The UnPanderers: Transcript of Episode 18 - Destiny 2 - Gameplay

Friday, May 18, 2018

Transcript of Episode 18 - Destiny 2 - Gameplay

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 18 - Destiny 2 - Gameplay
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This transcription was generated using YouTube's voice to text captioning method. Hopefully, Speech-To-Text technology will become more accurate in the future.
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00:00:00| all right there we go I just I wanted to tell the story this really doesn't need
00:00:08| to be should we say who we are I mean does anyone know who they're talking to
00:00:12| I don't think they do but we are yeah together Nader's folks a couple of guys
00:00:20| a couple of fellas yeah and I'm Dan hell Nick folks if you're over 18 that's
00:00:30| great if not you probably uh this is an NSF dub pogchamp we got a lot of
00:00:38| opinions in here that don't disseminate our employers or they seem in our
00:00:42| employers or anything else our employers that has to do a seaman or 780 all of
00:00:48| semmen a ssin not us just fly past all this crap as your shit explodes oh my
00:00:55| bad hold on oh boy I'm gonna hide the crack right here under the bridge going
00:00:59| onto the bridge oh there's more shine of the bridge it's harder than I remember
00:01:05| yeah well so it oh yeah what did I miss one that count
00:01:21| there's a lot wow this is weird cheese it's a lot it's like twice as hard as I
00:01:27| remember no I can't I cannot drive ten seconds five four least early all
00:01:42| exploded watch the pools and light what dead bodies so tell me see if I set up
00:01:53| the story properly so we went up to Baltimore and it is my wife's yeah her
00:02:04| dad circuit so now her mom and dad are divorced and her dad remarried and her
00:02:13| mom's there in Baltimore as well and so is my sister
00:02:16| so like everyone's families are there but we had beautiful right there yeah
00:02:25| but we have three separate Thanksgivings so on the day of Thanksgiving
00:02:31| we're told that we're gonna have like a lunch like a little light like yeah I'm
00:02:36| like a light Thanksgiving thing yeah that's a thing right and what would you
00:02:41| expect that to be you're envisioning one couple thousand turkey legs in it and a
00:02:48| realistic fish sandwiches yeah sandwiches aside like he's got like a
00:02:54| ham sandwich yeah like egg salad or something so I'm
00:02:58| stupid sure that's the side egg salad so we're
00:03:04| I forgot to set up the other part what you're gonna be over going on now so
00:03:09| I'll get I'll get it okay it's okay so we're supposed to have it at like 11:30
00:03:16| like a brunch type of thing and we're waiting and waiting and it's like you
00:03:21| know 12:30 and then people start cooking so there's already a turkey in the oven
00:03:25| we think we're getting sandwiches and there and there's a there's like a
00:03:35| couple things in the oven besides the turkey so we figured like
00:03:38| maybe there's something else in there that's right or they're gonna pull out
00:03:43| like deli sandwiches sister croissants laying on the it kills good croissant
00:03:51| slaying I made this and you did this for something else yeah and there's
00:04:01| croissants on on the countertop and while we're waiting the step mom's
00:04:08| daughter so step daughter-in-law comes in from I think she was at a marathon or
00:04:13| something she starts cooking the croissant she
00:04:15| starts baking them and I was like okay that goose is some dish I don't know
00:04:19| what and then explode and she starts making croissant french toast and we're
00:04:30| just kind of like okay that's kind of that's okay and yeah
00:04:40| ready and it's just fresh french toast sauce that I was like what and I go
00:04:49| upstairs and here's the thing I forgot to tell you I should've told you ahead
00:04:53| of time Katie's pregnant associate we got a second one coming this is like the
00:05:02| new thing congratulations dude so the only thing she's had is like
00:05:10| carbs and sugar like that's all they have
00:05:13| there's like some fruit and this like kringle thing that's like pure almond
00:05:18| sugar stuff and then the French toast comes out and that's all they have on
00:05:23| like a plate so we're sitting there like wait like hold on a second and then
00:05:30| Katie's not even there she's upstairs I'm with her brother and his new wife as
00:05:35| well and I just had to go upstairs and be like I told Katie like there's no
00:05:42| there's no sides there's no nothing so we go downstairs where the lastest at
00:05:47| sit down they don't even say grace then I'm gonna have like light conversation
00:05:50| because it's so awkward yeah and they just eat the French toast and like I
00:06:00| just put her on my plate and so did the other I guess to be relative since we're
00:06:06| staying at her dad's house the in-law new newly newly Wed wife she and I
00:06:12| didn't even touch her meal no no it was it was the stepdaughters okay
00:06:17| stepdaughter in-laws me and she like she and I were both like what the hell like
00:06:22| you didn't even you didn't even do anything like this is such a lazy way of
00:06:28| doing it and there's only one thing to eat so she and I didn't even eat it so
00:06:33| my question to you is what would you do in that situation when it was like you
00:06:38| know it's a Thanksgiving meal you can't go anywhere really to get food and
00:06:43| you're not even provided like anything other than sugar or I guess you maybe
00:06:53| yeah cuz I have a way of being like polite about it like anything else I
00:06:58| could really go for some buffalo wings ah just kidding but seriously is there
00:07:02| anything else kidding okay yeah I I thought the nice part was me
00:07:14| putting on the plate so I I put it on my plate but I was like not gonna eat it I
00:07:19| was like this is just insulting like and I don't know I feel like I'm in the
00:07:24| right thing it's insulting that you're not making something that's a little
00:07:27| like at least have something else I guess in their defense though were they
00:07:31| saving up all their real food for Thanksgiving dinner yeah but we weren't
00:07:35| gonna be there for dinner I know but like bait it's almost like oh well
00:07:39| that's your loss guys like that kind of a thing
00:07:41| I think it was I think it was like a blatant like you guys aren't gonna come
00:07:45| to my Thanksgiving so after you like that's how I felt
00:07:47| yeah that could be a little bit oh you thought we had more food well I thought
00:07:52| you're coming to Thanksgiving I just can't believe like knowing know what
00:08:01| like if you tell us like if you tell me that's all you're gonna have then I'm
00:08:05| just gonna like make meatballs or like put roast beef in a like a crock pot
00:08:10| with some sauce that's exactly that's what I said yeah
00:08:31| I don't know I've never had such a shitty Thanksgiving pretty much yeah
00:08:40| either so it's hard for like my entire family like they love food so there's no
00:08:47| way that was their goal are Jews most cultures food yeah and they revolve
00:08:53| around sharing enormous amounts of food with everybody even if they're complete
00:08:57| strangers even if you hate the person you give them a great so like this is
00:09:04| like I don't know what's wrong with their brains but it's just confusing it
00:09:08| all fuck for me I was just like what the hell why would you and I don't even like
00:09:13| I'm not even stressing like how awkward that meal was like no one said it didn't
00:09:17| think because it was so insulting yeah I think this is last straw I see for me
00:09:27| I'm not even gonna go back like didn't never gonna get having me at
00:09:30| Thanksgiving ever again it's so weird that like I guess my family situation is
00:09:40| it was the girlfriends family and her stepfather who's been here literally
00:09:45| this whole life he's like mr. Fathead he's like he speaks his mind he he's
00:09:52| incredibly loud and credibly rude and he he's portal I'm racist and hateful and
00:09:58| calls everyone out and if someone's like like they have a relative who's very
00:10:03| well-to-do and she doesn't like it and people use certain words so through the
00:10:08| grapevine she let it be known that she didn't like the word titty how do you
00:10:13| think I know Thanksgiving he was like it's all nip way out here he kept saying
00:10:17| things around her on purpose to let her know that he heard but he was still
00:10:21| using it genius actually but like but like if someone came out
00:10:30| with crappy food he would say what like he would just be
00:10:38| over-the-top angry and like you know I was about I mean I should I felt like I
00:10:43| should have just been like what the fuck like as well have
00:10:46| I should have cuz it like that kind of crap should not happen that's not every
00:10:51| Thanksgiving he thing you know yeah it's like oh my my route will be subtle
00:10:55| I'll subtly not go to ever any Thanksgiving I won't even stay at their
00:10:59| house should be like screw it like just do our own thing holy I'm
00:11:12| gonna shot you you ran right in front of me
00:11:14| oh good I got a new ride yeah that's a downer right there
00:11:28| oh yeah the thing that really bothered me is that like Katie's hungry she's
00:11:35| hungry all the time we can't write she wants she wants that food like I can't
00:11:42| believe that her father didn't say a damn thing about it like if my so where
00:11:47| did you do the actual dinner at your sister's no that's another thing that
00:11:52| bother me is I could have gone to my parents I think my parents were having
00:11:55| like lunch at that time to think you could have had a real lunch with real
00:12:00| people you know yeah yeah and we went to life so he went to
00:12:04| Katie's mom's we had to drive we went to a gas station that had Fried Chicken and
00:12:09| that's what we ate for lunch station chicken yeah they say some of its really
00:12:16| good I mean I don't like it's not work first that's what it says on the box if
00:12:21| it's set it on the box dude put I just can't believe do I go the wrong and we
00:12:28| did this is right way this is the right way just is there we have to unlock
00:12:35| something or kill something something maybe
00:12:38| oh come on or some third guy we don't know now I think we have to kill a giant
00:12:44| robot don't we that wasn't the other pun you I knows in
00:12:47| the other house that's how are they different
00:12:49| they're in the exact same place they involve a lot of the same people do we
00:12:55| miss 101 of the blue thinks shafts of light light back there that we missed
00:13:02| oh come on steward love third guy you didn't even get to let this girl look at
00:13:06| each other there's the dot I see it you guys can
00:13:15| just run up ahead while I go do this I will
00:13:21| [Music] it's gonna piss me off as I know I hit
00:13:29| this thing it's gonna be like right there and I know I went through oh
00:13:33| there's two in the corner there - killing all these shots in the dark
00:13:47| hopefully I don't die I'll be the most annoying thing
00:13:50| oh I must curse myself what's like the worst holiday meal you've ever had for
00:14:21| like wedding meal I've known people to have like cheese and crackers and that's
00:14:25| it at the weddings no no no I've been probably I'm like a wedding connoisseur
00:14:31| I probably been like 2530 weddings and my life's pensive man yeah oh but uh oh
00:14:45| you're right this is the one apologize damn it oh yeah this thing has like a
00:14:52| one shot kill laser of course it does let's try this oh yeah that looks cool
00:15:01| it looks like you're they steal that from everything that looks like Star
00:15:05| Wars yes it does it's exactly like it Emperor Palpatine
00:15:11| oh uh one-shot kill okay range one and two seconds to present that's all right
00:15:18| I got you right here help the cause right here so we don't get to go
00:15:22| somewhere else thank you it was just so I would have
00:15:28| been embarrassed to do that to somebody in my own house like I always have like
00:15:32| three backups of food dude people are weird okay
00:15:42| all right let's hit this stupid-ass thing in the belly
00:15:51| it's one of the situations I could have just like like if you could record it in
00:15:56| VR and then like show people later on yes
00:15:59| yeah like I don't think people get the full impact of how awkward like it's
00:16:03| just just made me so mad ashes just snapped right there I've been like what
00:16:08| the fuck most holidays my stepfather ends up trying to get me to smoke weed
00:16:21| with them oh no no it's cool but but like you know I'm like around like semi
00:16:28| in-laws it's like I got to drive everyone home like what am I gonna feel
00:16:34| like that's like yeah it's tough to take care of yeah and he probably gets the
00:16:40| chill out and take a break I mean he works does this thing with it he's also
00:16:45| a really good cook so oh also like they had a new house so they moved like maybe
00:16:54| a year and a half ago and it's funny how people essentially like impart
00:17:02| themselves on the house rather than like the house having like its own sense so
00:17:07| their old house had a certain feel to it and this house had the same feel to it
00:17:12| so it was like yeah them all over again it's like a little bit like they have
00:17:18| two dogs so it's consular tea but you can have a house of dogs and not be that
00:17:24| dirty sure and it's also like kind of cold for no reason just a
00:17:31| like the other house was notoriously terrible and look this one was kind of
00:17:37| the same slightly better it was better but still it's like and we were in the
00:17:43| warm room so the other the other couple were downstairs in the basement which
00:17:49| must have been far colder and the walls didn't really have insulation it looked
00:17:53| like oh he was just a regular basement had been retrofitted but retrofitted and
00:17:58| properly so they're downstairs in the basement where that like the floor was
00:18:04| gross like I would not lay on that floor like that's my definition of dirty like
00:18:09| would you sit on it probably not Oh Roger that dude it cost
00:18:14| me my life my rocket launcher time he kicked my ass
00:18:22| it's like what you put your hands on it would you sit on it would you lay on it
00:18:26| I would not do any of those things what's the what's the next step up from
00:18:42| like next step up of cleanliness you know what I think my college I would lay
00:18:54| on the on the floor of my college apartment really would yeah you're still
00:19:05| everyone's comfortable with their own filth
00:19:07| I mean certain spots I wouldn't sit I know I know what happened in those spots
00:19:12| but but I mean you pass out puking and other people's toilets their bathrooms
00:19:20| are filthy I'd still say that's a better alternative maybe not
00:19:26| well no it's dogs dog piss yes an in-betweener and it's like I'd have to
00:19:31| think about it give me give me five minutes I get back to you
00:19:37| but still it's like they're all happy they moved but it's still the same crap
00:19:43| like they're still ignorant about like the shower it like I can't even express
00:19:52| like it wasn't bad like but it's just a lot of coal like the shower door was
00:19:57| smaller than my shoulders just like a shorter width than my shoulders so when
00:20:02| you opened it when you open it it hit the toilet and then if they made it even
00:20:06| smaller opening it's just like no one thought this through at all and then
00:20:15| water would like flow out from underneath of it again I keep using this
00:20:22| rocket launcher by accident I put it so that's enough of me complaining I think
00:20:36| it wasn't awful but there's still pieces that were awful like overall it was okay
00:20:41| I think it's better than I don't know if if a hotel room was free I would
00:20:47| probably stay in the hotel room I think that's how I would put it okay but you
00:20:52| wouldn't pay money to stay there correct if they charge me 100 bucks
00:20:59| laughing say thank you yeah another thing is like Ingram nice your
00:21:11| parents help you out like they watch the kids ready to do a little daycare yes
00:21:15| absolutely so they do all the changing what if
00:21:18| you're around did they change diapers when you're there are they saying it's
00:21:22| like but I usually I feel obliged to do it it's like I'm like it's like it give
00:21:26| me that feel like they don't want to do that at all like they'll do it once to
00:21:35| say that they did it and then that's it like it's a bit like the disdain for
00:21:40| doing it is obvious you're like oh yeah and when they do it they'll do it wrong
00:21:48| like they'll do it like the diaper on backwards or like they're still like my
00:21:51| kid is wet from the from pissing himself before and you didn't change his pants
00:21:55| like you didn't acknowledge it either so it's like what the hell
00:22:02| which I don't care i I don't know maybe in my future imaginary self well
00:22:09| I'm like doing this for my children I'm gonna take the utmost care and have most
00:22:15| pristine building yeah pristine home I'm gonna change their
00:22:19| diapers right I'm gonna do everything they need cuz I know my life is not that
00:22:24| hard at that point hopefully pop up we saw you in a podcast you've never once
00:22:30| changed a diaper that's a podcast that's a man's privacy
00:22:37| oh here's a cryptocurrency get out of my house
00:22:42| bitcoins up to $9,000 I heard I was gonna get into it when I was at 2,000
00:22:48| and I was like shit that's too much money to put him in I was gonna get in
00:22:52| at 200 but that was before it even like made sense
00:23:02| it's a piece of trash you just shut up there he is as I say his garbage name
00:23:10| hey her name your garbage dude I'm ready to die we're gonna have this weapon I
00:23:19| like standing away from it and watching all this stuff shoot in the air do you
00:23:40| or do pieces of a full episode here I don't like what maybe do you have my
00:23:44| phone Oh doing my phone I just like to take a
00:23:48| look at the kills my goodness someone led the way someone's very precise
00:23:54| though it's my accuracy I can play that kind of the clan welcome to clan but
00:24:01| have you leave in two minutes when you're like these guys suck Jones de man
00:24:06| Jones Soda man do you want to see soda so maybe it's a soda soda man Joan
00:24:13| Sutton Jones soda is a real thing right Wow
00:24:17| it is we just saw goddamn he was good it was the best player I've ever played
00:24:23| with today do one go - lets ride in trade in that crap yep oh I just bumped
00:24:28| it everything everything's ruined it's all ruined now pop that up there
00:24:35| the traveler courtyard launch gave me the meal today
00:24:44| it does feel better to have this thing positioned properly I can now lean back
00:24:48| my headphones are into you well a lot more slack in them wait you got Dan
00:24:55| that's probably beautiful on camera huh [Music]
00:24:58| warm buttery I was gonna get a Oh what does that mean it just does the sounds
00:25:05| whenever I hit yeah whenever I hit my desk right in here yeah but I think it's
00:25:10| completely unnecessary as long as you don't fuck around with the mic
00:25:13| long as you don't touch it you know I'm saying once your flawless perfect mm-hmm
00:25:17| you haven't been yet but you know that's fine I'll get there what were you gonna
00:25:22| say I forget something that's right that's cool I just I heard a tongue
00:25:31| twister today I wish I knew it we'll never know hmm oh holy Mowgli holy
00:25:41| Mowgli holy Mowgli like I'm the kid from Jungle
00:25:45| Book yeah I'm like Mowgli Mowgli Mowgli holy moly holy moly Mowgli
00:25:53| holy moly locally holy moly that's ours folks and the dude on
00:25:59| Twitter whose name is holy Mowgli holy moly I'm gonna I got another situation
00:26:10| for you if it was the apocalypse and you were starving and you came in with yeah
00:26:17| you came into a Quinta convenience store and there was only one jar in that
00:26:23| convenience store and it was a jar of mayo yeah but I eat it as if I was doing
00:26:36| the starving thing you know we would you just let go keep it you grab it and then
00:26:41| hold it for later yeah exactly I would buy it because I know I'm gonna need it
00:26:45| eventually thanks for nothin lady like what would you want if you had a jar of
00:26:55| anything it has to be a meat doesn't it I think it does have to be I like hot
00:27:00| sausages or something I don't even like yeah you just oh it tastes great if
00:27:05| you're dying a new helmet Thank You super-powered
00:27:14| seems I got fling fling fling fling fling fling fling I get to update sweet
00:27:24| wit same right wait did you what's with the well rested
00:27:39| my XP gains increase yeah if you don't play it for a little bit it you know
00:27:44| boost you for the first didn't this game get in trouble for something similar the
00:27:50| only thing I know I got in trouble for was being shitty game and they're
00:27:56| messing with someone's XP gains weren't they
00:27:58| who are they oh I think they get I think I read about that huh oh we call it you
00:28:03| guys the unmanned ores blows open another one folks riggan welcome can't
00:28:09| believe we solve that then again I can now I gotta get in our mystery van and
00:28:19| take take it to the next game Oh scout rifle get yourself above 240 and we're
00:28:28| good that's all I need Thanks even it's was like a shitty weapon or
00:28:34| something I don't think it's gonna be above it all that I got only I I don't
00:28:42| have anything above 236 except for my helmet which is 242 I can't fuse it with
00:28:49| anything rocket launcher higher to 36 I can't use
00:29:11| this cuz it's legendary and you can only equip one legendary thing at once what's
00:29:15| that bullsh yeah that's annoying too you can do an Armour piece and a weapon no
00:29:25| it's too if you buy mods from this guy the banshee like you can find armor mods
00:29:33| that you can put in there if you haven't done armor mods yet you can I'd like to
00:29:44| add 5 you can add 5 to like a couple armor pieces you might be able to boost
00:29:48| yourself up so he also went to the aquarium while we're there yeah it's
00:29:59| nice but yeah it's the same it's like pure concrete so they can't really do
00:30:10| anything to change it but it it's good and it's enjoyable
00:30:13| the only thing so this is sort of a dilemma so there's like an exhibition or
00:30:21| an exhibitionist like someone wanted to show their Weiner show off there that
00:30:26| was a bird and I hope she doesn't see this finder son finders podcast but um
00:30:33| she was great she's good showing the bird but she
00:30:36| house I had a little bit of facial hair nice and it was yeah I guess that's one
00:30:42| of the things if they have like a weird tick or they have facial hair or like a
00:30:45| mole you're naturally gonna just be like staring at it and you're just like I
00:30:50| know she didn't know she didn't I shouldn't have getting a piece of oh
00:30:53| really check this out I'm getting a new piece
00:30:56| of equipment it's gonna fuck me up a little bit hold up oh nice let's see
00:31:05| but the thing is that if you have a mole you know you can't change that 238 dude
00:31:11| nice two more points if you have facial hair forty sweet let's do it
00:31:18| so yes cool I can change it once we get in right yeah
00:31:22| you ready to go cool yeah just the one gun kind of sucks but can only swap it
00:31:29| to 40 what what what what he's at 240 how I have to click normal oh why can't
00:31:39| I click it wait do I have to do something because
00:31:43| I've never done one maybe you do let me see
00:31:52| yeah advanced milestone I to unlock recommended power do I have to talk to
00:31:58| someone to unlock this you might you might have to talk to I think it's the
00:32:02| shit no I think it's one of the guys in here well it's not the gunsmith
00:32:12| obviously we start talking to the lady who makes me all the sweet sweet engrams
00:32:18| no [Music]
00:32:24| what you got lady welcome to ever less maybe this guy Vanguard he does the
00:32:32| instrument gave me the weapon right right now here Tama I just talked to him
00:32:36| but let me say say if you got oh he's got something above his head for me hold
00:32:41| on I mean research this I have Vanguard to
00:32:48| show use them to lose my reputation sure how to unlock my fault why are you
00:32:56| speaking let's just give me a list that's the one thing that this game
00:33:04| think you have to look online like the games are getting lazy now
00:33:14| Oh leave the tower someone said leave and go back so got it you got to make
00:33:20| the game reset itself because this isn't auto-update let's get some nice loading
00:33:25| screens for the folks at home yeah delicious loading screens with love them
00:33:32| off the bridge - doing it yeah good I don't feel like a man what I was talking
00:33:40| about with that the woman with the facial hair it's like you have a choice
00:33:42| that you can just shave that off you know you don't think shaving it off
00:33:46| admits that you have a problem that's exactly what I was thinking is like you
00:33:49| don't want to admit there's a problem you just let it keep growing and
00:33:53| eventually you're gonna have to I'm gonna make another drink because the
00:34:00| world needs it and just load and load back I guess sure sure
00:34:17| nice quiet broadcast welcome to the silence that is the unpaid race we
00:34:25| welcome you hopefully this thing is reset we'll give
00:34:29| you another beautiful loading screen I'll just take one shot at this guy I
00:34:35| want to run around if I can't do it if I can't do a nightfall maybe did I
00:34:43| click on the wrong one I might have clicked on the wrong one
00:34:51| why is it not your stage can't do prestige should tell you what's wrong I
00:35:05| wonder if it'd have three guys so I'm gonna just like get a random guy
00:35:27| we love you Phil folk I disappeared maybe he warped into our team I'm
00:35:40| wondering if we have to have three guys or something maybe guys really I invited
00:35:46| a random guy but I think he just disappeared loser I don't know why I
00:35:50| would not show loved him know he's a loser what was his name it was like it
00:35:57| was Indian a name I can't yeah dude yeah thanks a lot
00:36:02| advancing tanks yeah research cuz this game makes you do that
00:36:13| so is that a glowing review scathing something bullshit is what it is the UM
00:36:23| the game that I don't think you'd be interested in it's called Nier automata
00:36:29| it's very RPG but hack and slash at the same time
00:36:33| sweet graphics a little over sexy because the I realize the chicks wearing
00:36:40| a skirt the whole time I'm like is it actually like camera is like almost
00:36:44| skirt level right now and I'm like Anna and I'm and you know on one hand I'm
00:36:48| like let's see let's look and I'm like this is disgusting what if someone walks
00:36:52| in and sees me playing this game maybe like you're just playing it for the
00:36:54| skirt I'm like I had no idea and I'm like since it's here off I'll take a
00:36:59| look it's like those ads in the middle of
00:37:02| Idol heroes that have all the anti girls right now I'm just getting free gems
00:37:09| yeah I could have that on my desk at work and then I could pop up and be like
00:37:13| oh like I'm just getting free gems people can you try to do the director
00:37:18| and see if you can go there maybe needs me I will let's see one thing it does
00:37:24| say is you have to have two strikes in but we just did two strikes oh well
00:37:30| beautiful before should we um where do I go what's it called
00:37:35| residents in southwest strikes yeah it's locked
00:37:42| speak tis avala I guess you have to go leave and come back save you've come
00:37:49| back and leave again where's the vallah I'm still very confused he's in the
00:37:53| tower okay he was the guy you talked to you
00:37:56| and got the item from really this game is broken she said a frosty frosty if I
00:38:09| was that woman I would just shave it's really I guess the visual is still stuck
00:38:15| I totally let her go like 15 minutes ago I feel like and you're like I would
00:38:19| shave what I just got kicked whoa this games trying to keep us from playing
00:38:28| this raid yeah I'm going to it I'll go there myself and we can join up from
00:38:34| whoa oh did you we got kicked over still the same team I
00:38:39| don't we're still wants a fire team okay okay I'll have you know that the Eagles
00:38:48| won again 31 is that three or somebody oh yes indeed
00:38:52| and because you're not from here they're like 10 in two or something right ten in
00:38:58| one did I predict a loss next week is that what I just did
00:39:06| ten and two folks you heard it here first
00:39:09| hmm sports analytics Dan on pandered Dan Jesus they said whence is like on the
00:39:16| third down his ridiculousness his passer rating is better than anybody in the
00:39:20| league yeah he leans Iligan first downs completed and red zone offense in balls
00:39:27| and in in in elusiveness mm-hmm I would not have figured that one guy named wins
00:39:36| a new milestone added why thank you I wanted to do this several minutes ago
00:39:42| you have a piece of garbage to go how long has it been
00:39:49| do we even know each other anymore I'm different then oh how that guy died fell
00:39:53| off the edge no he was standing here jumping and he died weird he was doing
00:39:59| this and then he died he tried to play a night call strike the game wouldn't
00:40:02| allow him are you ready yes alright so chances are we will not
00:40:12| survive correct weird trying to fail you have to purposely run by things so as
00:40:17| soon as we start mean as soon as I see you're moving I'm just gonna sprint jump
00:40:21| on my bike and go probably might we're gonna have a dead silence for 30 minutes
00:40:25| as I chose to do it so as we do it let's talk about something easy like fat
00:40:33| people having sex how do they do it baby they have more woman on top sex than any
00:40:42| other population and on the earth probably I feel like British people have
00:40:48| more missionary sex than anyone on earth huh what do you think like the proper
00:40:54| way to engage is to have a thorough discussion about it huh maybe the first
00:41:00| foreplay came from except they didn't realize that or play this is one minute
00:41:04| at four hours the instruction booklet see you Dan I got stuff to do yeah you
00:41:13| learned how to boost immediately no no don't fall down the pit I'm gonna try to
00:41:31| stick together I think it's that's probably better for us alright coming
00:41:34| out come out well where you at but you got to think like if you hear
00:41:38| that really yeah let's go just not all like I tend to drive right into the
00:41:45| middle and then die and selling it in the and there's a timer 21 minutes
00:41:52| that's weird sniper I think oh I didn't look at the
00:41:56| perks I don't know what the so there's modifiers when you played these things
00:42:00| the last one was like you destroy these things and get an extra - like 30
00:42:04| seconds nice gun its sniper rifle I hardly ever use one but might as well oh
00:42:12| and I'm out of ammo for it okay and there's plenty of purple down here
00:42:14| sweetness let me get that sweetness stay in one of these places you gotta figure
00:42:23| if you're that large then it's kind of like it's almost like a waterbed so it
00:42:27| might be way more enjoyable than you think I don't think so
00:42:31| did you also know this the more in shape you are the better sex feels near that
00:42:35| no I've never heard that before shit I can't see because you're like
00:42:45| nerves are all twitchy and you're flanking a little bit and it's also like
00:42:50| a reward thing shit I'm gonna die in like one second
00:42:56| yep there you go that's the one second I said hmm gonna respawn in five seconds
00:43:01| I've never made these things I never made love to a woman who is like purely
00:43:04| muscular though well okay I'm thinking like if you are like if you're jacked
00:43:11| and your woman's jacked and like you can take a beating it seems like it that
00:43:17| that I can understand no no like um apparently your orgasms
00:43:21| more powerful like your body just it it gets off harder you're stronger I don't
00:43:27| know or maybe cuz there's it's probably an oxygen or muscles type thing maybe if
00:43:32| you don't stand up here I know we shouldn't going on the pit like I said
00:43:36| earlier I changed my shit outside the pit I'm getting lasered we're gonna lose
00:43:49| it's okay no we ain't how much time you got
00:43:55| should i saviour just wait three seconds I'm fine in the corner
00:44:09| alright should we both focus on one dude or something
00:44:12| Judah laughs dead dude on the left please cuz I just took kind of shield
00:44:19| but he's coming down to zero alright good call good game play
00:44:28| so what you're telling me is I should get more fit to enjoy it actually okay I
00:44:36| shouldn't jump right after they have shotguns I wanna die
00:44:40| I don't die oh look shit balls dude this is insane
00:44:46| yeah they're like two times harder and they're they're more accurate I think
00:44:58| this piece of garbage I'll turn over my corpse you know what I feel like you
00:45:02| wouldn't have a good orgasm me personally on the end of that robot
00:45:09| garbage you know kick his ass alright stick together I got a charge
00:45:15| that would be the greatest test of like the Turing test
00:45:18| it's like robot trying to have sex with a human female hey can you trick the
00:45:27| human female actually a robot could probably just be like I'm a robot trying
00:45:32| to pass the Turing test it's gonna be the first of its kind and then like the
00:45:37| robot would get more ass than I do and I'd be like what the fuck man this robot
00:45:42| at the South unit I'm roasting I'm shooting them from above thank you I'll
00:45:49| take it oh yeah why's that thing so strong Wow I have no
00:46:23| idea but it's dead what my last poet I was like it's dead right here oh good no
00:46:30| objective all right clicked all the crap up yeah let me um switch weapons I know
00:46:44| we're on a timer boat okay go did this to get in here
00:46:47| just one weapon actually I'll do the rocket launcher you know it's a few
00:46:53| points lower I was thinking about that too rock alone dress that sweet boom
00:46:57| okay good enough I die I die in the words of the dude from Ivan Drago
00:47:10| if he dies he dies about rocky is this the one to lasers I don't remember
00:47:15| I've never done this I'm a virgin I've done this once take it easy on me
00:47:22| on a phat virgin I have a good joke it's called au pistou
00:47:34| called Jeff Carter uh fat girl at a Phish concert shots we go yeah
00:47:48| is he still playing he's yeah he is see ya racking up some G's I mean he just
00:47:55| shoots he doesn't do anything I guess it's the part like being a fan
00:47:58| it's boring watching him cuz you know he's gonna do and he might squirt if you
00:48:02| know and then but it's nothing new he's garbage he's mister garbage time oh
00:48:09| I guess never hold up oh oh hey boys enjoy this your pieces of gum what that
00:48:19| thing damn it was it a meeting from you into your shots yeah
00:48:30| I feel like Jeff Carter's like the statisticians love him because like he's
00:48:35| up big numbers yeah and he's but they're empty yeah
00:48:38| exactly the category art exactly he's like a category player it's like
00:48:43| you know what you know what you're gonna get you supposed to attack this thing
00:48:47| know like how do this show but I can't even get lip it's like Moneyball let's
00:48:55| go with hatty it's like pattern I'm gonna go down
00:48:57| there and die or do you want to stay up here and live I got a special see if I
00:49:01| can do it has to be close range so I'll try to strike them oh my god I won't
00:49:08| even make it down oh my god there's two of them going nuts on there yep and
00:49:14| they're gonna kill me but I'm gonna get close to kill them one oh I get one I
00:49:18| should be able to get this guy he's hurt dude he's hurt don't reset yourself what
00:49:28| did you do he died he died I got it yeah we got past the regular guy the henchmen
00:49:40| it's gonna be bad oh shit dude he's frying me through the
00:49:48| thinking that's insane use my special on this thing all right another step here
00:49:57| cuz I have no health all right here we go careful Wow
00:50:05| did you knock them off the edge to do the edits I didn't you ate that from up
00:50:09| here I hear the lasers so we're screwed or what we're good this parts easy yeah
00:50:20| kind of like it will be walking through this way out touching him yeah yep okay
00:50:37| I'm the COO no damn I didn't even see the ones in the ground for a second
00:50:40| there oh my legs huh get me my toe got caught on a stupid
00:50:48| tripwire that's such bull crap you spawn back in there
00:50:52| wait what whatever keep going don't worry about me
00:50:56| yeah thirty seconds or something I'm right-handed half the time six five four
00:51:05| damn alright hold on whoa and let me copy your movements because real nervous
00:51:11| about that one you wouldn't know not this one this
00:51:14| thing over here so I was gonna slide that fatty sex thing into the word of
00:51:22| the day which is undulating disgusting my skill and that method was terrible
00:51:40| undulating if there's how many things that can be
00:51:46| applied to undulating well I think the fat sex would work yeah exactly
00:51:50| he'd be rocking back and forth in a very fluid motion legislating finding them
00:51:56| hips spokes you're special there's too much shit right that I do but I I have
00:52:09| to be in proximity I don't know oh shit here huh
00:52:13| I haven't think anyone in this light gets extra power oh shoot oh no way to
00:52:19| light his mother it's right here but that it turns out I was too far from the
00:52:23| edge but I didn't want to get too close to the edge because oh you get a
00:52:26| shit-ton extra power oh my god shit I was hitting the guy from 500 me was just
00:52:33| me had enough I can't it does have a times or something hold
00:52:41| on no I got you I do have a special but I want to wait
00:52:49| till I get down there I don't know what that how I'm supposed to do here
00:53:00| oh I died again nice I killed one guy Oh one-for-one guilt and then slept on this
00:53:07| garbage holy shit and no power hold on oh my god yeah he's
00:53:17| got one second it's better to stay on the right side of thing
00:53:25| my post as I could take well I could form that cloud again you
00:53:31| want where do we want to do it well might be okay here corner
00:53:37| here I'll do it right here sounds good video well what's the dude that's
00:53:44| fueling the other dude ah damn it hi
00:53:55| I'm wide I am wide that girl in a Phish concert the one thing with the
00:54:02| submachine gun is a little bit ridiculous sprays a little bit yeah and
00:54:09| I'm not used to it she's real fast so I make it makes me feel like I'm fired
00:54:12| sweet triple cross under spread us fire please do I just picked up some perp
00:54:21| we're in good shape miss catching I'd use my special but I
00:54:25| think I need it but then again I don't know I think then wrap oh hey we got
00:54:29| this settle down right oops Oh require just everywhere nice I
00:54:49| got one purple bullet there you go hey I got more oh boy I think I might
00:54:55| wish my special here yep is oh no I'm gonna die I did I hit the wrong button
00:55:01| huh are you already in it are you already dead don't even try to
00:55:04| get me yeah Wow he followed me in it's a ball of smoke or something that's pretty
00:55:18| cool in his part disabilities yes like ugliness greed where did I response
00:55:28| weird you let me know cuz I'm four seconds behind you not even I could see
00:55:34| in fact I'm ray oh I hit a wall I hit a wall no goddamnit another fucker Oh God
00:55:43| can I think you up to second do not jump too far to the right
00:55:53| I mean especially all right my grenade hit a wall so I need to chill myself for
00:56:01| a minute here give this bitch we got that cleared most of them I can't
00:56:20| get those guys nice I guess guys in the corner too we could skip them the we
00:56:25| could probably read by I think he's for about prize about pride here
00:56:40| great that was it like two guys yeah it happens here get more special juice here
00:56:48| give me your special cheese oh yeah oh what it is I'm already halfway there
00:56:58| oh that's sweet here the same music I am it's a very Star Wars iam I turned off
00:57:03| my music because I couldn't hear it over the podcast I was little do earlier can
00:57:07| you respect the podcast that much I respect that damn yep
00:57:10| it's not even our podcast it was cast cuz they have followers no we're only
00:57:21| one thing away from having a lot of followers a weird sex act on video I was
00:57:26| gonna say a lot of followers but yeah here hit that guy who's no shield runt
00:57:32| yes damn dipped in so shoot them there's so
00:57:42| many guys now I just threw a grenade in the middle of it so hopefully that chomp
00:57:48| stand on a functional do I love this gun in that when you do
00:57:52| kill someone there's an explosion hey piece of garbage look at this whoa
00:58:04| stay woke fam play this guy you're really trying to mess with me into the
00:58:10| back dude we're in the back of the head you are garbage welcome the others pal
00:58:16| and your 1 billion subscriber guess what you win death okay I don't know how much
00:58:24| farther we beat it no we did not beat it it's gonna take more than five minutes
00:58:32| to kill the boss anyway what ow he survived Oh genius uh what's going on
00:58:55| here you guys expect this party huh I got to do something here
00:59:09| and I feel like we've gotten we're on a roll now right
00:59:13| the only thing can stop us some time that's dude right there just kick my ass
00:59:17| oh did you get yeah I got sweep I have a special but don't get doing easy yet
00:59:33| trying to run Wow oh it's a guy over here that's why screw me up yeah oh whoa
00:59:41| homie what the hell is it me oh this guy
00:59:55| super mute heydon't mean to everything probably
00:59:59| good you know how you do that one level where you go inside the black thing and
01:00:03| get like yeah power kiss or something like that around here I don't know I
01:00:08| don't know how these guys work I can't see enough to tell what happen I mean I
01:00:13| know this guy's character but I knocked out a shield I think where's that piece
01:00:20| of garbage this is the point where I engage every
01:00:28| target but if you there's certain areas that you don't need to kill everybody so
01:00:32| you just run through it I don't know enough rather which areas which
01:00:41| why is that guy immune to everything who the hell do I fight someone's probably
01:00:45| glowing towards him like this dude is taken goblin can't tell Oh
01:00:52| one of them's feeding the other I don't know which is which
01:00:55| waiting till i recharge I'm gonna hit my special all right hold on I gotta get
01:01:00| out of the heat shit all right I might be checking something
01:01:09| hang back if you want there's there's a bunch of dudes coming brave
01:01:17| from below so hate I'm gonna get out of there
01:01:20| got your back okay run run run got a minute and 30
01:01:29| seconds to beat this guy he's a boss music yeah come on I got my special I
01:01:38| got rockets so goes you know I don't think this is
01:01:44| it you can use it or not we all felt I'm doing it whatever holy shit
01:01:56| Oh Rick hold on I can see you got under a minute all right
01:02:25| why shouldn't jump towards them apparently that's bad
01:02:35| they're just coming at 20 seconds I want to get to the next section
01:02:38| I don't know the altars are an altar over here in this way she's stayin in
01:02:44| the altar at there you don't coming it's too late I killed it
01:02:49| Oh too bad we're not I get huh sweet end in this altar cool
01:03:05| shouldn't fail I did more well it's all about assists in this game fine
01:03:14| yeah that one assists really mattered I don't know if you want to try it again
01:03:19| or I don't know how we would beat it the only thing I had to do is pee okay I
01:03:27| will pay but like are we spinning tires if we don't win like should we do
01:03:33| crucible or some were you do crucible I feel I can be rewarded by playing
01:03:36| crucible right right right alright slowed up crucible anything when
01:03:40| I say something through some water sorry in a mission right there was a
01:04:45| good intermission here here's a question for you for the podcast yeah so I think
01:04:51| of this all the time the only thing I can - is the because the only
01:04:56| championship of any team and my city's ever won was the o8 Phillies mm-hm
01:05:02| along the way there was this like 18 pitch at-bat by Brett Myers against CC
01:05:07| Sabathia that everyone remembers mm-hmm and when it happened it was like the
01:05:12| dude everyone was going nuts in the stadium like you could feel magic in the
01:05:17| air I don't know how to explain it like a pitcher was going like nine pitches 10
01:05:20| pitches 11 pitches and he worked a walk against the best pitcher the other team
01:05:24| had at the time CC and like everyone's going nuts and the next batter I think
01:05:29| was Shane Victorino who cranked the Grand Slam off him and like that was
01:05:35| awesome and then there was against the Dodgers that same year Matt Stairs was
01:05:38| pinch-hitting you know I think it was against Broxton who threw like 102 mile
01:05:42| an hour and like no one could hit him and Matt Stairs it's like overweight and
01:05:46| fat beer gut guy he cranked a home run so far that it never landed like there's
01:05:52| rumor that it still hasn't landed today but like when you saw those things you
01:05:57| knew that it wasn't just a home run it wasn't just a walk it wasn't just an
01:06:01| at-bat it had more weight like it it was steps that led to the World Series and
01:06:06| looking back that's what they were if they didn't happen they probably
01:06:09| wouldn't want so my question is this how can you tell if when an event happens
01:06:14| it's special or not whether it has gravity or weight because that homerun
01:06:19| had more gravity than a homerun say the different postseason where it didn't
01:06:24| matter in the team lost seven to one like do you know what I mean is that
01:06:27| your age though do you think you should care less when you get older no I'm not
01:06:32| I very much it's my age but I'm saying that homerun literally had gravity it
01:06:37| was the stepping stone right before they won the World Series it's how they want
01:06:40| weather no matter how old I was it literally was one of the special events
01:06:44| that led to their winning I mean can you tell when it's something
01:06:50| like that is special or happening over here oh fuck this guy's up too many yeah
01:07:01| no problem punch the everybody in that one guy
01:07:06| there he was one guy in there where's in bottom down here there's
01:07:10| another guy here this guy somewhere he's far he's far over here and he's got
01:07:15| friends now I was thinking about that because of the World Series that the
01:07:26| Astros won Chase Utley I think was on day 13 and he
01:07:31| was like the worst player in the World Series for them right for that yeah
01:07:36| which is crazy to think of well here's my question so during the events of a
01:07:45| season a baseball season hockey season anything special weird things happen and
01:07:50| sometimes they're for naught and they're just cool things that happened they got
01:07:54| a punch about hundred metric where is he where'd he go
01:07:58| there's two I was concentrating on one and one - nice hit the melee I've gotten
01:08:05| this in this game yeah he got it down pat mm-hmm
01:08:08| sounds like another game you played huh all duty baby oh god damn what melee was
01:08:15| good too but the dude sword was better with that sword behind you trying to
01:08:29| I like the melee a whole lot more than I did originally are the gameplay rather
01:08:36| yeah learn how to work with it yep kill that guy there's like three
01:08:43| guys ready yeah well Andy or the guy with the spud hot start
01:08:56| oh I fuckin railed that guy Oh got credit for it thanks Dan
01:09:01| that's terrible that's not teamwork now behind us yeah I ran away good move
01:09:09| that old shield recharge my own Oh what I'm saying is how do you know when
01:09:20| something is a stepping stone of the greatness when it's a coincidence
01:09:24| is there a way to tell I guess you're basing that off your own feeling cuz
01:09:28| like the Flyers had some crazy goals by primo there I agree that I thought would
01:09:33| lead to a championship and they did different goals but they felt special
01:09:37| when I have it right they were like oh my god triple overtime right oh yeah
01:09:42| definitely you thought it was gonna be completely instead dude how nice chasing
01:09:47| my crush chase I have two guys chasing me
01:09:49| are you a oh I see here come on Oh didn't kill him I got a one and the
01:09:59| other one killed me oh he's a sword I would have punched out
01:10:07| his face right there I see the sword dude damn he had a nice nice weapon
01:10:18| there wait gave me the business lucky skill for you there's too many
01:10:28| guys there there in a pack that's what we should do this is
01:10:34| crucible by the way if we haven't mentioned it I think I mentioned it
01:10:37| earlier but this is one of the game modes where you pick up the orbs that
01:10:40| they drop for no reason I don't understand it but don't worry well only
01:10:44| certain games yeah it's just deathmatch but you have to pick up a ball that they
01:10:50| drop and understand it it's like reclaim their soul or something yeah I was hot
01:11:00| in the beginning but now I faded just wish it going on now they're moving out
01:11:06| together as a pact it easily too well oh it's not that's bullshit there's no
01:11:10| even shot me around the corner I'm gonna try to hang back a little more come with
01:11:18| you oh my melee them but we melee to each other and have a sword so I'm just
01:11:32| gonna try to lure them in you're good man Lord here comes oh boy you missed
01:11:39| him oh he's dead one on this I don't think I hit him
01:11:45| that's one of those things where you know like craziness is happening around
01:11:49| you you feel it there yep like that oh crap here crap I think I just woke up my
01:12:01| son anybody let me use my special cuz I thought there was like 9 dudes around
01:12:12| nobody yeah you should wait until you absolutely know he had one fucking whack
01:12:19| that he got I did too and it dropped his health to almost nothing
01:12:25| yeah I was just like standing there like 5 15
01:12:35| feet away from just like now is my time to die oh no they're gonna win they
01:12:39| caught up how do they catch up because they're all using their specials don't
01:12:43| die don't die I'm coming to you I did there's like three of them there I
01:12:47| thought one or two there's also I have to hang back let him catch up why don't
01:12:52| girls catch up cuz they took the lead are you getting your special here your
01:12:58| uh yeah somebody else took it oh here we go corner
01:13:05| I knew those coming oh it came from the mind and the guy with the sword oh they
01:13:12| just want that sucked I believe Russians are they on the same
01:13:19| team we're gonna find out in two seconds they felt like they congealed midway
01:13:22| through so I was doing well until the middle portion and then I lost
01:13:28| oh look we were the top two on our team as far as efficiency really slightly who
01:13:37| was the guy on the bottom I think it was sub one I can't remember now that's one
01:13:43| of the things the stat screen is too quick like in Call of Duty did it show
01:13:48| you this stat screen when you died I know you could pull it up yeah every
01:13:51| time you died yes so I mean that make makes a mockery of
01:13:55| you so you get more rage right so that's one thing in misses in that respect it's
01:14:05| yeah it's um I don't know why my games aren't building on top of one another
01:14:10| it's weird they're starting to do their own thing and actually default it seems
01:14:14| like it's easier to make my own to go forward because you're also gonna say
01:14:19| every game has the cover shield system except for doom right tell me like you
01:14:23| it gives a war type of covering Gears of War halo destiny they all have it well
01:14:29| like a lot of the Call of Duty's don't they I don't like she'll cover shield
01:14:33| like the jump light vault over the barrier like it's - no no I hate Call of
01:14:39| Duty games there they turn down to garbage here's a war it's stupid
01:14:44| yeah it's too much cover it's yeah it's it's like kill the two guys that are
01:14:50| ahead of you by shooting them one one limb at a time it's way too much
01:14:57| there's no frenetic pace like there isn't yeah that's what I did was my
01:15:03| favorite game of the past year or two it's like fuck this and then he brought
01:15:07| everything open with your hand you literally have to rely on just your
01:15:13| instinct and your twitch speed and your anger and your planning
01:15:19| in your bailing and just it's just a furious assault on your senses and on
01:15:26| the enemy I'm gonna 11 mm-hmm and no game has captured my anger like doom
01:15:39| and I needed like two melee kill like a glory kill certain enemies like if I did
01:15:44| an area 15 times in a row I was so mad that even if I was about to win on my
01:15:51| that pink diamond or that friggin imp that always gets me at the end or you
01:15:54| know what I mean and I would I would go out of my way to be dangerous and
01:15:58| possibly lose but I needed to just needed to kill I think they're going to
01:16:04| be nope nope no I got wasn't halfway it's okay I distracted them enough I
01:16:21| think I think that and my points taking credit whoa
01:16:35| stupid boy grenade you idiot god damn it what were you right next to
01:16:43| me now I was going towards a different direction everybody else now they're
01:16:48| headed towards I guess I like this guy that's with us what's his name
01:16:52| terrain something try not to look because they're got coming Oh drain
01:17:00| damage he's witty too I got him I just chill out right here we're losing
01:17:12| go to gate gate get in damn oh my god I got great because I didn't realize he
01:17:19| had a special grenade right in the middle I didn't see the gradual ice
01:17:26| cloak was the thing I was like I don't know if I like this map the maps weird
01:17:39| for I think the map is stupid tries to be cute it's not shit it's too much too
01:17:47| many choke points exactly the grenade killed us all and the guy says better
01:17:51| for needs of course they do I'm gonna kick someone in the teeth god damn it
01:18:00| where is he another drawback is you can't set what game type you want
01:18:06| does it get much back hey I'm running still alive yeah for charging guy right
01:18:20| right outside at least I think that was this course something I'm just gonna
01:18:30| walk around a bit yeah I guess so oh oh he was dead sky right there
01:19:03| sky right there holding body you had to be uh I think it would be you are be you
01:19:13| think they put it I level so you'd have to look up it's obvious shit hey I'm
01:19:34| having a oh shit I'll say I'm having a fight out with one
01:19:38| of their guys but there's like 14 of them there I don't even I got 40 guys
01:19:41| but they're all there they're all heading to be problem with crucible is
01:19:51| you can't drink while you do it I know it's too quick yeah Jesus they're
01:19:58| all it be what it's the coolest thing about a multiplayer game is that when
01:20:04| you die you say what's and you make this like-- exasperated hand motion like
01:20:09| that's bullshit but when you win you're like that's right the game finally got
01:20:13| it right yeah like no matter just fuckin science
01:20:18| there's gotta be a chi don't worry I just got this license my sure to chase
01:20:24| me I don't understand how these guys are
01:20:27| cloaking because it got cloaking and on cloaking maybe that's the special thing
01:20:33| I don't I never did I can't it is here's the question
01:20:43| got everything let's guy over there yeah haha sword get away from that I'm trying
01:20:53| to this is embarrassing [Laughter]
01:20:59| we've all dated jobless well edge where you going say hey I can go to C go to C
01:21:08| cos are all there I can feel them I have a special so I can fuck up your
01:21:12| butthole no one let's see I'll put witness you have a power play
01:21:22| we're gonna win this no we're not I'm gonna special it as soon as I see
01:21:31| somebody as soon as I see it I got official Wow did he die uni did
01:21:39| Oh cuz I was like his cloaked body was flailing around yeah over there oh
01:21:55| there's one guy tweaking out I guess that's one thing if you can generate
01:22:03| orbs of light you can just have a pound train just slide right through whoa what
01:22:13| is with these cloaked pieces of garbage it's gonna hide in the corner where you
01:22:21| headed battling somebody around once again I I I'm thinking too much to
01:22:28| talk I'm compute too much bats there's a partner clothing over here somewhere
01:22:38| here he's right there did we go yeah it's another fucker
01:22:45| fuck I just miss him I could go he's moving around resolved if he couldn't
01:22:52| back be yeah how did we I was battling to people actively by myself I don't
01:23:03| understand how we lost ground there uh-huh
01:23:07| piece of garbage dude I hope you get I don't like this one because it really
01:23:16| favors mobility and the guys that just sprint to every every flight win
01:23:22| cloaking is really not fair in this either hey there's the dude right over
01:23:28| here Oh someone come kill this guy I can't
01:23:36| I'm actively engaged well it's fine we had a faceoff where he was sorting oh
01:23:44| that's ok what the Frick I don't like this game-mode it's really annoying
01:23:59| especially this map is annoying there's a real annoying apartment I totally beat
01:24:03| a guy to the melee but he had a sword so it just like gave him the win
01:24:07| oh yeah sword sword is the most powerful thing my ratio is pretty damn good says
01:24:15| the guy who cost us the win yeah minimum number of captures I like how it ranked
01:24:24| me though I ranked me higher game knows what I don't really know if the game
01:24:29| knows do you only do one more of these and then something else and then call it
01:24:32| a night yeah I'm gonna win one of these yeah do like a public heroic event or
01:24:44| something something we know we can win how do we take bruising to the ego you
01:24:55| know yeah plus I like that's what Call of Duty did to you it's like you would
01:25:00| lose and get agitated and then like your adrenaline and go and you'd be like I
01:25:05| gotta win one more and then by the time he played one you'd be so amped up that
01:25:09| he couldn't hate ya I was reflecting on that actually it's thinking about how I
01:25:16| played call of duty in that little apartment I had that you came visit my
01:25:20| bachelor pad yeah Serkis yeah that's
01:25:28| they call duty there I did I leave college I think that was the tail end of
01:25:36| call of duty okay because I don't remember I mean I played it when I got
01:25:41| down here to Houston but you know your search ecology said one to one yeah one
01:25:52| year okay but it wasn't serious because like I did I had just doing it in a like
01:25:56| a one-bedroom apartment so I was sitting on the bed while I was playing and like
01:26:00| I would I remember smashing my last controller smash yeah do you know what I
01:26:08| used to do it happened with Nintendo games a lot I would be so mad that the
01:26:13| character didn't jump in the right time when I did clearly then I would bite my
01:26:17| um my Nintendo wire as hard as I could like I just my teeth with her from
01:26:22| fighting it's so hard I'm just gonna follow you the whole time this is the
01:26:28| same just different area well the same thing what happened with like you know
01:26:32| n64 you beat somebody so badly that they throw the controller but it's not that's
01:26:36| wired so it would throw everything else off I got your back okay so you have
01:26:43| like three other people with me like what the fuck man and like their
01:26:46| controllers we get yanked out of their hands please love Jesus
01:27:02| Oh what was that this this game does have the like the lunge
01:27:11| eyetality duty getting into it like you have like a six foot range I feel like
01:27:23| my melee is underpowered maybe because I wanted to be a one hit it never is it's
01:27:28| like always two or three hit oh come on you hit it towards me I was all there's
01:27:37| two guys at B they seem to be sending two guys and keeping two guys if they if
01:27:43| that's an actual plan God dang it I'm a late him and he didn't die at all in
01:27:49| fact it just took away his shield bugs me melee is better than mine huh
01:27:58| oh there's three guys would be I guess they figure if we're gonna control one
01:28:06| it's B yeah that would be nice yeah Lucille 2 2 3 1 2 2 yes
01:28:23| Oh smart where you at oh hey I think there's three guys today
01:28:28| yeah I just saw you just saw you it's a blood fiesta yes duh there's so many
01:28:38| guys there's gonna be so many needs good but here's the exactly they stole them
01:28:42| all leaving B so I figured let's go in D they're all gonna come to see now I'm
01:28:47| ready formally it's gonna jump oh no look at this guy's
01:28:58| garbage grenade I captured even though he threw a grenade perfectly Oh three
01:29:08| guys going to there we go to hell alright
01:29:16| he's going after B as I captured it I'm getting na get in the a-hole
01:29:27| oh god there's got you oh they all went there's two guys that came today what
01:29:33| the hell why is my melee always less than
01:29:36| everyone else's it's real annoying like I should stop using it
01:29:46| mine has an ability that like has an extra pop to it it's like a part of my
01:29:52| class maybe that's why you're feeling it could be let's just everyone's has extra
01:29:59| pop except mine how are we losing I feel like we've had weight had advantage the
01:30:08| whole time are we read or we blue blue right happy I don't know how we're
01:30:13| losing cuz we've had consistent two on ones
01:30:18| Jesus Christ there's two more guys right there behind you then around you they're
01:30:23| all around yeah and there was like seven guys there I'm not really sure we have
01:30:29| to zones to there one I feel like it's been like that the whole game it has
01:30:33| that way oh what the fuck was that shotgun here
01:30:41| those guys are picking up the special abilities that's why but still see like
01:30:46| we just put it there with the fuck it was like 11 to 21 and it went up two
01:30:50| points for both how are we we have something's wrong with fucking game I
01:31:15| killed my first guy with melee and he had zero health so thank God the ocean
01:31:25| fucking I don't like this stupid its to get DS I'm behind you I'm gonna stay
01:31:32| with you alright let's hang there be issues
01:31:40| yeah they're good at having like a two-on-one oh there he is
01:31:45| turn around I guess you were looking at my corpse gleefully I was reloading so I
01:31:54| couldn't do anything but once again we have we have to we've had advantage the
01:32:02| whole fucking time yet we still lost I don't understand girls I don't know
01:32:08| maybe it needs to be like a minimum amount of time and they're they're
01:32:12| catching up for us oh fuck I was I was being lazy on that one huh he got me
01:32:19| with another thing this game is so jumpy that
01:32:38| if you don't have good connection you're gonna get fucking well that's good
01:32:47| someone use their special on me which it's about time fucking and I mean that
01:33:02| in the most respective my first box that's some stupid bullshit do we have
01:33:18| all the zones I think we do feel like we do anyway either coming to be I think
01:33:25| there's one just trying to run get their attention here we go I'm using my
01:33:32| special hunk of it I was about to use no special I know I saw two guys
01:33:38| that was a special oh boy I was just pissed I don't see anybody who just
01:34:13| blasted me to hell him back and now he's gone
01:34:15| yeah he was just there that's why I popped my special sunspot
01:34:21| someone's fucked like I don't know what we had them we had it the majority of
01:34:25| the time I swear to God I swear I don't know if we check the tapes we totally
01:34:31| let's see the captures look at their captures reverse our captors let's say
01:34:35| captures what the guy was efficiency of something tells me he was a ratio of 20
01:34:49| so something wrong there well there's always people who glitch thing they find
01:34:58| the cheapest way to do it and they just they live like a machine
01:35:02| like this is the best way so this is the best yes I think people really can't
01:35:05| cheat like I'm not just estimating yeah I'm pretty sure you could actually be
01:35:10| like if you're like playing at college your internet connection is like
01:35:13| thousand times better than ours maybe enough to something you don't wanna do
01:35:29| another crucible like one deathmatch like real people and I could say fuck
01:35:34| this game forever and I it's funny I wanted to play near on automata I
01:35:41| convinced you otherwise what's the hold on that game it's a it's a story here so
01:35:49| far I'm a robot chick who I guess humans have been they created so
01:35:54| many robots that something went wrong and now they created new robots which is
01:35:58| me to go back onto the moon or no no no to earth because everyone all the humans
01:36:03| went to the moon so now they're sending rogue robots like myself back to the
01:36:08| earth to get rid of all those bad robots what's funny is I'm like killing the bad
01:36:14| robots they're like don't hurt me I have feelings and like I hurt don't do it I'm
01:36:18| scared and and my character keeps saying don't worry they're just programmed to
01:36:23| say that keep killing and I'm like oh boy
01:36:24| here comes the big twist turns out we're the bad guys right that's funny yes I
01:36:31| saw I was watching the good place with Kristen Bell yeah that um I I watched
01:36:37| the first five episodes or four episodes and then I saw the last episode so not
01:36:43| that there in hell I guess there you get the deal the premise is that she went to
01:36:51| heaven accidentally and all these people are super holy and good and she has to
01:36:56| pretend to be good right yeah well she keeps effing up and being bad sometimes
01:37:01| no she was bad in life and she loved it so it's like in heaven though she's
01:37:05| being bad like she's trying to be good but she's not really doing good at it
01:37:08| yeah how are you did you finish it I'm most of the way through a Mike 80% so
01:37:16| there's a scene where they follow you what am i moving slowly oh no I'm going
01:37:22| dude no I just want to kill someone why did that guy
01:37:36| I can pop up there so there's a scene where they have to
01:37:49| kill they like the computer of the whole neighborhood and the computer has a
01:37:58| button where you can shut it off but it has a backup failsafe to defend itself
01:38:07| so the computer like you have to go up to this button when you get like within
01:38:13| there telling you that it has a family it's human it loves you please don't
01:38:18| kill it so like it was like showing pictures of it's like children and then
01:38:22| when you step away like 5 feet away it says oh these aren't my children these
01:38:26| are just a cutout from a photo that I saw but when you get within that five
01:38:32| foot range it's like it pulls on all your emotions
01:38:35| it was fantastic that's what I thought of when you're saying it it's like are
01:38:39| you human are you are you alive afraid are you the Saviour
01:38:44| the enemy I found you I'm running after you no time holy shit
01:38:53| that guy Mini 2 on one baby another guy going to tow him to film one baby he's
01:39:02| delight yeah but I thought my special was another guy somewhere up top
01:39:11| oh no that's our guy together yeah that sweet baby
01:39:23| nice I like that it's cuz I have a better auto rifle than them
01:39:28| it's the only reason sorry good diary you don't I got you I don't know that
01:39:36| guy's an idiot they're mine I got this dude slang a
01:39:40| ranked hit hurry up oh shit almost half lead here I recover that
01:39:57| well save me save me oh I say huh oh I'm not
01:40:17| gonna go that way because there's too many guys are to go I lost him hold on
01:40:23| your aid thank you fucking guy was a fucking ninja oh Jesus wonder where that
01:40:35| guy came from apparently you can jump off the edge
01:40:37| right there oh you broke my streak I like a streak of eight going damn it
01:40:43| damn dude my melee sucks by the way if there's any button if
01:40:49| there's anybody watching this they could join unpin ders on Justin's unit fill
01:40:54| out our clan because we only have like two people there's so many guys they're
01:41:03| actually sticking together now well I should oh I'm gonna run towards you guys
01:41:28| you've gotta find me hold on I got you Thank You Adam oh now on behind me okay
01:41:41| well when my streak your respawning right yeah you're right next to me
01:41:48| yeah Murray nice I'm coming to you coming to you a lot of Purple's coming
01:41:52| on down here check it out those guys shot at from behind I want to get my my
01:41:57| knife out hold on don't do it yet okay that's my guy
01:42:13| and just boom I got killed nice that you knife that guy Oh knife that other guy
01:42:21| to agree with you all that you buckle I'm just like peeking around the corner
01:42:34| you watch our back I don't think this is the right hallway to go into you know
01:42:44| nice nice work everybody that was amazing it's badass any more
01:42:52| bullets when he's all gonna come from one spot right I think so I'm following
01:42:58| this destroyed guy around well I got a special I want to use it
01:43:06| Oh - I felt the edge fuck I double jumps when I should a single jumped I wonder
01:43:12| if we lose points that way this point we lose something for it just nothing major
01:43:17| at all the other teams right pissed ah shit going on over here thank good
01:43:34| oh I got killed from behind here watch back to get him I have a special I don't
01:43:45| think you're supposed to go over 70 points so 71 really makes me happy look
01:43:50| at that's efficiency three point four I'll take it
01:43:52| okay I'll take two really yeah really mine was all about the secured points
01:43:59| Jesus 17 what else whoops secured yeah you killed him team
01:44:04| by eight guys he's picked up 17 okay so we won that one that's good
01:44:07| sure did we're good now if we want to do anything we can retire on top we have to
01:44:14| what are we doing tomorrow will you do regular episode please I gotta figure
01:44:21| out topic and all that stuff I gotta get back into the groove I'm completely out
01:44:26| of it and code a for now yeah juice check our web sites web sites
01:44:37| check them both on panders dot-com gang uh it's a way of life uh I'd like to say
01:44:48| we like yeah we like you on we really do and there's one thing I would like to
01:44:56| add add please you're talking about how it's like a storyline for that auto
01:45:01| whatever game have you played heavy rain no I've heard good things about that
01:45:07| though it's really old that's like ten years old um not SNES that would be the
01:45:11| next one place yes I think a station yeah a place a PSX is like he has like
01:45:17| the action buttons she's supposed to hit like a at the right time and like
01:45:19| DoubleTap B and all that stuff but I saw one of the scenes or like it glitched
01:45:25| where I think his son his name is Sean died and more like was presumed dead and
01:45:31| he goes Sean but the glitch has a shouting Sean throughout the entire
01:45:36| scene it's a format scene so the guys talking normally just goes Johnny like
01:45:40| interrupts its spent as like so you should should check out heavy rain Sean
01:45:47| glitch jaha's naked shop and check us out on
01:45:53| WWN panders calm or willjack glad I'm painter just freak surf that web surfing
01:46:01| so hard come in with a surfboard and a skateboard and just do it folks
01:46:06| and join the clan go ahead no doesn t to see well let you in might let you talk
01:46:11| of my night my new year who knows they'll be exciting probably Mucha Mucha
01:46:16| you'll be moot a moot point my friends yeah
01:46:21| all right have a good love you guys I love you dad I love you too

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