The UnPanderers: Transcript of Episode 6 - The Movie IT!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Transcript of Episode 6 - The Movie IT!

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 6 - The Movie IT!
Click to read the episode transcription below.

This transcription was generated using YouTube's voice to text captioning method. Hopefully, Speech-To-Text technology will become more accurate in the future.
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00:00:00| so I'm Dan oh I'm there and we are together beyond or first I like that
00:00:13| foam on your lip there foamy oops it's a balmy warm totally
00:00:24| humid dry Monday night here let me right yes it's my it is Monday good day sir
00:00:32| run together I haven't worked in ten days Wow
00:00:36| I don't remember the last time I I got ten days I'm off straight off except for
00:00:41| the hurricane there mind I do remember super mm-hmm feels good though I don't
00:00:52| have any memory before that interesting yeah well let's get this out of the way
00:00:58| all the expressed content opinions and hearsay here gathered in is all not
00:01:07| disseminated upon by our the NFL the right to this the broadcast not to be
00:01:13| the Senate in is that correct I don't know I don't know the phrase now that
00:01:16| you said all those words I don't know how they mixed together to make a
00:01:18| sentence these are not our opinions nor the opinions of our employers our
00:01:24| friends our countrymen or even people we meet yeah even passers-by if the words
00:01:33| are commander amounts they're not accurate they are not hearing us
00:01:37| correctly there's also all stitute fake news I believe it's referred as in real
00:01:41| life yeah sure yeah and the people under a heat 18 18 yeah days less we're dating
00:01:49| them then it's seven yeah with parent or parental consent then they're allowed to
00:01:56| listen to podcast with parental consent the same rules for some reason it's the
00:02:01| same rules statutory statuesque I believe rules let's just get that out
00:02:11| of the way let's get it all the way folks yeah you have a nice beverage
00:02:15| tonight friend Dan I am i have continually had
00:02:19| the same beverage for the past that or not must've been like a dozen podcasts
00:02:23| but now it's like a seasonal beer so it's running out you know scared of not
00:02:28| gonna be able to find it and I'm gonna lose my mojo I'm not gonna be able to do
00:02:31| this podcast anymore would be a better mojo from a different beer what this is
00:02:39| it's like called me used car salesman beer as a marketing solution yeah I can
00:02:49| see it I can see it I'd have to increase my my size of my overlay so that now
00:02:53| much larger in screen you're pickin all over slowly pushing me out into a corner
00:02:59| that'd be awesome if there was an adapt adapter just to make you larger as you
00:03:03| spoke louder or more energetic and then you get squeezed out of the screen and
00:03:07| then when I quiet it down I was a shrink just slowly and get darker dimmer mm-hmm
00:03:12| cool very cool speaking of cool though there's something pretty cool unless
00:03:21| you're gonna summarize what we do on this channel no that's what we do folks
00:03:28| oh we got to do a quick quick summary what we do you know like uh we have a
00:03:33| conversational podcast where we talk about different topics and we just go on
00:03:37| tangents no yeah we do we're not afraid of talking about pretty
00:03:41| much anything and we don't care except our lady folks
00:03:47| mmm they caught us we'd be in big trouble so we don't talk about that yeah
00:03:51| and we don't share our links to them but everyone else's feel free to click and
00:03:56| they're gonna find them eventually so who's a bigger B word yours or mine
00:04:03| well I can't say yours and I can't say no anything this is trying to get you
00:04:08| Joe one of my eyes means yours and the other eye means mine find out later in
00:04:14| the show which I I truly mean oh I know anyway babe I disagree with them I'm
00:04:24| sorry I apologize in advance look someone's apologizing for something
00:04:30| yeah tomorrow let's let's get into it another thing we do is we play video
00:04:36| games all the time non-stop I don't even pay attention to my kid at the time
00:04:40| I'm canning gems just keep adding clicking gems click click click free
00:04:46| gems free gems for gems I'll watch that video did you notice
00:04:50| they're different lengths what what are different oh yeah there's split up in
00:04:56| different segments are videos oh you talking about three gems in the idol
00:05:02| heroes game if you play sure any mobile game I imagine the free gem button
00:05:06| you'll notice that different videos are different lengths and they're different
00:05:10| like they're set up different uses my favorite part little bar at the bottom
00:05:14| that expands yes some noob not going with you to make you confused
00:05:18| keep watching some of them don't have them hmm
00:05:21| some of them have a timer countdown oh the time are you my favorite one though
00:05:26| is the one that ends and then it stops and freezes them there's no X's anywhere
00:05:32| you're looking for where to turn it off and you have no clue where so you click
00:05:36| and it brings up the link but really it was or it wasn't done yet hit five more
00:05:40| seconds and you sit in the dream freeze frame it yeah it was like they're gonna
00:05:46| click those fools mental games mmhmm mm-hmm
00:05:52| it's all mental games on the internet Internet's the wild wild west
00:05:56| you don't play yeah I do I know exactly what you're thinking I know exactly
00:06:00| where I go to are we cowboys I've been feeling
00:06:07| when you go Bernal boy little what IRC chats and he be able to like I never
00:06:12| went on my receipt dude you want some crazy I don't some whacked-out forms
00:06:16| back then yeah as crazy cuz all these different BOTS for running and they had
00:06:20| like all different types of movies and you just like type in a certain like
00:06:24| couple keystrokes and you be able to pull up like different movies and
00:06:26| download them movies and it would take forever so you download for like a week
00:06:32| and at the end of the week you get to see like a quarter of the movie because
00:06:36| it cut off and froze broke people Dom to deliberately do that when I first met I
00:06:44| didn't get pornography all needed it I think we were like what what news
00:06:50| folks you can find that deplorable awful substance if you look hard enough those
00:06:59| pop-ups yeah all of them at once wait did you see the Aqua Teen Hunger Force
00:07:05| where shake just keeps clicking top-ups no no I did not he starts clicking
00:07:10| pop-ups and he says yeah free erection pills yeah it clicks it's like you want
00:07:15| to get a bigger wiener he says yeah yeah I mean that then you start clicking all
00:07:18| of it it's like mortgage rates I don't even need a mortgage but yeah he's
00:07:22| clicking them all and they just open more and more and eventually he's lost
00:07:25| in this like hyper web of like the ads face if someone has to go in and save
00:07:30| them but I really did wonder what would happen if you just kept clicking yes yes
00:07:34| yes yes I feel like the moan you click yes they're sending you a letter in the
00:07:38| mail to make you sighted sign something you just see like I think it is a little
00:07:42| bit just pouring into his house and verging on to assassin yeah one second
00:07:48| before that oh yeah so pornography I didn't say anything
00:07:55| besides opinions because I'm sorry I apologize opinions pin mr. sprinkles
00:08:01| that's right paintings or sprinkles Oh some of the first pornography I ever saw
00:08:09| was all beautiful women scantily clad I don't think they're fully nude like
00:08:16| maybe their tops were off trying to there's one where her top was pulled
00:08:20| down here and it was load from the bottom of the screen
00:08:23| oh yeah it's at the top and it would take like three hours money pixel and
00:08:29| I'd like slowly creep across the screen and you'd see the skin just getting
00:08:34| lower and lower and lower until it froze I got already started someone called the
00:08:41| house yeah and then your parents walk any bit close close close and everything
00:08:47| else frozen it's good think that the internet was a phone line like it's also
00:08:55| crazy to think that people had house phones
00:08:59| okay no we're not that far removed and we sound like old people a little bit
00:09:02| but get off the internet damn well even before that like you had to meet people
00:09:09| but had to meet people at the mall yeah go to the mall hang out but how did you
00:09:15| do it like none of me your party and their party didn't have cell phones you
00:09:19| literally had to talk on a landline agree on a time and then hope to hell
00:09:23| everyone really did it yeah you'd have to call back their house and talk to
00:09:27| their parents before you could talk to them yeah but I mean how do you look up
00:09:33| in high school like that that's what I mean
00:09:35| hey is the senator there this is her father
00:09:39| well don't worry on a dude I'm the dude in school who identifies as a woman
00:09:44| that's cool okay I'll get Sandra I'm gonna go for a PhD in masters or
00:09:50| something and it's okay and then the girl would be awkwardly like on the
00:09:59| phone as her parents are probably like listening in there's always that other
00:10:02| phone line that your brother just cover the nappies yeah like damn it Jimmy
00:10:10| that's a problem get back in the basement secret brothers mm-hmm did a
00:10:16| pretty big crawlspace in here sometimes we couldn't catch him sometimes we could
00:10:26| as a police we have to find him in the neighborhood yeah
00:10:29| yeah that was old Jimmy I wonder so do you think things were really crazy let's
00:10:37| say a hundred years ago with let's say mutants or people who were weird but
00:10:43| cell phone cameras to catch all this is it possible or it doesn't have to be
00:10:49| mutants but do you think something would surprise us if there were cell phone
00:10:53| cameras 150 years ago I guess you'd catch all the people did that's what I'm
00:11:00| saying do you think it was do you need to be surprised that it was different
00:11:02| than stuff we have now do be like stealing selfies and there'd be like
00:11:06| there's people at churning butter you like but well would it be like do you
00:11:11| think they had like rats in New York that were like literally what eight feet
00:11:14| big back then is it possible we had some crazy animals cuz they didn't kill them
00:11:18| all no well I'm saying 150 years I guess we'd have to go back but 805 anything
00:11:22| different hmm anyone if anyone in the audience has a picture of something
00:11:29| that's 800 years old send it into the podcast we'll check it out we'll get
00:11:34| over it our guys will get on it and boom you might actually win the weekly
00:11:37| contest then about the weekly contest so the weekly contest involves anything
00:11:43| that you could be lazy with so if you're sitting on your couch and just watching
00:11:47| TV and you want to change the channel if you're on Netflix or something you can
00:11:50| use a remote like this but this remote what is that so it's incredible to
00:11:56| clicker you know you let's move this to them in and then no cuz it sucks it's a
00:12:01| little one that one sucks same thing with this one this one sucks too don't
00:12:06| buy this one it's very similar to this one the re mini I ate you want to get
00:12:13| this one not this one this one not this one that's that's the read this one
00:12:18| sucks this is a Chinese knockoff and I'll tell you why so which one do I want
00:12:24| you want this one the wreaths re yeah because it actually has a built-in
00:12:28| battery it charges and it doesn't like it gets super sensitive like you can
00:12:32| actually click on stuff and move your finger around without it jolting around
00:12:34| you can click you can do all sorts of stuff
00:12:38| hello you just took me for a ride yeah well pretty good now the only thing I
00:12:45| missed is what control everything your computer my wife certainly does Bank
00:12:57| Evans folks right now she's screaming at me because I'm changing the channels
00:13:05| controller I'm draining her bank account now so what I was going to say was that
00:13:22| I heard a story a friend of a friend so I just call him my friend even though I
00:13:25| never met him and so my friend was in a car accident he literally got hit by a
00:13:31| car was ejected stood in the middle of street and he was standing up as another
00:13:36| car hit him so because of the accident he had brain damage and he had all sorts
00:13:42| of ailments that were you know related to him hey Rohit
00:13:46| yeah well brain related yet we'll say brain related this is that in his
00:13:50| perspective he was fine like for some reason like his mental speed was so slow
00:13:55| that he didn't realize he had lose slurring he like couldn't walk right
00:13:59| like he was just out of it so after like months and months and months he came
00:14:05| back and he was normal again so he could walk normally and he thought that the
00:14:09| whole time he was normal so he asked somebody like like no he was uh he was
00:14:15| talking to somebody and they said yeah thank god you're back to normal and he
00:14:20| says what are you talking about yeah I was in the whole time what do you mean
00:14:23| yeah what do you mean so he like none of his friends would actually tell him that
00:14:28| he was you know maybe a little bit out of it right I guess that's if you're
00:14:33| just yeah yeah so the speed of your normalcy like are you ever really normal
00:14:38| like I don't even know if I'm normal you're not not even face what's funny
00:14:44| about you though is your speed is quicker than your normal thing so you
00:14:48| probably think you're superhuman gibberish and be like oh man I'm on fire
00:14:57| tonight hey man I'm killing it sounds like you
00:15:01| just solved a two-piece puzzle you're like whoa whoa all right
00:15:11| easily try to figure it honestly babe I don't do doing it you tubing into
00:15:18| college looking at pictures of it I'm going to constantly Wow I'm bothered if
00:15:27| that's a I got all excited I'm solving y'all's didn't we all also great that's
00:15:39| pretty cool yeah they all people at home appreciate it
00:15:43| yeah I hope so so I was thinking about internet opinion since we're on the
00:15:47| subject of internet so how'd you tomorrow how do you trust like a random
00:15:51| stranger posting to a harm if they say okay you should try this like fix your
00:15:55| carburetor and poke some holes in it like how do you know that that's like a
00:15:59| good thing to do hmm how do you read a comment to say this guy's full of shit
00:16:05| or maybe that's a good idea I go by their popularity on the forum
00:16:12| site that makes a point seriously you go by the points it's like if I go to an
00:16:17| old Jeep forum or something and he says the coolest way to fix a blah blah blah
00:16:24| there's a problem with the water leaks where the heated mirrors are and what he
00:16:29| did is he trolled a tiny tiny hole right into the corner it's just plastic there
00:16:33| just make sure you don't hit anything else and all the water will instead of
00:16:36| going back into the vehicle where the hint components are it'll drip out and I
00:16:41| thought well who's to say this guy's a jackass number a versus a genius number
00:16:46| a I don't know all therefore well I just I click on his name and I see what else
00:16:52| he's posted on dudes all over the site he's constantly saying hey t you know
00:16:57| what Mac Jimmy v you know what I would try change the axle alignment and like
00:17:01| stuff I don't understand and I'm like still I don't really know so maybe these
00:17:05| stuff that you trust that he's saying hold on so then you check what
00:17:10| everyone's responses to all those things are and everyone's like oh it's big big
00:17:13| Jeep Jim dude big G Jim thanks a lot big deep Jim it
00:17:17| sounds like big Jeep Jim on her now and people are always like Big Chief Jim in
00:17:20| like simple clap like the handclaps and like I'm like I'm like okay this is like
00:17:24| the The Godfather of the Jeep they're erecting an Internet statue with a
00:17:27| minute yeah so I'm like I'm gonna take it work and I won't start my own name
00:17:34| for the forum and Bank him I'll just do it you know what I mean so I'll give you
00:17:38| something you don't have a references to because you're using references to prove
00:17:42| out this guy's trustworthiness sure sure I have to I wouldn't just go locked so I
00:17:49| saw it this weekend and I movie what's clown right the clown movie that you
00:17:54| know nothing but I just ruin it Oh spoiler is a clown in it so I loved it
00:18:02| I really that was really good it was really enjoyable but I checked on IMDB
00:18:07| afterwards and you know the score is a little lower than I was expecting it was
00:18:12| like an eighth but I thought it'd be a little higher than eight higher than hey
00:18:16| dude nothing gets higher than a name is Randy Peace Corps well what's the
00:18:19| highest I in team score so then look it up is it nine point two four something
00:18:22| like The Godfather look at all you have to keep talking so how do people how do
00:18:26| you business that there here's my issue you can never trust a reboot or read it
00:18:31| because you have so many their pre-existing opinions I'm telling you
00:18:36| the pre-existing not going to oh what is it about a shank oh baby was lying it
00:18:47| over gimme gimme give me some numbers as to go down like would top 10 do we drop
00:18:52| to 8.5 like it's eight point five it's number th point eight is a top ten okay
00:18:58| that's a ridiculously high number when I am TV you get you gotta get between
00:19:02| seven and eight here good movie yeah yeah the reason I say this because it's
00:19:05| so many different age groups and sexes I mean there's men there's women men
00:19:12| I think they're women they're men who identify as women or men who identify as
00:19:15| men who are gay or at the man who identifies win over in and their
00:19:19| children who don't know what the shows are but do know that they're men but
00:19:22| aren't sure yet and they'll figure it out I'm just
00:19:25| saying they'll get there yeah so you have critic reviews on one's a movie
00:19:29| like that right like so many somebody reviews errs garbage and there's so many
00:19:35| things that I look at that I just like I discount right away you can do that with
00:19:40| whole reviews have you ever seen a Google review or yelp review of a
00:19:44| restaurant when you in like then they love it well or the other way around
00:19:48| their way around but you're like it's pretty good and the person writes one
00:19:51| star the service was awful I just asked for a
00:19:55| little lemon in my drink and it took them four and a half minutes to get me
00:20:00| lemons and you're reading it you're like this person's an ant's I think they give
00:20:06| everyone a wand and you can just tell by the way they're reading it it's like I
00:20:09| learned my fate it with one onion not just onions I've said one onion can they
00:20:16| follow directions here at the cafe I guess not
00:20:20| oh yeah you know and you read it and you you can just hear their voice and you
00:20:24| know what kind of person it is and you're like I'm almost glad they gave it
00:20:28| one star because I hate you you're a one-star person you know like that's a
00:20:33| one-star person I wish they had yeah they had their own profiles with the
00:20:40| people and it's like this person's a little bit of a bitch and they complain
00:20:44| about this stuff and they don't imagine I'm gonna filter by the assholes and you
00:20:50| know skim those guys all right off the top exactly to the heart of the score
00:20:55| but you when you checkout it the other problem is not only you're getting
00:20:59| people who there will be people who watch movie it and aren't scared because
00:21:04| they're big thirty-eight-year-old men they're strong living with their parents
00:21:07| and they're so like this I'm giving it a - I wasn't even scared I'm no longer a
00:21:13| child and we'll never have any and in one hand you're looking you're like dude
00:21:18| we know you're not scared you're an adult man
00:21:22| we get it the point of the movie is to be creepy like you get it and he's like
00:21:26| I wasn't scared to saw hearts I'm a man and then there's gonna be some woman who
00:21:32| sees it and says unrealistic proportions for a clown one star it's nothing you
00:21:38| know I like your leather cord and you're gonna be like my goodness right away a
00:21:43| lot of people reviewing things have a an axe to grind
00:21:47| oh definitely if you think about it I would gather and I don't know this for a
00:21:53| fact if I had to guess I'd say 70 percent of people who review something
00:21:57| are doing it because they're out of the way positive for something or out of the
00:22:02| way negative it's there on the polar ends right there's no one who's like
00:22:06| that's pretty good I'm gonna take my time to write a review on IMDB like no
00:22:10| one's gonna do that like not many people yeah that was you know totally
00:22:13| impressive so I'm gonna talk about this yeah right see so you get the people who
00:22:19| want to gripe or just talked about it because it knock their socks off so you
00:22:25| have to take it all with a grain of salt and then weigh all these things against
00:22:28| each other so I proposed the unpin errs weighted weight value weighted now you
00:22:33| wait wait for it the unbound wait correlated value the brain is like it's
00:22:41| gone up maybe in 2018 I bet you I could look it and I'm not really great at math
00:22:47| but I'm greeted relationship math I could look it you know they break it
00:22:51| down by a hue - right well I'm gonna know what I am this is doing the weekend
00:22:57| after kidney transplant okay I was just messing with you
00:23:02| okay good well what am i NDB know how they break down the review mm-hmm it's
00:23:08| people give it a ten males over 18 what they gave it Everage score means oh yeah
00:23:13| I saw that one in speedos over 80 right I bet if I could look at the age range
00:23:17| scores the sex scores and the the I think is one when I was hated by yeah
00:23:24| yeah most eighty five most loved by and I can tell you from just those scores
00:23:30| what kind of reviews we're talking here and how really well
00:23:34| they'd imagine the most honest age group by demographics what do you think it is
00:23:40| well again it depends on what it is how about for the movie hit I bet those
00:23:45| Warner people who didn't see the first I don't know it hits it hits me a little
00:23:51| bit like people as a kid so he's not both right
00:23:54| I saw yeah but the old one I'd saw a long time ago long long time ago but it
00:23:58| hit me as a kid I was like man oh well we're old enough to understand
00:24:03| cinematography acting okay so you just saw it as a creepy-ass your gun yeah so
00:24:11| you went into a pretty blind if you imagine if you're ten years older when
00:24:15| you saw the original and you said well Tim Curry was did you glue it like you
00:24:21| had opinions about that maybe those opinions wouldn't mesh with the opinions
00:24:25| of the new it didn't what I mean so then you're not even reviewing the movie
00:24:30| anymore you're reviewing the replacement of the lead cast which you can't do
00:24:35| because Tim carries now 30 years older or whatever oh yeah someone said he was
00:24:40| disabled or something so you physically couldn't bring him
00:24:43| back but that's a review I don't know if I can trust it is crawling on the floor
00:24:59| and Kevin McCallister is playing that movie it has a like going like most
00:25:07| movies start from maybe like a script or some like shitty book but it has an
00:25:11| amazing book it the movie has an amazing book to follow plus an old series so
00:25:16| people you know there's so much bias there too that they have to that's what
00:25:21| I was saying I agree with you they plan their Saracen right and not you're not
00:25:26| judging a movie as a movie now you're judging movie compared to an old movie
00:25:29| mmm-hmm and whether you like it or not yeah Jack walls so who-who was a
00:25:36| creepier hit Tim Carey or the other new guy I think the new goes creepier I've
00:25:43| seen pictures of him without his makeup he's not scary he has this weird
00:25:47| no no no he's not scary but he has this weird that is his European skeleton is
00:25:53| it darkness to him it's just weird there's something odd about him you
00:25:59| think in like 10 years you're gonna find out that he was some sort of whatever
00:26:01| and then you're gonna be like oh yeah totally see what like people are odd I
00:26:12| think some people have a child molesters Mikey there are I'm not saying just like
00:26:20| straight no sir not yet uh-huh that goes back to a new guy that went to school
00:26:25| with Jeffrey Dahmer and he's like yeah there's something wrong with that guy
00:26:29| even before anything happened but do you think that's as much visible as social I
00:26:35| think it's do you know like you're like kind of right right so can you tell
00:26:40| someone from a physical do you think the teachers of the world are alike they
00:26:45| have like the lowest of the class they're like this kid's gonna have a
00:26:48| problem yeah we like a teacher that teaches like
00:26:53| Jared at Subway do you think anyone thought like there's nothing right right
00:27:01| you don't know this guy and then a year later she's like wow it's making
00:27:07| commercials I think I was wrong he was such a good guy I'd I'd totally oh wait
00:27:11| a second oh my god all that pile of corn do you know about
00:27:23| that No so at our high school in the
00:27:27| cafeteria I don't know this is between junior and senior years this heavyset
00:27:33| guy who looked a little bit like Penn Jillette is it Penn I get teller it's
00:27:37| his teller doesn't talk Penn is the big right I think so yeah his teller gonna
00:27:43| let me Joe plum yeah yeah yeah tellers teller doesn't say anything
00:27:47| mm-hmm so Penn looking guy in our high school with a ponytail do you recall
00:27:53| this guy and he would just be in the cafeteria and I don't know that he was a
00:27:56| teacher is like a mono or something right yeah and I don't know
00:28:00| why they hired him what was going on but he had no buy was here when I I went for
00:28:06| like a visiting day so I was in eighth grade and one of the kids grabbed
00:28:12| another kid and they had like that security glass he took his head and
00:28:16| smashed it through the security glass on the one day I was visiting there was a
00:28:21| security it was between where the vending
00:28:25| machines were and like the main cafeteria like the doorway Hey he
00:28:29| smashed his head through one of those panes of glass that's badass and I think
00:28:33| they props yeah see a visitor to even this is the weird part he wasn't there
00:28:37| our freshmen and sophomore and most of our duty leader he's just like shut up
00:28:40| yet maybe then the secret monitor secret Locker matching on them anyway
00:28:46| anyway the joke was and looking back I guess we were real jerkles
00:28:50| hmm although what was he doing there well I mean I'm Sarah we would walk by
00:28:55| the guy and everyone joked that his name was cm for child molester III was
00:29:03| hanging with a rough crowd in back here anyway so - ugly would walk whenever
00:29:09| we're walking by and we would talk about all this piled corn we found and all
00:29:13| this wow this corns piled high and piled corn because we thought it would sound
00:29:17| like child porn and he might try a bottle Senna called it pile of corn
00:29:23| we're trying to catch us Zach but he never did then that was an awful
00:29:28| ponytail huh I don't know what happened to him did he was arrested for child
00:29:33| porn but other than that he was good guy hmm future that the internet will
00:29:38| capture all these people and then you'll be able to look back yeah you were
00:29:42| connected Oh like if you ever interacted with him on a cheap form oh yeah
00:29:47| like your phones were like within 5 feet of each other they'd be like you have a
00:29:50| warning back in 1960 all its physical business do you think that would be I
00:29:55| think Facebook is saving all that crap so they can be like hey you knew this
00:30:00| guy let's get an interview Oh interesting
00:30:03| well Facebook's setting up to uh take over the world well he's running for is
00:30:08| he really running for president he's Aukerman
00:30:10| that's what I said about Trump he mentioned sucker corns like I will shut
00:30:16| down Facebook tomorrow if I'm not in if people were just like secretly voting
00:30:19| yes yes yes because they're addicted to it it's a real addiction didn't we cover
00:30:23| this last episode the Zoidberg sucker Zoidberg before exploding corn
00:30:30| apparently just saying no I'm saying I don't know I'm just saying so we should
00:30:41| move on to a another segment just a segue and it's merkerson segue for a
00:30:46| segment smoker smile everyone I'm ready this is my spot how do you have you got
00:30:50| a smoker spot I do mine's real short planes real easy
00:30:54| good cuz I forget mine cuz I need to drink a little more that'll help you
00:30:58| remember my um smirk today it's been so good so I went to bed last night
00:31:05| oh hey baby like hey it's been a little while why don't we call sleep I woke up
00:31:17| with the biggest stiff neck I've ever had from here here I can't look left I
00:31:24| don't know if in the podcast you can tell I've been just looking this way
00:31:27| most of the time but and it's gotten worse as the day goes on so I died from
00:31:32| whatever disease it is where you get the stiff neck first hmm can touch your chin
00:31:37| dear they the kid died from it when probably
00:31:44| we were going into college meningitis Oh meningitis is that really the neck
00:31:47| problem you really haven't I promise ya you start with it well usually gets
00:31:51| worse as you go but I'm not like 21 entering into warm so I think it's just
00:31:54| a stiff neck yeah probably pretty much my um my child will sleep in his room
00:32:03| he's practically an adult three-year-old good friend every morning between 4:00
00:32:09| and 5:30 a.m. he wakes up and comes into our room with his blanket one of his
00:32:14| toys and just climbs onto the bed and I think he climbed on it like 4:30 last
00:32:20| night probably took up 90% of the bed and
00:32:22| I think I slept like this and that's it's his fault your fault you're
00:32:27| watching this years later it's your fault if I passed on it's your fault
00:32:33| so is that it's Merkers a smile I'm smiling because I love it I love this
00:32:39| kid Hey you're watching this turn it off
00:32:41| right now what uncle Nick and Uncle Dan do don't tell anyone else okay buddy hmm
00:32:52| I'm riding the wave right now and I don't know where you're ready yeah
00:32:58| anyways oddly serene moments so you don't have any pressure and you're just
00:33:01| joy there's chill like oh you know what you have to tube your bus do you know
00:33:07| what a - beer buzzes yeah I am on the second one so it's what I'm saying it's
00:33:11| I that's where you're standing at a power T and you're just looking at
00:33:14| everybody you know just like yeah that's the perfect moment because the alcohol
00:33:18| is just the whore you start impairing but it's also just when the relaxation
00:33:23| kicks in and you're at the Zen moment where you're like I should only have to
00:33:27| every night and then you pay on the third and fourth and fifth beer and then
00:33:30| at a party and everybody changes yeah hell breaks loose and you feel like
00:33:35| shit yeah good stuff this might go down a rabbit hole but I remember there was a
00:33:40| - beer buzz where I was talking to one of your cousin's and they actually had
00:33:45| this weird party so like the school where is it it they had a whole bunch of
00:33:50| photography majors where where were you you can say - the theme Rochester was a
00:33:56| Rochester no she I was on the phone oh okay so oh the party was weird because
00:34:04| they had these cameras set up in the corners and like they would take a
00:34:08| snapshot of every minute to like capture the party so that was a little weird and
00:34:15| then they had a not a guy in the kitchen making crepes
00:34:17| so like he'd be like okay Oh Chris the most are senior clerk artisanal partying
00:34:30| wise - pass me another shot here we're cool that's like Swedish per guy
00:34:38| yeah he wasn't but that that would fit in perfectly but the cool thing was that
00:34:43| they're like right behind their house they had a lock and they had one of the
00:34:46| like the giant you know one of the duct like we call it a door but it's a lock
00:34:50| that would shut off the water so like they had like the ancients cuz the Erie
00:34:54| Canal went right behind it so I remember sitting on top of that lock cuz you
00:34:58| could climb up it so I was like a story or two up in the up in the air and I was
00:35:02| talking to your cousin for no reason at all but you know it was it was that's a
00:35:10| smile moment cuz I remember the whole moments that's a second we would oh
00:35:13| they're nice yeah I respect that even though it's with a book blood relative
00:35:18| like I don't even care yeah it's fine it's fine
00:35:22| yeah the only blood relative no do you maybe not cause a friend of
00:35:27| mine no no yeah oh they know he knows no you're not the only friend to eat wha
00:35:38| what relatives it's actually that one weird okay I'll take that as my spa of
00:35:45| it I know there's another smile moment in there but I cannot remember it for
00:35:50| the life of me and it was a good there this just reminded me to miss a real
00:36:01| moment of my life yeah Cinco Cinco de Mayo yeah yes 2006 I
00:36:09| want to say the reason I know if I graduated a 7 so had to be junior or
00:36:13| sophomore sophomore year said me Oh 5 mmm tricking tequila I just know it's my
00:36:19| sophomore year at college sicker than one mm-hmm hope everyone doesn't figure
00:36:23| out my age oh okay I'm here to some people and then you're young it's
00:36:29| comparing the other people by the way Dan we're all cutting on cursing oh shit
00:36:36| you're right you you arrived that to be Randy that's okay I guess it's all
00:36:43| virtue to virtue and it's a virgin and I remember they drank a lot in college and
00:36:52| uh was just drinking regular this night you know penance 700 beers whatever
00:36:56| thousand mana and yeah so I stayed at fell asleep on the couch and I said I
00:37:09| can't go out with you guys tonight Vince that like 10 o'clock at night woke
00:37:14| up at 2:00 in the morning it was just pitch black everyone's either out or
00:37:18| asleep passed out whatever I kind of knew where I was but I didn't I got up
00:37:24| walked up to the bathroom and they had one of those chest high mirrors that you
00:37:30| know why it's like eight feet wide it's two sinks yeah so I turn on the way I
00:37:36| can't walk past a mirror looking at myself like appiied walk back over and I
00:37:42| was gonna wash my hands which I don't usually do not big hand washer then I
00:37:47| start washing my hands I looked in the mirror I said who are you and this is
00:37:53| the weirdest thing in the world I had no clue who I was for like five whole
00:37:57| minutes I looked in the mirror and I touched it I was like what's your name
00:38:03| and it wasn't a drunk thing because I've been drunk a lot I think I literally
00:38:08| somehow I had some kind of memory fugue what's that called dude
00:38:12| like the word few because I think fugue is confusion right it is it's like a
00:38:16| confusion of your identity I believe it's a psychological thing and I don't
00:38:20| know I'm sure the alcohol didn't help but I literally looked at myself I'd
00:38:24| never seen this face before and I was like it's like gonna walk about and then
00:38:28| you find yourself I guess but and it wasn't upset because like some my
00:38:34| features are beautiful but some of them are like there's a minute Turanian you
00:38:42| know miss a Sicilian yeah and I was just looking and I really had no clue my name
00:38:47| my address I tried to remember a phone number just nothing but I knew other
00:38:52| things like I knew I didn't do factorial was like eight factorials 8 times 7
00:38:59| times 6 times 5 and I knew most of my mom and the mansion coming in it looks
00:39:04| so weird and I was like well I know a lot of scientific stuff too and I was
00:39:08| like I don't know who the hell this is and I was just freaking me out
00:39:11| but uh I didn't go back to bed until I figured out who I was and it was like oh
00:39:16| my god I'm behind yourself I found myself and I went back to bed but uh
00:39:23| it's a good mile there you go folks hi whew whew you do you that is that
00:39:28| gonna be your word of the day whew yes that's why I brought up you so
00:39:34| I'm gonna go back to smoker's mom cuz I remember what it was murders mamas all
00:39:41| of the same folks so this is a this is a smirk because uh so I've been playing
00:39:46| Words With Friends which I still play um I apologize I still play there's this
00:39:52| this girl who's a college college inches ago yeah we know why students like you
00:39:57| just used mmm-hmm that doesn't have anything to
00:40:01| that's what I enjoy she played did she play soccer that day soccer
00:40:08| what are you talking about soccer the day came up to your school what are you
00:40:13| talking about we did the play yes we did but she was never like this is this is
00:40:18| now that was in the past but we did when you came to visit me we need played
00:40:23| soccer I you in a huff what was i Huff about you
00:40:29| were not angry you were just oh I wasn't anyway it's probably cuz I had a garbage
00:40:35| plate the night before oh but those things they're delicious when you're
00:40:39| drunk I feel like people are gonna get stabbed around you and a little bit of
00:40:42| blood is gonna get in your meal and you're gonna be like man it tastes so
00:40:45| good if I have a garbage plate right now and gets that not you other people oh
00:40:55| why would you gets it apt I don't know I was getting worried it was a threat yeah
00:41:00| oh yes press yourself into the bench and then the bench protects you
00:41:04| is your backside which is no more you need to be sensitive about it's very
00:41:10| sensitive yeah yeah I used to the average pounding you take anyway
00:41:15| telephone um tough enough so I was I was playing Words With Friends with this
00:41:20| this girl for I don't know it seems like two or three months now
00:41:24| and I I wanted a better awful lot now it's been two minutes but keep going
00:41:28| I'll try not trying to speed it up here slow me down you're slowing me down
00:41:32| so I was trying to find somebody that was a independent you know somebody who
00:41:37| didn't know me really who is out there so I mentioned that I hate heat turn it
00:41:44| off yeah I had a youtube channel because I'm a big celebrity and we have one view
00:41:49| from an outside viewer which is not true actually have more but um several
00:41:54| several dozen so that doesn't so I was trying to get her opinion on it so I
00:42:00| said you know check this channel out you could look through all the videos and
00:42:04| tell me what you think like that's what I'm really after I'm really after your
00:42:07| your comments and she said you know I'm not after baby yeah comments I'm not
00:42:13| really into Scientology I don't know about your channel and I'm not gonna
00:42:17| look at it and I like this is this is a day later after I'd like letter I gave
00:42:21| her some time to look at it I said like oh yeah
00:42:25| can you like just check it out and figure out like look at it and then say
00:42:28| I don't like it or lie and say it was okay and then never look at it again
00:42:31| yeah instead she was like I don't have time for this essentially but she didn't
00:42:36| say it that way she was just like it's not
00:42:37| my thing I'm not like she didn't even know if it was her thing she couldn't
00:42:40| even watch it she didn't even watch it so I was like what the heck
00:42:43| so I was like I'm gonna play a game on this girl cuz she needs to figure out
00:42:47| like you know this is she is his life yeah this is you gotta figure this out
00:42:52| so I try to like make her where she realizes like how life is coming at her
00:42:57| and she's missing it I don't think I've ever seen the movie Pocahontas let's
00:43:03| just go with it we were honest was figuring out what her life was like and
00:43:07| you're trying to be the wind and you're trying to paint with all the colors in
00:43:11| the wind Evelina yeah okay colors in the wind that's what colors in
00:43:15| the wind so she I figured out how self-centered are self like not
00:43:23| egotistical but self concerned she was so I I simply said we talk about you in
00:43:28| an episode we've already posted it and she's like what did you talk to me about
00:43:33| what did you say what did you say what did you say
00:43:36| and I was like you're gonna have to watch all the videos to figure it out
00:43:41| that's pretty rude this is like this is like you're checking all the boxes yeah
00:43:47| yeah next question yes yep we gotta mess with that's why women don't like me
00:43:53| [Laughter] there are other reasons too but um so
00:43:58| she she immediately resigned from all the games we were playing and I was like
00:44:04| what so I haven't I haven't reconnected with her but I've seen the views on like
00:44:09| really random videos going up I'm like yeah and I get the analytics every like
00:44:15| three days later so this is the second day so on the third day I get to see how
00:44:19| many videos from Australia because she's from a different country Australia how
00:44:24| many different things from her good god and then how much she's watched
00:44:28| well we're gonna find out why are they oh yes in your diabolical I feel like oh
00:44:33| yeah mastermind like I never I did know you were dying off what now I know see I
00:44:39| think it's hilarious but other people were probably like man don't mess with
00:44:44| all my teachers are like something's wrong with this kid classes looking at
00:45:00| me I don't even notice that's nice mark gres for the celebrity
00:45:16| challenge Oh slippery challenge elaborate towards anybody doing home
00:45:29| watches they actually they can't along with its allure brother - so - they do
00:45:35| that it raise the roof it's crazy no I don't know what you're doing at
00:45:39| home I can only imagine in this mind here it's going in circles we're calling
00:45:44| Dan Aykroyd his brother his brother and a cousin he has a brother nothing I was
00:45:56| - I will assume there's another Aykroyd brother is he an actor - yeah I think
00:46:04| it's Bob oh I don't look at it don't I see the browser opening up on your face
00:46:11| so what are you gonna challenge him - is it
00:46:14| so you're challenging talented - ciao - it's something with his his cousin
00:46:18| brother ish yes you have a custom that that is a brother that's the longest
00:46:23| bothers me someone named Peter Aykroyd I'm not even sure who he is
00:46:29| dan Aykroyd and Peter Aykroyd I'm challenging both of them even if they're
00:46:33| not related okay I'm ready Aykroyd it's not a popular name they have to be
00:46:38| related after me even if they're not related this might make a good I want
00:46:44| Peter Aykroyd and Dan Aykroyd to challenge both of us to a contest root
00:46:51| drink is much Canada Dry ginger ale as we possibly can
00:46:54| who shove that stuffing our face folks we'd start guzzling Canada Dry
00:46:59| we're like down in that ginger flavored beverage if we it's pot served by Canada
00:47:07| Dry ginger oh hi I'm say this that's that's your product plug and it is a
00:47:16| good I feel like we have to be involved in something with like Canadian essence
00:47:23| in order to do it like we have to be playing hockey while drinking can it can
00:47:28| it dry and then something with a moose and Mary's who do you think makes Canada
00:47:33| Dry ginger oh this is a fact that opinions yeah like what copy what it all
00:47:39| worlds ups like Pepsi and Coke right no because this one's authority of dr.
00:47:45| pepper / acceptable 7up oh they have their own thing yeah that's weird I
00:47:50| didn't know that that's pretty cool huh well anyway we could do I feel like
00:47:56| Aykroyd is Canadian isn't it I think he is yeah he was in I think he was he in
00:48:01| Canadian bacon no that was that was Blues Brothers so that counts for
00:48:07| something hmm anybody tell me like he is Canadian
00:48:12| though coochie I can sense it Canadian baseball did you tell me about that I
00:48:22| invented it I was there I know okay why'd you ask him I told you about that
00:48:28| like you were like that's why I said he owns a house but I don't remember it now
00:48:31| wow you know I think I think the drinks get there he said I could very well be
00:48:37| were you do you know how we used to get in there there was something with like a
00:48:42| door you could shimmy so shit with it for the way yeah breaking in a Buick and
00:48:46| entering there was a special building that they just annexed in our high
00:48:50| school and it was like three four three three floors and it was at the top
00:48:55| damn it and so the top one was all wrestling mats it was all like foam and
00:49:01| then cinder blocks on all or rectangular corners that doesn't make
00:49:05| sense but that's okay so no one ever used it except for the
00:49:10| wrestling people apparently which the prime after school after school yeah
00:49:13| so during during the no one knows that at all there's totally empty I don't
00:49:17| know it was definitely you and me that first went up there and found her way in
00:49:20| feel like David what's-his-name Mexican catfish was there oh yeah yep
00:49:25| yeah I could could see that he was incredible and he was made for the game
00:49:31| they're like sure how yeah I feel like we needed to make that I was like a
00:49:36| professional sport and then he would be the star he could be he still maybe
00:49:40| that's what's been doing training for this yeah waiting the canadian baseball
00:49:44| league anyway folks we made a sport where with the tennis ball anyone in the
00:49:50| middle of the field had to play with your feet so be like soccer you kick and
00:49:54| kick olan kick and whatever yeah and they're always one or two goalies and
00:49:57| goalies could use their hands and they had to stay behind a certain length
00:50:00| well goalies could also pick up and throw at the bowl hmm which is cool
00:50:06| because you could throw across the thing with a tennis ball the cool thing is the
00:50:10| arm the wrestling mats started around waist high and ended around head high I
00:50:16| want to say with the wrestling mats that line the wall
00:50:19| I kind of remember getting body checked a little bit cuz it was a soft near that
00:50:24| right then they were wrestling mats everywhere you just like we would hit
00:50:28| people it was a combination of soccer sprawling the ball across the room
00:50:33| diving and making saves all while a bunch of men wore khaki pins I guess
00:50:40| yeah oh and sweater vest my specialty that was yeah it was definitely like I
00:50:52| would say it legal but no like the the school didn't know about it at all
00:50:56| no no we broke into the building with like 12 people removed just somehow form
00:51:02| teams of six and six play and somehow we regulated ourselves and somehow kept
00:51:07| score and somehow what really baffles me is how we all knew I guess free periods
00:51:13| I don't you when I was during cafeteria so right
00:51:16| we'd all like look at each other or not and then like like it started with only
00:51:20| a few people and then there was like easily like two dozen people up there
00:51:23| playing a sport like worth it documented sports as crazy feeling it shoulda went
00:51:31| pro Canadian baseball still could go I feel like there's a if it does we
00:51:35| copyright it right here can you have these fun handers mm-hmm
00:51:39| can't play a focus unless you're Canadian baseball or an impaired like
00:51:43| this seeing courts there are so few sports that have different rules for
00:51:49| different likes parts of the field like if you're playing hockey there's you
00:51:54| can't you're not allowed to change the rules it's just oh this goalie goalie
00:51:57| plays everyone he's using all parts of his body to grab the Popkin s true I
00:52:02| guess he's allowed to pick it up because it's adaptive and you can't hit him very
00:52:16| well work to save it for another episode yeah yeah so we're up to word of the
00:52:23| moment actually if give them a word you've already used
00:52:27| you do you a few a few so you have my word my my my my my lord is uh Elliott
00:52:41| torque which is one of my favorites a Leah Torah at work it's like a
00:52:47| randomness they had attributed to music a lot because they just kind of like
00:52:51| play random notes until it makes a song mostly it's like computer-generated so
00:52:55| it finally like you make a whole bunch of random crap but one of those actually
00:53:00| makes a song and then it actually becomes music whereas the other ones are
00:53:04| not recognized so it's just randomness it's like an ax that's a completely
00:53:09| random thing that happens that exists and actually gets enjoyed by somebody
00:53:16| which i think is pretty much life but no one ever uses a Lee toric because it's
00:53:20| to go ordered all Shu what determines a pattern it gets repeated after a certain
00:53:29| amount of time what determines a pattern that gets repeated after certain map
00:53:34| time you know what determines a pattern question mark is it something that just
00:53:38| gets repeated over time I don't know I didn't look it up you're talking about
00:53:42| like different bars of music where you get sure whether it's musical or
00:53:47| otherwise a pattern is something well they do this they do the same thing
00:53:51| with like medicines like they they create it's random I'm gonna mess this
00:53:56| up this random not molecule but compound and then they test it on a whole bunch
00:54:00| of different like tissues at all different I want cigarettes and then
00:54:05| they're like huh like all these random things are happening and I'm throwing
00:54:08| them at the wall and then one of them sticks that's an alien torque method
00:54:12| because you're just randomly creating these things and hoping that they do
00:54:15| something I would totally do that you can kill like a lot of birds with
00:54:19| the lot of stones and find a lot of these we talked about in the last
00:54:22| episode a lot of accidental cures mm-hmm sweeteners and mustard gas etc yeah
00:54:29| chemotherapy no what I was going with it was more along the lines of who's to say
00:54:36| what's a song what if your life gets repeated every thousand years in the
00:54:41| universe and is repeated and then every fifth time there's like a cymbal splash
00:54:49| and then it goes back to live as the president of a country year some really
00:54:54| wealthy guy hey I guess yes but then it repeats again four times would that be a
00:54:59| pattern that would totally be your life would just be a song how would you know
00:55:04| because there hasn't been enough time Eufaula so your soul gets scooped up and
00:55:08| then like it's deposited again I guess everything happens again you relive to
00:55:14| eat we haven't lived long enough to know right what a song is and what a song
00:55:19| isn't that's really philosophical dude to dear brothers oh it's too good buzz
00:55:26| hands are in the air don't shoot I just don't know I think about that one like
00:55:37| what is a song how long is the song what if it ends too soon you got to
00:55:43| hurry the hell up you gotta make your music get buzzing boy yes
00:55:48| as Alan Watts says what's his most famous thing my favorite one of his is
00:55:55| always it this is off shooting out something misquoting him obviously and
00:55:59| he will come back to life the misquote is the best get going misquote is always
00:56:03| good yeah that makes you said that it's interesting bad things always happen to
00:56:09| you whether it's a virus oh I have the flu how did I get the flu something bad
00:56:16| and life happens to you I can't believe taxes if and raised and it's screwing me
00:56:20| it's screwing me I can't believe my cousin-in-law got hit
00:56:26| by a car it's mine you know everything that you like to eat because you were
00:56:30| bored of the succession that led to it sure actually I was going with the other
00:56:35| way you're a victim of it it's raining on me you're a victim of it because it's
00:56:40| you can't control the rain you can't control the virus that's attacking your
00:56:44| Annie you know what I mean you can't right that's true but when you do
00:56:47| something you did it ah I gave someone a job the other day I
00:56:53| I gave my woman an orgasm like fucking mean really how convenient
00:57:00| not true folks I haven't had sex in years decade we did it honest honest
00:57:09| Injun folks but we conveniently think things that happen that are bad often
00:57:17| happen to us as a victim and good things are things we did and it doesn't even
00:57:22| stop at like like Alan Watts says our body like oh no I got sick the virus
00:57:28| attacked my immunity when really everything that happens inside your body
00:57:32| is you right aren't you the virus at that point and
00:57:35| anybody wrong enough because it was something no one ever back arms but we
00:57:39| aren't you the virus at that point to attacking you
00:57:44| this is argument we it's part of you right that's true right
00:57:51| if you the only difference is time six weeks ago it wasn't there six weeks
00:57:56| later it is there it's inside you that's you how it reacts inside you is you
00:58:01| right say no let's say no no I guess my verses are different than bacteria like
00:58:13| if it was a bacteria your body could expel it but I think viruses stick
00:58:16| around like mom's good material doesn't it what
00:58:20| was the question your bindings those good material to
00:58:23| doesn't it you're cutting expelling it in taking but I mean for material you
00:58:27| can kill a bacteria and then have it not ever be in your body but of that I think
00:58:31| a virus will stick what about the good bacteria that's in your gut we all know
00:58:36| about that everyone who loves it and gut flora yep yes that's not you or is it
00:58:42| they do a lot of weird studies about figuring out like what what what does
00:58:47| that really do for you like they've they've actually shown that it changes
00:58:51| your mood to change your gut flora okay interesting so it's like your
00:58:55| personality is based off of a lot of different things and some of those
00:58:58| things aren't act on you yeah the true thing yeah so what is you hmm
00:59:05| being the best of you I guess if you're right you're not a victim you think the
00:59:09| best our victim you think the worst well Alan Watts also argues that you are many
00:59:16| things could you also be the different the distance between you and the Sun
00:59:21| like that distance between you and the Sun is always constant is that a
00:59:27| relationship of how you are I don't think that it is a constant but well I'm
00:59:32| fine it always changes the same thing there is a distance and it's always
00:59:37| changing that's that's a constant correct the change is constant yes
00:59:43| so you're saying you're relating me to a physical distance sure I'm getting
00:59:49| longer and shorter much sure he just argues that we always define ourselves
01:00:00| as inside the skin and this for the most part except when things are happening to
01:00:07| us or we're happening to things and it's hard to say whether that's true or not I
01:00:12| don't PPR use one way or the other just that we're kind of a symptom and a part
01:00:19| of the universe and also a result over the universe and so we're very
01:00:24| nearsighted when we think of just what's happening behind here is us when really
01:00:29| what's happening out here is also us because we're changing all the things
01:00:33| around us that I'm the world around you right and without you that change
01:00:38| wouldn't happen either so that's part you as well
01:00:40| it's his argument I very Buddhist these past two episodes did you die with the
01:00:48| distance of the earth to the Sun on your own or was that Alan Watts think about
01:00:51| that I think I did that sound like bullshit but uh yeah it was right I yeah
01:00:59| sure I'd like the rest of it and what about the Sun in the mirror and that's
01:01:03| bullshit those cars but uh I think he said the distance between you and other
01:01:07| people like the distance you meet social social interactions sure he says we put
01:01:15| so much emphasis on most to you on the patient on the people themselves but the
01:01:20| space between the people is also important for that exact reason if
01:01:23| people were creeped ly up on you at all times
01:01:25| hmm everything will be different everything feel weird I feel like I'm
01:01:30| part of the brain that controls the space between people and the people who
01:01:33| don't do that they're missing part of their brain close talkers though we
01:01:37| don't yeah close doctors have something wrong or loud talkers when they're like
01:01:41| shouting at you I've had someone talk to me on an airplane when the one that it
01:01:45| was taking off yeah they're just like like try to talk over the jet engine and
01:01:50| I'm just like please no no I mean and have conversation yeah
01:01:55| there's me stuck in this tin can in the air for hours this is a social normalcy
01:02:01| that you don't understand at all which is bizarre because you're 30 years old
01:02:05| if something is wrong with you that's my thought process but continue
01:02:11| to try to talk that you and a slower than you are talking to me but I am much
01:02:15| more polite than you Arthur so I will continue this conversation yeah
01:02:20| much to the chagrin of everyone around us like lean to Las Vegas so everybody
01:02:31| know real quick I did want to say something over oh yeah sure go ahead
01:02:38| there's people at XT they make lo product that I couldn't live without I
01:02:43| can't see them showing up here's bling in right there you gotta rotate it now
01:02:47| pour back wait I see XT I see sound logic is that the sound logic that sound
01:02:53| logic terrible it's blurry but that's okay ah you made me buy it for the
01:03:01| podcast I picked it out it is my the vault I understand I'm not the victim
01:03:07| anyway folks sound logic by XT is a 2100 mhm AAA battery pack okay it's for a
01:03:22| cell phone device what's incredible about it is it can hold a charge for up
01:03:29| to 36 days did you say 2500 milliamp hours no 2200 milla and milla well in
01:03:39| half hours thank you and the whatever the the battery measurements of a cell
01:03:43| phone are 2.2 amp hours it's pretty good now 2,200
01:03:47| there's cell phones are measured in thousands like I think my cell phones at
01:03:56| either a or H age yeah amp hours the products look all right now shut up
01:04:10| what I did notice though is it kind of phallic I don't think so what era is
01:04:20| that it holds a charge for 36 days you're walking around with your cell
01:04:24| phone all you need to do is plug your little charger OOP right in there you
01:04:28| plug it in boom you got a power going right to your phone
01:04:31| who wants to be in filming that power nice folks see you buy this bad boy you
01:04:36| fill it with charge you're bringing with you and then boom it's time for the big
01:04:40| ceremony or your son's gettin graduated or oh my god the weddings here and you
01:04:45| want to take pictures but the battery starts flashing 15% red you're going oh
01:04:51| my god well guess what relax pop in the sound logic st 2200 MH a strange
01:05:06| it's really weird do you want to hear the best part
01:05:09| no does yours really strange oh he's a flashlight
01:05:15| yeah does yours work we're talking about the free mo xt l t double wide 3200
01:05:24| milliamp hour molecule - made in China I'm going to slide it right into its
01:05:33| sack boom I just came to sack some head we take this pictures now bitch did you
01:05:50| see that I had this beforehand no idea what this I keep this nearby because I
01:05:56| never know when I'm gonna run out of power and I have to charge my computer
01:06:00| for this podcast plug it right in bins last for about half a second gives me a
01:06:06| half a second longer to say goodbye well what I was gonna say about this before I
01:06:13| was rudely product but a year or two newer yeah no I'm blown away how did you
01:06:22| anyway you really stopped me one to two sentences before I go say folks I've had
01:06:27| it for four years it worked one time and that's it it's a
01:06:30| piece of shit I used it one time as well it makes you feel proud that you can use
01:06:35| something that had no use whatsoever before you used it I talked it all the
01:06:41| time and my battery is dying and I connected my phone and it's like 22%
01:06:47| increasing and I look at it I'm like I'm gonna get to like 40 and I check back in
01:06:51| like 10 minutes that's like 23% and then losing its battery and I'm like what you
01:06:58| gave me 1% over 10 minutes thank you I'm pretty sure that China is laughing at us
01:07:02| because they make like all of these and the bad there just nicely gifts to a
01:07:07| company they're just like please stamp your logo onto it so we can sell it to
01:07:10| these stupid Americans well and guess they also make the batteries in our cell
01:07:14| phones yeah no doubt they're double bit yeah they are old and we freaking hear
01:07:22| from China the EM painters like to say thanks for the follow but no thanks then
01:07:28| don't we don't need them we don't need them use the entire country trying to
01:07:33| watch us attributes I'm pretty sure we've lost urging we might be but yet
01:07:37| but do you think if China were watch us I'm pretty sore would it would search
01:07:43| you'd feel I'd feel it I'd get notifications I got all these messages
01:07:47| wouldn't be able to understand any of them because they'd be in Chinese not
01:07:52| necessarily broken English no no Sara Lee hmm I am DB ratings that I can't
01:07:58| understand there I'll agree with that I'll give you that yeah I wouldn't want
01:08:05| to tie it back to it now bring it back to it don't talk about how I how much I
01:08:11| liked it you don't even haven't seen it so like
01:08:14| the beginning now I could talk about a beginning see nothing you can spoil it
01:08:17| for everyone I'll get it dan hey I'm Rob we're spoiling it Wow if I'm gonna cut
01:08:22| out or watch it before you watch this one but the beginning scene is that it's
01:08:27| like 1980 so there's nostalgia there oh okay for the record is it a remake of
01:08:35| the original or a remake of the book so a lot of things you all it's as I would
01:08:40| say it's a remake but it also spin-off because the timing is different because
01:08:43| it's 19 different original 19 is 27 years which is an important number later
01:08:49| in the and the one was more reason so a wouldn't say he has an age okay I
01:09:01| wouldn't say long age so they have in the beginning you understand that this
01:09:07| is a movie that's gonna be gruesome because there's a little there's a
01:09:11| family okay so there's an older brother and a
01:09:13| little brother and he makes him floating a little ship and he's like putting like
01:09:18| paraffin wax and he's making sure it floats
01:09:21| so that's like a nineteen fifties things would people have complained about but
01:09:23| that's okay so he gives him the boat and the older brother feels like it
01:09:26| implanted it alive yeah the older brother feels guilty because
01:09:29| the little kid takes the boat out he's running around wearing you know cute
01:09:34| little child outfit he's like you know maybe like seven or eight and he runs
01:09:38| into it who comes out of the sewers and he's like in the sewers holding his boat
01:09:44| because his boat went down in sewer and the little kids it's like you know my my
01:09:48| brother my older brother gave it to me you know I feel guilty because you know
01:09:51| it's my older brothers I want it back and it just kind of just lures them in
01:09:56| and then bad things happen like rape or murder
01:10:04| oh no this time well now doesn't only have to do with rape okay good I have no
01:10:09| idea never seen it is murder but that's not good
01:10:13| for the record I'm painters is not approve of rape of children or murder
01:10:16| yeah so either or that I'm just gonna say the
01:10:19| blanket statement is that it it represents I guess all of those
01:10:29| childhood fears like anything you could fear or anything that could happen to
01:10:33| your child and be powerless that's what he represents like nightmares I'd say
01:10:39| more than nightmares it's like actually like social Oh does he own protective
01:10:47| services and all that jazz is it like um okay is it like I'm a little bit pretty
01:10:52| kruky in it definitely everything okay he has a green power so you suddenly
01:10:57| he's bigger than everything suddenly he could make everyone stare you suddenly
01:11:00| he's floating somewhere suddenly he appears with blood behind him yeah you
01:11:04| know me he knows what your fear is and he manipulates you through your fear
01:11:08| okay and he's not a regular man he's clearly a immortal or Magica or
01:11:13| something yeah yeah and there's actually two parts
01:11:19| so this is the first part the movie that came out recently and they did a good
01:11:24| job with it that's wait oh there's a second part coming up there's a second
01:11:27| part which goes back to 97 years later from 1980 something to today oh so the
01:11:38| second one's gonna be really interesting too
01:11:40| do you think they're gonna just have like a trompe clamp that'd be really
01:11:44| funny you've got to come down here is gonna be a huge balloon jayna didn't
01:11:56| happen in the loop since I've got down here children's bodies did you do seni
01:12:02| Juggalo coverage over the weekend Juggalo actually the jugglers all the
01:12:07| Juggalos march on Washington DC she know I I refer to them as gigolos right is
01:12:12| that the same thing joke logic low energy glow is a mailing assessment
01:12:16| light yeah what's the joke Douglas same Clown Posse really that's it they were
01:12:22| they wear black and white face Pete I said Nazi they drink they drink Vega
01:12:26| maybe that's why I ignored it because I just think gigolo when I see those oh no
01:12:30| no no this is Fame fans of the Insane Clown Posse the ICP mmm they um they all
01:12:38| wear face paint they uh they drink they go they believe an acceptance of all
01:12:43| people like fat people skinny people gay people trans like third there everybody
01:12:49| huh uh which I used to make fun of the ICP fans in a certain person in our high
01:12:55| school loved I see anyway anyway well but uh I digress yeah tomorrow he used
01:13:08| to give me the middle finger like this shorter finger hey for some reason this
01:13:14| bit this finger was a beer but um ya know he used to used to digging they
01:13:22| used to make fun because they had a song called rainbows yeah I remember every
01:13:27| one they were magic and one of the lines is magnets how do they work and it was
01:13:32| like and they thought that was magic - I thought at the same time I do respect
01:13:40| their trailer-park earthy like bring everyone aboard and I believe their call
01:13:47| is look look whoop whoop and people and they had a rally and
01:13:53| Trump's people are trying to get them designated as an actual gang and listen
01:13:58| like FBI databases Wow because they were facepaint and they're they're very
01:14:03| anti-trump which i think that's cool it's just like funny yeah yeah the
01:14:08| Juggalos are coming for Trump like that you told me that's ten years ago what
01:14:13| would I have thought like what would I think you I think you're bullshit
01:14:16| exactly the jugglers are coming after Trump and he's trying to make them label
01:14:21| those gangs someone said to me ten years we'd be like you actually a double this
01:14:26| you actually relates to the gigolos more than anybody you like exactly and I'm
01:14:31| like these guys right now that doesn't make sense but anyway yeah I got a
01:14:35| shout-out to the Juggalos there uh that's our drinking Faygo having a good
01:14:40| time accepted everybody and uh fight the power so shout out if you're a Juggalo
01:14:46| uh click follow we're practically Juggalos to we're just dumber and we
01:14:51| don't call her we don't we're ain't yeah it's still early in our career yeah I
01:15:05| think we did pretty good it was like getting captain disillusionment or
01:15:09| whatever his name is you ever see that guy sounds really
01:15:13| familiar he wears like a really weird face paint to make himself stand out but
01:15:17| I don't need like I don't know why he needs it it weirds me out but he
01:15:22| actually comes like he found all these ads that were like placed in Facebook
01:15:27| that make it seem real and he he shows how they weren't filmed by real people
01:15:33| that they were created in some sort of studio so like a lightning bolt hits the
01:15:38| ground and it does it shows like you know there's no flash on the ground in
01:15:41| this spot and there's no heat vibration and he like goes into the science of
01:15:45| things and I think his name is Captain with Captain disillusionment but I doubt
01:15:54| don't click anyway what I would click instead of
01:16:00| that is yeah dancers it's insane taught on panderers dot-com
01:16:13| don't miss that part that's a tricky part yeah you gotta get our website you
01:16:17| gotta go click like you gotta click super like you gotta click the heart
01:16:20| button you gotta hit retweet you gotta smack the heart missable give everyone
01:16:28| like a lot of thumbs up oh yeah right up that won't better subscribe because we
01:16:35| don't have any more we have three or three and several we have several and
01:16:39| made somebody else our fans are diversifying a portfolio is
01:16:47| really what it is I think we're betting types of futures is your hair getting
01:16:53| shorter and lines getting longer by the way mine I actually made sure it was
01:16:57| groomed is everything yes I've showered geez as it was two nights
01:17:03| ago good days they run together folks well
01:17:10| know what to tell you we do our best I think we do yes well instead of a
01:17:23| sandwich so you can get in it in a tortilla it's a wrap
01:17:30| there you go with that be really good sex those going with it's a wrap folks
01:17:36| it's a wrap I'm Nick the one with the good hair I'm Dan with the extremely
01:17:44| good hair together we form an unlikely duo that just we won't stop until all
01:17:50| the answers have been answered and together that's finished I think so we
01:18:00| are beyond and we like you folks we like you a lot

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