The UnPanderers: Transcript of Episode 16 - Color

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Transcript of Episode 16 - Color

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 16 - Color
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00:00:00| right so I I'm dan I'm Nick folks we are together we are they form the one girl
00:00:08| who I've known to man the supergroup all know it were the untain books
00:00:18| purposely watchin try to screw it up you're a number yeah you know a number
00:00:24| your number right there is it not down here anyway there's a oh good good good
00:00:30| good some logo or not they're cross-eyed in
00:00:34| the vertical direction so it's hard to see well we take our job very seriously
00:00:40| that didn't pop the filter I know that didn't pop your brains folks whoo things
00:00:46| are about to get crazy here and before they do get crazy everybody just got
00:00:50| pulled over by a cop because I heard I heard a beer evening in your car the
00:00:57| umbers big fan listen to the colors episode whoa spoiler alert
00:01:04| we are oh yeah yeah so uh real quick precursor though if you're driving um be
00:01:14| weary be careful if driving windows up I did not mix that properly was she
00:01:21| driving you need your straw I drank the last role the other night I was so upset
00:01:25| you don't clean your straws don't reuse them no and get this I asked someone who
00:01:31| I live with upstairs I said um do have any more straws and she said no you
00:01:36| drink them all the time for your podcast and I said yeah but we don't have any
00:01:41| more and she's like what do you think we have a secret room with all these
00:01:45| multicolored straw laying around did you take the last one
00:01:48| I said yeah the last one on the cup well and I was like do you it was defeated
00:01:57| that's what the trick is the I was gonna say before we get any further
00:02:01| no I do want to say there's no I wish I'd used it once right now I'd be
00:02:07| bawling out I was trying to get to our disclaimer anything we say
00:02:13| here is not expressed written consent opinion or opinion therein or truth what
00:02:21| we're saying is all lies you can't use it in court this is I don't I get worse
00:02:25| at this every time you can't disseminate our opinions
00:02:28| yeah you can't disseminate disseminate the good stuff stuff don't think you
00:02:32| can't say it's from us it's not we're discrediting it and our employers and
00:02:37| our sold you have to meet you have to be major bunch of fifteen year olds we're
00:02:44| watching no good miss berry facade word legal quandary although of no in Alabama
00:02:51| that's like legal age isn't it fifteen especially if you're a senator
00:02:55| yeah oh there's a new one there's a new senator mycosis guy you don't live with
00:03:05| the rage every day the latest rage there's a senator who long a girl came
00:03:11| forward and said that she was trying to date he kept trying to date her it was
00:03:16| like pushy he was sexually advanced he was like touchy
00:03:20| he was like whatever so he came out and said whoa yes she was 14 but I had her
00:03:28| parents permission or something this is his argument it's not no I didn't do it
00:03:33| this is a lie it's well I think I did but I had her mom's permission I make
00:03:37| sure they any what these consent and he's fluoride and you still you still a
00:03:40| senator it's the most baffling thing I've ever heard well there's so many
00:03:43| things coming out now about people doing what Oh sexual harassment what's the
00:03:49| south part of a sexual harassment panda I think it is they need to bring that
00:03:54| back just start teaching people right and wrong or black and white but not
00:04:00| like a white people black and white isn't right and wrong right and wrong if
00:04:04| the panda either representing either one hmm
00:04:10| I have a tongue-twister sure hit it hmm I hope all the people under 18 already
00:04:18| turned away it's a little
00:04:21| sexual danger mix that drinks so poorly I was just swallowing that does happen
00:04:31| in real life for a guy with like the weird noise the Gruber slowly pulls back
00:04:38| and disperses see this one a long folks at home that you can say it we will
00:04:47| literally send you a dollar worth of nerds you got to pay for shipping
00:04:52| handling up yeah and they're gonna be stealing the bag or anything loose
00:04:59| someone's on the wind so that okay in a box filled with other peanuts
00:05:05| seven sexy singles slithered look let les last sebaceous Li in the summer see
00:05:16| flip Bhatia's labeija really did some work in this summer see just summer
00:05:24| season sexual it's Beth's say that one sec season out I can't even remember
00:05:33| what it was seven sexy singles slathered slimmer
00:05:38| well there's sunburns asses in the summer see the problem is I can't
00:05:43| visualize it I can kind of see it but then it has too many pieces right you
00:05:49| mean or die camp rails for pronunce yeah maybe that's the hard part is because
00:05:54| you couldn't finish your own I couldn't kind of ruined it before it started
00:06:01| that's like someone playing an instrument and they're like just follow
00:06:04| me and then they screw up pretty weather like we do it better you know what I'm
00:06:09| trying to say is you know still quicker and better yeah once we did our two
00:06:20| we're off the rails we can do remember that each bomb we want so there are some
00:06:23| clarifications from last time oh I want to be God ok so mines pre-baked there
00:06:28| was a there was a that we referenced that really bothered
00:06:32| me because it's so shitty yeah he never said the name of it I don't remember no
00:06:37| I wish I did maybe next time remember the correction intersted oh it was
00:06:42| interstellar there was another one was interstellar the one we never figured
00:06:46| out but there was another one I thought Kevin Costner was ended father do
00:06:50| racemate Waterworld no it wasn't war world I've never
00:06:53| approached me Robin Hood I got his filmography I just keep going
00:07:00| no please do not do that is it you could say any movie he was any plays the same
00:07:06| Carrie he kind of does he plays himself yeah there are a lot of actors like that
00:07:10| and the thing is I'm sick of it because a lot of them sexually harass women yeah
00:07:14| all right yeah time for Spacey get out of the White House needs new blood just
00:07:22| like the other previous presidents I throw people that's right it's move on
00:07:29| this marker smile because mine's not good but it's happy for me I guess yeah
00:07:37| okay mine's pretty boring but it is exciting to me okay that's it so I got
00:07:43| something in the mail today it's this Wow is it a colored piece for your
00:07:49| original oh it's in here but thing that makes it so hasn't fall out no I know no
00:07:53| I've had that it's a hotel yeah don't and on top of that I got
00:07:59| there 130 bucks and I have a scam where I buy best buy insurance for them and if
00:08:06| they don't last two years I get my way back I don't need that spot and have you
00:08:11| ever had a pair of headphones or less than two for years I mean physically
00:08:16| have them in your possession just saying yeah I keep this box you keep every you
00:08:19| can't lose them they can't get like ripped in half as long as they die but
00:08:22| every pair I've ever had dies eventually that's weird
00:08:26| well I've had a pair of headphones died I've had these four oh my god these are
00:08:30| like ten years old yeah but I I'm using this daily users like mine probably get
00:08:35| four hours of use a day six days and your ears are pretty rough pretty shoddy
00:08:40| ears you don't have to listen to crazy
00:08:42| volumes please tell this guy minorities I like it here
00:08:46| okay let me turn the volume up way higher anyway not only did I get them
00:08:54| back I found out that only at Best Buy receipt they are covered so I'm gonna
00:08:58| get free Best Buy money when they die and I got only eight months so they
00:09:01| can't see the last in eight months I just better not lose them
00:09:03| Oh a little thing called a USB C adapter yeah it shouldn't be you know all the
00:09:11| new phones they do that yeah but this lets me plug it in it means Donnell who
00:09:18| needs a tumble I do I'm sure that dongle caught you
00:09:21| it came with the phone but it would usually cost ten to fifteen dollars so
00:09:28| the USBC down low sorry anyway I'm excited I got my dongle back folks
00:09:44| it's getting plowed by a bunch of sweaty guys 14 C kick turns plowing it what
00:10:03| there was a I think it's Netflix cartoon called big mouth and one of the one of
00:10:09| the lady loves to the teenage boy is a pillow so interesting it's a commentary
00:10:16| on the Japanese way food pillow with reversals before that might be actually
00:10:22| they deconstructed the way foo into a regular pillow which is Alexei made it a
00:10:28| character yeah which is sexy you know so I got I got a separate separates marker
00:10:45| smile is not the wave ooh so last week I was sick
00:10:51| so I was home my wife comes home and we have a bath night for the kiddo so
00:10:58| usually the routine is a month right until I can smell him and now so she
00:11:06| jumps in the bathtub I wait 15 minutes I bring him in they do a little bedtime
00:11:10| stuff and then I think she gets out and I jump in and I was sick she didn't need
00:11:15| to get all this stuff off of me and I need to get warmed up because I felt you
00:11:21| cos it's all everything's hanging in your face
00:11:24| so she jumps out and he's sitting in there and I'm just washed him
00:11:28| and I'm about ready to get in do it you got a bathtub poop yeah they're the
00:11:42| worst don't do it did it did it win it when it
00:11:47| happened did it like become impossibly big really like I didn't giving birth to
00:11:53| a baby in water somehow a little bit it's I don't know how to resistance it's
00:11:59| the only um one kid in one bathtub poop and he was around two or so and he never
00:12:05| done it before and all of a sudden he's sitting in air
00:12:07| he hadn't moved for four days and he's got some bubbles going smell like a fart
00:12:11| and I thought that's weird and then just like his impossibly long turn just came
00:12:16| out and I was like oh when I leave oh you're hurt in your urges to grab it and
00:12:22| put it in the toilet but you can't and honestly so well so luckily it wasn't
00:12:27| while she was still in there good lord yeah luckily so I was sitting and I was
00:12:32| sitting there watching looking at it was you know I really want to take a bath so
00:12:36| it was it was a hard one I was deciding get in there did you
00:12:49| I worked I jumped in the bathtub afterwards and podcast officially split
00:13:01| side here it had a real heart dude I'm
00:13:06| talking a rock it was pretty solid he gave some effort on that one he can pull
00:13:11| out like a neutrinos this is the first piece to go I got three pieces of
00:13:19| clothing on today that are coming off one just came off I got this good I feel
00:13:24| so good get that off my chest like a cleave of the steamer because we're on I
00:13:34| never got to put mine in and I have to change subjects because I can't do the
00:13:40| then did his correction I actually made a mistake
00:13:44| in the last episode we were playing and referencing some things and some
00:13:48| villains and some famous villains and we came across Vigo of Carpathia ice I
00:13:55| offhand remarked how he was born in 1506 no right that was way off 15:05 died in
00:14:08| hung stretched disemboweled drawn and quartered incorrect he was poisoned
00:14:15| stabbed shot hung stretched disavowed drawn and quartered okay now I'm gonna
00:14:20| meet a guy 105 know a lot of people know I was getting emails and text alert as
00:14:25| people call me an idiot a moron a jackass it got offensive I had to turn
00:14:31| off my notifications so came clean folks Viggo born 1505 died 1610 not of old age
00:14:40| and poison puffer not sometimes you just stop when you're playing the gate - I
00:14:53| mean we were playing the game really engaged at the time so I do want to I
00:15:10| say a couple things we can do a scenario you have a scenario it's specific to you
00:15:18| okay not bad this one I took it easy on you tonight I figured got a lot of meat
00:15:27| to get into I like to get my teeth in there really just grip that meat just
00:15:31| tear into that meat you know it's just that's what we call them most okay let's
00:15:35| see if this is what okay this is nothing if you had to podcast and do the
00:15:41| untanned errs and I wasn't available but it had to be someone you could
00:15:45| realistically do it with you can't pick Joe Rogan or the President of the United
00:15:49| States or you know if you had to pick someone else who would it be
00:15:56| because I think like like I know Mike you know it's play Mike's in a group
00:16:04| text for the band right text blows up like once every two weeks and we're
00:16:10| really bad like sometimes we won't even respond to each other but then like you
00:16:14| know two three in a row go by you have to respond to a team leader yeah well
00:16:19| just yeah team leader team leader Ryan he's always pushing stuff in there yeah
00:16:24| we lol you throw he's throwing lol out there it's covered you're good for like
00:16:29| six weeks like you don't mean Mike your podcast buddy um you know he's written
00:16:36| anything in the group text in like three months he might be dead for all we know
00:16:39| so then there's like a big one like like pointing so Gavin Harrison played drums
00:16:44| live with King Crimson it's like a really big deal and then you mentioned
00:16:48| in Froggers and he mentioned the drums and I was like oh mike has to respond
00:16:52| here what's he gonna do what's he gonna do he threw up the penis so Emmitt hit a
00:16:58| penis silver like good a time rate and a date you know that was it that's the
00:17:05| only thing I've heard from like in like three months he didn't follow it up but
00:17:09| I know he's alive I just anyway um how would you feel if I told
00:17:15| you me and Mike we're doing a podcast what if we did and we became like pretty
00:17:27| popular people like these guys are just funny
00:17:29| would you actively root against us so what like secret but openly be like okay
00:17:36| themes gonna somehow come back to us this year half of the group maybe what
00:17:43| about left this one oh yeah and he was so hurt I'm not leaving the podcast I
00:17:51| was just empties well if you did a podcast with someone who I knew I'd
00:18:03| openly roofer you guys but then secretly hope it failed miserably at that point
00:18:07| you might as well just combine them make them ah you're trying to get in a lot of
00:18:12| sweet sweet gravy yeah for you is I did the pod is just it doesn't work started
00:18:25| to bring them down guys I really was just seen if you were up or having a
00:18:28| good podcast here and just ruined mm-hmm well I apologize back to the best
00:18:33| podcast on earth yeah anchors and even outside earth cuz radio
00:18:38| waves just they keep going yeah well we don't know if there's a better one
00:18:42| though and they universe them hmm might be tough the aliens might have one
00:18:47| knows I have a scenario for you which is a terrible scenario that happened to a
00:18:54| guy in a movie called 127 hours if you had your limb sorry but he was a cameo
00:19:05| essentially as well I I don't like to in Franco I don't hate him I think do you
00:19:10| think he's I get the impression that he is on the no but he's making she was
00:19:15| he's part of the joke maybe yeah I don't think he's oblivious he thinks he's cool
00:19:20| he thinks he's awesome he's like I think you know those limitations and equal but
00:19:26| I think I think he gets the joke then he is the joke what you don't I mean
00:19:30| mmm-hmm I think I gotta be wrong I could be told
00:19:34| I mean if you been anyway I can I didn't write good one
00:19:38| so I didn't see the movie but I do know the premise was he of assault Eggar
00:19:43| armor i think it's an arm so I think it's he has like a pocket knife I think
00:19:49| to cut through his own arm even the boss at work I would say I think so I think
00:19:58| metal will cut through bone no it will but wouldn't you pass out or lose too
00:20:03| much blood I think he he was there for so long that he passed out and woke up
00:20:07| again and like if you have a tourniquet on it's not gonna kill you
00:20:09| she's gonna be extremely painful and I think the body reacts and shuts you down
00:20:14| no I'm not much of a go-getter I'd probably just die we're just gonna clean
00:20:41| this office um before we pick him up no one wants to see him you got like crust
00:20:47| billions of years you Cassidy the aliens uncover this this it's preserved
00:20:52| perfectly in the strange bluest liquid in carnate you and you're like yeah I
00:20:58| knew that would happen yeah just keep myself alive in these
00:21:02| viscous fluids [Music]
00:21:09| [Laughter] what's his hand on the glass think what
00:21:17| do you want from us they're pretty early it is time for one
00:21:36| of our honored traditions people always stopped me in the street oh my god are
00:21:43| you guys gonna do it again he's gonna do it again I'm always like
00:21:51| is it celebrity challenge man I suppose you have one locked and ready to go dude
00:22:06| james van der beek big hunk early 90s Hilary Duff the star from the 90s what
00:22:14| if the both of them did a little something against us called the best
00:22:17| bucket challenge huh it's an all-night event we just fill up
00:22:23| a quarter ourselves of liquid no.1 line and whoever we can get there first
00:22:35| well okay I thought of that and I thought it might not be row because I
00:22:40| want to do it at YMCA cuz I think we should raise money for kids it's so I
00:22:45| say it's no no we're raising money not piss
00:22:50| raising pets but if it was too inappropriate because of all the
00:22:55| children that we're gonna ask to attend I'm talking like age five seven nine
00:23:00| everybody won all the camp I want the kids to come together underprivileged
00:23:04| kids only raise money I thought the piss bucket challenge didn't work we could do
00:23:09| solo cup stacking it's that yeah I'm just gonna go with
00:23:14| accuracy but you picked a man and a woman so I think that's not there yeah
00:23:20| so let's do solo cup stacking I know I'm gonna bring my celebrity challenge to
00:23:27| the mix I don't see how it compares because I want to challenge hailey Joe
00:23:33| Osmond and Macaulay Culkin yeah keeps goodnight my kid okay
00:23:51| the podcast but till now in the future I'm just go up say goodnight you tell
00:23:55| them the celebrity on make joke about me everything
00:24:01| this disruptive thing going on can't get his shit together I'm an hour behind him
00:24:08| and I don't have any of these issues I know how to control my family so they go
00:24:14| to sleep when I need him to it's called drugs very useful very useful no I
00:24:20| wouldn't do that sure his son is up there jump it on the bed
00:24:26| pretending about to fall asleep oh no what if they get older and they're just
00:24:32| unwieldy my son in the next room is gonna wake up and I won't be able to do
00:24:36| anything they'll be knocking on the door they'll be the same scenario except
00:24:40| there's no wife or girlfriend involved I'll just be him not to put a lock on
00:24:46| the door keep them in his bedroom it's gonna be weird so everybody doing
00:24:54| tonight feel pretty good last podcast we didn't really talk that much playing
00:24:59| destiny - you should check it out I think it's a pretty interesting game but
00:25:03| first uh first eight hours or so don't make any sense
00:25:07| there's a storyline that doesn't I don't care about and make you wait to do
00:25:12| things that are entertaining she's boring
00:25:15| but when you do finish it's pretty fantastic it starts to hide bugs and it
00:25:20| gets his ramps up we're gonna do another episode after this one tonight hope to
00:25:26| see you again here on the unpainted and I think I successfully filled the void
00:25:30| that Nick has left in the wake of his child waking up in the middle of the
00:25:35| podcast he's sick so you know he's asking for his father I'm his favorite
00:25:41| person in the world and wonderful you know it's pretty easy being the favorite
00:25:45| parent I don't know it's not it's all the time involved love life and out of
00:25:54| you - pretty hard where's your celebrity challenge any good yes Haley Joel okay
00:26:04| did you tell her well I didn't tell everybody share it with you you have to
00:26:07| give me a thank you Wow I thought I was gonna be in the dark
00:26:13| name is great Oh live look at ya and Macaulay Culkin aiyo I'm challenging
00:26:25| them to paint a picture of the happiest moment in their life and then we're
00:26:30| gonna judge who's happier wait who was happier a judgment was happier so based
00:26:37| on their current self and the picture that they painted whoever was happier
00:26:41| back then they're gonna win I guess that's pretty good draw a more happy
00:26:47| representation of everything you know bright yellow Sun mana they'll be
00:26:52| standing next to their painting looking depressed sad that their acting careers
00:26:56| from now sad bearded you know those guys that was a buku money I'm pretty sure
00:27:03| they both I mean how do you not know I'll put in like a trust fund they don't
00:27:07| touch and then blow on cocaine and hookers when you get of age maybe have
00:27:16| fun while many famous comedians Dave Chappelle pretty sure yeah that's
00:27:26| probably what happened it will we won't know for sure do you have a word of the
00:27:32| day which will lead us to the next thing Oh decimation I do have the word of the
00:27:36| day okay so decimate so that's like
00:27:40| destroying a lot of people right I said I said this in our last podcast yeah
00:27:44| yeah didn't think the term ladies attorneys didn't demolish decimate look
00:27:51| back on the tape I'm gonna use this as clarification
00:27:53| right now he didn't as you said tomorrow so decimate is literally that you take
00:27:58| every tenth person and you kill them really because it's a yeah it's a
00:28:04| decimal dessa Desa certified estimating a
00:28:06| population you're just like having all of you the people your conquered every
00:28:10| tenth person years ago you're number ten you're done
00:28:15| it's pretty dark yeah yeah the darkest part is that like the Mongols would do
00:28:19| something much much more awful by eating the person - really so I has a pert as a
00:28:26| people I would not like to be decimated that stuff my word was way way just as
00:28:37| dark but not as depressing darker again grew what he again grew what what he
00:28:49| again Grove define it please could use it a sentence yes it is the what happens
00:28:56| to your eyes when you're in a bright room and you hit the light switch and it
00:29:00| goes black and you know there's that gray Paul that falls over everything
00:29:04| before it goes completely black yeah yes yeah eating gay room Wow research did
00:29:15| cuz it's like a look at the gray wall he's still running it's like a flash and
00:29:21| then it turns dark again so that was interesting
00:29:25| I'm call duty they're the flashbangs and you know I've never been flashbang so I
00:29:30| don't know how it feels blinking for the teenagers often have
00:29:35| flash mobs to show up at your house and give you what's referred to as a
00:29:41| flashbang is that gonna be a thing in the future we're all gonna meet up at
00:29:47| so-and-so's house we're gonna flash bang in the prize party inappropriately
00:30:01| sexual tag groping but I wonder like the video game producers like did they just
00:30:18| guess or were they actually flash banged and like put that into a video game it's
00:30:21| like this is entirely accurate because I was flash Bank any of those army games
00:30:25| they call an army experts because anything
00:30:27| - do humans they made the mp5 wrong in a million nerds across the world yeah or
00:30:36| like can you imagine you know the people that slack off the guns you know they'd
00:30:45| be freaking out right then for the record if you were donating money and
00:30:50| you whack off the guns that's cool if you're not donating money back off the
00:30:55| guy Oh hit me like a wall of sound but it was a wall of visualization
00:31:10| synesthesia right there oh boy what is color what is color the colors of photon
00:31:21| so it's like a wavelength of light no that's that's like yeah it is light so
00:31:27| different wavelengths give you different colors but what's color hmm if you were
00:31:34| like this scientific the one that I've always heard in the physics class is
00:31:37| that the colors that you see or the opposite of what you're actually it like
00:31:41| the item contains it's like the reflection of a reflection what color
00:31:45| what frequency is reflected off Daniel yeah because everything else was
00:31:49| absorbed here's a real crazy question what is it about all strawberries that
00:31:54| they reflect red light pink are they coordinating and that pigment it only it
00:32:03| always reflects that light like why I have no idea I didn't get that far I'm
00:32:10| really curious I just thought of it because I did my research and I didn't
00:32:14| come across this and every strawberry isn't like born with like these pigments
00:32:19| and all of these pigments are inherently reflect the red light
00:32:23| whatever this pigment is red pigment I guess we would call it might be like for
00:32:28| birds to eat their seeds so that they spread like a certain type of bird is
00:32:31| associated with us I guess well my question becomes does do all red
00:32:35| pigments always reflect red light and is there a signifier on them like
00:32:39| how did they how does one reflect certain lights but not others
00:32:44| what is the reflecting lake process does anyone know that's a question for our
00:32:51| future clarifications I guess we'll get into it oh I hope so what happens on the
00:32:58| microscopic level I can't figure it out is it the shape of the object so that
00:33:03| only the frequency goes in there and bounces off at a different angle
00:33:08| I don't do that like this experiment with this like maybe there's a certain
00:33:14| slice splits or you know atoms or shapes you know that only bounce back certain
00:33:18| colors others were able to bounce through you can see right so maybe it's
00:33:24| too small for other frequencies weird well before we get too deep into color
00:33:29| which we just did without giving you answers sure you know what the favorite
00:33:34| color is if they did a study in 2009 unlike a hex something hex I guess for
00:33:41| color like the tax code Oh like the favorite color picked on like a website
00:33:46| well they did this study so I don't know what their qualifications were in 2009
00:33:51| or how accurate it was but I did like the results the favorite color is
00:33:56| drumroll the green blue pink blue and this forty percent alright cuz no one
00:34:04| wakes you up that's like one of the most vibrant colors not according to my
00:34:11| research violet oh well no no well do you know what the least favorite color
00:34:17| is oh yeah I enjoyed ocean blue but robin's egg blue was leaning down down
00:34:30| on my list yeah they just did the primary colors and purple came in last
00:34:34| blue came in first that's odd they're like the same color practically thanked
00:34:39| purple is too much energy so people like they can't look at it purple like
00:34:42| purposely purposely purple if they discuss this in the last actual episode
00:34:48| or what we were playing together well a lot alike
00:34:52| yeah nice one a pic cuz a little flash of purple wakes you up because it's got
00:34:56| the most energy in it well what I found the best description of color was please
00:35:09| be poetic I was trying to but like the definitions all had the word color in
00:35:15| them for color and then colors so that people it's it funny that like colors
00:35:22| aren't there's no simple way to describe what a color is it gets like immediately
00:35:26| scientific it's like photons and wavelengths and like right but even then
00:35:30| I feel like we didn't get a real answer it's true like we don't even understand
00:35:35| it really and I know we went into this thinking aw hell is my red your red like
00:35:44| that type thing the whole blade argument the same thing my mom always says like
00:35:47| the green that she sees is my like light green like bluish color and we always
00:35:53| argue like no this folder is this color well across so you would always think
00:36:00| blood is red which is a Sinclairs a strawberry what you said which is red
00:36:05| depends example because it's blue she's great outside your body if I cut myself
00:36:13| and we all saw the color we would all say that's the color red after it gets
00:36:19| oxidant oxygenated yes Jesus Christ yeah when it's out of your body yeah
00:36:25| you've never seen mass amounts of blood look we all see this part of this thing
00:36:30| right here it's right right let me prove it to you I'll just wish Lots this is
00:36:38| red right this is all right keep going we all see it but my brain might be
00:36:43| seeing what your brain sees is blue or great why not thank you works that
00:36:51| way it does no one knows what the hell my brain is actually seeing all I know
00:36:56| is it's consistent across the board this is the same colors blood it's the same
00:37:00| color strawberries it's the same color as all these other things whether it's
00:37:04| the color you're seeing or not it's the argument it's it's for people the colors
00:37:10| colorblind yeah I would say colorblind or caller color limited it's like their
00:37:14| spectrum is shifted or it's I guess if it's shifted it could be the different
00:37:18| color but most of the time is like shrunken don't they usually have one
00:37:21| damaged cone whatever well their color can receptors is not working for it
00:37:26| quite as well I thought it was a lack of color cone but it could be a lot of
00:37:31| different things I mean it could be a mix what's the name of the glasses there
00:37:42| we go improper glasses you know those are colors color color
00:37:48| fixing glasses yeah so people that are colour-blind in a certain way they can
00:37:54| put on these glasses and then it like spreads out the spectrum so I guess it
00:37:57| blocks the other colors that would make them see gray and it only gives a bridal
00:38:02| window that then spreads out and they can see colors again wearing these
00:38:05| glasses I've seen like YouTube videos of people walking around like a home depot
00:38:10| and being like they start laughing because the colors are so ridiculous
00:38:14| like like oranges and purples they're like this color doesn't this is
00:38:17| ridiculous like this can't be this can't be a color and like yeah it is like
00:38:23| interesting whoa it does Rimini Rimini to me it remained to me so I played
00:38:34| hockey with one of my best friends Dan not the weird one and not this one a
00:38:39| third Dan in college yeah the other Dan third day and uh I played hockey with
00:38:48| like two years and uh he was one of my best friends we used to try pop together
00:38:53| we would we started taking classes together we do lunch together we get
00:38:56| drunk together like you were best buds so it's like
00:38:59| two years later and we're playing Citigroup or something and their
00:39:04| uniforms were great that green black in our uniforms were the drunken clamps
00:39:09| we're red and black and we had the drunken clam symbol and I was like we're
00:39:14| always online together so like we're like best mods like yeah I mean he was
00:39:17| colorblind yeah and he goes he goes it's just so hard to tell everybody it's
00:39:25| bright green and bright red and he's like yeah I'm colorblind
00:39:28| and I was like like one of those things were your whole life flashes before your
00:39:34| eyes I was like I never knew and it did strike me as odd that he always dressed
00:39:39| like an a-hole but I dressed like an a-hole I was like oh my god maybe maybe
00:39:44| he didn't just come anyway that was crazy and I was like so all you see and
00:39:51| then I would like start asking more questions like what do you see here and
00:39:54| he's like it just kind of like great writer and he really mumble off I was
00:39:58| like the plains bullets became like a tour yes huh I haven't liked Jersey
00:40:08| sometimes look the same like you'll have like the one guy who wears a different
00:40:11| Jersey and then you're just like what wearing different jerseys during a game
00:40:14| that's ridiculous that's me all oh yeah or they wear like pants or like a helmet
00:40:18| that's like the same for yours and you you see that glimpse of color and you
00:40:22| think it's your own teammate I have a red hockey helmet okay do they
00:40:26| pass the puck to you you get more oh no it's like the most recognizable
00:40:33| color so I guess like no one wants to pass to me no boy that jackass yeah my
00:40:40| sister got it for me in Canada as like a joke because it was like 10 bucks cuz no
00:40:45| one want red helmet was looking to its kid whatever pile
00:40:49| oh no this is a big dome but uh yeah I started wearing it with my green outfit
00:40:56| with my orange obviouly it didn't matter what color of my uniform was those or my
00:40:59| red helmets is being able you ever wonder what percentage of the population
00:41:04| is like males have a higher percentage of being colorblind than FEMA they do
00:41:09| because the color receptors are on the X crumb cake yeah I did do that I read it
00:41:16| was one percent is it true females less than one percent okay what is it for
00:41:21| males maybe it uh I didn't look at the I didn't actually didn't look as a source
00:41:24| to tell it was real it was like five percent that makes sense cuz miry
00:41:31| percent if I read for people it's 1% then 20.2% for 58 females and then five
00:41:39| percent for males wouldn't people almost want percent right I have no idea what
00:41:43| your math is 20 20 percent what do you talk about 0.2 percent 2% point is the
00:41:49| point you said less than yeah yeah they said less than one percent of females
00:41:52| right yeah could be two percent mm-hmm you add it with the males which would be
00:41:57| five percent and they need to buy by two is what hi
00:42:01| what are you but that I mean I think it's kind of weird that a male would be
00:42:05| like if you think about there okay so there's I heard I heard the story on
00:42:11| I'll say Joker Joe Rogan podcast you're talking about I think he's gonna leave
00:42:18| my podcast for that podcast yeah just us us were you I would do it
00:42:28| hey Joe Rogan looks someone from Texas area named Dan in a podcast can't bring
00:42:36| their other podcast me I need to do it Monday and Thursday
00:42:43| oh yeah something came up you wouldn't even tell me who it was you'd be like I
00:42:47| just a busy who's real busy but he was talking about moths and he's talking
00:42:53| about how like genetic diversity so in London they had this one type of MOSFET
00:42:59| was boy the smoke okay go yeah and the smog started to cover the trees which
00:43:03| they would hide on in this is what I mean
00:43:10| smog know what's the residue left by a smog it's not that's mud but that's smog
00:43:20| and soot slide the old smut tree you can just walk up to that tree
00:43:26| and put on one of Pappy's old playboys this mutt that tree yeah that should be
00:43:32| covered in pornography is what trees used to be white and then racial
00:43:41| diversity got came in very diverse prizes for sure the dirt on the tree it
00:43:56| made it gray so these moms didn't have any were hide so the white moms got
00:43:59| eaten by all the birds but in their own like bio diversity there were some that
00:44:05| were already gray so like they had already evolved into a different type of
00:44:09| moth so then that gray moth existed as that moth from then on because it was
00:44:15| different than all the other moms the only one that survived that it had lots
00:44:18| and lots of moth cloud essentially right you'd be the only male moth and like a
00:44:26| time for flash bang so so there was something interesting I really thought
00:44:37| you'd come across that you did it oh yeah with Amy baby did you hear
00:44:42| monkeys can see the blue cone a vision and the green kind of vision which
00:44:48| allows them for most of the middle light sensation Seneca it goes from like
00:44:52| yellow to green to blue to purple they could say red orange yellow green blue
00:44:57| red red orange red and orange or ripped off they don't get ripped to low right
00:45:03| so in the whole spectrum of like gamma rays x-rays UV that are they get even
00:45:08| less than us less than so they can't see anything okay they see less than us
00:45:12| there's like reds and there's another color and orange
00:45:16| I forget what the other color balls anyway I think kind of see yellow
00:45:21| regardless there's colors I can't say it's less colors and we can say it's
00:45:24| like four colors I can say they did an experiment in 2009 were they injected a
00:45:30| virus into these monkeys it was man-made virus I thought this is crazy for 2009
00:45:36| the virus would then attack things in their eyes
00:45:40| they're cones and it would have plant a red gene into the green cones they were
00:45:49| trying to see if they could change the vision so I took away the middle range
00:45:52| and just give them reds and blues well not all of them it would only attack
00:45:56| some of their icons so that so that now they had like these extra cones that
00:46:01| were working for a red which they had never had before the reason they can
00:46:04| tell worked it literally worked is they would do this experiment with the red
00:46:08| dot on a gray background in the monkeys wouldn't be able to see it but it the
00:46:11| monkeys they infected after a few weeks they would show him the red diamond
00:46:15| lucky would be able to track it find it so hey that's insane that they said that
00:46:23| the monkey's brain didn't have to do anything
00:46:25| mentally no it was already wired to see it it just didn't have the physical
00:46:29| capabilities for it they were very surprised they were like it just picked
00:46:33| up like it was a whole new color they just added a color in monkey was like
00:46:35| okay I can see a new color so then they thought maybe this will be able to help
00:46:41| people were color blind people have colorblind issues and they think they
00:46:46| might be able to add UV cones and a half like bad huh happiness would be what
00:46:55| would you see like that's the craziest thing is like you don't know what you
00:46:57| would see would that mean like nighttime would look cool
00:47:03| let's go file it I'm trying to motel rooms would become very creepy all of a
00:47:08| sudden yeah but what subways buses that'd be a whole new phobia you
00:47:32| wouldn't be able to move yeah you know that is right chroma phobia it's a fear
00:47:40| of colors or a certain color is that even your case yeah often times it's
00:47:47| associated with a traumatic event though like if you're raped in a red by a red
00:47:51| clown probably but why somebody bleed out covered in
00:47:56| red I guess that uh huh or in your case blood isn't always red
00:48:01| go with the oxygen I know no one you see it who's looking at blue blood where do
00:48:11| you see blue blood are you cutting people open and right before the oxygen
00:48:15| hits your YouTube account I'm not doing it whatever it is you can
00:48:24| plug it out there lots of blood because I've never watched a video I just heard
00:48:28| this real quick speaking of plugs something came in this
00:48:35| week oh really so I got my brand new pixel I sell -
00:48:38| it's gorgeous it's kind of six individual no one can even I can't even
00:48:44| explain help you light reflecting off of your eyes on this is the front of it
00:48:50| it's great it's very walkthrough language I know where you're going I
00:49:01| didn't know this is gonna happen guy anyway I love its gorgeous camera super
00:49:19| crazy battery life usually I can call a battery because a internet loser but um
00:49:25| sing last forever and it's it's gorgeous it's not as blue as everyone says that's
00:49:31| bullcrap a fingerprint sensor is awesome it's it's awesome phone so I went and
00:49:38| got something for it a D brand skin they're the finest skins you can buy on
00:49:44| the entire internet type in D brand skins use coupon code after yourself but
00:49:49| you have to spell it out I'm not gonna put it on the anyway music okay no no F
00:49:54| word F here so okay and then at the end put on Pandora's
00:49:59| calm okay 1% off but anyway go there tell them we sent
00:50:04| you and they get these skins that are like it's
00:50:08| like a whole you know I know you started to see it I was trying to it's teaser
00:50:12| I'm gonna let you see it in the end dude that's the Google order can you protect
00:50:20| your phone at all no no I have a case for it too this just makes it look cool
00:50:23| like I have like they've all the green link read it I like it dude it's it
00:50:29| feels a little grippy as it keeps like the underneath safe from scratches and
00:50:34| stuff and like I guess whatever I mean I have a Cretaceous then G is so awesome
00:50:42| no but I love that yeah and you can pick what color anything is like I could have
00:50:48| gotten whatever I also have an orange thing and an orange g4 when the Flyers
00:50:52| are hot in the playoffs in this which oh well right now it's Eagles dude
00:50:56| so get yourself a deep breath today tell me up Anders sent you use coupon code
00:51:02| after yourself and on panders dot-com you might be able get one percent off I
00:51:06| haven't discussed all the all the logistics try it just give it a shot
00:51:11| folks that seems a beaut she's a beaut are you planning to go to a game or
00:51:16| tailgate and you're gonna whip out your phone and say hey let's check out the
00:51:19| stats on and be like slowly show them the colors on the back side everyone
00:51:25| pushing each other out of the way I gotta see that phone skinned man that's
00:51:31| what you hear it a lot of tailgates but really I do take that phones again
00:51:35| it's pretty cool yeah I can pick whatever color I could've picked white
00:51:38| metallic they have wood a little different student stuff but I just
00:51:41| just keep it black and a little accent color will green pop pop pop that Mike I
00:51:52| hope we pop the mic folks that's we're trying to do in here is so it's back to
00:51:59| colors where we were where we were well how's the episode goes Oh check out my
00:52:10| background folks oh right there that coincidence
00:52:17| well anymore friggin Ellie there's everywhere I look it's like colors
00:52:24| they're popping I don't do hmm so my question is go for in the past
00:52:32| like like what are those blocks made of like what kind of color do you think
00:52:36| like where do they get that color where does it come from
00:52:39| well it's plastic is it a code yes sort of dye
00:52:44| this is code it's like they make the block at a place it was the whole block
00:52:48| that red plastic is red I know blue so it's so it's in plastic ink process yeah
00:52:54| this problem ah yeah and I think the dyes come from like natural things like
00:52:57| there are certain roots of trees and plants ex-con now as I was the numbers
00:53:02| only if they say red dye number five or whatever I think that probably does does
00:53:06| because it's a universal right more red dye number five it's made of the same
00:53:10| basic reading whatever it is whether it's a tree food or whatever yeah
00:53:14| clarity well I got certain points in history they probably didn't have
00:53:18| certain colors right because they didn't just have they didn't have the materials
00:53:22| to make that color like Sharon Williams Sherman Williams before Sherman Williams
00:53:28| existed I mean that's possible like there's I remember going to think it was
00:53:37| right outside like the Sistine Chapel and they had so I think they allowed you
00:53:43| to walk through the halls but they protected this one painting is a little
00:53:48| mural of tiles on the floor because it was made of blue and who at the time was
00:53:53| like extremely illegal it was illegal to use if you were a licensed painter yeah
00:53:59| I know this and you know who they reserved it for Michelangelo well he was
00:54:05| of course famous do you know he also had to be drawing a famous subject oh really
00:54:09| you couldn't use blue for anything religious unless it was Jesus or Mary is
00:54:14| that crazy that's why you see Mary's like blue is hell yeah she's the first
00:54:18| person who used blue people in she got she got so blue that Mary she's left and
00:54:25| right blew and blew and blew it but seriously that's why you got your
00:54:30| a lot of blue for like a month like and you better use it for Mary or Jesus
00:54:33| because should know just put it on Peters like rope random Roman in the
00:54:43| background okay I don't don't do it the interesting was it difficult to get
00:54:49| blue is it still it's not like just like a thing that you can just like make it's
00:54:55| actually made from and this is this is googling silica lime copper and alkali
00:55:02| and then you heat it you have to heat it to I'm gonna use the English units
00:55:07| almost fifteen thousand degrees Fahrenheit save to get to a ridiculous
00:55:13| that's wrong its way wrong it's that's what says fifteen thousand
00:55:18| or 1500 1500 sorry okay I believe 300 you said 15,000 I did I'm drunk but yeah
00:55:32| like it combines a whole bunch of different things and like the Blues are
00:55:36| extremely rare interesting I knew they're rare I didn't
00:55:40| know why it's the same thing with purples like royalty yeah where are
00:55:43| these like cloaks I think it was the one of those like Persians the Persians
00:55:48| figured out that if you take certain crustacean shells and mash them up and
00:55:52| then do the same thing you heat them up in a certain way in a certain fashion
00:55:56| you get purple out of them and then you could dye cloaks and purple and then
00:56:00| they give them to the royalty because it was so only reserved for royalty that's
00:56:04| very interesting make sense though well Royals bluebloods it's all very fine and
00:56:13| dandy the Blues the Purple's of the spectrum do you know there's actually
00:56:18| two colors that make you hungry in combination red and think of every
00:56:25| fast-food logo you've ever seen yellow yep
00:56:28| red and yellow Burger King I was thinking I think all of my food Wendy's
00:56:32| Burger King McDonald's chick-fil-a chick-fil-a all of them I think
00:56:41| Arby's might even be Hardys I think is Dairy Queen very clean
00:56:46| is and Carl's jr. I think it's ready yeah he gets red and yellow yeah I think
00:56:51| they're already all dude type in red and yellow best food something are they all
00:56:57| there I just want to then just type in red and yellow
00:57:02| that's jr. all right bright yellow storm yeah see right as line of text I never
00:57:09| notice that toll today yeah and I actually I don't believe it either but I
00:57:19| feel like if there's a point one of a point one percent chance they might as
00:57:24| well do it I guess right yeah it's interesting that it's the opposite side
00:57:27| of the spectrum though because like it's not games this out I'll write you up
00:57:33| well check this out um apparently the first color you see is red because as
00:57:38| your eyes are just into the real world it's the easiest wavelength because the
00:57:42| they say that for sure first thing good thing or in in emergency situations
00:57:51| everything's red because your eyes can adjust quickly to a change in color Oh
00:57:55| interesting I know but that would also makes sense
00:57:58| why it's a food color because if it's your most primitive color plus the next
00:58:04| color that contrasts that color because red and orange wouldn't contrast much
00:58:08| but red yellow does and they're your first three colors right yeah yeah I
00:58:13| guess so what you did uh-huh interesting weird we're just discovering things left
00:58:22| and right but did you know unlike what you're saying
00:58:25| well not unlike what you're saying they found that um blue results mostly in a
00:58:32| calm state of mind and most people focused it could be I was gonna come for
00:58:39| a reason and red orange and yellow are usually associated with excitement so
00:58:46| like we're in nature do you find these colors as therefore that's well that's
00:58:49| why they say it's done this way they think it has to do with the ninth day
00:58:53| life cycle mm-hmm that our color or scepters started way back like before
00:58:59| humans and our eyes and all that it was just animals and creatures and anything
00:59:04| with any kind of visual stimulant with notice different sweet night or a time
00:59:08| of dormancy and calm and day a time when life would happen did you know most
00:59:13| plants and things tend to photosynthesize better and yellow light
00:59:16| they just do its when they're more active that's interesting just
00:59:22| interesting stuff and what it does is in humans it binds to something called
00:59:26| melanopsin in our bodies well melih like I guess son respecting sin Pisan penis
00:59:39| penis penis anyway but it uh these these all once it hits melanopsin it breaks it
00:59:49| down into what colors I guess the active colors are not active colors and it
00:59:52| attaches it affects our circadian rhythm like it has nothing to do with our
00:59:57| feelings or anything and like be like man this makes me feel awake it
01:00:01| literally goes by Pez Irving and it actually affects the way you you feel
01:00:07| awake alive asleep dead tired all that song well that was interesting
01:00:12| that's like almost every bit of game like clash clans does it the worst is
01:00:16| that your background is all green and bright so it wakes you up
01:00:20| I guess playing it last night a little bit then I was like man I'm a hard time
01:00:23| going to sleep flashes all the greens like a white cloud
01:00:27| I give us like almost as bad as looking at like a bright blue sky thinking it
01:00:31| was middle of the day hmm that's Vegas though so let the pumps and
01:00:36| all that light and sound yeah yeah Paris hotel but they have like the the
01:00:45| skylight that makes it so it looks like it's daylight Oh interesting
01:00:49| no I make sense though more like the neons wake you up well here's an
01:00:55| interesting fact that doesn't have as much to do with color so much is the
01:00:58| English spelling of the word color I wish trust the ones that are with the
01:01:03| you mm-hmm so English or British do you know why we have different
01:01:11| spelling than them in these words an honor
01:01:14| clubber did a little digging my friend mr. Webster had everything to do with it
01:01:21| really good it started with the word color I love
01:01:27| calling it calor when I see the UN it cuz I that's how
01:01:30| British people should say what color do you think yeah you might I'm not sure if
01:01:35| that's good British it could be um let's see
01:01:42| he claimed that by taking the you out of a lot of these words he can save
01:01:47| Americans dollars that's a printing press Oh
01:01:51| so he was taken out right he said it would cut down on one sixteenth of a
01:02:01| well he was he was going with overall typing all these words what's really
01:02:09| interesting is we accepted him so we think he did it with like 20 or 30 words
01:02:15| their words he suggested we do it with that were not accepted like he tried it
01:02:22| it took him 28 years to write the first dictionary which i think is ridiculous
01:02:26| it's just 28 years of your life yeah well he he he damn well me may you damn
01:02:33| well may better get his name on the damn thing then at that point for the next
01:02:38| you know you there's like a competitor there this is like I'm not gonna waste
01:02:42| time areum's what's this Merriam's bump it in there
01:02:45| all you look like a dude anyway what's real funny is he tried to take the e out
01:02:55| of the end of a lot of words like doctrine take that yeah
01:03:00| discipline take the e out medicine take the e oh it looks so funny without it
01:03:04| the funniest one I thought was um he wanted ache like yo Van Aken pain acat
01:03:10| he was like snot a ke and they were like ya know
01:03:16| another one was tongue you always felt tongue
01:03:21| like get rid of all the letters just T when G a good idea like the Asian
01:03:26| countries use that kind of logic right yeah that's what I would think he's done
01:03:31| women W I and II and and a whole lot it's more letters that way to what was
01:03:41| he talking about he cut up to a and whether o to be cool with that that was
01:03:47| the grandest wet her is a oh it's a thing it's a castrated bull I think some
01:03:57| castrate that bull fam so the last one I saw with made me laugh and I I don't
01:04:03| know why babies I don't even know why he wanted us to change the spelling of soup
01:04:09| s o o P baby would you change morning I don't dude he didn't most of it was
01:04:20| accumulated some of them was maybe they said it was political he's been 28 years
01:04:24| making a dictionary he's very particular about certain words like I just don't
01:04:29| and they said they said it was very political to like and to do was the
01:04:33| climate at the time which I didn't do that kind of research but you know I
01:04:37| mean like really yeah and I get you know like words become like people like Josh
01:04:43| like you broke his back what say you I think he just hated be you you know I
01:04:56| mean it really just tries to cut out the alphabet some useless sliders like an ex
01:05:03| could probably get rid of bleep regular Rosie's we throw it like Zenith Xena
01:05:07| Xena poems oenophile xylophone Inc x-ray comes like eight words yeah
01:05:15| like why do you even need that at that point I don't know
01:05:22| not to leave color because I think we had a great episode but I have a sad
01:05:27| story about a friend of mine Oh No dil Dan friend of the popkins yeah he's
01:05:35| been getting real big in the anime I see over the phone I don't even know what
01:05:43| half these things are manga and Thai there's something called war he's into
01:05:51| now what are the differences between those I don't know I really didn't do
01:05:55| the research for the podcast I'm afraid my search history we flagged I don't
01:05:58| even know anyway it gets a little weird so he's not supposed to look at this his
01:06:03| girlfriend whatever doesn't she frowns on this sort of stuff
01:06:07| I get it I would - it's kind of weird well in this culture he wants physical
01:06:13| copies instead of digital copies well can't get him sent to his house she'll
01:06:18| find it that's ridiculous so so he got a bunch of magazines DVDs
01:06:25| and stuff sent to his parents house where he gonna see pick it up once a
01:06:29| week whatever no big deal except that his dad has the same first name as him
01:06:37| so he got this Sailor Moon let me see if I got this
01:06:40| right high school full moon cheer squad it's like Sailor Moon but a pornography
01:06:48| since real embarrassing he got it sent to their house and his
01:06:54| dad thought it was his I know but they just say fireworks back with a cease and
01:07:08| desist from his own parents don't Dan's not welcome at home anymore well folks
01:07:14| please stop sending us don't want to punch it out with a pole so we're hoping
01:07:20| the best for vauban we'll do anything to help him except accept any physical
01:07:27| packages yeah that's a no-go for me boss yeah
01:07:32| and you know his girlfriend isn't gonna give any physical packages his own way I
01:07:44| think it was the plan the whole time like his life will find a way and real
01:07:56| quick kinda bring us the full closure we do do quotes from the ether yeah on our
01:08:05| list I think is like three episodes ago comment no I mean did he do it again no
01:08:17| no this is someone entirely different which Hey we applaud anyone was to check
01:08:21| out the website we want to post in our comments will dress anything and
01:08:24| anything nothing's off-limits we respect all people all opinions and we're here
01:08:31| to listen to it so keV 4/20 nugs with a Z hey this channel is for redacted
01:08:41| f-word no more gay people we don't use here if you came here for some real fine
01:08:47| redacted this is a word for vagina we don't use hair pins we'll take ya
01:08:51| come over to my channel and there's a link here I'm not gonna say the link
01:08:57| because I don't want to lose any traffic at tinyurl it was it's a URL we have to
01:09:03| click on to find out I mean anyone to click on it that's fine with us
01:09:07| we're equal opportunities here yeah but we'd like to say it it keV 420 nugs why
01:09:14| don't you give our episode a couple more shots maybe check up on more maybe you
01:09:20| like it you might just enjoy it it's all I'm saying keV 420 notes
01:09:36| god that rubs it okay yeah I think that's about it you can check us out on
01:09:40| the social we have a patreon you have a website up there on panders comm we got
01:09:46| it all Mazal use it all yeah myspace - that's base we're coming back from the
01:09:59| past right in the future so the only thing we didn't talk about was why
01:10:13| people have different skin color which is controversial but only has to do with
01:10:19| vitamin D yeah didn't think it was controversial it's really simple
01:10:24| actually and that's all I had to say [Laughter]
01:10:30| thank you yeah thank you Dan and he really wrote it down for us nice plug
01:10:36| good plug you know folks hmm we do we do like it I like your
01:10:44| folks I we and then we'll you we like yeah you
01:10:52| like it thanks for listening

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