The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP140 Hoopla Foofaraw COVID19

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Transcript UnP140 Hoopla Foofaraw COVID19

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 140 - Hoopla Foofaraw COVID19
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00:00:10| it feels like i have golf balls in my throat doc doc it burns when i pee is it is this the virus is this gonna is this gonna take us out i don't i
00:00:21| can't tell anymore everyone's going crazy everyone stole my toilet paper it was in my house i tried to keep it under lock and key but they keep taking
00:00:29| it from me they keep taking all my health good thing i'm young and virile or else this thing would really get me coronavirus
00:00:38| here we go so i'm dan and i'm nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered
00:00:55| each discussion here is dive into our unique perspective with taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby
00:01:04| we don't pander to popular opinion we might need to get a little bit dirty warning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content
00:01:12| and it's for infotainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your ear holes because we're going to fondle your [Music]
00:01:24| follicles third apologies all right and we're back and uh i'm dan i'll be honest of the unbanners yeah oh i feel so sluggish
00:01:43| yeah i'm actually sick i don't know what it is yeah he is sick i was faking it yeah i'm not feverish well i couldn't tell they couldn't tell i was uh sniffling
00:01:55| slightly earlier my eyes were a little scratchy so is my throat i didn't have any of the well maybe wait a second
00:02:04| oh boy i didn't check my cue card here what is uh what are the symptoms of coronavirus and this is a serious thing but let's get into it let's do it lightly
00:02:12| serious but light light seriousness uh let's talk about it seriously but lightly but seriously lately though what's yours dying but lightly they're pretty old
00:02:24| [Music] fever oh [ __ ] oh cough i wasn't coughing shortness of breath now i feel good that's the only three really yeah two
00:02:36| fever short to 14 days after exposure that's crazy to me that it's that long so what we're talking about today because it's on everybody's mind it's the hot topic it's sweeping the nation
00:02:48| i literally about 10 minutes before we did the episode got an email from my bank saying chase we got you don't worry we have you don't worry about the corona
00:02:57| nine virus you can online bank from home thanks bank but everyone seems to be addressing it everyone's talking about it everyone is affected by it everyone is
00:03:08| kind of getting their heckles up about it you can google that one it's called heckles folks and i don't mean the guy at the hockey rink who's given the ref a hard time
00:03:18| oh that shitty laugh ears that's a heckler that's not a real laugh it's like a clean laugh it is a heckling laugh [Laughter]
00:03:28| nice one referee that's a good one i love that call check your voicemail because you're missing a lot of calls get off your knees you're blowing the game yeah those kind of things
00:03:42| yes yes yes yes well anyway no this is more dangerous than heckling this is a virus that's started in what market i said it backwards china and is now
00:03:57| spread over the globe and every time i turn on my tv there's an update on how many people in my county have it
00:04:05| and that's kind of made it this far yeah i got some montgomery county folks there's two of them wait did they oh i didn't realize this
00:04:14| we might have different news feeds and stuff possibly because you're texas and i'm the pa yeah they um they shut down westchester university
00:04:22| no more going to class you're going to take all your classes online from now on there's three other schools i don't know but no but they um it's just weird like three
00:04:37| or four schools have done this pre pre proactively and there's other schools talking about it now and like universities are doing it yeah they just announced today march
00:04:47| madness no audience correct yeah has never been i've never seen a sporting a major league sporting event done in an arena that didn't have i want
00:04:59| fans squeaking in the shoes what's gonna be nuts is like the announcers were like oh it's a dagger of a three and they're just gonna squeak in like that
00:05:11| so they won't be able to like have conversation that's just so weird i've never seen it i'm actually really curious to see a sporting event in an arena with no
00:05:21| people as a side note we record our episodes about six months in advance so jesus come on dude at least that takes work of about five minutes
00:05:32| which i'm not about to spend we could do that for this one i think i heard it released no too late well if you're seeing this in 2022 and
00:05:43| the entire population is dwindled to nothing because of the virus and we're having a good time don't mind now if it's going the other way and everyone kind of like laughs and
00:05:52| they they make a joke about it like oh it's like coronavirus only like death tolls up to let me get the official stat as of today
00:06:09| it doesn't matter it's going to release in six months but as of today um almost pi day uh there are there are
00:06:26| in the u.s which our rate is actually exponential at the moment of cases i guess that's for everything outside of china i don't know what china did to prevent all this
00:06:37| mayhem and havoc uh but trying to find cases i think we're up to like almost 100 deaths where the hell is that click give me the click give me the
00:06:48| click give him the click yeah i found it it's crazy we only have 38 deaths but we have but it grew by like 300 overnight so that
00:07:00| it's happening excuse your numbers it cannot be defended no at this point i don't think you can i mean i mean i don't know where to go next
00:07:12| let's go back go back to the beginning how did this all start nick i actually saw a special did we did you watch the special i sent you yeah with sars in it
00:07:23| how does this all come from china so the wetmar wet markets wet markets even though they might be dry black markets uh i think it's wet because it's black black it's wet
00:07:37| because the the food is fresh like it's alive when you buy it it's dead by the time you take it home okay so you go to these markets and they have
00:07:46| exotic meats flowers like everything that you would want to buy for food or um health like you know what i mean like
00:07:54| rhinoceros horn you can buy certain flowers that you can only find growing somewhere of grotesque oh yeah richness it's absurd if it's not grotesque i mean
00:08:05| the thing that makes it grotesque is the conditions that it's all piled in so it's all these markets i don't know what kind of permits you need i don't know what kind of rules there are
00:08:14| it's essentially just you bring all of your animals all of your plants you stack them in cages on top of one another vertically because that's going to save the most
00:08:22| space and you're going to chop them up anyway i don't think you need to be humane to them the day that you're going to chop them up
00:08:28| you know and i'm not for that but i'm also i understand the logic there the problem they're in is that all these animals stacked on top of each other are [ __ ] puking some of them are sick
00:08:39| some of them are already dying some are being cut up some are possible yeah some are pissing all over and [ __ ] every bodily fluid knowing the
00:08:48| man every fluid you can think of and they're all just channeling down make nice waterfall the thing is celebrity challenge no
00:08:57| [Laughter] the animal past pissed blood challenge that sounds like a joe rogan challenge kind of does fear factor
00:09:10| yeah a little bit much for us yeah all that stuff is trickling down mixing together sitting in cages it's really hot day you know what i mean it's bacon in the
00:09:20| sun oh it's gotta smell great back there anyway animals have viruses just like we do some are transferable i think most aren't correct most viruses you can't
00:09:30| get i can't get a dog virus there's probably a couple you can but for the most part no it depends yeah right various viruses to virus
00:09:38| well with all of these beautiful animals what was the one animal the pangolin pangolin i love pangolin anteater that's kind of like has like a chef armadillo
00:09:51| the armadillo it's an armadillo kind of yeah and someone someone said it best when i saw a tweet that was like a pangolin always looks like it's about to give the
00:10:00| emperor bad news and they're always like timid with their hands like this and being like this and like this and like they look like so innocent but they're on the bad guy side
00:10:09| and they're going to give bad news to the emperor sir the prisoners have escaped what so now if you look up a pangolin you'll know exactly what i'm talking about
00:10:20| anyway this is like a hot animal out there wow rhinoceros horn all these things the craziest part is it's not always to be eaten these animals are like coveted for
00:10:30| their sexual prowess or their healing nature or they'll cure cancer stuff like that like people will believe it and buy it and it's very rare
00:10:39| problem is when you mix viruses and bacteria and all this weird stuff i mean they they do bond together they form hybrids there's hybrid viruses where else they
00:10:51| gonna form but right there and when you hybrid a virus that's so weird and twisted and something that's so alien to the human body you're looking at pangolins
00:11:00| yeah their scales are made of keratin the same material that makes up fingernails hair and horn interesting no wonder they're so puppeted yeah no
00:11:12| proven medicinal value yeah of course no none of the traditional chinese medicine helps states that they help with ailments ranging from lactation difficulties
00:11:20| to arthritis yeah i can't get milk out my booby let me get this pangolin so anyway all these things are mixing it's a petri dish of nasty gross unkempt things that are just bleeding
00:11:35| oozing pooping and sweating everywhere and uh these guess what when you buy the meat when you transfer the meat when it's getting put in a bag when things are
00:11:44| getting chopped up like humans touch a lot of this stuff and they're not doing the best of conditions because guess what we're in the wet market
00:11:51| we're just trying to move this stuff quick move on yep so when humans touch us and get it well once in a rare while you form this super virus that
00:12:01| hey we can get and b has never seen the human system before like it's our antibodies haven't seen anything like it because it's
00:12:09| it's essentially designed for animals you know what i mean it's just new i think more so than dangerous so this is the origin of the virus
00:12:19| right or so we're told a lot they're sure did they say sars too so i don't know and i i think they said sars started in a
00:12:27| market just like this so like china supported these markets because they couldn't support their own people because they couldn't feed themselves
00:12:34| using the government oh yeah stirred up all these black markets so that they could feed themselves and it got exotic because it's monetarily driven and then
00:12:45| all of a sudden it's like hey just do every animal let's just like keep them all here in one spot so that they can all fester so that's political money driven yeah
00:12:55| that's the historical part now the fictitious part are the parts that sound fictitious have you heard the theories no i um i'd love to hear a couple
00:13:06| so they said that there's like a biological weapons like facility near the market and then they shot someone to see what would happen
00:13:15| maybe ejected them or whatever or they'd test on animals and they lost an animal oh see all these things are plausible i wouldn't like i wouldn't say that's impossible
00:13:26| and scream and pound my fists wouldn't it eventually how do you how do you fall on conspiracy theories and stuff like that the reason i think most of them don't
00:13:37| hold water is just for the sake of humans talk humans screw up humans constantly leave like like i hear a story all the time about a man is cheating on his
00:13:51| girlfriend he left his cell phone while he was having sex with the girl he was cheating with and it recorded it and sent it to his girlfriend like stuff like that happens all the time
00:13:59| so the thought that someone could keep just keeps happening to me over and over and over again i don't understand it it happens to so many people i never get it like dumb you look at the story dumb
00:14:11| criminals or you know i can't believe i on reddit or like all these f ups you're telling me that conspiracy theorists those people are
00:14:20| the ones that have a tight lip and don't have anyone at work who hates the other person and wants to like throw shade at him or like will gossip or release they'll probably
00:14:28| post it on facebook for christ's sake people post their murders on facebook and then be like oh they're doing this though yeah hey do you think
00:14:38| well there's i guess there's like three parts of this is that hey do you think other countries are developing biological viruses to fight other countries i think it's possible yeah 100
00:14:47| would i think the chinese are involved in that yeah yeah probably if you were a chinese citizen and the government was authoritarian authoritarian yeah and they were
00:15:00| probably going to kill you if you spilled a word and you accidentally infected yourself with their virus what would you do would you be like oh oh my gosh i just need a new glove
00:15:12| here's the weird part yay oh the glove thing like um was there a guy i swear was there a guy or girl that was working on mercury or something and that glove
00:15:24| had a tiny hole in it and it got into their glove and then it got into their system they just didn't say anything because it would have gotten them in trouble for some reason
00:15:32| anyway similar similar idea just what do you do at that point love doesn't work you feel a puncture you know you're just working with some crazy new
00:15:42| biological local holistic cure pangolin skills do you work in biology biological testing center i don't think you're going for pangolin
00:15:54| what if you're testing on pangolins maybe maybe some weird and they're too cute i couldn't do it got bad news the whole world is going to die got bad
00:16:08| news hey and i wouldn't even put it against those conspiracy theories eventually turning out to be true what i think is that
00:16:20| eventually i think 99 of conspiracies or things do come to life yeah and that the world isn't as cool or conspiratorial as we think because there's too many parts for it
00:16:31| all to work just because logically one part of it would fail and expose it it would have to all be a greased wheel that constantly works and constantly
00:16:40| keeps working over time unless everyone involved died and didn't have journals and didn't have family members that knew
00:16:48| i love all the possibilities though because like going down like one thought of like maybe it was intentional like what do you do like what would they do like
00:16:56| another theory was that like maybe they had like two viruses weaponized and like in order to protect their own people they released the weaker one because they
00:17:05| knew the other one would devastate the world if they like their own people weren't immune to it is it a little bit like baleriform and
00:17:11| uh what's the mission impossible too chimera is it is this the exact this is the plot similar the one is a more of a cure and the other one is a virus
00:17:22| they manufacture both in-house and then the one the disease escapes but they're not ready to mass produce and sell the cure so i think tom cruise has to go in and get
00:17:31| it essentially interesting but that's a similar idea um yeah absolutely it could be manufactured i also think don't you think a manufacturer disease
00:17:44| would show up as manufactured i have no idea i don't know that you manufacture i think you just you study virus iterations until it like like shows up
00:17:54| it's an anomaly but it's a natural anomaly okay that would make sense because people who study viruses for a living they've a ton of have gotten their eyes
00:18:01| on this at this point they would have looked this and said good god james get in here i've never seen anything like it you know what i mean
00:18:09| and i haven't heard any of those stories or anything so that's like another element so china had this thing break out and it went parabolic on them
00:18:18| and they shut everything down everyone was wearing masks and full body suits and everyone was contained they had something like 50 000 cases like a month ago
00:18:28| and everyone in the world was just like it was 50 000 a month ago let me get the exact number before i start because no because i mean regardless of whether it's 50 or
00:18:43| it's just crazy that it's i'm thinking it was like a few thousand max but if it was that many and they were almost there's a guy there's a mr bean
00:18:55| look-alike who's trapped in some of these cities that's like spreading propaganda like oh the chinese government's doing great oh doing the faces and all you're looking
00:19:05| for yeah i swear to god i just saw this yesterday he's i think that's what he's known for he's a mr bean impersonator he's not
00:19:12| impersonating mr bean that's like his career so the crazy yeah the crazy thing is that a month ago there were 45 000 cases holy [ __ ]
00:19:21| and like the world the world is was just like okay it's in china like this is you said it so well okay this is like it's in china it's right it's okay i mean what percentage
00:19:35| like there's so many people in china blah blah so we're so ignorant to what happens outside of our scope that especially americans though especially americans and
00:19:48| it even happens like we've trump was our president and he literally like the scientists he all what all trump wants to do right now is
00:19:58| pump bump up the stock market just keep pumping it to like i'm a great president the stock market's doing great like this thing is like kind of destroyed
00:20:08| it's just obliterating it and his reaction like when one of the chief scientists i think it was like the head of the cdc said like oh wait yeah it's not
00:20:18| if this thing comes to us it's when and how we contain it and trump was like i don't care about you anymore it's like so you just like silenced them and he said like oh it's like we have
00:20:27| like a hundred cases it's going to go down to zero it's summer's coming we're going to go into zero recently he did it just recently he did
00:20:35| a uh an interview where i talk to all their scientists they want to know how i know so much about it folks let me tell you
00:20:44| they told me everything about it they said i got it better than anyone i understand we're doing the best we can they were very impressed
00:20:52| i understood much and i was like i kept hearing him brag about how much he knew about it i was like god damn it well he's not he's not calling real
00:21:06| shots as far as the disease well maybe he is no he had like a real health scientist like manning like he was like the chief of the whole like the health
00:21:14| movement for over this thing you're calling and like he had the guy at the podium and he's like so i appoint mike pence he's got some knowledge in
00:21:23| this area oh god he's gonna be the leader in this area and the little guy is like like the chief guy was like uh this doesn't mean that i'm replaced
00:21:31| um i'm still and then like all the reporters were like did you just replace him uh is mike pence replacing him and trump is in the background going ah and
00:21:39| he turn who walks off the stage yeah he doesn't answer that's so good man that's like leadership it's fine so this thing is festering in
00:21:49| china and china actually kind of shut it down their cases are decreasing slightly maybe flat plateauing and they built like
00:21:57| a hospital within weeks like two weeks they had this hospital built for like a thousand people and they built sixteen of them now these hospitals they built like within a month
00:22:09| they actually had to be nice to get that kind of work it must be nice to get that kind of work that's all i'm saying i wish your hands were somehow smaller
00:22:17| when you did that i wasn't feeling a trump impression i was i was actually talking about this just those workers like that's goddamn man yeah so they built it
00:22:28| crazy fast they had this stuff like god china's gonna destroy us all um maybe with this virus let's see no i was gonna say they're gonna destroy themselves first yeah but um
00:22:38| yeah so this thing was festering we had tons of time to like maybe prepare test kits i don't know that would be a smart move right probably doesn't cost that much what's
00:22:46| the deal on the test kit we only we we didn't want the one that was um acknowledged by the who or who or is it like american test kits we wanted to make our own
00:23:01| so they needed like six months advance time or something like that and they were like hey we're gonna make our own because we didn't want to use the global one for whatever reason
00:23:11| and now we need test kits immediately how do they test is it a swab i think i read this uh nose they're actually like to like prevent people from coming in
00:23:24| the country at one point i heard like we can do cat scans on the lungs to see how the lungs are failing that sounds like an endurance nightmare comprehensive yeah
00:23:33| the insurance doesn't pay for that it's happening in this country where we we can't figure out our health insurance even our health care is destroyed we haven't even we haven't even been able
00:23:46| to do a health care episode the big well we should have healthcare everyone should have healthcare i don't understand we'll have healthcare for
00:23:58| free okay thank you thanks thanks wow i'm trying to i don't know what like i think people are scared of the science and this is what happens
00:24:10| a lot is that no one wants to hear from the scientist who says like oh this is like there's a statistical probability that this is going to come to your country
00:24:18| your county and your city and you know x percentage of people are going to die like no one wants to hear that for some god for second reason i love that statistic because it tells me
00:24:29| what to prepare for the two things happened uh two weeks ago my parents who never really travel abroad i think my mom's been to ireland and she's been
00:24:39| the like jamaica my dad never never goes on vacation because he has his own business any man's vision never wants to go he he booked a flight
00:24:49| they did a 10-day trip to italy when two weeks ago did they come back two weeks ago are they still there they were leaving two weeks ago holy [ __ ]
00:25:04| so literally four days before their flight italy was in the news man it was it was exploding all over italy and i kept getting noted
00:25:14| notifications on my phone and texting my mother and being like yo uh you guys still going italy two days before their flight was supposed to leave on a saturday or
00:25:24| something like that uh emailed them and said hey we're we're thinking of closing down a lot of tourist things we're not sure yet you can get full refund you have to deal
00:25:33| with the flight you know talk with the people on the plane stuff and my mom and dad thought about it for a while and this whole thing hadn't really come to america yet
00:25:41| it was literally about two weeks ago so they said um my dad because it was his business he was not afraid of the coronavirus but of
00:25:51| either getting it or getting stuck in a plane and hitting quarantine and being stuck for two to three weeks not being able to get to his business business is gone
00:26:01| so they canceled and they were going with my aunt and uncle my aunt uncle said no we're not canceling this is all fear-mongering we're still going so my
00:26:10| aunt and uncle um went to the airport the day of they were literally an hour from takeoff and their flight or their um travel agent called them and
00:26:21| said hey italy is cancelling all your your stuff you can't stay here you have to cancel everything and they were like what and the government gave them a full
00:26:30| refund on the flight and that day they they changed the whole flight thing so my parents would have been in italy if it were one week earlier
00:26:38| and may not be back in this country i have no idea so the uh i guess the background on this since this releases a little bit later is that it leaves like the second
00:26:47| country to shut everything down like completely lock things down because they italy has an older population and it hit them it's hitting them
00:26:55| rapidly in the northern part is like a lot of older italian i think there's a lot of italians there they had like 100 people die in one day
00:27:04| yeah all italians i think yeah italy has they have 800 deaths right now and that's second among every country except for china wow dude that's a wild number you see
00:27:18| iran iran's number three is it iran their public health official like their chief he was on the news sweating and coughing and coughing he's like
00:27:29| everything's fine guys it's saying no one's infected he has i forget he had it he still has it i think i don't know if he died or not he just he just got it
00:27:38| okay that's funny yeah terrible he was spreading it to everybody because he was like shaking their hands and saying oh you're fine no it's funny we could be like because
00:27:45| this is really six months later whenever the hell it's released but no no i was talking about uh donny our president he just gave a speech tonight
00:27:54| did you see him i didn't see his speech but all of our presidential candidates were so excited a couple clips he looked sick as hell he has it
00:28:04| wouldn't be surprised i'm telling you everything from china terrible and ironically it got him i mean he's probably fine nothing will kill this guy i mean you
00:28:15| could hook him up to a respirator and keep him going yeah listen if that's the other thing let's let's talk a little bit about the actual lethality of this sure mortality what's the actual
00:28:29| number right now three percent i don't even know which is high six percent or is it three is it six percent that's twice as high as i thought it was
00:28:40| and it's still not a high number but it just doubled in danger for me in real life yeah so the the confirmed cases the death
00:28:49| rate is 4.7 percent for males and 2.8 percent for females this this virus raises a lot of questions
00:29:02| yes now you're looking at the stats is there anything about young people who've died um let me see the age so like if you're under 10 no fatalities
00:29:15| yet that's insane that's crazy usually these diseases if you look at spanish flu spanish flu had a uh oh tons of kids more kids than
00:29:24| anything else right yeah it um it was unique that they usually viruses have this u-shaped where it's like high on the the young age and then the
00:29:34| youth and then behind the old age spanish flu had this like w shape so like when uh when people were i guess hit with a virus before
00:29:43| they became immune up to a certain age and like when they were they hit that border of like mid life when they're most healthy i was like the
00:29:53| spanish flu would just target those people and take them out well because they had never had anything like it before i guess i guess so i don't know it's a quirk quirk of the
00:30:02| spanish flu um but this is a spanish this is spanish flu level i think spanish flu had like a two percent mortality or something and normal flu has like a two a point
00:30:13| two percent so this is like 10 or 20 times maybe even 30 times more deadly than a normal flu and people were brushing it off so let's talk about
00:30:24| the people like here talking about it it doesn't mean anything because you don't know anybody you're not worried about anything until it gets closer to you
00:30:32| you don't know anyone right so my my sister my i guess i just took home my nephew is in class with somebody who went to this conference like their parents went
00:30:44| to this conference came back the people at the conference were from italy and those italians were confirmed to have
00:30:52| coronavirus italians are troubling yeah those damn italians and then 70 people in that conference were confirmed to have coronavirus and then they
00:31:01| apparently like it yeah it was like a dual conference so people stayed for that first conference and then stayed the weekend and then the next conference they
00:31:12| like all met the same people again so that shit's everywhere and i guarantee that we're not testing enough and it's going to explode it will um it's inevitable i think even
00:31:24| if we tested and stuff the way we live our lives the way we interact with people the way we go to conferences sporting events college work all these things like
00:31:33| that's i mean it's going to explode we would have to drastically change our lives do you with age ages we didn't so it's not
00:31:43| affecting people like you and me if i get it i don't i'm probably not going to die from it because it's really low it's like a normal
00:31:49| dude just make you sick for like a week and a half yeah it'll take up to two weeks to show up and then 80 percent of people have mild reactions to it
00:31:57| like a normal flu but the other 20 percent they probably get like hospitalized and then of that 20 percent it's like extremely lethal people above
00:32:08| like 80 years old like you have 20 says 21.9 percent death rate holy [ __ ] yeah so i'm thinking like i have grandparents that are over 80.
00:32:20| it's like they go old age homes dude yeah well that's what happened in washington state is that it hit an old age home about 10 people is that why they had 11 deaths
00:32:28| like within the first week yeah that's wild i had no idea interesting that makes sense now yeah someone reported it and they had no like connection to the virus they
00:32:37| thought they were just overblown yeah apparently the test is only you only take swabs or blood or like any sort of like liquid from your body
00:32:46| and then i guess they multiply the virus until they like can check it under a microscope and they say yeah that's it so it's not a hard test to complete it's just
00:32:55| they were restricting tests because they were i guess trying to weed out like the boy who cried wolf like the people that okay are like oh i'm sick i'm sorry i might have countries oh i'm sick
00:33:05| i have it yeah especially old person home or something like that everyone's always sniffling winter i don't know yeah it's probably a problem with the younger
00:33:13| population too they're always snotty and everything damn no i'm just i'm no no no no no i mean like five and under oh yeah yeah all those
00:33:22| are sick all year yeah there's no way for you and i to avoid getting sick because like our kids are always sick and they're always getting serious from somebody else here's a [ __ ] up
00:33:30| thing like what if you know you had it what would you do not go home well if you i don't know like if you don't know the exact time
00:33:42| you had it if you could actually pinpoint sure you got it even if you didn't know or or you did get it immediately regardless aren't you gonna not go home
00:33:54| you're not gonna live your life or you're gonna just no i mean not go home like like go somewhere for like away from everybody else yeah could you do that i mean they say
00:34:05| like just have a separate bathroom or separate room and just stay in that room which is really impossible if you have kids because your kids are going to do whatever they want to do what i mean
00:34:14| what would you do because you really don't want them get sick i know there's no mortality rates and everything but like that could change drastically on on a dime if they
00:34:22| all started getting it yeah so and my kid has asthma and stuff like i don't want no no no no he's been hospitalized for like
00:34:31| pneumonia severe cold severe flu so oh [ __ ] right exactly so if i got it i guess i would have to i don't know that i want to stay in the same house you set up the bucket
00:34:43| right in the corner and you should just live out right in that bucket and lock that door and talk to him through the door how weird would that be could i do that it's [ __ ] up yeah he's
00:34:55| gonna feed you like shredded cheese under the door you're dead i got this for you he would draw me things and slide him into the door
00:35:02| oh my god dude that's the saddest thing i've ever heard in my life it hasn't even happened i'll be like still a virus data still a virus
00:35:09| [Laughter] i'm surprised you still talk the same way dominique thanks daddy i'm going to work i'm going to make a poop at work all
00:35:23| right that'll make me proud don't talk to anyone with the corona buddy my little buddy yeah so how do you get it
00:35:37| how do you get it um so hold up there's a lot of preventative [ __ ] going around right yeah don't touch me six feet away watch your face
00:35:45| wash your don't touch your face wash your hands one of these this one doesn't hurt right are you sure i'm pretty sure like you're five percent right you know what they do they
00:35:59| sort of help sick people from spreading their germs because literally it's for the sick person to not spit or a chew outwards keep their
00:36:08| droplets away from you exactly it doesn't affect droplets coming in at you because they don't have to come in through your nose or your face i mean they come into
00:36:16| your eyes your ears get on your skin you're on your head they're on your hair you're moving your face around they said that for a normal flu virus it
00:36:23| infects two people like one person infects two people this is infecting like seven to nine people per is it more infectious then they said it can
00:36:32| survive in the air and if it lands on a solid object it can survive for like nine days on that object are you serious yeah you're fine we're [ __ ] dude this isn't
00:36:45| good no it's not good everything's super virus that we always like cooked up and uh so at work in um all my buddies at work a lot of people
00:36:55| have been sick has has anyone been sick at your work i know you are like and it doesn't have a guy who infected somebody not with corona though because i don't i
00:37:03| don't think i don't have it there's no way i have it how funny would it be if you have it we did a whole episode on it right anyway i don't want to test myself i'd
00:37:12| have to leave my house or something and maybe get infected by somebody else infect me and then blame it on me for infecting them
00:37:22| that's their phone just saying just saying my um at my work there's like the first floor i want to say seven to nine of them have
00:37:37| been in and out sick for the past four to five days now most of it is in corona what if one of them is how about stigma though is what's your
00:37:48| company doing is they shaming those people are they saying take off don't come back no they are they're telling them to stay home uh the one girl is a friend so this is
00:37:57| the other fuck-up part two of them are my really good friends right and they're leaving early going home i feel sick all my stuff we're moving cubicles
00:38:06| like everyone has to like move all their stuff away all their personal stuff no no they just happen to buy new cubicles this is like months in advance the problem is the girl kelly
00:38:19| officer she was told to stay home for a week and a half one of the giants [ __ ] it has to be moved because the cubicle is moving today guess who volunteered to do it you i did
00:38:29| you wear gloves yes i did no i didn't i told everyone everyone nine days i didn't i didn't know this fact anyway oh your [ __ ] dude and i might be because
00:38:41| i did this yesterday and they were like hey i'm not gonna touch it i don't want to touch i was like germs die in like a couple days i'll do it and they were like are you really going to do it i was
00:38:48| like yeah i'll do it i don't care because i also hate being on the viruses and germs bacteria well anyway i moved all our stuff put it all
00:38:58| in a box touched everything she owned put it in the box and wrapped it up and said i'm done fast forward to today when dap came in and he felt sick
00:39:07| and he left at 8 15. that when you left you didn't pack up all your stuff i was like i'll do it again i'll do it again just pack up all his stuff today
00:39:17| you're going to be the last guy in the office well i'm proving a point too i'm also one of the few people who's not sick and i just touched
00:39:25| everyone's sick stuff so because it takes two weeks to incubate two weeks is a long time i feel like a virus doesn't really get in you and then two weeks
00:39:35| later affect you that's bull crap i think it's gotta be like four days i don't get sick in four days i will not get sick i guarantee it i said 14 days
00:39:46| it's just that's a stupid scientific fact stupid science how can science be proven right this is not someone look it up theory to 14 days is the incubation
00:39:57| period they're they're two to four they're believing that it's actually longer though that can be almost 21 days before you show symptoms so hold up i
00:40:07| could be in the subway with someone bump against them get their virus whatever it is it can get on me and then 20 days later i start showing symptoms of it
00:40:16| no you don't even have to bump up against them you could have touched the surface that they touched or they could have breathed six feet away from you and gotten it it touched the metal rail
00:40:25| and it wasn't copper or silver whatever the hell the metallic surfaces can kill bacteria i don't know if they can kill viruses but they do over time
00:40:34| it's not an immediate death of a bacteria i didn't know that interesting yeah hmm all the tests show that over like the course of hours
00:40:42| like it will kill them but not right away yeah it's like an exponential decay so i rode the subway bus tuesday or something and then
00:40:54| three weeks later i start getting sick is that a thing yeah that's bullcrap dude i actually don't believe that i will i will go to my my grave and say i don't
00:41:04| believe it that's what the science is saying and i'm telling you it's wrong what day did you touch all our stuff two days ago and today okay so
00:41:19| yesterday two weeks and what is this gonna prove if i get sick in three weeks now i've been in an office where everyone else is sick too everyone's sick they're coming in sick
00:41:29| they're leaving sick everyone's coming in they're gonna come back to work in three four days yeah what if i get sick from them when they come back how do we know you
00:41:42| should uh i wish there was a way to raise the blood maybe you should save your blood then we could test it in a week and see if it was from
00:41:52| this incident or another incident take vials of your blood whenever you touch somebody you should go down around the office and like swab them hey hey
00:42:06| that's the blood bring it let's figure out who did it and when you see like all these like little like vials and you're like have a giant chart of like time versus people versus
00:42:15| like kelly over there my boss is knocking on the door being like are you gonna start working here and i'm like i'm busy do you want to get sick
00:42:24| i got hr right outside you want me to get hr on you i'm working yeah the scary thing is there's no vaccine
00:42:36| there's no cure didn't you get sick call out sick and then a day later the guy got sick yeah this so that's not 21 days i'm just saying
00:42:47| so hey i thought i had something i think i have something from something else and i worked half a day and was like i don't feel great so a day later he did say i have these
00:42:57| symptoms i said that's exactly what i had and i think that it's not to you but there was a package from china we do a
00:43:06| lot of business from china and i handled the package first and then you gave it to him and we both handled the same package it could have been from that could have
00:43:20| also been the delivery guy oh boy what are those fashion classic fashion frozen oh it cost nine dollars for an entire
00:43:35| jacket that's pretty good sizes there were 17 sizes made in china i can't tell where this is anyway i can't read it too wait a second
00:43:46| what does that say sure it's too bright oh there we go made in china i can read it now there you go anyway um did you open that i ordered this
00:43:57| not yet i mean there is a hole in it down here so i've been exposed to it what we're going to do is try on a jacket from china live from the podcast nine dollars okay
00:44:12| folks i'm gonna waste our time how it's i thought i saw little boxes on there ooh large right it's good it looks like something like a rope from
00:44:21| the 70s like ron jeremy would wear this disgrace anyway to prove i'm not afraid of viruses at all i figured orange is totally yeah i love
00:44:31| the orange oh this is already a bad sign this is not gonna fit the asian sizes are good lord holy crap you know it doesn't fit why even dry
00:44:46| look at those sleeves man oh it's so tight you look like you have tiny muscles for some reason even a small jacket wait a minute the zipper's on the left
00:44:57| girl's jacket is it a girl's jacket no it looks cool like a guy's jacket anyway maybe but it's hard i mean hey oh my god my chest is even too big
00:45:13| for it that's never happened in my life what's up hey podcasts sign up use coupon code corona to get free gear from china oh my god this is terrible
00:45:28| oh [ __ ] it just ripped good thing was only nine bucks oh listen listen like that damn i had i swear to god there were two rips yeah
00:45:41| no i'm not trying but it looks like you're wearing oh yeah here's boxes or those really annoying yappy dogs oh [ __ ]
00:45:56| oh no i can't believe that oh man that ripped entirely it's amazing that i can make and ship did there was a shipping free yeah everything was included nine bucks for
00:46:08| this whole thing can make and ship that to you for nine [Music] bucks it was packaged made and shipped before
00:46:17| the coronavirus really went viral that's why i would do this on air live and i mean i didn't think it through 100 but [Applause]
00:46:30| the way the spanish flew spread was through a wartime because they're in trenches they're also shipping horses across the sea so man and horse became
00:46:40| one via spanish flu virus [Laughter] and say otherwise um and then once it's spread it's spread
00:46:58| to port cities and i guess airport cities now mainly the people who handle the packages and shipping so if it sat at a port for a while there's a good
00:47:10| chance that someone handled it that was infected but it also no a better chance that it was handled because it's been sitting there for three months
00:47:20| you know what i'm saying yeah you probably have it don't worry anyway um there's a couple precautionary tales so we talked about the mask everyone's
00:47:31| buying these freaking masks you literally can't buy enough masks i think the cdc or someone released the statement it was like masks don't help that much
00:47:41| stop they're only five percent effective so you have to wear 20 of them apparently so you know how my parents were going to italy yeah a week and a half ago
00:47:54| whenever it was they weren't but i had already taken off from my job to work at my old job oh yeah where we sell gloves bleach hand sanitizer hand soap
00:48:06| biggest week ever it was one of the busiest weeks ever dude gloves latex gloves nitrile gloves stuff like that
00:48:15| flying off did you overcharge i hope you like triple charged him we may have charged a little bit more but my father doesn't believe in gouging no no really like i'm talking like five
00:48:26| percent more or something like we just raised the price once he should have gouged i do i tell him all the time but he says you'll lose customers you'll make people
00:48:36| not trust you we deal with the same customers every week a week so we didn't um tissues went bonkers people were buying the [ __ ] out
00:48:45| of it i know we made the joke about toilet paper we didn't sell out of toilet paper but i had two stops to usually buy like half a piece of toilet paper they were
00:48:54| like give me two cases in case something goes wrong and i was like excuse me and they're like you know in case something goes wrong yeah and i gave them yeah it's going to
00:49:03| costco today and they didn't have any toilet paper really no toilet paper i gotta call them up and tell them the gouge the other thing i ran out of bleach yeah
00:49:12| clorox which is going nuts and the number one item that's going insane to the point where i sold out of my entire inventory and then
00:49:21| have close ah wipes are number two clorox wipes i sold out of but um i can get more hand sanitizer yep i can i always i always have this what percent is that bad boy what percent
00:49:37| seventy sixty what does it why doesn't it specify it should sold out of hand sanitizer and sold i have a back order of maybe 10 times
00:49:56| more than i've ever sold before like like 50 cases usually i sell one case yeah i usually sell one case a week i started selling a case here case here case here
00:50:07| two cases someone wanted five cases someone won three cases someone won two cases i was like you guys never get hands on it they're like we're just neutered just in case
00:50:14| they're upselling they're gonna sell to somebody else no no they're the end user like it's a battered women's shelter they're not selling to anyone else like they're like
00:50:23| a soup kitchen like those people aren't reselling i know it's if they have enough they're smart enough they can ebay it i guess but here's the thing manufacturers don't
00:50:34| have enough right now i can't buy more to sell it because this scare i guess you call it yeah so how do you feel about that situation
00:50:44| where there's a scare on an item or items and people go nuts on it it feels weird some people start gouging prices some people don't have it some
00:50:53| people it's i also put it this way it feels weird to me because i don't believe in running to go get an item because
00:51:03| everyone's buying it i also feel a little worried that if i don't buy it it won't be available for a long time so i i don't like rushing to do the same
00:51:16| thing yeah i agree i think it's like dishonest but there's people that freak out and they they hoard all this stuff
00:51:24| and then by the time you go to get it it just doesn't yeah toilet paper i went to my local local store oscar after costco and
00:51:34| the aisle was mostly empty there was only like 10 percent i would say like the normal stock left and i just grabbed a couple and i was like you know i'm fine i already prepare for
00:51:44| this stuff not like it's going to happen i'm like not doomsday bunkers do you say prepper but yeah i like i just buy an extra one because i like
00:51:52| i'm gonna use it eventually yeah it's well those are commodities that don't go bad i literally buy like laundry pods toilet paper paper towels that kind of stuff
00:52:00| because it's a not gonna go bad and b i'll need it and then can you imagine if it's a shitty day it's raining snowing out i don't want to
00:52:07| go out and get it like yeah nice okay so i agree with you you move you don't want to take a dump and then like not have toilet paper in the entire house like that's just
00:52:14| that's no 100 100 i agree with you so i just have like i have like a jug of this stuff antiseptic downstairs down to one yeah a jug one jug
00:52:29| one jug only one joke oh you got a gallon antibacterial soap yeah i'm fine i already had a jug of that toilet paper i had like a whole thing of
00:52:38| it yeah i was pretty much prepared the bzk nema bzk wipes are it's antiseptic white is that bzk has a benza
00:52:47| colonium chloride i had like hundreds of those first for whatever reason and like so i just like was like finally i could use these things after like 10 years
00:52:58| curious for an individual to have so many of those wipes so prepared almost like a serial killer asked i got some wipes if you want to come to
00:53:09| my house i liked going like the people that's another thing it's like going to costco people are walking a little faster and everyone's a little heightened oh no
00:53:20| that's crazy dude i love that okay so this literally ties into what i'm saying i don't believe in the panic i don't believe in rushing to buy all this [ __ ]
00:53:30| media tells you to buy yeah but at the same time i live in the real world and if all that stuff is selling out because people are panicking and i need
00:53:42| it like i i would go get it like i need it too i'm like there's no left oh god and it's almost like i'm
00:53:53| inconvenienced to have to panic with people like i'm not panicking does that make sense yeah there's hermits that have not you're dealt with society and
00:54:00| they're out full force oh they're buying they're buying and the people who are panicking are buying 10 cases of this and that and i'm like the only reason i'm buying is because
00:54:09| you are all panicking and making me buy because i'm worried that i won't be able to get it later like i'm a i'm a logical panicker does that make sense
00:54:18| yeah oh my god damn it you guys are buying up all the stock you stupid idiot stop panicking now i have to buy extra because you might be sold out
00:54:29| oh someone she's telling you didn't wash your hands you better wash your hands nick better wash my hands do you do uh 30 seconds
00:54:38| i'll talk by myself for 30 seconds do you normal well maybe not maybe i'm more like a 15 second time have you ever in your life
00:54:49| washed your hands for 30 seconds probably not i just wash until the soap comes off at least you were pretty honest about that it was a pretty good
00:55:01| pretty good observation do you wash your hands at all i do after i poop just after poop and then shower every other day-ish every at this rate i'm four to five
00:55:15| times a week right i could say on the upside down some day some weeks it's five some weeks it's four so that's like one and a half days let's not say two
00:55:27| let's not say that so would you say i'm going to get corona based on some of the information i've given tonight based on the jacket i'm wearing it
00:55:38| doesn't fit based on my hand washing uh abilities and habits based on the cubicles i've cleaned so i'm a hundred percent getting it probably okay um
00:55:52| i'm not worried about the actual virus what i am worried about is like other people yeah what if i do give it to my kid you wouldn't know because it takes 14
00:56:03| days but lord it doesn't take 14 days it would show three to five okay they're saying 14 days man but the other thing is uh the effect of
00:56:16| on travel stock market well that's getting shut down it's getting real they uh they shut down the houston rodeo which is that's a big deal that's a
00:56:32| that's a big deal that has like tens of thousands of people per day every day in like every day of march so that's like literally cutting it down what venue here's a question what venue
00:56:46| is it at so that's at nrg stadium which is the texan stadium they open up the outdoor and they make the outdoor area all carnival
00:56:54| and then they have convention center next to it that they have open like open animal like petting and all sorts of stuff what happens to the people that work these
00:57:02| events i don't know but that's a billion dollar event they just lost probably like 400 million dollars by shutting it down early that's insane
00:57:13| apparently somebody had tested positive for coronavirus from the beginning because there's a barbecue at the very beginning when they open it up and that person
00:57:24| must have infected and god knows how many people on that first night how do you know any of those people haven't interacted with you already
00:57:32| i don't i don't know who they are and they don't know who they are this is like the perfect virus like cooking up a perfect virus for spreading and taking out five
00:57:43| percent of the human race you mentioned it in the intro that game yeah we both played have you played plague inc is it called play game
00:57:52| it might be i think there's a version called pandemic too which is now this is a panda well plague same game the coolest part about plague was you could
00:58:02| mutate your virus and make it immune to certain things or be able to transfect people admissible throughout other media more it's more susceptible to wet
00:58:11| climates it's more susceptible in hot climates uh mutated to be harder to discover by scientists you can make it gene hardening where the cure is harder to
00:58:20| create and i freaking love that game it's great i literally it's one of the few games mobile games i played on my phone that i've played
00:58:29| since like 10 years 10 years yeah i played it 10 years ago i played eight years ago if i play five years ago i played it this year probably paid two years ago
00:58:37| i just pick it up occasionally and just play it and just have a good time and it's fun and it's funny it's a little tongue-in-cheek but
00:58:49| i think it affects countries um what's the freaking word it contains exponentially exponentially yeah like it does say for madagascar and ireland and greenland
00:59:01| what is our island for islands yeah and they're isolated yes they don't have to deal with this you increase your livestock and your
00:59:11| cold um ability guess what hard boom yep through the room yeah cold readiness correct wild stuff so what happens
00:59:23| we're in march recording how far does this go how many people does it infect in the u.s before things get better my actual logical answer
00:59:36| and best guess is my guess is that we find a way to treat people who have this virus to the best of our ability and that most people who get affected we can
00:59:49| here i'll put it this way we decrease the mortality rate with hospital care so it's down only one percent die which is still a high number still
00:59:58| bad kids don't seem affected by it which is so far the history and i assume the future i don't know this for a fact and that
01:00:08| we kind of all go back to our daily lives in three to four weeks a little bit with a little height passes it by kind of and then it's kind of like
01:00:19| we're aware of it and people have it and we're a little heightened oh like we're afraid of it but not terrible we're not not going to work people are
01:00:27| going back to work no one's taking off for the coronavirus you hear about cases still here and there but we're not terribly frightened of it and
01:00:39| i don't know we move on with our lives do people treat a snow day and it's more serious than this coronavirus where if you're in america where you
01:00:50| where you live right now in philadelphia do people i think people treat a snow day as something more serious or at least like oh i don't have to go to work
01:01:00| it's it's in between because i feel like a snow day is just for the day like everyone knows a virus is like weeks long or like it could be life or
01:01:10| death right so we're having you raise it raise a good point it's like the flavor of the week yeah how high does that get
01:01:21| so there's logic here right okay then as it gets hotter and more humid they did a study for different temperature ranges so if it's like under 68 and it's not that humid like 20
01:01:36| relative humidity like the virus can transmit pretty well uh regular coronavirus chronoviruses of flu virus not this particular coronavirus covid19
01:01:47| so it's not a flu it's a flu virus but i'm just saying they haven't tested this particular one oh for this okay okay an average flu virus though
01:01:56| will be transposed in yeah once it hits uh 68 degrees and like 80 relative humidity which is springtime coming closer probably more like
01:02:07| may for you it becomes very hard to transmit because it will just die and something about the moisture and the heat doesn't react well with the outer shell
01:02:16| of the virus interesting in certain in certain climates it's like the change of temperature in colder climates
01:02:25| can kill the virus but if you're in a humid tropical sub-tropical climate for some reason the virus already like is sustained in that area and that's where there's any change
01:02:36| there after another yeah okay fair so what i'm saying is that come may this virus won't be transmissible and it will probably fade away but up
01:02:49| until maybe mid april the cases are probably gonna hit i would say it's gonna hit like a hundred thousand people just the way we're ignorant and just
01:02:58| like running into people and just like americans cannot be quarantined no no not at all we're stupid we're very much going to be communal
01:03:06| we very much won't sanitize or wash our hands after we pay ever here's my thing though the mortality rate i think will go down as more confirmed cases with younger people
01:03:17| like our age group will get it and then be okay like do what i mean we'll have it well i've had it yeah 100 will have had it passed
01:03:28| perfect we'll have had it because think about this how many people have it and don't die but it might not be documented yeah it's the same thing with the flu
01:03:38| though how many people get the flu and don't go to the doctor and get documented as a little bit i agree with you but you
01:03:47| i want to say you know you have the flu i guess you would know you have the corona i don't know i don't know that you i don't know that if i have the corona virus right now i
01:03:55| would i would think like it doesn't match up with shortness of breath or uh what was the other one i definitely have a fever the other
01:04:01| one's going to be a cough i haven't coughed at all and it's a lot incredible you know the spanish flu the way it would kill people would be it
01:04:13| would actually like destroy their lungs who'd asphyxiate them yeah the blood would pour into their lungs along with like the pus
01:04:21| from the virus and then just fixate them yeah they'd pretty sweet drowning their own fluids pretty sweet pneumonia so another interesting fact is that
01:04:33| spanish flu came in waves there were like three or four main waves of spanish flu and it lasted years and this virus isn't going
01:04:43| going anywhere so may time frame people are going to think we're in the clear cases are dropping we're healing everybody it's going to be september september october when it
01:04:57| turns cold again humidity drops people who are still infected maybe they're immune well here's a question french
01:05:06| so sars similar virus yeah but also similarly didn't affect children is that weird hmm strange but sars was far more deadly i think but
01:05:16| less transmissible i agree regardless of the facts no no i agree with you but regardless of the facts sars um do you think it's still infecting people
01:05:28| nowadays or isn't like do you know what i mean like we talk about these diseases how about avian flu how about uh swine flu
01:05:37| remember that one yeah it's wine flu let's i wish there's a comparison of sars there probably is sars swine flu probably it's swine flu was the avian flu a1n1 which one was
01:05:53| that was that swine swine flu is h1n1 but i think the type is the h1n1 i think the spanish flu is also
01:06:00| an h1n1 virus okay that's kind of the name of a subset of iris yeah and it's kind of a weird thing that like the spanish flu didn't didn't
01:06:10| disappear it's just something that we became immune to that's weird to me so it's an epidemic it's killing millions and all of a
01:06:19| sudden 10 years later you're like oh yeah some people get it but it's it's not a big deal so this is the weirdest part right this is in this is in terms of uh
01:06:30| chronological order um you're identified from the start ebola 1976 fatality rate of 40 percent right ebola the bowl is horrible
01:06:42| nut ebola's nuts yeah uh sars people died lethality 9.6 percent that's a high lethality but a low infection rate yes mers 2012
01:07:06| lethality so these these viruses like they have a higher lead which yeah you can't infect everyone covet 19. stats are a little older
01:07:27| it's already eclipsed everyone in infection right that's yeah that's the insane part is that of the viruses in the last 50 years
01:07:37| this thing has already moved faster than all of those but is not lethal three fighting nearly as much i mean the other one was 40 the other
01:07:47| one was like 20 something that's ridiculous this is three do you think two spread it has to be less lethal think about it yeah
01:07:56| it does that's weird survive in the air and on objects and have an incubation period of two weeks so is the per is
01:08:07| this is incorrect is the perfect virus something that can infect quickly and spread widespread and not be too lethal it's like 20 percent debt free like oh hell yeah that's a sweet spot
01:08:22| baby that's like a ken griffey jr swing it's like oh and the virus is super spreadable you know yeah do you remember sars not really i mean i remember the the
01:08:38| hoop law but i don't remember details high school i had a job where one of the guys had like a really bad lung infection for it was not sorrows but he always joked
01:08:49| because he would always be coughing yeah i got stars i got the sars but like that was serious back then and seems like nothing like that i know isn't that insane
01:09:04| generated we're just using hoopla foof rod the what the fraud no i don't know that word do you think you know that word is that like
01:09:18| is that like a hoopla but i've never heard buffalo rod are you serious yeah foofer oh sorry a great deal of fuss or attention given a minor matter for all this hoopla that's what the
01:09:32| title of this episode should be oh [ __ ] i feel like there's one other point there's something we do all right infection spread supply and demand
01:09:51| things to stop it um vaccine i don't know when they'll come up with a vaccine oh i think that's interesting probably months away they have to do animal
01:09:59| trials human trials they actually have to generate the biological thing that grows using it on pangolin who cares yeah those animals are stupid
01:10:08| trace the source [Music] yeah so we might actually have a vaccine in the october time frame so they better hurry the hell up because
01:10:19| spanish flu that thing what was the percentage of it was the mortality rate though that's different it's a whole different game
01:10:29| i heard it like didn't take out like two two or three percent of the entire world infected 500 million people and killed that's that's that's hardcore that's bad dude this flu this thing is nothing on
01:10:48| that dude sars is a joke compared to the spanish flow think about it wait wait wait wait wait i remember looking this up but i thought spanish
01:10:56| flu had like a two percent death rate sounds like a ten what is three point eight percent times the population of the earth uh what are we for well you're gonna
01:11:09| have to now or then we're like eight billion people so it's eight billion people no it wasn't i was gonna say and now or then but that's fine
01:11:18| [Music] mortality rate spanish flu i thought it was like two percent two point seven percent of the world population
01:11:30| point to eight billion um be one it's probably 160 million times wait wait church [Music]
01:11:46| oh [ __ ] that's 300 million people long silence there because i did the math yeah but 3.8 percent of 8 billion people is 300 million people that is a lot of
01:12:04| people here here's an even crazier question i have grandparents relatives friends people who are sickly have cancer bad immune systems i
01:12:18| don't want any of them to die but if that many people died would it actually be bad for the earth this is a thanos theorem i know a little bit and i i thought of
01:12:31| that and i thought of um social security we did an episode on no no no we did an episode on like uh overpopulation yeah
01:12:45| would it be bad overall natural causes people who already lived their life and again i wouldn't want this to happen i'm just saying if it happens what's the positive
01:13:04| do you have grand parents or live no i do you have one one grandparent left my grandmother on my mom's side i also have a 94 year old friend who
01:13:17| still drives to work every day i just saw him when i went back to a a and he was his reaction was priceless i walked in and recorded him and he said he was cutting something with scissors
01:13:27| and he said what the hell are you doing here and he yelled at me in italian but if he got it he would totally die
01:13:40| i wouldn't want that there's a lot of people i mean i i know people with cancer who are like really bad who probably wouldn't pass i i don't want them to pass i don't want
01:13:50| anyone to pass but if three point something percent of the population died would probably that would be the thing that killed
01:14:04| everyone's grandparents really yeah we would talk about which when our and when we were grandparents spanish flu you talk about the whole
01:14:14| uh u-shaped w i mean those are the people that died a lot of grandparents a lot of kids a lot in between life yeah but i mean
01:14:29| is it all bad is it all good it's something in between i guess no it's mostly bad i don't know dude we can all blame china that
01:14:44| is ultimately what i take away from this episode blame gina here's a picture of the virus i actually have a close-up of it it's like a bunch of barrels like
01:14:52| revolvers no with wire and cable no it looks like you're trying to shoot like nine revolvers at once by the way the new doom game comes out soon
01:15:04| oh it does oh man you played it right i have not played the new new doom yeah the 20 2016. oh yeah oh yeah yeah i know you did
01:15:17| deeper in neighborhoods um did we cover everything do you think we can't cover everything there's fake news there's disorders
01:15:28| there's what's happening to you what would you do if you were diagnosed with there's a hundred billion different things that we do with
01:15:36| would you totally i guess if i had to what would i do though do 20. i played doom 2016 again on nightmare am i trying
01:15:51| just get a good nightmare yeah i've been sick and i've been home for the past couple days i slept a [ __ ] ton which i feel normal now because i hadn't slept very much
01:16:00| but sound like [ __ ] you do a horrible podcast i mean you're terrible that's atrocious all this foo for raw oh yeah but i get it i look into
01:16:15| returning some uh merchandise actually i don't think the ameri i don't think we as americans can stop working i think if you tell us to stay home for a week we'll be like
01:16:23| yeah but not really like we have to come in like a few days right and be like no stay home and be like i'm gonna show up anyway like i'm work i'm working because i'm here
01:16:34| here's the weird part um everyone in my office is sick i have more sick days left than everyone there i have 17 days how do you 17 sick days they give us a whole bunch and i carried
01:16:46| over from last year and i don't know what to do with them because if when i'm away like i don't get [ __ ] done like those are vacation days nick
01:16:54| wink i know what so i just here's a here's the worst part i just work three days at another job here let this be on the record it's called double dipping
01:17:07| i got paid for my job took vacation days i worked in another job and get paid hey irs check that [ __ ] yeah it's uh what's it taught also it's called working two jobs nick
01:17:21| making ends meet is that what it's called no double dipping because i was working both jobs at the same time it's illegal but you needed to help what
01:17:32| i did to help my sick mom with her sick disease please donate here hey anyone listening if you want to donate to our patreon it will greatly help our
01:17:50| disease prevention clause would you agree disease prevention clause the writing of our clause yeah yeah that's we're just taking advantage of people's money at that
01:18:07| point all your money whatever nick because he needs to get a real jacket that maybe cost more than nine dollars he can go to real shop talk to real
01:18:19| people oh no properly and it just went and marmosets and maybe like uh uh like that thing on your right right
01:18:32| chest like it looks like a dog like that thing whatever that thing is it's kind of my grandmom's dog right there it's like a rorschach for animals
01:18:45| it's rorschach for animals the guy who says you're locked in here with me so um we're gonna have someone all together we're gonna have a link to this coat if you guys want to
01:18:59| get into it we're gonna have a link to this coat these there you go we're gonna use coupon code unpanders you're gonna be able to link
01:19:15| at the bottom email do whatever you want we're giving you a five dollar discount you're gonna be able to get a jacket coat you're gonna do whatever you want
01:19:25| we won't be able to ship that to you for four dollars so you have to pick it up yourself we need to do your own shipping regardless um
01:19:32| we want everyone to start using sanitizers be safe we want people to um wash their shoulders for 30 seconds you better wash your hands for 30
01:19:40| seconds if you're pissing and pooping yeah no just even if you're a person take a leak you're about to leave the room and someone says hey buddy you're
01:19:49| going to wash your hands if you want to just go wash your hands you don't have to empty any fluids you can just go to the bathroom and wash your hands for 30
01:19:59| seconds um thanks for tuning in thanks for bearing with us if you're watching this from home and everyone in the world has corona
01:20:13| we're sorry yeah we didn't do what china did but yeah giant thanks for tuning in we like you personally we like
01:20:29| your government ish yeah we like a lot it's gonna yep it's gonna wreak havoc but we like you stay safe we're protesting hands folks night

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