The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED020 Work Avoiders

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Transcript PRED020 Work Avoiders

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 20 - Work Avoiders
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00:00:14| hey we're here to talk to you today about the work place or work avoider and how to avoid them let's dig our teeth into this one
00:00:23| tonight huh yeah let's sharpen these teeth yeah what what about them who are they that's it that's all i had oh you know what that reminds me of a time a story
00:00:37| um it's just people who you get them in all works i guess but like especially toilet paper roll is out i'm gonna can i oh yeah i gotta change
00:00:47| it right hold on no it's gonna take me i really am working but the shipment just showed up we've been waiting all morning and it's 50 pound bags
00:01:00| no this will be like one minute oh my god the phone is ringing i gotta get the phone when it's it's that guy or girl or person or child or whatever
00:01:10| because i think some jobs do employ children and we i'm for that i think a stronger work ethic should be built into our children
00:01:17| but anyway another time another children in malaysia yeah well you know a lot of them might be workplace avoiders as well yeah trying to support their family
00:01:26| trying to you know no i meant the ones to try and get out of work the uh it's like you're at work and and you've been waiting around all day people are stocking shelves or doing
00:01:37| whatever especially if it's like a clerk job or a physical labor job and you're moving boxes and stuff and they're like hey we're getting that shipment and it comes in
00:01:44| wednesday it's gonna be a whole lot of stuff we need all hands on deck okay cool whatever that's what we do wednesday at 10 a.m the truck comes i mean everybody's been
00:01:52| shooting this [ __ ] all morning because it hasn't been real busy and then all of a sudden it's time to unload the truck dun dun dun well guess what workplace avoider says oh you know what
00:02:04| we got i didn't stock the one item that's really in the back and it's just foam cups i'll be right back you don't need to do that right now no no we're out someone could
00:02:12| come in and want to buy them i'll be right back i'll be right back and that individual disappears for quite a while and then boom he's halfway you're all halfway
00:02:21| done unloading the big truck from the week yeah and you're distracted i noticed that person always shows up at the last minute like just before you're done
00:02:28| to do the easiest part of the job uh some of them do really weird stuff so there's a there's a flow in the physical workplace where there's an order to things like the person with
00:02:39| the box has the right of way the person carrying the heavy item has it right away um you can hold your own door if you have one hand available um
00:02:47| it's very there's just certain rules it's detailed you're joking about it but it really is like there's a there's a rhythm to this kind of thing so that
00:02:55| maximizes who's carrying i'm getting the job done you're getting the job done next guy get your energy's a little low you just give them a little smack on the butt
00:03:02| no they do this they go like they start handing you a box from the truck and it's like no you get your own box and you walk it to wherever it's got to go
00:03:10| they're like this oh here's one for you dictating this one for you but but it's not a dictation it's like they just don't want to carry the box so they're handing you one they're
00:03:19| waiting until they're no more people yes and then they'll have to carry a box and it's like you just saved 30 seconds what the hell are you doing or the other one they do it's an
00:03:28| infamous one like oh let me get the door for you and it's like i can get it i mean there's a box in my hands but i can get the door and they're like hold on here you go okay you got it okay good
00:03:36| you got it all right i'm gonna go back to the boxes right there i'm up next i'm up next oh someone's coming here come on through i got the door already i'm holding it
00:03:43| for you let's go and you're like this guy's working so hard just do the damage right there something that never happens he just dictates well then
00:03:56| i've had guys who i work with and god bless them they have to do a number two when the hard work comes oh my stomach ah i'll be right back guys i
00:04:06| gotta go and it's like we've been shooting this [ __ ] for two hours dude it just showed up what the hell are you talking about you run into these
00:04:14| in other realms too but i was just talking away from the physical moving boxes what's the maximum amount of time you've spent in a bathroom while working at work probably like half an hour one
00:04:25| time i don't know just like avoiding whatever like just chilling down there and checking out your phone scrolling good old clash of clans you're gonna get both attention
00:04:34| yeah probably your legs go numb you can't stand up it's worth it worth it so you know we all do it from time to time i get it it's not like every day you know
00:04:46| work avoider here no that used to be me that's the weirdest thing i have in office where no one's there except me and whenever i go to the bathroom i have to lock both doors
00:04:56| and then go to the bathroom and like i would think that i would like enjoy like relax because there's no one around but it's creepy it's weird enough that i'm like i
00:05:04| can't i just should i should be working no one's watching me strange ah like you feel like like you would enjoy it more if it was
00:05:15| on the company dime and you were avoiding work yeah if someone was watching me and like tallying up my time it's like finally like i can take my own time get away
00:05:25| and get away from but here it's like you're not really timed anyway it's like it's eating up your free time almost exactly it's like i should get my stuff
00:05:34| done so i can just like it is hell oh yeah it's kind of weird yeah i'd rather focus on something busy but it's the same thing as the work of order
00:05:40| it's like the worker voider is usually you know so this is what competitor in the office place it's the person that like talks to everybody and will like linger
00:05:50| and like hope conversations go on and then it's usually kind of like there's like a heady element to that person that's like they've survived so many like
00:05:59| layoffs and cutbacks because they always have like some tasks that is like really kind of mysterious that if you bring it to them they'll like
00:06:08| turn it around and give it back to you somehow let me get this back to you i gotta i'm gonna do my thing with it exactly what do you think what do you do
00:06:19| and then they take their sweet time because you know it's only a five-second job but they spend five days doing it yeah yeah and then it's crap when you get it
00:06:25| so you have to change it anyway and you're just like what the what is this like and then they act like they they're like they knew they used the keywords they
00:06:33| threw out like a few key words so that it always seems like they're like in the know but they don't really know what the keyword users
00:06:41| throw around them words see i'm talking about a guy kind of feels like he's doesn't work as hard or as efficiently as everyone else so he has to pretend he does i guess
00:06:51| no i think he's masterful that's genius so he is doing a good job he's a change he's manipulated the system to its fullest extent yeah it's like once you reach a certain
00:07:00| point you should just be the laziest as possible to get the most money that makes sense i have nothing against that i the problem is i think the way i was raised
00:07:12| like i end up doing all the the lug work the sweat work i clean up the most messes at any job i go to how many times always like sweeping crap up beaten yeah
00:07:26| physically i think only uh probably only like six see that's i think i could count like three maybe yeah i could probably count six or seven
00:07:34| that would make sense yeah yeah twice as much you're absolutely right so i have twice as many morals i like to refresh the audience
00:07:43| yeah it's not going to work when you're a young child you're beaten by your father go back to the coal mines nick go back get your shovel i don't care if you're tired
00:07:56| i can't see anymore my eyes are covered in cold i have to go number two not now you don't [Laughter] uh so these people
00:08:09| they aren't harmful to you per se i mean they sort of make more work for you it's when they try to group up with you or like they bring you right now yeah um it's like being in a group
00:08:19| project where the one guy is like tossing around all the ideas and everything and then when it comes up to divvy in the work he's like oh my part i think i have the
00:08:27| organizational part and it's like this is the organizational part he's like yeah i'll take care of that and you're like we just did and he's like you guys get this part and you do the
00:08:35| speech for class and you get it all written down i'm organizing it we're all organizing it but i'm organizing it okay
00:08:46| we had one of those guys that uh like in our senior design project he was the the one who had to like take all the documents and put them on a wiki and for some reason he never did it um
00:08:58| he didn't even do it that's awesome yeah and everyone got the same grade so it's like you were the laziest bastard chuck what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i like that
00:09:11| that's all you can do was he good at it he's all right all right there so these people at your workplace you got to try and i guess you don't have to avoid them but
00:09:22| you don't want to work with them too much but maybe you work with them every day i have no idea like it's not necessarily bad to work with them i mean it is but
00:09:31| like most of the time you're not working with them it's just like the way they come off whenever you're around them i think that's the most grating because
00:09:39| you know they're full of [ __ ] it's just a fake yeah it's a visage right a persona that they put on yeah i meant lots of like it's so funny like
00:09:49| i know right away a hard-working truck driver guy versus like one that really is like uh you guys don't have a forklift uh no it's broke do you think there's a
00:10:00| way you can get it working no we gotta unload it by hand and he's like are you sure my back my back it's one of those almost you guys wants to come up here
00:10:10| they're like all prepared to do it and they're like oh you forgot i don't know real slow he's like i don't have my back brace today is there any way you guys could do all the lifting
00:10:20| and move it for me and it's like yeah i guess so dude we'll freaking get it even [ __ ] you know you're mumbling i just today because
00:10:28| it's just any other day yeah you know i should get a week i need to see a doctor i'm going to make an appointment
00:10:36| never i got a week back when that start about a week back perspective that's such a good joke that's my favorite joke um anyway these people you don't
00:10:47| necessarily want to avoid them maybe you can't my advice is to just just ignore it i mean it's they're putting in so much work to
00:10:56| not work make up excuses do this do this make small talk you don't want to in in turn make more work to call them out for not working and try and make
00:11:06| them work it's just like just work around it just like if you guys get a divorce you'll be fine she's good she's got to do what you got to do
00:11:16| you got to plow into it okay so yeah that covers it right i think it kind of does i mean there's nothing we can really do about them there's there's no getting rid of them
00:11:27| or it's not like they're making your life terrible it's just a pain in the ass you wish it would the world would go back to ancient greece and see how those people handle
00:11:35| themselves they probably had them back then too probably probably anyway it's they put so much work into not working that it's almost admirable and
00:11:49| it's almost like they're putting in just as much work as you just in a different way it's weird so just avoid them or whatever and don't necessarily call them
00:11:59| out because then they're going to work harder and then then you have to work harder to call them out further and then they're going to call you out if it
00:12:06| looks like you weren't working and you're like no you're the not worker and it's like god damn it now you're in a game and it's like dude just
00:12:12| ignore it just do your work they'll be fine if they want to do a little less work or whatever [ __ ] them and that's our advice so glory to you glory to me glory to everyone and let me
00:12:24| say from the predators [Music] predators

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