear that noise like oh god yeah that's funny was it was one of you better than the others or anything no just curious
00:31:14| I don't it's not I never like to go against other people like head-to-head it it really frustrated me because people would use gimmicks I was shitty yeah yeah of course
00:31:25| oh well you gotta exploit what you can exploit is that rush you and the same unit over and over again and then once I hit a certain point if I haven't defeated you I'm gonna hit you with the
00:31:32| other unit it's like the head game unit yeah yeah it's [ __ ] this is and it was it frustrating look looking did we always play in our high school
00:31:44| computer lab oh team team fortress did we yeah dude that's the first time I ever played a real LAN game um so was a counter-strike at that skin or would not skin I guess
00:31:59| that mode or whatever Team Fortress where he could be an engineer a medic a spy or whatever I never play first time first time I ever played a game that had classes and was a multiplayer game
00:32:11| that's like literally what any multiplayer game ever now but it was in our computer lab and it was like super high speed and like no lag and it was awesome I do remember our computer lab
00:32:22| being like ultra high tech because it was all enacted it was all really well done it was like paid for that bad boy was humming you know they had like the IT director which had his office like
00:32:34| right next to the computer lab yeah just had the sweetest gig ever cuz like he had like a little like office by himself him room and team to do all this [ __ ] yeah and once it's done like what do you
00:32:45| do just monitor the system in a high school like how much difficulty like are you gonna have I don't know dude I feel like I was always just downloading essays or like looking up like
00:32:57| borderline porn or like like just I feel like I was pushing the envelope at all times like downloading CDs at school because it was easier cuz the internet connection it's like it seems that were
00:33:09| illegal yeah exactly they were illegal but like more frowned upon than illegal so I feel like he could have maybe had to take care of that but maybe my kid yeah whatever I don't think anybody
00:33:21| who's getting monitored the internet back then no no no it was a Wild West the Napster thing kind of had its fallout like maybe mid college so we had a good four years of like fruit wild
00:33:31| west free reign I love the Wild West huzzah cuz I cuz I yeah Lions LimeWire I'm on it all them shareware pvp's baby yeah now what they're doing now with awesomer
00:33:46| probably did probably so let's go back to video games real quick just in the light of how about emotional connections um Final Fantasy 7 came out like 90 minutes long
00:33:57| the girl gets killed yeah I was really upset dude and I heard about people crying about this game and I'm never playing I didn't cry but the accounts up it counts up how many hours you've
00:34:11| played the game and at 99 hours and 99 minutes it stops so like I never knew how long I played final phases home but I put my life into that game and then she's dead I'm chasing the guy I got all
00:34:24| the material that gold choco bows like I was that was my life yeah chuckle oh baby it's like a giant ostrich he can ride they're cute yeah yeah the UM there's certain games where
00:34:42| you pour yourself into like the environment the characters everything like I just mentioned the Metal Gear Solid 1 like that game had me like twisted like a 13 year old watching the
00:34:55| matrix like do you mean like I was like oh damn war is hell oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh and like I can remember the characters like punching each other and like they're bleeding from their map and he's
00:35:07| like liquid snake give up and he's like no and like all of a sudden there's like deceit going home I'm like what she was on my team the whole time I just spent on my team she's turning on me what like
00:35:21| it was the first time you get that from a game that was like it tricked me almost or like made me it made me feel what it was the work I don't know it's like higher level art but it's like
00:35:33| motional connection so like the same thing happened to me with a fantasy star if you've ever played that one I think I think I played phantasy star when Final Fantasy was out and fantasy did the same
00:35:43| thing where you played for literally at probably like 30-something hours like you get 30-something hours in you have all the characters you want you built them loi one and then there's nothing
00:35:53| you can do to save one of the characters lives and they and you're just crushed and you're just like I built this team from like they don't come back that's it that's all you
00:36:03| had don't you feel like you want to keep playing for vengeance there's not weird to say that about a video game you're like I got to keep playing wasn't that for so much of final final fantasy I
00:36:15| guess I don't even know man it's like messing with your emotions it's real I didn't like the she was stabbed by a sword by Sephiroth I'm not gonna get into it yeah it's too much too much can
00:36:27| handle it it's too much is too much like but these games like kind of manipulate in the way that movies do I think it's related to movies very much because it's a visual medium there's different cuts
00:36:42| and angles except that you control things so it makes you feel like it's a movie you control and then when you get stabbed or you get whatever it feels a little more personal I don't know oh I
00:36:54| think it's like a yeah well I feel like it's a personal movie a little bit is it like how about did you ever get into like the I'm sure you did every quest and Skyrim's and all that I have
00:37:06| requests 90% Skyrim yeah I mean I think I played every little nook and cranny I think it's part of the world that year they've done so much work the building in school use our own actual world it's
00:37:17| not a joke it's like you can go around there and find the little mics that can bite you and you can kill those mics and cook them and then it's like them and you get a bone I don't know you know so
00:37:32| someone thought about it someone created the mouse someone said they're gonna be in this environment so instead they're gonna move like this and but it's I've read somewhere it's like the equivalent
00:37:42| of like walking 12 miles the area or whatever so the chance of someone finding these mice or this individual Mouse deciding to kill it and then deciding to
00:37:53| cook it it's like how many people are gonna do that what are the percentages yeah but but they made it into the game so you cool it and something about that is so beautiful so weird and so awesome
00:38:06| it's like yeah I'm gonna do it that's probably in turn that worked like all their entire career was like just making just for that one mouth mouth at one mouth
00:38:15| and you immediately killed it the head it's so weird well no they made it to be killed that's kind of the cool thing like I think they wanted someone to kill it if that makes
00:38:27| sense and eat it you need to watch West world okay I've never seen it I know it's a simulation or something or I guess it's like a human even on there bye
00:38:37| okay leave it there don't ruin it West [Laughter] West desperado no no ruff Rada du du du du du du Bac 1990 something that movie was like I didn't like that
00:39:03| but we did join in Irbil it's okay good I thought it was supposed to be good at the time I was I just don't get it it's weird it's like steampunk it's like something off-putting about it that's
00:39:13| like one one here if you're gonna watch a movie and then like zoom in two times on the screen like you don't know like there's periphery there that should be there and it makes you uncomfortable
00:39:21| because you should you should see more weird what are you talking about is this an effect a mental I think it's like the staging of Wawa West like there's oh oh you're speaking of this movie
00:39:33| specifically yeah there's something unnerving about it maybe it's like we never or like something about the way it's staged that makes you feel oh maybe they had to do that for budget reasons
00:39:45| to like because they couldn't afford to make I mean it's hard to do a it's called a render distance when they do only two more visual effects in a larger field anyway yeah to match up lighting
00:39:59| etc etc yeah so do you know how video games actually made they have like all these polygons and vertices and like how you're wrapping textures around things like if you want a sword but keep going
00:40:13| it's a weirdness so like earlier on it's like you'd have like a cube and the cube would be like oh we made a 3d game and you can add and texture to it but like if you were
00:40:25| trying to represent a ball like the ball would require you to have so many different a billion different cubes yeah curvy exactly a curve is not representable you can't make it been
00:40:38| testaments yeah so you have to cheat make a bajillion cubes and position them at all different angles is that the idea for a circle kind of but you cannot like you could start doing things that are
00:40:48| weird because like you can define it as a cube and make it look like a sphere because of the way that light shines off of it so it gets into very like weird mathematics about how you like get like
00:41:00| different normals and stuff that's actually like the the way light would shine up an object to make it seem like it has a surface but it didn't you get into some really weird like texturing
00:41:11| and it's just if you've ever designed or tried to design a videogame it becomes very weird to do it from the ground up without having like an engine behind it interesting they're like like stealing
00:41:24| the Unreal 3 engine or something like that yeah yeah and even then it's like it's a monstrosity to try to deal with that what's weird is do you even notice that like certain games it's like
00:41:34| there's only like 40 engines out there for video games and you just deal one of the 40 and then make your game all of it what are I'm kind of curious what the top new games engines are I'm sure it's
00:41:45| the Unreal 3 or whatever the [ __ ] it's called pretty sure on reals though number one it's like the go-to now is that because they've had one that's based on their light shining and visit
00:41:57| is it physics at what as well like how objects interact or just how they look like the rendering I think it's both yeah is it okay because it's like like pounding boxing like putting like actual
00:42:09| limits on stuff given something an object be defined by the engine it's easier to let the engine decide how it's going to interact with the world and look right you and you don't have to
00:42:19| make the split that split decisions and work through a million billion billion questions so I'm trying to see okay so they have rendering engine audio engine physics engine artifice
00:42:36| for town telogen sport physics engine it's like the half-life engine well I think that what's that based off of I thought that was a full of the unreal but maybe it's not do it half-life in
00:42:52| general I want to talk about that game that game is one of my um probably top five games of all time gold source No then I recognized that neighbor was a gold modified quake engine which is we
00:43:07| just related to unreal so really yeah the one quake quake was created by John Carmack you know that he was on Rogen yeah dude yeah it's nuts that guy I don't know how how his brain functions
00:43:23| but he was able to do so much for like the game this is so weird so there's John Carmack who else is on doom team um there's like Tory big boys Carmack that's gonna bug me
00:43:37| either way we didn't even get to these games like doom John Romero ray Romero Carmack and Tom Hall doesn't I can remember him I can me it's funny because these people like if she's funny that
00:43:54| they're all like superstars this is exactly why this is like movies it's like we're like do you remember um Reservoir Dogs and it's like oh yeah you know who so once I was in it and you're
00:44:03| like he was in it - he wasn't it - and it's like you look at the past and there's this one movie where like eight guys were in it and they all became mega superstars
00:44:13| it happens in video games - it's it's kind of weird isn't it it's weird in that I did not know any of this like yeah when your kid oh really Oh an actor at all but like once you
00:44:25| realize that like your favorite games were all made by like a handful it is the same guy or weaving on a different project makes it and like I want to see these people in normal like everyday
00:44:34| life I would not I would not know who they were it's also like this in music though don't you realize back in the past that you're like oh my god
00:44:42| so until collaborating with someone so for a project you're like oh my god they did this with watch them call oh my god this song had so-and-so or in credit to hope you know this / this
00:44:52| guy helped produce it it's like you don't realize that when you're younger if you're listening and you enjoying the art if we were to call it art because that's what I'm saying right here folks
00:45:01| but it it's integral that's like Dave Grohl like being part of like Tenacious D like you're like what nirvana - it's like he's goes back oh yeah it's interesting cuz these people are all
00:45:14| devoting like I don't know anything else aside from what they've done and like gaming or product in front of you what they're giving you you know that another life to that art and I don't think I
00:45:26| could do that like I don't know that I could go all-in on like I'm gonna make a video game and hopefully it turns out for the best and then turns into something like it's might be like one of
00:45:35| those like cases of survivors or bias or like you're looking at these people that are still successful maybe there's so many people out there that are not successful or they're in the grinder or
00:45:46| they're not gonna work out it's like they're giving their life for it it's not weird yeah I agree here's something we'll get into um have you tried a game that like messed you up
00:45:56| or like was like legitimately like made to like grind it's kind of Mari yeah that game was nuts has like weight you could see his package every time there was a loading screen yeah and I liked it
00:46:12| a little bit you see a jiggle I just just in general there was no need for the art to be that graphic and I was always like come on I feel like it was a kids game but I feel like it's an adult
00:46:21| game and I really get somewhere in between that was really cool game but that works your minds like the way you interact with the world you start to think of things in a micro level and in
00:46:33| a macro level and over you're right the giant ball rolling over them with a giant ball how about like super extreme violent games I mean I know we didn't get into this but there's games where I
00:46:48| think it was called manhunt no and it was a game where you're a convicted felon and you would hide buying stuff one of the stealth games kind of like Metal Gear Solid except that you would
00:46:58| use stuff in your surroundings to kill the guards and it was like the things you would find were like baseball bat a wooden bat and you would have to kill a guard with it by holding
00:47:08| down the button longer or shorter and it would do a more or less gruesome kill like you could like shove it in their throat to kill them or something it's like add one of the other weapons
00:47:18| yeah a little bit I think one of the other items was like a plastic bag and you would shove it over their head and suffocate them while you punch them or something like like this this stuff was
00:47:29| literally there was a violent thing they could think of for a game in the darkest world they could and I don't know that it made me want to be a school shooter or anything like that but it is it is a
00:47:43| bit dark but then again we go back to movies I've seen movies that are hard to are frigging yeah or darker I don't know I I always thought that was like an expression of something that like maybe
00:47:54| you wanted experience but not necessarily do so like I'm sure there are people out there that are influenced by it and they decide that they want to do something because they saw that but
00:48:04| they're probably already make I do it rape rape games like are people gonna play that and is that like okay like I know I'm like oh Jesus I don't wanna buy a rape game yes I wouldn't want to have
00:48:23| it in my possession like imagine someone like nobody else yeah opens your CD case you're like you got them that's worse and you're like oh why did
00:48:33| I didn't realize that was there huh that's weird it says it you have 32 hours long and musta soul must have started it and paused it for 32 hours straight yeah I
00:48:46| think like yeah now there's there are lines in video games I don't know what they are and I'm not here to censor people and tell them where it is but like I don't know man there's like stuff
00:48:59| that gets too far nope I don't so we're gonna talk about this so guys go being drugged and I in the past you could have like a game shooter that was like in a school like maybe not have
00:49:14| kids in it but like they would put certain settings that are now completely taboo because I think I think a doom or Wolfenstein had his skin where you could go in a school yeah I believe
00:49:25| there's like some outrage about it because it was just like too realistic for of course people and keep in mind it's a 2d sprites everywhere it looks like garbage like it looks way worse
00:49:37| than any like 3d call of duty 5 we have now it's like super graphical super good and super polygons and super good blood spray and everything else so that like I put it like this do you remember the
00:49:49| outrage over Mortal Kombat the original when um the more fatality you could rip Kano would rip someone's heart out but what what he would do is he would punch their chest and pull out this like kind
00:50:01| of red brown blob and it would like spin in a circle and he would hold it it would drip but it a didn't look like a heart B was horrible graphically it was like 8-bit and like moms everywhere
00:50:14| freaking out the kids we're gonna start ripping up hearts out I look at it now and I'm like it's a joke no one friggin cares eat your heart out I know it's gone okay no no rip your heart out
00:50:27| Chamorro combat and one make sure it's one exactly like at the time people were like kids are gonna start ripping each other's hearts out people are gonna start freaking out because at the time
00:50:41| that was graphically as good as a video game could be you look at it now you're like that's literally [ __ ] yeah I see a red blob spinning in a circle this isn't scary it's not making me be violent like
00:50:54| can you imagine being in sense to violence by that video you just saw no not at all it's so corny that's so but is that like kind of with the times like do you think
00:51:04| the graphics we're looking at now look like [ __ ] in 10 years I'm gonna be like like VR like if people are training in VR them load guns and fire them and track people down like I have you played
00:51:17| VR yeah no I've never played a VR actually because I think it's still in the early phases I'm not ready to like waste money on something that looks kind of cool but not really it's kind of
00:51:27| cartoony I played one where it was like hey there was one where like zombies were coming from all directions and you had to constantly spin around and shoot them but you had to like stay
00:51:37| in the same spot because the VR hasn't really progressed it was limited yeah but it it's it really gets into you it's like you're really there does it yeah that's kinda cool there's another one
00:51:47| that's cartoony where like you're on the tower and you're have a bow and arrow and you're trying to hit people that are running towards your gate so your console is the UM stick-figure guys
00:51:58| yeah thanks yeah that's actually a good company whoever makes that at Orange Box it might be they make good stuff make it stop thanks regardless yeah regardless um do you think in like 15
00:52:13| years like we'll have VR that's so good that people won't believe we'll play just like regular face forward aims the video games I don't know there's a point where it's becomes too much work and
00:52:26| then I don't think people like this is the movie versus video game video game versus it's our only it's a billion-dollar industry if there's you say too much work someone to freaking do
00:52:36| it I'm not saying to do the game I'm talking to play ok like people get physically ok like was there's another like light light lightsaber I forgive it like there's a
00:52:47| VR game called light something and it was like you would be hitting it's almost like a guitar hero kind of like you're hitting these things as they come at you so you're constantly moving your
00:52:58| arms left and right trying to hit them and like the people who play it's a it's like it's more the X there's more than exercise because you're sweating and you're completely into it your brains
00:53:07| engaged and like you've got everything going trying to do this thing it's not it's just like running on a treadmill where you're just you're just standing there running did you hear the guy who
00:53:20| he he had a VR he did Skyrim and he did he hooked up his treadmill to walk when he walked so it was comparative distance like however your character runs or walks
00:53:35| beat saber he Oh what beat saber that's what it's called oh look at me look up a video that one gone sorry but I'm sorry but this guy when he was walking around in sky world or Skyrim or
00:53:52| whatever he he lost like 40 pounds won't even let his treadmill yeah because well think about it I mean how far do you forget walk you walk really far
00:54:01| it's like it's a long ways of time in a way it's in fact in fact hold on do you know what the coolest thing that happened me Skyrim came out like a week prior to
00:54:14| this event so it kept getting good reviews and I've never played a game I never played EverQuest then played Skyrim and the first ten minutes is kind of bullcrap to kind of get you into the
00:54:25| game like you're gonna do the edge right there ensure that Ragan and it's right it doesn't I've seen it with with what Rupp Macho Man Randy Savage or dragon's head oh no
00:54:37| I haven't liked the intro to Skyrim you I think you get knocked out and you're really gut from blackness into like you're on a cart that's slowly moving they realize they'll have a some other
00:54:50| intro like something happening and it'll turn black and then it'll switch to Skyrim and I'll be like Skyrim like you fault like they watch like they fall down a well
00:54:59| well you're waking up this guy right you wake up Aaron well that's like the Joker until I took an arrow to the knee like it enemies like these there's jokes it's it's like these video games make jokes
00:55:11| in our lives like everyday jokes it's kind of fun no but I played Skyrim on a really nice computer is I think I wouldn't build this computer I can't remember
00:55:23| anyway um three years ago it was no so I guess I had to be my xbox 360 uh-huh okay worries I would explain anyway I'm sorry um I may or may not have smoked some THC with her oh and I was playing
00:55:40| the game and you get through that first ten minutes and then all of a sudden you're outside of the cave and you're in the world and I look I'd Emily I never played I never played EverQuest at the
00:55:51| time just because it's immersive well because it's from the same creator same type wait isn't my EverQuest what's the name of it him and Skyrim prequel oh you're
00:56:04| talking about um I'm saying the wrong one I apologize there's Daggerfall and then there was no what's morrowind excuse me moral wind I apologize never I'm an idiot
00:56:17| and then Laura Wynn I never played it easily thank you I was like oh my choice where they're related no because it was some same game same creator same world same idea I'd never played that one so I
00:56:31| was really high as hell and I came out of that cave it was on a big-screen TV and I looked around at me and I got this feeling from a video game I can't explain I I had a bow and arrow and I've
00:56:44| holed it because I thought there was danger and it was a deer and I just looked at the deer in a video game I'm not even talking about real life and it was just eating and feeding and I was
00:56:57| looked at it and I didn't know should I shoot should i I kind of don't want to and you know what I did I shot and missed okay it took off running so you know what I did I just started running
00:57:11| through the woods no I started running through the woods and I I think I ran for like five ten minutes it felt like eternity and I was running and I never seen half of these trees before hamper
00:57:23| this foliage before because it's a video game and I've never been in the outside world do you know I mean the real world the real world and then I pulled out my my bow and
00:57:34| arrow again and I shot some other animal and I killed it and I picked it up and I can do whatever with it I ate it and I just I felt so like I was in that world I can't uh so I was at one with nature I
00:57:52| didn't want to do any of the missions in the goddamn game I just wanted to live off the land for the rest of my life except like it was like probably like to bed yeah well like there was a weird
00:58:05| thing where I didn't feel like I was me I was in that world and I was gonna you can feel the old muskrat for the rest of my life or whatever that [ __ ] it was
00:58:15| I think there's ages your license here yeah people are getting more and more separated from nature and then using electronics and gaming to get back to nature
00:58:24| is that weird I felt so connected to that world I can't even explain it there's a weirdness there also for like game schemes and money and it just makes you aware of like oh damn let's go there
00:58:40| let's talk about the talking about the saving money like there's no yeah I think we're integral to the building up your add-ons and no add-ons that box some eligible content and loot boxes and
00:58:54| microtransactions the worst game I ever played for that was like crackdown cuz it was I think they added it mid game where like you would say I think yeah but then they'd have like they used to
00:59:07| have like these missions that would like they'd be like a light that would shine into the sky like a spotlight and you'd go there and it would tell you what the mission is and you decided what it was
00:59:16| and then they added these microtransactions that look the same way and then like you'd love a little pop it would come up be like did you want to play this for $1.99 you're like what no
00:59:27| no I don't want that package that the game dude I'm Pontic yeah stop you're you're destroying the continuity breaking it yeah you're breaking it down your mother not making it feel real
00:59:39| weird we're gonna go with video games here I was gonna do wrap it up I was gonna go like teaching things that like um like money like a like saving in video games is something I would do like
00:59:53| saving up for the end but there's also the realization that like sometimes you save up too much money for the end and like you have all this excess stuff that you're just like well there's nothing to
01:00:03| do like and now you've never done that before yeah it's the actual doing of things and experience of things and maybe the streets the friends we made along the
01:00:12| way or that was a real fun yeah and like life is calm you think building towards a lot of people are building towards a thing that they'll never get where they will get no that's a support of life -
01:00:23| yeah I grew the Honourable coffee um so did your my fear for a surgical plan but now so they made sticky grenades which you can throw on someone and then it would
01:00:38| turn into a trigger and at any point you could hit the trigger button to blow it up and for whatever reason you can throw it on an enemy if they weren't looking at you they didn't know that it was on
01:00:48| them nice and in the game fear there was a slow-mo button where you could slow down time and it was ridiculously ahead of its time beautiful graphical game Fallout just oh dude no better graphics
01:01:05| and full but like slow at expansion yes yes but even better-looking and the explosion was like electronic so like you and there really a shower of blood and skin and whatever have you in a
01:01:18| bubble and one of the coolest things me and um my old roommate tom did was we we got a sticky grenade on a garden he didn't notice we went to some other area and
01:01:32| like came up an elevator that faced him and literally we put it in slow-mo the elevator still going up it stops the doors open in slow-mo the card turned that goes ruler or whatever the hell
01:01:45| they do like they do that the other alert mode in slow-mo there alert I still remember it I just remember laughing so hard I was laughing so hard in that room and hitting the Deschutes
01:02:00| sploded so beautifully in 3d I'm never seeing that and maybe laugh that hard and I was just like oh my god Tom that was the best thing I've ever seen let's do it ten more times and that's all we
01:02:14| did for the rest of the night like we were just sticking guards letting them see us and once you saw us you're dead buddy it was it was so weird I don't like control and base building
01:02:26| games inside of games yes you do that that's the hook boom that's playing GTA you and I are driving around and full of talking state like a train start like thing and there's another person that's
01:02:39| right in front of us and we just like and eventually the train took his life yeah it the car like literally exploded into a flip and like too washed itself off the map but it was hilarious because
01:02:54| we both like standard procedure is just like pull up and wait and languages again just like that took off and random and yeah it's it's all about the random things you do within a game so um one
01:03:09| thing me and what the Famicon did in GTA it we we got sticky grenades we stuck them all over a fire engine okay that's the mess we got eight yeah it's part of it
01:03:25| we got a cargobob which is like the helicopters I had two hooks at the bottom oh yeah and we picked up set fire truck covered in explosives okay we're playing
01:03:36| multiplayer if you thought this someone oh my god it's my favorite memories I still remember his name was like taco Faridah her taco or for one or taco fart one whenever his name is if he's
01:03:48| watching shout out one of us got into the fire engine so you're in the driving wheel for the fire engine but you're not controlling it because it's just being suspended in the air but it's for effect
01:04:01| and the other person's driving a helicopter and we drove the helicopter and this dude taco FARC is like shooting and two players with a pistol and we're like listen I got a car no Bob I got a
01:04:12| fire truck covered in explosives we drove right over where he was and dropped the fire engine right fire engines falling dude and I think it was Dan in the other vehicle the other Dan
01:04:27| and he's the first person so he can see his steering wheel and he can see the spark taco getting closer and closer and the vehicle gravity's pulling it and eventually [ __ ] up we still shooting
01:04:40| the pistol at us I still don't know why he gets down there and then at the last second he hits the button to detonate all the explosives and it just said everyone died like bar taco
01:04:51| dan anything it was so beautiful that I could hit him from in the air that far up and end his life and ruin his game or whatever he respawned like a minute later if I didn't care but like there's
01:05:05| something beautiful about being able to do that and I our time you gets you get so creative in the shut up oh it's Domino's it's it's setting up every domino and then when it falls in the
01:05:21| right way it's so amazingly perfect so good especially cuz the other person is a human like you're playing a human a little bit aren't you which is weird I mean less they're applying to them
01:05:35| because you're feeling their pain so love it lastly lastly we should touch on coal duty for yeah sure so you're talking to two guys who probably we're probably top ten come on top 100 in the
01:05:56| world and I say in the world in general I mean we had different rules different whatever but so so so we play call of duty 4 modern warfare which I don't know if anyone's played maybe it had played
01:06:09| maybe haven't check it out well we had a weird rule where me and Dan would play without without guns well we did three grenades each and we had dives and we would be nature dude yeah I think it's
01:06:33| the way you would move it oh you would move so different than trying to use a gun that like people didn't know what to expect and then they'd know like the heel it was like like weird a menu and
01:06:46| down look at their barrel trying to figure out where you are trying to shoot you move in the meantime how like Bobby Wilder doing that oh yeah dude I still probably still move perfectly for that
01:06:58| game I could probably still time--as grenade that's the other thing like a grenade was like it was like 3.8 to - six seconds yeah you would like I say it like that because I could time it to
01:07:11| the point where I could throw one in the air and it would explode right before it hit the ground right whirling throw it like right in front of you and like explode so it doesn't hurt you but kills
01:07:20| the other guy amazing it's one time I was on a map and the dude was just in the second floor building and I held the grenade how the grenade Hillary throw double grenade throw it exploded on the
01:07:34| way up and killed him I would love to kill one person where you use all your grenades like you throw one so that it works behind them there another one yeah yeah third one so it stairwell and like
01:07:50| yeah we're doing it on purpose we got to the point where someone we'd be in a room with someone to me where there's maybe a car then and someone else and they have their gun out they got an SMG
01:08:05| if they got the a.k they got whatever they're firing at their full-on firing at us and because we had a rule where we wouldn't use guns we would be sprinting it's like diving a leaving sliding
01:08:18| always counting bullets waiting to reload and then sprinting out and then lunging at them and we had the perfect distance for the stab so Ana stabs a one-hit kill so I can stab someone from
01:08:31| like they felt like ten feet away which is a little unfair but that's the way the game was built yeah I wonder how that looked like the engine must have been built so like the way we moved it
01:08:40| probably took advantage of like the way a lag was and like how it we it must be like just not in the right spot and we knew how to game that and off to take advantage of other people I felt the way
01:08:52| to move I'm just telling you it was poor when you see somebody and you know they're not moving like that so you stab into air but then you hit them somehow and you're like I knew if you right
01:09:01| right where they were yeah I know where they were the second you would the stab button so even if they keep the way right and to get we can where they're gonna be in that like
01:09:10| split-second ahead of time so we would be in a game where everyone just used guns non-stop and we would use knives only then go like the amount of people that came out dude
01:09:26| it's wild we would lead the who would lead the scoreboard sometimes and what was real cool is when we had an agreement where we wouldn't be on the same team anymore
01:09:37| so we were just secretly praying and then we would be on separate teams and there's usually talk to each other started using smoke grenades you remember each other it's like the
01:09:52| corniest weapon of all but we were like oh I know where he is and then I throw some smoke at you and be like mmm that was like moving around so when we come out of the smoke it's bad someone
01:10:05| grabbed someone else stabbed someone else and go back in the smoke that was probably the most fun I've had with a video game owner I've like other people were just so what the hell these idiots
01:10:16| doing these [ __ ] do and then we run at them oh my god so I poked about the one in the marketplace all the time what's the one dude we both we were on the same team
01:10:29| that's like has like as vendor stalls of fruit and like yeah Thank You Duncan like and the one dude had a gun he was just shooting wildly at everyone and both of us were coming from different
01:10:39| angles we're like just like Raptors we were collapsing on a full speed with no weapons just ready to stab this guy and it's like when he look like pointing at someone else and then like like that
01:10:52| like I would get up and run and then he like point the gun at me and I'd like duck down and then like you get up and run and he constantly be going back and forth and he's like as we got closer and
01:11:00| closer and he's like oh my god like you could feel and like backing up slowly and like not knowing what to do you can smell its fear yes yes videogames vidiians are so good I wish I
01:11:17| could have more time so I could play them that's my goal to retire and play video games and that sounds like a terrible goal sometimes because you're gonna get bored eventually but now that
01:11:26| won't it's an art form I mean honestly there's different games with different styles their technique different dangers different cool things to offer there's even funny games like
01:11:36| the Stanley parable crap like that or poor portal it's one of the better games I've ever played about different ways I think about the world I think that helps you learn an aspect of something that
01:11:46| will never be true like you can't literally go through a portal and come out somewhere else but there's something in the brain that teaches you some new there is a learning there is a learning
01:11:55| element there but it's something that I think might apply to the real world it's just not in the way they do it hmm whoops your mind in a good way it does no it's also addictive etc etc I think
01:12:11| you can do too much of it but that's that's anything at this point in time yeah I think it probably good for you to be a dick to video game talk about that the people that like played those games
01:12:23| Skyrim or I requests like too much yeah I couldn't yeah like they disconnected from the real world like they were so into it that they did get back yeah they were like three years removed and like
01:12:34| full bearded and in fact you were like are you okay they're like what day is it and you're like Wednesday and they're like no what day of the year my buddy had a roommate in college and I felt so
01:12:48| sorry for him his roommate sat in a chair on it from his computer wheel runs yeah it's where the ruts of the chair before him moving back and forth had like worn away the carpet and it's stunk
01:13:02| in there cuz I guess he didn't shower and he had pizza and coke cans so that soda cans he would just like place them on top of one another until they fell over and then he wouldn't pick them up
01:13:16| so like the cans were just a waterfall off of the desk and the pizza boxes were all stacked on the other side and I guess he was so into playing the games that he didn't realize that he should be
01:13:28| playing real life just a little bit just go outside and try like I feel like those people already have some sort of disorder and it's just a manifesting in a game no you're right the video game
01:13:40| didn't start that didn't help it yeah but I kinda like I understand that like there's games that I wanna like I wanted to play even when like I was little I'd get so into games
01:13:54| I want to just keep playing them and I never shirked my responsibilities like doing my schoolwork sure sure sure Emily we got shirt in here or even like friends if they wanted to go play hockey
01:14:08| or do something else like if they asked me to do that I would do that over the video game so I think they're sending since you want to do real-life stuff yeah but there's something there with
01:14:17| the having other people around like my parents always used to say that like I was alone playing video games and like you should go do something social but the new games became so social that
01:14:28| they're actually the default method of talking to people I think now there's something yeah that is weird how that's happened it's beats become the social aspect that's a whole nother episode
01:14:40| where we talk about what social what's not anymore it's like it's real meeting people really yeah well it's like what social media platform is real and what isn't fake we
01:14:49| have I got special guests on that um a week ago anyway can we get there is that gonna happen he's gonna smile I actually contact an individual they
01:14:59| didn't get back to me so Justin now they broke up with us we broke up anyway folks playing video games I think they're awesome real quick can you give me your top like 3 or 4 or 5 video games
01:15:14| you see bring it down however you want 4 I'll just do it by the amount of time I play you do okay call duty for a yes shit-ton these are different phases of my life to a Bioshock and ever since how
01:15:31| much time that's why you were so mad that I made the ever question you know I really am in Morrowind excuse me but yeah Skyrim and then probably like a Star Wars Galaxies
01:15:43| didn't even play that one no I've never played any of the a Star Wars but I think I might get into the new one that's releasing in like a few months Star Wars uh it's like essentially last
01:15:54| Jedi was not all bets click I forget they look really cool I might get into it this time that and um minecraft throw minecraft out there nice
01:16:04| my kid wants a desperate I keep telling him he has to get to smiley faces three days in a row or something something weird it goes that will never get but he just got one in a row today
01:16:16| I like gig it's always excited he said like a if I get one more Danny if I get one more yeah yeah you starting that and I'm like [ __ ] and it's not the cost I keep being like it's real
01:16:27| expensive kid I don't know if I can get it it's not the cost it's just I'm afraid to like it so much that whole disconnect laws on it I know you don't I mean I can't wait until my kids want
01:16:40| something that I secretly want to so if one play bit minecraft I'm like come on get that you better get that like and I also wonder like if you saw like you start to like it less I play video games
01:16:55| with my kid all the time and sometimes there's games that are a little too advanced or scary for them so I have to play it coming forward yeah then I'm getting bored I'm like Jesus
01:17:04| Christ he's like do that again I'm like okay I just did it three times I'm like I don't want him to play because like I'm bored to watch him play but I don't want to do it at third time whatever I'm
01:17:16| like what if he had two systems set up like you're both playing at the same time he always he suggests that more than anyone he's like dead out we need two computers so we can both play too
01:17:27| was he calling isn't called two-player um he has a stupid term play both same time mode or something he's like yeah but he says it every time same time mode or something and I'm like you can just
01:17:43| call up two player dude I can't wait it's just fun but wait wait but you play certain memes so much that you start to hate them and they're boring again you're like god dammit this is my
01:17:57| punishment now I hate this game that's yeah well that's the thing that people said like if you start - if you play video games and enjoy them like you think you'd want to make a video game
01:18:07| but then what you do it's so heated that you were like Carly makes sense my favorites uh half-life 2 probably changed my likely in his head like one maybe both dude
01:18:20| physics net were all gravity on things fall and move get it no gravity gun did you know you can um hit the tilt button and change the gravity just that will I mean change the gravity hit the toe
01:18:35| button and there was a code to change it when we're like the birds would like fly to the like the Sun or something like yeah oh yeah over the crown they'd be stuck to the ground that had to grab oh
01:18:44| yeah and then you can shoot them I was like this that's how I was flying along and I'm gravity J it's like yeah slam on the creepy dude you can change the speed at which someone died so there was a
01:18:57| code for when you killed a zombie or whatever like they would die at regular speed but they would die like 190 at speed so they'd be moving really quick and then once you shoot them and then
01:19:19| you would just lower the gravity in a billion and load all day and I'm like this is awesome but regardless stacking taught me into witness and like weird [ __ ] and like
01:19:32| physics it's an element that you couldn't like if you're trying to imagine it it's a lot to imagine it is happening and like I saw beautifully out really like it's to the test chamber
01:19:45| guard and the test chamber I'd be like what mad scientist headcrabs like that that was one of my favorite games of all time and then there's Cole duties there's the
01:19:58| game inside that you're gonna play this week is actually really cool it's really cool it's like it can't be in my top five but it's just [ __ ] you're gonna dig it I'm good alright it's it sounds
01:20:11| like brace oh wait there's one more braid your play braid no it's pretty you need to play braid it's like a side-scroller Super Mario style but you can change
01:20:21| time so you can rewind time and then certain elements are independent of your rewinding of time so you have to line things up in a certain timeframe for it to work and like it's funny because
01:20:35| Super Mario you fall in a pit and die and you're like damn it now I got a replay in this game it's like oh I just have to rewind so you you have a victory over your own death you come back out of
01:20:46| the pit and then the music like it rewinds as you go backwards and then it goes forward as you go for it whole braid braid and it has some scrolling and astrophysics element to it it's like
01:20:56| people inventing a hydrogen bomb or something that's like the overlay interesting so that's your well the game homework for it you need to play summed it up
01:21:06| folks go you know what doom doom 2016 soccer mode not Berserker mode just I put that on the highest difficulty setting I could I turned up all the cheats and all
01:21:18| the I know cursor my guys didn't glow orange when they're ready to be whatever that was the hardest game I've ever played I sweat my pits off when I played that game and I was so mad I had actual
01:21:32| vengeance in my heart my eyes and my body when I would finally complete an area I was so mad I was ripped someone's face off it got me so into it that I would most have in game that's like the
01:21:49| Battletoads like it's so impossible yeah I did that with doom 2016 and I enjoyed myself more for doing it I'm glad I did it feel like you needed a challenge and that's the way to challenge yourself
01:21:59| it's true I did depression yeah and I I won now there's there's somewhere you can ramp it up so much you don't you stop playing I'd be I beat the game good gentlemen thanks took me like 40 tries
01:22:17| per demon room which doesn't sound like a lot but have you ever tried to play a same room 40 times trials but I am Bioshock there was an achievement for not dying and you could save so every
01:22:28| time I died I would reload i'ma save so I could get the achievement I feel you're coming put a light on play your now you're telling me how I play my first person shooters ff8 no where's the
01:22:43| fate of septal oh my f 12 reloads no I would do quick save quick load and any time I lost health in a room I'll be like let's do that again and that's I'm a perfectionist
01:22:56| perfectionist I am perfect but I gotta do it I am perfect let's do it again you know yeah yeah alright check our socials gang listen to us we talk turkey now I will
01:23:11| talk video games one more thing oh no what do you got you're talking about like perfection on reloads I think that's the ones who do all about me that only SS is brutal
01:23:19| like when so this is really life 9 and F like women and like dating them and like you say something wrong this weight you can f 9 X 12 it yeah yeah you can't take back what you say and like especially
01:23:32| like living life and playing it as your as you're living it there's certain things you say that you say wrong and you just have to accept it and like sometimes it destroys friendships and
01:23:42| sometimes you it makes friendships and it's one of the hardest things oh I couldn't deal with you when I was younger because I always wanted to go back and make it like exactly perfect
01:23:52| woman's illness at all I I hear what you're saying but I think that's overstated I think we think it's ruined or we ruined it in one sense or severing of whatever yeah yeah exactly I don't
01:24:07| really ruined I mean rally's like it was like you [ __ ] up but you can recover you could yeah if you could keep it together I know more work etc etc I just wanted to
01:24:19| sing that interesting Risa you wanted to click save quick load everything huh yeah but could you have a perfect life really that way it'd be fake no it would be but so with my record on fear
01:24:33| some of the dooms so tell me you never really played it like him you're cheating the whole time by quicksaving reloading yeah wait can you get it go back and beat that game properly without
01:24:49| reloading no do you know why they would [ __ ] up after an hour I'd start over and start screamin everyone in my family that's like the original video games we're like you would die you couldn't
01:25:00| see I know wait was there a point where you had a code you could put in prove a megaman code and baby it was like a tic tac toe or like a bingo card yeah interesting we've reverted it all the
01:25:18| way back yeah I just want a full circle it and then we're good all right well thank you for listening how you listen to all of it every episode we've ever done cuz we're on 200
01:25:28| something so that's a lot of listening but somehow someway we live for that the audience look through that to hope like if someone listened to every episode do they get as much credit as we
01:25:42| do or do we get more credit because we did the talking well they could talk but we wouldn't hear them cuz microfiber that's a good point I mean they could be screaming at their
01:25:51| TV they could be sweating dripping through it just screaming at their TVs and we're like we don't need to research your [ __ ] oh we don't yeah man we don't I don't feel like it seriously um thanks
01:26:12| for tuning in including the comments your favorite video game not gonna listen where I can play Dan's gonna play inside next week baby don't ruin it for them okay it's
01:26:24| gonna be the goddamn did you play tell you Paul to now at some point I will have free time but that's not in this decade time to cooking for people who are younger than us your 30s are filled
01:26:38| with time that you cannot use for yourself no it's literally a time swamp swamp so you're swapping with everyone else to try to get some time and they come back to you and say Nick you can
01:26:52| sex is ours there's a cost for that too you know and you kind of lose motivation everything has a cost don't do anything the only thing you should do is stop
01:27:05| donate the patreon yeah that's a real cost that click is boom boom good shot we're gonna um we're thinking of releasing some secret episodes it's not official yet but if you donate to the
01:27:18| patreon we'll let you know if we do now thanks for listening I'm watching and we like we like you folks we like you

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