The UnPanderers: Transcript of Episode 11 - Part A - Laziness

Friday, May 11, 2018

Transcript of Episode 11 - Part A - Laziness

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 11 - Part A - Laziness
Click to read the episode transcription below.

This transcription was generated using YouTube's voice to text captioning method. Hopefully, Speech-To-Text technology will become more accurate in the future.
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00:00:03| so I'm damn I guess I'll Nick yes yes you are
00:00:11| together though whether it's through each other or through the rest of the
00:00:16| world man I don't care we form the competitors think about that yeah I am
00:00:25| thinking about it I know we are yes we are
00:00:31| the young panderers that's what we are take a look at it on painters comp check
00:00:37| our website to check it folks to go check up check all the tubes act
00:00:41| time up make it tight do it hmm that's a honey read baby read me read is
00:00:51| that a wine or is that did you add honey to wine I just made a bunch of big stuff
00:00:56| and put it in a wine glass is fermented honey is that Mead
00:01:04| it is actually you sell that at you were in PA a liquor store not a beer store
00:01:11| huh I've never had me before but I hear it's not as good as honey the only
00:01:17| people who would buy it were like um you can tell they were really nerdy
00:01:21| non-drinkers who were going to like a Renaissance Faire or something oh yeah
00:01:25| that makes sense they'll be like a 24 year old girl who like has never been in
00:01:29| a liquor store before and she's like do you have something called me and I'd be
00:01:32| like I guess what are you gonna do with it I do enjoy that those things survive
00:01:38| based on those people like the cliche keeps it alive and going right like do
00:01:44| you think here's an interesting thing do you think if like people try and keep
00:01:47| older stuff alive stuff from hundreds of years ago it's like hey man I think
00:01:52| someone should still turn butter by hand look do you think if you ask any one of
00:01:56| them back then if they could have an automatic butter eternity but yeah that
00:02:00| may be like no no the sacredness of the churning motion keeps us wholesome I
00:02:06| just like yeah give me the auto oh I just imagined the one wallflower in the
00:02:11| group just in the corner turning us on butter like missing it
00:02:14| dearly happy time but as precise Dan the rest of us are lazy yeah come back what
00:02:26| do you say we do here I think we just connect on this weird level man it's
00:02:32| just so many levels deep and not so deep as well mid-range I would almost warn
00:02:41| people who aren't 21 or 18 whatever the legal recourse there's like there's some
00:02:46| stuff in here that not good for you you I wish you I wish you the best
00:02:52| I bless up I say my my prayers up top a bottom my prayers from here and I want
00:02:58| you to leave the thing running but I want you to leave the room yeah can't
00:03:02| hear it on silent and subscribe look at that leg way now cuz it that like button
00:03:08| first mmm-hmm see it give minute give us all
00:03:12| the attention we need it will just bask in it and also for the record our
00:03:18| employers are betrothed is our children our neighbors friends ourselves these
00:03:29| aren't the opinions here and we express right now these are all just projections
00:03:34| of opinions we have man this is not our true thoughts opinions and any slurs we
00:03:41| say yeah that don't they don't reflect us it's not us it's just a show it's a
00:03:48| disclaimer right there folks well certainly a disclaim what's the opposite
00:03:52| of here in you're out you're out I guess you're out yeah I can hear out mmm all
00:04:01| the opinions that are out there we're using those opinions in here but not up
00:04:06| here in just on the show out out here so yeah
00:04:15| all right cool Italy good just go back from the mountains no internet no phone
00:04:22| no texting people nothing did you go dice no swimming in a stream
00:04:29| was there running like a large amount of running water not like tap water there
00:04:34| was it was about like 30 feet away from us almost getting in that it was too far
00:04:39| too far really lazy we did play sports you know a lot of wiffle ball happens
00:04:46| when you got no internet believe it or not
00:04:47| wow you who struck in our instruments we had up running electricity ok did say
00:04:57| internet and all phones and texts and and all that no Wi-Fi no nothing we had
00:05:02| a landline and electricity so that was cool sweet electric instruments we we
00:05:09| jammed out well here's the thing I'm saying this for all the people that go
00:05:14| up the mountains with us if half the group sits there doesn't play music it
00:05:22| ruins it for the people to play music that's true you have the guy who I mean
00:05:26| Turin tries to play something and it just screeches all right no no no no
00:05:31| like they they're really cool like they won't pick up an instrument but let's
00:05:36| say the three of us were up there and we wanted to jam at like 4:00 p.m. but like
00:05:40| everyone was like we're just gonna get a game a bags going and drink in and
00:05:43| you're like oh we're gonna jam and then everyone's like okay cuz now you killed
00:05:48| their game of bags but I mistaken an upside kind of no purpose but they're
00:05:54| like what do they do I can't pick up an extra instrument like
00:05:57| I got like a rock outside I'll play your rock drums and they don't want to I'll
00:06:02| blame them it's my name on a tambourine yeah you don't want to give him any
00:06:06| extra instruments it'll play music the guy and he also don't lend it and you
00:06:10| don't want them to sit there and stare at you while you playing like it's
00:06:13| probably not that enjoyable like yeah this is great guys and you're just
00:06:17| jamming out with your bandmates it's like it's this awkward thing where it's
00:06:21| like yeah my there's seven of it when I play guitar sit there and watch it it
00:06:26| like come into my room and I'd be like this
00:06:28| strange and like I had it stopped they were trying to be nice but like you can
00:06:34| tell us painful for them and for you because you at that age in grade school
00:06:41| there's no way I was playing a full song it's the same right and they were over
00:06:44| again right and they were encouraging you by trying to be there for you but at
00:06:47| the same time you're like this is all I know this is all I know this is all I
00:06:52| know I'm so light now screech this is all I know
00:06:56| oh and they were like this is great I feel like my mom was really supportive
00:07:01| for my dad just shat on anything I did pushing you and he was a pusher a nice
00:07:07| balance one good cop bad cop I like it yeah yeah I dig him dig him a lot I did
00:07:16| learn a lot about myself and my fellow people yes we're gonna call this town
00:07:23| show derp right not the real name of the town but the town only has like 500
00:07:28| people hmm so if I said the actual name of it I'm pretty sure the whole town
00:07:32| would find me like a southern mountains though right you're like by yourself
00:07:35| right but it's it's eight minutes from a town a town of 500 people like this town
00:07:40| has three traffic lights one bank one deli one diner you go to in the morning
00:07:47| one it has like one of everything but there's only like 12 stores but they're
00:07:51| all right here in the center of town you know there's stop sign hanging up to
00:07:54| these lights and that's it that's those towns down for me cuz it's like if you
00:07:58| actually lived in that town you'd see the same 500 people 499 people and we're
00:08:03| just thinking you say that so uh we're driving there and I drove up there
00:08:09| Friday night so like late night driving you have to work and everything and
00:08:13| drive and get behind an accent before 76 I'm like really it's ten cars off like I
00:08:19| can just see it if we go like this no and I'm like I'm secretly hoping man I
00:08:25| hope they're okay I really hope they're okay move their car
00:08:28| please move their car and I'm like man hope no one's main goes it really really
00:08:31| Deb's in the way you're like that slowly trying to get by I'm like oh my
00:08:43| god that's terrible can I get by real quick the light tap the anyway put me
00:08:53| back like 40 minutes it's already a two and a half hour trip
00:08:57| now it's like three hour and ten minutes it's gonna be like 10:15 at night but
00:09:01| time I get there you got any sidekicks or just you know no my one guy canceled
00:09:07| he couldn't make it back issue and I didn't get any other guys cuz I didn't I
00:09:11| don't know just me I'm drinking a lot of coffee
00:09:14| wha-wha coffee the 20 ounce err it's still a dog you get it for a dollar
00:09:19| sixteen ounce a dollar twelve ounce of dollar well uh who gets the twelve ounce
00:09:23| for a dollar I mean if you're not gonna drink it although I didn't get the
00:09:27| twenty four did I go - I didn't that's that's good of you did you need that
00:09:35| four ounces how do you know you know oh I'll tell
00:09:38| you in a minute so P so I had to pee cuz now I'm Way past my record driving down
00:09:46| really really really crazy mountain backroads and I refuse to pull over
00:09:50| you can pull over anywhere P but that's not the point I'm trying to save on time
00:09:55| so I stood up while I was doing 30 and I kept looking at the steering wheel and
00:10:00| everything and there's a real weird dance you have to do to pee in a coffee
00:10:03| cup in a Jeep because you're so high up you know did you have dinner or self no
00:10:10| no no that would've been easy I would just pick up everything free but um so
00:10:15| I'm filling this coffee cup and it's too dark to tell but I want to make sure I
00:10:20| don't go over a certain level so you got the dip going on you dip down into it
00:10:24| you feel right when you're about to get near the brim
00:10:28| you have to stop please stop so I did it barely got rid of anything dumped it out
00:10:34| the window no big deal I go for my second round right I just need to get
00:10:37| this out of me still doing 30 still covering the wheel still pushing the gas
00:10:41| still looking around it's very complicated but I feel like I'm a
00:10:43| coordinated individual overflowed a little the whole urinal shorts little a
00:10:51| shirt oh I see laughs I could have pulled over and save
00:10:56| myself what two minutes anyway nobody Opie dumped it out the window who cares
00:11:01| put the coffee come back here whatever is just empty I don't have PG&E goddamn
00:11:05| coffee cup people I'm not an animal well about eight minutes further ten
00:11:10| minutes further I get into the Talon to shore all of six stop signs for traffic
00:11:14| lights maybe three and it's chop on that you're like well um you're so close and
00:11:21| you're just like just get out of town then I go up this mountain road and then
00:11:24| there's like back Pat's and GPS doesn't even work so you better know where the
00:11:27| hell you're going it's 10:00 and at night so there's cops
00:11:31| behind me and I'm like just be long I'm doing like the exact speed limit you
00:11:36| know you're being a man'll citizen Yeah right it also helps that I have like
00:11:40| five guitars three amps handle of liquor another handle of liquor illicit drugs a
00:11:47| firearm and other stuff other than that I mean I'm squeaky clean normal guy sir
00:11:53| do you have anything on tryst in your car even bought cigarettes for this trip
00:11:58| I don't even smoke cigarettes I just was like I'm buying everything I'll need
00:12:01| them just everything cuz you're going so far away anyway so he's following me
00:12:08| this cop and I'm like looking at and there's a spot where it's like a highway
00:12:11| road and it meets a residential Road and it's like a curved stop sign
00:12:15| so I'm like looking at don't know where to stop and I've stopped like you know
00:12:19| even hear them forever no big deal the other car coming by wouldn't you know it
00:12:23| is a cop so I'm like oh my police stops and down now I'm doing that s top-25
00:12:33| well he follows me and I get to the light and I'm making a left and I'm like
00:12:36| the only thing to left is the damn road out of town so I'm gonna be a girl he go
00:12:41| follow me here so I make the left and and doesn't he follow me and then turn
00:12:45| on his legs well and so comes out in the car pretty quick he's not making me wait
00:12:55| comes over it guys a little flashlight and he's shining on me and I had to turn
00:12:59| down my music I forgot I had the music on and he looks at me and he looks down
00:13:03| and at that moment I realized I had talked my shirt into my underwear
00:13:08| and shorts are the pigments in so I look like coca cereal thing other drugs in
00:13:12| your pan and I'm like well just I just look strange and he looks he's looking
00:13:16| at the coffee cup and everything I'm like oh no probably smells like piss in
00:13:19| here I'm like okay okay think quick don't say the word piss don't see the
00:13:24| room piss said is there a problem and he said did you not see the stop
00:13:29| sign back there and then he I cut him off I said oh my
00:13:32| god I'm really sorry did I miss was there another stop sign
00:13:35| I really thought oh my god well there's one new between the stop sign here oh
00:13:39| and and that's what I thought I was like I did pass a street there's totally no
00:13:43| stop sign was there and then he goes well no you stopped at the stop sign but
00:13:47| you were very quick about it I said and I said so what and then he tried to he
00:13:54| tried to make it a nicer yeah he said it just seemed like you didn't know that it
00:13:58| was there and I said well not from here like she isn't this obvious is this why
00:14:03| you nearly pulled me over because because my vehicle wasn't recognized by
00:14:07| you you were like whoa we got strangers up in these parts you know any Knicks
00:14:10| shenanigans Illinois hey is that all about so now he's asked me for my stuff
00:14:17| and I realized I was like oh shoot I think I locked the gun in the part of my
00:14:21| vehicle with the license and registration or the registration
00:14:24| insurance I was like he's gonna shoot me I was like it's all legal like I have it
00:14:31| for working or anything huh and I go I have my stuff it's in the glove box I
00:14:35| have a firearm in there and I was like it's what I I'm licensed I got the
00:14:39| permits I'm good but years ago it's fine and I said you want me to get it for you
00:14:44| he goes that's fine the weirdest thing was I feel like that
00:14:47| put him more at ease knowing that I had a gun and I was like alright idea the
00:14:54| rural boy white train and I was like okay you fend oh yeah maybe so
00:15:00| he asked where I'm going and I mentioned my friend is house where it is I
00:15:04| mentioned the street okay that's about there and let him come by later dude get
00:15:07| out rest I should have his tone it immediately changed when he knew that my
00:15:13| license was real I looked legit and he goes you are
00:15:18| you going out there to play some music or something I said well yeah we're
00:15:22| gonna Jim being the guys and he goes oh man out there you got no neighbors right
00:15:26| and I said no not for like acres or ahem he says man rock out real hard like and
00:15:33| I was thinking say rock out hard look and I was like yeah we will he says you
00:15:40| didn't have nothing to drink tonight right that's a nun he says but I bet you
00:15:42| will later he's like all Sony's my friend oh yeah bring him later it's
00:15:48| funny how you get away from a major city and everything becomes southern so he
00:15:52| was like in the south but I drove two and a half hours north it was the
00:15:55| weirdest thing huh rednecks to everywhere yes and he ended up being
00:16:00| nice enough to me and everything but then I was like who magic house black oh
00:16:06| yeah my stuff's in the pickup box with the gun we're gonna bounce it to me so
00:16:13| that's why privileged folks I experienced it for who knows how many
00:16:18| times is this lifetime but it worked out today for that I chose for people who
00:16:27| don't get it yes oh your heart start to palpitate as soon as you've seen those
00:16:32| lights you're you know you're purposely like
00:16:34| stopping and then he's like Compton pissed do you smell like this
00:16:40| he didn't make yet oh the car no no he was like totally like turned on a button
00:16:45| when I knew that road huh we already have her baby no it's it's his parents
00:16:53| house like they they don't they're not even like permanent residents they come
00:16:57| up like I want to stay like three months of the year and then they visit on
00:17:00| weekends you know unless they leave the hell of an impression I don't I have
00:17:05| heard that that like in the boonies of Pennsylvania there's a lot of drug
00:17:09| runners really oh okay that makes sense they're looking for a drug runner mm-hmm
00:17:14| I mean I was hearing this yeah this shirt this special turquoise necklace
00:17:21| we'll get into later but uh yeah so it made me smirk smile and say
00:17:28| shouldn't it be covered piss but yeah yeah you're gonna stop but then again
00:17:33| you don't know if the cop is like you know another 20 feet behind you and then
00:17:38| I thought how funny have been if he was like is that that there why want coffee
00:17:42| oh we got it sheets that maybe like look yeah there's a little left but you know
00:17:47| it's it's gold and then be like I'd be awful thankful if you gave me that I
00:17:52| couldn't I'm gonna write your ticket unless you know why don't you let me
00:17:56| have some why coffee I would grab it with both hands and drink it first
00:17:59| because or would it be better to let him drink it and see what he did you gotta
00:18:10| take the bullet he's gonna go take a job he's gonna give it to me if I drink his
00:18:16| coffee for no reason mmm tough choice like this happens in a
00:18:24| movie I'm pretty sure it does it's probably a movie from that and the guy
00:18:28| and a guy either let's the cop take whatever it isn't it smells like piss or
00:18:34| smells like something real wrong or weird and all of a sudden is being a
00:18:39| Yuri I think maybe anyway the movie it's real dark and neither of them say
00:18:44| anything to each other he says get down oh it's Jim Carrey in that what's that
00:18:50| what's that one Dumb and Dumber telling Dahmer what's in it
00:18:58| I forget what is it is it you or something it is you're in beer bottles
00:19:05| in their pain in the balls I knew this happened somewhere else yeah
00:19:13| well folks my life is religious Dumb and Dumber playing out a movie that's where
00:19:19| it is folks I guess I'm dumb I'm dumber either way either way your way the
00:19:25| mountain was good a great story Copple most can leave Urbina the pissed
00:19:29| serial killer a little bit embarrassing what would you the piss serial killer
00:19:36| what would that be all right how would you invite people into your car
00:19:42| and then you drive around with the doors locked until they have to go they have
00:19:46| to go and you hand them a cup and say you'll let them out if they just pee a
00:19:49| little bit and then when they get bladder like you get you get sexually
00:19:54| excited in your own vehicle while you're driving and then they pay and they say
00:19:57| just let me out so you say okay you let them out you kill them but you keep the
00:20:01| pee okay so that's that's gonna be a serial killer
00:20:07| like that and that would be what kind of movie what would the title be mmm
00:20:13| pee myself and I read pee myself and I peed myself
00:20:19| all right thank you through thank you through she come up with all the movies
00:20:24| that you make up and time you're in luck you're in luck like that hmm
00:20:31| oh that for now yeah we got any corrections from yesteryear I did not
00:20:38| actually we did sub sink any mistakes I I think you're coming up to a few of
00:20:46| them few perfect ones in a row this one might be perfect as well hmm what about
00:20:50| a smoker smile I get a smile smack oh that was my smirk smile that's where
00:20:55| I'll go up with that yeah I'm not even touching anything else no today it's
00:21:01| been the food I really um you look fatter really everyone in the podcast
00:21:06| does he look fatter it's weird because I weighed myself it's helped a plenty way
00:21:11| less my wave let police hitter the most least I've seen - oh yeah yeah I don't
00:21:19| know how I'm losing weight but I guess it's just fluctuates I'm staying because
00:21:22| I'm 191 my friend looks like on later than here I weigh less than Dan the
00:21:28| podcast everyone know the record mm take a bigger drink it'll even out big swig
00:21:36| thought is always weird when people like start discussing their weight not in
00:21:40| like a critical way but like men will be alike they think it's like muscle or
00:21:44| something if they're they're bigger or larger or some people do the opposite
00:21:47| like they're like I'm 140 in like you're like you're skin and bones
00:21:50| they're like yeah I think it changes between men and women
00:21:57| and it also changes in the like the fat crowd probably doesn't want to discuss
00:22:01| their their weight but like the muscle crowd probably does because they think
00:22:06| that their weight is all muscle do you know what I mean
00:22:08| let's go to the gym all the time and you do have muscles you're like a pro I'm
00:22:13| like 238 and the other guys like i benchpress that I'm 248 exactly like you
00:22:19| don't I mean there's but whereas like heavyset people they're like did rather
00:22:22| not discuss their weight because that's their their shame who was the number and
00:22:26| then there's women they probably really big one themselves oh really thin ones
00:22:33| probably share the number all the time it's like oh my god I weigh like one is
00:22:36| seven it's like the other day I had to wear a size 1 dress it's like the zeros
00:22:43| you know you're like too much yeah there's a topic there but I'll just let
00:22:51| it go next time for next time well we start talking about women cuz
00:22:56| that that'll go to trouble I'm sure you don't mix all the hoes dress girl that's
00:23:05| all how is dry spray and check this out what are they talking about she's
00:23:09| outside the door right now she's listening she could be but good thing
00:23:12| you have headphones in cuz she can't say what I'm saying she's rude or say what
00:23:18| you're saying but that's because you can't hear it
00:23:20| she can't repeat that's exactly what I man yeah that's why were they on
00:23:25| panniers folks boo boo boo boo boo boo gotta relax Tommy vu in the words of one
00:23:34| of my favorite teachers so these that probably is Samsung
00:23:40| actually probably I've never dime actually yeah well of us we had a
00:23:46| teacher who the language teacher will call him Normandy I don't even remember
00:23:52| what his name was professor Normandy there's there's the
00:23:57| one that was like junior year and then there was the other one beginning with
00:24:01| an M but I don't remember um once I'm talking about
00:24:05| really there's like a whole history of him so
00:24:10| he was a second longest tenured teacher at our high school really and uh yes
00:24:15| behind a wall and Laettner will say it that way you Bobby yeah about you he was
00:24:23| the oldest tenured teacher both of them language teachers oddly enough this man
00:24:27| was incredibly skinny incredibly old incredibly bearded and he had a tie that
00:24:33| was like not a regular tie materials like felt it was very skinny and just
00:24:37| ended abruptly like halfway down his chest it was swinging for some reason
00:24:41| because it was felt and because it didn't end properly I don't know yeah
00:24:45| what man in his room it constantly blew out of here the
00:24:49| classroom well there's all sorts of rumors began swirling about him because
00:24:53| he would never joke he didn't have a personality he tried to correct people
00:24:59| as politely as you could see who'd always like doing senior James can you
00:25:05| please sit down I stopped doing I know you I've got why are you kicking why are
00:25:10| you kicking your legs in the air [Laughter]
00:25:19| breakdance is that what the desk well his back was
00:25:21| turned we were some of us were cheering him but yeah the reason behind it was
00:25:32| almost I don't know tell me something about Normandy here but he um Normandy
00:25:39| he would like I remember turning in a paper that was a team effort and my my
00:25:46| teammate did nothing he relied on me and I had teammate say his first name okay I
00:25:52| don't remember his name oh I know I just love it oh but he uh so
00:26:02| he relied on me for everything so I had two copies
00:26:04| I had the English version which was translated into French somewhat and then
00:26:09| I took that version and then like made sure it was actually French and I had
00:26:13| both of them and I turned in the one that was like I went I went riding on a
00:26:18| Velo and it was like it only translated like one like every other
00:26:22| word to French well correct so I got that paper back and mr. Normandy put it
00:26:31| on my desk and he looks at it and he gave me an F because it was obviously
00:26:36| translated and he goes he just like taps it and goes like just like quiet not
00:26:41| like it wasn't even like a full nod it was just like a fizzling nod and then he
00:26:46| just walks by it's like he was a strange strange individual and then he didn't
00:26:53| want them you could feel he cared but he just didn't express it and he didn't
00:26:59| want the school to get to him like he had this thing where I think he always
00:27:04| wanted to remain calm realized that this is a job he cares about the students but
00:27:09| he wouldn't let them get to him and I think you know then being us had him for
00:27:15| three the four years of high school by the third year which I don't think you
00:27:19| sign up for the last one right no kind of timeframe by the time we were in the
00:27:22| last one French class yeah by the Lankin I skipped it because it didn't seem
00:27:25| worth it by the time we got to the last year every student hated him and he
00:27:31| hated every student in such an unspoken way we wouldn't do the ninth homework
00:27:37| until anything class and we would all just copy one it's a paper and he would
00:27:46| the funniest is one time it was like the wrong we did the wrong pages exercise
00:27:51| [Laughter] like cos cos a some sort of coincidence
00:27:59| the entire class seems to have done the wrong homework and handed it in with
00:28:04| identical answers and he was like we're gonna be like I guess we should redo the
00:28:10| homework and he would like always do these motions like I know you all
00:28:15| cheated you bastards but you haven't well he started grading us really poorly
00:28:22| by the third year and he was like in quotes sick of our shit but he wouldn't
00:28:28| yell at us so who just be like he would like yeah senior year of French class he
00:28:33| was a kid named Kevin in the back of class
00:28:36| who wasn't paying attention and he just yelled out just sweet I like cookies
00:28:44| am I like cookie oh I think you cracked it up mmm I think I lost you definitely
00:28:57| did

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