The UnPanderers: Transcript of Episode 3 - Nazi Conflict in Charlottesville

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Transcript of Episode 3 - Nazi Conflict in Charlottesville

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 3 - Nazi Conflict in Charlottesville
Click to read the episode transcription below.

This transcription was generated using YouTube's voice to text captioning method. Hopefully, Speech-To-Text technology will become more accurate in the future.
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00:00:00| Oh so I'm Dan and my on yeah you're a long time oh good and we're young pandas
00:00:08| yeah young handers Anders yeah yeah eventually we will get it right maybe
00:00:14| like the found thousand allowable the thousands episode opera good car yeah
00:00:20| that one could invent a tongue twister of radicular or shion's or is well go by
00:00:28| are correct yeah first like to mention that all the opinions a lot of the words
00:00:35| you'll hear today even some of the slang our net here in representative our
00:00:39| employers our wives children daughters neighbors friends or people we interact
00:00:47| with on the bus now and they may not be suitable for younger audiences correct
00:00:51| then wherever we say also might not be a good idea for anyone under 21 or older
00:00:57| than 21 so exactly 21 if you're 20 lon diet
00:01:03| I guess it'll be careful - yeah exactly it's a wonderful day here we're here to
00:01:12| uh not to pander we would never do that no you're to do is uh talk about the
00:01:19| first thing we already talked about is you have to say what it is
00:01:23| no I the nice personal callicles fresh ha well to speak about with not sound is
00:01:32| a idk enjoyed a birthday I message someone cost a lot of money it is off
00:01:38| the paw patrol and was caused a great party talk forever a big performance
00:01:46| show is Ryan's toy reviews from YouTube he's uh he's at five or six and you
00:01:53| reviews toys his mother called it Paul petrow and Brian you're out
00:02:00| I'm panniers did not approve let's shout out to Ryan Ryan store who's not feeling
00:02:06| a buddy they've gotten against gotten cut from the lineup of your son's
00:02:09| watching us he he's one of the highest need
00:02:12| youtubers own six years old or five years away he's probably already paid
00:02:15| for his entire life and retire I think he is and what's funny is he just plays
00:02:20| the toys and other kids like my kid watch and platypus
00:02:24| it's the laziest generation ever be born at least when I beg for toys that I
00:02:29| didn't work for the kids I played with on that road but I want to watch and
00:02:33| play with them again like this generation this is a real thing real
00:02:38| thing they on YouTube videos of kids playing with toys these videos have
00:02:42| millions of millions of hits and as a parent I'd say that's terrible but I'd
00:02:47| also say that's much easier than buying in the toy and it also keeps him
00:02:51| occupied forget all those poor children out there it's a perfect way to pretend
00:02:58| like you can do something isn't that what adults do with twitch
00:03:02| you watch someone play a video game you pretend that you're that good of a gamer
00:03:06| I don't know I'm really bad so it's not like you watch for skill level right I
00:03:11| don't I honestly I mean I've seen some of them but not like a bad ones being
00:03:17| played it's usually like one that has risen to the top it's the cream of the
00:03:19| crop see I may be underlying the patriarchy here but I may have watched
00:03:26| some attractive women who are really bad video games play like doom and stuff
00:03:30| like that I have is energy whether I like whole look like GPA is there
00:03:36| something like that I mean like old people react but I can't say the age of
00:03:40| copyrighted it was professional I'm you can't say risk it's the word that's
00:03:46| bleeped they don't they took it Wow yeah but I have seen youtubers or twitch
00:03:53| twitch er I guess that we look female and actually male and it's very they
00:04:01| have a deep robust voice when they speak and the very fact but they're attractive
00:04:05| so it's filled confusing I assume you to most men okay that's a
00:04:12| no you pretended in touch that's what I said young people have diamond and
00:04:17| facial features just love them while they're playing the video
00:04:24| no no stroke the keyword stroke yeah I'm not looking at my phone see what's next
00:04:30| our list uh what I've done with my topical topics
00:04:32| my top of the talents keep getting popped along he's actually fresh more
00:04:37| fresh because today I was is a man living at a light another's construction
00:04:42| and everything is you know all these lights are going off I'm just waiting
00:04:45| their way there and unluckily for me one of those Road excavators goes by and
00:04:51| starts actually resurfacing the road my next year pot right in front of my car
00:04:56| so all these rocks are like doing everywhere and he's like digging a
00:05:00| trench and then by the time he was done there's a cop just like come on come on
00:05:04| and it's like I'm doing like it's like if it was any deeper I don't know if
00:05:09| that it would be it'd be safer Igor yeah it would be but I was doing a delivery
00:05:14| near my oh that's art is deprived a hand or a keep interrupts we're working on
00:05:19| time story with you yeah of course naturally the future cost yes I never I
00:05:24| agree but the I guess the quote the question posed to you is if a cop was
00:05:32| waving you forward even though you knew it was a bad idea to drive forward would
00:05:37| you would you do it would you be like now now dude now I'm gonna I'm gonna go
00:05:41| and I am I Drive a truck for a living woman when you live in a truck I did the
00:05:50| only the only way my girlfriend will let me see my father and the way your your
00:05:55| recording out of a van right now this is actually right now at some beautiful
00:05:59| window doors seeing my bathroom my drum set and my front door roll one nice
00:06:05| window though I don't need to get into the blinds
00:06:08| yeah and just matching curtain energy ball but what's interesting that you
00:06:15| said that is that I was at a delivery today where they were doing concluding
00:06:19| construction and he does a really equal and put two cones nearest the hole is
00:06:25| really wide so it went to the middle of the room it looked like you could drive
00:06:28| over them yeah and it's a 25 mile an hour where
00:06:33| everyone's up like 30 to 35 and there were many people who slowed down to
00:06:37| almost stop and we'll just go into it while I
00:06:40| was at work talking my friend my friend Dan not that then River dinner while
00:06:46| supposed to be working at least six cars hit that going 35 and one time I saw
00:06:52| sparks and segments a mechanical oh man he ruined that car and I don't know the
00:06:58| legality of the situation because like eight cars poor heart bottom down just
00:07:01| like really hit because they didn't even know it was that people were there
00:07:05| that's not there is interesting there's a legal precedent for how far and how a
00:07:12| head the cones have to be depending on the speed so that's a legal action on
00:07:17| him huh hmm anything list of the unten this was driving along UPS alone or
00:07:23| name-drop no longer friend that can make some
00:07:28| money they had to assign a video of a Comcast guy or maybe it was a different
00:07:33| cable guy I don't know but I don't like Comcast so it's fine
00:07:36| so Comcast was repairing some line and they put down this like one cone like
00:07:41| right after this hill and it was snowy and icy and there's a guy recording it
00:07:46| all saying you know you're an idiot you got to put the cone at the top of it put
00:07:49| the cone up and then like mobit the moment he says that just a card she
00:07:52| flies over just smash this into the back of the truck and then it's like he's
00:07:56| still arguing with the guys like more cars are like a little on bit low line
00:08:02| no he rode nuke lund have you ever had to deal with failures there was snow
00:08:07| once and it was about maybe a half an inch thick they did everyone go nuts I
00:08:11| think I saw one snowman before I'll melted well I meant more driving in like
00:08:17| freaked me out blaming the scary part is the ice when actually does rain and ices
00:08:21| up it's like it's almost like apocalypse style like every juncture at a highway
00:08:26| since we have all these overpasses yeah there's just people crashing and cars on
00:08:31| fire and like you just hear people screaming even though that's probably
00:08:35| not actually happening yeah yeah are you screaming maybe that's just you just
00:08:40| like be really specific a woman scream I made it from that area
00:08:46| oh yeah and since these others affected I have empathy I'm not I'm not a
00:08:56| psychopath you just F F word there's a nice take a little pause now to listen
00:09:06| to our sponsors oh who the sponsors today I'm fair huh
00:09:11| beer that's a Crestron to office they're terrible actually
00:09:18| we're we're new favorite sponsors is actually ant mobile they make AC
00:09:23| adapters for different things and I'll happen to have the bg5 o bass pedal but
00:09:29| I didn't have the power strip look everywhere and you need the right
00:09:33| polarity either right AC the right number or the voltage I don't know the
00:09:38| fancy things folks I talked to my friends at Sandoval has delivered right
00:09:42| to my dying house doctors know Coughlin I'm sitting great
00:09:50| playing bass with a new bass pedal so call ICU mobile if it's a slam dunk
00:09:58| can a damn will never get clusters with this episode
00:10:08| you ruined my my plug we were going to kiss Austin we were gonna go for a move
00:10:15| anyway so it is an oval is a if it's good enough for me it's good as hell for
00:10:23| you Oh game over to pause here you made me cry it was emotional but told you he
00:10:33| was emotional tears over that's what happens when you see yourself in the
00:10:50| corner of the screen who is I see me we look at oh we're a
00:10:53| little bit good poof it works fine those evil oh no straw you went back to
00:11:08| the straw I see I feel it brings out me hot yet huh it does give me play
00:11:14| something to look at and wonder what diction sexuality my book already know
00:11:24| shit man oh good that part out all you YouTube
00:11:29| viewers right now you were supposed to cut that out but we won't because I'm
00:11:33| too lazy to keep that is old yeah I think that's personality I think that's
00:11:38| what it's called I hope this I hope so it's close um hope
00:11:44| is the best of things Oh the good thing never died him but it
00:11:50| can rot in prison forever okay so uh celebrity challenge today right yeah is
00:11:59| it every day oh yeah I did it not unfair orders we don't pander so what's the
00:12:08| challenge it's going to be no help I have no IDE self line out there to paint
00:12:13| a horse a centaur and a cross centaur is what I think we were horses guys want to
00:12:21| set up I believe a horse riding a centaur
00:12:24| yeah because it's like ironic that horse is writing a person with wings into the
00:12:29| Sun these are saying Icarus I agree with it yeah I guess yeah if you had a Kuras
00:12:36| and a horse on his back just like a man running a Pegasus but backwards it's
00:12:40| crazy huh yeah and then we got a collapse of celebrities and we think it
00:12:45| would be too great to ever you have a drawl you know one sentence you think
00:12:50| it's artistic is the question but I think people could paint who could name
00:12:54| like an Anna Anna Kendrick maybe she looked at a stick Christopher Walken
00:12:59| they would be really good answer good answer I think if someone get a hold of
00:13:06| I don't know if anyone watching has a phone number or good say on this link or
00:13:10| can send them this link and they can get fast forward I'm sure they can or click
00:13:19| once on the 17 and a half minute mark I don't know I go out of the pattern don't
00:13:24| tell them that it's a 13:25 time flies when you're having so much fun here
00:13:29| Andrew lost four minutes at the pump our lives our day goes crying but having a
00:13:33| cool ah I don't want to say to you mr. Walken mrs. Kendrick I want you to do
00:13:40| the best damn thing you can about a force on your sister please yes and
00:13:49| that's it you kind of want to make it look like a Led Zeppelin to write a
00:13:52| little yeah you know that's um that's what I want to get tattoos on me oh
00:13:58| really that Icarus what is that one - what part
00:14:02| of your body would you tattoo I don't know I have too much difficult a tooth
00:14:06| here yeah I don't care if I get arrested you'll find out who I am mm-hmm but I
00:14:10| have the one symbol here the one - look here so yes you have to get thicker it's
00:14:14| on your chest Glynnis into the Sun maybe an arm you
00:14:18| need a number yeah I think you passed the prime for getting it in private
00:14:23| areas you can't put it on your butt cheek and be like hey girl it's like no
00:14:27| one's gonna ever see that girl does beat it okay well I know boys ventolin baby
00:14:33| boy angel yep a sticker written you naked it all hell the Sun be burning off
00:14:39| his clothes so uh we'll think about so I was cleaning off my top suede leather
00:14:49| here oh yeah dear where I am so we're using a new product to kind of lead us
00:14:56| through this episode here to guide us oh yeah what is called a sauna like Oksana
00:15:04| are you all by you oh yeah the secatur incredible but I'm sure I'm Belding
00:15:10| that's completely different that's it I don't even want to tell you how to spell
00:15:15| it but here it is a sa na what does it do
00:15:20| oh yeah here it's essentially a project team building
00:15:25| so you get to spread out tasks and then list them in a nice way so that everyone
00:15:30| can see them everyone can get them and yep mm-hmm
00:15:36| the bag is referencing something a bit earlier in the podcast yeah I'm sure
00:15:42| it's useful saying that it really works for team building for keeping notes
00:15:47| organized and you're letting everyone and network see something at once yes
00:15:51| it's fantastic that sounds too good to be true how much does it cost
00:15:54| I don't know cuz they're not pandering here briefing huh because it's free
00:16:02| that's like a qg b town i gave me the whole lot I know you did I think you're
00:16:07| like we're not hearing it but it is really this is all that we don't I
00:16:14| entered a expensive products unless they're offering us money lots of money
00:16:20| it's one of the only things will pander to actually ironically is money other
00:16:25| than mana message nothing else really if we were senators something under a total
00:16:35| installed normal get them down yeah you never know
00:16:38| that's what can I just do P and maybe you maybe you
00:16:46| hey if really you think senators become sexually weird like that then I don't
00:16:54| know I don't know what do you think it's like it's literally 100 senators and
00:16:59| they get caught on weird it's not like there's always like a polar aspect to it
00:17:02| but like you do something weird once near life like record yourself on a
00:17:06| podcast and then never remember that forever or like Joe Biden's like does
00:17:12| like he's doing he's a cool guy and obviously I think I think he was a
00:17:18| decent human being when he's younger really dunno I thought he was cool I
00:17:23| know a lot of the internet lobster vibe when he deals in there like a lean in
00:17:26| like he's like awkwardly talking to like a girl that's too young like and then
00:17:30| someone like snap a photo is like they captured it something else and then
00:17:33| that's possible but I think that's just called old man you ready yeah I guess
00:17:38| we're screwed what it did remember for my youth and I used to me like eight
00:17:43| years ago my work for armor I worked for very heavy physical labor jobs ten at me
00:17:50| sighs you know them other job probably happens though but I notice it in heavy
00:17:54| labor it's the over sexualized guy I mean
00:17:58| what's cooler guys it's like lifting a bit of an apple something no need to be
00:18:02| padding whoever it is the physical labor and I noticed a lot of disbeliever guys
00:18:07| will see a girl walk by and say my only effective way exceptionally close it's
00:18:13| not only the width or sometimes they ever get a man I would pop that wrong
00:18:18| until the honey came home and you say things like I'm gonna that sentence
00:18:22| please don't know what he's talking about
00:18:24| she's okay lookin and then you're like to see if you leg up you know I mean
00:18:29| usually as an anti patriarchy Pro feminism guy I tell him to watch it pal
00:18:36| I said I let him go once always once and then something happens were like the
00:18:41| waiter who or the Duncans on his personal video coffee and he's like I
00:18:45| would give that the bee's knees up till them duck one came home and do that I'm
00:18:51| like okay maybe he's making a movie and then he'll say like so what do you
00:18:56| dealing with your girl give her the old elbow SS cooter and it's like I don't
00:19:01| know but you can do that awesome but do you find that guy anyone there is he
00:19:07| wrong am I wrong is is sex the only thing that matters then I guess
00:19:11| sometimes you want to agree with the guy but you got to use innuendo back to him
00:19:15| right but you don't want to you don't want to have to create some old person
00:19:20| flying like yup I gave her the devil's screwdriver one night and you know I
00:19:26| really made her moan for more oh you talk like did she pump like a southern
00:19:31| preacher hmm and then she was crying for Jesus there it is and he's like oh help
00:19:40| me cook eat it the problem is it gets awkward because then he usually has
00:19:43| another one because he tells I buy every cover right he's ready for more
00:19:47| taking a skin boat to tuna town taking on log to the beaver many like
00:19:57| and then he always winks at you and then you're like yeah we got got a wingback
00:20:02| or after you're like Ellie always have to reciprocate no matter what it is no
00:20:11| mail otherwise it gets awkward I can stop you but this is going to be awkward
00:20:18| let's just finish another listing so hand list is and then we're going to
00:20:25| quietly leave this establishment will never see a secretary good mm-hmm
00:20:30| ex that out ex renew thank you just a little bit but no thank you for more so
00:20:41| while we're on the subject of people disagree with yeah because we don't
00:20:46| condone that at all we do not think of that conversation it's going to be the
00:20:51| unhand errs undoing that and outset I think we condone but I condone your all
00:21:02| your edges about yes yes just just to make that clear and I well there's a
00:21:10| group of people out there right now I would draw their symbol I feel like that
00:21:16| might be called a haters olia even shot it they're going to screenshot it and
00:21:19| then show you a this this guy he had lit already lit up an e note I'm going on
00:21:24| I'm trying to make a big surprise entrance here and make everyone think
00:21:27| he's talking about he's woken up sorry Irene - oh no no you didn't ruin it the
00:21:33| people who are going to screenshot me and saying oh yeah they they would ruin
00:21:36| it yeah okay when anyway folks talking
00:21:38| about that famous then bill could not see screenshot hungry um what's the deal
00:21:53| I'm giving you the Jerry Seinfeld so was it look good deal with their lives and
00:21:57| office assistant Oh light hearted
00:22:04| lighthearted mm-hmm so is what generally there's a statue that the liberal
00:22:09| townspeople want to tear down because it's Confederate and Nazi ish was
00:22:15| legally not be not enough one which is interesting it's just a consider here
00:22:20| there's a Venn diagram of Confederates and Nazis and they exactly tie together
00:22:24| all right then Britain shaped like this because who don't like other people and
00:22:31| wish they had slaves yeah I'd really think between every minority and reach
00:22:39| into the female unit I don't like very many there's not much equality there
00:22:43| unless you're part of well we know we are sort of well we're we're white now
00:22:49| but I think they would hate us because we're open-minded in yeah we think her
00:22:53| so it's an Italian descent I don't know if that would fly so hair I was raised
00:22:58| Catholic you'd have to shave all the hair off all
00:23:01| of it picnic but I'd show my hammer some I don't think I could do that
00:23:06| did you there's like sorry guys no one no one touches little and the Nazis are
00:23:13| like a good even join you're like just do this ready oh my god enough but I
00:23:20| will say your I don't think they'd let you in anyway we are cool with yeah we
00:23:30| yeah you're fine with that we're saying the time it's not easier those Nazis
00:23:35| that is the good guys give edges slide never would work if anybody had missed
00:23:41| it on the podcast I had waved my hand effeminately in the air which is totally
00:23:47| cool uh-huh yeah um what interests me is the people who want to be not it's one
00:24:00| thing if like you heard about World War two when you've got the N the other side
00:24:03| was pretty cool pretty dope but then you heard anything they rewrote the history
00:24:09| though to say you know they kind of all almost won and they still exist out
00:24:14| there alright so we're going to try and do is getting ahead
00:24:17| because I really think it's the most ridiculous thing in the world
00:24:20| it's like pretending on a family it's like it's little bit moving into words
00:24:26| life so you're saying the Nazis think they they never lost they're still bad
00:24:32| with the South always thinks they're going to come back the south as in the
00:24:35| Confederates right we're trying to find those because both seem to think they
00:24:40| run up there an easy to hell they should be they should they should should be we
00:24:48| can do I'm hungry can do but there's got to be a mindset that says like I'm up I
00:24:57| just think think they're oppressed like they never lost they just were oppressed
00:25:03| for a while and so they're fighting back and this is their plot back against that
00:25:08| political correctness and people want to mix their race look they always kind of
00:25:15| come out of the woodwork whenever they're kind of they think they're
00:25:17| slighted right so maybe they in their minds they have control maybe they think
00:25:22| you know every really is as it should be and then when you start to take from
00:25:26| them they're like wait a second we won that war you shouldn't be able to take
00:25:31| our statue down okay I mean but well here's the other thing do you think any
00:25:36| of them anyone came to that rally that is a Nazi or Confederate or what's
00:25:41| frustrating do you think two weeks prior to this event and even knew that statue
00:25:45| either I don't know about the statue but they definitely here's four it could be
00:25:50| anything involving a military gear like I thought they were police that's
00:25:55| definitely like surrendering like aks and like ar-15 you're not all that some
00:26:00| and I god-given right in America we don't get political here and panders but
00:26:09| it's our african-american scholarship has been tiring around ar-15 assault
00:26:14| rifles and walking around here that pretty sure they all would have been
00:26:18| fired upon that would be scary he's not fired upon
00:26:22| not not the other one yeah hey Dom please check your priveledge pump work
00:26:28| you know what you usually don't get political you don't pick a side and do
00:26:33| it you know don't hey are you doing hey and panderers here we're making the
00:26:38| official stance let's do it but hey I got run over
00:26:42| you're not gonna go right to that no I also said we disapprove the Nazis oh
00:26:46| yeah definitely oh okay take it official yeah usually we
00:26:50| don't pander we like if you're not see and you're listening now hit the stop
00:26:55| button in we're coming to your house we're going to make you look at Jewish
00:26:58| stuff and black people jazz and Christian rock and feminist propaganda
00:27:08| and you like it out because I like all that stuff except for Christian Rock
00:27:14| Creek Creek regional got influenced by a high school teacher who absolutely loved
00:27:23| Creed who still again either I'm going to call mr. cheese very close to his
00:27:32| actual name oh yeah and I feel thankful what gold
00:27:41| he was very spiritual with little music he was very spirit everything is cool I
00:27:46| like him yeah the end of guy is good guy as we reminisce I don't know if we can
00:27:52| really share okay yeah I don't know if I could convey the stories about him
00:27:59| enough that's the problem I should have let it go let it go look up yeah yeah
00:28:04| maybe amp you hear when we hit I let what when we hit 100 subscribers on all
00:28:09| of our social media like every single one has over 100 subscribers will tell
00:28:13| the doubling story so like every hundred will tell a story about little hit a
00:28:18| thousand one hundred thousand overnight we're gonna be rich
00:28:25| now that we like money that much but we do but we will tell how many stories is
00:28:31| that that's a lot of stories that might be my whole life I might have to write a
00:28:34| biography I can make a great story to make story yeah this is me
00:28:41| should have happened again for a story okay so you're gonna tell me now we're
00:28:46| going to create oh my hand if we have that many subscribers and we can
00:28:51| actually start going places where we can create these stories right if you go to
00:28:54| anywhere in the world all right Oh which I have been what Pompeii you
00:29:03| did a Pompeii it doesn't seem like a regular thing yeah we can make stories
00:29:06| about you but you've been there huh yes for what did you get a holiday that was
00:29:13| like two years ago for what just a good ol boy when we were in Italy yeah I went
00:29:19| to Italy went to Pompeii because I thought it was awesome and it was
00:29:21| awesome yeah if they don't even know you I can't yeah yeah what's the place yeah
00:29:28| Who am I am I right now I think there's a murder okay Wow huh it's like we're
00:29:34| going to save that for another another podcast let's say that where it is it's
00:29:39| going to be my room I'll pay all about that mm-hmm
00:29:44| it will be well researched by the parties uh-huh and the podcast will prob
00:29:51| like a well-oiled machine machine Wow what good is yes those good hip magic it
00:29:59| sure is ah real quick to close up the Nazi situation went over a few examples
00:30:07| of what someone who wants to be enough is like one of them loose it's like one
00:30:12| thing because Nazis not only lost walked terribly they were also very the bad
00:30:19| guys like everyone agrees it's not like it's not like 50/50 some people say not
00:30:25| these are kind of good it's like 110 percent even Germany disavowed all Nazis
00:30:31| they don't have Hitler statues anywhere it blows my mind yeah it's like trying
00:30:36| to be the Emperor and star wars after he's already dead right why would I
00:30:41| understand if it's 5050 I think we discussed this it's like hey I like Ken
00:30:46| no no do I look like it it's like like dr. Quentin whoa blows my mind it's like
00:30:51| fifty one percent ten which is the right choice forty nine percent value the
00:30:56| would you follow me that's like pretty close Anil is one no one lost its
00:30:59| wandering battle Nazis or lost their losers idiots they all drool and control
00:31:07| over their stupid shirts that's why they wear like so many shirts and that badge
00:31:10| is all over here that it's like going to be a foot soldier he can you get mr.
00:31:16| screener or a goon but 30-point be Shetty submerged our second or third
00:31:21| less super mario yeah so we get stepped on them to one take a cold a guy like
00:31:28| what if they want to be robots that'll be kind of cool they want to be
00:31:31| what robot from robots rope take you time
00:31:35| all right auch about Terminator sure I'll be cool with that I'd be like who
00:31:39| these guys are wrong but damn that's a cool outfit wearing like all metal Matt
00:31:43| gear now what if there was a group that actually believes that like they didn't
00:31:47| have any basis in reality but there were like millions like literally millions of
00:31:51| followers that believed the term territory huh well they would have to
00:31:57| believe sign it right I guess so they could believe that there this is the
00:32:02| only problem I hear what you're saying if a million people believe nothing it
00:32:05| almost makes it real alright you start to like lose your
00:32:07| sanity because you're like wait a second like how come all these people believe
00:32:11| in this thing then they start writing books about the thing they start making
00:32:15| food that resembles they want resemble a Tulare their own president into the
00:32:19| hierarchy whoo I like this the only problem is when confronting come from
00:32:26| the outside realm a Normie I think see what you have to have so many people to
00:32:35| stop the pork right there are some you're a load of money well they'll have
00:32:40| to geologically pull together then when Skylab poked food plot lovers break off
00:32:48| a piece of the United States and just like all Florida that could be then I go
00:32:53| in the Florida I'd be of day now how would they move it though would the u.s.
00:32:58| just really take it at this point you guys are freaking no no no
00:33:03| take it well they take our all the beleaguered is that what a Manchurian
00:33:07| Candidate is it's someone who's what controlled by another person or is it I
00:33:12| thought it was Morgan Freeman really but now I'm not sure I feel like I'm going
00:33:17| to research this and then correct whatever I say right now but I feel like
00:33:21| he's an implant like he's intended to be like robotic and controlled by another
00:33:25| party thank you right when I do Hulu be so
00:33:29| like Trump could just be like Florida uh we don't need that like I said how does
00:33:34| agree with them what do you agree with Trump boy a lot
00:33:39| of bleep artists so so these these Nazis they went after the statue of Robert II
00:33:47| league yeah Robert Lee fellow loser of war the other holding entities these
00:33:52| flags that say you know it's Confederate flag and a Nazi flag and what do you did
00:33:57| you get nasty black keep on I suppose someone's making money off that was the
00:34:02| only reason they would unless they believe it it seems illegal but both of
00:34:05| those lost like we went to war with both of those maybe that makes them
00:34:10| camaraderie ship like here like home even like you want okay I log it relax
00:34:16| and come up we're getting query to get in trouble with this one there's none of
00:34:20| people offended or Nazis no it could be a splinter cell small
00:34:27| group that's just like knows where the videos of anti-nausea they're going to
00:34:34| tag Google design I understand technology take their servers down not
00:34:41| to say the radio yeah weird rules just it's hard to believe that someone in
00:34:47| this age the leaves all they believe I feel like it's it's a put-on maybe what
00:34:54| we don't really believe it almost like flat earthers i only communal they can
00:34:59| all agree with damn how and it's counter or culture you know i mean if you have
00:35:05| to pay something counterculture you literally pick the thing that's most
00:35:09| doesn't make sense is the most against common knowledge ism against common
00:35:14| morality which exactly is the flatter thing right I
00:35:17| don't do flat earthers have pep rallies and marches and stuff what do they know
00:35:23| that there is my I want to stay on they want NASA to resign or relinquish all
00:35:29| the money they've been hiding and making fake photos over here from space with
00:35:34| quick shoutout my friend dan who watches your hero
00:35:40| noise letter hopefully she don't catch you watching this and hopefully you
00:35:48| don't go to sleep tonight she just really knows in fact I can't text your
00:35:54| girl hey check in the pocket handles out if FFR will be dead probably probably
00:36:05| pull survive he'll be all right now hold up really good she's better looking than
00:36:09| in if I'm gone that she might be little crazy
00:36:13| oh yeah I think I'm saying hmm I love toss it for pretty ones it's
00:36:19| always a super huh right there's something Palin's just a little I love
00:36:29| growing up I mean this never happened for any of us
00:36:32| I assumed I'd never have a feeling you garage that you have everyone helping
00:36:36| you doing everything possible and everyone putting my privilege oh no no
00:36:44| no ha ha ha good let me say what no no no attractive female that's what I
00:36:55| thought very well ah what email privilege that's even bigger
00:36:59| as a track you know privilege with big boobs with everything everything that
00:37:05| people find attractive like feel like people would bend over just trying to
00:37:09| help you do whatever everything I like to say bend over
00:37:14| but that's did yeah you're absolutely right but the problem is I feel like
00:37:20| everything evens out and where they get everything handed to them when they hit
00:37:26| and wait what his skills have they learned or whatever like I would say
00:37:30| certainly I like over the hill okay you're like really whatever shop and
00:37:34| then like they can't apply anything they've learned over the past 35 years
00:37:38| because B they didn't get his only learned manipulation in the artists
00:37:42| right physically and that the window so implants and plastic surgery we just
00:37:48| it's not a little bit like a football running back who he said literally well
00:37:54| let's just say he turns 30 and he had been murdered and he's only learned
00:37:58| physical sports right and he's literally given so much money and patted on the
00:38:03| back and here's they have to learn in schools or like I don't go to class just
00:38:07| you're good it's more like a minor to the minor leagues in the NFL and I like
00:38:13| that's nice a way did they go ball if they might make money I think they make
00:38:20| money I think they'd good once they're on my
00:38:22| hunch my sure wait let's take it 50-50 bet who makes more money
00:38:30| someone here the lowest because there's a league minimum in every sport I
00:38:37| believe who make for Canadian Football League minimum or highest-paid janitor
00:38:44| in the world I'd be Canadian football yeah I say yeah maybe there's a cheating
00:38:53| janitor out there that's my team there's probably a cheating tenant or some works
00:38:56| for like see a janitor if gates something Kate if he was he's not going
00:39:02| to be an age no no no that's addressed a possibility that he kept his job
00:39:09| yeah like the secretaries some of the secretaries are you know they're
00:39:13| invested from the very beginning and then their stock is like you know
00:39:16| exponential crazy crazy my living room [Music]
00:39:22| what's your what's your number for if you could do whatever you know break it
00:39:27| off and never have to work again well you've worked and do what you
00:39:30| wanted but what's your number home right now huh
00:39:35| yes I'll make it up old is that my butthole you ever thought about this you
00:39:39| know I have I haven't done the mat cool million we're not covered me for my
00:39:43| whole life right yeah or now with that now you know yeah you
00:39:46| fine they say 4% so you can pull 4% out without ever getting hurt so you're
00:39:50| talking about hundred sixty ka year which is probably way okay it's the 4%
00:39:55| rule I don't know this it really don't give
00:39:57| me the loyalty okay finance fine here so what you put it into enough stocks and
00:40:03| divide it up in the bottoms of whatever and it is the market forever and then
00:40:07| you'll get 4% back every year and keep your number that the idea yeah you'll be
00:40:11| able to maintain the amount that you have and pull out or motion and gain
00:40:15| with inflation as well so you'll always be able to pull out 4% continually for
00:40:19| the rest of time in most calculations now what about $100,000 if you wanted to
00:40:26| hire you allows need be 2.5 million no no the other way around you win $100,000
00:40:32| and I want to do everything just saying right not to make hundred thousand
00:40:36| dollars or whatever ridiculous reason would I still be able to maintain the 4%
00:40:40| or that not high enough and everything it's a true amount but you wouldn't be
00:40:43| able to live off 4,000 horse yeah okay but you would get for the August you
00:40:48| would get four thousand back it wouldn't matter that so just curious if the
00:40:51| number changes depending on your amount of wealth no no it should unless you're
00:40:57| like Warren Buffett and you have like billions and billions of dollars and
00:41:01| then you can swim or did it half a percent right would be enough to slay
00:41:04| yeah but at that point who cares really honestly shout out Jimmy Buffett is
00:41:11| playing right here bouncing Margaritaville that's the guy oh thank
00:41:22| you leave the bar in South Padre Island he owns the burger going uh Cheeseburger
00:41:28| in Paradise yeah the chick I don't think it's doing
00:41:30| so well though he owes is he the one who's wrong truck - hmm I think that's a
00:41:36| mob boss no no Jimmy Buffett warm bath I'm pretty sure
00:41:40| Landry's Landry's is like a tilman taupe and charcoal and shark the the beer it's
00:41:47| one of the buffets I don't know I'll go get it would put
00:41:53| interesting sidebar I've been to a lot of Jimmy Buffett because the next
00:41:57| girlfriend one she likes going to shows I think his music is garbage
00:42:05| I mean I'm not a yacht rock guy Yeah right because that way you're calling
00:42:11| like you're on a boat and you're just rocking out that's let's refer to s
00:42:14| there's like a whole genre of Yacht rock it's like I did my toes in the sand I
00:42:21| put my ass in a chair ah drink a beer and nod just don't care cousin this is
00:42:28| so it's like a rich country or a major wealth that kind of has 100 life Island
00:42:36| be conscious okay Kojiro he grew up any boy type stuff yeah 807
00:42:42| um he's like the king of Yacht rock he's like the man he does music everyone Sam
00:42:50| he's garbage so why do you think so many people follow him hold up a little so I
00:42:56| decided to go with a certain bagging shit learning and we took a bus of what
00:43:07| foot must suck at aiming hmm Kabir is your beer hey Fisher and then I'm
00:43:13| literally scratching my platform so you took a bus with it but doesn't make
00:43:18| money people yeah I've never seen the bond tree like this it's like people
00:43:24| bring so many crops to make their own things someone brought wood and built a
00:43:30| lifeguard tower someone brought wood and built for it easier than four quarters
00:43:35| and filled it with like 150 pounds of sand someone brought parrots someone
00:43:41| brought success a Burning Man a little bit yes people it's it's such a
00:43:47| spectacle people bring pirate ships somehow I
00:43:51| don't know how people bring ladders people bring everything others but you
00:43:55| fill your pickup bed with sand you have those you memory herbalizer
00:44:00| a parking lot yes on steroids it's insane if people get there like even one
00:44:05| for like a eight o'clock at night concert well I've been to three of them
00:44:11| and I've only made it inside the concert once and I just hopefully go there
00:44:17| I've never seen Jimmy Buffett to this day but I respect the man a little more
00:44:22| for what these things can do in that parking lot I'm full anecdote have you
00:44:28| ever seen a real good show or really good crowd no I have I've really enjoyed
00:44:39| the show but it's never been I never didn't to that extent where people are
00:44:43| like I'm the parking lot creating things and building things never did it Dave
00:44:47| Matthews people I definitely did a Dave Matthews and that's what I was thinking
00:44:50| about the music itself was pretty awesome and I love I love Dave Matthews
00:44:55| a little Carter Beauford on Johnson you don't really have like a bad musician in
00:45:02| the group that's the thing that makes out you you're absolutely right actually
00:45:05| the worst musicians be because you can't sing anything he's the Manager so you
00:45:16| give him some gay a right argument Colgate and it's his band right it's his
00:45:22| name you can't change the name of the band
00:45:24| no I'm cool right what are you non Buffett non Danny Buffett I saw good
00:45:31| shows I'm presently one of the better shows that has something interesting
00:45:34| happen I will say metal shoes and something really cool about them that's
00:45:40| like pro chlorine it's like it's really hard to explain without taking like an
00:45:46| hour to talk about it but there's a follow focus or in claims or some
00:45:51| Swedish metal band and you'll go see them love their shows but there's
00:45:56| something weird that follows the show like I still remember the Mic Check guy
00:46:01| for open back in maybe oh six or four or so unintelligible back and the most
00:46:07| embarrassing thing is to make sound check at
00:46:10| a metal show the crowd is nuts everyone and here is abandoned on stage and metal
00:46:16| fans like will say anything throwback so like do anything to all exactly so we
00:46:21| have to go on stage and check the guitar to make sure it works and he plays like
00:46:25| something corny and everyone's making fun and rubber laughing so we have
00:46:27| played something cool with digital job is very it's a mind game I'm not even I
00:46:32| respect the hell out of it so we have to play a slayer it's like super obscure to
00:46:37| get any respect and he has to play the drums for a couple minutes get the sound
00:46:41| levels we have to do something super badass oh it was because we're going to
00:46:45| throw things at him when they follow and and the worst part is the mic test he
00:46:50| has to walk up and put all these angry people and grab the microphone real
00:46:53| close to face ago Chuck Chuck Chuck everyone scream things like kill your
00:46:59| sound I will do died where's over you piece of strength like people just
00:47:04| screaming some of the guy he has to stand infront you and check the
00:47:06| microphone system this guy had the best move I ever saw that check one suck my
00:47:13| fucking cock Shaku you want to bring shirt look my
00:47:17| balls suffering but fucking them fuck again my eyes forbearing is how much oh
00:47:25| my god I blended them like this most metal like a I already but like he
00:47:32| doesn't the cool thing is we meet him whose character his way back way out of
00:47:36| shape had long Nancy hair but he was just I you it's
00:47:39| good fucking some I don't know oh is it but uh I'll never forget yeah yeah a
00:47:50| little character to pure evening well I think we've done six hours of work but
00:48:00| hating I'm gonna get really good with five hours every time I do a show with
00:48:05| you Wow me but having fun
00:48:13| of which you get into our final profit well I'm telling when you can tell them
00:48:18| questions from the audience here haha okay I'm done right now but we are
00:48:24| ecords my wife here saying what are you doing up there loud noise who I'm going
00:48:34| to read a little uh nope you got a message come to bed now and then then I
00:48:39| know this is the one so this is to the untanned errs for our video it's set the
00:48:45| tank name picture of the tank hey hey so ball
00:48:51| it's our pen you guys are SAT you guys are a bad word your stuff sucks with an
00:49:00| X can't wait till you stop making videos we slow that roll videos go F word
00:49:11| yourself hi tank a will shout out to add Corinne we're going to keep making
00:49:18| videos but I think so thanks for comment and uh I kind of
00:49:23| think of brevity and letting our spirits oh look at that yeah that's really
00:49:28| concise I appreciate like I think cut letters to
00:49:32| really just say some yeah read it here on the podcast we have no fear we love
00:49:37| all our fans yeah that could that could be like a tweet I mean that's definitely
00:49:41| a hundred 100 plus 170 140 characters did it 140 almost any of you could send
00:49:47| tweets like that to us at anytime at Sanders
00:49:51| that's where become you could yeah or or any of our other social media for that
00:49:57| matter man or two yeah I think we got Instagram we had a little Facebook's
00:50:03| also get God was website with the website under Anders icon
00:50:08| can you spell it from on panderers it's a there's a watermark you're going to do
00:50:14| the hand motions the hand lotion and you to write it down I'm gonna it's from oh
00:50:18| yeah yeah I forgot I can't do it cuz my screen is a this I dig well growth is
00:50:23| very small let's check it out the new nine it left
00:50:27| favorite shape boy you didn't get the little butt end right there you got it
00:50:34| all the way oh there you go yeah that's yeah yeah that's us hop in doc going on
00:50:42| hmm we have a patreon to be our patron group
00:50:47| and get the the silver the goals or the platinum we're not we don't mess up the
00:50:53| Platinum you did yep you get the silver the gold folks that's all they offer
00:50:58| right now pretty sure you can meet us with one of those levels but I don't
00:51:02| know how much that costs because the airfare differs for them across
00:51:09| I think it's rough to meet the fans because we love them so much yeah we're
00:51:15| going to meeting them live in a van building I feel like the tops you think
00:51:17| we can do yeah urban exploration with one of our fans ah dude urbanization is
00:51:25| actually a cool thing ha it's off and check their own you people I haven't but
00:51:30| by and sharing a YouTube account we can view each other's youtubes which is
00:51:35| interesting so why talking about the big beautiful
00:51:37| twerking that wasn't me that wasn't me I don't know who's searching for that
00:51:44| anyway mall the other day really the other day damn it the other dinosaur
00:51:51| roses of the others and groaning are again but we should add a question of
00:51:54| the other day and though big beautiful twerking really huh I didn't know
00:52:00| did you know you're friends with him more ah
00:52:06| he shows lines he did show signs Sydney oh I feel like he's doing it on purpose
00:52:12| one time he showed me my search history news after I in an episode revealed your
00:52:20| history so gave him the idea and he stole my view is deep he steals all my
00:52:25| good ideas all my did yeah plenty of plenty more bits though a bit more bits
00:52:34| in it way bigger bits and dance yeah so I didn't keep it's nothing to me
00:52:41| he has a bit where he wants to do a trying to pick it was good it's awful
00:52:49| doctor climate good like top-notch of assad's amazing is like it's like he's
00:52:55| an Italian restaurant you're like let's me because it's his attendant room he
00:52:59| tried his shit it's like McDonald's he took on the bottom and there's hair on
00:53:04| her mommy aftertaste he had to go to the bottom his hair on
00:53:08| the bottom of this mcbounds oh that's the depth of the other danja it cooked a
00:53:13| second time bad little segment was posted by Nick and Danny on panders and
00:53:18| if you're laughing on the soundcloud or we're going to get an Apple account here
00:53:23| iTunes will also have a YouTube so there's videos of us but it's not for
00:53:30| everybody number everybody just the lady mm-hmm
00:53:34| definitely definitely Rizzo ladies over myspace which we're just just throwback
00:53:42| we're just a retro like that little bit friends with the I think huh he comes
00:53:51| out he could be you living in Alaska or Alabama
00:53:57| cuz I'm from I think I met I know oh I know but oh you're saying he followed
00:54:03| the show he might he might he's my friend in my space so quick question
00:54:09| what do you think his work was as high school with 400 million probably like
00:54:13| billions who knows no one understands technology especially not back in the
00:54:22| don't think you did company wants to toilet what's it worth now someone
00:54:26| Google what myspace is worth I do good sure here over here I'll tell you
00:54:30| diddling I'll talk we because I was surprised when I signed in and I was
00:54:34| like whoa this still exists and you know what I remember from my spaces that had
00:54:38| like I know the saw re music in the background and it'd be like
00:54:42| twinkly stars and honestly that I mean that and Inc what Angelfire but that was
00:54:49| another website that did like your own website
00:54:51| and they had like two options for what you could do all right guys you have to
00:54:56| have a real numbers fast we're that's pretty quick use technology like a bra
00:55:02| you guys but unlike my career yeah I'm not a lab touch the keyboard I
00:55:08| have sex training order against me and ah hey Puerto Rico and yes every night
00:55:19| all us own the news corp brought my bought online news cord ominous
00:55:28| corporation is a before not be listeners definitely work for news for ya we just
00:55:36| got can't buy new course somehow our owned were owned by lab we don't even
00:55:44| know it he was corpus fired young man you don't
00:55:48| even yeah anyway it was worth five hundred eighty million oh and that's
00:55:55| pretty good oh that's good but that's like you could
00:55:59| retire on that I don't know a four percent of it is for a first pretty okay
00:56:02| I'm sure it's millions sure when it's sold the site last June in 2017 was not
00:56:12| addicted of something sold it in 2015 well again it's been sold a few pounds
00:56:17| apparent yeah the new owner specific media them very little not big news for
00:56:27| yeah it was beyond thirty five million dad it's just to hell of a drop all
00:56:34| going them 10% here I get out when you get out let me um handers right now
00:56:41| we're we're we will work how they're elastic we're higher than that and
00:56:50| before I say ball bucks for the website huh uncle bread than $30 and I include
00:56:57| the microphones and stuff in that and that
00:56:59| - we'll probably around 150 bucks we knew who our services what services are
00:57:06| you including Haeckel mmm those are not tax deductible
00:57:13| are they non-negotiable if I want to quote my ear up then yeah
00:57:18| I may need peacock sexuality yeah that's I guess yeah I said it's probably run a
00:57:24| few bucks or three it was really nothing
00:57:29| um which probably about the answer that I should we'll try should moving feet
00:57:35| yeah we s I guess you're losing steam I [Laughter]
00:57:40| guess I am so we're uh because for the end panderers and dick I'm down man Dan
00:57:50| shit anyway plays out courtesy fuck to them I'm Nick folks I'm Dan we are the
00:57:59| young panderers God you catch I want to say the app just know I'm she say I'm
00:58:06| hand write that of the I pander it go that's what people want at home huh
00:58:14| I think so then find out tomorrow listeners through this whole thing for
00:58:20| listeners I'm putting to my microphone right now but listen I can't get home to
00:58:24| my kids I just need a few bucks you get on the subway seeing like three dollars
00:58:28| if anyone can patreon me a dollar fifty a kid needs medicine medicine for doing
00:58:34| the medicine bring I let everyone here know at home to the next Walgreens and
00:58:39| just need a little couple bucks couple days okay the money back to you you send
00:58:45| me email you send me here you don't throw you send me anything is worth
00:58:49| money and get it back to you I just need a little money from Kate and my kids and
00:58:53| my wife's and my godfather going hungry right now they're really they're
00:58:57| starving we're not here right now but I need to see her uh anyway folks thanks
00:59:05| for listening I think I love you that's the fans I think but they're not
00:59:15| there yep wrinkled all right the Pacific this existed

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