The UnPanderers: Transcript of Episode 19 - China's One Child Only Law

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Transcript of Episode 19 - China's One Child Only Law

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 19 - China's One Child Only Law
Click to read the episode transcription below.

This transcription was generated using YouTube's voice to text captioning method. Hopefully, Speech-To-Text technology will become more accurate in the future.
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00:00:01| so I'm Dan our breathing exercises went overboard I'm Nick folks at home we are
00:00:13| together we are at Immaculate why you're breathing in talking young Panthers
00:00:23| that's us that's both of us you gotta have two to make one you know I'm saying
00:00:27| here it's like having babies follow me yes but you can still under on your own
00:00:32| you can on pander by yourself just have some paper towels at the ready and don't
00:00:36| let anyone walk in on you when you get there oh man
00:00:41| for the record we're an 18 and older podcast if you're not 18 and older just
00:00:47| put this up on like the Circuit City computers just start throwing it up all
00:00:51| over in circuits aged just about everyone RadioShack go back in time pull
00:00:55| this up we will blow some minds folks that's not all we're gonna blow
00:00:58| Woolworths we're gonna blow through some records tonight oh yeah
00:01:04| world record on pan ders mistake-free podcast we're gonna see how far we can
00:01:09| go without making our first mistake I wonder if they have the longest podcast
00:01:12| known to man going still going I feel like yeah that's not a mistake folks
00:01:18| we're still going strong here at the em pampers another quick thing we'd like to
00:01:23| say for all the unperson that were we refer to our fans as a lot
00:01:28| of people watch and probably know that uh man anything we say is its
00:01:37| indiscernible from disseminating you can't discriminate we don't NFL tape
00:01:48| you can't broadcast it again with a nice present context pressed written consent
00:01:54| and it does not reflect the opinions hearing or beliefs here in expressed by
00:02:00| myself or Dan your coke coke a stir my coke a stir like Oh Cass so everything
00:02:08| we say is just who Dustin who win votes valuing exactly value only that's almost
00:02:16| a tongue twister almost but I do have a better one
00:02:19| oh sure hit it I have a tongue twister for the podcast everyone knows I love
00:02:23| these things let's give this one this one I picked up walking along and I
00:02:27| started humming it to myself and it turned to words and the words took form
00:02:32| and I came up with this today's triest tea grace Fraga bond three go on three
00:02:38| go and trace three stains trasto Spanish those of you
00:02:46| at home you have a little fun on untangling that one it has to do with
00:02:52| sad Tigers and they're in transit somewhere I don't know I couldn't
00:02:57| translate it but it sounds who try and say that one three times fast folks just
00:03:02| try it I feel like I'm sitting on a bed and there's a TV flashing and the lights
00:03:07| glow dim and that starts to play in the background and a lot of weird stuffs
00:03:12| happening maybe people are floating that you don't want to be floating the true
00:03:17| name of God's being said and then you hear a voice issue all zoovie it's
00:03:22| mozzie from those learning commercials you remember there was like a language
00:03:28| learning commercial for children and it was French and it was like teach your
00:03:35| kids French and English and it was like mozzie will help them learn it was this
00:03:40| big fuzzy character and he went you sure oh yeah I saw a commercial a couple
00:03:48| million times probably Nickelodeon commercial oh I have no idea someone
00:03:53| look it up and put it in the comments I was a mozzie like it's just his name no
00:03:58| he was just a big fuzzy monster he was like ten foot tall monster but he was
00:04:02| lovable and fuzzy it's a monster that's fuzzy Oh fuzzy if he just unraveled the
00:04:08| Oh fantastic what is it what we do here out I guess we just talk about stuff
00:04:17| whatever might come into our purview our purview which is everything which is
00:04:22| everything we finish each other's sandwiches yeah
00:04:25| yes unless we're really hungry well really it's just a couple of friends
00:04:33| catching up after a pretty long Thanksgiving break their way for a while
00:04:39| mmm do you think people who don't watch the young banners playing video games
00:04:45| like they'll skip over those episodes do you think they like skip over they don't
00:04:50| even know do you think they come after Chitti all whole meal that's what we're
00:04:57| gonna come back well I could mention that but I don't know how quickly I
00:05:00| could unload the story and you've already heard it okay no we don't need
00:05:04| to that's fine but while we does smirk or smile once everyone I know I was I
00:05:08| was thinking like so Thanksgiving was kind of a disappointment that mugs have
00:05:14| to go into it because it I was thinking about today if you just bring it up
00:05:18| folks just bring up Thanksgiving lunch just say this guy eight years down the
00:05:22| road I just I don't want to talk about it but hold on
00:05:26| got it we talked people stay in your house and it's Thanksgiving and
00:05:31| nothing's open mm-hmm your wife is pregnant
00:05:34| oh and your daughter's pregnant gratulations oh thank you thank you how
00:05:40| do you not have more than one option for food which all the options contain
00:05:45| carbohydrates and sugar which is bad for a pregnant woman because they get pre
00:05:50| diabetic or diabetic if you feed them tons of carbs so there's literally for
00:05:56| lunch we were waiting two extra hours on a shitty french toast meal which did not
00:06:02| meet anyone's expectations and no one said a damn thing mm-hmm just sat
00:06:08| quietly didn't say grace secretly hated each other and wished that this holiday
00:06:14| would end sooner it sounds like Church what you're describing is the Christian
00:06:18| value also known as mass now everyone's just waiting for the holiday to end no
00:06:26| one's saying anything out loud everyone's quiet more folding our hands
00:06:29| and just is it over how much longer so really what you experienced is the first
00:06:35| mass of a new religion called your family
00:06:39| interesting enough there's actually fun religions out there I doubt it cuz even
00:06:44| even if they begin fun tradition come on come on we all roast a pig alive it's
00:06:49| fun we did it the first time a hundred years ago and you're like yeah wanna
00:06:53| kill the pig today and they're like so much fun the pig screaming everyone's
00:07:00| throwing stuff at the pig that it's dying and you're just like I can say it
00:07:08| yeah but that pig would be tasty oh you could eat it afterwards I'd come back
00:07:13| around great religion pig roast in hmmm I don't know I do notice everyone's
00:07:21| having babies this is a little bit relation so
00:07:24| yourself the second thing he means second child you can tell people that on
00:07:29| there like a second phase of babies you need an only wave here hold on so I try
00:07:37| and do this math one baby is extremely hard change your life
00:07:41| ruins everything babies are awful for the record the second baby is it a
00:07:46| hundred percent more bad so you're doubling down or is it like 50% worse
00:07:50| because you've already have a baby it's like or is it like 70% and then my
00:07:56| question becomes what's the third baby now is that like you already got to it's
00:08:00| over this is like 20% worse it's not that bad I mean it's still terrible and
00:08:04| it's still worse but it's not you're not three hundred percent but the third kid
00:08:08| do you know what I mean I think would you put the percentages that I don't
00:08:11| know that's right two scales there's like you like 100% difficulty on the
00:08:15| first one and right because it's never done it and then you 100% care you're
00:08:22| probably around 170 percent effort for two kids okay here probably about 150
00:08:27| percent that drops there's a little trouble what about the third okay
00:08:31| are you like 150 like it's dropped even more you're like I'm still caring but
00:08:35| yeah and then like by then you have other helpers so you're just like you
00:08:39| know the first kid will get it yeah he'll babysit him it'll be fine
00:08:46| just make sure the door is locked you know I'm from Brooklyn
00:08:52| I feel bad for the people that have liked that
00:08:56| well there's obvious when like a woman has like boy boy boy and then like the
00:09:01| third when they're just like oh boy boy no it's worse the other way and we're
00:09:07| not sexist here at the UM panders we do cater mostly to men bring them food how
00:09:15| do you made me hungry I just made you sexist - really well I know you were
00:09:23| just playing on cater you had no idea you're you're playing into a sexual yeah
00:09:27| the funny thing is you think you made me sexist one just so the the pull-up
00:09:41| everyone stop nobody move was that a veggie yeah it was a veggie chip yes I
00:09:50| cuz you think they're healthy oh no I know
00:09:54| he just likes them for some reason he also likes v8 so something's wrong with
00:09:57| them oh he loves v8 he wants to have a close it Gatorade the same cabinet is
00:10:03| the Gatorade looks like a Turei didn't point to it and I'm like that's v8 but
00:10:07| whatever huh he drinks it warm soul he doesn't care I hope he continues that
00:10:11| through like through high school he's the one kid that's just like just
00:10:15| shocking to me Oh like dripping all over himself is he's like ooh it's getting
00:10:25| wild here to him bamboo bread have you drink that I mean I still see him poopy
00:10:30| um he does the pooping on his own a hottie I still see it no okay I still
00:10:36| help out with the wipe you know there's that brown or they is the red just
00:10:42| sucked out of it well think of every food you eat there's like nothing no
00:10:46| food you eat her Brown like they just the only foods that really maintain
00:10:51| color through the poop are beets uh-oh and my parents watched him for
00:10:59| like a three-day weekend when I went to that wedding a few weeks ago and she
00:11:02| didn't give him something blue well giving him something blue
00:11:05| whatever I almost would have felt better he had literally a green poop where we
00:11:11| wiped him it was great and I was like oh boy
00:11:14| this isn't sick no like like green green like jungle green coming out of his butt
00:11:20| like this color green yeah and I was like this isn't normal
00:11:24| the poops that color so I called my parents I was like uh to get my kid a
00:11:28| lot of green stuff I mean like he barely had any veggies he ate a pop-tart and I
00:11:33| was like no the pop-tart not what I'm worried about and they were like nope
00:11:36| nothing and I said I'll keep an eye on so I realized that my sister threw a
00:11:43| birthday party for her daughter his cousin went it was a homemade cake thing
00:11:47| and she tried to make black icing by combining all the colors I just made a
00:11:53| whole bunch of icing his food color blue card we leave green
00:11:56| she used a screen so anything and I said that was it and he loves the icing more
00:12:00| than any other car of the cake so make sense today yeah I said blue cuz my son
00:12:04| had a blue birthday cake uh-huh blue poop yeah I guess next time you can
00:12:09| experiment so I don't think it's the food I think it's a food coloring
00:12:12| because there's no nutritional value of food color right so why would it I mean
00:12:21| what's red dye number 5 we did discuss this in a previous episode in colors as
00:12:26| you'll check it's B it's the part of these that you can't eat do you have any
00:12:37| Corrections mmm no I think I am perfect yes
00:12:49| you pronounced it as weird as you can I am perfect perfect it was perfect I had
00:13:02| a quick one this happened in the colours episode hmm oh yeah
00:13:07| I said indigo then into the colours episode I just painted gun I said did
00:13:14| you go ahead I said um if you walk into Sallie Mae's headquarters 300
00:13:21| Continental Drive you have to park across in the SLM corporation parking
00:13:25| lot park your car there walk in the front door at exactly 9:30 5:00 a.m. on
00:13:28| a Tuesday it has to be a Tuesday you've had immediately to the elevator on your
00:13:32| right you go right past the receptionist desk don't say anything
00:13:35| say hello Ted to the guard staring at his TV he won't even look up go in the
00:13:40| elevator immediately push for and then quickly push press the ll button you
00:13:44| have to press them in succession or otherwise it won't work
00:13:47| once you go make sure you have two handguns and ER the hallway that you
00:13:52| will be brought to and there is a black equal insignia over a door it's a black
00:13:56| door go over to the keypad and type in four four six one eight four seven I
00:14:02| said incorrect I do it's four four six eight one four seven huh anyway you can
00:14:11| do the rest of your mission from there I'm sorry if you picked this past
00:14:14| Tuesday you probably didn't it's a holiday but if you do it next week just
00:14:19| make sure you have both guns make sure it's four four six eight one four seven
00:14:23| make sure it's the Black Eagle insignia I'm sorry and my guns he means your arms
00:14:28| make sure you have muscles yes yes we go and condone that sort of nonsensical
00:14:34| what they could have kind of a firing range back it's only four members though
00:14:41| that sounds amazing some stress out there folks and it's the remember the
00:14:49| Eagle insignia have to go to that one that's why Sallie Mae loans are so
00:14:54| expensive because they have to shoot every copy
00:14:58| giant disbelieve stress that's what they do there folks uh wonderful people there
00:15:06| at Sally that's a whole real burp you can feel there's almost anger that one
00:15:10| cause I'm not Sally men yeah I thought you were gonna say that if you go there
00:15:14| right at this time that they do not give you your loan back and say
00:15:19| congratulations you are the only one who's ever asked us to actually go there
00:15:25| maybe they do give you your loan loan Fagin I'd be nice I'm still paying mine
00:15:32| Sally yep that's it's an expensive load to carry mmm the burden I read an
00:15:39| interesting essay on it we'll get to later on something it means curbside
00:15:43| famous website money hopefully one day money glider doctor I whispered it cuz
00:15:53| it's the only one that later in this episode eventually eventually I know
00:15:59| eventually eventually it will folks it's gonna come out well all you need now is
00:16:04| an editor who will do with some editing but I understand that it's a time thing
00:16:08| and I think we're getting closer because your editor in prospective is he's read
00:16:15| one more since a week ago and that one was about college and debt and
00:16:20| everything was very interested good good awesome now I have to read some more and
00:16:25| after I read them all or he reads them all he will help you edit them and you
00:16:30| will be well on your way to something else cuz I'll quit doing my English but
00:16:39| any mom smirk or smile I think we're here I think I have a go for it please
00:16:43| please jump in just chomp folks at home if you have a smoker smile
00:16:48| jump into we can hear ya wish we had a Twitter feed some going on it I would
00:16:55| repeat his recent had recent activity if you go oh yeah I did see activity on
00:16:59| that I did not crack what the tweet was if you tweeted huh your capabilities
00:17:04| that yeah a little booth I had to log in from my new phone I mean I just got it
00:17:10| like that's the first notification I had in
00:17:13| two weeks it's weird because there's like five different socials yeah well
00:17:17| hey you folks I know you got busy lives we have busy lives well let's get real
00:17:24| busy together we sure are sure aren't so I'm
00:17:30| gonna there's this is before smirk or smile this is just something freaky that
00:17:34| I saw today that pre smirk folks we got a priest murder physically made me ill
00:17:39| physically disgusted someone dropped a croissant then put it right back on the
00:17:47| shelf with croissants right when you're going the store to get a croissant so
00:17:51| you didn't know which one it was there's no piece of dirt somewhere
00:17:55| hidden but you can't see it you can only stand it they know the germs are there
00:17:58| on that bathroom handle of a croissant I'm down with it though I'll eat a
00:18:03| Jeremy croissant no I was watching a podcast where they showed a video of a
00:18:09| guy pretty much proving Darwin right he tied a rope to his nuts like that sounds
00:18:16| good so far soft part and then he jumped they jumped off of like a table and it
00:18:23| just he just there's no way he's reproducing it was just it was I didn't
00:18:28| even look at it and it just like made me shudder and it just broke
00:18:31| how how high up was this Tim it wasn't far but he went but he went fast he was
00:18:36| like semi running it's almost like he was running as fast as maybe like Leon
00:18:42| in resident evil 2 good good use of proper it's not a prob what's a cola
00:18:50| throwback good use of yeah we look good you simply on his name you must be Leon
00:18:57| the new guy don't move I'll get help yeah it's probably too late yeah good
00:19:08| game as the infection was going up his arm he's like yeah really a precursor
00:19:15| from that Franco movie James Franco movie which a movie 700 hours whatever
00:19:22| the holes called Oh 27 look thank you yes thank you I couldn't
00:19:26| remember the name of the movie so I needed you I need you to connect me yeah
00:19:32| so the BNI yank that was my knots marker smile but here's my real sparkler smile
00:19:37| there's two separate videos and one was a guy what the hell he called it cold
00:19:43| like Elmer's or no MERS or something ago MERS they stand at a train station and
00:19:49| they wait for different trains to go by so this one guy was waiting for this
00:19:53| particular train because he knew it was coming it's getting really excited he's
00:19:56| again oh it's the l52 it's uh it was a Owen line he's like wait a second hold
00:20:01| on and then like the train goes to do but it was different
00:20:05| he's like wait by that by that I can tell her I can tell that it's a and he
00:20:10| he's like it's a 1952 for Shia MERS and then it like goes by him he's like oh oh
00:20:17| really got excited oh yeah he got super excited he loved the crap out of that
00:20:21| thing and see like autistic or know he spoke normal English unless it's
00:20:26| possible to be semi autistic and speak pretty well speaking pretty normal
00:20:31| English too so maybe I mean I'm not I just I think the calm town podcast good
00:20:38| friends of the podcast they they make a joke that everyone loves uh something
00:20:43| yeah great I got a great I got a text from someone who I haven't got a text
00:20:46| from in like a year and they wrote F and Crosby and the Flyers are playing the
00:20:49| Penguins so what do you think happened really I don't even get into it I don't
00:20:52| know but the same thing happened to a side video there's a second video of a
00:20:57| guy filming a Canadian transatlantic highway and he got to the spot where
00:21:04| they had completed it like there was a little like raised in the road like a
00:21:07| little divot and he something I found it's the completion point and he started
00:21:12| running and doing the same thing whereas I go oh my god it's Sarah
00:21:16| we did it we found it oh my god and he's like like he's physically wearing
00:21:22| himself out because he found the connection point that was completed
00:21:27| probably like 50 years ago but but what makes the connection point
00:21:32| so important as opposed to 50 yards down the road where you still need the
00:21:36| connection is it because I guess that's the last so the important
00:21:41| thing is the last spot to get done really it's like the railroad like they
00:21:45| had the two railroads connect and they had the Chinamen just like when they the
00:21:49| right size I'm sure they were fortunately small because people back
00:21:53| then were smaller I meant the tracks with the right size I
00:22:00| know the people were smaller we won't demean I wasn't even sure I was
00:22:08| demeaning the people back then because they were right it was more every
00:22:12| malnutrition I was making its making fun of them dying of malnutrition yeah I'm
00:22:20| pretty sure they're the same size but that'd be embarrassing if somehow I
00:22:24| didn't need to change trains because they didn't do the right science maybe
00:22:28| that's why they always have the two trains facing each other so you'd get on
00:22:31| one and then it slowly pull away and then the other one
00:22:34| you'll never know because of different sizes yeah I'm covered a great
00:22:39| conspiracy I believe was it fireball whiskey no one we're not allowed to say
00:22:47| name brands and two fireballs a generic word you can't well it's not that brand
00:22:54| of drink or alcoholic beverage I was mentioning is it a spicy type oh no it's
00:23:02| not that either it's just is that you can hold on is it
00:23:08| copyright neutral neutral okay that looks like a vodka drink it does and it
00:23:16| tastes just like one I'll tell you that well folks my smirk or smile was a
00:23:22| little easier than yours and doesn't make fun of people probably not as good
00:23:27| it might be actually my smirk her smile is a look back on the past and a smirk
00:23:34| that I think it may have reached the age where I stopped getting kicked out of
00:23:38| venues interesting I mean I forget what made me think of it I think my
00:23:48| girlfriend Angie was saying something about getting kicked out of somewhere
00:23:50| and I like I can get kicked out of there and then
00:23:53| realized I've been kicked out of Lincoln Financial Field props to them they sent
00:23:57| me an official letter saying I wasn't allowed back I'm going back but thank
00:24:02| you Eagles I've been kicked out of a cobia
00:24:06| Center imma kicked out of every bar on Main Street in Newark Delaware I was
00:24:12| even in a game in the spectrum two nights before they closed it down where
00:24:18| the Flyers used to play mm-hmm you know they eventually shut down like four
00:24:22| years ago five years ago yeah that's playing in an ice hockey
00:24:25| game because they let you play after was a longer time ago than that it's like
00:24:30| ten years and someone look it up it's gonna be like seven or eight only was
00:24:34| ten no that's probably seven or eight anyway I was playing in a game after the
00:24:41| fact and uh I punched a goalie because I couldn't score and uh a guy a guy like
00:24:49| an ago he started beating on me and my helmet flew off and I remember just
00:24:53| swinging on people wildly like a madman because I was angry I was frustrated we
00:24:58| were losing my one goal I don't care I hate everyone and uh there's a really
00:25:02| funny picture of me and I'm laughing and my helmets off and I'm holding my helmet
00:25:06| and I'm like laughs and skating away and the referees escorted me and I was
00:25:10| kicked out of the game I was not allowed back to the third period yeah it was
00:25:14| like four minutes left in the game at that point okay who cares play anyway
00:25:18| but it was really cool they escorted me in the penalty box at first then they
00:25:21| talked for a minute and I was like there's like 40 people in the stands
00:25:24| because everyone left it was after the game yeah and I was just like dang all
00:25:29| my heroes were in this penalty box and then they said you you're out you're not
00:25:33| coming back in the game and I said yeah yeah but there was no crowd so I'm being
00:25:40| escorted off the ice without my helmet going whoa kicked out and you're just
00:25:45| looking back like all my heroes got kicked out of there like that's awesome
00:25:49| I got kicked out of the spectrum for fighting a goalie that's great have you
00:25:54| ever seen perfume you know story of America murder no but this sounds way
00:25:59| different no getting kicked out of a spectrum
00:26:04| back so the the perfume story of a murderer
00:26:08| maybe it's about a guy who smells so well that he needs to capture scent so
00:26:15| he captures the most perfect scent ever that drives people wild and the end of
00:26:21| the movie he douses himself in that like scent of like just like wildness and
00:26:28| people rip him apart physically so if you were a hockey
00:26:34| player and he wanted to go out in the most hockey way possible to be killed in
00:26:41| like a abroad glory yeah the most like oh you did taking taking every stick to
00:26:48| the game like stabbing and like the fans coming out of the stands wanting to rip
00:26:53| me from limb from limb punches different pieces of equipment flying like you
00:26:58| imagine if like a shoulder pad and like a helmet that's funny and then like all
00:27:02| the sudden the cup coast line you're like he's done and your body jokes down
00:27:08| they can never get the red stain out like that beet juice man that's hard to
00:27:13| you just can't digest it mm-hm that's I don't know if that's deep or weird or
00:27:19| what Thanks hmm hmm you got to figure all the people like Billy Tibbets tank
00:27:26| are still Oh Dom Shearer mm-hmm figure that's how they want to go at the very
00:27:31| end one last game do you know Billy Tibbets was actually arrested for trying
00:27:37| to intimidate a witness shout-out Billy T I don't know if he listened to the
00:27:42| podcast hope he does that's that's shoutout material right there he stole
00:27:49| his money and then couldn't bribe the witness but that's taken it enforcer
00:27:53| roll to the next level like I think he was accused of rape and he was probably
00:27:57| intimidating them not to testify like your fourth liner for life bro your head
00:28:06| not my way into the box or a life huh well I felt good about that smirk a
00:28:16| smile I don't know about you I feel like did come on out you know it's like
00:28:20| almost like but we're bringing it to everyone's favorite friggin part of the
00:28:25| podcast a drill stops me on the street he's saying what are you gonna take it
00:28:31| Nick why do you guys doing the thing and I always say what thing what you talking
00:28:36| about you know what they say they lean in close they get right on the
00:28:40| microphone and they say celebrity I recently was watching Titanic again Oh
00:28:56| again I watch it every three nights four nights like twice a week I try and get
00:29:01| it in there he tried to dehydrate yourself right get all I know all those
00:29:04| tears out no I just it's on VHS wet lodge it's on VHS the only problem is I
00:29:09| have to get up and change tapes one and a half hours through but it's not a I
00:29:14| don't you should just splice them into one giant uh no something about it's
00:29:19| more real when I have to change the tape it's right when the band stops playing
00:29:24| and the rich guy is I'm not gonna go that - mm-hmm
00:29:29| well this one involves Kate Winslet our starlet from Titanic and Cher ha
00:29:37| timeless timeless beauty beauty oh my god I can't even put a time on that
00:29:43| beauty if I can turn back time oh my god they should have an artistic
00:29:53| contest where they draw a couple of young 30-something white males in the
00:30:01| noon uh-huh would you pose I'm not telling you which
00:30:05| one you get just telling you I'd draw me like one of your french boys I would say
00:30:11| moving back a chair like this now we do get food that we can bring with us like
00:30:18| a banana or an apple a couple grapes if you need
00:30:24| a cucumber watermelon if I need but they have to draw us the nude and the winner
00:30:30| can auction their picture off for charity and I figured what's more
00:30:35| beautiful than that huh you feel well that feel pretty good about it actually
00:30:41| I would I do it I'm like a wolf fur I call cher blend how old is she now she
00:30:51| even human it's time will she become the next phase of human now I want to say
00:30:58| she's 68 but you know I think she can't come to Houston because it's too hot
00:31:04| she's gonna melt so that sentence was going somewhere else so I guess I call
00:31:16| Kate Winslet that she's beautiful - hey jealous I call both of them I'll just be
00:31:25| a nice drawing here's like covering your nipples ready whatever you girls are
00:31:42| it's not pretending this one's just for fun somebody out there we found their
00:31:48| fetish mm-hmm hit the button subscribe that like button folks it's friggin like
00:31:55| blood bail get your codifications here good um there's a couple things I can
00:32:09| get - I have a word of the day it's not too big a segment where there's the
00:32:15| situation scenario I don't have a sex situation
00:32:19| over the word of the day first ultra crema Darion oh I can feel like I'm
00:32:27| choking on something uh-huh Ultra crepper Darion ultra crepin Darien you
00:32:35| got it it's it's someone who has opinion in expertise that are outside the realm
00:32:43| of knowledge so you see someone over here and they're like yes I was wrong
00:32:48| with my car the other guy goes yeah I don't know it's not starting and you
00:32:52| walk up to them and say Kobe the carburetor looks like it could be a
00:32:56| loose carburetor with the wires crossed a lot of people in this 74 Toyota's have
00:33:00| loose carburetors and you got to check the wires and you're gonna do this and
00:33:04| they say like 8,000 things and everyone stops and they're like did you work on
00:33:09| cars and he's like no and it's like I think a little bit but Raymond might be
00:33:17| right a lot I'm talking about someone who's who thinks they have a wealth of
00:33:20| knowledge but then they give you a whole bunch of information but it's not
00:33:24| necessarily true it's outside the realm of their knowledge they're literally
00:33:29| just talking out their butthole hmm is that but they're an expert on it it's
00:33:33| like they're an expert on it but you really might be lying or Mike's like to
00:33:38| people who can like conjure spirits oh but I think isn't that lying or they
00:33:43| think do or if they believe it that believe it yeah and they could make up
00:33:46| all that yes maybe all that jazz there check that out folks we got a 1960
00:33:52| salesman here Oh jazz but jazz ultra crap to Darien
00:34:00| mm-hmm all right I just call them covered Aryans because that sounds like
00:34:03| it covers it I think ultra means outside of the realm
00:34:07| of normal outside love so that so Kripa Darien is someone
00:34:11| who actually knows what they're doing or someone who does it or I know I'm
00:34:15| freaking out dude use your Latin huh you're speaking and earlier I don't
00:34:20| know listen I'm telling you as much as I can about it without knowing anything
00:34:24| about it Ultra crema Darien Isaac goodness
00:34:34| goodness goodness goodness why hello I mean we'd probably podcast
00:34:42| for like a full hour we can stop now or get into the big serious that everyone
00:34:46| at home wants to talk about let's go to the big one are you sure
00:34:52| you're ready pretty ready hey guys everyone at home you've been waiting for
00:34:59| this it's the China one-child policy no one thought we would go there but we
00:35:12| just went there when would you say that was started like 1964 ish and then in
00:35:19| start with Mao Zedong I had to do with his success and success led to such a
00:35:25| burst in population that something had to curb the population hmm so I did you
00:35:34| actually listen to the video because it told us the video says 1978 it was
00:35:39| actually a official policy in 1970 what they did it they did it they started in
00:35:45| so yes actually both are correct Wow I did a little search of me own and they
00:35:51| had some scientists that was judging that the population of China should be
00:35:58| interesting thing around the 2010 they said that uh they were thinking of
00:36:03| curtailing it eventually they stopped this policy in 2015 well a couple years
00:36:08| ago yeah as of January 1st 2016 you were allowed to have school children Wow holy
00:36:15| crap people still below the average right I don't know let me ask you hmm
00:36:22| I think two point three is the average number of children that people have your
00:36:25| average is two at this point hmm the interesting thing is I'm gonna take it a
00:36:31| little little side tangent here reality what percent of people do you think are
00:36:36| infertile in China or the world the world or based on the statistics that
00:36:41| are right on website well I do want to get like a little bit of a basis is this
00:36:47| everyone in the world is this people like is it is a ten-year-old infertile
00:36:51| or we don't count but these are married couples who are trying to have kids okay
00:36:54| okay that make sense and then do we stop at a certain age or like it's just peg
00:36:59| once you at seven you guess what chances are it's weird because the ages
00:37:02| were like you know 16 to 44 which I guess is of
00:37:05| females reproductive cycle okay okay that makes sense
00:37:08| okay so regular reproductive age yeah I would guess 12% are infertile I don't
00:37:13| know it's interesting because it's like it's like 8% as a person like and like
00:37:22| yeah yo for real I mean then on nothing damn I'm good
00:37:26| Holy Smoke me I want to just I'm panders I'm sorry you just may be literally I'm
00:37:33| really I'm stoked yeah one source on the internet you just matched
00:37:37| congratulations hey a source in the internet you're actually 100 percent
00:37:41| right that's a hundred percent proven by kind of like I was thinking about like
00:37:49| if you want to have kids you have 2.3 kids or whatever but the people that
00:37:55| can't have kids you don't ever hear about them right
00:37:58| because over 10% of the population or people that are married then one of
00:38:04| those time and it's kind of strangely you don't ever hear about it because
00:38:08| it's kind of like a social stigma right it is you're absolutely correct now is
00:38:14| this social stigma then to have nine kids there's a couple because I would be
00:38:19| bad too that's going the opposite way it's like
00:38:22| one more than the Octomom who had them all at once and made a pornography for
00:38:28| let the record show oh that the interesting part is I'm gonna bring it
00:38:33| back to China okay bring it back to optimum porn out they didn't blame
00:38:37| people who had multiple children at the same time so there oh no no I know I
00:38:43| knew this there was an increased number of twins so if you were going to mom and
00:38:48| wanted eight children in China you just be like I had eight all at once I can't
00:38:51| be blamed for this well did you think it was interesting that more of these
00:38:55| multiple children births were happening in China
00:39:00| no because they probably they were like most of the abortions were going on
00:39:05| because they didn't want either a female or maybe they did want to so they would
00:39:08| probably keep a burning until they got twins if that runs in their family
00:39:12| so if we can dial up a cuisine because you're getting into some very good stuff
00:39:16| intense stuff very good stuff they are China's population was over
00:39:23| overflowing it's like once I leave now Zedong right tons of people and they
00:39:28| figured Papa he's been double triple quadruple as it was they were having
00:39:33| trouble back in 1960 70s with feeding all these people because brick loaded
00:39:38| people so that's why this whole one-child thing works now when you're
00:39:42| forced to have just one child everyone once a boy you know male carries the
00:39:49| name your lineage like everything so if you only allowed to have one it better
00:39:53| be a boy I got some numbers for you as of 2000 and I think it was 2004 or 2001
00:40:03| I can't tell I have two things written males outnumber females 117 to a hundred
00:40:09| doesn't sound like much I did a country of a billion it equated to bigger yes 24
00:40:18| to 30 million so this is by 2020 when at all of these children of age to get
00:40:24| married and pair off and find a spouse a lover or whatever there will be 30
00:40:29| million extra dudes hanging around in China looking for chicks
00:40:33| that's extra and it's not just dudes in general it's all the dudes match up with
00:40:38| a girl plus 30 million extra dudes that's one awkward sausage party man it
00:40:44| sure is they actually ventured to say that it
00:40:47| might lead to more sex trafficking kidnapping women and make them their
00:40:53| wives like weird stuff yeah it was like cool God it's crazy what I originally
00:40:58| thought when I heard that they called it the missing women problem of you know
00:41:02| mmm-hmm you know what happened to those women do you what do we know you don't
00:41:06| want a border china before we had the immigration which was where you're going
00:41:12| him before we get to what you're thinking about oh oh when I heard about
00:41:16| China making this one one-child policy I thought maybe it's like a ploy maybe you
00:41:22| want more men so you're you're like you're you're making a
00:41:26| relation that is army ready you have I'll see that in theory okay if you have
00:41:33| anything to do oh yeah and no one to settle down with you take versions
00:41:37| that's who's our military all version angry virgins who have guns and kiss
00:41:43| them yes anyway you could use yeah you can use those people as Expendables
00:41:51| essentially that wasn't copyrighted by a movie I don't think so I can't think of
00:41:58| one so what was your tangent just the missing women um they theoretical a
00:42:10| abortions leaving kids on the steps tools and places like just getting rid
00:42:16| of kids it was mostly women because we wanted a boy you know what I mean mm-hmm
00:42:21| a lot of adoptions are I got some I got crazy stats from a place called
00:42:28| Guangdong province in Hawaii County County this is this is in the nineteen
00:42:36| nineties or no no there's a kid no no in the province there's a county in the
00:42:42| province okay it probably wasn't a city it's probably
00:42:45| just County Hawaii County they estimated by like 1990s sometime in there which is
00:42:52| pretty recent like not too long ago mmm-hmm they had quotas on people who
00:42:58| they thought were having a second or third or fourth child
00:43:01| they forced 20,000 abortions and sterilizations in a one year period
00:43:07| hold up cuz it's back-alley no you know no internet no anything China they could
00:43:15| do it in a woman up to eight and a half months pregnant Oh check this it's a way
00:43:21| they did it is called intrauterine installation abortions they add like
00:43:26| something like a saline solution so it was they'd added saline solution
00:43:32| directly to the the birth sack because that would a kill the fetus because I
00:43:38| guess all that salt is directly or by their skin you have to get it into
00:43:42| the sack and then the the whole everything would contract and try and
00:43:47| expel the saltwater what they notice is if they just added a um an algae some
00:43:53| kind of Brad brown algae into the solution like they would have the whole
00:43:59| process down like 14 hours as opposed to that's pretty cool wow that's weird you
00:44:05| just like hey this thing aborts things better else throw it right gee yeah it's
00:44:11| like what so um I was like that's the craziest thing I ever heard this
00:44:18| abortions ridiculous thank God we live in the United States well did you know
00:44:22| it was um it was used in the United States up to the 1970s like 20% of the
00:44:28| cases oh my god it's oh hold up where has 2003
00:44:36| method that was o3 I mean it's over a long time ago I mean how long everyone
00:44:43| born after 2000 seems like a young buck to me so they survived that abortion
00:44:46| yeah now it's a hold army because the apartheid put it in a pill because else
00:44:52| and you know at a super low mortality rate crate two cases resulted in live
00:45:00| documented births baby whoo you had too many survivors if you're a survivor of
00:45:07| intrauterine installation abortion contact me on panderers and we'll get
00:45:14| you on here maybe if it's feasible and easy and you have an internet connection
00:45:18| and a camera yeah the amazing thing is that like we're my second child mm-hmm
00:45:28| if I was in China before that's what I'm thinking
00:45:34| yeah it would that mean a sterilization for me like listen I was just having a
00:45:43| regular old sex and she got rigged she got super pregnant I didn't get pregnant
00:45:49| that's a tough practice that's a tough thing it's weird
00:45:53| well wanna touch on the four to one problem I was gonna guess exactly where
00:45:57| I was good I know I could tell where you're going up
00:45:59| we're on pandering come on and you're the oldest right I am I'm the youngest
00:46:05| so I wouldn't exist if we were in China I just wouldn't be here cuz I would I
00:46:10| would have been saline injected I would have been a survivor like that number
00:46:17| three over three number third year but it's a crazy thing to think about that
00:46:22| like you wouldn't have any any siblings I wouldn't be here mm-hmm you would have
00:46:27| no cousins right is that accurate no well not necessarily because that's
00:46:32| your brother's your mother's brothers or sisters oh she didn't have brothers
00:46:37| sisters I guess yeah Barry you don't have any cousins uh-huh and if it's long
00:46:43| enough if it's now if it's now such an effect for 34 years sure yeah you're the
00:46:50| second generation that now you have two parents and they have four grandparents
00:46:56| and you're the sole provider so you're a scheme so you're telling me a pyramid
00:47:01| for grandparents two parents one child the old pyramid we run into a problem
00:47:08| with China's population so are you telling me yeah I don't know how they
00:47:12| couldn't foresee that I mean you're not replacing the same people that are there
00:47:15| you're becoming top-heavy so China is super old right now the same in Japan
00:47:20| yeah an older get older brother yeah so like what do they do you got a number
00:47:25| for what 41 okay yeah China will lose 67 million of the
00:47:35| working force by 2030 no they have a lot of people a billion but 67 million
00:47:40| people will be gone I don't know they have enough people to replace that they
00:47:47| probably this one that's the population in China
00:47:53| three seven nine billion Wow well I guess they went off because people are
00:47:58| still being born yeah India is catching up they're almost equal ooh ooh this
00:48:02| smaller area of 80 they poop in the streets
00:48:06| yeah this is terrible but there's when people die over there it's common that
00:48:12| they dump them into rivers apparently I mean you run out of room I don't know
00:48:17| yeah funerals are expensive so they just kind of let them float away I was just
00:48:22| listening to somebody talk about how they would like they were on a boat in
00:48:25| India and they're just like a corpse would show up and they'd be like oh my
00:48:29| god and they'd be like oh don't worry about it it's normal
00:48:32| keep going that's best let's go up it is um you're one more stat I guess oh yeah
00:48:42| by 2050 that's quite a distance away that's like a hundred years away right
00:48:49| tomorrow one third of the country will be over 60
00:48:58| and the crazy thing is that the people in the middle don't have any family to
00:49:02| rely on like imagine all the stuff you go through a valley on France's right if
00:49:09| you don't any friends and you're on a family you could talk to you do you
00:49:12| think this is gonna result in something crazy like Chinese banish their elders
00:49:17| to the desert ridiculous because they just can't like you know you need to die
00:49:21| or let them die and they're like well they're over 70 have a good life the
00:49:26| grandpa grandma and then just like that's what that's the problem of the
00:49:30| dictators I think dictators come up with the wrong ideas and they they don't
00:49:34| think it through and like this is one of the ones that's obvious like you may not
00:49:37| be able to meet a food shortage but that hasn't happened yet but you're
00:49:42| definitely gonna run into a problem when you have four grandchildren two parents
00:49:47| and only one child issues not an issue yeah and a lot of the people say that so
00:49:57| like if you're if you're wealthy in America mm-hmm and you're making enough
00:50:02| to support two people and that's happened twice now so your grandparents
00:50:07| there's four grandparents they were able to make enough to support themselves
00:50:11| than their children who are your parents are making twice enough twice as much to
00:50:17| support whatever they need so you would need like eight times as
00:50:21| much or sixteen I'm not doing the math right I'm not saying that the child
00:50:24| would need eight eight times no no the parents but the parents are already well
00:50:29| off so there's these okay oh you're so cool yeah this thing like that the child
00:50:33| is then shot the little little Emperor already gone okay I say so like you
00:50:40| become I got I guess this is grat trustafarians right well I think of this
00:50:45| not only are they spoiled brats or spoiled boys exactly they're all all
00:50:50| dudes looking to steal women from local countries guess what homey ain't gonna
00:50:56| happen here in America our women are liberated they're free thinking and they
00:51:03| listen to the young panner is a little more feminist leaning podcasts in
00:51:07| eastern philadelphia northeast area Quadra in South Texas and South Texas
00:51:13| boom look at us yep ladies our women are spread themselves thin or really really
00:51:18| thick dunno how you want it we like them thick she's a crazy thing to think about
00:51:36| like how much how much wealth the America Hat America has and if we were
00:51:39| to Institute the same thing he gets so many douche bags that would just there'd
00:51:44| be a country a douche we already have them sitting more unfathomable
00:51:51| unfathomable unfathered unfathomable no see them the
00:51:57| unfathomable you chickened out - I do want to take a moment to talk about
00:52:07| something I've recently bought into most people go into college probably listen
00:52:13| this podcast most people who professionally play
00:52:17| table tennis probably was podcast most people who casually play beer pong
00:52:22| probably on this podcast it's we're number 10 in sales if you count just us
00:52:30| we're number one in if you count just us and we're number
00:52:35| two in things I watch on YouTube when I'm bored I mean there's other videos
00:52:40| but I come back to this yeah cuz I'll make you one thing one thing we all have
00:52:44| in common ping-pong balls you buy em for the
00:52:50| dollar store you buy em for the grocery store who cares
00:52:53| hold on hold on it's a 40-millimeter ball lately they
00:52:59| even made out of plastic well I switch to Poli folks catch up with the times
00:53:04| switched appalling they make four different major brands of ping pongs
00:53:09| only ones recognized by the ITTF International Table Tennis Association
00:53:16| don't ask me why it's a it's a Chinese thing Federation it it's called
00:53:21| Association though in another language it might be Federation anyway mmm-hmm
00:53:28| look it up okay I will there's four major brands you can buy
00:53:33| when you go to the store there's the DHS there seem forty blush
00:53:38| it's Federation its association fine that's fine you believe what everyone
00:53:45| I'm sure well this is America DHS make theirs in China they're a seen
00:53:54| like this at a different material it's a Appa their seamless 40 plus they're made
00:54:04| in China still perfect sphere they don't claim purpose fear hold on last one is
00:54:09| the nittaku it's made in Japan only and it's perfectly seamless Wow
00:54:16| hold on they've done testing they know which one's the best you want to guess
00:54:23| it's the no seen Wow no seam means no mold
00:54:27| there's no uneven weight and there's no thick variation up to point zero zero
00:54:33| one millimeters it's guaranteed you buy one of these it's gonna bounce crisp
00:54:39| clear and go wherever the fly-in f you want it to it's guaranteed look
00:54:46| ninh Taku Japanese grant do you know they're rated on the one two three star
00:54:51| system for ping-pong balls really no one knows that guess what
00:54:55| NIT Taku the Japanese ones there are four star rating folks I'm talking full
00:55:01| four out of four or four to five four at three trust me $18 for a 3-pack of these
00:55:09| let me tell you what worth it best investment I've ever made my entire
00:55:15| life you don't buy a zoo shafu training Bowl though they look very similar
00:55:21| they're seamless don't buy it all I'm saying is here the on panderers we buy
00:55:27| the finest materials we stand behind our products and we think you should too
00:55:32| check it out coach this is amazing I love I love being alive at this time
00:55:39| because I could see like I just serve the Taku ping pong ball and how it's
00:55:45| made did an episode on it and I'm watching them make it I'm watching them
00:55:50| how they form two hemispheres and now they're merged together a seat and
00:55:55| there's a seam but now they're gonna fix the seam part of it by they were so long
00:56:02| they did magical process I don't know it's it's gonna skip right over it Oh
00:56:07| copyright huh they have little Chinese fingers shaving
00:56:13| off each seam hmm this is intense it's the most excited I've been in about
00:56:25| they have like a they have an assortment of different testers they'd love thing
00:56:30| that splits it and like it's like a you know that thing on a ship not shop til
00:56:35| you drop because that was in the 90s oh wow
00:56:40| price is right yeah link oh yeah like play-doh they measure it that way to see
00:56:45| that it doesn't like deviate it's nuts you talk to table tennis balls for two
00:56:49| three and painters buy it here Wow folks I was annoyed that Dan was trying to
00:56:58| double-check me and look it up but the fact that we came up with the same
00:57:01| results Wow unbelievable buy-in folks buy-in I couldn't believe that it's not
00:57:09| a perfect smear smear its furious fear or smear
00:57:13| it's not a perfect smear I was getting hungry as thing about bagels or PAP yeah
00:57:19| yeah all the time um old Pappy I always hate to bring the
00:57:26| podcast down oh now what did you do well you don't know who I'm talkin about at
00:57:31| one time it just I see my parents someone someone who follows the podcast
00:57:38| religiously he's one of the great followers i I advise you all to follow
00:57:42| him on all his insta Twitter I don't know any of his name yes but it doesn't
00:57:49| matter he's not important don't stop commenting but anyway follow him he um
00:57:53| he stopped Facebook good for him he has a lot of problems a lot of sexual urges
00:58:00| like issues with their relationship I say stay away from Facebook well dill
00:58:05| van did it again folks his girlfriend left we'll call her Diana she left her
00:58:13| facebook open and he went on Oh No she's been DMing or whatever it's called
00:58:21| Facebook messaging someone about hepatitis D has anyone even heard of
00:58:25| this man she finally she got the bear yeah so hold on
00:58:29| she's making the bear he's in she's in quite a predicament hepatitis D if I'm
00:58:33| reading this correct it affects your lungs and the antibodies
00:58:36| and it's it's not a joke like it's a fairly serious is the D from the dill
00:58:41| Dan no no no that's the exact problem the only way you can cure hepatitis D is
00:58:47| to exchange bodily fluids with a person that gave it to you that's a dill man
00:58:54| doesn't have it and he's done a lot of research he's talked to a couple doctors
00:58:57| in her history he's really getting nervous hold on how many body will
00:59:02| follow the fluids and what quantities mm mm to be in so where's Ashton here's a
00:59:07| question you can do it they have to be free
00:59:10| diana has talked to Dan dough man and said that she wants him to meet her
00:59:17| ex-boyfriend Ross dithers so Dan thought nothing of
00:59:23| it except this is a week ago now that he knows is hepatitis D think he looked
00:59:27| Ross dithers up look him up folks he's a bodybuilder from London he's six foot
00:59:33| five he's huge muscles the size of melons why does she want Dan to meet
00:59:41| this guy all of a sudden what does happen size D have to do with it if she
00:59:45| has to exchange fluids with Ross he has to exchange for us as well I don't know
00:59:55| man well in my mind I have yet to hear from him he hasn't gotten back to me but
01:00:00| why would she want to meet with this guy do you think they're just gonna kiss
01:00:04| like a three-way kiss or is it worse let's reel a poop fluid it is kind of
01:00:15| liquidy sometimes I'm worried about it but anyway that's with dill Dan's self
01:00:20| too and at the podcast we really worry about him
01:00:25| just whatever get back does it don't Anna's film no just film it and tell us
01:00:30| what happens anyway that guy is huge and jacked Ross hmm so Phil Dan if you have
01:00:36| to exchange saliva whatever no shame there dude
01:00:40| go for it ask me go for whatever to heal her I mean if not he's being selfish
01:00:45| isn't he cure disease dill then pretty always disease that praise Jesus anyway
01:00:55| let's move on get depressed I feel fantastic you know what here last one
01:01:07| I'll do a yeah comments from the ether you guys like to post in our comments
01:01:15| all the time I'm not gonna say which I mean I'll find out which one it was
01:01:18| Twitter we got a tweet Twitter what is the Twitter Twatter
01:01:22| at on panderers right yep we got a website at the unparished oh my god no
01:01:30| on painters yes yes that's it it's up top I'm here for my face
01:01:36| I can't even say yeah we got um insta maybe do we yes we do see we got all
01:01:45| these socials of want you all to go there well I read something on the
01:01:49| social today that I wanted to share cuz I thought that's fantastic damn that's a
01:01:54| lot of commotion that's a lot of there's just a lot going on so from the ether
01:02:01| I'm gonna read a little thing Eric's all and it really caught my eye
01:02:04| um Chad Smith loses it oops he's just joking of course he ain't
01:02:11| serious Chad's like the coolest guy ever smiley face and that's from Red Hot
01:02:17| Chili Peppers live it was five days ago next comment though was a direct comment
01:02:22| against it not at all you can't lie it's obvious he was pissed but he started it
01:02:29| by being a pompous ass denigrating Europeans by calling them weird SS - two
01:02:36| days ago cuz this is getting crazy third comment under that he was calling
01:02:42| European prog rock weird not Europeans unless I'm mistaken
01:02:47| CAK music this is two days ago so I checked and this is a lot of comments
01:02:53| for our YouTube page but I also think it may have been from when I googled Chad
01:02:59| Smith loses it after fan yells Will Ferrell at him so I think it was that
01:03:05| but either way um shout out to the people commenting on our site I think
01:03:20| it's really even if it wasn't our page I think this is a different page about a
01:03:25| different thing it could have been about our page I'm not sure I mean it makes
01:03:30| more sense it was Chad Smith losing it after a fan yelled Will Ferrell at him
01:03:36| could have been in our colors episode though well yeah we're gonna have to
01:03:42| check the analytics on that one mm-hmm to double check make sure the streams
01:03:46| didn't get crossed it's kind of dangerous that way those inner tube
01:03:54| streams always spokes folks yep Oh with smokes folks that's my new
01:04:03| saying I'd say it's a tongue twister oh wow well I guess it's that time in the
01:04:13| evening I think it is relax have your favorite beer listen to a podcast and
01:04:19| enjoy I listen to this one I'd listen to this one thank you I think we would and
01:04:26| will second in the playlist on painters comp folks check all our socials don't
01:04:41| just listen to one or check one Google all over like I go to this website that
01:04:47| website touch this program download this tweet this like who cares just check us
01:04:53| out just check us out we like you like yeah

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