The UnPanderers: Transcript of Episode 13 - Dreams

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Transcript of Episode 13 - Dreams

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 13 - Dreams
Click to read the episode transcription below.

This transcription was generated using YouTube's voice to text captioning method. Hopefully, Speech-To-Text technology will become more accurate in the future.
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00:00:01| so I'm Dan Abnett and we are together v we form on Penry young tender he has got
00:00:12| a pretty perfect asynchronous cease to cadence cadence is everything folks
00:00:18| yeah and I'm Kay and he's bins did you ever have like music class and they make
00:00:25| you singing around so they they have one half of the class saying Michael roses
00:00:31| boat ashore and then it's like Michael Road it's like I don't know I know you
00:00:35| walk about or they gets a call and answer time saying yeah but I feel I
00:00:39| know that every time in music and it was just embarrassing
00:00:42| ooh Danny Boy that's that's interesting that's your name because the only time
00:00:46| we ever had a singing class of any kind in my entire life was in like sixth
00:00:51| grade and I think was like a rainy day and teacher I had no clue what to do and
00:00:54| she made the same Danny Boy Danny bullshit cookin can you soon Danny Boy
00:01:01| and I was like we're all thinking well like this is like the ellos or I guess
00:01:05| it was still the nineties well it's the sixth grade but it just seemed very like
00:01:09| this is 40 years old and no one knows the song no one knows what we're doing
00:01:13| we never sing what's going on here lady and he's stuck with me it's just an old
00:01:17| lady was one of your little dance friends one of your friends named in
00:01:22| were they doing a little spin pure way he was in the room was the class for
00:01:26| sixth grade so otherwise uh who knows what he was doing in the other classroom
00:01:30| probably drawing pictures of cute guys who knows anyway 21 any 129 any 136
00:01:48| what's the real number here odd numbers vies not to listen to this podcast
00:01:59| listen materials at worst cram and all the materials in there and too tight a
00:02:05| fit both yeah in there it's like making sausage sometimes you get the nasty bits
00:02:09| in there and just it tastes good but coño that one bigot sausage folks so if
00:02:17| you're offering team click that follow button click that subscribe button but
00:02:20| do not watch the video thank you well we appreciate your view yeah us
00:02:24| upside wwww little nerds calm is it the others that's harder to remember no it's
00:02:31| just on panderers oh that's easier to remember yeah fact it's very simple in
00:02:36| fact it's here yeah or it ends up here cool it's on top also for the record we
00:02:43| like to tell the kind folks at home that none of these opinions statements jokes
00:02:47| impersonations or stories are actually real yeah it's a whole opinion there in
00:02:53| not based on our employers our friends or relatives anyone we've ever met and
00:02:57| if you're listening in on the podcast whenever I wink it means it is my
00:03:00| opinion but not on the YouTube channel interesting twist on know what it means
00:03:08| but I imagine we'll cover it illegally I'll make sure to wink with both eyes
00:03:12| that's a blink and not awake Your Honor my client Dan of the UM panderers was
00:03:19| chugging lemon juice when it got in his eye and he repeatedly blinked for the
00:03:23| rest of the episode oh man I don't even think you digest that much lemon juice
00:03:27| it was pure you'd be tqa ting lemons and being on syria reigneth when life hands
00:03:35| you lemons sit on them it happens well I actually have a new tongue twister I was
00:03:41| excited to try this one out for your line could I made it up I didn't read it
00:03:44| online I didn't hear no one I'll say it this is my tongue twister only the
00:03:48| owners I know it is because we have a titty Club oh I'm not going to name
00:03:56| names but they they order fryer oil Leah and I have two E's be dirty I hope this
00:04:03| was the hole and it's a whole time coaster I apologize but um every time he
00:04:09| says I want one fryer wall I have to say it back to him so I say okay one fryer
00:04:13| oil and by the time we've both said it it sounds like a whole different words
00:04:16| so I'm like how many times can you say that word in a row I'd like you to try
00:04:19| for the podcast and give us fryer oil will provide our oil fryer oil fry out
00:04:26| if you do do it you sound like your southern somehow you're like from our
00:04:31| old fry roll barrel it's like you have marbles in your mouth
00:04:34| exactly that's fryer oil pretty good no try that how long that's mine yeah I
00:04:39| made it up I get all rights money all legal fees
00:04:43| boom the self in the camera here I'd like to say there are some
00:04:47| clarifications from the last episode you have a correction yeah cuz I as well
00:04:52| okay good cuz um last time you asked me if I want to have a threesome of my
00:04:57| choice with my wife involved and then a threesome of her choice I do fall wait
00:05:02| right was any involved I would like to say that not for one moment did I
00:05:07| consider that I like having a no comment and thought no scenario no farther of it
00:05:20| I didn't even consider it I wouldn't yeah wouldn't even consider it honey
00:05:23| you're saying this is your press conference the next day just in his time
00:05:29| no I did not even consider a threesome pulling out anyway random woman's
00:05:34| clothing like dripping with various oils and sediments that's a dirty rat it's
00:05:42| dirty dirty fag you're rolling around in the dirt well I actually also had a
00:05:49| correction on the last episode something we did wrong yeah I discussed a little
00:05:54| bit about fighter planes and I said something about the f-16 fired a certain
00:05:58| missile a lot of people were probably gonna jump on me the f16 could actually
00:06:02| not fire a I am 120s am RA am sam-7 sparrows that was the f-18 they didn't
00:06:10| have the block 15 ATF installed so all my dad another quick clarification the
00:06:16| f-18 is the one uses a probe to latch into the drove for refuel systems oh
00:06:20| yeah he's a little confused when you went over that laughs and I I apologize
00:06:28| so much so our intrepid viewers listeners out there I just didn't want
00:06:33| to offend trust the f-18 when I was talking about the f6
00:06:38| so clarification I apologize move on folks man let's move on I almost lost
00:06:44| some sleep over that one but I didn't I had some sweet dreams so it's uh smirk
00:06:51| or smile like this little signal it's a fun one it's a good one
00:06:55| mine's short but it's pretty sweet oh really no first it's sure we'd like me
00:06:59| to go first cuz it's short or if you like you to go first cuz it's just uh
00:07:02| you got this great perfect spy on the Dan half of the podcast I have to so I'm
00:07:07| gonna sandwich you smooth I almost hit a deer the other day while walking he
00:07:16| jumped out of the bushes are you really you should have led with the whole story
00:07:21| and then said I was walking jumped out of the bushes I swerved left
00:07:26| I moved my one arm to the right we almost hit it's it's the beginning
00:07:30| though they were going on the right they're getting a little wild and freaky
00:07:34| and you know those bushes are right by the bike isn't that funny is it brought
00:07:39| the time I think it is cuz this one here look at numbers said I'm deer getting it
00:07:46| if you're listening and you're deer hit that like button hit subscribe
00:07:49| oh well about my dear getting something mm-hmm I hear that the deer like it when
00:07:55| you get on all fours so if you really want to be friends with the deer just
00:07:58| saunter up next to them on all fours if you're the submissive type yeah I grab
00:08:03| deer by the Ahlers I give it them that's when I tape the face out of my butt
00:08:11| is that a doe no it's a dance let's go with all fours
00:08:18| for a reason folks that was legitimate I almost actually got hit by one I was
00:08:26| surprised because I only heard the bushes rustle and then it was in front
00:08:29| of me and then I was like what that they do this and they do this just sprint by
00:08:37| you he going 20 miles an hour he's like left out of that bush towards me I don't
00:08:42| want no business with that I'm gonna be the guy that punches the deer it's what
00:08:46| are you doing man that's respect dear I think that was my mind that
00:08:56| sparked well I think that a little bit of both because I was like what the hell
00:09:00| what the hell man look lively yeah who made these animals God holy
00:09:05| mackerel mine's a little more decadent Oh
00:09:12| so we're loading the truck out there I'll say the name of the street folks
00:09:17| Shelton add shout out Cheltenham I know you're listening to folks and an
00:09:23| ambulance is coming they were it's a busy street it's a main thoroughfare and
00:09:28| we all got everybody slows down I want to see what the ambulance is doing you
00:09:31| know I mean I checked this out he's doing like 60 he screaming lights
00:09:35| are going and like by our work is spread so I'm like is he gonna do it is he
00:09:41| gonna do this slow slow down was he gonna go just plow through mm-hmm so let
00:09:45| you hold your you hold like this and you're like don't crash and then you're
00:09:48| like please crash don't crash senator yeah right you just want to see
00:09:52| something so he slows down he's looked down a lot he slows down a lot and he
00:09:57| turns off his lights and he goes through the intersection like two mile an hour
00:10:02| and he's cruising he cruises for like right up past us and I hear him yelling
00:10:07| right and now he's passed us and I'm like who's he on it it's it's an
00:10:13| ambulance my dad's over here and he's looking I'm looking
00:10:17| and then his lights snap back on and he goes off at like 60 mile an hour and I
00:10:21| was like no and my dad his media elbow and there's this middle-aged woman with
00:10:28| his big old butt right down the street and he's like he was hollering at her
00:10:33| and I was like what bring their booty back to life ukg anyway I thought that
00:10:59| was awesome and I mean who's gonna tell him the I me
00:11:03| I mean that's like yeah we're watching the untanned hers mark would you wrap
00:11:09| that day he died it was ten seconds to eight you know he he delivered that
00:11:19| story so well that you can clearly picture that you were in that story mark
00:11:25| off your license that was my nice Merc smile of the SP days this is gonna be a
00:11:37| roundabout smirk smile as I had this book called All the Pretty Horses on my
00:11:41| desk and it's actually what my mic sits on you probably heard the little tap I
00:11:46| did in the movie version of the book later Matt Damon and Penelope Cruz who
00:11:57| hmm yep and she uh she looks a little why should possible to write is she
00:12:05| he's a nice guy yes she's an interesting there must be
00:12:13| something there Seinfeld she's married heavier bar Dame
00:12:17| or then by the way who's that he was in the James Bond movie which one he's also
00:12:26| in Paris the Caribbean the new one you've never seen any of these that we
00:12:36| talked about I know we go let's go so this is the jump in logic I had a
00:12:40| dream that I was I started in the back of a car it's like one of those old
00:12:45| style gangster cars and I was meeting at Columbia so I was being held hostage by
00:12:54| drug runners mm-hm and in the front seat there was a
00:12:58| Penelope Cruz look-alike who kind of looked like Kamiya kebaya if you know
00:13:04| who that is no no this is interesting so she gave me
00:13:08| the kiss of death because she jumped on top of me and it was getting a little
00:13:11| physical but whenever I have dreams they get kind of sexy they always get kind of
00:13:16| strange and weird and nothing ever and I'm always disappointed tells me
00:13:20| something about you yeah that's life and so she gave me the kiss of death you
00:13:27| know it got kind of interesting and then she jumped it on our yeah and as soon as
00:13:33| it as soon as like it she she marked me I decided like I needed to get the hell
00:13:38| out of there so I bolted and it was in the middle of the jungle and I'm
00:13:43| literally like going through the going through the bushes going through the
00:13:46| trees and I find this clearing and these guys are after me with machine guns
00:13:50| they're chasing clothes behind me and I think this is my spirit animal this is
00:13:55| what gave me the smile is a cheetah came out of the woods right at me he was
00:14:00| sprinting directly towards me and the moment he saw the drug runners he
00:14:05| diverted his his attack line and went right after them and I survived because
00:14:10| of the cheetah see you were kissing another woman and a cheetah your cheetah
00:14:18| there's nothing your cheater my chichi the cheetah cheetah your teeter chakras
00:14:24| yeah they've lined straight line to my enemies interesting as one of the best
00:14:32| ways to wake up I never know how to respond to people's dreams and you want
00:14:36| to hear the coolest reason why sure okay I'm here ooh mated with a guy for four
00:14:44| straight years of college his name was Tom oh you you room ated him
00:14:47| yeah a roommate it with him and the room I hated with him okay he is a fairly
00:14:54| average individual I love him but the reason I say average is for this reason
00:15:00| no look I whatever um one day he was arguing with me he said his computer we
00:15:07| would just look at CollegeHumor back to back not even talk to each other for the
00:15:10| hours of the time his back in the heyday yeah there's back when coma tumor who's
00:15:13| Peggy and they had come and there he was on there too no it was before videos I'm
00:15:18| just pictures mostly huh there's like Facebook wasn't even around anyway
00:15:22| believe it's like look at Politico telling you I remember looking at videos
00:15:26| college your honor they did get videos this is pre video this is like
00:15:31| we'll be like someone's cool Halloween costume like someone writing the word
00:15:35| slut over like a dog or something and everyone laughs and like I know just
00:15:40| goofy things I remember in high school kids watching porn on college humor in a
00:15:45| lab the computer lab or important well you couldn't do any work in the computer
00:15:50| lab because they care to be like hey hey did you see this one and then you turn
00:15:54| around and be like full-frontal and you'd be like oh yes i do see it hell
00:15:59| yeah right now I do I do see it you're absolutely correct it's hard to avoid
00:16:03| eye contact with it well Tom one day he's like isn't it Wednesday or Thursday
00:16:09| and I was like no blah blah blah it's I always do chem lab this day I have a
00:16:15| paper due here but it's definitely Thursday and we argue if you look at a
00:16:19| blindly huh you get these wrong a lot so I asked I said why are you just are you
00:16:25| stupid answer me how are you stupid or something and he was like he was like no
00:16:29| I just dream of a day and I'm like what do you mean dude he explained no no he
00:16:37| when he dreams he dreams that he wakes up ants to brush his teeth he's tired
00:16:43| and ants like check his phone check his watch he has to figure out what to wear
00:16:47| and then he has to like figure out how he's gonna get to class a little time
00:16:51| you can really leave and if he shouldn't breakfast and then he slowly walks to
00:16:55| class and then yes it's me like a and usually do this Elson
00:17:00| wait Tom are you describing a dream he's like yeah no I was like what I think
00:17:06| he's like it's just like a regular Tuesday and I'm like so be like you
00:17:11| don't fly or shoot people with machine guns or Aziz or anything say no it's
00:17:17| like really boring it was like that's the worst dream ever so then he would
00:17:21| wake up they get it to the next day but really has to really Tuesday Terry live
00:17:28| a workday well why would you dream of a workday or like a regular Tuesday it was
00:17:34| the oddest thing ever put it it it is coming out of the woods
00:17:39| way cool yeah oh I do know that I do know this one woman who has
00:17:45| narcolepsy but it like a very soft version of narcolepsy and sometimes
00:17:53| barely it's barely a nap yeah people people confuse it with cataplexy
00:17:59| which is like absolutely losing you're like in a moment you you're like
00:18:03| paralyzed you fall asleep yeah narcolepsy is like an overall tiredness
00:18:12| so you take stimulants to stay awake and then when you do fall asleep and dream
00:18:18| you're like REM cycles messed up so you kind of go in and out at a dream and it
00:18:24| feels more real that make sense to me so you can take an ambien and staying awake
00:18:28| and be gone do you say take an I did it yeah it's a common theme I've never done
00:18:37| it I have no idea I'm just I don't know what I've done is I've taken ambient
00:18:41| before but I did you go to bed effort people do talk about like really vivid
00:18:47| dreams from ambien and I don't do random suspicions those nations if you don't
00:18:53| like yourself go to sleep this is what I hear it I hear never done it people
00:18:58| standing around like full conversations I read about this before I took it and I
00:19:02| was like this sounds pretty cool and I took it on a airplane so I was like I
00:19:07| was completely out and I was wondering if I would you chat up the person next
00:19:11| to me what if he did what if you literally had how crazy with
00:19:17| this bit you wake up with your your wrist zipped lying together because
00:19:20| you're arrested on the flight to Italy no well that was your trip over there to
00:19:26| Pompeii huh episode Rome reference ha quite an episode like mine are we gonna
00:19:32| do it mind your own damn videos find the video
00:19:37| yourself you piece of does it listing wwm Bader's calm um I do have something
00:19:43| cuz I want to come to dreams again but I don't want to flesh it out entirely
00:19:46| right now oh no I'm just these are potpourri yeah potpourri
00:19:50| mm-hmm what I wanted to ask you it's like a would you rather scenario
00:19:59| hmmm let's say you have the ability to do one of two things
00:20:06| it's pick one you can either on influence and get men to extremely like
00:20:11| you but women will hate your guts or vice versa
00:20:17| which do you do it lasts your whole life first the answer seems obvious I would
00:20:24| like to introduce a clarification here go ahead okay
00:20:28| you know in a previous episode I think it was
00:20:32| I forget what I said it's either men or women take over the majority the globe
00:20:36| and I know you were wrong because I looked it up I'm pretty sure I was right
00:20:42| I said women that make up 51% of the population this study could be five to
00:20:46| eight years old and in that five to eight year time frame it's flipped
00:20:50| really so if I wanted an army of the majority of the world I'd go for men but
00:20:56| I'm not gonna do that do you know what the percentages is like 51% or like
00:21:00| higher than that it's that weird it only swings like 51 to 49 percent hold up as
00:21:07| an aside could it ever go to like 70 by chance or is that impossible so I mean
00:21:14| yeah as another assessment we should take your side and go oh man let's get
00:21:20| in there I like it there's a good one this is going so uh the Joker Joe Rogan
00:21:25| experience and he was talking about I knew that I guess Rogan he had some
00:21:32| people on there he was talking about how they took away wolves and then
00:21:36| reintroduce them and the wolves directly eat coyotes so the car you talking about
00:21:41| the arm to Habitat thing you probably listen to the same one I don't know I
00:21:45| solved the special oh really is it where they reintroduced wolves
00:21:48| into the Yellowstone yes that exactly yes I did see this car good that's all
00:21:52| right sorry to interrupt this is cool because those Psaltis independently yeah
00:21:55| so the Wolves really impacted the coyote population and the coyote population is
00:22:01| unique because they all how to each other so they know who's out there
00:22:05| the female coyote will listen to the howls and if she doesn't hear enough how
00:22:11| she will become more fertile and have more more offspring I know that good
00:22:19| deeper than I did okay yeah so the population of coyotes actually rebounded
00:22:23| after they were decimated and now there's even more coyotes and there were
00:22:27| originally so now they're less fertile I don't know what up but what's
00:22:36| interesting is on top of what you were saying I believe the coyote population
00:22:40| affected a lot of the other animals of deer chicken small animals mm-hmm that
00:22:47| coyotes would attack now those animals a fewer vegetation it makes sense it's an
00:22:55| ecosystem that's fluctuating sure yep so I think more vegetation made for more
00:23:00| plants growing in certain spots and less than others prime organs like the ones
00:23:04| right now where there were more insects and plants it changed actually how much
00:23:09| water float down the river beds so literally like rivers formed where there
00:23:15| hadn't been any and some rivers diverted to other areas and those rivers brought
00:23:19| with them more animals to come down and drink from and the wolves that
00:23:23| originally started this had more food so introducing wolves back into Yellowstone
00:23:28| apparently not only changed the species landscape its it changed the physical
00:23:33| landscape which I thought was bad ass playing change just everything change
00:23:36| like there's not a river over there oh yeah we introduced wolves the Wolves did
00:23:41| it and they made ways you're damn right they did that's crazy is amazing that's
00:23:51| feeding back into do you think that like the the population of the world needs to
00:23:56| be kind of equal to keep us going so if it gets too out of whack there's
00:24:01| probably some process that brings us back to normal and we probably don't
00:24:05| even know it right all that balances counterbalances and
00:24:08| all that and like too much of one thing results in too little of something else
00:24:14| yeah would you say too many humans making too much carbon dioxide would
00:24:18| make too much global warming which could kill more humans which would lower
00:24:21| carbon dioxide levels would you I mean we just
00:24:24| possibly I don't freaking know I'm just saying that would make sense right yeah
00:24:28| one way to cool beer this is if everyone's did it let me know over a lot
00:24:36| I will take a tangent back to our tangent that contains infected area
00:24:43| didn't I didn't I was just buying time I was buying timing you almost got away
00:24:46| with it so I'm gonna use it so I think if I could sway all women it'd be like
00:24:53| swaying a woman is more difficult than swaying a man because a man can be
00:24:56| logical sorry cool banners earn it up over here huh I didn't say that Dan for
00:25:07| the record anyone just listening to all the only Dan said that haha I would like
00:25:15| to yeah there's a quote from Jack Nicholson and as good as it gets
00:25:19| he's uh he's an Arthur author and he writes about I guess he's kind of what's
00:25:26| what's the word that's like sad but he's like oh send me about things he's
00:25:30| self-centered eccentric yeah eccentric yes thank you Thank You Phil my words oh
00:25:36| so he's talking to Helen height Helen Hunt and Helen Hunt says how do you
00:25:40| write women so well and he goes well I think of a man and I take away reason
00:25:46| and accountability is pretty good awesome that's a good burn yeah so I
00:25:56| think I'd want to sway all the women because there's a there's obviously a
00:26:00| sexual plus there and of course and it's cool like yeah yeah even if you're not
00:26:08| sleeping with them yeah and you can use all the women to control the man you
00:26:12| could that's pretty that's pretty long-term maybe I need you to make your
00:26:17| husband who's the CEO of a company make me lots of money yeah Dan yeah and then
00:26:26| she has to do it what do you believe in her ability to change her husband who's
00:26:29| the CEOs opinion of you I wasn't exactly the women's in the world to changes
00:26:35| you can give me all the money honey hey honey I'm just telling you about
00:26:40| this guy Dan I bet today Dan who my powerful CEO who was very insecure I
00:26:47| will crush this bug and Plus that was part of the thing men will hate you if
00:26:52| the women love you but they have to do they have to shoot you in sight if
00:27:00| they'd ever met me though they don't know to hate me they can accidentally
00:27:04| baby send you money yeah exhale II give you the job I've never met him I know
00:27:10| who he is but I'm gonna give him the job trust you based on merit alone sweetie
00:27:15| and my trust and knew a female yeah exactly the women I'm going with men
00:27:24| because I'm a sexist pig of the podcast and I just think more job opportunities
00:27:29| and stuff like that and women already probably hate me Hey ladies
00:27:33| like this Oh hate me hate me women I don't know I think that because I keep
00:27:40| it that's pretty unreasonable and unaccountable ladies huh
00:27:53| so you see which scenario I was never for you so say you were literally like
00:28:01| that already half your size so you're a really tiny person look at small batcher
00:28:09| Oh three-foot one yes that's incredible but you are incredibly strong you're the
00:28:15| strongest man in the world oh okay how do you use that size and
00:28:21| gentle no for everything YouTube videos I would go on there's a my favorite show
00:28:27| of the ump and hers I love those guys they're funny as hell I would just lift
00:28:31| things behind them at all times pinvidic maybe hanging on the drums
00:28:37| playing the drum is really small would you uh you can get a job doing something
00:28:45| or you get you Center um Olympic athletes get money don't
00:28:49| that's true so you could be the strongest little man in the world
00:28:52| oh you dude low center of gravity I'm friggin tearing it up mm-hmm
00:28:56| and I'm and I want everyone to know on the smallest cuz I'm a little insecure
00:28:59| because I'm three foot one I want I want everyone to know how frigging strong I
00:29:05| am because if your Olympic bench press or whatever a squatter power lifter who
00:29:10| cares dude people can't mess with you I feel like you got to go public eye yeah
00:29:15| your public eye Olympics I know it's a freak show a little bit but it's like
00:29:19| the power of being the strongest in the world over Trump's for each other and if
00:29:26| you're three foot one less than contest we actually like you're not a freak show
00:29:29| but if you're the strongest man in the world and three foot one maybe they made
00:29:38| me so many picks up I would just love to use that to egg muscle men on like the
00:29:46| guy that's like 65 oh yeah he's like hey little man and he tries to push me out
00:29:52| of the way and you're just like a big yeah now would I pick that if it was
00:30:02| that way for my life no because I don't know that life okay feeling that's a lot
00:30:08| of work well if you knew you could win a gold medal and it was just like you just
00:30:18| have to do a lot of work to get there like you're gonna win it you just have
00:30:20| to do a lot of work you probably like yeah it's like what kind of metal which
00:30:27| is appe make it easier now what year is it that was the year I like Summer
00:30:31| Olympics better my kids sick I might just not do it this year oh he's got a
00:30:40| cold might get me and then I'm sick and he's sick
00:30:52| hmmm that's some good scenarios they're thinking I enjoyed that thoroughly
00:30:55| hopefully not too interested to you seriously ready for the best part worked
00:30:59| out I think I am I hope you're gonna skip right to oh lordy I can't believe I
00:31:10| come so quickly to this area of expertise yes
00:31:14| did you have one I actually had one it's a really good one I have well I have
00:31:20| like I have this the celebrities I think I want no it's more like I actually have
00:31:26| a whole celebrity challenge but not you do the whole thing there Christina
00:31:29| Hendricks who's oh sure watch liquor did she uh was that I don't remember but I'm
00:31:36| into that liquor hold on and Penelope Cruz I want them to go up
00:31:43| against each other you know we like with them girls you know what I'm saying what
00:31:47| kind of challenge can we get them to do hold up dizzy bat oh we got to go around
00:31:53| the bat and then they're all dizzy and maybe uh I haven't told you what they're
00:31:58| wearing yet Danny excited ready for this already picture it yeah they're gonna do
00:32:04| it in be catcher gear Oh like be cancer here that simply sexiest thing you'll do
00:32:10| for Black Label whisky your attention Podcast sorry this is tha there's
00:32:21| something on this screen over here that I just hard to resist and hopefully I
00:32:26| know she loves me because anyone in the world is history
00:32:31| Hendricks MS Hendricks her face miss Cruz come on Penelope come on down and
00:32:39| do dizzy-bat with us and you're gonna wear those big ol be the caretaker masks
00:32:45| and those be outfits that make you look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
00:32:49| and you're gonna spin around on that back and you're gonna swing at that
00:32:52| wiffle ball like damn ladies that's hot yeah I think it's sexy as hell
00:32:57| it's a sexist thing I can think up those two I'm biting my fingernails look I
00:33:00| can't see you ladies would do this we're gonna donate so much to charity 80 cents
00:33:06| per person event Oh per person I'm talking 30 60 cents alright that for
00:33:16| both is so what are the rules exactly had to spin around what three times six
00:33:20| six times I love it dizzy they have to hit with all these voluptuous women
00:33:27| gonna be hiding in these be masks oh there are no bees involved right just to
00:33:32| make just to clarify what will do it with the bees how about that it's just a
00:33:41| naked finger you're releasing a stream of angry bees at these women so they
00:33:55| have to hit a wiffle ball off of a stand and then it involves running around the
00:34:03| bases or it's I travel at least 45 yards and they gotta do it and then they have
00:34:09| to do they have them do the bases so it's just pretty easy and if they will
00:34:13| if they care about charity yeah they'll both oh yeah let's see if they can
00:34:18| pretty sexy you know I'm saying be outfits I'm gonna have a weird fetish
00:34:24| now I just created it so whatever any challenge Wow we call that one honey for
00:34:36| you good where do you wanna go next I got something easy for today it's pretty
00:34:48| well you could where are you going to the Thursday throwback I had that I
00:34:53| think I wasn't making sure you the agenda it's a little dark
00:34:58| oh I love dark it's decided thank you hmm I think I don't know this obvious
00:35:06| comes too young but I'm looking back now and I'm thinking this is sad and dark
00:35:10| okay right yeah so I don't care no I'll go there max
00:35:16| Myers used to be my camp that we went to okay you've never met the police
00:35:22| max Myers with who that's what's called an O is in Philadelphia as a part not a
00:35:27| lot of people went there it was our own summer camp thought this is the one that
00:35:31| had spray paint and penises everywhere yes exactly it was very um free urban
00:35:38| exploring hmm well at the end of summer camp at the end of every day you would
00:35:44| either get in your lines or walk home where your parents pick you up whatever
00:35:47| mm-hmm oh there was like a 380 pound man who was like 40 ish and more glasses and
00:35:55| he would ride up to everyone with his big old duffel bag out of breath because
00:36:00| he's bad out of shape or anything and all these kids come in like 12 11 8 9 7
00:36:08| would all exit and he would sell us GIMP you'll get this ain't no GIMP is a gimp
00:36:15| program but that's not it oh the little plastic spools of colorful
00:36:21| string but it's like string but it's plastic and you would overlap the
00:36:26| strings to make like designs like you can make box design zipper you
00:36:31| crisscross it you do there's like 5 francs
00:36:37| he's typing in books holy God I don't know if we never and GIMP girl oh my
00:36:41| sister had these there you go and you can make them yourself yeah we called
00:36:46| him the GIMP man cuz he would sell GIMP for like 80 cents whatever it was cheap
00:36:51| man hold on I didn't realize that I just
00:36:54| thought that was his job like that was like his career is you know you'd be
00:36:57| like oh he's an engineer who's the GIMP man he um he plays a professional
00:37:00| basketball and my parents were always weird it was like did did he follow you
00:37:05| guys home didn't be like no he stays at the camp mom what's what's wrong in
00:37:10| there they wouldn't tell me but like looking back like just recently I'd be
00:37:13| like holy shit man was probably trying to look for kids or something that's a
00:37:18| little it's a bit much dude and you could ask him how to make the different
00:37:22| designs but everything would try and help you he had all these spools
00:37:26| colors like he was like you went eight feet of green like an 80 degree measure
00:37:32| it out put his little ruler and cut it and charge you like a dollar 30 or
00:37:36| whatever it was huh I also thought maybe that is the only way you can make money
00:37:41| and then I was like nope I can't justify this oh man how many only would make per
00:37:49| day 18 bucks I made that up but all right that's kind of scary that's pretty
00:37:57| scary that is scary whoa so hold on so my mom was like one time he was like
00:38:02| talking to my sister or something and she was trying to buy greengen and
00:38:06| purple games she's gonna go whatever a friendship bracelet or some crap well I
00:38:10| was like what is he doing talking to your sister I be like she's buying
00:38:13| purple good mom Yoshii and she was like she was like come tell him to leave your
00:38:21| sister alone I think cuz my mom was too embarrassed
00:38:23| what can tell a guy you're a fat pervert get away from little kids tell that fat
00:38:32| pervert to get away from my children okay mom go over and be like mom Lutz
00:38:40| was to go and she said and I was like you have to go but I thought about him
00:38:46| and I thought about GIMP and I was like GIMP is pretty funny and like and get
00:38:50| man was probably a molester or wanted to be I feel like he was too cowardly to go
00:38:56| through with it I don't know I don't know he could be a he gave me a brave
00:39:00| powerful super strong Tom Lester god bless him my guess is he was a coward
00:39:06| and he may have died I just wanted to make the children's lives that much
00:39:11| better and then I thought that well I was like what if it was just a really
00:39:14| good guy and he like was a firefighter doing today just a fat one and then and
00:39:19| the afternoon breaks he was like I'll sell colorful string to children and not
00:39:23| talk to other parents at all because I'm afraid of them and and we'd ride that
00:39:29| bike I still remember his weird he's in the car get a bike you ride his bike
00:39:34| there [Music]
00:39:36| and as in a duffel bag all these GIMP products so like this is
00:39:44| before the days of internet I mean you couldn't order GIMP anywhere who the
00:39:47| hell knows what's store sold yeah you'd be flipping through some catalog to
00:39:50| trying to costume the number is it right so I mean it was convenient I guess and
00:39:54| a summer camp is where kids would use it I think this may be the counselors are
00:39:57| still outside it's not like they would just leave and be like oh good man Zarin
00:40:00| let everybody go but anyway bow to him when I was
00:40:05| thinking of old school stuff like oh my god Kemp was funny and I was like oh the
00:40:09| GIMP man huh they used to have other things like the
00:40:14| kind of those like snap bracelets that I made of metal I know and then eventually
00:40:20| one of them like started to work and then all the person's wrist that's the
00:40:25| thing would that ever happened to you keeps getting better wait a sec it hurt
00:40:33| me it hurt me and keep doing it it hurt me how it has a tiny cut oops it's
00:40:37| bigger oops it's even bigger oops I'm bleeding
00:40:39| oh my god I'm gonna die let me use this around my neck there's so many little
00:40:50| things like that there was just pure plastic bullshit oh yes that's fucking
00:40:56| on now - I guess so at least we're not experienced I mean maybe in ten years
00:41:00| when our children finally get involved in that crap we'll be like oh stay away
00:41:04| from the GIMP man no actually I probably like hey get man I have you on Instagram
00:41:09| I have you on Twitter you piss we're tracking you step outside
00:41:14| Oh step two you well who's your throwback if mine was pretty dark I'm
00:41:22| gonna just say it was the bracelet things I also have this whole weight
00:41:26| wasn't there are these a little like peg things I my mom my sister like that you
00:41:31| put I like right not light bright no no they're like these little plastic
00:41:36| cylinders that you would arrange in this like heated tray and you can make
00:41:41| different patterns out of them and then when you heat them up they fuse together
00:41:44| and they form a pattern interesting sounds like it meets light
00:41:48| bright thank you oh I bet you're saying people make like
00:41:51| Super Mario and Yoshi out of them that's the ones I've seen today that maybe they
00:41:55| still exist they got a man is four that are still making like the get man could
00:42:00| be that's a perfect name for like a a creepy villain look good man again the
00:42:07| GIMP er its kind of getcha quick shout-out to a big listener in the
00:42:17| podcast he's one of our faves dil Dan here til Dan 6-9 oh no you said his name
00:42:22| everyone can look for him please good he's seriously
00:42:27| he loves this podcast he he he listens to us on an old ham radio
00:42:35| that's hewn with a w-h-o I said Oh Dan at 69 okay kid that's what I say anyway
00:42:45| um anyway he he told me the other day that he found his girlfriend's journal
00:42:51| like her diary which page he flipped it oh so exactly I was like you didn't open
00:42:57| I did yes I did no just opened in the middle of like one
00:43:01| of those pages that's very crease he opens it up what do you think he him
00:43:06| probably Ryan Gosling like that's you would think a normal girl well his
00:43:13| picture across the house really pentagrams she wrote this fiction she's
00:43:18| the main character oh my god and she finds this rare amulet it's ancient
00:43:25| and she unearthed it does she at least centers the Flat Earth hold on she it
00:43:30| gives her the power to shrink any man on her so what she does she keeps it's all
00:43:38| the same paragraph just with a different person
00:43:40| so she's like she grabbed the power amulet and she turned to Hitler and she
00:43:45| said he I shrink and she would shrink Hitler back in time and step on his
00:43:50| balls those are thing so then he found two stories where she shrunk him turned
00:43:57| to him and said eight man I shrink thee and he shrunk and I
00:44:02| stepped on his balls she does is real like tons of people through history
00:44:06| there's a George Washington I strength II George Washington and she steps on
00:44:10| his bones I shrink thee Ben Franklin and she steps on his balls he's no clue
00:44:16| anyway he literally pretended he didn't read nothing close the book back up put
00:44:21| it back on her pillow what do you do at this point I don't even know you can't
00:44:25| bring it up hand it how do you that even finally bring it up hey babe um does
00:44:32| Warner if you want to step on me tonight anywhere can you even say me your
00:44:37| Halloween costume would be a shrunken version play pretend pretend you're a
00:44:41| giant step on me where you would step on the dot oh well that's what you do I
00:44:46| want you to be a bigger person yeah hold on
00:44:49| forgot the Donald in front of her dress like you and see where she steps on it
00:44:52| with your with your knots hanging out buddy I dropped this dog could you pick
00:44:59| it up yeah I'll pick it up and you would you she would step on its balls because
00:45:06| that's her thing I get the visual from stepping on balls it's just uh anyway
00:45:12| good luck build and we really root for you here at the podcast thanks for
00:45:15| listening hopefully she ain't listening show them that you read her that's all
00:45:22| that will be left just to do and she will step on your balls yeah
00:45:26| she'll get her wish I guess really sad actually yeah yeah I hope he who landed
00:45:34| that too what argument he had with her but he probably isn't that smart to look
00:45:38| bad he's gonna lose oh I can't breathe yeah
00:45:44| it's like a picture picture graph we have arguments I draw pictures and she
00:45:50| gets even more mad diagram I don't even know what I'm drawing so that moves us
00:45:58| on to uh to our everyday oh you do you didn't actually I have a good one
00:46:05| actually yeah all right I'll go first coos my thought that goes now
00:46:08| mine's literally a word that has been in my head since I was an
00:46:12| English major in school indomitable oh yeah
00:46:15| you know that work yeah well William Faulkner wrote a book about some kind of
00:46:20| bear and I don't remember it he knows steamboat or something there's a
00:46:24| steamboat or a bear involved trust me William Faulkner okay
00:46:28| Argonaut third nineteen forties or some shit 20s anyway uses the adjective
00:46:35| indomitable like four hundred times to the point where I ignored it all the
00:46:39| time because I was English major I can just pretend I know what it means and I
00:46:42| was like what does this word mean because that's how I would do it most
00:46:45| words I didn't know the final exam alright I looked it up and uh it's been
00:46:51| in my head ever since because no one else uses that word except William
00:46:54| Faulkner in that book so there are some words that just don't get used and he
00:46:59| used it so much that it was like wow buddy let it go do you think he did
00:47:04| normal speech all the time and people were like God he was trying it out and
00:47:08| sentences like the freight train coming this way I find it indomitable at most
00:47:14| and people are like bill he's a designer writing in common that Bill's here
00:47:26| I want those indelible french fries please you're just regular they're gonna
00:47:31| sear my insides and remain French fries throughout the process
00:47:39| my word is a little bit more awesome and sexual or non-sexual it's actually close
00:47:49| Murphy Leah fear of pleasure not feely Oh Billy enjoy a pleasure was that was a
00:47:58| pleasure that's a certain type of pleasure sexual it is definitely sexual
00:48:03| clitoris and this is from mine hunter which I've been watching on Netflix and
00:48:07| I'm almost done which is yeah pretty good but close Ophelia is the enjoyment
00:48:12| of enemas yeah how can you want them uh yeah I think you it's either way you
00:48:20| give them or take them which is whatever [Laughter]
00:48:28| but I don't I don't see how you perform a normal sexual act after enjoying an
00:48:37| enema because that's gonna get messy that's just not I don't know how that's
00:48:41| fun I don't get it enjoying the enemas the taymiyah and
00:48:46| then pooping it out right I don't I think they didn't specify what happened
00:48:51| first it has to be there's no way you enjoy the putting whatever into your
00:48:54| butt and then when you have to prove with two minutes later no it's probably
00:48:58| all part and parcel an enema and then it's probably the beginning and the end
00:49:02| so you're saying this is completely logical then I don't know I don't know
00:49:08| with them I'm saying there's no way they're like they enjoyed the first half
00:49:11| of it they're like this is great and then afterwards were like this is
00:49:15| terrible I have to like you just did this to yourself
00:49:20| there's no I think there is that's it maybe that's better maybe those people
00:49:25| are that's an interesting individual close
00:49:27| murphy lyac mm-hmm hey close moves like that like button and subscribe down
00:49:33| below or in the others if you and will yeah that was a blink
00:49:41| that was a play one eye at a time blink or a double wink summer you want to take
00:49:47| it guards good words I do want to say something huh what do you got there what
00:49:57| do you got there yeah make sure make sure you're in the light you're not in
00:50:00| the limelight there's no limelight in there oh I
00:50:02| apologize I apologize I apart in' and that's too close george george RR martin
00:50:07| dude there you go perfect that is perfect stop moving well I don't I want
00:50:14| to talk no no I want this book to take everything anyway guys george RR martin
00:50:20| Game of Thrones oh that sounds like the hit TV show everyone's talking about of
00:50:25| course everyone knows the show does everyone know the book I know everyone
00:50:30| knows it is a book I know everyone knows it's a good book actually try and read
00:50:34| it everyone home aye aye instead the sturm I think this is great
00:50:38| for eighteen dollars in the USA if you're in Canada it's twenty-one dollars
00:50:43| I want to get into the disparity and I gather they both dollops but damn it
00:50:48| anyway this is a paper record it worked this as well as the hardback version I
00:50:53| can't put this book down right now it's just glued to me and the thing is you
00:50:59| think you've seen it all when you see the show we'll check the book look at
00:51:03| all these pages know what you're getting in here more
00:51:06| characters more stuff more drama more nudity everything and it's just what it
00:51:11| is is simply incredible it's it's spawned the TV show so if you like the
00:51:14| TV show chances are you're gonna like the literature think people anyway I
00:51:21| haven't read a single pages for important reading is for nerds if I did
00:51:28| I'd be down with this book I really think everyone should give it a shot I
00:51:31| will not I don't even know what book of the series it is it's like three middle
00:51:38| who cares reading is for nerds any time you see
00:51:42| someone reading dump coffee on their book I'll teach him a lesson huh
00:51:45| you know what you really need to get the audiobook and if you've got the
00:51:50| audiobook I think you could use some Bluetooth headsets because these things
00:51:55| are fantastic proof pretending to do work while at work while listening to a
00:51:59| podcast or audiobook where's the wire oh these ones oh they do have a wire
00:52:05| actually that meant the water to the difference oh there's there's multiple
00:52:10| wires whoo I mean who needs though the wireless or what well actually I'd like
00:52:17| to bring that up because I have two of them oh and this one I kind of don't
00:52:21| enjoy cuz it falls out when I'm running when I run I'd rarely run I made sure I
00:52:28| ran so I was disgusted by it and the one time that I ran in the past month it
00:52:33| fell out and I was like I can't use this ever so then I got this one which it has
00:52:39| this weird earpiece thing which I'll put that up they'll make yeah it's like
00:52:45| sticks in your ear and make sure it doesn't fall out but then you got this
00:52:48| other one that's like flailing around it's just like I think I need to be like
00:52:52| you did your shirt dude look it just starts to drip like drag down it's just
00:52:56| annoying just annoying yeah that's why I that's that's exactly why I recommend
00:53:03| this product it's the the to run m26 oh shit it's fantastic whoa
00:53:12| I can't believe this actually exists and I I might look like my grandmother from
00:53:21| hair the facial features the wrinkles on the eyes the earpiece the shirt he's
00:53:25| home with the whole pack okay but actually uses today for two conference
00:53:30| calls at the same time it was amazing I was doing twice the work of anybody at
00:53:37| where I work it's just amazing Wow well listening to a podcast it's strange how
00:53:42| that I can do so many things with just a simple Bluetooth headset the to run m26
00:53:49| sounds expensive how much other Oh 1699 that's it that's
00:53:53| it I get one today maybe in it tomorrow the days running short but slowly it is
00:53:59| all the way yeah it's pretty good I prefer this one it's good incredible it
00:54:05| doesn't even hurt my ear my tiny little ears folks what are you saying is so
00:54:10| true that I have to relieve my bladder okay if you leave the goddamn podcast
00:54:15| running I have to piss you go do you want to tell them about something I
00:54:18| don't care I really doesn't demand you cut it I don't care and leave this talk
00:54:23| to them Becky but you talked about this oh man he talked about how good he was
00:54:27| peeing the last episode where he was driving up to some cabin in the woods
00:54:32| and peeing in a bottle he obviously has cups nearby so he could
00:54:36| just pee right into the cups he could do an on camera because it only shoots
00:54:40| above his nipples he has a thing with his nipples so it has to stay right
00:54:44| above his nipples and he just he could have just let it go he could have just
00:54:48| been peeing right now you can almost hear if I'm gonna go silent for a moment
00:54:52| let's here let's let's listen it whew that's that's tough he's probably just
00:54:59| faking it he's probably going to his woman and saying
00:55:02| hey I'm gonna be a minute but you have to stay sexy cuz I'm gonna be back in
00:55:09| about I'm gonna make it 30 minutes am I gonna make it wait I'm gonna make her
00:55:14| wait because that's the way I am they have to really you have to really
00:55:20| have a launch nice long pause for for them to really enjoy it so he's back oh
00:55:25| how was it was it really good but I miss anything really isn't the upset oh you
00:55:29| probably did but you're gonna have listened to the episode at on panderers
00:55:33| at Andrews calm I'm gonna go there
00:55:39| you think I'm kidding oh yeah is it beyond panners or just onion just on
00:55:43| panders it made a rule that's easier that's easier that's way easier I'm
00:55:47| gonna go there folks wait pretty much whatever you say is a lie probably it's
00:55:53| really had to be disagree all right what do I do have to get to the website
00:55:58| oh you click on everything more clicks equals more on panderers that's the
00:56:04| truth really well I love this stuff so I would keep doing it I imagine oh yeah
00:56:14| brings us back to our dreams all right you seem like you're a little hesitant
00:56:24| no no no um I have something we'll go out on
00:56:27| okay so dreams for me I know I discussed in order to make Tom and Ella his are
00:56:35| indistinguishable from everything important work their life because the
00:56:40| word life is measurable mine is the opposite my dreams I have
00:56:44| trouble remembering because they change phases of matter they change time they
00:56:50| change location so much mm-hmm it seem like you're addressing the unpredictable
00:56:56| and trying to learn from the unforgettable I don't know I'm trying to
00:57:01| learn from it somebody's just saying that's how my life is maybe I'll have to
00:57:05| get too deep but when I dream like I'm in an old house that I used to live in
00:57:09| and I have a toy that isn't mine it was like this girl I dated once named
00:57:16| in when I was five and she had a playhouse of wheat I didn't have her
00:57:21| name we're all supposed to marry her when I was five anyway did you give her
00:57:26| a little game bracelet no this is before get man tried to molest them huh huh huh
00:57:32| you could have married sheep get mash you had this Lake sink cook combo and
00:57:37| it's in my dream somehow in my house which it was never there and it's
00:57:42| opening and closing like a mouth and it's like weird because some people were
00:57:46| treating it like it's not doing that but I am and then like all of a sudden I'm
00:57:50| also thinking of another part of the house the upstairs and what part of the
00:57:55| upstairs might be weird and then I'm also thinking how that house is weird
00:57:59| because the driveway is from my house where I moved to in the suburbs and I'm
00:58:03| like whoa but then I think how there's like a superhero movie I saw recently
00:58:10| and like it's Wednesday and I have to do this Wednesday thing language man oh
00:58:15| dude it doesn't even make sense I can't even follow it and then like
00:58:19| sometimes I'm two people at once sometimes I'm everyone in the room
00:58:22| sometimes I'm seeing through everyone and I have to get past them all to
00:58:27| become my true self and then I have to find out what time it is but time has
00:58:32| changed already and then I'm like back at this like I'm at my desk in sociology
00:58:38| the only for some reason I remember a desk and so she on quest I had the
00:58:42| really like sex carved into it or something anyway my dreams are so weird
00:58:47| they don't they don't usually leave impressions on me because they're just
00:58:51| this fluid weird look with odd I don't get it thing that as what there's almost
00:58:58| no yeah so it's like yeah I treat my mom had sex with my boyfriend like a girl
00:59:04| say that it's like hmm that's interesting expand on that and you're
00:59:08| like yeah it was my mom and she was sleeping with my boyfriend of eight
00:59:12| years and they're like going in my father's room like that's like weird
00:59:18| like I can never have a dream where people I know do something like that I
00:59:22| don't like dreams are these little with possible actions right minor minor so
00:59:27| weird that I can never do that mine's always like you're
00:59:30| just like about a movie that is mixed with another movie that's mixed with
00:59:34| real life that's mixed with different perspectives like sometimes I'm seeing
00:59:38| stuff like happy stuff but I'm seeing it through a sad lens unlike everything
00:59:43| that I see is happy and I'm like imagine if it was sad and I'm looking at it and
00:59:47| like you're going to die in eight years you're going to live forever you're a
00:59:50| vampire vampire movies are dead and it's like my brain is like it doesn't slow
00:59:55| down and I'm like I'm like I'm just along for the ride it's like one of
00:59:58| those you just start scrolling words I've seen your pages where you just have
01:00:01| random words yes that's my dream everywhere all at
01:00:05| the same time and just never gets anywhere it spreads that continuously it
01:00:09| right because it won't stop because you can just build on the previous word but
01:00:12| something weird or something I will sidebar how old do you think Tara really
01:00:17| is what sons Tara Reid she was in American Pie 38 you would be off by
01:00:29| about five years but I was just seeing she's that much older she's 10 years
01:00:36| older notes I think really yeah I figured 4 to 6 years older and that's
01:00:42| well it's pretty good-looking and I said Tara that's the immediate error I
01:00:46| thought of so I pulled a pretend oh this is a white-trash Tara Tara finds the
01:00:50| pocket might beat me up but how their moms of smokers will be good for the
01:00:54| podcast just film it and you're gonna shrink down and then be like oh listen
01:01:08| before you beat me up just come into my drum room why should I do that
01:01:12| just do it I got a turn on Mike's gonna adjust the sound of this little thing
01:01:17| testing penis testing pop sizzle penis is how we test our mug say yeah believe
01:01:25| it but we're as real as you and everyone else at home you know and my my dreams
01:01:32| are always kind of like a movie set and I think of situations that could happen
01:01:36| and then right at the end they either end like they stopped and I'm like what
01:01:40| like why did that stops dreams have hard endings like um ensign
01:01:45| or like this kind of stop like you wake up I usually wake up like I feel like my
01:01:50| British we're getting close to waking up so I'm just gonna slow this down until
01:01:54| you're awake and it's like I wanted to finish anything out with comedic a bio
01:02:00| because only ever get to do that in real life is that a threesome time I mean
01:02:06| this is the back of the old 1950s car interest and cheese like Cuban or Puerto
01:02:14| Rico they are all those all those female pop stars early pop stars
01:02:20| anyway um let me go yes you so here's our movie scenarios that you wouldn't
01:02:29| cert yourself and then either a celebrity or someone else you know yeah
01:02:32| like the time I I watched Jurassic world number two or three and it was the
01:02:37| entire movie in a strap huh Chris Pratt yeah he was actually one of the I think
01:02:43| they're really doesn't cast and it was pretty good it was involved so I if they
01:02:49| follow my dreams playbook you should watch Jurassic world opportunist
01:02:56| interesting hmm so what do you think dreams are physically actually
01:03:02| scientifically it's either like you have unexpressed fears which are probably
01:03:09| floated around your brain maybe it's related and expressed what do you need
01:03:13| to express a fear this is really I'm just asking I think you're learning from
01:03:17| it I think you're understanding because your your release basis in reality right
01:03:22| so you're trying to understand why you feel reality okay I don't disagree that
01:03:25| so what you're doing is you're confronting these fears but in a safe
01:03:29| environment your brain yeah well it's all in a simulated environment I would
01:03:35| say so that's so that's what a dream is a simulated environment that you can do
01:03:40| whatever in yeah some people say it's training for bizarre scenarios like if
01:03:44| we're in a burning building it but you could do any number of things and maybe
01:03:49| you don't even remember the dreams where you're like going out the window you're
01:03:52| going like they're trained for it you thought
01:03:54| of it before grabbing the parachute yeah maybe you maybe you have thought about
01:03:57| it before it's just stored somewhere in your brain so when that scenario happens
01:04:01| you're like wait well let me know zu as simple as something stupid ISM swinging
01:04:06| a baseball bat if you've never been in your entire life but you at least did it
01:04:09| twice before even if it was like jokey like ah I'm gonna pick up this wooden
01:04:14| stick I'm a caveman whoa and Homer yep see if they get there but anyway it
01:04:29| gives you a leg up on circumstances you've never encountered before I guess
01:04:32| yeah yeah I think it could be also of like a recounting of the day which is
01:04:39| what I think some of the because I was influenced by certain things prior to
01:04:43| falling asleep that probably stuck with showed up that dream yeah now what about
01:04:47| things that show from like 12 years ago or like 18 years ago or a weird desk you
01:04:52| sat at like I said in the fourth grade you somehow remember that desk that
01:04:55| you've never thought of since you probably love you because when you say
01:04:59| that desk I remember playing Pokemon inside that desk with the little H marks
01:05:03| and then the machines next to me yeah it's like I remember playing my own my
01:05:10| own world inside of that little tiny fourth-grade desk right but like you
01:05:15| didn't think of that for 10-15 years what made it come up now see I have a
01:05:21| theory that dreams are a little bit like defrag on computer are you're throwing
01:05:24| out old memories no not throwing em out just you're moving things around because
01:05:28| you're refreshing them yeah that's true right you could be moving you can be a
01:05:31| story in somewhere else maybe pick it up here move it to here maybe move this to
01:05:35| here maybe this is a forefront maybe this is here maybe even stack these
01:05:37| three drink together because they're all related maybe you can you know what I
01:05:41| mean because like we've discussed this many times and you've never come over
01:05:44| solid answer we don't know how the brain works works on the minutest level like
01:05:48| when I think of chocolate and I have a picture of chocolate and I have a taste
01:05:53| idea of chocolate and I have a generic idea of chocolate and I have my favorite
01:05:58| chocolate and I have spelling of the word chocolate and other words chokolate
01:06:01| looks and how chocolate looks and the best chocolate I've ever seen
01:06:05| like there's two unrelated right there's the they're all related right yeah they
01:06:09| are so when I say top lit and my brain has to pull up chocolate does it go to
01:06:13| like this chocolate neuron and then all these synapses are connected they didn't
01:06:18| I just mentioned and then more like the first time I kissed the girls and talk
01:06:21| a--let's first time I had chocolate syrup poured on boobies and I hate it
01:06:24| like do you know the mean like is everything related to chocolate is
01:06:27| connected to that synapse chocolate syrup is not good on boobies for some
01:06:32| well I guess depending on who you are yeah but Dad ah Texas that's like Oh
01:06:40| what cream is not good either right right it's more the it's the app it's
01:06:44| the dreaming of it or that really matters dream bring the Brack because
01:06:49| everything and actually most most dreams are kind of idealistic and like perfect
01:06:54| you don't have her you don't have the messiness you can't get down to the
01:06:58| detail you never you know you're never reading a book in a dream you're never
01:07:01| Tom does he wakes up and goes what is that Tom you got a study I didn't
01:07:14| already know most the details in the dream are not for me anyway they're not
01:07:29| right you can't do it you can't zoom it on yeah so you you have all these dreams
01:07:35| that have yet I think that's almost like a brain noun defrag I think your brains
01:07:38| moving different parts of ideas feelings but I think it's mixing places with
01:07:44| people with images with smells with place times in your life with feelings
01:07:50| with other people's feelings it's mixing them all together at least in my dreams
01:07:54| and that's why I get these weird jumbles that are like I'm having someone else's
01:07:59| perspective on something I saw once when I was eight in a place that I've been
01:08:03| when I was 12 well in a scenario where I've never been
01:08:06| but I thought I could be when I was 18 do you really mean it's just mixing so
01:08:10| many things that it doesn't make sense it's a name and beegley and all the
01:08:15| possibilities that you never lived just to feel fulfilled
01:08:18| I think you describing Tom Thomas pretty well here so I think you brought this up
01:08:29| what's called vivid dreaming don't lose it thank you yeah did you do any
01:08:35| research on that is that real a little bit you know I can't at all I know
01:08:39| control reigning hmm that's where you can control your your dreams and spread
01:08:43| them out and decide what you're gonna do in them right
01:08:46| why wouldn't more people just want to make love with insert hot model at the
01:08:50| time that actually they if you could get to the point where you could pretend to
01:08:55| do anything you wanted and with a model whatever model you want where I'm gonna
01:09:01| mention your brain is going overdrive no no it'd be like this this man is
01:09:06| clinically brain-dead he's in a coma but he's the happiest person we've ever
01:09:11| sleep that's the same thing with Will Ferrell when he finally finds a way to
01:09:25| suck his own dick I feel like he he comes up and he's got like a long beer
01:09:36| and he goes he's like finally and then he just goes back down I would love
01:09:52| lucid dreaming though that sounds fantastic it sounds awesome but I guess
01:09:56| doesn't your brain run out of limitations like you can only experience
01:10:01| so many things you want in a row before you don't want that anymore yeah that's
01:10:05| like relationships when sure if the perfect woman is the woman that actually
01:10:10| kind of rebukes you and fights back you can't yeah feisty Italian hmm but
01:10:18| they they're feisty but um I can't remember where I was going with that but
01:10:24| yeah so you can't fit in the parts that don't right that don't they're not
01:10:28| compatible well hold on oh we should do the matrix
01:10:31| so basis right remember they have the uprising uh-huh the and they're supposed
01:10:37| to wake up they're supposed to realize they hate the matrix and fight it
01:10:41| because there wasn't another matrix yes I hope I didn't ruin a move-in for movie
01:10:46| from 1990s it rewinds we really apologize here the Amanar
01:11:00| we only the ruin movies for others before they're just waiting to see those
01:11:04| sexy sexy twins we're sorry that the idea white hair doesn't exist in 1999
01:11:11| you know the podcast Paragons of truth I believe or mention this one before I
01:11:19| might listen in okay anyway listen and their friends the pod guys they love us
01:11:23| Branson and all the guys and it's called like first episode of everything and
01:11:28| they do a first episode uh-huh they managed to spit in the twins for the
01:11:33| matrix to say yeah we're rich people which is glad your perfect person I
01:11:42| don't know like this those albino twins from the make the second Matrix they're
01:11:46| like the perfect human this was my apex or a fix twins yeah FX
01:11:51| I think so either way up shout out you guys that's really funny it's a funny
01:11:56| bit and those guys are pretty sexy l around and like the white guy and they
01:12:13| have like I would say look leather get ready to get your butt hmm the one
01:12:30| thing from anyway I call it a cum cake you remember that scene right uh or
01:12:37| sheets okay you know the cake and has an orgasm because of the cake is like a
01:12:40| digital idea well I'm gonna save that for a scenario
01:12:47| later on you think about it about the GIMP man's gonna give me orders yes to
01:12:56| feed it to me with his fingers I could just imagine those fingers tasting
01:13:01| really salty and dirty and just like having all the soil from the previous
01:13:06| corpse he had buried I mean shout out he's probably dead do you think he's
01:13:14| like when she's got an 80 70s nineties yeah late 70s but he was like 300 some
01:13:19| pounds so yeah that's heart attack waiting for you
01:13:23| we're hoping here the better yeah and shoveling dirt is very physical
01:13:28| activity so hiding evidence is very physically demanding um real quick to
01:13:36| wrap things up a little bit we really touched on dreams I don't know what the
01:13:39| hell they are but um I did notice a comment in our last video that struck me
01:13:45| is interesting oh really that's on the ethers I don't um piece all you got to
01:13:50| check it out it's pretty new it's a picture of a table a dinner table or a
01:13:56| lunch table longest you can eat whatever meal you want except for legs it's
01:14:00| wooden very generic kicking to pick the table for sure
01:14:04| alright it's it's more square shaped anything that they were not rectangular
01:14:08| okay I swear taking table it square one all the comment says is how did I end up
01:14:16| here I am a table and the name of the account is a table well that was pretty
01:14:22| funny shout out a table so I clicked on their website their YouTube user account
01:14:28| sorry it's just a picture of that table and says hi I am a table respect me and
01:14:34| always place a coaster on me I think thousands of viewers and
01:14:41| subscribers and I think that's awesome how do you found this I don't know
01:14:49| wooden beams thank you from the bottom of our dirty rotten hearts here yum
01:14:57| we think that's awesome we all people all furniture I don't care what color
01:15:04| you are I don't care what you believe in up there if you serve breakfast lunch or
01:15:07| dinner on you just click that one button yes ah that you know I was looking at
01:15:15| our website the other day and it's hosted by blogger way I mean it's
01:15:19| acceptable I'm accepting it it has a button up top so it says next blog and
01:15:24| you can click to any blog pretty much randomly so I was clicking on that
01:15:30| rapidly to seeing like what kind of blogs were out there now there's old
01:15:34| blogs that have been touched since 2009 that's got to be where it's like a ghost
01:15:38| blonde yeah we should go through some ghost pods that's a good idea
01:15:44| there are what kind of themes do you think the blog's should after maybe like
01:15:53| common ones that showed up over type-2 are they related to us in a way I wish
01:15:59| one from 2009 relating to the others I don't know when you click like there's a
01:16:05| go something in your vein or just something more popular or how's it work
01:16:09| it's completely random it there are a lot of religious one exalting God to God
01:16:15| it's kind of like beyond panderers a little bit yeah cuz we yeah sure he's
01:16:20| all leaks whole like hell yeah so then I go in the bathroom sometimes my
01:16:24| girlfriend's down around i exalt it extra exalting all the time so I can't
01:16:36| do it I can't do this I'll there's there's actually a tangent there save it
01:16:42| I'm gonna save it for the very end so I can let's cut it if I really need to
01:16:46| given them so much content and I'm these people are gonna if this is a sandwich
01:16:50| it's a triple decker Hornet Holmes looking at the unpin or is that they
01:16:54| just want to go WOW wish damn huh yes squish it down with your hands a little
01:16:57| bit they're thinking like this into quarters or eighths cuz I'm gonna share
01:17:01| it with everybody Oh watch the whole thing and share it
01:17:05| again yeah but I'm talking to you squish the sandwich like a shit toes or
01:17:10| recognizable and you just bite it you eat this meaty just tasty this thing
01:17:17| that's gonna it's good for your soul people let's do it
01:17:20| and then like let's subscribe and then to everything we want we're not gonna
01:17:25| pander but you better do everything we want and her to us we won't behind her
01:17:30| new pander ish that's the way this works thank you for listening
01:17:37| hey folks it's been a great guy I feel like you learned a little bit about Dan
01:17:43| bit about that yep even a little bit about what hell yes
01:17:50| thanks for listening folks we like you you like your lot where the young
01:17:55| handers check them so she [Music]

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