The UnPanderers: Transcript of Episode 20 - Destiny 2 - Nightfall Fail

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Transcript of Episode 20 - Destiny 2 - Nightfall Fail

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 20 - Destiny 2 - Nightfall Fail
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00:00:00| back and I'm Dan and that's next we're back one fenders mean we're 21 older we
00:00:10| I don't know mm-hmm they know us and wait and hear the punchline last episode
00:00:15| reminded uh bought speakers with flex after not doing it for years and you
00:00:21| guys had been doing it for years so he copied what you did oh he was supposed
00:00:25| to buy food and like books with it and he bought these speakers for his desktop
00:00:29| like what did he go hungry that was our dinner if he had more Robin
00:00:37| ramen ramen Robin so he had no meat for like three months
00:00:43| he'd be like Oliver I'm getting gruel hoping for more no he ain't planning
00:00:50| that son-of-a-gun did he still rowboats in college they used to do that did you
00:00:56| still wake up with like 4 a.m. now it's that time it's almost a list running
00:01:03| like running is so boring it's like you're the fastest runner it's like why
00:01:09| the walking but a little quicker we can all do it buddy
00:01:14| you just did it longer I don't think we could buy anything with I think was a
00:01:22| different money like our bookstore had different money okay it makes us it's
00:01:26| such a racket though it's like tuition it's like 20 grand and then room and
00:01:30| board is like another like grand or something bullshit all right it's really
00:01:34| go comes with a plan where you eat this crappy food for like 10 bucks a plate
00:01:39| wait - how many um had your lunch plan work like did you have to buy either a
00:01:47| you could you pick yeah I think it was like three meals a day you could you
00:01:50| could do that - whatever 21 a week and then you all you can eat I guess they're
00:01:55| also that way yeah but what's ridiculous is I want to say when we broke it down I
00:02:00| use it like six times a week well you were on so when we were on in
00:02:07| the dorms we're directly next to where it like directly connects - yeah we were
00:02:12| for the first year and the second year we were near
00:02:15| one not real close not real far and the third year we moved off and ruined
00:02:21| rental property oh man I will say this I'll say this for the podcast was it two
00:02:30| or five Ray Street oh my god how am i forget my address it's a better address
00:02:33| man they could look that shit up I don't care it's over I did it I paid my cries
00:02:38| oh they we rented from a gentleman who never rented he rented to three college
00:02:48| kids like a woman and two men and they had to have been grown adults because
00:02:52| they brought their own decorations pictures of themselves there was like a
00:02:56| wooden dowel or a staircase they had pillow covers they had it was ridiculous
00:03:01| it was like a real person's house so that was his experience with college
00:03:04| students and then he rented for the four of us and he was like yeah just uh don't
00:03:10| have any burgers wrappers in the backyard or nothing right and we were
00:03:14| like yeah no burger wrappers Lille innocuous yeah and it was just
00:03:17| real weird he was like I'll do the lawn once a month or so but uh you know just
00:03:21| uh make sure it's like kind of tidy yeah whatever lawn halfway through and said
00:03:25| fuck it he did and what's crazy is I will blame Tom who's probably watching
00:03:33| right now he our air conditioner used to leak water so we would fill this giant
00:03:39| metal trash can and it would just fill it was like a warning emmalin trash like
00:03:43| a window unit yes and it would leak water so the water filled it to the brim
00:03:48| and anyway have to empty it well one day over the summer when I wasn't around it
00:03:53| filled to the brim and for some reason it tipped over and it fell all over a
00:03:59| wooden floor in our room and he just left it for three days oh it's gonna
00:04:06| smell terrible also you don't apparently know what
00:04:10| water does to wood it worked the floorboards like straight up I'm
00:04:17| talking like three inches like straight in the air so the point where it our
00:04:21| door was half open when this all happened and it jacked the door off the
00:04:26| hinges and ruined our door so the time to put
00:04:29| it out over the doorframe and then also we have this like Ridge that ran the
00:04:34| length of the room that was like oh boy and what's real dirty but to fold on we
00:04:42| ruined this house in junior year the four of us and at the end of junior year
00:04:47| he goes uh hey uh uh hope you guys wanted to see you here you want to just
00:04:53| put your deposit down and we're like yeah that's fine
00:04:55| he never looked at the house son so we did a whole nother year groaning oh boy
00:05:04| so what did you do when you had to like have a lady over did you like the towel
00:05:09| was not enough or was it um we were both dating women like exclusively at that
00:05:17| time and they were ok with that there you go over there please I won't
00:05:21| here here's an example of how I was in college so I would use a bath towel I'm
00:05:26| not an animal after I get on the shower and hang it
00:05:28| over something in whatever well I use the same towel sophomore junior year
00:05:32| whatever like whatever and my girlfriend Megan at the time was like do you even
00:05:37| wash this thing and I was like you're clean when you use it you don't have to
00:05:40| wash it it sounds like is this the same tale like yeah she's like you haven't
00:05:46| washed this in a year I was like ah are you supposed to when I got real nervous
00:05:49| and she was like yeah like every few weeks and I was like oh my god I had no
00:05:57| idea well I was clean when I used it I'm not using a towel after I get dirty
00:06:02| no anyway that's houses I don't even know the third you with us
00:06:12| I'm gonna assume you don't go so far in like I know what you're doing I do it's
00:06:19| gonna work I don't know it's gonna work it's gonna work okay argument no but um
00:06:25| I was kind of in the same boat I got my food plan you like we moved to an
00:06:31| apartment the second year that was still school owned and we stayed in it for I
00:06:35| think two years and the food plan we you could reduce it so you can reduce it
00:06:41| down to like maybe a few times a week yeah well we thought ahead and after I
00:06:50| might have been in the last year we moved to an off-site house which had
00:06:56| like six of us in there did you come wait well you know the apartment and I'm
00:07:09| that was when we met our friends who had the gravity no yeah yeah what's his name
00:07:16| was on the third floor gallery so much oh yeah yeah after we had garbage plates
00:07:29| and everyone was farting fear that's why I was secure in getting a garbage plate
00:07:35| because I was it's really close I was like five minute drive actually actually
00:07:42| first I listened to the podcast right now he was DP don't old pal zooms no
00:07:50| calzone delicious zone ensued compact conceivable penny I
00:07:56| didn't realize that was pepperoni launcher can hurt be like shot that guy
00:08:08| anyway um sophomore year OH DP dough itself hold $5 speak here break
00:08:19| it up a little bit oh my god the crazy s like everything's
00:08:25| firing at us from every wrinkle yeah we definitely got and fungal ft response
00:08:37| okay I respond to why did we respond where the yeah where the hell am i oh I
00:08:42| got right here oh oh Jesus don't attack them they're right in front
00:08:50| of me right here boys realizing a one podcast feeling hard he's the one at
00:09:04| Cypress say yours the him let's shit don't dude stay back stay
00:09:11| back tonight focus on the night oh I can't
00:09:19| see him there's a found boost fun oh shit hey now I can see the night what
00:09:40| killed me someone check for people nothing we churches in shield really
00:09:53| fast well guys a trap this looks like a trap
00:09:57| yeah eh I don't get you yeah the guy that's not your friend it's more of a
00:10:01| friend than I am hold on you know star-shaped pieces of
00:10:10| bark see I understand what happened you get lulled into thinking again thing
00:10:17| because average ends because they damage you and then you fight a dude who's
00:10:22| damaged like ridiculous we can play the students like painters
00:10:31| much easier to beat like respected detective
00:10:41| so DP do what are you talking about DB doe so DP doe $5.50 go get you a calzone
00:10:48| and everyone in college always got the EPO it's like the look popular thing to
00:10:52| get only thing in the area everyone got hold of competing get 80
00:10:58| different - Calvin dude sounds delicious oh they won't fucks I could go for one
00:11:03| right now they were beautiful anyway they messed up and popped over and we
00:11:09| went there remedy the situation and they said wait like five ten minutes and they
00:11:14| made us wait 40 minutes punk huh I didn't realize this when I
00:11:20| was with him well up counter unzipped his pants pissed all over the past what
00:11:26| oh he did this in in the store right the score from he was wasted he will deny
00:11:33| this till the end but I think there is a sure he did it I played 40 minutes
00:11:38| exactly they were messing with but the returns are unnecessary it was like we
00:11:46| gotta go we gotta go I like didn't even counter calzone I'll
00:11:49| help it or didn't think they may have just showed up then oh my god
00:11:52| nothing is left spraying oh hold on I can't think
00:12:04| you're trying to edge to the corner I did I have a special I kind of want to
00:12:11| get it but that guy is I can't look at that stream and Bank streets
00:12:16| it's almost strongest Tom Street news piss all you do is counter allegedly
00:12:22| allegedly um I'm able to be revived Evelyn yeah I did mom why are you go
00:12:31| back here bland you read every Tommy you try to go
00:12:38| to buy anecdotic an adult we're working on this guy we're working I'm working
00:12:45| them it's okay we got six minutes to fine
00:12:48| absolutely not but guess what the dude to the right of this doors that no
00:12:51| shield I hope you got every shield dan up come on night care looks like an
00:13:03| ogre thing oh hey this is we don't tow the little guard profet no overs killing
00:13:09| us all of the others did well the night went
00:13:16| pretty quickly recharge recharge look for the six minutes
00:13:25| what do we start with 14 minutes and we wasted half of it getting through the
00:13:28| first six glowing things what you did it to guess what we described it's like a
00:13:53| it's called a dadelus or something oh shit what's happen there
00:14:00| I saved everyone's life you died you're selfish all you want to do is die and
00:14:05| have everyone talk about how you die I'm the champion
00:14:09| here I'm using my special out there hmm I already did it's a tow you kidding
00:14:15| little spot everything's gonna die in oh I killed that last guy did you get him
00:14:21| did you get out of your special I did I did
00:14:23| don't try and say you did use it on guard the boss damn wasted I don't
00:14:35| this part where you take the football and you Ram it down their throats is my
00:14:40| special see there's certain points where you should be in special route this one
00:14:49| I've been annually to roar like girls algorithm and I can't stand and wait
00:14:56| I'll have you know that my smaller the football hey whatever it is a football I
00:15:04| got it what do you want me to do it hit the
00:15:07| bottle hit the what get drunk get that thing yeah get it bring around the front
00:15:13| right in the front what do I do with it Oh goddammit I'm really confused but I
00:15:18| do it go forward run right where that triangle not so talk about the diamond
00:15:23| go to the square that's that's twisted because you don't know what a diamond Oh
00:15:27| everybody go good job there we go sacrificial lamb I mean no idea that's
00:15:33| what I was doing I pressed it that was like no good perfect in Cain and Abel
00:15:39| situation who was the one who died or was supposed to die Cain kill Abel I'm
00:15:44| pretty sure mm-hmm thinking about it four minutes left we're never gonna get
00:15:59| this thank you I don't know if we're too weak or they made this game too hard
00:16:07| honestly I feel like it's just you don't cry I'm nothing whiskey damn it this
00:16:12| thing is bullshit the problem is I don't want to spend my
00:16:20| time grinding Jane getting better armor and stuff it's just I try to help people
00:16:24| that's it right here yeah I hate this game - do you think we should stop
00:16:30| playing it yeah you did but how cool would it be to play a better game we got
00:16:39| it we got a better game out there you got something done nothing we both have
00:16:42| it as multiplayer I'm a baker not nine autonomous autonomous autonomous Oh
00:16:48| Sinclair I promise there's like games that are like way too easy and it's just
00:16:56| right we're not trying to do that oh yeah we have plus 30 seconds coming down
00:17:02| there it's fun you hit the yeah when I'm talking about that you hit the cubes
00:17:05| it's been glow a good glowing cube things and then there's a 15-second one
00:17:13| scene where we all just wait and waste time yeah yeah what's over here
00:17:18| there we go that's worse let's go the other guy got he's going along place Oh
00:17:33| the high can't summon anything without those crystals
00:17:41| the kindness is taking a beating like there's no another he just does not take
00:17:47| he does not die he just he's not even like a high-level boss he just sits
00:17:52| there and takes it on hold on we didn't take him up very well should have fired
00:18:05| a rocket this parts hard stay together oh it's not oh I know I was just being
00:18:18| ironic ironic Olli yeah you could've stayed up
00:18:25| babe over the other guys gotcha I have to do damage it's my job you're
00:18:30| right hey over three minutes Randy I'm gonna die here I can't let me die I
00:18:44| thought I had that special I didn't have a special
00:18:46| well it's like getting pretty close I don't think we're gonna rap dude
00:19:00| I think we didn't worse than the first time whoo
00:19:08| something is like I wonder if that guy is killing like do you think he's gonna
00:19:13| meet 10 or 11 people or is he gonna get less i he did better this round
00:19:20| I think we did worse this round so now are we drink if you take that in
00:19:24| consideration someone just good another missile on unloading missiles on
00:19:41| this guy maybe my goddamn this'll go ahead look
00:19:51| it's right on I don't target Oh someone finish him he has very little
00:20:07| life left Oh Gert focus on the fucking ogre not the new song at the night the
00:20:12| ogres I knew you in two seconds there's no way to get the door
00:20:17| man you gotta focus on the hardest thing are you hurt you focus on the easier
00:20:23| thing knock about 18 seconds then everyone can work together hit this
00:20:28| reason everyone in the comments just tell me that I'm right tell Nick that
00:20:36| he's wrong and then next time when we don't have anybody helping us cuz this
00:20:42| guy's gonna leave us he should hey I know you looked for our video you tried
00:20:48| to find us and you finally did found us hey in the city there's on the same
00:20:56| night yeah now let's focus on I had him down to
00:20:59| like one health nothing you open do anything Lucas Banco 30 seconds remain
00:21:05| oh I got my special if anyone wants to use it use a special Nick over the next
00:21:09| door it comes up alright good lord
00:21:18| I'm insane ten seconds what I thought we had 30 40 or forget it I'm gonna get it
00:21:27| four seconds am I gonna be able to hit the timer is the ogres in kill me cuz
00:21:33| I'm focusing on the little guys 20 kills that was better
00:21:37| how did you have that many kills cuz I probably salted up all that dude I know
00:21:46| where it is because you use your special at work that I'll use a special that
00:21:50| killed no one look time for chopper vibes I'm just gonna say mmm type home
00:22:03| to silver Hazel Jay I'm really carrying in ponderin see what it means he's
00:22:14| pondering I'm gonna keep trying this cuz I want to I want to get this this is the
00:22:19| thing that is like the next step okay you're the fireteam leader so you get
00:22:23| started I know I I wish I could hit you I was trying to breathe think if maybe
00:22:30| we want to do something different do you want to do the other strike no it's so
00:22:37| easy so easy wait recommend a power to 40 where are
00:22:42| we yeah you're right around 240 the other guys to rider on 240 okay
00:22:53| brains let's use our various who knows do I
00:22:59| have another friend can I invite another friend enemies flip
00:23:02| we need flip flip isn't that gonna help us you see the way he attacks in clash
00:23:07| of clans come out might or might not attack the first person shooter well we
00:23:14| need is a Khaleesi or a loose cannon cuz those guys I think they know another
00:23:21| game then again they know how to game the game alright hold on I've been
00:23:27| playing the game all wrong think I figured it out right
00:23:31| yes attack the strongest guy first please say don't think so well I'm going
00:23:38| to know you wouldn't get it this time I think it leaves you open up all these
00:23:45| other dudes you just got to stand back and pop the guy that's gonna cuz the the
00:23:51| ogre thing shoots that giant stream of garbage for like a straight a minute if
00:23:56| you take him out then you can just pick off the guys left and right but the ogre
00:24:00| is just gonna plow you but if you take off the guys left and right for 20
00:24:04| seconds then you all can focus on the ogre no one's gonna die from the purple
00:24:08| string because you're looking at the ogres gonna kill you he's not gonna kill
00:24:13| me if I'm looking at killed you see he only gets me because I'm trying to fight
00:24:18| him and other people he's the only one who really gets you should marry the
00:24:25| ogre maybe Tom should up his game and I don't know that Tom's the solution here
00:24:34| maybe if you were let me replace your spot sidearm suck sort of hand cannons
00:24:46| thank you for that courage mmm is he like he is doing half as much kills I
00:25:01| mean he may be 3 but he had more than he had last game maybe he's gonna improve
00:25:05| to 40 this time and it will be will be rolling along there's just like see what
00:25:11| he attacks and just attack that maybe that's the key follow we just follow the
00:25:16| weakest link to help him out might work I have no idea I mean because then
00:25:21| you're well then your weakest link isn't your weakest link I'm here right yeah
00:25:24| he's the dictator oh my god I did that don't get stuck on the jump right there
00:25:38| oh get in get out and don't die die knock
00:25:45| that guy off I hope it didn't I might have
00:26:00| there are probably also more 30-second bonus things that hit I just have not
00:26:06| been running around getting them just like this she'd be like instantaneous
00:26:13| that we just run in what did that guy I was like shocked over here you kiddin it
00:26:25| you get an intercede I'm gonna get the behind you I think right yeah yeah I
00:26:31| think there's one over here to forget though maybe they are maybe it's on the
00:26:39| other side oh there it is don't mind me I'm gonna kill it lesser
00:26:46| people first so I can focus on the one jackass
00:26:54| enemy he may move the wizard kill the wizard kill the
00:27:08| wizard I'm going after the all the equates okay now I'm at the wizard it's
00:27:12| all the appeal i okay I just read I don't think I could recharge with you
00:27:16| this isn't just have to die actually maybe a deep recharge maybe this isn't
00:27:25| momentum with map there you go no wizard down okay I got a purple orb
00:27:31| because wait you know as soon as the last person dial has nothing to do with
00:27:36| it easier when the three of us can concentrate on one powerful jackass we
00:27:44| just focus on the jackass the Dominion good endured I think that's the door we
00:27:48| all crap yeah hit them hack it wait and get away from the door because
00:27:54| remember we got um around them running this corner cuz we get destroyed that
00:28:00| silver silver hazel day let's see that fucker in the sky fuck is
00:28:12| that guy Wow you know red weapon kill the wizard kill
00:28:22| the wizard kill the wizard focus on the wizard I just keep saying it until I see
00:28:30| somebody else shooting it there you go hazel got it no what else there we go
00:28:35| now we can just pick off the other guys easy easy
00:28:39| oh I think I'm beating spawns here too all right how we got brown now we have
00:28:51| enough firepower I think we can balance this out
00:28:55| that is the firepower thing he just changed our attitude
00:29:03| it's okay we know that guy every night I see him there's a few night god damn god
00:29:12| damn Thanks I don't think I can save her own guy I'm
00:29:19| gonna go tonight on the right no I'm telling the small things small
00:29:24| things do tonight tonight the only things they take one thing I'm doing the
00:29:30| math do I have to get another podcaster in here Joe Rogan cute ah because you
00:29:37| focused on the wrong thing get the night man get the night don't
00:29:40| there's no point in the night not hey Mike anyone get a D I don't know beer to
00:29:48| subside my anger we're doing better than I think we're
00:30:01| we're at like because we're focusing nice I got a super car
00:30:24| night night night I got him we good next one I think we're done I
00:30:32| think we move forward now what the hell happened
00:30:44| it's the night the last I live it moves I like that I like that whoever
00:31:03| shot that rocket see you I won of it but I didn't he's learning
00:31:11| how's it he's elaborating duplicate and elaborate and this work standing on the
00:31:20| same side do that I'm just gonna run in that killing that
00:31:29| fleet up as soon as it string since I got hit with something that's a wait
00:31:33| hold on I was a guy into his wife fill the smaller dudes first in the sand
00:31:53| it'll take us all four seconds and then we get all rivers
00:32:13| oh you guys - yeah I'm going in
00:32:33| hi guys wanna hit the back that's like oh yeah you know yet I don't hold on
00:32:47| yeah so there's an orbiting above the door
00:32:55| behind where we came in look see see see sink sink turn turn
00:32:58| turn that thank you yeah that's the personal story at this point I'm like
00:33:31| three beers in there yeah get real personal seven minutes all college
00:33:44| apartments are great though like the the dorms mean screw the dorms whatever
00:33:50| they're pretty much the same and you can't really do anything to destroy them
00:33:52| but like the apartments were always at second year and say at the third year we
00:33:58| wait so many parties in there that spilt so many drinks and people puking and
00:34:03| other bodily fluids everything that went off everywhere I'm feeling that was the
00:34:12| most enjoyable time of my life sure you go back probably the peak human
00:34:17| peak human yeah you're focusing on your like
00:34:22| intellectual self here hey what that wait gold sexual so I did ideal you
00:34:29| don't because it's part of them the nightfall oh that's fine anytime I
00:34:33| didn't know that Oh save me if not I got it well I got 10 seconds to turn around
00:34:41| oh oh that was toys don't hey I got it gone okay I got ya
00:34:57| a football football time I hold on I guess they don't want to
00:35:09| take from the other guy okay we're good move go whore yeah go for Oh
00:35:20| dude he died instantly yeah I mean I had no health I didn't know what's enough
00:35:35| well i'ma get it because I survived it I can respond right now but every week
00:35:57| you guys can get them here right there oh shit pop pop pop pop we're four
00:36:12| minutes which is not gonna make it but no but is this better or worse than my
00:36:17| spider I think it's better so we're trending in the up direction oh
00:36:26| we get 30 seconds Oh No right I hit it too there's I think there's
00:36:30| three in this room but I figure the third one is silver it's behind so we're
00:36:39| like a minute a minute better I'm just gonna hit a rocket booster
00:37:07| that guy behind the corner and dude some action going on over there
00:37:16| I'm unloading as much as I can hey this parts easy I'm recharged so I'm
00:37:26| gonna try to go down and get the get the dude after I kill huh oh our best man
00:37:35| I say focus on the goddamn little guys I'm cleaning it though there's a pack of
00:37:39| little guys so it's not so bad I know fill them all
00:37:46| I should have probably used my special and all the little guys there is the
00:37:56| only would have created more orbs stop talking about killing little guys unless
00:38:00| you're talking about life and I think special on little guys is my plan
00:38:07| nice looking fed alright who needs to revive oh my man you know we're doing
00:38:17| better than ever did yeah was it cuz I know he's real low hold on I don't see
00:38:25| him it's right next to my corpse I can't do goddamn corpses alright then I see a
00:38:32| foot rub on there's a night with full armor right here era
00:38:39| it's stuck on that pylon yes it did hold on what the hell I'm putting Shula
00:38:47| as I was mailing yeah we come back gonna go still witness always did bring
00:39:08| me and there's other music to paint guys think I'd mind you know go back to work
00:39:11| thank you go away from me I tried all right spot right now three minutes use
00:39:24| your second gun get shield off yeah even that's not going too well
00:39:34| I know what you're saying work for shield better okay I can get the hold on
00:39:37| I think I do think we're all on the same page now we
00:39:55| are with that oh I got supercharged hold on try it
00:40:14| it's over I know who I'm going after uh who that might not be able to vote
00:40:22| oh we crap he killed me supercharged that's insane crush me like a bug guys
00:40:33| damn it away he's ready there's another way he does like he
00:40:39| locally with beach towels damn it every second like a cow a real man does less
00:40:49| damage and enjoy this so really how much where do I you keep dodging my rewrite
00:40:59| this is embarrassing she's a sniper out trying to get that wizard oh not the
00:41:09| wizard goblin I got on solo I got the wizard I got you back no I just turned
00:41:29| up when I wasn't looking the same thing I've seen enough you can cheat
00:41:36| look what trying to get to over you got oh man
00:41:53| oh we only have like 40 seconds is there a boss behind all this yes the
00:42:05| boss is gonna easily take us five minutes to kill
00:42:09| we all get specials at once it no thank you breakin shield again you know I
00:42:20| haven't seen the other guy uses special maybe he has the wrong special maybe
00:42:24| does mattify all right I got a pig going out we're gonna lose oh great backspin
00:42:31| salutes oh I don't care Nick did do pretty well though I'm not
00:42:52| gonna tell him that while he's here but he got the most kills on the cysts
00:42:55| hopefully the screen disappears before he comes back cuz I don't want to boost
00:42:58| his ego he's Eagle he's gonna kill well that's
00:43:04| why he's killing up little guys I'm hitting all the big guys so my thirty
00:43:08| nine kills kind of scale up higher than he he keyed his skills because his
00:43:11| skills are so small it should be like total hit points destroyed on there to
00:43:15| the enemy team see if our third party Rando can tell us what to do silver
00:43:32| Hadji I think it's silver haze J but I always read it is like a Arabic name
00:43:42| well do we win we came close I got way more kills than you was the number it
00:43:52| was like 51 to 39 are you sure yeah positive I killed so
00:43:58| many people that's probably wrong I know you should focus on a little guys cuz
00:44:03| they're easy to kill pills that you think it's because of the little guys do
00:44:11| you think it was so you get to start it I think silver is still in cuz he hasn't
00:44:15| popped out yet oh you can look up the stats anyway he's still in do I do it
00:44:23| again okay I'm gonna keep going cuz yo yo yo
00:44:26| yo Zoomer my man wrote I'm gonna grab some gear real quick see what I got ya
00:44:33| up bro I don't think I have much better gear but look no the tower
00:44:42| sure I honestly think if you have a better
00:44:47| weapon it's gonna like if you could get like a weapon that does ten percent more
00:44:51| damage then it's gonna go ten percent faster or even quicker
00:44:55| because it guys are shield so you just destroy the shield in like no time would
00:44:59| you say kill the smaller guys real quick to get them out a little only if they're
00:45:04| in a pack when it's the big guy that's killing you immediately it doesn't
00:45:08| matter if there's little guys or not how often is the big guy is the only one
00:45:12| killing you it's all these everything around you it's everything about the guy
00:45:15| with that purple stream it kills you like have a second meaning he's like
00:45:18| dead you're dead you're dead that's a movie scene wait did he not come with us
00:45:25| he did bump he jumped out to go to the tower I think I have anybody doesn't
00:45:31| play destiny at the tower is the town where you upgrade all your sure anyone
00:45:36| doesn't play destiny don't start it's awful
00:45:40| you just gotta grind it out until you hit 300 and then hopefully a night full
00:45:44| raid doesn't I wish this game didn't have mmm like there's no way that skill
00:45:50| overcomes what we're doing here like I don't see how we could be that much
00:45:54| better unless your gear is that much better it's exactly it in other words
00:46:00| pay money and get us loot boxes and we'll upgrade your stuff I don't even
00:46:04| know if you get paid at better stuff than this one except if you buy the
00:46:09| expansion pack 59.99 one-time fee layaway three payments three easy
00:46:18| payments how are you I guess I could do that too
00:46:23| while I'm traveling through the void why are the loading screen so long you know
00:46:27| I understand that either two minutes of loading to go to a place like house the
00:46:34| only do you get anything from pong think I got an Ingram say I got two legendary
00:46:42| books oh oh I have said he might sell seven legendary engrams dear yeah well
00:46:56| they're all the same power it doesn't help me everyone gets to watch the 20
00:47:03| minutes of inventory work that we're all gonna do trying to figure out how we can
00:47:07| sell buying stupid gear mods so I can did upgrade one thing kind of stuff I
00:47:27| dropped anything oh I can't jump twice I can't jump twice oh look the rails I
00:47:34| hope you died I hit the rail twice oh I see 281
00:47:43| I'm gonna go make a mixed drink that should give everyone enough time to do
00:47:47| whatever the hell they want alright like should just dump all the crap in there
00:48:05| but the third guy left us how do i I'm just gonna dump all the
00:48:12| carp I have I don't like it to the f1 I said f
00:48:17| of crap this 88 fusion rifle I don't think I if
00:48:27| you use this before and uh hmm kind of there's a does the
00:48:42| manager that helps you swap everything out when I dropped these stores crap you
00:48:59| think I think is lower six-six
00:49:15| should I sell this garbage but don't know what I'm doing
00:49:22| I don't need a story automatic oh yeah I can't reuse any of this garbage so I
00:49:31| need to sell it all games like this kind of question you know so they could just
00:49:40| set it so you never get anything good at a certain point and then you have to
00:49:43| figure out way to cheat the game my defense obviously doesn't matter because
00:49:48| I died so many freaking times oh god I didn't can't dump John
00:50:07| it's a rocket-launcher might be better turn to this quickly where did the other
00:50:26| rocket launcher go oh yeah it's better well he's a magazine
00:50:31| if one AutoTrack missiles start man join us again or not no no he probably left I
00:50:41| gotta go check my stuff and he disappears no I still there
00:50:44| I'll reinvade him whose group up hand up that's exactly what I was looking at uh
00:50:55| Hurley Walker boy he's almost sound like awful names fight to set him an invite I
00:51:09| think I updated my stuff slightly who do I have to send an invite no I could
00:51:19| invite him you can befriend I did I don't want to be a part of the under is
00:51:26| clan on destiny too he's not an original founding member of the unn panderers
00:51:31| though mm-hmm yo it tells you who's hooking up with
00:51:37| who down here check this out yeah a little bracket just a little
00:51:41| bracket action down one of these guys I don't know what the color means does
00:51:45| that mean you're you're like yourself Cystic maybe only it's level related but
00:51:50| I don't know no because I think it's your statistic like those guys probably
00:51:55| have the same like whatever you want to track already going chai do it one more
00:52:00| time yep same one exact same one yeah I want to beat this thing cuz it's the
00:52:05| only thing holding me back I could beat it with my other guy another friend well
00:52:10| friend Lou Lou and somebody else I think he recruited some guy that was like
00:52:16| level 300 or something and we beat it weird maybe you should do a podcast with
00:52:23| him yeah I think you're right hell yeah dude do it I don't have to work tomorrow
00:52:37| so I can do it or how I want get a second job did you say can Charlie
00:52:46| my firm believer that whoever does work so like work expands to fill the time
00:52:52| allotted right that's a saying so like even like people retired probably think
00:53:00| their day is busy do this go get the groceries it's like mmm I don't think so
00:53:06| I don't think you're all that busy your brain just makes it makes it so you
00:53:13| micromanage you for a minute yeah we don't need to go there yeah I
00:53:17| always go there it's Wednesday I go there buddy go where wait up man we
00:53:24| have to go there it's Wednesday [Music]
00:53:32| do you have a set schedule do you deliver every week yeah
00:53:42| but they've run out other stuff you know what's really crazy I know when
00:53:46| someone's due to run out of toilet paper I know when someone's running to do a
00:53:48| hand so if I know when people are due to call like I know that stuff without
00:53:52| knowing it I don't write it down but I'm like did it claim : like that'll be like
00:53:57| yeah and then like within 12 to 24 hours a claim usually calls or no I'm like hey
00:54:04| weirdo just get this innate feeling about when people are going to call I'm
00:54:12| just gonna drink water cuz uh no it tastes like but the test showed that I
00:54:36| won the race yeah I would like for the right to plot the podcast show that I i
00:54:42| won the previous two probably not the third but we probably shouldn't be
00:54:46| playing this report this guy's cancer worthless stuff forget
00:54:54| Ron dude I have a new weapon Wow and that's nuts it felt real good
00:55:08| Oh and take care of the smaller guys first
00:55:19| a little glass grenade Lanka nice we got all in the wall that's twice as much
00:55:29| damage my last one what's going on kill the wizard yeah of course kill the
00:55:41| wizard I got rid of Holmes doors hide in the corner as much as possible
00:56:05| oh here is there all the things you know I'll be this
00:56:22| let's go bring it no wait cuz I know we all you guys died boys I'm firing yah
00:56:50| Oh Lord our rock ass good take them down hang em
00:57:00| is there two more there's two more after this right yeah
00:57:08| predictors looting up there Oh God terrible table so a lot back
00:57:18| there adding more time who are you are I'm gonna strike the night actually
00:57:30| if I stand back here there was a way to Boise well how's it gonna got me fat oh
00:57:38| this part of the game we're all dead any every group that's where it's a
00:57:46| disadvantage to be at the doorway yes you're absolutely right nice weave nice
00:57:54| weave bob and weave bob and weave I'd come get ya that's okay I can respond
00:58:06| now behind you I've nowhere to hide
00:58:21| no the night is working out I couldn't get even get I couldn't get out of there
00:58:31| tonight now you know about that gun there's a lot of
00:58:39| recoil it sucks yeah it does suck you guys change that shit I really thought I
00:58:44| was gonna be awesome we change the stat that changes the recoil so you can
00:58:49| actually use it ABB's take that was sword that was no
00:58:58| geez what I want is exploding what is hitting me there's not much left
00:59:16| head right to the yeah well I switched my weapon here
00:59:21| I think there's one night left or something in the background
00:59:34| and so were the Flyers mr. pange was the last time what have they did Roz be
00:59:39| wandering over time sorry to bring that back up good to destroy that dude
01:00:05| stay back there I'm gonna try to hit the guy actually miss Mitchell I'm just
01:00:11| gonna go in try not to die try not to die
01:00:24| did I get any orbs going I don't know but I'm enough of a distraction that we
01:00:31| got them way down hold on hold on yeah oops fired a missile legs yeah some
01:00:38| wars over here come get them well they're all yours I can't get my own
01:00:41| orbs see that was we have nine minutes left I think we started just like seven
01:00:50| last time someone in the comics just pulled out all our times so we can
01:00:58| figure out are you there oh no I got special let me use it right now and use
01:01:08| it on the over in the next part go not this part but no this first not easy and
01:01:16| I don't use okay I got Goforth oh you're that want to
01:01:24| know special these guys I'm not Jesus let the podcast show I hate it I'm gonna
01:01:33| tell you what to do when to do it how you do dan what is that dude he has low
01:01:45| health go find him and think so there's the 30-second add-ons or everywhere
01:02:06| oh here that one broadcast came from this room shit get
01:02:20| away I'm gonna do it I'll do it on Kara our
01:02:40| landing Hill do it live I live probably gonna die in
01:02:53| like a half second here I got a load you don't I'm hitting all the low level dude
01:03:01| I even focus on big guy yet goddamn don't save me you've dealt with
01:03:30| one hit left thankfully we're doing pretty well though it's six six minutes
01:03:45| and change there's right there don't mean anything 7-eleven corner see now I
01:04:01| know what I'm doing here there's one button no one hit the button okay simple
01:04:13| water put in my class my bag and catheter
01:04:31| yes the weird thing is that the previous
01:04:44| times we did not I didn't feel like we're doing bad it's just sometimes we
01:04:47| got stuck right now I feel good Thank You someone a shield
01:05:24| 'if it who died you know is the other guy so I will attack the little guys in
01:05:31| the corner like to the right and him with a grenade and to start to say dude
01:05:45| expressive fire oh I got a special muscle user oh shit hold on hold on you
01:05:53| I know I know I know the over thank you Oh wish I can't even use my special
01:06:00| getting destroyed by tow she gets teased a special or now I did
01:06:13| and I killed two or three he got that super guys it was already out I don't
01:06:26| know what the fuck hit me but I was ducked pretty well behind that barrier
01:06:30| I'm fuckin dead center I mean lost it right don't even dont try to revive me
01:06:38| him I find not what happened to your blue weapon
01:06:50| well weapon the one with the the blue give it spice or something
01:06:56| the knife is better that's what I'm using
01:07:00| oh shit that's it I didn't mean to see how many might open to it and
01:07:11| I think as special as the arrow nice dude general whole bunch of orbs crap
01:07:25| dude over here is gonna be a hell of a heart all over that guy
01:07:37| I hit him yes we did that's this point you shot me in the leg
01:07:43| sounds like that's dude bro got one second you can turn around get me oh no
01:07:50| I'm sorry ours oh the shoulder pays guys needs this shoot at the guy you're
01:07:59| attacking no no what he's ignoring me and he's not helping you well I got him
01:08:05| dead head him down the hall like a pro so he's gonna die in front of me
01:08:09| Burke yeah you had him dead and he was shooting somebody else that's that's
01:08:16| part of the problem I think I mean I Shh I shouldn't assume he wasn't good debut
01:08:22| but can't I can't even can't save you because the guys are going on the wrong
01:08:31| side of the barrier if you want to let me die out there he's shooting at one
01:08:36| dude abiding is we need to be able to regroup and focus on the same guy at the
01:08:40| same time over over shoot the shit over night yeah solo take off the crap
01:08:56| a minute a hold on you no one has their special
01:09:01| hey no no guess what urban mean animalized oh yeah
01:09:09| hit the little guys and all the little guys it's time
01:09:30| Oh get away free go you see him in front of me know who's trying to get around
01:09:36| you cuz I was dying holy shit not we do look pretty pretty
01:09:46| in a nice triangle formation I wish we could revive each other while we're dead
01:09:53| person reach out brings you back three minutes okay a lot of random shit on the
01:10:08| right sides take it out you know election was over to keep
01:10:17| running away from us I'm bad at help stick mom got the wizard mind so did I
01:10:31| that's he was one lesser eye era it's over oh you're hitting the ogre
01:10:47| already yeah you alive her 3002 no I added no way
01:11:28| yeah the crystals
01:12:03| sometimes I feel like these games so realistic is the wrong word unrealistic
01:12:12| so there's like three more parts over well so that you can get like
01:12:33| yeah without chop
01:12:56| oh so you know hi so getting folks to my Xpress post-traumatic stress syndrome
01:13:07| from way from these games again I'm nothing present tense
01:13:14| life it's so empty today's society is such a bunch of babies honestly there's
01:13:24| somebody complaining about gaming addiction as well these games are the
01:13:29| new gambling but honestly if you're if you're addicted to gaming just don't
01:13:33| play games you know it's it's like you don't bring down a game - Justin all
01:13:39| right don't Stevie I need don't hope something nothing I could do think
01:13:48| you're pissed first uh holy shit
01:14:03| thirty seconds Oh
01:14:37| well you did about the same I did way better you killed all the lesser dude
01:14:44| [Laughter] about time that's why earlier I did
01:14:52| think it farther I'm done I'm gonna pee I get work tomorrow that's a real bed
01:15:01| yeah and I created I think we have to give our power up and maybe try this
01:15:08| around Christmastime Amy around the ears well folks we can't four times friggin
01:15:20| love what's called dynasty - yeah it's not a telescope D nasty nasty night
01:15:34| you're in full screen the whole time yeah like that huh that's how I didn't
01:15:40| have any border issues this episode weird it doesn't allow me to share that
01:15:48| all right so yeah check us out we've got socials there's on painters I
01:15:53| can come but Twitter you have what I already mentioned we are dejected
01:16:00| because we lost that third guy's prizes like will become more powerful
01:16:08| eventually recommended power to 40 doesn't it's not enough just not enough
01:16:18| recommended game not destiny - you know this should have made it easier for the
01:16:24| unmanned doors Kasai we would have sold it
01:16:28| so we like you folks like a lot oh good night this sucked

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