The UnPanderers: Transcript of Episode 1 - Houston Harvey Flood Disaster

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Transcript of Episode 1 - Houston Harvey Flood Disaster

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 1 - Houston Harvey Flood Disaster
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This transcription was generated using YouTube's voice to text captioning method. Hopefully, Speech-To-Text technology will become more accurate in the future.
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00:00:00| oh I'm Dan I'm that close and together yeah we make the unplanned ruiers come
00:00:15| into your living room a computer or your a little sanctuary where you do all
00:00:20| sorts of weird stuff you don't tell people about mm-hmm that's where you
00:00:23| turn the cameras off that's where we belong
00:00:26| it phones up with you yeah right now you are near your earlobes grab your bottle
00:00:31| that can be alcoholic it can be a lubricant try to think of a third thing
00:00:38| they give me water uh-huh all right and get ready it's
00:00:42| gonna be a good one yeah and disclaimer we work out you may not be well you may
00:00:49| be a genomics I'm an adult not a teen and you're over like 20 we
00:00:55| whatever we say is not representative of what we actually mean nor our employers
00:01:01| our co-workers or loved ones our pets our neighbors our mailman and Mail women
00:01:08| or direct you anyone else we see on the street they're not even our opinions
00:01:14| we've already went over that actually feel like this is gonna be a good
00:01:17| podcast so I'm already gonna open up my beer plus I have nothing to do cuz
00:01:25| everything is flooded what did you say is there a hurricane intent oh not
00:01:31| anymore he's been downgraded a degree once
00:01:36| that's not dangerous it's not even yeah not even cat one but then why might even
00:01:42| make a deal of it really nothing yeah so uh what point shall we start
00:01:49| with my security my safety let's do it yeah I'm amazed that I had power
00:01:58| holidays I'm on the same grid as a police station so maybe that helped
00:02:03| you're a cop right yeah so maybe that helped i'm also located in a
00:02:15| neighborhood that's newer so it's higher up than most so when i see other
00:02:21| people's yeah when other people's neighborhood sudden they flood this is a
00:02:24| Texas thing because they had they use like streets as reservoirs which I had
00:02:29| never seen so that's intentional that's not intentional because they
00:02:33| expect it to just like dissipate mud yeah dissolve the ground so most of the
00:02:39| neighborhoods you see like I've seen them flood before where the entire like
00:02:44| roadway is covered in water and it's up to like the you know your driveway
00:02:48| that's pretty weird I've seen it a lot it's I guess semi intentional because at
00:02:54| least it floods there it saves the rest of the people yeah they make like can
00:02:59| you buy a house there or is it like kind of off from the houses clarify your
00:03:04| question are these like poor people houses that purposely flood or like I
00:03:09| think yes partly sometimes there are houses there it's just like no one wants
00:03:16| to necessarily live there you know there probably cheaper than most and that's
00:03:20| not that's an excuse but you know it's there's an economic portion of it that's
00:03:25| people buy next to buy you or they bind low-lying areas or houses that are flat
00:03:31| or even with the ground elevation and my house is not that way it's like five
00:03:36| feet off of the street for that purpose nice excellent yeah in the houses that
00:03:42| don't do that I don't know why because I've seen it so many times the first
00:03:45| week I was down here I borrowed a friend's car and I went to the mall
00:03:50| which is like 30 minutes away it was the downtown mall and when I came
00:03:54| back it was raining it rained seven inches in like a matter of a few hours
00:03:58| which is on par for what happened last night and night before and yeah and that
00:04:05| the area that they're showing you picking people up it was flooded like
00:04:09| not not to that level but the feeder roads they're like the highway does the
00:04:12| same thing is that the feeder roads are like a reservoir
00:04:15| they're below-grade for some reason don't make any sense to me
00:04:18| but someone has to fly mean this is all somewhere has to plus we're doing it to
00:04:22| somewhere you're protecting something else right yeah and a feeder road isn't
00:04:26| as important as the highway I guess I don't know yeah yeah I suppose so
00:04:29| and the first time it flooded I was like what the heck like why would this flood
00:04:34| because I had I wasn't from here and this is stupid yeah hey I got to do
00:04:40| the one thing I really always wanted to do in someone else's car which I I went
00:04:44| with some big ol puddles No well technically yes a thief you shouldn't
00:04:49| they say not not to but I the puddles but the like the on-ramp was there's a
00:04:54| dip so the water was probably you know one foot deep maybe a little more and
00:05:00| you don't know I don't know folks at home Wow
00:05:03| but the ditch was deeper and I went through the ditch I went right over the
00:05:09| curb and booboo and I got stuck on the other side so I was half at the water
00:05:13| when my friend's car and my girlfriend current wife she was in the passenger
00:05:20| seat as the water was coming through the door screaming at me Tania I was yeah so
00:05:26| I had her jump in the driver's seat and she's pumping the gas as I'm on the back
00:05:30| of the bumper like pushing it bumping it up and down so that we can like slowly
00:05:34| like weave our way up onto the highway dude you're lucky yeah engine you would
00:05:40| have a I've been in deep oh yeah been in deep yeah but I calculated it
00:05:47| right cuz we just like hit like and we stuck like right on the side of the bank
00:05:50| and we're enough enough that I could weasel my way up lucky view look you
00:05:56| mm-hmm and when he sees this podcast I'm hoping
00:05:59| he doesn't know who it is enjoy yeah anyone hears my story doesn't
00:06:07| just like air that bad boy out oh yeah well good smell it I felt bad
00:06:12| felt pretty bad but it was an older car if it was a new car I would have been
00:06:17| like before like I'll give you like whatever it's worth out my dollar yeah
00:06:21| I'll give you a dollar I apologize what a factor of plenty that's why I Drive
00:06:28| the vehicle with the highest driving clearance of its class oh it's amazing
00:06:34| that this diet would be useful down here we'd be driving around doing crazy stuff
00:06:38| I imagine people in your area driving a lot of that vehicle mm-hmm very American
00:06:44| patriotic let me tell you though yeah when they get big old tires
00:06:48| they take the doors off let's say a vehicle but I think you folks at home
00:06:52| know yep say seems like the Cajun Cajun assumes Navy's Isuzu what it was the
00:07:00| Isuzu remember that it's a real car company hold on ah I had a teacher who
00:07:06| drove the ugliest car in world it was a purple it wasn't Toyota Tercel it makes
00:07:13| me do Suzu something and like a normal normal SUV I think this is nipa I think
00:07:19| okay she might be dead nip this yeah I think so now I can't remember if it was
00:07:24| hurt now I'm like it was a second-grade teacher it really it was a third grade
00:07:27| teacher odd name right it's gonna stand out nope now you all had this lipice if
00:07:37| you did shout out miss niphas I made it pretty far making a video podcast I got
00:07:42| at least six viewers so don't bring it back it could use its abuse hmm all
00:07:50| right that's three piece was that leave yeah so now there's someone out there
00:07:54| yet another person there's always some hacker some spy well the videos have to
00:08:01| be viewed for YouTube quality control correct or is it a bot do we figure this
00:08:05| out it's a bot feels alright does it does the bot count as a view shit
00:08:13| I mean you gotta check it won't be real folks let's get real if I was get ruined
00:08:19| if I were to make a bot I'd say it was in Alaska I mean then you'd be able to
00:08:23| track which one oh no that just ruined half of your ship
00:08:27| then most a bit I think most of it we're gonna dig deep ah
00:08:33| the other question I actually had for you do you recognize any of these places
00:08:37| that are like before-and-after shots yes I've seen on well you're seeing it
00:08:41| on your news so I guess you don't know what I'm
00:08:43| seeing with my news but yeah probably the same spots there was one uh like all
00:08:47| that section along I 45 like that's an area that I Drive through like I would
00:08:53| take a back road to get to work some days and that would be where I would go
00:08:56| and it's like just underwater right now what's that is it underwater right now
00:09:02| yeah areas like the whole three or four feet underwater
00:09:05| well like here's a question because I don't know I'm not there like is it
00:09:09| fluctuating in water volume like the news will show and it's like whoa this
00:09:14| place is totally underwater but like now like midnight is it kind of hit lowered
00:09:17| a few feet and then tomorrow might go up and then down or how does it I have no
00:09:20| idea how it really works where's everything just like still
00:09:23| filling up and nothing's going down everything's getting higher I don't
00:09:26| think it's getting higher because it likes left weights yeah Luxio it's a
00:09:30| little bit like my street it floods a little bit it's like like down the end
00:09:35| of the street it has like a sway of like a foot in half which is actually like
00:09:38| the reservoir level so last night it was probably like one of the foot one and a
00:09:45| half feet above the street right yeah and that that went down this morning and
00:09:51| then went back up but I think the max is probably like 1.5
00:09:55| because it's rained something some crazy mount like almost four feet of rain in a
00:10:00| matter of three days sane which is makes my house pretty much whatever I would
00:10:06| assume because yeah this is the test of the century and also like tornadoes
00:10:14| spawning off nothing yeah you got a tornado warning every five minutes about
00:10:18| a different County because of the line of storms that go straight up and pull
00:10:22| all the air with it and cause spins right yeah and this thing yeah the
00:10:27| computer generated tornado warning system looks at that so so without that
00:10:33| mean your jobs fairly important but fairly not important and you haven't had
00:10:36| work like everyone's like yo no stake yeah you physically can't go anywhere
00:10:41| because every like almost every intersection of the highway gets flooded
00:10:46| like okay so you're really putting everyone at risk if there were jobs
00:10:49| going on yeah yeah then there's people that have mandatory evacuations near the
00:10:53| river now like what happens with that Holmes
00:10:57| well it'll be homes that are just like ruined and then look does everyone have
00:11:00| flood insurance do no one have flood insurance because they don't offer it or
00:11:04| is it like I don't I don't have flood insurance look in your up so you're
00:11:09| kinda looked at I looked at the elevation and said you know it's like
00:11:13| one in a hundred they they my area is this flood is like a 1 in 500 year flood
00:11:20| which means but they were in good shape one of those they literally you went out
00:11:26| in your backyard and just like kind of looked at it and we're like no flood
00:11:29| insurance when they when they asked if I needed flood insurance I asked for the
00:11:33| survey and there's a survey that shows this yes you man you're telling us all
00:11:37| the secrets here given the senior secret and the secret is you look at all the
00:11:41| people around you and you make sure that their life was before you I mean what do
00:11:48| what do you do if like it's still slowly rising and all the people didn't know
00:11:52| flood insurance you're laughing at but you're like they just like giving those
00:11:58| are you like oh now do can you call someone be like I need that flood
00:12:01| insurance I need it right now Trump in flood insurance now I think it's no
00:12:08| problem it's gonna be done it'll be huge it'd be great we're gonna build him a
00:12:13| house and he's gonna pay for it so I think if it word actually flood and take
00:12:22| out my house it would take out everybody which it's almost doing now so if it
00:12:27| were to destroy everything and be like Houston is one huge disaster zone I
00:12:32| think someone would probably cover my losses
00:12:34| I hope someone like someone just comes in like hey you know were you living
00:12:39| there we're like feed better or something dope
00:12:41| I guess they would do that no but man I flooding is definitely not gonna happen
00:12:47| to my house cuz it's it's still like five feet above where the maximum amount
00:12:52| of water is flooding seems like the corniest natural disaster if we had to
00:12:56| rank them honestly right it's not as like fires pretty extreme lavas awesome
00:13:02| tornadoes are wicked nuts but like you go down the list even
00:13:06| lizard is like that's okay but that's like snow then you're like water is
00:13:10| slowly gonna just like kind of creep into your basement like it sounds stupid
00:13:13| but it is one of the more dangerous because it's gonna ruin like the
00:13:18| flooring the wood the electric look it ruins a lot ruins yeah quite a bit you
00:13:25| have to tear out all the carpets you have and then write your basis when
00:13:29| you're gonna like bleach the wood or something to make sure you but it's mold
00:13:32| up yeah but it's also like the worst it's like flood that's so boring
00:13:38| thinking about you watch it happen so slow yeah I could think that's why it's
00:13:42| so boring is because you expect water to be really dynamic flushing through when
00:13:47| crashing through doors really do you're like oh my god that's probably the
00:13:51| coolest way wait again like that me ruin your household but flooding is just like
00:14:01| you know slowly oh the worst yeah all right so Anna I will tell I will
00:14:08| tell the podcast this so me and Dan we're friends from way back I'll even
00:14:14| say high school as that bizarre just wait for responsibility thanks comments
00:14:20| good friends whatever and eventually I realized I don't like
00:14:24| the dye he moves you know another state we really talk that much like I guess
00:14:31| once every few months you get one of those phone calls you know you're an
00:14:34| adult yeah adults we've been awarded for like
00:14:37| two years there several I would say will say several give and take you know good
00:14:43| got stuff going on busy you know nothing I don't care about you okay I'm busy
00:14:49| dan I'm busy back off I feel it I feel like but tell me if you felt this once
00:14:55| this blood stuff started happening and I heard you were in danger not worried
00:15:00| I think it was cuz of the podcast you know my podcast well just not as a
00:15:04| podcast like we're back to being we rose again yeah I mean we are again now we
00:15:09| talk like so many times a week yeah I know you like to see me talk with my
00:15:14| hands so you know I'm like I'm like what
00:15:17| stands in distress and I was like oh really worried I was like oh oh shit
00:15:22| like I can't there's nothing I could really do but I would like feel terrible
00:15:27| and I felt terrible texting you being like haha
00:15:30| what's up here it's flooded do you know I've been like being like it's just a
00:15:35| picture of you crying and be like I lost everything
00:15:38| you know the car the house as you're working and you're dicing it up is like
00:15:42| and what was I gonna say to that like Oh sucks man and maybe like oh my god the
00:15:51| weird thing is like of all my friends I don't think there's a friend that lost
00:15:56| everything but I don't know that because if they had lost everything you wouldn't
00:15:59| hear yeah and yeah exactly and that's the other
00:16:02| thing I was texting you to kind of feel out because if you're in the midst of
00:16:06| losing everything and all this waters coming into your house and you're going
00:16:10| insane and you're trying to figure out what you can salvage what you can
00:16:12| maybe you're forced from your home and you got to go to a shelter or something
00:16:16| it's all good podcast oh don't get me wrong okay but you don't think to go hey
00:16:21| Nick by the way my house is totally F and up right now we're moving everything
00:16:28| out of the basement oops there go my guitars thinking up
00:16:33| like there's no time to text and communicate here yeah you're because
00:16:37| you're rapidly trying to save everything you can yes and texting your podcast
00:16:42| partner about the conditions of all this going on do you like that your bro so I
00:16:49| was worried in we've got feel pretty close in the podcast I think we're best
00:16:54| friends now yeah I think maybe I hope so one of my other best friend sees this
00:17:01| they're like I hope I hope yeah so what are those one of the quirks is I've been
00:17:09| watching the news via YouTube it's like a livestream
00:17:12| of someone streaming up do you do you do no cable I don't do cable but you can
00:17:17| get it over the air but the air you only get maybe one or two news channels right
00:17:21| and over YouTube you can quickly pull it when the YouTube air is going it's
00:17:29| constant there's like four channels that are covering all
00:17:33| this so I get to flip through them okay mucho my youtube oh they did I was like
00:17:40| I was like did I look it up when I was drinking
00:17:43| cuz I'm worried about them or did Dan cuz he's worried about that about me I
00:17:48| died that make sense that make sense and I'm finding that the news is already was
00:17:54| antiquated but I think it it is even more more so well the speed of the
00:17:59| Internet is beaten in not only the speed just like the amount of information and
00:18:04| then like the personalized level of information you will wind out like
00:18:07| what's happening in your zip code it's this is live tip you point out wasn't
00:18:11| five cents it's something to happen near you and then like media trip
00:18:14| meteorologists right they do their very own generalized they um they do like a
00:18:20| whole city and a half yeah stir like this area this area over here is gonna
00:18:25| get a lot of rain and then this one down here a little less as much but maybe
00:18:30| we'll see stay tuned till 11:00 yeah they um they do a gimmick in
00:18:35| Philadelphia now I don't know which station it is so I hope so the interview
00:18:39| a random guy no they um they give you a neighborhood by neighborhood for
00:18:43| forecast so you to they meant like 807 and minute no no no like it know it they
00:18:49| they'll do all the neighborhoods at once like it's like a zoomed in of the map of
00:18:53| Philadelphia and it'll be like lawn crest is gonna be 76 and rainy and then
00:18:58| it like moves over very slowly it's like Oxford circles gonna be 74 and not quite
00:19:02| as rainy and then it's like I'm like this is they're really just they they
00:19:08| haven't arranged and they just plus 1 minus 1 plus 1 minus 1 just to kind of
00:19:12| make everyone feel like they're really involved but it's it's totally fake
00:19:16| it's like Baltimore does like these weird interviews with people and it's
00:19:20| like a random person who owns a green house and they're talking about
00:19:23| fertilizer and then they use the same person then they talk about like
00:19:27| chrysanthemums and I'm like hell's going on who's talking
00:19:31| chrysanthemum payment and they don't look at the camera either they have an
00:19:35| awkward conversation where they're both like they're both while you're talking
00:19:39| to one over there and they're trying to look at the camera but they're not
00:19:42| supposed to so the top things better than a bad cat
00:19:45| facing and every just love that gets me going if my gets my hormones moaning the
00:19:53| one disappointment is that there are so many online resources there's probably
00:19:57| four that will tell you you know where where the storm is gonna be the
00:20:01| possibilities of where it's gonna be how strong it will be and how much rain
00:20:04| you're gonna get now maybe yeah in a day in two days and in a week
00:20:09| and like those resources are federal for the most part and they're just they're
00:20:15| shared on these four federal websites so I'm astonished that the news never goes
00:20:20| if you need to look at more information because this is life-threatening so
00:20:24| check out these well I'd assume you know what I use for my own minutes and
00:20:33| minutes why that's probably the social media platform I'm one of those is
00:20:36| Twitter only because it's minute to minute oh we're getting rescued via
00:20:41| Twitter they would tweet like that nine million or something right because it's
00:20:46| literally I mean it's a minute-to-minute thing and it's on a platform where
00:20:49| everyone can see that's I was watching a lot of since I still have internet in
00:20:52| power I was watching Anthony Bourdain mm-hmm
00:20:56| he was talking about Libya I think he went to Libya and he was talking about
00:21:02| how the Libyan government Gadhafi got caught toppled because they had a
00:21:08| Twitter they were dead at NATO and NATO would bomb the places they would say to
00:21:13| tax he said via Twitter cuz I was their own
00:21:16| yet only means of communication ah the only argument against all of this
00:21:20| and the news angle is very much because I was a journalist by trade actually
00:21:25| true little-known fact folks one of the big
00:21:29| gripes against journalism and newspapers was not quick enough people need their
00:21:34| stuff now they don't need it the next day it used to be a newspaper come out
00:21:38| once a day like you can it's not the speed of news anymore it's much quicker
00:21:41| but the argument against it is that it's unfounded it's not fact checked it's not
00:21:47| backed up yeah that's where I think news would come into play and there's if
00:21:54| something's coming out five minutes ago there's no way for you to verify it
00:21:57| there's no way you have to fly reporter after somewhere bring a scholar
00:22:02| a historian and someone else and then back to check the sentence you just
00:22:06| heard there was a bombing in fifth in wherever like you and there's police
00:22:11| reporting to the place like you just run with it I mean what can you do
00:22:15| hold on let's see if it was really a bombing I want the team to check on the
00:22:19| explosive the cinder area what you know that would be like two days so I guess
00:22:25| there's always gonna be a battle between how have true effect is and how quick
00:22:29| you get it even if one or the other true but if it's you right justify two
00:22:34| counts and that's you know it's that person like that person doesn't have an
00:22:38| agenda they don't have an editor that's putting spare clothes at the time but
00:22:42| where are they getting their news probably from someone on the ground was
00:22:45| the first first-hand accounts which would be most realistic so wait are we
00:22:49| saying like Bob McKenzie of TSN is showing up on site to make sure that
00:22:53| these stories are breaking oh I'll talk about Bob he's Canadian you can see me
00:22:56| yeah but I think it's like a trustworthy source and you know he's filtering it oh
00:23:00| he is and I totally buy him but he's still
00:23:03| using another source right he's not I wouldn't doubt that he has so many
00:23:08| connections he'd just be like hey he calls me one of the main skis this real
00:23:12| and then Gretzky's like hey wait yeah ninety two goals in a year weh-weh
00:23:21| do you know that record okay he only played 80 games out here that's that's
00:23:30| pretty good g-dub's you know what his students point total record was I
00:23:34| believe I'm right per year per year almost like she's 212 damn it was 212 I
00:23:42| think oh shit yeah I got it again I could be wrong but I was thinking 212 so
00:23:49| huh see that yeah certified trustworthiness right there yeah you got
00:23:54| a blue checkmark next to that right there yeah that's unbanded
00:23:56| which now is that's the first time we said her name oh no we said area I was
00:24:01| like I was like with 40 minutes in we haven't said the name of the podcast
00:24:05| someone's very confused at home and let's move on a little bit cuz I mean we
00:24:10| could spend all day I have the problem but we had a few P's
00:24:14| and Q's to get to I guess there's one thing that I want to bring up okay I
00:24:19| really the Doomsday Preppers yeah oh did you
00:24:23| get into some since it's finally doomsday I didn't watch the show but I
00:24:27| experienced it firsthand as the people it's amazing how many
00:24:32| stores ran out of water at first so water milk and Brad about the same oaken
00:24:41| bread is so yeah what's the joke that's making french toast yeah yes I'm
00:24:45| stupid and ramen ramen was gone I was gone peanut butter and jelly there's no
00:24:53| cheese it's like all those things are gone like it's crazy
00:24:59| every store where they're like awesome fillets on sale if I I did look at a
00:25:05| pack of steaks 12 bucks and I was like you know I could just broil this but I
00:25:10| have to have electricity so I don't know if it would go bad I was really craving
00:25:14| a steak and I should have bought it steak without electricity yeah that's
00:25:19| you oh you know I have I have a gas gas stove so I can I can grill it over the
00:25:25| stove it'd be great if I was chopping into a porterhouse right now I think
00:25:29| you're gonna stay topless doing it in like the dark like just in your jeans
00:25:33| just cooking a steak on the old girl in the dark and eat and then that meal
00:25:39| that's what we do migrate out there just get in there make a mess of things
00:25:45| and just get your face in there and do the rest
00:25:48| yeah so I don't know where ever like if everyone prepped you would think that
00:25:55| the majority of people would but there's always gonna be those people that are
00:25:58| like it'll be fine I'll just pick up the stuff later and then I bought my last
00:26:02| hurricane I think sandy up here mm-hmm and I still love flying super awesome
00:26:08| flashlight it's a really good one like I spent like 38 bucks on it
00:26:11| hmm oh dude led it to take you can like hit a plane with it and it's like it
00:26:16| takes like for everyone Rud supplies that's how you get supplies she filled
00:26:25| laser that the planes going by that's a
00:26:28| federal offense I think oh it is but I'm saying in venom you could do it yeah
00:26:33| yeah Armageddon everything's actually I found out that crimes are crimes during
00:26:39| a period of emergency eskalene no there's actually a heftier
00:26:44| fine and after your jail time to it sorry that's why I'm my desk like they
00:26:48| become more heinous which I thought was yeah yeah I mean I guess it's to stop
00:26:53| people from doing it for fun but what about the people that have to
00:26:57| do it for they getting punished more because they can't find food yeah I
00:27:00| don't know that's probably a hairy area where if you're like I just need this
00:27:03| gallon of milk you like get him on the ground rice - nice try buddy that's a
00:27:08| federal offense you romanization it there you take this mother did you throw
00:27:24| the Joe Gatto we got another job tonight
00:27:30| these guys just hungry sitting in the back of the paddy wagon wishing they had
00:27:35| no I know oh that would be amazing if your superhero power only was only began
00:27:54| when you ingested life because you were intolerant to it so this guy's like
00:27:59| dripping with milk and finally like a drop like hits his lips and then he
00:28:03| hooks up breaks the chains so really he's a hero who's worthless in an
00:28:11| emergency there's no any way it's like I just need milk chiel acting you please
00:28:27| you come you come quickly you must find your pregnant woman our son our son is
00:28:33| three but she's still lactating a little we have to try our future
00:28:37| she's crying and squeezing it drop those ceilings are just about to crush you do
00:28:47| you must do it now lactate baby you know I can't laugh hey baby you know I can't
00:28:55| rub your foot it's getting weird in here on the other side of the wall with the
00:29:05| giant lever he's just like these people when if they can't he killed him with
00:29:11| satisfaction but if he got horny from watching people do sexual stuff oh he's
00:29:16| having a good old time it was Boyer he's a lawyer he said I
00:29:21| thought you said he was a lawyer then lawyers lawyer with a V no no no why
00:29:36| actually there's a yn lawyer too you know there's someone online with like
00:29:40| the name Boyer lawyer who comments on all the porn videos okay pick up his
00:29:45| attention like he's like I have a brief for these sort of things like easily but
00:29:53| he looks at porn I would charge $130 no offer this I would like to see her word
00:30:12| the makes a sign an affidavit before you this yeah
00:30:18| prove they don't have any STDs please please sign these forms as they're
00:30:24| signing the forms she's just like well that brings us to our next subject I
00:30:35| hope so look or smile

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